#kyahfics: simple
kyahgamis · 7 years
[Contrary to popular belief, Aomine didn't hate Kagami. They just happened to always disagree with mostly everything in their lives. They have a healthy rivalry, is what he thinks. It's as simple as that.]
[ for knb discord battle/ team skittles: team vorpal swords ]
part 2 of 2
for @jacknoahkerr
“I like you.”
Contrary to popular belief, Aomine didn't hate Kagami. They just happened to always disagree with mostly everything in their lives. They have a healthy rivalry, is what he thinks. It's as simple as that.
He looks Kagami, sees the other's determined eyes and is often mesmerized by them, especially whenever they're on the court. Aomine's heart swells smugly whenever Kagami picks him out from a group outing and demands a one on one from him.
He's totally monopolizing me. His ego aside though, Aomine realizes the doesn't dislike it.
Kagami's childishness often comes in the form of his stubbornness and his refusal to give up whenever Aomine wins one too many games, often leading to the other repeatedly telling him, “one more game!” He'd click his tongue and pretend to be tired of always playing against a losing opponent but in all actuality, Aomine is actually extremely pleased that the fire in Kagami's eyes never seemed to die down.
Occasionally, he and Kagami's schedules don't match up so he'd decline the others invitations for a weekend at the court. During these times, Aomine would find his mind wandering, thinking about Kagami, about the lunch he's probably prepared to share with whoever it was he got to replace Aomine for the day. His eyes narrow into slits. He’s surprisingly a little jealous, he realizes
I wanna play Kagami. I wanna be with him right now.
I wanna see him.
It's an odd, nameless feeling and Aomine might be able to name it if he took the time to ponder upon what it is.
Is this what jealousy feels like?
Why did he feel jealous? It wasn’t as if he liked Kagami romantically and it wasn’t as if the thought of the other playing one on one, or just even just plain spending time, with people other than himself upset him. Did Aomine even like anything about the other that didn’t have anything to do with basketball or his cooking?
Well, the way Kagami laughs is like music in his ears; he could spend hours just listening to the other talk (if they could manage to not argue for ten short minutes). Then there’s also the fact that he finds Kagami's eyes beautiful. Hell, he finds Kagami himself beautiful. Is that even normal?
And now, those beautiful eyes are looking straight at him, filled with an emotion that Aomine could describe as oh shit, I fucked up, I fucked up. He's not sure about what just happened but Aomine’s guessing he just had just been confessed to by Kagami.
Eloquently, Aomine utters out a soft “... Ah.” He sees Kagami’s expression change into that of a deer caught in the headlights.
They stare at each other dumbly for a few moments. The longer they kept silent, the more uncomfortable Aomine felt as Kagami progressively looks more worried. I should say something.
“... Well, you’ve got good taste.”
Kagami scowls. Uh… At least Aomine got him to change his expression. Right?
“Screw off. Forget I said anything.” Kagami spoke tiredly. He’s surprised the redhead didn’t raise his voice and storm off irritably, like he usually would whenever Aomine teased him. Even in the dark, Aomine could tell the other boy’s face is flushed from embarrassment. “I’m going home.” he hears the other’s voice, his shoulders tense and posture borderline dejected.
Kagami didn’t even try to deny his statement. Wouldn’t anyone do that if they were in the same situation? Unless...
Shit. He was being serious when he said that?
His insides flip and Aomine suddenly feels as if he had just run a marathon. Compared to the time he heard Kagami’s sudden confession, Aomine’s heart seems to pounding extra fast and extra loud as he realizes the other’s sincerity.
I haven’t even rejected you yet! Don’t walk away!
Was he going to reject Kagami though?
“Wait, Kagami.”
He reaches for and grabs the Kagami’s arm just as the redhead walked a step away from him. Kagami’s arm tenses slightly and Aomine loosens his grip and slides his hand into the other’s, intertwining, their hands together. Clammy,  he takes note. Kagami really did like him, didn’t he?
Before Kagami could react, Aomine murmurs softly, in a voice he only uses whenever he speaks to anything or anyone he has come to love.
“You didn’t let me finish.”
Slowly, he feels Kagami’s calloused fingers curl and lock into a shaky fist around his own hand. “What... were you going to say?” Kagami asks, voice as soft as his.
Aomine squeezes Kagami’s hand. “That I have better taste than you.”
He hears the other snort before laughing a little. “That’s dumb.”
“You kinda are. Running away even before you find out what I was going to say.”
“Shut up,” Kagami bumps their shoulders together and he sees a little pout on the redhead’s lips. … Crap. Too cute. “I didn’t know how you would react. If you’d even consider that thought.”
Kagami pauses and turns to him. “For the record, we are on the same page, right?” He could sense the nervousness in the other’s voice and it just made Kagami all the more endearing to him for some reason.
So he reassures Kagami, in the simplest way possible.
“I like you too.”
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