dawum-de · 4 months
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snoo360 · 1 year
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
To Saturn and Back
for @hearteyesforbuck, because when I have an idea and Eli tells me to write it, who am I to say no? Besides, I’ve been attached to this for three days, and got to sit under my own space blanket to write it in under an hour. Love you, mom!
“Boy, that was quite a show, huh, Chris?” Buck stands up, still reeling a little bit from the way the room had been spinning around them until just a couple minutes ago.
Christopher, for his part, is totally unfazed, leaping down from his chair so quickly that he almost overbalances and stumbles.
“Yeah! This is the bestest Buck day ever!”  
At that, Buck can’t keep the grin off of his own face. The Buck Days had been his idea, the month after he and Eddie had started dating, to make sure that he and Christopher got to spend one-on-one time together. It gives Eddie a break too, a couple of days every month to catch up on bills or yardwork or whatever. All in all, it’s one of the best ideas he’s had for a while, and he has to agree with Christopher that the planetarium demonstration was a particularly good choice for today.  
“And we didn’t even go check out the new ice cream place yet. It's only gonna get better, buddy.”  
“Oh yeah! We should look at the gift shop first, though. I want a s-souv-souviner!”
“If we don’t get soveniers, did we really even go to the planetarium?”  
“Nope!” The lighthearted sarcasm goes right over Chris’ head, and he turns around to grin at Buck.  
They parade out of the auditorium, following the rest of the audience down the hallway until it ends at the entryway of the gift shop. A handful of visitors peal off, mostly older people heading for the exit, but Buck is only worried about keeping track of the head of reddish-brown hair in front of him. He’s not out for a repeat of the zoo incident today.  
Once they're into the gift shop, Buck starts wandering around and looking at the different items for sale. He’s got an eye on Chris, can hear his excited chatter as he moves between the displays. But he also knows that he’ll be accountable for picking a trinket of his own. That’s the deal: at the end of the day, they both get to pick something to take home, something to remember their adventures.  
Usually Buck opts for a magnet or something small. He doesn't need another T-shirt or a hunk of plastic, not when he’s got a dozen selfies and all the memories from their day together. Today, he’s turning a mug over in his hands, trying to decide if there’s room for it in his cabinets. It’s plain black at first glance, but the sign on the shelf explains how It'll reveal hundreds of tiny stars when he fills it with a hot drink.  
He’s always been fascinated by constellations, had chosen the planetarium for today so he could share some of that excitement with the kid he’s come to think of as a son. So he figures he can have a mug, treat himself to something a little bit bigger this time and reorganize his cupboards later.  
Just when the cardboard box is tucked away under his arm, Chris starts calling out for him across the shop.
“What did you find, little man?” He steps up beside Christopher, looking down to see what he’s holding.  
It’s a blanket, light grey and fuzzy, decorated with stars, planets and rocket ships. Buck reaches out and runs his hand across it, and Chris grins.
“Bucky, look! It glows in-in the dark too! And it’s 50 inches by 60 inches; that’s more inches than me!”
“It sure is. You could hide all the way underneath it, your dad and I might never find you.”
“Yeah, you would! It glows, so you’d know where I am, even in the dark.” Christopher rolls his eyes, and Buck laughs.
“Good point. That’s your pick?”
“Yeah! Look, it’s got Saturn! With the rings!” He points at one of the motifs.
“Good memory!” When Buck smiles at him, Christopher’s grin grows even wider, craving praise from the adults around him.
“What’d you pick, Bucky?” They start walking toward the cash register as Buck shows Christopher the mug he’s holding onto, then they set both items on the counter.  
The cashier reads out the total and Buck’s heart skips a beat.  
Almost $80 for a cup and a fuzzy piece of fabric? Screw the LAFD, he should open a gift shop.
But then he sees two little hands come up over the counter and start stroking the edges of the blanket, and he remembers that the price covers way more than just the space-patterned throw.  
He’s paying for the memories they’re making too, to let Christopher have these special days with ‘his Buck.’  
And that’s worth a million dollars, if you ask him.  
Tonight, he and Eddie will tuck him in underneath his new blanket, turn off the lights and listen to him cheer when the shapes light up around him. Eddie will pull the mug out of the plastic sack, get ready to wash it so Buck can have coffee in the morning. The receipt will cling to the box and Eddie will glance at it, admonish Buck for spending $45 on a blanket for his 10-year-old. But there will be a smile on his face, and admiration in his tone, for the man who loves Chris as his own.  
Buck would give his left arm for the mass-produced blanket, because it was never really about the blanket at all.
It’s about Christopher knowing that Buck loves him, to Saturn and back.
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warumichradfahre · 3 years
KW 20
325,79 Kilometer schlagen in der KW 20, vom 17.05.2021 bis 23.05.2021 zu Buche. Auf diesem Chart sieht man die nicht alle, weil auch einige Tomahawk Kilometer dabei sind, die machen so schlechte gpx e. Hihi. Geprägt war die Woche von ziemlich miesem Wetter und dem Umstand, dass ERFTIE, das ADFC Rhein-Erft-Lastenrad wieder seinen Weg zu mir gefunden hat. Also viele kleine Strecken mit dem…
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wegmannhilden · 5 years
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Nominierung des parteiunabhängigen Bürgermeister-Kandidaten Dr. Claus Pommer am gestrigen Abend. Viel Erfolg auf dem zukünftigen gemeinsamen Weg. Übrigens war auch die @ju_hilden zahlreich vor Ort. 😃👍❎ #jungepolitikfürhilden #jungeunion #cdu #kommunalwahl2020 #kw20 #hilden #bürgermeister #2020 (hier: Hilden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Um1ADKyfM/?igshid=7q50g4ulf1zs
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karushuu--week · 4 years
day seven! future
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magnethelmspielt · 3 years
Codester KW20 - Scripts und Quellcodes kostenlos
Codester KW20 läuft vom 17. Mai bis zum 24. Mai 2021. In dieser Woche bekommt Ihr zwei schicke HTML Templates, eine App Vorlage und das Cricket Logo.
Codester KW20 läuft vom 17. Mai bis zum 24. Mai 2021. In dieser Woche bekommt Ihr zwei schicke HTML Templates, eine App Vorlage und das Cricket Logo (bekannt aus der Codester KW05). Codester KW20 läuft vom 17.05 bis zum 24.05.2021. Um die Artikel gratis zu erhalten müsst Ihr diese einmal teilen, dies funktioniert per Facebook oder Twitter. Softland – HTML Responsive Landing Template ©…
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dawum-de · 1 year
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Wochenrückblick über die Wahlumfragen der 20. Kalenderwoche 2023 ➤ https://dawum.de/Chronik/
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official-hessen · 3 years
Beim Kampf für Akzeptanz und gleiche Rechte nicht nachlassen:
Erklärung zum IDAHOBIT von Sven Lehmann und Ulle Schauws MdB, B90/Grüne, die wir hier gerne teilen:
Am morgigen Montag 17. Mai 2021 findet der Internationale Tag gegen Homo-, Bi- Trans- und Interfeindlichkeit (IDAHOBIT) statt.
Dazu erklären Ulle Schauws und Sven Lehmann, Sprecherin und Sprecher für Queerpolitik der GRÜNEN Bundestagsfraktion:
"Dieser Tag mahnt uns, beim Kampf für Akzeptanz und gleiche Rechte nicht nachzulassen. Nichts ist gut, wenn Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, trans- und intergeschlechtliche Menschen nicht gleichberechtigt und in Sicherheit und Freiheit leben können, weltweit und in Deutschland.
Queere Menschen werden in ihrem Alltag gesellschaftlich noch immer nicht als gleichwertig angesehen, erleben Diskriminierung, Bevormundung und Gewalt. Ihre gesundheitliche und soziale Situation ist Besorgnis erregend. Das zeigen alle internationalen und nationalen Studien. Diskriminierung macht krank und grenzt sozial aus. Die Corona-Krise hat zudem sichere Orte wie Kneipen, Clubs oder Beratungsstellen verschwinden lassen oder ihre Arbeit zumindest erschwert.
Leider ist die Bundesregierung queerpolitisch ein Totalausfall. Die wenigen Fortschritte, die es in dieser Legislaturperiode gab, wurden entweder durch Petitionen erzwungen oder durch Gerichte angeschoben. Das ist unambitioniert. Das können und müssen wir ändern, am besten noch vor der Sommerpause. Wir fordern die Gleichstellung lesbischer Mütter im Abstammungsrecht, die Überwindung des Transsexuellengesetzes und die Ergänzung des Schutzauftrags in Artikel 3 unserer Verfassung um das Merkmal der "sexuellen Identität". Vor allem brauchen wir einen bundesweiten Aktionsplan gegen Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit und für die Akzeptanz von Vielfalt.
Wir Grüne haben in dieser Legislaturperiode zahlreiche Anträge und Gesetzesentwürfe dazu vorgelegt. Viele davon waren Gegenstand der öffentlichen Anhörungen in den Ausschüssen. Am 19. Mai werden wir sie im Bundestag zur Abstimmung bringen."
Weitere Information: https://www.bundestag.de/dokumente/textarchiv/2021/kw20-de-lsbti-840188
Grüne parlamentarische Initiativen, die am 19. Mai 2021 im Plenum des Bundestages samt der abschließenden Abstimmung debattiert werden:
1. Antwort auf die Große Anfrage Soziale und gesundheitliche Situation von Lesben, Schwulen, Bisexuellen, trans- und intergeschlechtlichen Menschen (LSBTI) in Deutschland, Drs. 19/16992 und 19/28233
2. Antrag Vielfalt leben - Bundesweiten Aktionsplan für sexuelle und geschlechtliche Vielfalt auflegen, Drs. 19/10224
3. Gesetzentwurf zur Aufhebung des Transsexuellengesetzes und Einführung des Selbstbestimmungsgesetzes (SelbstBestG), Drs. 19/19755
4. Antrag Entschädigungsfonds für trans- und intergeschlechtliche Menschen, Drs. 19/22214
5. Antrag Unabhängigkeit der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes stärken, Drs. 19/24431
6. Antrag Bundesweiten Studie - Sorgerechtsentzug bei und Diskriminierung von Müttern mit lesbischen Beziehungen und ihren Kindern, Drs. 19/27878
Ihr könnt eure Bundestagsabgeordneten aus eurem Kreis anschreiben und darum bitten dass sie zustimmen sollen.
Quelle: Julia Monroe
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
Eddie has just started packing Christopher’s lunch when he hears bells jingling up and down the hallway. He groans, pulling a long sip from his coffee – the first cup of the day, fresh from the pot, but not quite into his bloodstream yet – and abandons the half-made sandwich on the counter.
“Chris!” He calls across the house, making his way over to the kitchen doorway. “Buddy, we talked about this. Bells are an after-school toy!”
Eddie’s head is already starting to throb, wholly unprepared for this much racket at 7:15 in the morning.
“It’s not me, Dad!” Chris’ voice is considerably closer than the noise of the bells. When Eddie looks around the living room, instead of trying to crane his neck down the hall, he finds that Chris is telling the truth. He’s sitting on the floor, wrestling with his sneakers. Eddie watches him just long enough to make sure he’s not getting frustrated, then goes back to trying to suss out the source of the noise.
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ao3feed-karushuu · 4 years
by DukeOfDucks
Karma and Gakushuu have gotten used to working together on maths projects, their teacher having a slight obsession with pairing them up. It's not...As bad as it should be, or used to be, though.
Words: 829, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Karushuu Week 2020
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Akabane Karma, Asano Gakushuu
Relationships: Akabane Karma/Asano Gakushuu
Additional Tags: Karushuu Week 2020, Karushuuweek2020, kw20, Established Relationship, karushuu, Neeeeeerds
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wegmannhilden · 5 years
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Gerade ging die schöne Jahreshauptversammlung der CDU Hilden zuende. Mit dabei auch die MdLs @christianuntrieser und @claudia.schlottmann.mdl sowie der kommende Bürgermeisterkandidat und viele Mitglieder der @ju_hilden. Ich bedanke mich für das Vertrauen eines jeden Mitgliedes, gleich zwei mal als Delegierter an diesem Abend gewählt worden zu sein. Vielen Dank! #jungepolitikfürhilden #ju #jungeunion #cdu #wahlen #wahlkampf #danke #hilden #kw20 #kommunalwahl2020 (hier: Hilden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4LM_jBKk9G/?igshid=hsrqlyrkb7di
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dawum-de · 2 years
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Wochenrückblick über die Wahlumfragen der 20. Kalenderwoche 2022 ➤ https://dawum.de/Chronik/
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korrektheiten · 2 years
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ScienceFiles:»Kaiser Reich, Schulze, Habeck, die grimme deutsche Wirklichkeit – Wahl zum Denkbehinderten der Woche [KW20] http://dlvr.it/SQgWjd «
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luckyradio · 6 years
Jon Hester – Let's Go
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/3deS9jCKOTUsKuXNIDk7C0
AppleMusic: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/lets-go/1279253832?i=1279253835&l=en
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/mrnmrn/jon-hester-lets-go-kw20
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
I’m a Funky Fried Piece of Man Meat
Word Count: 2470
Original Pub Date: 26 June 2020
Relationships: Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley
Author’s Note: Based on this song here, which I sent to @dramamineontopofme and then after we screamed about it for a while, I turned that into this.
Also @hearteyesforbuck briefly thought this would be smut, so she’s gonna hate me now. But she loves me more, so I’m OK with it. 
Read on ao3 here
Eddie drains the last sip from his beer bottle and stands up, running his hands down the thighs of his jeans.  
“Be right back, man. Gotta take a leak. I’ll get the next round?”  
“Sounds good.” Buck sets his own empty bottle on the bar beside Eddie’s. “You can buy, but I’ve got to pee too.”  
It would be weird, Eddie thinks, if it were anyone other than Buck. If he were out for drinks with Chim, or Bobby or anyone else, it would be weird to walk to the bathroom together, to stand side by side at the only two urinals, sidestep to the sink in almost perfect unison.
But it’s Buck. He can’t think of a single thing that could make things weird between the two of them, even as he wracks his brain while he watches Buck in the mirror as they wash their hands.  
Except the secret he’s keeping.
Buck looks up then, catches him watching and pulls a face. He crosses his eyes and sticks his tongue out, and Eddie can’t help but flick water at him as he laughs.  
“Hey,” He keeps looking at Buck’s reflection, turning the mood back to something serious. “Can I ask you something?”  
His timing couldn’t be worse; they’re standing in the bathroom at a bar, the kind of place where every surface is just a little bit sticky no matter how many times you wipe it down. He’s not even sure he wants to say anything, thinks he might want to keep his secret to himself. But before he can backtrack, Buck is meeting his gaze in the mirror and he looks so earnest that Eddie can’t bring himself to skirt away from at least part of the truth.
“Of course, Eddie. Anything.” And he can tell that Buck means it, can tell that there’s nothing he could say that would make Buck regard him any differently right now. At least, nothing that Buck can think of. But Eddie’s pretty sure that what he’s about to say could ruin everything.
“You’ve like … you ask people out, right?” The question sounds awkward as it tumbles out of his mouth. It’s not quite what Eddie meant to ask, not likely to get him the answers he’s looking for, but he didn’t give too much away, so he supposes it’s better than if he’d shown Buck his entire hand.  
“Yeah,” Buck’s reflection stares at his, and his brow furrows as he tries to figure out why Eddie might be so antsy about his question. “Why?”
“Like … guys?” Eddie bites his tongue, tries not to eye Buck warily while he waits for a reaction. This is the closest he’s come to telling anyone that he’s maybe interested in dating men, short of saying it to his own reflection in the bathroom mirror at home.
(Hindsight, he hadn’t planned this moment to be such a parallel to that one, but the similarities are sort of comforting. It’s always easy to talk to Buck, but talking to mirror-Buck is even lower stakes, like he can pretend he’s leaning against his own counter, not the cold porcelain of the bar sinks while he talks to himself in the third-person.)
“Sometimes.” Buck’s eyes narrow, and Eddie might be imagining it, but he’s pretty sure Buck’s fingers tighten where he’s holding himself up against the edge of the counter. “That’s not a … problem, is it?”  
“No! No, of course not.” Eddie stumbles over himself to reassure Buck. He hadn’t been planning to do this tonight, hadn’t even considered that Buck might find his questions offensive. And he doesn’t want to offend Buck. Not ever, but especially not now, when he’s so close to putting everything on the line. “I just need some advice.”  
They’ve been in here too long, have spent too many moments standing in front of sinks that aren’t even turned on. Their hands are hardly wet anymore, even though neither of them have reached for a paper towel. If anyone has noticed, there’s really only one conclusion they can come to, one reason two men would walk into a slimy bar bathroom at the same time and overstay their welcome there.
But Buck doesn’t move, so neither does Eddie. Instead, he tries to look like he’s not holding his breath, like he’s not waiting for Buck to shove him across the room and storm out, or – worse yet – give him friendly advice as nothing more than a friend.
Which, really, is looking like the more likely path, given that Eddie asked him for advice on picking up guys, without managing to mention that Buck is really the only guy he’s interested in picking up.
“OK …" Buck trails off and motions with one hand for Eddie to continue.
“How do you do it? I mean, how do you just … ask a guy out?”
“Same way I’d ask anyone else out,” Buck shrugs. “Be straightforward and prepared to handle the rejection.”  
Right, of course. Eddie knows that’s Buck’s standard. They’ve spent enough nights sitting together at the bar for him to know that Buck likes to walk up to a woman and ask if she’s interested in joining him for a drink. He’s explained it before, that it means he gets turned down pretty often, but also that everyone’s expectations are clear right out of the gate.
“No, not … I can do that part, the-the actual asking.” Eddie shakes his head and tries again. “How’d you … your first time, how’d you get the balls to just walk up and ask him?”  
Buck hasn’t said anything about Eddie needing advice talking to men, and Eddie is pretty sure that it’s a good sign. After all, he’d also quietly confirmed that he’s interested in men, at least occasionally. He hasn’t said anything about being interested in Eddie, but Eddie hasn’t said anything about being interested in him either.  
And Eddie is *very interested* in Buck.
“Oh, that?” It can’t have been more than a couple of seconds, but Buck’s response pulls Eddie back to the present. “Easy. I get funky fried.”  
“Excuse me?” Eddie blinks his eyes, tries to school his features. He’s been doing some … independent research, late at night, under the cover of darkness and a private browser. And it’s not like he knows everything – not even close, if he can’t even ask a guy out – but he’s pretty sure he knows what he’s into, and he doesn’t remember seeing anything about “funky fried” in the search results.
“Funky fried.” Eddie keeps watching him in the mirror, and he can see the moment when Buck realizes that he may as well be speaking gibberish. “It’s this thing Maddie taught me in high school. I was nervous, a lot, and she was like the only person I could talk to about … everything.” There’s something in the way he says ‘everything; that makes Eddie want to know more, but he knows that this isn’t the time.  
After all, if he plays this right, he’ll have plenty of chances down the road to learn everything about Buck.
“But anyway,” Buck continues. “She told me that it would help me to say something really ridiculous before I had to do something that scared me. That way, whatever happened, it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’d say all day. Pretty sure there’s exactly no evidence to back it up,” he chuckles. “But it helped. Helps, if I’m being honest. I, uh, I still do it.”
“You … get funky fried?” He knows it’s what Buck had said, but Eddie still isn’t sure exactly what it means.
“Yeah. You just look at yourself in the mirror and say it.”  
“Say what?”
“’I’m a funky fried piece of man meat who gets the loving every time.’” Buck at least has the decency to look embarrassed when he says it, his face flushing red in a way that gives Eddie some very indecent thoughts to contend with as he watches his friend in the mirror.
“What?” He tries to hide the crack in his voice, but there’s no mistaking the alarm and confusion on his face.  
Hell, he can see it on his own face, looking back at him in the mirror. But who can blame him? He just asked his best friend to help him ask a guy out, and all he got as an answer is to “get funky fried.” It’s not the worst advice he’s ever been given, but Eddie has a feeling that it’s in the top five for least helpful. There’s no way that he’s going to be able to ask Buck out just because he said something weird to himself first.
It’s almost like Buck can read the panic in his eyes, though, because he sidesteps just a little bit closer, close enough that Eddie thinks he can feel the heat off of Buck’s body.  
They're not actually standing that close, but Eddie will take anything he can get, especially because he’s still half-terrified that Buck is making this whole thing up, just trying to get a laugh out of Eddie saying something stupid. Which wouldn’t bother him ordinarily, but tonight  the stakes are high enough that he doesn't think he could handle that from Buck. Any other reaction, he can work with. But laughter?
Well he might just die on the spot.
“C’mon, just try it. It’s not like you’ll be less confident after.”
And then Buck is standing right behind him, fingers wrapped around his biceps, and Eddie swears that the walls start closing in until all he can focus on is how that Buck’s touch burns his skin in the best way. He’s turning Eddie just slightly, just enough that he’s looking at himself in the mirror, not the space beside him where Buck had been standing.  
But he doesn’t let go, leaves his hands searing Eddie’s arms, and he’s sure that everyone will be able to tell exactly where Buck had touched him.  
Eddie’s weak in the face of this, can’t resist the one thing Buck has asked him to do tonight.  
So he says it, opens his mouth and lets the words fall out.
Or, tries to anyway.
“I’m a fried piece of funky meat man-”
Buck cuts him off. He’s smiling, but he doesn’t laugh and for that, Eddie is grateful.  
“Hang on, dude. Try it again. ‘I’m a funky fried piece of man meat who gets the loving every time.’”
“I’m a freaky fried-”
“Funky fried.”
“Man meat?” Eddie gives up on the repetition, because he knows what comes next, and he’s so very confused. It’s supposed to be nonsense, sure, but he just can’t picture Maddie talking to her little brother about his ‘man meat’ when he was in high school.
“Not that kind of man meat, don’t be disgusting.” Buck lets go of one arm just long enough to swat Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie feels his face start to burn. The heat is less than it is where Buck’s fingers are still  pressing against his skin, but not nearly as comfortable. “Now try again.”  
Right, right. He’s supposed to be making a fool of himself by saying something stupid, not by falling even more in love with Buck than he already is.
He takes a deep breath and focuses on his own eyes in their shared reflection.
“I’m a funky fried piece of man meat who gets the loving every time.” His voice is stronger this time, and he has to hide the way his body tries to shiver when Buck’s fingers flex on his arms.
“Better.” Buck is close enough behind him that Eddie can feel his breath on the back of his throat. “But you’ve gotta really believe it. You are the funkiest piece of man meat to ever be fried!”  
Well, when you put it like that …
Eddie takes a deep breath and decides that he doesn’t have much more to lose. Maybe Buck is right; maybe screwing up the phrase three times cut through enough of the tension that he doesn’t have to worry about Buck’s reaction to what he’s about to say.
Or maybe it’s just Buck, the way he’s always made Eddie feel like he can say anything, how he’s never judged him or held a grudge for anything. They’ve been through way worse together, so why would Buck draw the line here?
Eddie knows what he has to do, flexes his fingers at his side and steels himself.
“I’m a funky fried piece of man meat who gets the loving every time!” He doesn’t flinch as he turns around to face Buck and finishes, with the same breath. “Go out with me.”
The light in Buck’s eyes has to be enough to illuminate the entire city, Eddie thinks. He’s grinning ear to ear, this huge, natural smile that Eddie can’t help but return, and shaking gently where he’s holding Eddie by the shoulders.
“There you go! That’s perfect! See, you’re already more confident! Just, uh,” Buck exaggerates a wince, and Eddie chuckles before he realizes that the sound is coming from his own chest. “Next time, maybe hype up in the bathroom, and then wait until you’re actually in front of the guy to do the asking.”  
Wait until he’s …
Eddie shakes his head and breathes out a laugh when he realizes what conclusion Buck has reached. He reaches up and grasps Buck’s forearm with one hand, running his thumb in gentle strokes across the smooth skin.  
“No, Buck, go out with me.” Eddie tightens his hold and watches the realization dawn across Buck’s face. He doesn’t say anything for a long moment, just stares at Eddie and smiles. If it were anyone other than Buck, if the circumstances were any different, Eddie is pretty sure he’d be uncomfortable under the intensity of Buck’s stare. And if that didn’t do it, the way he’s just smiling, not saying or doing anything else? That would probably make his skin crawl.  
But here and now? Here and now, he’s happy to give Buck all the time he needs to process Eddie’s declaration.  
He’s also very glad that it doesn’t take long, because the next thing he knows, Buck is breaking eye contact to stare at himself in the mirror over Eddie’s shoulder.  
Eddie knows Buck isn’t talking to him, almost feels like he’s intruding on a private moment, even though Buck is still holding onto him. But he’s still drawn to him, unable to stop himself from watching the way Buck’s lips move with the quiet conviction of his whisper.
“I’m a funky friend piece of man meat who gets the loving every time.”
Then he fixes his stare back on Eddie and everything goes right with the world when he nods.
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