#kuzuha headcannons
genshingarbage · 2 years
How They Sleep || Headcannons
Hey everyone! Got some sweet headcannons again~- Mod Kaeya
Recommending this song for these!
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The guy is up and down all night so chances are you're going to wake up to him missing
He's gonna look up from his desk, a little startled to see you swaddled in blankets and pit patting over to engulf him in them and sit on him. It's gonna make him smile a bit but he'll probably end up absorbed in his work for awhile longer before carrying you back to bed and falling asleep again
...for an hour or so because then he's up and sneaking out of the house if he's finding sleep too hard to achieve
The Darkknight Hero will probably be at work now may as well go back to sleep
The bed is probably still toasty from when he was there so at least you can hug his pillow until he gets back a couple hours before dawn, finally tired out and exhausted beyond belief
If he thinks you’re still asleep he’s gonna get into bed without jostling you and move the pillow you were hugging to hold you instead
He’ll probably fall asleep like that the fastest honestly because nothing soothes him more than having you pressed up against him, safe and close by
On the off night he just doesn’t sleep you’ll wake up to him knocked out on the chair next to your bed, paperwork sliding off the little desk and limbs probably in agony from sleeping so weird
It’s kind of cute that he insists on being close to you even while he’s working if he can but less cute that he always somehow manages to sleep in the most bizarre and unhealthy ways possible
Diluc’s gonna be the big spoon when sleeping with you but he mostly prefers to sleep on his back with his arm cradling you to his side, he feels safest like this especially with the knowledge the weight on his chest is you safe and sound
A Pillow Princess of the highest order
His bed is to die for, his pillows piled as high as the ceiling
You get in that’s it, that’s you. You’re done for the night.
And that is exactly his intent because after he comes home, soaked and singed and exhausted beyond belief, a soft bed with thousands of covers and pillows to fend off the terrors of the night sounds excellent
Top that off with you to cuddle with? He could just about die happy
You two will probably end up in all sorts of methods of snuggle, ontop of each other, spooning, starfishing you name it
Stop thinking dirty things
But he’s a massive cuddlebug and is definitely a switch when it comes to that because you’ve woken up doing the stereotypical Man Sleep Pose with him curled up into your side all daintily
He’s got cold as hell feet though, sometimes they’re so cold he wakes himself up oh my god
Just make him wear socks to bed, as weird as it is morning you will thank you
Goodnight kiss every night all the time
Sometimes it’s more than a kiss though
Get your mind out of the gutter
He comes over with a sleepy tea for you and a bit of a snack for him and you two just stay up and talk for a bit
And then you do the nasty
I’m honestly awed you can sleep with this guy like
He’s notorious for kicking people out of bed in his sleep, sleep talking creepily and wriggles around so much he gives worms a run for their money
He’s so lucky he’s cute
Except for when you’re up for a glass of water and you hear “…there’s a something in the corner…” very faintly from your bedroom in the dead of the night
What he even dreams about to prompt such a creepy sentence I don’t know and apparently neither does he because he usually doesn’t remember any of the dreams he has
The only indication he’s ever gotten about his dreams is waking up with random thoughts on his mind, things like “Applesauce but make it fashion” is one of the more random ones
The best one by far was him waking up with the feeling that somehow Bennett needed his help, wandering over to the adventuring desk and finding that he was passed out on the roof of all places
He’s a strange one that’s for sure
But he’s adorable so it’s okay
Especially when he does that cute yawn before launching himself into bed with you
He tends to roll all the sheets up into a ball until he can’t breathe or turns into a furnace so you may have to disentangle him if you’re up but it’ll also keep him from practicing kung fun you
Wrestling him to bed is like trying to wrestle a cat into a bath don’t do that it’s mean
He can talk circles around the best of people and even if you can somehow keep up with his conversation he’s gonna wiggle out of it somehow
So it’s best to just approach him, dead silent, pick him up and cart him off to bed after he’s finished his experiments because this busybody will always find something else to obsess over
After you’ve pretty much cornered him into the tent you can leave him to his nightly rituals it should be all good
You don’t really ever see him go to bed though…or wake up? You’re not even sure if he sleeps for all you know he just lays there on his stomach so deep in his brain he’s 4 parallel universes ahead of you
He always seems well rested though so that’s relieving at least
Not really one to cuddle though he will have a lot of sleepy talk with you, it’s adorable to hear half baked thoughts come out of his mouth as he talks the night away
You don’t know it but sometimes he runs his hands through your hair to help you sleep
He doesn’t like it when you frown because he only wants you to have good dreams
He wouldn’t trade anything in the world for that sleepy smile you have, not even the answers to his research
He uh doesn’t sleep usually…like ever
The guy has a lot on his mind and being an adeptus, it’s more of a leisure activity than a necessity to live most of the time
So he’ll mostly sit next to your bed or on a cupboard or something nearby to survey the room and keep you safe because that’s his default Waiting State as it were
You’re so frail to him normally you being unconscious is nothing more than paranoia inducing for him
The rare times he does need to sleep, he sleeps for like a week at a time and he is knocked the fuck out
If he sleeps in your room during this time it’s an immense sign of trust and he will be slightly embarrassed about it if it happened unprompted because it means he has the confidence you could basically fight off another Adeptus in the time it would take him to wake up from the commotion
The rare times he does take naps are the sweet spot though because naps for him take all night and when he’s sleepy like that it when he’s the most mallable
He’s gonna be reduced to not saying anything and probably tugging on a bit of your clothing to get your attention as opposed to when he’s about to go sleeping beauty on you because when he’s that tired he just heads straight for your bed and collapses in it, armor and all
If you lay on him before one of his naps he’ll just grunt, do a lil pout and use you as a teddy bear ngl
Get him to change clothes for once when he’s like this because he’ll appreciate it later he just won’t say anything
Using him as a pillow is kinda nice because he’s in that really nice range of toned but not chiseled like a rock so his pecs have a lot of give to them
He’s so soft like this oh my god
Cherish it
Only one with a consistently stable sleep schedule
I’m not joking
The only one here with a stable, healthy lifestyle is actually a fucking dragon in human form
He has a constant rhythm in the way he lives and while times aren’t always exact almost has a schedule of sorts, when it’s sundown have dinner at that quaint hole in the wall and then head home and muddle about for a couple of hours before finally settling down
It’s easy enough to track once you get the hang of it, in a way it’s kind of reminiscent to the way animals live their lives albeit a little more complicated by the humans you live with
He’ll probably be settled in bed before you, reaching for you and tugging you in to cuddle a bit whilst the lights go out
He’s really light sleeper but it does take him awhile to get to sleep if he hasn’t had his bed time tea (though he does seem to be able to sleep on command during lunch time oddly enough)
Anything so much as rain on a window will probably wake him up though
It’s alright to him it just means he readjusts, resnuggles around you and then watches the rain for a bit before he’s knocked out again
He tends to switch between little and big spoon (the sight of you, who is very likely a fair bit shorter, arms wrapped around him and curled around him from behind is a little funny but it’s also wholesome) getting bear hugs and being the little spoon to Zhongli is like heaven though because he just engulfs you in his arms and he’s pleasantly warm
You’re kinda not sure when he sleeps he’s just kinda There snoring away when you wake up sometimes in the middle of the night
Yeah he snores
It’s not too loud though so it’s alright
He’s already up when you are so his sleep schedule is a mystery you just know he collapses whenever the gods decide to shut his hyperactive brain off
It’s mostly him ushering you to bed and sitting with you until you fall asleep
If you’re feeling particularly playful ask him to sing you to sleep and he probably will whilst giggling away
It’s kind of like a sleep over every night with him, especially on nights you stay up because he always somehow finds something stupid to do before bed to tire the two of you out completely
Of course he stays up a little while longer
Sometimes when you’re not quite asleep and he thinks you are you feel him wriggle free to sneak off
You don’t really know where he goes you just know after he comes back he’s exhausted and you can hear his pained breathing from the bedroom as he shuffles about
It scares you a bit but he eventually comes to bed and pulls you sweetly into his arms
He always mutters something but you can never quite catch it
He can sleep pretty much anywhere, the branch of a tree, on a particularly warm rock or even just the ground
Camping with the group is amusing because you’ll all have settled down and put a rug down in the tent and not even 5 minutes later he’s commandeered it and is fast asleep
Once he sleeps though that’s it
You’ve had to sling him onto your back and high tail it from a particularly rowdy group of hilichurls, the only thing that woke him up was the explosion caused by a fire slime being hurled across the field at the speed of FAST ™️
He’s very soothing to be around though, especially right before bed or right as you’re waking up
He’ll lay his head on your lap as you two are sitting by the dying embers and tell you about different types of plants and animals from his homeland, point out different constellations to you
If you’re having trouble sleeping having him read poems is like listening to a god of sleep reciting a spell I swear
He’s always gonna sleep beside you, not quite touching but will occasionally put an arm around you if he’s feeling sweet (He’s not Good At Affection ™️ but he’s Trying)
Kuzuha’s a really laid back boi and he’s surprisingly comfortable to lay on if he’ll let you 10/10
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kumiko-desu · 3 years
ChroNoiR | A Day Out With ChroNoiR
Hello! I saw you're opening request and i want to submit one!
Can you make general headcannons (or imagines, whichever you prefer it's ok) with a streamer Reader that have a three man unit with ChroNoiR going on outings like shopping or eating at a restaurant, and the three starts talking abt it at an off collab stream after the outings?
Thank you!╰(*´︶`*)╯
Pairings: Kuzuha & Kanae & Streamer!Reader
Tags: reader insert, pov second person, fluff, platonic relationships, an attempt at comedy, reader is a streamer, kuzuha was abused (in a friendly manner)
Notes: Thank you for being my first request ! Since you didn't specify much I will have it as a platonic relationship between the three. There are a few curse words here and there. This idea was very fun to think and write about. Enjoy ! (Banner might change again in the future, I don't really like this design.)
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“ChroNoiR went out yesterday, right? Yea! It was quite sudden actually, all three of us didn’t have plans and I was bored. It was really funny yesterday, especially Kuzuha-kun.” You saw a comment asking in the comment section on TwitCast. ChroNoiR, a three-man unit between you, Kanae, and Kuzuha, is hosting a TwitCast the week after successfully debuting a new original song.
You can hear Kanae’s snickering in the background, “Yesterday was fun~, we should go out more often.”
Sounds of clothes shuffling can be heard and Kuzuha’s voice spoke up, “No! I ain’t letting you two rob me again!”
It was an interesting day. You suddenly becoming hungry and wanting to go out to eat, but doesn’t want to go alone led you to texting your two teammates, Kuzuha and Kanae, for a day out.
This time, all three of you didn’t have any plans for the rest of the day when you asked them around noon. So, being the great friend and teammate you are, you called in an impromptu outing with the two and made Kuzuha pay for everything considering that he’s loaded from the superchats.
The first destination was the local mall, since you were hungry and Kanae wanted to grab a snack as well. You both visited a cafe, each getting a dish stacked with fluffy pancakes and Kuzuha getting a strawberry milkshake (of course Kuzuha paid). Before you three ate, you posted a picture of your dishes and Kuzuha’s milkshake on Twitter with the caption “いただきましょう” (itadakimashou; let’s eat).
“The pancakes were so fluffy and so good! It melted in my mouth.”
“You know your eating spots (Name)-chan.”
“I was forced to watch them eat, they ate a lot.”
You and Kanae finish your pancakes and you three leave the cafe to your next stop, the cosmetic store. Kanae mentioned that he needed to buy some face masks and you needed to get a new lip gloss. You two entered the store without a thought while Kuzuha trailed behind, still sipping on his strawberry milkshake from earlier.
Kanae had two packs of face masks on either hand, switching gazes between the two, “Nee (Name)-chan, do you think I should get the brightening one or the anti-aging one?”
“I think you should stick with your usual hydrating one, your skin is still plump and white like a baby’s.” You reached your hands out to pinch Kanae’s soft cheeks.
“Heh, that’s why I’m always babu-babu you know?” He smirked but then yelped in pain as you pinched his cheeks harder.
The two of you were discussing various products, giving suggestions on what brands and types you should use. You were so deep into the conversation that you didn’t notice Kuzuha walking to you two, face messily caked with black lipstick, thick layer of mascara and dark eye shadow. If you didn’t know him, you would’ve thought he was an e-boy.
“Pfft- Kuzuha! What the heck are you doing?!”
“You two were taking so long so I tried the testing products. I look good right? Probably can pick up a few girls on the way out. Do they have trial make-up removers? I’m very tempted to lick my lips right now.”
Kanae went to the general area for make-up removers and quickly returned to you and Kuzuha with a hand barely hiding his grin, “There’s no open bottles.”
You three had to ask the staff for some and watch Kuzuha disgruntledly wipe the make-up off his face.
“I should’ve taken a picture of it! He looked so hideous that it was funny!”
“I’ll teach you how to do makeup next time Zuha-kun, so that if there’s a girl you want to impress you’ll know what to do.”
“I don’t need your fucking help!”
You three left the cosmetic store and wandered around the mall for a bit, not having a specific location to go in mind yet. Your eyes widened and sparked when they spotted an arcade. Your hands grabbed the other two boys' arms and dragged them there.
Kanae used Kuzuha’s money and bought a total of 100 coins. You three spent it on various games like racing games, basketball, fishing, and rhythm games. There was a competition between everyone, you won the sports related games, Kanae won the rhythm games and Kuzuha somehow won the ones that makes you seem like you can win but is actually a scam (you and Kanae blame it on pure luck while Kuzuha boasts its all skills).
But in between, you would nudge the two to distract from their games. Either successfully make them lose their streak or make them go off track. In return, Kuzuha will try to wave his arms in front of your eyes to block the screen or Kanae covering your eyes.
The highlight in the arcade was when you three were at the air hockey table. Kanae and Kuzuha were playing against each other and you were spectating in the middle. The two were tied in points and rapidly hitting the puck back and forth. They were hitting it so quick and strong that Kuzuha hit the puck to Kanae and he was doing the same motion at the same time, causing the puck to fly off the table, nearly hitting Kuzuha’s face if not for his quick reflexes.
“Oi! That was fucking dangerous!” Kuzuha screamed and looked back at where the puck went while you and Kanae were laughing your asses off.
“Zuha-kun was sweating the whole time afterwards, he didn’t really expect Kanakana to be that strong. Kanakana has been working out recently, getting muscles and shit.”
“You don’t have to say that (Name)-chan.”
“Despite that, the boys really suck at crane games. Like they’re really trash at it, despite their aims being so good in Apex and Valorant.”
“Your aim’s trash (Name), it’s always us carrying you in Apex.”
“Then keep carrying me, slaves!”
Before you three left the arcade you still had a lot of leftover coins. So to spend them quickly, Kuzuha and Kanae made a bet on who could get a prize from the claw machine first and they got to keep the prize. They went to a figurine claw machine that had the box balancing on two strings and started their challenge. Coins were spent and the box in the middle moved bit by bit but it wasn’t enough to make it fall. It was until the last coin and both started to fight over who’s going to use it.
“Let your hands go noob, you always make the box move back to its original spot.”
“Hah! Talk about yourself! It’s my turn anyway so give me the coin.”
The banter was entertaining in the beginning but you got bored quickly. You snatched the coin from their hands and started the machine. Moving the joystick back and forth a bit, trying to aim the claw correctly and you pressed the button. The claw descended down around the box, closed its claw and started its ascent. Three pairs of eyes watched closely to the claw as it loosened slightly and moved the box. Though it wasn’t tight enough to grab the box, it nudged the box enough to lose its balance and fall down the machine. You bent down to grab the prize and leave the place with the boys’ pairs of eyes following you and mouths agape.
You nonchalantly turned to the two, “I won so let’s go eat. I wanna eat steak today.”
Like you said earlier, your group went to a steakhouse that had opened recently and got good reviews. As a foodie, you had to go there. You three went into the restaurant, it had dim lights and soothing jazz music playing in the background, creating an ambient atmosphere. The host led the group to a private room which Kanae requested.
“Nice place, where did you find this restaurant?” Kanae asked while looking around the restaurant.
“Shacho (Kagami Hayato’s nickname meaning ‘president’) suggested the place to me.” Your eyes were also wandering around the spacious room.
Kuzuha audibly took a deep breath in which you and Kanae cringe at, “Smells nice too, shacho eats good food all the time, he really knows his restaurants.”
The place serves a wide range of beef from Kobe as a specialty. Kanae ordered a lean steak and water as drinks, you got yourself a whole T-bone steak and also water, while Kuzuha got a beef bowl (gyudon) and his second drink of the day, a hot cocoa.
“Kuzuha has really boring tastes. I should bring him along to my taste-testing outings.”
“Don’t feed me your unhealthy human food.”
“The other day you asked me where to get good beef bowls, Kuzu.”
A waiter arrived in the room and poured your and Kanae’s cups with water from this large glass bottle and another waiter brought Kuzuha’s hot cocoa.
The water you sipped tasted different, it had a more mineral taste than the filtered water you usually have at home. You dismissed it and continued drinking the complimentary water.
It didn’t take too long until the main course arrived and you three gave your thanks for the meals and dug in. The steak was juicy, spiced and cooked to perfection. Everyone was enjoying their meal and chatting about various things, about your plans as VTubers and as an individual.
Towards the end when the bill came, all three pairs of eyes couldn’t help but almost bulge out of their eye sockets. The most surprising thing didn’t come from the price of the main dishes, but from the water you and Kanae drinked. You two drank a lot of water (drink water and stay hydrated!) and drank four 1-liter bottles, each costing 1,500 yen (~15 USD), meaning water bottles alone were 6,000 yen (~60 USD).
“YOU TWO ARE TRYING TO ROB MY WALLET FOR SOMETHING, GREEDY PIGS?!” Kuzuha shrieked loudly inside the private room.
Kanae was sitting calmly between you and Kuzuha bickering across the table. He waited until you two were calm and asked Kuzuha for his card so that they could pay the bills and leave the place.
“Thanks for the meal~”
“Don’t act like you’re innocent!”
“I swear I’m not going out with you two anymore.” Kuzuha grumbled under his breath.
Kanae ignored it and cooed at him, “Thanks Kuzu~, I’ll go buy more things next time.”
“It was a really fun day with those two, I would trade it over the world hehe.” You said to the listeners and moved onto the next comment.
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The story about the expensive water is based on a true story.
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genshingarbage · 2 years
How They Destress || Headcannons
Hello my darling travelers! I Hope you’re all doing well~ I’ve got some more fluff for you all so I hope you all have a relaxing day! - Mod Kaeya
recommending this song for these headcannons!
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- He distresses by training of course, cooking up new ways to dismantle his enemy whilst in a safe environment before trying them out is basically what he does in his free time
- Diluc doesn’t mind if you watch from a very safe distance so feel free to set up a little picnic and watch him brainstorm from afar
- You can always tell when he’s about to start training because you can usually spot him walking through the house tying up his hair in nothing but a vest and britches towards the field behind the winery
- You’ve almost become acquainted with the hive of slimes there with how many times he’s tested things on them
- His whole process of working through each strategy and practicing old ones of calming to him because it’s something that will never change
- Each swipe is the same, each guard, each lunge and parry will always be the same
- The one constant in his ever changing life
- Working with his vision makes experimenting with strategies a little hard whilst also keeping it interesting
- I’d recommend bringing aloe vera incase any sort of accidents happen but the most you’ve gotten recently is just singes so just relax and don’t startle the man whilst he waves around a sword literally his body length
- At least you get to drool over the biceps he normally keeps hidden under his coat
- And then once he’s finished with that there’s a fair chance he’ll start experimenting with drinks so…there’s a chance for fun that way
- Normally the only time he’s stressed is when Death By Noon is out of stock quite honestly and should that even happen he hyper fixates on work like no other to cope
- Honestly some people pray for the months where it’s gone just for the comforting fact that even before things become a threat they’re eradicated by Kaeya unless he deems them too interesting to kill and usually those times are when the Knights get their days off because golly the amount of commissions they get vanishes into thin air so fast you’d be surprised there was any strife at all
- It works sort of like clockwork, he starts out clearing all the areas around Mondstat itself then follows the trade routes and once those are clear, depending on how many days he’s been sober, he fucks off into the wilds and lets his sword take him wherever it pleases
- Once he gets home it’s a spa day though since he’s not used to doing everything he usually does and commit a mass extermination at the same time
- He probably doesn’t get home for a couple of days or weeks depending on how frazzled he is ngl
- He’s gonna take a nice long bath and zone out and then chug a cup of coffee on the couch in nothing but shorts and a loose open shirt and then he’s going to go to bed
- Consider the bedroom occupied until the shortage is over pretty much if the bag under his eye is any indication of his current mental state
- Just give him a lot of affection and I’m sure he’ll be fine
- Somedays he’ll just short circuit and you can tell right away he needs to take a break
- He’ll still be lying in bed, eyes half lidded but as soon as you call his name and he just responds with a “…m¿” you know
- Don’t let him leave the tent
- At all
- As soon as he leaves the tent he goes into Work Mode
- He needs to rest and recuperate so shove some tea in his hands and start telling stories
- the best way to get him back on track is to get him to his thoughts about Deep ™️ things or work
- Tell him really long stories about anything from your day yesterday or a recount of your favorite best selling novel and he’ll eventually stop thinking
- Playing the story game might be a good way to trick him into light heartedness about everything for the moment honestly
- If he feels sleepy let him dream he’s a tired boi
- Days in bed just talking away with each other, completely blind and deaf to the world and falling in and out of dreams hits that sweet spot that has him refreshed like an hp bar got refilled
- He may even come to a solution for various experiments or theories because of your time together
- The guy doesn’t stress end of
- He’s always convinced everything will turn out at least a little alright for everyone so he isn’t too worry about life
- It’s very very rare for him to become stressed and if he is it’s because of things that have happened in his past that he can’t stop thinking about
- This would be the time for a good old song and dance
- Seriously if you have the ability to grab your closest friends and drag them to wherever the both of you live do it
- He loves music more than anything so watching others perform or going to a show with his buddies really lifts his spirits a lot
- Especially if they have vastly different opinions on music than he does because that means there’ll be a lot of interesting discussions on various topics across the night and this guy can talk if he needs to
- Maybe don’t let him drink till he’s smashed but being a little tipsy won’t hurt him if he wants to drink
- Chances are he won’t be in the mood as he’ll be busy trying to teach someone the lyre because they tried to shred it like a guitar though
- Listening to upbeat music is his go to but more slow, calming music sometimes does the trick if you both are just chilling out and don’t really want to be bothered
- Okay he’s the opposite to Venti in that He’s Always Stressed
- It’s just reached a level to where it’d the norm to constantly feel like he’s going to sprout gray hairs at any moment so he’s just at this eerie calm all the time
- Unless there are mortals besides you nearby
- Okay first off dip out to somewhere without mortals for once
- Like seriously just go to Juryen Karst or something because Im afraid he’s going to pop a blood vessel
- Just walking around Juryen Karst is enough to put him at ease at least a little because of the atmosphere, it’s thick with adeptal energy and everything about the place is riddled with mystery and a mystic aura that you can never really find anywhere else in treyat
- He’s gonna just up and vanish a lot, don’t worry he’s just running around to burn off the stress or even doing a bit of routinely clean up so the slimes don’t get out of hand
- You’ve never seen the mega slime he’s described before but you have no intents of ever seeing it
- Set up a little place for you both to sit and eat (a looooot of almond tofu for him)
- Then just…breathe
- He’ll be quiet this whole trip honestly because he’s so content, high up on one of the stalks among the clouds and gods and yaoguai
- Xiao’ll be at peace just meditating there with you
- He needs to be busy, mostly with his hands
- So he’s taken up a lot of hobbies in his newfound free time
- His favorite thing to do though is make you a cup of tea and then get down to whatever it is he’s going to focus on that day
- Your company is invaluable to him at the end of the day
- Zhongli tends to go for sculpting things out of clay and he takes ages doing it in order to get the best result
- You’ve pointed out that it must be similar to how he sculpted Liyue or even some of it’s denizens out of the land before but he just chuckled at that
- Apparently that was more like sifting through sand and mining at the same time but let’s not get into that
- The sculpts he makes are usually of mythical creatures he’s read about that have taken his fancy, anything more realistic about dragons or Qilin are a bit boring to sculpt for him for the moment but I’m sure that fancy will return eventually
- He actually has given a sculpt of what a Cocogoat might look like to Qiqi before and she’s taken very good care of it since
- His tools litter his workshop because he’s so absentminded but he somehow still knows where everything is? The only thing messier than the clay dust everywhere is when he gets down to painting the sculpts
- Stress is very hard to detect with Childe because he’s so used to holding up that cheerful facade but once you’ve been with him long enough it’s like watching a fish out of water
- He’s slightly out of beat in conversation, his shoulders a little tenser than usual and he’s paying a bit too much attention to this or that
- You have to force him into your hotel room and sit him down on the bed
- You gotta break out the olive oil and the candles for this one guys he’s a BIG stressor
- Give him a massage and tell him about all the things you love about him, okay?
- And not a short one, a loooong fullbody massage with loooong soliloquies about how much you adore when he scrunches up his nose in confusion when he thinks no one is looking at him trying to use chopsticks
- When you’re done make him some traditional Sneznayan food, this can be anything from a breakfast food to a dinner food because either way he’s just going to be elated to see food that doesn’t require you to fight with utensils to eat
- It’d be good if you kept everything as quiet as possible around him too for once because god knows he’s probably going to go deaf from the amount of explosions he’s heard in his life
- Still though just relax with him and enjoy your food
- It’s a bit easy to tell when he’s starting to stress
- He can’t really go with the flow as easily as he usually does, he gets hung up on things and he sometimes even is so stuck inside his head he doesn’t stop to view the awestrucking sights in Treyat
- The best way to help him destress is to leave him alone
- Sometimes it’s just for the best to tell him that you’re gonna have a busy day so if he wants to come along he can but it won’t hurt if he doesn’t
- He’ll probably take that queue to go on a long jog and think about his life up until now
- And boy does he have a lot to process since coming to Treyat
- He often takes routes that pass by rivers or ponds or lakes because the sereneness of them are often one of the first things he notices about a place he’s visiting and it’s undeniable that if he could paint a picture of the beauty he finds in all of these things he wouldn’t think it captured it all the way
- He might end up scaling a mountain by the time he gets back but he’ll be that sweetheart wanderer you’ve always loved by the end of it
- And on the off chance he’d ask for you to come with him on his walks please do, he’d really appreciate it
- falling in step with you whilst deep in thought makes him feel a bit safer than he did before, he’ll be distracted but should anything happen you’ll be there to jump in first as always
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genshingarbage · 3 years
Can i request skincare night with da boys? (Whichever character u want) 💖
Ohoho~ A spa day is well deserved I think! Since you haven’t picked a character I’ll do the ones most likely to do skincare with their s/o. Enjoy your spa day with the boys~ - Mod Kaeya
Reccomending this song for these HCs! 
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- He’s the King of spa days, expect only the best routines and products because he dabbled in it for awhile when he was a bit younger, he knows the inns and outs and a couple of little secrets about things you wouldn’t think of initially
- Kaeya would literally kill for glaze lilies and mist flower corolla because their medicinal properties for skincare in particular are legendary
- He has a whole stash he ends up sharing with you during the night
- He even mixes a fresh face mask for you from all the ingredients he has hidden away in cupboards catered to your needs and any allergies you might have
- Talks through the whole thing about a bunch of harmless gossip he’s heard about the tavern or things you’d find interesting that he’s happened to have read up on during breaks at the office
- Will 100% leave you for a moment to do something else real quick so you’re just confused and covered in facemask while it’s dead quiet and He Should Be Behind You but he’s not
- He’s gonna tie his hair back before letting you do his facemask and then scrunch up his nose all cute whenever you tickle him
- The type to laugh a little at everything while you’re doing his mask because his eyes are closed and he doesn’t know what to do with himself about it
- After you’re waiting for them to do their thing he’ll grab some water and the two of you can talk about everything and nothing and hang out in your pjs until you’re ready to wash the masks off
- Little finger snacks and of course more gossip because the man has fountains of tea he’s not been able to rant with anyone about for years and guys it’s like a god damn unsolved mysteries episode because it’s less “shawty’s dating trevor now” and more “did you know the viscount is apart of that cult that sells organs” and it is the most interesting shit you’ve heard all week
- You tell him he should write a book series
- He agrees
- You’ll he surprised to find he’s already ran a nice steamy bath for you complete the night, it’s got some candles and some salts he happened to have left over, just relax and take in the scented candles and stuff because the guy knows how to treat people to a good spa day
- You two will probably fall asleep after you’re both done in there, swaddled in bath robes and cramped on the couch together with not a care in the world about the stresses of life
- He’ll offer another time if he starts to see you’re stressing out a bit too much and he’s getting worried
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- He’s never been one to do this sort of thing at all to be quite honest
- He’d be more inclined to hair and scale treatments if that makes sense and those sorts of ones are beyond your expertise (especially in the divine sense)
- Zhongli’s interested though don’t get me wrong, he for sure wants to try this out because it’s something a lot of mortals do as a part of routine and that’s kind of what he’s aiming to be at this time
- Will do everything you say to the letter, follow you around the cupboards and kitchen and bathroom like a puppy whilst you get ready because he wants to help but doesn’t know how just yet
- He’ll get the hang of it though
- He’s eager to learn
- Won’t squirm or anything during the application because he’s a good boy
- “This is…peculiar?”
- “Is it supposed to feel stiff?” “Yeah you just have to wash it off now” “Marvelous.”
- If you have any lotions or moisturizers made out of silk flowers he’d looove those after the face masks are done oh my god
- He keeps touching his face and smiling a lil because it’s so smooth now
- You won’t know it but he’ll be recommending facemasks to the adepti who live in Liyue among the mortals now, not to be rude but for the sake or relaxation and My s/o’s a genius feel my face
- Gonna deep dive research into this sort of thing afterwards because he wants to help you find a wide variety of stuff to use and add to your routine
- He likes to help you out if he happens to walk in and sees you’ve got one on so don’t feel guilty if he offers to do any work you have or even massage your feet while you relax honestly
- Catch him using his own lil pot of moisturizer in the mornings now
- It’s really cute
- Everytime you catch him doing it he gives you a grin and goes back to what he’s doing
- If you offer to do a spa night again he’s gonna say yes without hesitation and bring his own stuff to try now
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- Verrrryyy curious so no doubtedly says yes from the getgo
- He’s been seeing you apply it basically every morning on the weekends and never pried but is really happy you’re sharing it with him now
- Somehow looks better than you even with a facemask on and with his hair done up to keep it out of the way
- Will of course want a bunch of snacks to demolish whilst the two of you wait, if by any chance you want to do his nails you’re gonna have to wait until after he’s done lol
- He’s gonna ask for pickles to put on his eyes because that’s all he knows about this stuff but he’s gonna forget that he was gonna put them on his eyes and eat them I’m ngl
- If your facemask is the type that smells weird he’s gonna comment on that basically the whole time for shits and giggles
- He’s gonna want bright blue nails btw to match his hair but if you can do a gradient do like a bright blue to a slight navy and he’ll loose his shit
- He’s likely to wear outfits that compliment the awesome nails his s/o just gave him for the next month I’m gonna be real
- If he chips them he’s gonna be upset until you offer to do them again because you did them out of the kindness of your heart and the looked reALLY good
- Venti’s not really good at all this stuff because he’s kinda lazy when it comes to taking care of himself but it was a really nice treat for him and he may ask again or try to treat you to a couple of products he borrowed from Kaeya on days you’re stressed
- Would 1000% by them for you if you’re too busy to pick one up, even if it’s at some really feminine store hell the guy would probably even pick up some lady products if you need them
- He’s not the kind to get embarrassed easily so if you end up getting a visitor whilst doing this he’ll answer the door half dressed and with the full mask on
- His skin was already borderline perfect before, now it’s just astronomically beautiful thanks to you
- You’ve created a monster now because he’s charmed every man and woman in Mondstat now
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- May take a bit of convincing because he’s been taught that’s a really feminine thing to do, not really something guys do but will probably relent in the end because he’s curious and it’d make you happy
- If you offer to do something for him in exchange he'll do it a lot more eagerly ngl
- Will 1000% be converted at the end of the night because Holy Shit his skin has never been so soft before and he looks like a badass? He gets girls now, he looks like a god, he feels like a bitchy prom queen now
- “You’re just mad my skin’s better than yours Signora, all that exposure cryo can’t be good for it.”
- Oh yes he’s gonna start shit over this, you’ve just given him all the ammo he needs
- He’s gonna want to do this whenever you are now and if you don’t think you’re gonna wake up to him with a bunch of expensive looking bags with brands of skincare stuff you’ve only heard of in dreams then you’re wrong
- May end up getting a designated spa room in your house if you’re not careful
- He may not understand your selfcare voodoo magic but he supports it a million percent
- “Childe I need to get exfoliator” “I like your funny words magic man, say no more”
- You may come home to random presents to do with skincare when he’s too busy with work because be thought of you whilst passing a store so he bought it
- This also goes for if he happens to hear you talking about something you need/want
- But as for the actual night in question he’s going to pleas that you pin his hair up and then ask if you have any hair treatments in a sky way because he’s not sure if that’s a Thing People Do
- He’ll be a little squeamish around it but it’s mostly for comedic effect…mostly
- Don’t you dare come near him with that weird mud mask mud belongs on the floor damnit
- Childe probably won’t like applying your mask because the texture feels really funny which is sad because he’s actually got a delicate touch, you barely feel him applying it and it’s almost expertly done
- He’s gonna forget he has it on dont let him fall asleep, force him into the bath first ok? Okay cool
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