#thanks for being patient with me
becomingmina · 7 months
oh I forgot to mention this, can you maybe use the name kitten somewhere in there, like randomly?? please? ily
Hey LOVELY, thank you for requesting and being patient!! 🥰
BUT here’s a little sneak peak 👀💓😳
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"You're totally not coming to the party?" Minho asked Hyunjin who was sat at the lunch table, eating his huge burrito. Seungmin, Felix and Chan were also there chiming into the conversation.
"Who's going?" Hyunjin asked, a mouth full.
"Just the usual.. us. So, Chris, Bin, Jeongin, Yejl.. and then half of the third years are invited," Hyunjin doesn't look too interested. Don't get the wrong idea, he loves his friends and parties, but he had also seen them every single day on campus, so he had no fear of missing out.
'..oh and Y/N says she's going to come too," Minho blurted, playing full attention to his friends reaction.
Hyunjin's ears perks up at your name, his cheeks suddenly growing pink as he looks back at Minho.
"Actually.. I'll come. Haven't been had fun in a while," Hyunjin drops the eye contact when he notices Minho's sneer. "You want me to bring anything?" Hyunjin continues a little twitchy, playing with his food.
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insurged · 2 months
someone pls come and kill the brain worm telling me to add venom to my roster. bring the bug spray.
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hotwaterandmilk · 7 months
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I finally found an electronic cat toy that my kitty 1) likes and 2) hasn't immediately destroyed. So, for the first time in over a month, I've been able to scan a few things!
If only I didn't have a massive week coming up then I could have gotten around to editing some stuff too.
Baby steps until my life settles down a bit.
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radioiaci · 2 months
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probably won't be til tonight or tomorrow that I'll get to other replies... brain only want one thing rn and after the stressful day I had yesterday, I am inclined to give it what it wants LOL
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dailycharismadoodles · 3 months
Day 22
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Today's Daily Charisma Doodle is: Free Service is Delicious!
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flamesignite · 23 days
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Im gonna focus on what I feel like doing for the next few days. I kinda feel meh today, I’m sorry for being so selective atm but right now I need to focus on what I have muse for and on myself. I’ll try to send in some memes for people though and also send asks from roy and reply to threads I wish to reply to.
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kirayaykimura · 7 months
This is the 2023 Trope Madness prize rightfully won by @traditional-with-a-twist. I hope you like it.
There was a fox in the forest one early summer morning. That in and of itself was not unusual. What was unusual was the way he spoke. 
“Why, good morning, Miss,” the fox purred. “Barely dawn and you’re already out in the woods. What brings you?” 
Fog wound itself around the fox’s rust red paws, stubbornly clinging to the forest floor even as the sun was just beginning to chase it off. The fox’s tail swiped through the haze to wrap itself around his paws instead. He sat politely and stared up at her, unblinking. 
Well, Shirayuki supposed, she was not an expert on everything in the world. Who was to say talking foxes hadn’t always existed, and she simply hadn’t come across one? 
“Good morning, Mister Fox,” she said. 
“What business have you in this here fine forest?” the fox asked. 
She replied, “I am here to gather some plants.” 
“For what purpose?” The fox licked his lips. “Lunch, perhaps?” 
“Medicine. I work in an apothecary.”
“You’re an apothecary.”
“An assistant apothecary.” 
“So you are used to helping people in need.” 
“I try,” Shirayuki said. She crouched low to get as close to eye level as she could to the fox then. It felt strange to stand so far above him when she asked, “Do you need help, Mister Fox?” 
“Who, me?” He rose onto all fours and turned away with a swish of his tail, nose in the air. He took two steps away from Shirayuki, then turned to look at her out of the corner of his eye. “I need no help. You, however…” 
“Me?” Shirayuki prompted when the fox simply trailed off without further explanation. 
The fox sauntered back to his original place in front of Shirayuki, though he did not sit this time. He said, “It is only that these trees do not like interlopers.”
“I promise I won’t do anything harmful while I’m here.” 
“Yes, but they can’t exactly trust your word as a stranger, you know. If, however, you had someone to vouch for your good character, they would let you do as you please. And I would be happy to vouch for your clearly upstanding character if only you agree to do three things for me.”
Sly, golden eyes that had previously been flitting all around the forest in a show of disinterest finally met her gaze and held it, waiting for an answer. 
“Alright,” Shirayuki said. 
On a normal day, she would be opposed to being tricked and coerced in this manner. As this was not a normal day, and as the fox was clearly too proud to ask for the help he clearly needed, she decided to play along. 
“Just like that?” the fox asked, clearly in disbelief. 
“Alright, I will hear you out.” 
“Careful, Miss. Words have meaning, and unless you are specific with yours someone might take advantage.”
“I tend to believe people are good if given the opportunity to be good.” 
“What a dangerous way to live,” the fox said softly. Then, shaking off the moment, he said, “First, you must take me home with you. Second, you must feed me from your plate when you eat. Third, you must let me sleep in your bed with you.” 
“For how long?” 
“One day and one night.” 
Only for today? She could handle that. She held out her hand and said, “I agree to your terms, Mister Fox.” 
His glanced at her outstretched hand, an approximation of a smirk flitting across his maw. After a moment, he placed his paw in her palm and let her shake it. 
“Please,” he said, voice low and honeyed, “call me Obi.” 
As early morning bled into afternoon, Shirayuki went about her business. Obi followed close on her heels when she moved, and watched her work from the shade when she stopped to gather this or that. When the work was done, they returned to Shirayuki’s modest apartment at the edge of town and shared a simple meal of bread and apples - from the same plate, of course, as per Obi’s earlier stipulation. After, she set about sorting what she’d gathered while Obi poked his snout curiously into just about every inch of her home. More than once, she heard something wobble precariously, only to hear a shout of, “It’s alright, Miss! Nothing to worry about over here!” 
The time inevitably came, after the sun had disappeared from the sky and Shirayuki had shared her second meal of the day, to confront Obi’s final stipulation. She took in mud caked around his paws, the sauce from the evening’s meal staining the white fur around his mouth, and began filling the bath. 
Obi took a lot of convincing, but he learned there was no denying Shirayuki when she’d set her mind to something. That something at the moment just happened to be letting her scrub between his toes. 
“You know,” Obi said, sounding mortified, “most people simply kick me out at this point so I don’t dirty their bed.” 
“That’s awful,” Shirayuki said and continued scrubbing. 
Humiliation complete, Obi was allowed to curl up on a towel on one side of Shirayuki’s small bed. She slid under the covers on the other side, having just enough room to lay on her side. She chose the side that would allow her to have Obi at the small of her back rather than spoon him. It felt more dignified if slightly less hospitable. 
“Goodnight,” Shirayuki said once she’d settled. “I hope you sleep well.” 
“This is it?” Obi asked after a moment of silence. “You’re really going to let me sleep here. No questions or tricks?” 
“Of course.” 
She peeked over her shoulder and found him watching her with evident confusion and more than a little wariness. Like he was waiting for her to kick him out of her bed at any moment. She wondered how many times he’d tried to ask for help and been denied. She swallowed the indignation on his behalf that welled inside her at the thought and said, “Because you asked me to.” 
The rest of the night was not comfortable. Shirayuki was so unused to sharing a bed with anyone - man or creature - that she stirred at every slight movement from her current companion. At one point, he pushed up against her back so forcefully she thought she might topple right over onto the floor, but she managed to hold her ground. 
She gave up any hope for sleep at the first sign of dawn. It was fine. She’d slept less in her life. Honestly, she would have been fine not sleeping at all and giving Obi the bed, but it seemed like they needed to share the bed for anything to work. So yes, the lack of sleep was fine. The man in her bed was most certainly not. 
“Who are you?” she demanded, already across the room, back pressed against a wall and all of her attention on the stranger in front of her. Her hands shook as anger flooded her veins. Someone had taken the liberty to sneak into her house and into her bed in the middle of the night. The absolute gall. 
The man’s eyes went from sleepy and half-open to fully alert in no time at all. He glanced down at himself, discovered he was nude, and hastily covered himself with the bit of sheet that Shirayuki had claimed the night before. 
“It’s not what it looks like,” the man said. He seemed to get distracted by his own hand then, and let out a laugh. He looked over at her again and said, “Miss, you did it! You broke the curse.” 
Slowly, groggily, Shirayuki’s mind put together the pieces. The golden eyes. The lack of fox in her apartment. The Miss. She didn’t know what to expect at the end of all this, but it certainly wasn’t a man with shoulders so broad they nearly took up the entire bed. She’d seen men naked before, of course, but something about this particular naked man had her cheeks flushing. She averted her gaze to the ceiling to give them both some semblance of privacy and said, “I take it you’re Obi? Or were Obi?” 
“Still am, Miss.” In the very edges of her periphery she was trying her best to ignore, she saw him nod.  
“Oh,” she said. “Well, that’s good then. Congratulations.” 
Any potential awkwardness was dispelled easily when Obi said, “Thank you. For everything.” 
“You’re welcome,” she said. 
Obi insisted on making her breakfast as an official thank you gesture. Her stomach agreed before she did. Breakfast turned into lunch, and Obi never left. They lived happily ever after.
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dutifulsilence · 1 month
ooc ; wiped out already, but i have all day tomorrow to myself, so my plan is to hit up my drafts and asks.
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yourburdens · 5 months
woke up super low energy today but i forced myself out of bed instead of rotting there (we won, please clap). the dunmeshi hyperfixation is still here and i’m looking at falin, marcille and, my king, kabru very intensely. after i eat, there may be more malito content because he’s still heavy on my brain. i hope everyone is doing well ♡
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dcviated · 8 months
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last night I threw my party into an arena and made them fight a bunch of stuff for fun
including an anjanath :)
setting up the stands was great since it had a ton of references for the party to notice
good times
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scoups4lyfe · 10 months
Sorry for the radio silence y’all. I got a new job and it’s kicking my a$$. I work until fvcking 7:30 PM. So as you can imagine when I get off work, I’m exhausted.
I’ll try and liveblog on Sundays, because that’s one of my off days. For right now though — no guarantees.
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moyokeansimblr · 2 years
So here's the plan...
So I stopped playing ts2 around the end of August for a short lil ts3 stint. That's normal for me. Thought it'd last longer but I really wanna play ts2 again so I will be doing so.
However, for right now anyways, I won't be continuing Doogler Valley/Maple Hollow. Every so often I see Strangetown fan art on the dash and it always makes me want to play Strangetown again. Last time I played it was part of a failed Megahood, but I think this time I'm going to play it solo.
Dunno how interesting that'll be for you guys, since they're sims you (probably) already know and not custom sims. But I enjoy seeing the premades in other peoples' games, so hopefully that means so will you?
I apologize for never finishing anything, I must be a very frustrating simblr for those of you who get attached to other peoples' sims. 😅
Anyways, clean template and empty stealth hoods are in, all my mods, cc & defaults are in. Strangetown is so pretty.
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Haven't settled on a Gshade preset to use full-time yet but for now those were taken with papercut.
I should start playing in the next few days and then normal screenshot posts will resume. I wanna catch up on all my favorite peoples' cc from the last few months (PLATASP I AM COMING!)
I'm not sure when I'll resume creating for ts2. I haven't redownloaded Milkshape or the like yet but I have links for everything I need when I feel like it. Had a tiny itch to create recently, but not yet. 🙏
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maximoff-pan · 8 months
any updates for Benedict?? 😊
I’m definitely working on a part 2 of my newest fic, but it might take a bit as my next uni semester is starting today 😭
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francesderwent · 1 year
at all times I am thinking about that Maisie Peters tiktok where she was like “going on tour with my friends to play songs about boys I forced them to hang out with less than a year ago”
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Honestly, I do think I was in the wrong and I don’t think I made the right decision about excluding some entries. I’m willing to listen to people’s thoughts, but for now: everything stays. I’ll make sure all posts are properly tagged; if you’re not comfortable with something, block the tag.
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vivaciouscynner · 2 years
oh right, i forgot about the choose your own adventure story again. Sorry. It's been absurdly busy. I can usually bang one out before going to bed if I don't care about quality
i guess while i'm here i'll update you on Divinity and Her Flaws: So yeah, Chapter 12 still in progress. I really don't have a timeframe when it'll be done. I have very specific and important scenes to put in and because I DO care about the quality, it's taking me a long time to get sentences and paragraphs to sound right.
I swear my process is like:
just write a simple sentence, get the thought out
okay now describe this
wait that's an american saying. make everything easy to translate
i don't know what i'm doing
[everyday i- punches wall meme]
goddamn it, is it night or day now? why is it night? didn't they just wake up? Wasn't in morning in the last paragraph?
well that's enough writing today
The writing: "Adora giggled."
so, you know, buttery smooth writing - no troubles at all haha
Just also know that I have like work and school to do which unfortunately has higher priority. So I apologize for those delays - i am suffering lol.
I also need to read a little more to get INTO writing mode because my writing degrades if that's all I do.
ANYWAY, that's where I'm at.
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