#kyūjitsu no warumono san
yusume-the-writer · 4 months
Olá! Esta é a primeira vez que faço um pedido e não posso deixar de ficar um pouco nervoso 😅
Eu estava simplesmente imaginando um Dia de folga do Sr. Vilão "o general" x leitora surda onde ele vê a leitora tentando pedir ajuda com seu celular para algumas pessoas na rua mas todos a ignoram e ele se pergunta o porquê, então eledecide para ajudá-la. Ela não fala com ele, mas escreve algo em seu celular dizendo que precisa ir para algum lugar. Ele se pergunta por que ela não fala ou pergunta diretamente para alguém e quando ele tenta perguntar algo ela age como se não o tivesse ouvido. Ele continua a ajudá-la, mas fica frustrado porque ela não responde à sua pergunta. De repente ele ouve gritos e alguém está prestes a atropelá-la com uma bicicleta mas ela parece não ouvir então ele a puxa para perto dele, ela fica com medo mas fica agradecida, ela faz um gesto de gratidão e é aí que ele percebe o aparelho no ouvido dela, ele fica confuso sobre o motivo dela ter isso, então depois de deixá-la ele volta para casa confuso. Mais tarde no trabalho, ele pede a seus subordinados que pesquisem sobre um determinado aparelho auditivo e descobre que a menina não ouvia e também não conseguia falar, também descobre que existe uma maneira de eles se comunicarem sem escrita, linguagem de sinais e pensa em como ela parecia ter tanto a dizer mas não conseguia então decide aprender, para Afinal nunca se sabe quando vai precisar.olga do Sr. Vilão "o general" x leitora surda onde ele vê a leitora tentando pedir ajuda com seu celular para algumas pessoas na rua, mas todos a ignoram e ele se pergunta o porquê, então ele decide para ajudá-la. Ela não fala com ele, mas escreve algo em seu celular dizendo que precisa i . Ele se pergunta por que ela não fala ou pergunta diretamente para alguém e quando ele tenta perguntar algo a ela idade como se não o tivesse ouvido. Ele continua a ajudá-la, mas fica frustrado porque ela não respondeu à sua pergunta. De repente ele ouve gritos e alguém está prestes a atropelá-la com uma bicicleta mas ela parece não ouvir então ele a puxa para perto dele, ela fica com medo mas fica agradecida, ela faz um gesto de gratidão e é aí que ele percebe o aparelho no ouvido dela, ele fica confuso sobre o motivo dela ter isso, então depois de deixar-la ele volta para casa confuso. Mais tarde no trabalho, ele pede a seus subordinados que pesquisam sobre um determinado aparelho auditivo e descobre que a menina não ouvia e também não consegue falar, também descobre que existe uma maneira de eles se comunicarem sem escrita, linguagem de sinais e pensa em como ela parecia ter tanto a dizer, mas não conseguia, então decide aprender, para Afinal, nunca se sabe quando vai precisar. He realizes how the land and the people there have more to be discovered than he thought. After their date, he seems to notice her in the places he frequents. The reader one day sees him at the Zoo and sees him admiring the pandas and joins him, on his next day off he meets her there again and she gives him a gift (a panda sweater that she made herself) he thanks her in sign languages (a little sloppy since he is learning, but soft) and a little smile
aaand you end this
Lamento que tenha ficado muito grande e específico, mas não posso mais ficar sem uma história sobre esse lindo vilão 😩 . Inglês não é minha primeira língua, então me desculpe se cometi um erro ou foi estranho. Beijos 😙
The girl with hearing aids
General x Fem Reader
Request made by Anon, I'm very happy that it's one of my first requests about kyuujitsu no warumono san/Mr.villian day's off and I hope more people make requests about this work
An interesting fact is that deaf people can speak and there is a minority of deaf people who are mute, but some deaf people don't speak because they haven't learned to speak.
E também estou bastante feliz de conhecer alguém que falar a mesma língua que a minha, e uma dica que dou e que use o app Google Tradutor e depois cola e copia já que juntou português e inglês 
Genre: Fluff
Warning: When characters use sign language, they will be written like this: 'Goodbye'
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General was on another day off
And more like a day off, he decided to go to the zoo and see the pandas
And here he was walking as he headed towards the zoo
Until he comes across a somewhat shocking scene
A (h/c) girl was showing her cell phone screen to someone, but the person ignored her and continued on her way
Then she goes towards someone else and tries to get their attention, but they also ignore her
  General was surprised by this interaction and about the girl
And of course, he saw people asking for information, but everyone was always helped by someone
However... it seemed like they wanted to avoid the girl like she was the plague
He sees the girl trying but failing again
Until he decides to help her, then General walks towards the unknown
When he got close to her, he touched her shoulder, making her attention turn to him.
Then the girl turns around, and General can see her face better
The girl had (h/c) and (e/c), who looked at him with interest and curiosity as to why he caught her attention
"You are lost?" General says while waiting for the girl's reaction
She responds with a wave and shows her cell phone with a question written on it:
'Can you tell me where to stay...'
It was a place that passed by on the way to the zoo, so it wouldn't be a big problem to take her there.
"Of course, and just follow me," General says as the girl lights up
  General then heads towards the path as she follows him
"Do you have any reason to go there?" General asks as he breaks the silence around them
'She's ignoring me?!?' He thinks in frustration as he moves his eyes towards her form
The girl, however, seemed more focused on the path than on him.
She acted like she didn't hear him
'Insolent Terran...' General thinks with frustration as he continues to guide her to the location, maybe the pandas will calm him down
So they get close to their destination; what's left is to just cross the street
Then the girl turns, bows in gratitude and starts to cross the street.
"OH GIRL, BE CAREFUL!!!!!!" Someone says while looking that she is referring to her
General looks at the scene of the noise and sees a young man going down the hill at high speed
Without thinking twice, he grabs the girl and pulls her towards him, causing the young man to fall on top of the bike.
"Everything is fine?" General asks while facing the young man getting up
"Ah! Yes, just a few scratches, but nothing serious," The young man says as he starts to get up and get on his bike
Suddenly he feels something. Try to get out of his grip
As he looks down, he sees the girl trying to get out of his grip.
"Are you well?" General asks while staring at the (h/c) girl who gets out of his grip
"I'm sorry about that," The young man says guiltily as he bows in front of the girl
The girl nods her head as a show of accepting the apology
General then ends up noticing something
There was some kind of device in her ear.
Without time to process this information, the girl appears in front of him and once again bows as a thank-you.
"I didn't need to, but next time, be careful..." General says while looking back at her posture and sending him a smile with her eyes closed
So the girl heads towards the street and looks both ways as she walks towards the place, not before saying one last goodbye.
He nods and leaves
But the general couldn't get his mind off the strange device in the (h/c) haired girl's ear.
Surprisingly he didn't go see the pandas and decided to go home
General was sitting at his desk
There was something in your thoughts
There is a girl who has a device in her ear
  "Something wrong with your mind general?" A subordinate says taking the general out of his thoughts
  "Hm... I want you to research a device that goes in the ear" General says while facing his subordinate
  "Yes sir!" The subordinate says as he leaves the general's office in search of information about the device in the ear.
In front of the general was a table with a device identical to the girl's on it.
 General carefully pick up the device and look closer
 "Earthlings call it a hearing aid" The subordinate says while looking at the tablet for more information
 General continues to stare at the device
 "These devices seem to be made for Earthlings who are deaf" The subordinate continues
 "Like this?" General says while taking his focus off the device and looking at his subordinate
 "Well.. and having said that deaf people are a group of people who do not hear from birth or due to an illness, some learn to speak but others do not, not to mention that there is a low chance of some being born mute" The subordinate says
 "Is there any way for them to communicate with each other?" General says
 "Yes, Earthlings call it sign language" The subordinate says
 "...Right, it's dismissing" General says as he gently places the device on the table
 "Yes sir!" The subordinate speaks while standing in respect to his superior and leaving the room
 As soon as the subordinate leaves the room, the General takes out his phone and starts researching more about sign language.
 He noticed that a girl seemed to talk to him but couldn't
 Maybe he got himself into a similar situation so he'd better be ready
 And also that they maybe didn't know as much as they thought they did about Earthlings
 But also... he was curious about the girl, maybe before the destruction of humans they could talk
 General didn't expect to meet the mysterious girl with (h/c) hair
 The first time they met was when he was shopping at the convenience store.
 But that was a pleasant surprise to be honest.
 Since he started learning sign language he was able to at least talk to her, not to mention that she helped him when he was confused or made a mistake.
 Because of that he knew her name was (Name)
 Now they once again met by chance at the zoo at the panda session
 None of them said anything, but it was okay with them, it was a pleasant silence
 The noise of visitors and the view of pandas playing brought more comfort
 Suddenly (Name) has an idea, she waves goodbye to the general who responds so she leaves to prepare her plan
 On another day off, General once again goes to the Zoo to see the pandas
 When he got there, he went straight to the panda session and, as always, he took several photos of the pandas
 Suddenly he felt a light tug on his coat.
 He already knew who it was, so he turned around and found himself face to face with who he expected to be.
 (Name surname)
 "And you again" General says
 (Name) nods and then she starts going through her backpack and takes something out of it.
It was a panda-themed sweater
Surprised General picks up the sweater and looks closer
The sweater showed in small details that it was handmade and appeared to be made with minimal care to be the correct size, however it would probably be larger than it should be.
General then moves his gaze to (Name), who responds, "You seem to like pandas, so I made it to thank you for that day" she says while smiling at him
With a soft smile, place your left palm down at 90 degrees, touch it with the edge of your right hand, and then bring it to your chin. "Thank you"
It may have been sloppy, but it was a nice gesture for (Name)
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megakatdoddles · 5 months
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When I tell you I am IN LOVE with him
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goddess-mixmi · 3 months
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Mr. Villain’s day off sona 🩵🐉
Meet Milani my sona. She’s a human hybrid and is an absolute sweetheart, she’s also known as Minty and “Lady M the dragoness”. She stands at about 5’4 in her human form but in her other form she can adjust her height and size to whatever she pleases, by default she’s over 6 feet and she becomes more teal looking with horns, a tail and wings. The necklace she wears is her amulet that keeps her from turning completely . She’s a hybrid of a dragon and demon and she’s more so an anti-hero rather than a villain, she fights for what she deems right. She has a sister named Laylani who of which she been looking for, for a while. Milani observed Mr. Villain from afar during his battle with the rangers until she bumped into him by accident on Christmas Eve, even if she’s a hybrid she still works like any ordinary human would. And loves seeing big cute fluffy animals at the zoo. Will she ever tell Mr. Villain about her true identity once their relationship becomes more serious?
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Here’s the first post of her just incase, lack of activity here due to me being sick for the past week and few days
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readtilyoudie · 5 months
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entrehormigones · 2 months
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
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lauraagrace · 8 months
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I am SOOOOO excited that the anime of Mr. Villain's Day Off will start airing in January!! Like YESSSSSSS!!
I WILL be watching because I loved loved LOVED this first volume! I think if you're a fan of Play It Cool, Guys AND pandas, this is a must read…and must watch! 🐼🤩
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Mr. Villain's Day Off - Episode 1
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rachi-roo · 5 months
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FIRST EP AIRED TODAY! I'm smitten I'm such a sucker for these anime 😭 Like 'My New Boss is Goofy', 'Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting', 'Way of the House Husband' and all those fluffy ajdhahdiwkdnwhdo shows 🥰🩷💕🩷💕🩷
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profilepicparadise · 9 months
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Living vicariously through this guy
source: Mr. Villain's Day Off (休日のわるものさん, Kyūjitsu no Warumono-san) - Yuu Morikawa
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yusume-the-writer · 4 months
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Rules and what I write
Mashle Magic and Muscle
Valentine's Day
Carpaccio Luo-Yang
Conversations about a stormy night (Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Kianna Komori(Oc))
Jealous Boy (Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Kianna Komori(Oc))
The best way to rest and have a tea party ~ (Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Kianna Komori(OC))
Double Confession (Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Finn Ames)
Curse Cupid and win a date
Bon Voyage~ (Delisaster x GNReader)
Domina Blowelive
Headcanons (1)
Finn Ames
Double Confession (Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Finn Ames)
Mash Burnedead
Headcanons (1)
Training and new habits (Mash Burnedead x chubby/curvy fem reader)
Love blooms just like a flower in a garden (Mash Burnedead x male reader)
Orter Mádl
Homemade dinner and a bouquet of flowers (Orter Mádl x GN Reader)
It's not jealousy if it's just to protect your loved one (Orter Máld x Fem Reader)
Rayne Ames
Know when to rest and work!! (Rayne Ames x reader)
A fair exchange(Rayne Ames x Reader)
Mr Villain's Day Off
The girl with hearing aids (General x Fem Reader)
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goddess-mixmi · 4 months
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Even villains need love too~
I started watching this new anime and ofc I really like the protagonist a lot. So I made a oc to kinda be a love interest for him. I have no name or plot for her yet but she met Mr. Villain when she bumped into him by accident on her way back from work. She skipped out on lunch and was regretting it and accidentally fainted in his arms. He waited for her to wake up and she frantically apologized explaining her fainting spells and he offered to take her out to eat. They swapped numbers and he noticed she had a panda phone case and her genuine smile and he kept thinking about how cute she was (and the friendly cheek kiss she gave him before they parted ways).
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Extra info
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
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readtilyoudie · 4 months
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yusume-the-writer · 8 months
WARNING: I'm back to school so it will take me a while to post and respond to requests, I'm still accepting them but it will take me a while to respond, I hope you understand
I will be accepting questions
→Ⓐⓝⓘⓜⓔ/Ⓜⓐⓝⓖⓐ Ⓘ ⓦⓡⓘⓣⓔ←
-Mashle: Magic and Muscle
-Mr. Villain's Day Off/Kyūjitsu no Warumono-san
And that's all so far (٥↼_↼)
-I accept any gender of the Reader, but if it is not specific, the reader will be gender neutral.
I also accept Oc x Canon and ship orders
I write
-Hurt/with confort
-Hurt/without confort
-Crack(I'm not that good at this)
-Parental relationship (ex:Parthene love, maternal love, brotherly love, found family)
I don't write
(If you insist you will receive a penalty, if you reach three penalties you will be blocked)
I accept requests via messages and anonymously, you can also request it to be anonymous or public, I will let you know when your order goes out
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lauraagrace · 3 days
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Just realized today is Tuesday and that I haven't shared a manga yet!
Last night I caught up on this series and every volume has continued to get better and better! 🤩
Definitely still love Mr. Villain's Day Off and would still recommend it!
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