#kurt/piotr frienship
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Excalibur au (part 5)
N/A: More pain for Kurt.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The following days, Kurt´s mood has been facing a shift as Kitty and Pete Wisdom are getting way too close. Kurt is not enjoying the new couple and is often sulking and muttering in German.  Pete´s mission was concluded, as Claudius was finally arrested, thanks to Excalibur, well, Kurt can say it was more Excalibur than Pete as the man is downright useless.
And Kurt was right in another regard, Claudius proved to be Mystique in disguise, another of her many aliases and Kurt has to deal with his biological mother and is not in the mood for her lies.
Yet, with the mission finally over, Pete still remains in Excalibur and Kurt is gritting his teeth, showing his fangs to anyone who can see it, and complains about one thing. “the mission is over, why he´s still here?”
Brian, as the leader of Excalibur, only replies “The MI-13 did say he is free to stay here if he wants and I´d not see why he should go back, he´s being a good member of Excalibur and we need all the allies we can get” is a logical explanation, yet, Kurt mutters something in German, something nasty by the looks of it, and bamfs away.
The following days has been hell for Kurt, in fact, his nightmares consist of Kitty Pryde, wearing white(resembling an angel) and often to marry Pete Wisdom(and giving that lovely smile to him, and only him…leaving Kurt behind) and the last nightmare consist of Kitty and Pete and it was enough to make Kurt stay in the kitchen sulking.
Rachel Grey enters in the kitchen and only rolls her eyes, promising to herself, she can ignore Kurt as she´s making her breakfast, is only when Rachel starts singing a morning song(one that the radio is often playing) that Kurt realizes the sun is up to either again.
“Rachel, can I ask something?” Kurt asked and the woman looks aware of him, for a moment, but using her powers, is glad to see he won´t hit on her. “Sure, I guess”
“Do you like this Pete Wisdom?” Kurt asked rubbing his eyes and Rachel can give an honest opinion on the man. “In my personal opinion,” Rachel starts “man like Pete are jerks, but, I care not for man´s opinions…so, I´m a bit biased here”
“Do you like that Kitty is dating that dumbkoff?” Kurt asked again wanting a confirmation he´s not alone on his dislike on the man. “No, but, I want Kitty to be happy, if that dumbass makes her happy, then, sure I can ignore him” Is a mature response and it should be to this line, however, Rachel adds “God knows you made her suffer a lot, so at this point, Pete looks better than you”
Kurt claps his hand on the table strongly, not phasing Rachel at all, who is making her breakfast thanks to her powers. Kurt looks straight to Rachel´s eyes and adds furiously. “I´ve never made her suffer, never, and I´m way better than Pete Wisdom”
Rachel is bemused. “At least, Pete can take a hint, you, on the other hand, you go telling Kitty about your sexual encounter with Anjulie, you go make a move on Meggan, who by the way, never give you any indication of wanting you” she brings the toasts and eggs to her plate and is eating with a smile on her face, yes, it´s just how her father make the breakfast “And all the while you never notice how Kitty feels about you. Again, Pete is winning against you”
Kurt is silent and is contemplating Rachel´s words, who is loudly crunching the toast with childish glee, and now replied, “Of course I noticed, Kitty is my best friend, and Anjulie was just one-night stand…why she would be upset?”
Rachel rolls her eyes. “You´re dumb, incredibly dumb, if Kitty is just your best friend, by the way, you need to learn about boundaries because the Anjulie´s case was…bad in many levels, why are you so rotten in jealousy?”
Kurt has no answer for that. He can only imagine Kitty leaving him behind and going with Pete, giving that smile Kurt always loves to see it.
Rachel again is bemused. “You take her for granted. Kitty is full of pride and wouldn´t be here to listen to your next conquest, she deserves to be happy and if you´re a dumbass to notice or to love her…there´s plenty of men and women who can do just that”
Rachel is ready to leave the kitchen having finished the breakfast and as well as cleaning the dishes. “A piece of advice, Kurt, don´t go stalking them, is creepy and that will make Pete 10 times better in her eyes. Just admit you´re jealousy and you take her for granted. After all, what Kitty Pryde means to you?”
Kurt for once replied. “She means everything to me” the answer was honest and at the same time, it comes as a revelation, as this is a plot twist worthy of a novel.
“You sure as well didn´t show that to Kitty” Rachel replied and then Kurt bamfs away. Brian and Meggan arrive and they can say they did hear the conversation; Brian only sighs and asks, “Will he stalk them?”
“Fret not, Brian, I´ve read his mind and he won´t …he´ll visit Piotr to talk, of all people, what a dumbass, by the way, we´re out of eggs” Rachel explained and Meggan and Brian exchange comical stares.
Piotr Rasputin is working on the X-mansion, nothing fancy, just painting the walls of the front yard to give a new look, new year, new X-men is what he believes. Kurt bamfs right away and luckily spots Piotr painting and the Russian man stops to greet Kurt, but notices his state.
“Kurt, are you alright?” the Russian asked noticing and waiting for Kurt to speak first as he really wants to say something.
“I need to know, why you and Katzchen didn´t work out,” he asked a bit desperate and Piotr finds this a bit odd, but, obeys.
“Me and Kitty have nothing in common, except for our love for Yana, what we´ll do in a relationship? Talk about Yana 24/7…that´s would creepy” Piotr makes the comment remembering the Jimaine/Amanda´s story.
“But…were you once crushing on her?” Kurt asked and Piotr shakes his head and answers simply “Not really, I guess what I liked about her is how she and Yana bond, in a way, it was more gratitude than anything else. Yana didn´t make friends until she enters in the New Mutants, so, I´m grateful that Kitty did look out for her and still do”
Kurt´s face shows a bit of desperation and euphoria. “Piotr, can someone fall in love without noticing?”
Piotr now gives Kurt is undivided attention. The wall can wait, as well as his painting material, and the Russian replied without hesitation. “Yes, especially in your case, Kurt, your love life, if I can call that as such, is a joke…you always go for the ones that you KNOW won´t give a damn about you. Even if you´re only after sex…is like you can´t have even a normal nightstand, it has to have a borderline abuse in the relationship and after Amanda…this gets worse…yes, I´d believe you have fallen for Katzchen, I know that for while…but only you wouldn´t notice your own feelings” the line is cut as Kurt is absorbing each word.
Kurt hugs his shirt, for a moment, unsure of himself and the word love, sex is easy, sex is something Kurt can relate, even if it has dubious connotations, however, love is far more complex.
“I´d know what Amanda did was bad, I´d know what the Szardos did was bad, but, I never try to think about and never thought it would affect me for real, when the hero defeats the villain the victory is the reward and it gives a sweet ending, but, is not like that in real life. Sometimes, I still hear what Amanda and Margalia did to me” Kurt shudders remembering what Amanda once confessed (“Mother did take my body once when you were here…did you notice it?”)
Piotr then gives him a card. Is a therapist´s number. “Look, Kurt, I won´t lie and say I understand what you're going through cause that would be a lie, however, everyone in the X-men has their own skeletons in the closet to deal and we all need help to healthy cope with this, I used to have anger issues, in fact I still do, but, Neena did give me this number to help me to control this anger and how to use in a more positive way, what the Szardos did to you, what Mystique did to you…you don´t need to face it alone” Piotr hand the card and Kurt looks at the number with hope.
“Do you think she can love me?” Kurt asked with hesitation.
“You know, Kitty used to tell stories about pirates and fairies to Yana and one thing she often did was put you, it was obvious you, as her main love interest, yes, she obviously self-insert in the stories. But, Yana once told me Kitty take a while to realize her own feelings too” Piotr chuckles at that amused at Kurt´s reaction, and then continues “but, before asking her out, first, improve yourself, is not fair to Kitty, ok?”
“Ok, when you get all sage?” Kurt asked a bit amused and Neena chooses this time to appears and screaming that the TV is not working again. Piotr sends her a fond smile and an apology. “Well, I guess Betsy was right about that TV all along” and Neena sighs and agrees as she´s back to the house.
“Are you coming?” Piotr asked and Kurt denies as he hugs the shirt he´s wearing. A gift Kitty give to him last year and Kurt treasure as it is precious jewellery. Yes, Kurt is not a love expert. He needs to change and be a better person in order to get a healthy relationship, in order to stop being Amanda´s shadow.
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