kr--o · 6 years
Hey, who here wants to take a 60 usd comm from me. I just need to take 2 to make due for bills!!
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kr--o · 6 years
i honestly shouldn’t be surprised a lot of “lgbt+” folks are conveniently forgetting that black transwomen are the reason we have what we do today just so they can keep shitting on lgbt+ black folks
y’all’s all kind of vile, shoo
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kr--o · 7 years
if you can’t afford a commission from me, you can leave some spare change at  my ko-fi! i do want to make sure i pay off my bills and any small help will get you a chance to get a quick b/w sketch regardless of how much is donated!!
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kr--o · 6 years
my only hope for the remake is that they keep blue as the conceited, rude, brat he was in the original game. i miss having a rival like blue
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kr--o · 7 years
The most exhausting thing ever is seeing people tag my oc as an established character from a video game cause they vaguely look alike cause they happen to be from the same species
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kr--o · 7 years
hey, just tiny reminders if u take anxiety med or antidepressants
don’t eat citrus related fruits as it can take away the effects of your medication or make them worse. if anything, try to take small quantities of citrus
same can be said for a variety over-the-counter medications like tylenol, ibuprofen, mucinex, etc. and the no-brainer: alcohol. alcohol has a tendency to ramp up the effects of medications. small quantities will not endanger you but the ideal is to abstain from them. if you absolutely need to take otc medication for whatever reason, half the dosage. it’s something my pharmacists have been telling me
keep yourself cool and well hydrated. these type of medications can dehydrate you faster and overheat you. a common side effect being heat flashes. so be careful if you plan on being physically active outside! keep cold water with you!
they will make you a lot more tired. a symptom of depression mostly, a person will feel a lot more tired yet restless. while taking antidepressants, you will feel drowsy or dizzy. one way to combat this is to give changes to your diet by eating something at least every three hours. it doesn’t have to be a meal, but something so your stomach isn’t completely empty. exercise helps combat this symptom of the medications too as well as a good sleeping schedule!
these medications are volatile. that sounds like an extreme word to use but remember that these meds are very new to the market. make sure to speak w/ pharmicists and doctors if you need other medication while taking antidepressants or anxiety meds, especially antibiotics. 
if you’re unsure if you took your med for the day, just skip medication altogether. double dosage isn’t necessarily a bad thing but everybody’s body is different and may react mildly to severe if you take a double dose by accident (i.e. your heat flashes get worse or you get dizzy more frequently throughout the day)
please talk to your doctors to plan something safe if you want to get off medications. cutting meds cold turkey will lead to nasty withdrawal symptoms such as aches, pains, and symptoms similar to a heart attack. this is possible if you happen to detox yourself while trying to keep hydrated from stomach infections and viruses. it’s not fun, but it’s not life threatening. it’s just your body being on alert over the sudden disappearance of certain chemicals 
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kr--o · 7 years
hey when yalls distribute pirated copies of art programs for those who cant afford it, i know you mean well but please don’t. i get photoshop b/c it is kinda absurd that it’s subscription based but please don’t distribute programs like csp and especially sai (sai is made by one guy and he had to dump support for the program to make sai 2 in hopes it won’t be pirated as much)
please!! don’t pirate art programs!
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kr--o · 7 years
if you’re ever self conscious abt how your art may look like or if you think your anatomy’s off
trace over a picture of a person and see how wonky actual human anatomy is
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kr--o · 7 years
hope yalls ready for giant art posts
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kr--o · 7 years
Ppl complaining about how moira's design is too generic and that she's ugly af are weak
Theyre the same type of ppl that want not conventionally attractive characters but the second they get one, they chalk it up to poor character design and that the character shouldn't be part of shit like????
Not everybody's a model? Let moira be sharp, pointy, and not drop dead gorgeous
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kr--o · 7 years
sometimes i feel bad whenever i call my dad out b/c i know he suffers from terrible anxiety as well but at the same time i shouldn’t feel bad for how he’s treated me and especially my mother. 
i’ve asked him for years to clean up his act. both me and mom have been asking him for years to start taking his medication for anxiety and not once did he ever listen. nah, all it takes is for some rando woman he has an infatuation with to tell him to clean up his act and goes through with it. how the fuck am i not supposed to see the hypocrisy in those actions. how am i not supposed to feel upset about it. it’s super frustrating because he’s never taken my mom seriously and especially me. idk why but he thinks of me as this dumb broad with no life experience and because of that fact alone, i have no place to judge him. it’s even more frustrating knowing that the reason he thinks that way is b/c im his “daughter”. that my birth sex is the determining factor of how im supposed to be treated and he asks why im on antidepressants
im just so tired. i want him to open his damn eyes and admit for once in his life that he was in the wrong. that it’s his behavior and his actions that take such a heavy toll on me and why i ended up being the person i am today and that he shouldn’t be surprised why i act as snappy as i do to him given the opportunity
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kr--o · 7 years
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kr--o · 7 years
i really miss 24 min cartoons, esp those that were story driven
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kr--o · 7 years
im just hoping that in the new fire emblem game that’s coming out for the switch next year
we finally get a variety of skin tones for our personal unit. im still bitter that it wasn’t a thing in awakening and MORE SO in fates 
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kr--o · 7 years
debating on whether i should make a side blog or not for a small comic series im working on
would folks rly care where i put that
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kr--o · 7 years
i don’t know why some adults don’t get it through their heads that like. children are that. children. you can dislike them and be opposed to them but having true hatred of children is just concerning
kids aren’t necessarily bad little people and if they are then that’s on their parents for not teaching them right from wrong. that’s on their parents for being incompetent 
and the fact that it’s too much of a radical idea for young adults that hey, maybe this kid’s acting shitty cause their parents are is baffling 
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