#pat stahp
gradienta · 1 year
Step by Step EP4 [4]
Pat, my boy, please, you need to grow up.
Pretty privilege!
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That's so cute actually :D
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My dear Jeng, how are you reading in this light?
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Does he have to be so... He's too much. Jeng, stahp.
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Did Jeng deliberately clarify the situation with woman's handbag and the cream so Pat wouldn't misunderstand? BECAUSE HE WANTS TO LOOK APPROACHABLE?
Oof Put drama is starting for real!
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loganslowdown4 · 2 years
Patton: My boyfriend said he was leaving me because of my obsession with Transformers.
Roman: Oh Pat, that’s terrible, I’m sorry—
Patton: Before he left I said "Wait. I can change."
Roman: I don’t know how Janus can stand it.
Patton: He’s my little Decepticon-artist :D
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
Desolation of Dorin || 104th Headcanons
Desolation of Dorin : [ Main Post ] <- <- <- <- <-
This would be one of the many few that he would hold his tongue when it comes to airing negative thoughts over daunting realities like he did in “Rising Malevolence”. But as Plo always encouraged them to be true to themselves, you’ll hear him end his ‘observations with’ “Well, I guess I’ll have to sneak some eggs in the ship without the General knowing — or Wolffe.”
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100/10 he would but gets caught because Plo would be like “oh no no no no no, boy stahp."
He'd be the first to answer little Kel Dor children with so much positivity his brothers would tease him if he lost a screw somewhere in his head. Boost will shed tears for his vod.
Gets super attached to the kids and begrudgingly let's them dangle on his arms to play.
Ya boy will come come through like sunshine. All smiles! Takes time to hand off relief supply with lingering hand squeezes, shoulder pats, head pats.
First to break and just hug a child.
Sneaks in extra rations even if they're from his own person/pocket share.
Keeps close to Sinker because he's either in disbelief that Sinker is being positive or just wants to make sure he doesn't relapse into a sarcastic downer of a twat that we all love very much ♥
Makes sure all his vods are still okay and would very much be willing to cover shifts/rounds if they get tired.
Is very tired, but is the "drummer in the band". His dedication and willingness to be this booth of bliss and hope is infectious.
Keeps getting lost so he's walking around followed by very concerned children, teens, and adult Kel Dor citizens to point him in the right direction. He has boxes of treats and snacks and just hands them to everyone.
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Doesn't give two shits if he already gave one to someone, gives more anyway.
Leads a train of laughing and amused followers because ya boy busts out singing or chanting, turning in random points to 'peek-a-book' the kids and they're just so entertained.
Trips at one point and gets toppled by all the babies.
Quietly carrying eggs from one place to another.
Teaches Dorin kids rock-paper-scissors.
Gets very much into it and is so close to wanting to gamble but he gets bonked by Wolffe.
Quietly picks up a child after another. Adding to his pile of Kel Dor kids on his shoulder like jenga.
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Also gets bonked by Wolfe because endangerment of children is not how the 104th will get decommissioned.
Wolffe's main priority is the very exhausted Plo Koon who should be resting but is instead with them handing out relief and offering comfort where he can. He knows Plo just came from a very heavy meeting with the Baran Do Sages and that he's not had a decent sleep since the news broke out.
He's very hesitant to do this but is very set on at least offering some respite for Plo. Doesn't want to fuck it up. Comms Ahsoka and recites the words over and over to himself like a broken record. He'd practice with intonations and syllables like it's so gd hard to say. And finally he does it ♥
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This is the part where I lose it, okay?
Wolffe, who stands beside Plo handing relief, turns to a Kel Dor and just goes... "Uh... K.... Ko... Koh to Yah."
Plo just looses it. Doesn't even look at Wolfe but they know. They all know Plo's breaking. Proud breaking. Just crumbling because I like to hurt this old man because I love him so much, ok?
Ya boy panics and is unsure if he said it right. But the Kel Dor citizen he gave the relief to replied with the same words and all is okay. Makes all the boys start their greeting with 'Koh to Yah'. Didn't even have to instruct them, they know and just does it.
Plo Koon
— My sun, moon, and stars; love of my life, light of my darkest hour, the he of whom I would burn the galaxy for ♥ :
He'll pardon himself to meditate. The weight of of the galaxy, of Dorin, looms over his shoulders and seeing his boys little by little ease the load, you bet my favorite, overly dramatic Baran Do Sage is gonna need a moment ♥.
As he retreats to his designated rest area, he'll find all all the Wolves buckets upside down full of Kel Dor goodness. There'd be snacks that were big in Dorin (nostalgic ones), some trinkets like toys they'd think Plo might have played with; food native to Dorin that is a popular hit among Kel Dors, etc.
There'd also be a datapad for him to check specifically about the state and whereabouts of anyone related to him that the boys fussed over while Plo was with the Baran Do Sages.
Plo would find that there is a ration bar beside each of the respective wolves helmet. Each marked with their name in solidarity to their beloved General.
Plo, immensely touched, would run his talons over each item before closing the door to "meditate".
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 1 year
Grinning, he runs off to where he thinks Odette has stormed off to
It takes him a bit, searching in places getting increasingly more scarce before he sighs, snorting as he looks up outside
“You’re gonna make me faint at this rate” Evan calls out, reaching out to the first window ledge as he starts climbing up to the rooftop
Odette says nothing, merely staring at her own fiddling, her shoulders guarded as he reaches her, silent as he takes a seat next to her
“You were right. We called Lucas, and he told us our Pan monster is a shade, and while a little silly creature, isn’t dangerous at all” he says with an enthusiastic gesture
Odette says nothing, but her pout gets deeper, and his smile softens
“You were right, and I was wrong”
“You would’ve believed me if-if I was big” she mumbles, staring to the side “If I was big and old. If I was Sia” she continues, her pout deep, her eyes sad
Evan takes a deep breath, smiling wry as he leans back
He’d expected the accusation sooner or later
“You’re right” he says, watching her purse her lips “I would’ve believed you faster if you were Sia, cause you would be bigger, and older, and my nagging big sister” he snickers, smiling soft as Odie doesn’t laugh or take affront with
“But right now I’m older, and bigger, and the nagging boring old uncool older brother” he says, smiling wry as Odie snorts “And you are a kid”
“So?” She huffs, crossing her arms “I’m just as smart as-as old me! Smarter! Cause I remember everything!” She huffs with a wave of her hands, frowning at him “You just don’t like me”
“Hey now, that’s not true” he says, leaning to see her face “Am I lying to you right now?”
“You lie to old me all the time” she mumbles, making him bite his lip to hide the embarrassed laugh, caught again as he rubs the back of his head
“Okay, fair. I don’t like making you worry about me” he says, lowering his hands to fiddle as he thinks
“Odie, you are my sibling. I see you as my sibling” he says sincerely, glancing at her “I’m not-not trusting you because you’re Odie right now, and not Sia. But because, like you said, you’re a kid, and I’m old. And, I’m really scared you’ll get hurt by something. Not because you’re not smart or clever or anything. But because,, I don’t know anything” he says, seeing her look up in surprise
“You know everything, but I don’t know anything. I don’t know which bugs like living under rocks, if bees dream, euh, if Toby likes tummy rubs or back pats more” he says, grinning as Odie cracks a smile underneath her snort “I don’t know anything!”
“They dream”
“Bees dream. I have seen it” she says full of confidence, making him chuckle softly
“Huh, well what do you know” he says softly, smiling as Odie looks proud, eyes softening again as she looks back down at her hands
“I don’t know anything, but I know some things. And those some things scare me cause I don’t know what might happen at all! And I didn’t trust the blob to be nice to you, even if I really wanted to believe you. I’m sorry Odie” he says softly, seeing her sway her legs
“I don’t know everything either” she hums after a bit, fiddling with her hands “I don’t know euhm, if I’ll be sleeping forever, or if old me will like me and remember the frogs in Bim’s flowers, or will like my papa’s eggs still” she shrugs, glancing once at him, before quickly looking away
She didn’t know if they’d still remember her either
She startles a little as Evan gently nudged her shoulder, before half hugging her
“You are always, always, going to be Odie” he says sincerely, his smile soft as Odie looks wide eyed at him “You are always going to be Odes-“
He giggles, poking her stomach as she slaps his hand “Yes, little Odes, who likes purple, and sticky hands, and drawing, and weird bug salads-“ he lists off as he pokes her, laughing as she tries to bap him harder “-and who is no way hoze going to let old you forget about it! No adult boredom, you’re too cool for that! How dare your old- how dare Sia forget about being Cool as heck” he grins as determination fills her eyes
“Yeah, yeah! I-she-I have to remember the bees! I will remember!” She says loudly, her fists raised, making Evan laugh at her fire
He can’t help it, he hugs her
“You’re always going to be Odie, and Sia, and Toby, and Abeni, Areshe, Elise, Elanor, Najma, euh”
“Beatrice. You forgot Beatrice”
“Oh! Right, can’t forget your bank thieving days” he teases with a boop as she giggles
“My point is, I know we, I, sometimes act a little weird when you look, different. It’s been a bit scary for me, and I did think you were not you know, you. But I want to know you, and you, and you, and you-“ he begins, snickering as Odie laughs and rolls her eyes
“Stahp! You’re being ridiculous!”
“Oh? Am I?”
He snickers some more as Odette baps him, before she bites her lip, fiddling again
“I’m listening Odes” he says softly, rubbing her arm as she purses her lips
“What if I’m not anyone?”
“What if I’m not anyone. What if I’m-“ she falters a little, searching her words
His eyes widen a little, before he takes a deep breath
“Well. I think I’ll be a much uncooler older brother nagging you then” he jokes, snickering as she sighs dramatically, before he turns serious
“I’m gonna love you in whatever form you decide to take Odes, and whatever name you choose. That’s a promise. I will be a little scared, and very much worried. But I will always, always care about you, no matter what or who you become” he says soft, smiling as Odie stares up at him with a small smile of her own
She hugs him then, a familiar bury of her head in his chest, and he hugs her warm and tight back, kissing her head
“I love you sib”
“I hate that”
Their laugh fills the rooftop
Doc smiles hearing it. "It's nice to hear them have fun, isn't it... Jeremy?"
The Blob scrunches it's eyes and "shakes" them.
"Not Jeremy, got it."
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sunandflame · 1 year
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every time you tag me in something bc it makes my heart go pat pat
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Oh Peach stahp it you hot thing >///<
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mossyscavern · 2 years
Sneak attack backfire
Tom has been planning this all month.
He always wanted to sneak attack his father ever since he’d gotten the hang of making snowballs, it’d be his greatest achievement yet.
Tom muffled his giggles as he waited for the war veteran to stop shoveling the snow. ‘Any second now...’
He thought, keeping his eye on the target. When John did stop, he aimed and threw the snow ball, after the snowball hit him on the back Tom ducked away before he had gotten spotted.
Tom didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help but giggle at John’s reaction. After he made another snowball and peaked around the corner.
He didn’t see the war veteran anywhere.
Tom got a bit worried and frantically looked around for the veteran... until he felt a hand on his shoulder, making him yelp and turn to the person behind him. “P- papa?!” Tom squeaked out, staring at the tall adult next to him.
“Should’ve kept your guard up.” John said and immediately tickled Tom’s sides, making the young twin laugh. “Hahahahaha nohoho, stahp!” Tom laughed, trying to get away from John’s tickly grip and failing.
“Nope, you’ve started this, I’m here to finish it.” John said as he kept tickling the dark brunette. “Nohohohoho! I’m sahahaharry!” Tom apologised, making John stop and ruffle Tom’s already messy hair.
“I know, just don’t try that again, ok?” John asked, fixing up Tom’s scarf and hat. “Ok... hey papa, are we still going to Sam’s place?”
“Yes we are.” John answered, helping the dark brunette up. “Does mama know?” Tom asked, dusting the snow off his winter coat.
“Not exactly..” John said, giving the brunette a wink as Tom processed the information quickly. “C’mon, let’s go and find the others, a big snowstorm is coming.” John said, already walking off while Tom followed close behind.
“Should we celebrate with some hot cocoa? It’s been a while” Tom asked, making the veteran chuckle and pat the brunette on the head.
“Yeah, let’s do that.”
... this is what I came up with for a prompt, I know it’s not exactly what was requested but it’s kind of similar.
... I hope y’all like it and have a very merry Christmas! I’m probably gonna regret my decisions again after leaving this up.
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puppyie-innit · 1 year
wholesome teases, nicknames, an sillyness in frenship, that mean A LOT to me but can't admit it:
(t-word edition!)
“I would call ya giggler, but we both know yur more like a gigglee…” (SO SMART BUT SO- MMMHHH 😖)
“M gonna getchaaaa!~” (meanie not sayin this enough 😠)
“Both haaannddsss~” (ESCAPE MODE ACTIVATED)
“Coochiecoochiecoooo!!!” (Slippin, slippin, slIPPIN!!)
“ ..Sorry, was i.. ticklin you!?” (in the baby talk voice tooooo, am alreday meltin)
“Hiiii Gigggllleeesss!~” (thank God for tumblr an my amazin dino boy 🦖.. even tho it’s NoT mY nAmEee, stupid nickname- I lov- HATE it)
“Yur adorable-“ (🫠 nuh-uh!)
“The chikin goes…” 🐓🦆🦃 (i was so confused when it firs happened, but i love an miss this so much)
“Puupppyyy, good puppy!!~” “She’s practically my little sister” (curls up in a ball, these make me so happyfull!! 🐕😋)
“3…” (..uh oh)
“2-“ (here it comes..)
“1..!” (cue me gettin to it firs, hehe!)
“i can make it feel better-“ (plz ❤️‍🩹)
“Challenge accepted!-“ (..oh)
“dun dun… dun dun…. dun dun dun dun.. dun dun dun dun- ..dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!” (Sharky, circlin around me like a sharkyyy 🦈)
“i happen to know a weakness of yurs~” (🤫)
“do i need to tickle you?” (MOST DEFINITELY YES)
“c’mere” (jus a hug right? ..Awh :< uH I mean, GOOD 🫂)
“do you wan the rules to be the same like before?” (cant remember how ya worded it but yesyesyesyesyesyes!!!)
“Aaawh, you embarrassed? All flustered an flutteryyy??~” (absolutely not💗🦋)
“..an guess wat? m the tickle monster..”(CRUMBLES- SINCE WHEN?! YUR THE VILLIAN, MEMBER??)
“Anticipation!” (EEP)
“This must take a lot of self control for you right now..” (not at all, want do ya meeaaannn 😵‍💫)
“I like makin ya happy” (🫶 💜)
“Yur gonna be so itchy after this-“ (WELL NOW THAT YOU SAID IT)
“Wats this button doo?” (not the dAnGeR zOnE, nuuuu!)
“Ya said you weren't ticklish here, member?” (M NOT, ITS A REFLEX)
Me when he used to snap his fingies: “Eh, this is fine”
Me realizin there's a purpose now of: (snaps fingers and ups your level of ticklishness by 100) “..oh no” (YAYYYYY)
“Wat happens if i doonnttt?”
“Ooo, wats this!?” (deflection!)
“Watcha gonna do bout it? >:3”
“..jus tense, stressed- that’s all” (i despise massages an scratchies an pat pats, they feel so good thoooo ^~^)
“Am i botherin you? Is this a nerve??” (snarky cuz it’s the only hints i can give ;w;)
“Evil, very very evil- STAHP DOIN THAT!”
“This doesn’t do anyth- ..oki”
“M not even- that… thing”
“tables hav turned, hehe!!” (ruthlessly- but not painfully, targets yur neck 🐢)
“REVENGE!!” (Hero time!!!)
”yur too weak” “m not scared of you!” (HOW ARE YOU NOT GETTIN THE HINTS >:p)
”this is mine now-“ (CMON BRO, it’s very obvious wat. m. doin)
“TAG, yur it!” (Chase chase chASE CHASEEE❣️)
“Don’t even think about it-“ (🥺 pwease do think about it)
“Ooooo, exposure-”
“FlaiLeR >:D”
“..darn, got last place again? Oh well-“ (😇)
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the-rotting-christ · 6 months
Ok bois time for a movie that frankly I'm mainly putting on for background while I read my quantum physics book, The Watcher (2000).
Movie with James Spader and Keanu Reeves, Spader being a detective who seems to be having a Bad Time and Reeves being a perverted serial killer targeting women.
Going into it frankly I find it a bit surprising that these actors are going into their respective roles. Out of the two the one to play a perverted serial killer with Issues I would have guessed would be Spader not Reeves. Not that I don't think they'll do poor jobs or anything, honestly glad they weren't type casted. Curious to see Reeves in a more antagonistic role, I've pretty much just seen him in good guy roles or morally grey.
From here on out it'll be a live blog I'll just be continuously updating
First off the early 2000s is really coming in strong in both the music and editing choices. It's edgy! He's edgy! He's dark and dangerous and emo! And in slow motion!
It kind of just seems like at this intro point they just said "Mr reeves could you do a weird little windmill dance with a gun in a room with candles while edgy music plays over?" And you know he did do that.
Hello Mr spader
I don't think they'll do this but if it's like, a double personality thing where it's actually spaders character and Reeves's was just a red herring, I will be upset. I don't think they'll do this but-
The editing is A Choice. Like I said very early 2000's. Not sure if it's good, not sure if it's detrimental to the movie.
I'm just gonna start saying Killer and Detective until I get a name for either.
I think Killers character would be a lot more effective if he was either a lot more goofy or a lot more intimidating. As is, he's kind of just a guy.
Mr detective is A Guy certainly. Eating an orange in perhaps the most deranged way.
Homoerotic tension? Maybe? I do love a good one sided homosexual codependency between a detective and criminal. This, we are only the way we are because of each other, the only person the other cares about for better or worse is the other, the only person who you can think about, the person you obsess about. It's good shit. Will my love of that trope be enough to enjoy this movie I have no clue.
It's still early but I think at the moment what I'm Predicting will continue to be my opinion is I think Killers character would work a bit better if the actor was either like, absurdly young and scrawny guy with incredible intelligence that would highlight the stark contrast that he's incredibly dangerous. But I think as is Reeves is just a bit too old for this edgy goofy killer mostly cause it feels like this was written for a teen.
I think he'd do better in a killer role if it was like, less audacious. Or at the very least less childish.
Joel we have name for detective
Something something killer is watching Joel like he watches the women he kills something something.
Ultimately I do think that in a general sense I think if they switched the actors for the roles they have I think it would have been a bit smoother, though in this case most of the issues seems to be with the writing and directing not the acting. Aside from the first concrete scene with Killer, reeves is doing good.
Mmmmm pancakes. Those looked good.
There's a lot of different editing and camera techniques going on that I'm a little surprised aren't grating. They're not sporadically placed, there's a pattern to it, it's consistent.
Killing them killing them killing them.
What a good cat!
Oh he pet the cat. What an unassuming cat.
He's got his time down pat. Right on nine on the dot.
Bitch do you not recognize his voice?
I also think Killer would be a lot more effective if when doing his killing if the editing didn't suddenly start playing like demonic noises and flashing lights. It undermines that it's just some guy.
"You notice me though don't you Joel?" Said as though he kicking his little feet twirling his hair. "Yeah I notice you" stahp
Dude did he fucking take the cat. Guess he's got a cat now.
Griffin. Ok we can call Killer griffin.
Griffin is in fact in love with Joel. Like, in love is not the right word. Obsessive in a somewhat sexual way id say.
What's his deal with dancing. And will he dance with Joel. Only time can say.
Playing it dangerous my my my is he. Oh Ho Ho. He just wants to see his friend in the fleash. Also to Get his therapist.
"Did you miss him?" Yesssss finally got another plot where they address how connecting hatred and how revenge can be so lustful in a way.
The music is a little over done me thinks.
Dude I Live in Chicago this is so wacky.
"Fuck you cop I don't know shit" ordinarily m a good response now however is not the time.
Good thinking Young Woman. Jessica, good thinking Jessica.
Car on fire. Neat.
There is time for this to change but I do wish there's been more interactions between Griffin and Joel.
Why would you broadcast that the detectives been hospitalized? Silly goofy.
Something something griffin going after the therapist because he wants Joel depending on him something something.
Bad gun etiquette, finger on trigger.
Face to face. Why now?
Brought beer, that's nice of him.
It is in fact insane for the detective to move to Chicago for this woman he was having sex with.
What a goofy fella.
"We're going to make it through this arent we Joel."
"You're like a brother to me" 🤨 eeeeeh
"I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you keep bringing work into this 😠 it's rude."
"What I need is you"
I do and fact think and will continue to think this is a smidge homosexual.
I want to meet the person that is scared of Keanu reeves dancing all emo like with a gun in a room full of candles. I need to know them.
"We need each other, we define each other"
"We need each other in order to give meaning to our lives"
Yeah man you gave him the gun don't know what you expected.
"Oh Joel you know me so well I can only kill her once."
"The mistake was turning your back instead of pouring everything you had into us."
This man is like wildly down bad for Joel.
"You're my job, you're paperwork" denial denial.
I think Joel should kiss griffin to distract him. Will he? No. But I believe. I believe in the power of imagination.
The fire effects are great no notes. It's not over exposed in the slightest.
Ok I stand by my earlier comment they really should have put more into the dynamic between Joel and griffin.
This was an alright movie. It was not Spectacular and was definitely a product of its time. Which everything is I suppose. Enjoyable but probably won't be rewatching anytime soon.
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a3yumemira · 2 years
Yume Directors getting caught Acting: A series 6
The Great Sardine Search
Pausing on his way home, Yuki thought he’d heard someone familiar. He’d been out shopping for materials, so no one was with him, and he didn’t have a schedule to keep necessarily… But did he really want to be bothered? 
He heard the voice again and registered it as his Director. But… they were speaking a little weird. He followed the voice and eventually found out where they were. He frowned when he realized they weren’t alone. Kazunari and Mira were with them. 
“-Nyat have ta talk like dis?” Yubi asked, though Yuki hadn’t heard the first part. 
“Only if you want to really get into character.” Kazunari told them. Yubi sighed and made a face. But they eventually shook their head, a sure sign of defeat. 
“I’ll talk like dis but I’m nyat gonna like it.” They said with a pout. Mira chuckled and pat their head lightly. 
“It’s okay, Shiro. It’s your charm point.” Yubi glared at the other director. 
“I do nyat wanna hear dat from yous.” They said. “And stahp treatin’ me like a kid!” They huffed, crossing their arms and pouting lightly. Mira laughed good-naturedly. 
“Sorry, sorry. I couldn’t help it.” They said. “I’ll be on my best behavior! Promise.” 
“You betta be.” Yubi huffed, their position relaxing. Yuki had seen enough. 
“I can’t believe you are doing this outside of the dorm now.” He said as he walked over. 
“Ah! Yukki!” Kazunari greeted him. “What’re you doing here?” Yuki looked at the directors who seemed less off put by his comment than his sudden appearance. 
“I had some shopping to do.” He said shortly, gesturing to the bags. 
“We were just… exploring the characters.” Mira said, offering a weak excuse. Yuki crossed his arms. 
“Outside the dorm.” 
“Well, da sardines aren’t gonna be in da dorms. We had ta come outside ta make it real.” Yubi was still, apparently, in character despite the words they were saying. “Nyuthin’ we coulda done.” They shrugged. Yuki found that amusing, his mouth twitching upwards just a bit. 
“Maybe we should call the adventure off for today and go home?” Mira suggested. 
“Don’t let me stop you.” Yuki said, dismissively waving his hand as he headed back towards the path home. 
“Nyope, we’re gonna go home togetha.” Yubi said, hurrying up to Yuki’s side and falling into step with him. 
“Not if you keep talking like that.” He deadpanned. Yubi looked at him with a confused gaze. “Nyope?” He asked, his amusement showing on his face. Yubi’s cheeks flushed slightly. 
“Ah, oh nyo- Ah! I did it again!” They shouted, flustered. Kazunari and Mira laughed behind them and followed at a short distance. The way home wasn’t so bad. 
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kyahgamis · 6 years
Ok I've been laughing at your blog title(is it even a title) and the submit question for like 15 minutes thank you lmao bye
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i know nolan moyle doesn’t have to be in town for brendan to post a drunk firefighter picture and delete it later, but i bet it doesn’t hurt
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7/16/22 (RIP)
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blues824 · 2 years
Can I please request the twisted wonderland dorm leaders with the nezuko reader
And how would they react when they find out why they were a muzzle.
Them being the official sleeping buddy of Leona. them giving headpats to riddle and Idia to comfort them. Them and Kalim being their sunshine selfs. and Azul wanting to use their ability to steal because he knows nobody can be mad at them. Vil having the time of their life dolling them up
(I'm so sorry if I sent many requests I love your work so much)
Stahp 🤭… low-key bout to cry. *gives a classic Nezuko headpat*
Also, I love receiving requests. You’re just a loyal customer. And I used your request from the Obey Me! Dateables as a guideline of the headcanons I’m writing here.
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Riddle Rosehearts
He is very shocked to find out you are a demon. He’s read much about them, but he never expected them to look so… cute? You seemed so innocent, and it took him by surprise. But, you seem to have more common sense than some of his fellow Heartslabyul members so he holds nothing against you.
The fact that you are naturally friendly comforts him because somebody isolated him his whole childhood. He finds it very hard to ever be mad at you. You once walked by him in the hall and he greeted you, but you simply gave him a head pat as a greeting. He wasn’t mad, more embarrassed and hopelessly in love.
When he asked about your muzzle, he asked about it in the most polite way possible. You wrote on a piece of paper that it was to control your urges around so many people. That did scare him a bit, but he was glad that you were taking measures to control yourself.
When he found out you could shrink, you were tending to the hedgehogs. You shrank so as to seem smaller to them and it worked. He damn near screamed when he saw you grow back to regular size, but he recovered quickly.
One day he was yelling at Ace and Deuce for getting in trouble again. You rushed into the scene without your muzzle and attacked Riddle. You didn’t do him serious harm, you were able to snap out of it before anything too horrible happened. Later you explained that you saw your deceased family in Ace and Deuce and you sought to protect them from any harm.
He also learns that you regain your stamina through sleep instead of consuming humans, which he is grateful for. He will help you through any questions you have on the homework. He can’t get mad about it: you are much more powerful than he is, plus it’s an excuse to spend time with you.
He would love to help you control your urges, so he helps you practice by using his magic to play both offense and defense. He uses his unique magic to gain a few seconds to grab your muzzle if you get carried away. 
One day, you are seen without your muzzle and he is so proud of you. He will invite you over to tea and will love hearing you speak freely rather than writing. He will even let you eat the first tart at your first unbirthday party without your muzzle! However, you always have it on hand if you ever get an inkling that something will go wrong.
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Leona Kingscholar
Has this guy ever been surprised? He’s more intrigued than anything. He also doesn’t call you herbivore. He will say that you are adorable. You’re kind of absent-minded at times, but he can overlook it. You don’t cause him too much trouble, so you’re cool with him.
When you meet his nephew, he will be more alert. However, you are very kind and playful towards Cheka. You will gladly volunteer to babysit in place of Leona, and Cheka is all for it. However, you sometimes headpat Leona himself as a greeting. He gets a bit annoyed, but he understands that it’s mainly because you can’t speak with your muzzle.
Speaking of your muzzle, he finds it oppressive. As a beastman, he doesn’t like muzzles for obvious reasons. However, he understands that it might be different for a demon. He’s glad you aren’t going around eating people.
He found out you could change your size when you were playing around with his nephew. You had him on your shoulders and you would grow and shrink so he could reach stuff (like the door frame). As long as Cheka isn’t bothering his naps, he doesn’t really care.
Ace and Deuce once got into trouble with the Savanaclaw kids, and it was Hell in Twisted Wonderland. Ace’s big mouth just couldn’t shut up for 5 seconds. He was trash-talking the Savanaclaw students that just so happened to be right behind him. That’s where you come in:
You jumped into action right away. You saw that the Savanaclaw students would easily overpower your friends, so you tore off your muzzle and attacked. Leona has never been so surprised. Before you were able to do any immense damage, Crowley was on scene and got you under control. Once you had your muzzle back on, you were back to your loving and friendly self. You later explain that you see Ace and Deuce as your family that was killed by demons.
When he learns that you regain stamina through sleep alone, he volunteers to watch over you while you nap. And by watch over you, I really mean be your cuddle buddy. He will hold you in his arms and you will nap for hours.
Savanaclaw is a great place to train your powers. Leona will gladly hold your muzzle in case something happens, but he will make his dorm train against you because you are a great opponent to train with. Tbh, he finds it hot that you can take out that many guys by yourself.
When you are confident enough to go a day without your muzzle, he will walk you to your classes as well as attend his own. He wants to be nearby in case something happens. You told him (he was surprised when he heard you speak) that you kept your muzzle on you in case an incident occurred. He won’t admit it, but he is very proud of you.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He’s freaked out when he found out you’re a demon. Then he finds out about your abilities, as well as your non-existent streak for eating people. He still remains cautious, but you seem to be easily manipulatable. 
You easily win your way into everyone’s good sides with your friendly and kind disposition. If he could get you under a contract, then everyone would surely follow. That, or get you to come to the Mostro Lounge every so often. He will find it odd that you give headpats rather than a hand wave, but you are just a naturally affectionate person so he doesn’t mind.
Going back to how he wants you to come to the Mostro Lounge, he has this elaborate plan set up… until he finds out about why you wear your muzzle. It is rather unfortunate, but he would rather not be eaten. He stays up at night wondering what your voice sounds like.
He found out you could change your size when you tried to give Floyd a head pat. He was just too tall, so you grew temporarily. The trio were all shocked, but Floyd was a happy eel that day. Azul was very interested in this ability. It must be very convenient for you.
Once, your friends were being terrorized by Floyd’s squeezes. They weren’t in true danger, Floyd was just bored. However, you barged in like the FBI and tackled the eel. You didn’t have your muzzle on, and you would have caused serious damage if his arms weren’t so long. Azul walked in after hearing the commotion and used his magic to hold you temporarily so he could put your muzzle back on. You apologized and said that you saw Ace and Deuce as people you needed to protect.
When Azul learns that you regain stamina through naps, he will offer (for free) to look after you. He will bring you classwork you missed as well as tell you stories of the sea to help you sleep better. Jade and Floyd know to not disturb you unless they want to face docked pay checks as well as your wrath.
He’s a bit too busy to help you train, but he will be there if you need any help emotionally or mentally. He sometimes invites you over so as to train his dorm as well as let Floyd go haywire. Think of it as payment for destroying the Lounge while ‘protecting your friends’.
When he finds you going without your muzzle one day, he is concerned. You explained (he found your voice heavenly) that you were confident in your ability to control yourself for at least a day, but you had your bamboo muzzle on you just in case. He was very proud of you, he treated you to a study date at the lounge.
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Kalim Al-Asim
You’re so cute! He doesn’t really care if you’re a demon. He’s the least judgmental person in NRC, so that’s a given. Jamil advises him to be cautious though. However, he doesn’t really listen to Jamil…
You’re basically the same person. You’re both friendly rays of sunshine who are naturally affectionate and happy. You’re sometimes absent-minded but so is he! He loves your headpats and will give you headpats in return. Jamil panics because now there’s two of them!
He once asked about your muzzle over dinner and Jamil was about to reprimand him when you wrote on a piece of paper that you were still a demon and had yet to control your urges. Jamil was freaked out but Kalim was determined to help you gain control. 
He found out you could shrink and grow when you were playing around. You were marching around while growing and shrinking and it was very amusing to see Kalim try and ‘imitate’ it. You gone to Cinnabon lately? Cuz y’all being too much of a cinnamon roll
Once, he invited you and Grim over to enjoy the wonders Scarabia had to offer. However, when he shoved crackers into Grim’s mouth, you growled at him. He retrieved his hand and looked like a hurt puppy, and Jamil pulled Kalim behind him. Once you calmed down and made sure Grim was okay, you explained that you have an urge to protect Grim.
When Kalim learns that you nap a lot, he will be sad that it means less time to hang out with you, but he will definitely cuddle with you when he can! He will bring your classwork to you, but he won’t be much help to you. You both tend to get distracted until Jamil interferes.
He will help you train via subjecting his dorm to fierce hours of non-stop working. It was a win-win situation in his eyes, but he was upset that his dorm-mates were easily defeated. He will even train his magic by going through beginner sparring with you.
When he sees you without your muzzle, his eyes become hearts. You were just so gorgeous! Your voice sounded so nice! He followed you around all day until classes started, but after the bell rang he would be right next to you. He was so happy about your progress and he couldn’t help but throw a party for you (this time, Jamil didn’t complain because he knew how hard you worked)!
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Vil Schoenheit
He has mixed feelings about you: you’re so cute, but you’re also a demon who could eat him at a moment’s notice. He will keep his guard up around you, but other than that you don’t cause much trouble. 
Little by little, you break down that wall of his and you let him dress you up. You being his little doll whenever you both have free time is what he uses to de-stress after a long day. He’s happy that you so willingly let him do whatever he wants to your face and hair, as well as willingly go into the bathroom to change into an outfit he selected.
While he was dressing you up, he asked about your muzzle since the green of the bamboo didn’t fit well with the outfit he selected. You told him that you were still a demon and had trouble controlling yourself around so many humans, and it shocked him. So what did he do? Designed muzzles to go with your outfits! 
He doesn’t appreciate your headpats since it ruins his hair, but he does appreciate the sentiment behind it. You give headpats to everyone as a greeting, and he’s glad that you have that personal connection with him, but please just wave. Mans took so long on his hair and he doesn’t want it to get messed up.
He found out you could shrink when an article of clothing didn’t quite fit you since you were a bit too small for it. Then you just grew so that you fit it better. He was quite surprised, but happy that you could model more outfits for him. However, it does get quite awkward when he asks you to shrink or grow.
Once, Vil forced Epel to do his skin care routine and the latter was just not having it today. He was kicking and screaming. You barged in and tackled Vil. He noticed that you didn’t have your muzzle but instead you were trying to snap at him. Epel quickly used a spell to push you away so that Vil could get his pen and hold you in place. You later explained that you had a strong urge to protect Epel from any imminent danger and you couldn’t help but act on that impulse.
Vil isn’t very happy with your sleep schedule, but he understands that you have to otherwise you might resort to eating humans, and that isn’t good at all. So, he brings you your work and will gladly talk you through anything you need help with. 
Exercising is very good for your health, so Vil will gladly help you gain control over your demonic urges. He will grab Rook and have him help as well in your training. You make a bunch of progress and you gain more control over your abilities as well as your reactions.
One day, you feel confident enough to go at least one day without your muzzle on, and Vil is right there with you every step of the day. He will walk with you to your classes and check on you after the bell rings and he will invite you to sit with him during lunch. He is so proud of you, and he will reward you with a nice date.
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Idia Shroud
This mans is so shy around you. He doesn’t really care that you are a demon (he’s seen so many anime with demons and so he’s not phased by it). You are just his polar opposite, and he’s very anti-social. 
He likes that you are very kind towards him, though. You understand that he is very anxious around people, so you are very patient. You gain a good bond with Ortho and it makes Idia happy. He does like your headpats, but he is not used to physical affection. However, he deals with it for you since you can’t speak with your muzzle. After a while, he finds it comforting whenever you give him a headpat. 
Speaking of, it’s Ortho who asks about it. Idia was just there in the room as well. You write that you have trouble controlling yourself around so many humans, and that sends Idia into a frenzy because he was human himself. You then have to explain to him that because of the muzzle, you can’t do any serious damage.
He found out you could shrink when Idia shyly asked you to help with upgrading Ortho. You had smaller hands than he did, after all. You shrank even more so that the size of your hands wouldn’t get in the way. He was shocked and almost dropped something, but he quickly recovered.
One time, Ortho went outside to run errands for Idia when he was dragged into trouble with Ace, Deuce, and Grim. They got in a fight with another bunch of students and it was about to be a brawl. Then you charged with the demon blood in you. That was one of the few times Idia has ever been outside. He rushed over and put your muzzle over your mouth to prevent you from doing anything too horrible. You later told him that you attacked because Ortho was in danger.
He doesn’t mind that you sleep a lot. You actually look very cute when you sleep, and he means that in the most adoring way. Sometimes he will sleep next to you, but mostly he’s playing video games. He will help you on school work if you need anything, but other than that he’s kinda just like ‘mood’.
Idia would love to build some robots that you could train with, and you will be able to help him by demonstrating what you can do already. He won’t personally partake in training, but he is glad that he can do something for you in your journey to gaining control.
One day, you go without your muzzle and Idia will willingly join you for lunch in the cafeteria. He will start panicking, but he is able to hear your voice trying to comfort him as you give him the usual headpats. After school, he will reward you with a movie night and all the sweets you could ever want.
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Malleus Draconia
He’s not very shocked that you are a demon. He finds you to be very cute, though. He’s not intimidated by you, if you couldn’t tell. He’s very confident in his ability to overpower you, plus he’s not human.
He loves your friendly personality. It’s a stark contrast compared to what he’s used to, but it’s a very welcome difference. He appreciates how you’re not intimidated by him. He also loves your headpats. Usually, no one would dare look his way, but here you are giving him headpats as a greeting. Sebek hates it, but Malleus glares at him.
He asks about your muzzle when you were on your nightly walk. You bring a notepad in case something needs to be said, so you are prepared. You ‘told’ him that since there were so many humans at NRC, you find it hard to control yourself from consuming a human. He doesn’t judge since it’s something out of your control, but he would love to hear your voice more often.
He found out you could change your size when you were invited to the Diasomnia dorm and you were demonstrating all the things you could do. You would go up to Lilia and shrink to his size, to Silver and grow to his size, to Sebek and grow to his size (he yelled at you), and finally to Malleus and grow to his size (minus the horns). For once, Malleus wasn’t the tallest person in the room.
One day, after classes, Ace was going on and on about how Sebek was a ‘teacher’s pet’ and a ‘goody two-shoes’ and the knight showed up at that exact moment. Now, Sebek started yelling at Ace and Deuce and Grim, who were all yelling back. You, not knowing better besides the fact that Sebek is now yelling at your close friends, attacked. You tore off your muzzle so you could try and scare him even more. The young knight was taken off-guard and wasn’t given any chance to recover.
Lilia’s ears caught onto Sebek’s distress and the rest of the group went to go save him. Malleus saw that you pinned Sebek to the ground and tried to get him to stop squirming. You were raising your fist to knock him out, but Malleus grabbed hold of you and pulled you off of Sebek. You later explained that Sebek started yelling at Ace and Deuce, and you got the overwhelming urge to defend your ‘family’. Malleus completely understood everything: he’s a dragon, so he also has those protective urges.
He’s sad that you tend to sleep a lot since that leaves less time to spend with you, but he decides that it is better than going around and consuming humans to regain stamina. Since he doesn’t need much sleep, it’s mostly lying next to you and enjoying your presence as well as making sure nothing happens to you while you are so vulnerable. He will gladly bring you your work and help you catch up since it means he spends more time with you.
He loves training with you. He will volunteer his knights to train with you as a dorm activity. It will help them in the Spelldrive tournaments, and for the future. He personally loves being able to go all-in without fearing for your safety. 
One day, he notices that you are walking around without your muzzle and he has that child-like eagerness to hear your voice. He will escort you to and from your classes and he will invite you to sit with him during lunch. He doesn’t want to spend one second without being by your side.
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xxmaddyxx · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys Reacting to Y/N Calling them "bro"
contents: lil bit of crack, fluff, swearing short n sweet includes: Akaashi, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Suna
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"Y/n," he said in a monotone way
the two of you were cuddling on your bed before his practice
"hmmm." you hummed into his chest
"I gotta go to practice" he patted your back kinda telling you to get up
"You're not leaving me, bro."
"Yes I-" he paused
"What'd you call me?"
"Bro, you're not leaving me here by myself."
"Um, I'm sorry, I have to."
"No, bro." you kept egging it on, trying to get a reaction out of him.
"Okay, wait a minute. What happened to 'baby' or 'Keiji', hm?" You sat up next to him and he looked at you with a cocked eyebrow and his arms crossed.
"I dunno, do you not like my new name for you, bro?"
"Okay, stop."
"Why bro?" you bit back laughter at his obvious aggravation
"STAHP." he tackled you and startled tickling you
"QUIT BRO!! HAHAHA." You cackled.
"No, not until you call me by my proper name."
"I thought HAHA you had to HA go to practice!"
"I'll wait."
"BABE stop I'm dying!" he stopped tickling you
"Thank you, now I gotta go, love you." he kissed your nose
"Love you too..." he left your room "bro."
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he just finished a practice game and you asked him to take you to McDonalds
after ordering, the line was taking mf forever
so you decided to do a lil smth
"Bro, I'm so hungryy!"
at first, he just thought you were thinking out loud so he just nodded in agreement
"Oh, by the way, you did great today, bro." You looked at him and smiled big
"Aw, than- wait huh?"
his brain rlly said wait a damn minute
"I said good game, bro."
"I- y/nnn." he whined
"What is it, man?"
"STOOPP." he dramaticaly threw his head back against his carseat
"What brooo." you mimicked him and threw your head back
"THAT! You should know by now that I am to be referred to as 'baby' 'honey' 'babe' or the occasional 'Tooru'."
"I just thought I would switch it up bro, do you not like it?"
"No!" he crossed his arms.
"Okaayy, I'm sorry baby." You kissed his cheek and he smiled cheekily
"I win again." He pulled up a bit and recieved the food.
He pulled off and looked at you stuffing your face (im sorry im rlly hungry rn)
"What?" you asked in between bites
"You just look cute, bro." He smiled as he stole a fry
"Hey! First off, you got your own fries, and if I can't call you bro, you can't call me it either."
"Okie dokie." He kissed your hand and the two of you drove home
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Iwaizumi (we need low quality pics of him -_-)
he came back from one of his workouts and invited you over
and of course you said yes
he called you while you were otw and asked if you wanted smth prepared like food or drink
"Nah, bro I'm good for now but if you make smth for yourself I'll have some."
"Oh, ok."
"How was the workout man?"
"Uh, good?"
"I hear ya- AH SHIT."
"What, what? Are you ok babe?"
"Yeah, bro. Some dipshit just ran the red light in front of me and almost hit someone. I'll see you soon, dude."
"Ok, love you, be safe please."
"I will, love you too man." he hung up and you paused
"Crap, that sounded too friendly, now I feel bad."
when you got there, Iwa was sitting on his bed eating some chips and scrolling on his phone (showered ofc)
you sat next to him and kissed his forehead
"Hi, Iwa."
"Hey, bro." he didn't look up from his phone
"Ugh, I'm sorry, baby. It was a joke but it sounded rlly casual, I'm sorry." you peppered his face in kisses finishing with a kiss on the lips, which he returned
"It's okay, just watch yourself next time."
"Alrighty." you kissed his cheek and the two of you hung out for the rest of the afternoon
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he decided to let you try your eyeliner skills on him
(im a sucker for eyeliner hcs with him)
so, you were sitting on his lap, one hand on his face the other carefully drawing a wing
he began to have one of those random ass coughing attacks
you pulled the eyeliner pen away from his face as he continued to die from coughing
"You good, bro?"
immediately stops coughing
he looked up at you
"Excuse me?"
you tried so fucking hard not to laugh at his serious expression
"I said, are you okay bro?"
"Bro? Are you friendzoning me rn?"
"Here I am, letting you draw God knows what on my face and you call me BrO aRe YoU gOoD?" you could tell he was playfully being dramatic now
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." you said in between giggles
"Now, what's my name?"
"I'm sorry schnookums."
"The fuck is a schnookums?"
"I'm sorry, babe." you rolled you eyes and smiled as he hugged your waist and leaned his head against you
You sighed, "Rin, I can't do your eyeliner with your head in my chest."
he kissed your collarbone. "Eh, you looked like you needed a break."
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Characters from Vikings that I miss very much: Aslaug, Rollo, Thorunn, Kwenthrith, Gisla, Siggy(jr) and Gyda
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saltyteethbooks · 2 years
It Seems the Hills and Rivers Have Been Waiting. This fic, wow. I kept telling people I was going to bind this fic with every chapter update. Dayum, ScarlettStorm, dayum.
Dang, I can't believe I was following the fic for 2 whole years. It's so good though, that as soon as I finished reading the epilogue, I marathoned my way over the course of 2 days to finish 90% typeset of over 390k words. Then I took nearly a month on the little flourishes and physically building the book, which oh boy this curtain brocade I bought a decade ago is beautiful but whoops the embroidered leaves at the corners started fraying like heck in short tufts (stahp, no).
This led to a hilarious hour in the Discord server as a fellow member tried to assist in explaining how to do the currently unplanned for corners because what is maths but thank goodness my brain realised two of the triangles make a square so the diagonal should be double the width of the facing spinal bookcloth asdfhhjkklll omg thank you geometric logic. I was also terribly concerned I had miscalculated the fore edge overhang because I haven't gotten this down pat yet. Somehow pulled it off??? And then doing the second attempt in my life at sewing endbands and I somehow managed to fix a couple of missed/loosened spots.
Also had a helping hand in turning the boar spear I drew up in Sketchbook app into a proper ornament because I'm not at that level yet (I love the Renegade members).
I did my best with editing the photos for consistency but the camera kept changing the colour tones and I just wanted a nap by the end of it.
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I might reblog with process photos later on if I remember lol
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notsissannis · 7 years
Pat ro nus
Pat or nus
Pat ur nus
Pat your anus
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