fehlerderkorrektur · 6 months
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Anyone done this yet?
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laughy-sapphy-blog · 1 month
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me and the bad bitches i pulled by being the worst
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clown-cult · 5 months
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Getting into Twitter beef with this roster would be a nightmare.
For anyone wondering about Black Tom, being mean to him online automatically summons Juggernaut which results in an instant KO.
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why-i-love-comics · 6 months
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X-Force #50 - "Violent Answers" (2024)
written by Benjamin Percy art by Robert Gill & Guru-eFX
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comicwaren · 6 months
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“I want Orchis as confused as to whether we were here at all. And I don’t want them to know how badly we’re about to @#$% them up.” -- Laura Kinney
Cover art for X-Force Vol. 6 #050, “Violent Answers”
Art by Daniel Acuña
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thingsasbarcodes · 5 months
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
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monsieuroverlord · 7 months
Aaaand I'm in tears again.
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Wolverine #44 Previews are Up
source here
written by Ben Percy and Victor LaValle, art by Cory Smith, cover by Leinil Francis Yu
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heckcareoxytwit · 7 months
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In order to stop the evil mainstream Beast, the clone of Classic-Beast goes into the apartment to meet his old friend, Wonder Man. Then, both Classic-Beast and Wonder Man go off on a speedboat to look for evil mainstream Beast. Unknown to them, the X-Force are also going after the two Beasts as they stupidly jump to conclusions easily when they thought even good Classic-Beast is just as bad as Evil-Mainstream-Beast so they thought the two Beasts deserve to die.
X-Force v6 #49, 2024
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illyanarasputinfan · 6 months
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Inferno #5 (2015) MARVEL
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marshroom580 · 5 months
everytime i find a new ship for a character i already ship i just stick it onto the ball of multiships i already have like one of those tape balls that just keeps expanding
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x-manson-annotated · 4 months
X-Manson Annotated Chapter 4 - Part One - CABLE AND COLOSSUS
This section will primarily focus on Cable, but what little it tells us about Piotr and Illyana Rasputin will be discussed throughout this section. Not to bet around the bush, but this section's as rough as it gets. Trigger and content warnings below:
tw rape, tw animal death, tw cannibalism, tw necrophilia, etc.
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The first quote here makes me think of a thing Warren Ellis said in his book, "Planetary". He described people who come from this background, this grey, unknown quantity as being "Twilight People".
Piotr's abilities are potentially tied to where he was born? So, mutations have an environmental factor that is associated with the physical makeup of where they were born/raised.
This is coupled with radiation. It seems that this is taking it's cues from the Silver Age interpretation of mutation where they're created by radiation rather than it being evolution/a latent gene.
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Illyana Rasputina.
Not Piotr's bio sister.
Possibly not his sister in any sense.
This is the first time she's been mentioned?
Is it possible she is his sister and she simply didn't die at the site? Or at all?
Possibly all of them?
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Cable and The Six Pack.
If this is going by the comics their group would have consisted of:
G.W Bridge
Garrison Kane
The only surviving member is of course, Domino as we'll later see. However, this is somewhere that I fall short. I don't like 90s marvel. 90s Cable is a blank spot for me.
But from what i've learned, Only Cable, Grizzly and Domino are mutants.
Hammer, G.W Bridge, and Garrison Kane are human. Garrison being a human-cyborg.
So, this opens up the possibility of people having cyborg enhancements in this setting. though, this all might take place before Kane had the opportunity to have his limbs replaced.
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Domino, Neena Thurman. I'm not sure if her name was given by the time of this being written in 2000.
Twelve Years. Earlier on into the story we have Kitty's narration say that she's lived in her room in Canada for over ten years.
I have some thoughts about why Domino is being held under such strict imprisonment outside of the cult.
First, there's the matter of her power. She has supremely good luck, is it possible that she wants to be here? Do they know about this and have been trying to arrange things so she can't escape?
Then there's what she knows. She's one of the few people involved who survived everything, without being executed by the state. She's also limited in what she can talk about with the Interviewer (possibly a different interviewer than the one we've been seeing).
I think she knows more about a Weapon X-like program that created Logan, Kane, and perhaps even Cable than she's letting on.
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See, she's not officially allowed to talk about certain things. I think this last comment is her saying that it doesn't matter if she says anything about them, they'll both be killed by higher ups in the government.
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Okay. Here's a breakdown of what I've got concerning all of this.
*Sometimes from the future, sometimes from the past - Comics Nathan being born in the present, but taken to the future, only to return as an adult.
*Canaan. New Canaan is the dominant nation in the future he was raised in.
*The personal space station from and to the future is Graymalkin.
I kind of hate Cable, even in comics.
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The first highlighted portion makes me think of this joke by @waitingforthet:
It seems that Cable is making up his whole deal as he goes along.
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Feels like a comment on the nature of 90s anti-heroes that were springing up in the wake of characters like Cable and X-Force. Deniable, murderous mercenaries. Disposable ideas. Characters like tissue paper.
Grant Morrison has a quote about this in their book Supergods where they discuss how it was kind of born out of a time when there wasn't an active war that the U.S was participating in. I wish I had a physical copy of the book with me because they explain it more eloquently than I can.
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It tracks that people would develop anti-psi protection in a world where psychics are a known and dangerous quantity. I want to know more about this tech that Cable's got. I think him being from the future is kind of bullshit, so I want to know where he's gotten it from.
Also, Jesus christ! I think if broken down, you might be able to see this as Doctor Benway inserting shock for the sake of shock. This becomes a lot more frequent later in the story. But, Jesus.
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Nathan count continues to stand at 2.
Joseph being an alias he used feels interesting. I don't know if i'm close, but the interviewer's reaction makes me think that it has some connection to Joseph the clone of Magneto. Maybe some version of him exists, either not as a clone or completely unconnected to Erich.
*The part about him being both the messiah and the messiah's dad will unfortunately come up again later.
*En Sabbah Nur. Also coming up later.
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The Four Horsemen:
Erich Lehnsherr - (War, because he's actively trying to stop war.)
Gabrielle Lehnsherr [Haller] - (Famine? Because she was trying to help relocate refugees into the U.K?)
Amelia Voght - (Pestilence because she runs the W.H.O)
Various - Death.
Candidates for Death:
John Kelly
Daniel Cohn-Bendit?
The Professor.
Let's get Cohn-Bendit out of the way, I think this is referring to him:
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he was an active politician around when Benway was writing, so it's possible he would have known about him. I don't know if he was included because of Cohn-Bendit's writings from the 70s or from the accusations of him raping minors.
Skipping past all the real world awfulness, I'd like to turn our attention to The Professor:
I think that this isn't in reference to Xavier at all. But in reference to Truett Hudson/Professor Thorton of Weapon X.
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Luck Powers in action.
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See, i've been saying this from the very beginning about the damn Pate and sausages. They aren't vegetarian. That Grundy woman from chapter one and everyone at the open house ate people meat!
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*This is what makes me suspect that it isn't the same interviewer.
**Here, I've developed a theory about why Cable is acting like this:
What if. He is half right and Scott and Jean are his parents. And he is from the future and all that other horseshit. But, here's the rub: He isn't Cable he's Stryfe.
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*That was creepy? Not the cannibalism or the animal death, or the multiple murders? Cable and Xavier being weird at eachother with sentences was creepy?
Also, another random shock moment that doesn't really do much for the story. It's terrifying, yes. It's deeply upsetting, yes. But what is it actually doing for the story?
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fehlerderkorrektur · 1 year
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newx-menfan · 1 year
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clown-cult · 3 months
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This cunty little group of mentally ill white people will forever live in my head rent free.
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why-i-love-comics · 7 months
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Wolverine #44 (2024)
written by Victor LaValle & Benjamin Percy art by Cory Smith, Oren Junior, & Alex Sinclair
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comicwaren · 4 months
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From Wolverine Vol. 7 #050, “Coup de Grâce”
Art by Geoff Shaw, Cory Smith, Oren Junior and Alex Sinclair
Written by Benjamin Percy and Victor LaValle
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