#kyman hc
ihatethiswebsite77 · 1 year
If Kyle ever found out Cartman liked him he would simply just- not believe it for one second.
If by some chance Cartman decided to be genuinely nice to Kyle upon discovering that his feelings for him go a little bit deeper than just "hatred" that he's called them for all the years they've known eachother. You know just doing little things that you'd usually never see Cartman doing. Enough to raise a few eyebrows but not so far as to say that Cartman is a changed individual. Kyle would immediately catch on to these small changes, and then proceed to be suspicious. Kyle knows that he shouldn't trust Cartman as far as he can throw him, especially when he is being "nice". To the point where he would seek out ways to spy on Cartman just to see what he is up to. And when he finds nothing he will just end up questioning Cartman head on. And if by that point Cartman decides to tell him the truth, that he is being nice because he likes him. Kyle will not buy it. Not even consider it. His reaction will simply be "Stop lying, what is it that you are really scheming Fatass?" And I suspect that Cartman, being genuine for the first time in his life, will be quite thrown off by this. Cartman isn't one to resort to introspection in times of tribulation. He is simply going to be confused as to why Kyle is refusing to believe him when he is actually telling the truth. It fails to occur to him that all the times he has lied led to Kyle not trusting him. He can only percieve the situation from his point of view and that is that he is telling the truth and that that should mean that Kyle will believe him. And so for like a long period of time. Cartman will just put his entire focus into making Kyle believe him. Simply because he is an obsessive individual and he really likes proving Kyle wrong (even tho he likes him). That of course will only lead to Kyle being even more convinced that Cartman is scheming. Kyle's thought process will equate the amount of Cartman's effort, not to him being genuine, but rather to the scope of his scheme. And as long as that's the case Kyle will refuse to believe it. But there is one thing Kyle can't resist to fall for when it comes to Cartman. And that's when Cartman shows genuine emotions of being hurt or upset. After a while of trying to get Kyle to believe him and it absolutely just not working. Cartman gives up. Kyle being Kyle, feels a slight sense of triumph over not letting Cartman's "scheme" get the better of him, but as he notices Cartman talking to him less and less he begins to feel a slight sense of longing, almost as if he misses him. He decides to find Cartman and question him about why he has stopped (to gloat and inquire about his scheme of course, no other reason, or so he will tell himself.) And by this point. Cartman just wants to be left alone, returning to a more dejected and defensive attitude which is meant to cover up some hurt feelings. He entertains Kyle for a bit, but quickly it becomes clear to Kyle that something is wrong. This is not how he saw this scene playing out. And being Kyle. He wants to know more. He can't help but pry. And this time, when Eric tells him the truth. With the memories of the past few months coming at him like a tidal wave, he gets that big moment of realization. "Oh....Oh."
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4awny · 1 year
Even though I headcanon Kyle forever calling him Cartman (even as an old man), I get conflicted with Kyle slowly transitioning the Cartman to Eric over ten or so years. But then does Eric stick? Or does he just go back to calling him Cartman again?
I can never decide🤔
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stimtfil · 4 months
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thinking about elf kyle too much.... he is the prettiest thing in the whole world i CAN'T be cool about it.... (neither can eric)
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
for some reason i enjoy so much the idea of kyle actually genuinely liking cartman’s appearance. like, he would never admit it – especially to cartman – but somehow eric really is a perfect match for kyle’s preferences.
therefore he can’t possibly stand the idea of cartman changing his appearance to become more “beautiful” in other people’s opinions, because kyle likes him the way he already is — and kyle already is sure cartman is beautiful.
so eeeevery time cartman has even a tiniest thought of losing weight, kyle makes sure he will change his mind.
cartman: I don’t know, man, maybe I really should lose weight… I mean, I’m hot as hell right now, but imagine all those girls who will go completely insane when they see me all skinny and sexy?
kyle: Gross. I don’t want to even think about it.
cartman: Are you jealous, Kyle? Or are you just envious ‘cuz I get more females’ attention being big-boned than you do with your thin ass?
kyle: Don’t you flatter yourself, Fatass. When was the last time a girl looked at you without a terror on her face?
cartman: Oh, shut up, Jew! You’re just afraid you’ll look even uglier next to me.
kyle: So you’re going on a diet, right?
cartman: Right!
kyle: Okay, good luck with this. …Oh, wait, isn’t this a KFC restaurant right there? And, wow, look: I have fifteen bucks right here! Damn, that’s just perfect for a double portion of chicken...
cartman: No… you sneaky little…
kyle: Huh? What’re you saying? I didn’t quite catch it. Do you wanna join me, Cartman?
cartman: …I hate you so much, Kyle. You’re going to burn in hell for forever. More than that: I will turn your life to hell myself–
kyle: So you’re going or not?
cartman: …Yes.
ALSO yes he’d support cartman’s decision to lose weight for himself but he just hates the idea of cartman changing his body just for social standards. and i just want at least one person to completely adore cartman’s looks and compliment him and i think kyle’d be the one to do so. once he get over his embarrassment, he’ll start telling nice things to cartman once in a while and cartman who is absolutely not used to genuine praise will be so. fucking. happy. every time.
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basu-shokikita · 5 months
you can't just say toki ships kyman and not elaborate
HASJHSDJDS i have unfortunately thought of this a lot
so toki likes adult cartoon shows cause he loves cartoons and edginess so its perfect. he finds south park funny and laughs everytime kenny dies. also he fucking hates butters because he reminds him too much of himself and he doesn't like it.
but he's especially invested in kyle and cartman's relationship though he finds kyle insufferable and finds himself feeling sympathetic for cartman more often than not. he thinks cartman has issues and that's why he can't be honest about his feelings for kyle and essentially woobifies the shit out of him.
so, in his eyes, cartman can't help but be an asshole to kyle, because kyle is annoying but cartman loves him regardless. kyle, who is always lecturing cartman's ways and being a controlling freak to cartman who just wants to have fun...............yeah, he's totally projecting
and thus, he's incredibly invested in them and roots for cartman to have his feelings returned. so when skwisgaar doesn't understand kyman and say they're just enemies, he feels more offended than normal, because it's not just his ship skwisgaar is sinking but his own feelings- yes i made this about skwistok, i hope you're not shocked
toki's not even aware of this though, because his denial is so thick. poor toki the kyman shipper
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er1c-c4rtman · 8 months
Headcanon: Cartman is the shortest in his friend group
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sarejima · 9 months
what ships do you like??
Sorry this took so long to answer(and that its so long lol). I started watching SP barely 2 months ago so haven't really had the chance to think about it and draw out some pairings yet; this was really helpful to me too!
Stan: don't particularly ship Stan w anyone except maybe Wendy. I love him but he's a bit too actively self-centered. I kinda compartmentalize ships in my head between aesthetics and vibes, and aesthetics-wise I find both Stan and Craig look good w Kenny.
Bunny: idk I just like it. Both are compassionate and sweet and rlly high energy but have qualities the other lacks and could learn from. Kenny is stubborn and indignant- he knows what he wants and isn't concerned with judgement(while never to the detriment of others)- due to Butters' upbringing he foregoes this entirely, although you can tell he wants to change. With both's selflessness and patience they're more than capable of meeting in the middle. Kenny is also really socially adept- he seamlessly rides the flow of conversations which Butters with his naive openness would let sweep him away. This openness however is Butters' greatest strength; he's principled and prone to forgiveness and seeing the good in people, as well as being surprisingly emotionally mature(he also has a not-so-well-hidden crazy side which im sure Kenny would appreciate)
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Kyman: Eric is obsessed with Kyle- its more than obvious- obsessed in ways that would rub off on anyone given the his very nature. This shows itself at times that contrast well with the others' indifference. Their personalities fit almost a bit too well- Cartman the passionate sadistic antagonist and Kyle equally so the imposer of morality. They're both leaders and big personalities in their own right and it's clear that Cartman's strong feelings can go both ways so it may just work out.
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Creek: still have 6 seasons to go till I get there but it's easy to see how perfect they are- Craig especially needs someone who relies on him and gives him a sense of purpose and a focus for his attention, spicing up his life and saving him from his own listlessness little by little while expanding his comfort zone
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(Actually drew this one before lol. I just thought it fit the description)
Token/Tolkien: I rlly love Token- he's compassionate and patient and willing to indulge others- not for the sake of it tho, as he's very grounded and sensible enough to know more or less what will or won't benefit him. He's also extremely loyal and a team player- qualities which make me kinda ship him with Clyde. I love the idea of him having to compensate for or accomodate for the other's (lack of) proactiveness/outgoingness. Clyde's laziness being an excuse for Token to fuss over him and devote time to helping him academically and in general(this also works with Craig). I also kinda ship him with Bebe for the opposite reason- rhe only reason I prefer Clyde however is Token's sensitivity; it may be quite easy for her to take advantage of his kindness(Actually I prefer him w Wendy much for for this)
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Thanks for reading if you got to the end of this lol (о´∀`о)
And sorry there are probably spelling mistakes(and that my handwriting sucks lol)
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“Kymans trying to justify their ship isn’t toxic” I mean they’re toxic but that’s part of it tbh, it doesn’t always have to be all “fluff and wholesomeness 🥺” in every damn ship, learn to have some fun or at least let others have fun?? Pinchesaguados😴
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overkonsumption · 3 months
dumb random south park hc: when cartman was in that cheesy poofs commercial kyle was pissed and lowkey jealous- nobody else who saw the commercial had even noticed it was cartman lmao
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buggysimp · 1 year
Arghrhrgrhgffhh I want to make more south park friends so bad I'd love to make/join a sp discord server if anyone has one that's kyman/cartman-shipping-in-general friendly one I'd love to join but I'm unsure how to go about it
I guess this post would be it? If you have a server like that it'd be cool to join just shoot a dm !!
Would prefer ones that don't include nsfw of their like kid designs, hard proship OR antiship (js no like pedo , incest , sa in a positive light ?) And preferably mainly other adults :3
Personal rambling under cut
This is probably my first time in awhile actually full on delving back into fandom and regularly interacting and posting about ANY fandom, for a couple years I've just been kinda getting into things but not immersing into fandom, of course it'd be south park X3
Ahhh I remember 2015-2020 being really into fandoms and just making friends and joining gcs, getting back into the south park fandom truly making me nostalgic for it but this time I can actually like have well thought conversations now as an adult and rewatching the whole show
Past that I just have so many thoughts about this silly show and want to discuss [and make more friends-] as much as I love just dumping it onto Tumblr it'd be nice to be able to havc personal conversations about it
That's about it for that, I hope at least a few people see this and reach out :3
(Count how many times I said fandom LUL )
Have a good day if you see this :3
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fatsillykewn · 7 months
I would love to hear what you think about Sheila and Liane regarding kyman (and just in general I love seeing what people think about those silly geese)
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This is such a fun question!!!!! Oh my gosh okay, I want to start off with saying that I love both Liane and Sheila’s characters so very much. They both have very interesting story lines, backstories and character traits, as well as have very unique relationships with their sons that not many people talk about- I am not here get into whether I think they are the best of mothers or not, it’s obvious that both of them care very much for their precious boys, even if they show it in interesting ways.
I think Sheila would be the more accepting and supportive mother of kyman out of the two. I see Sheila being more supportive of her son being gay and being in a homosexual relationship, specifically with Eric. Sheila is a tough mom, she is loud and persistent, she is open minded and aware, she has very clear rules, boundaries and structure in her house. I see all of these factors of her personality being so because she loves her family and her sons so much, it is her way of ensuring her babies are taken care of and are being brought up right. Ultimately, whatever Kyle decided to do in his life, I know Sheila would be there in the crowd cheering him on- she is always so very proud of her bubbeleh! I personally HC that Eric and Kyle’s relationship gets found out by Sheila first (as she is a very persistent mother wanting to know what her son is up to and how he is doing). I see Sheila being a little surprised and confused, wanting to talk with the boys to understand the situation and I see her ultimately sitting them down and giving them a pep talk about healthy relationship habits and advice as well as responsibility and respect, talking them through a few concerns she may have. While she may not be the most patient mother, she loves her son so much, she just wants to see him happy but also make sure he makes smart choices. So she becomes kyman’s biggest advocate, supporting them rough patches and questioning situations. Even though Eric was a little shit to Sheila growing up, he has been around Kyle and his household for long enough to get a few good parental moments from Sheila. Kyle definitely keeps him in check as well.
Liane is an interesting case, and I say that because she has had many moments in the show expressing her homophobia and religious stance on homosexuality, yet she also has had quite a few canon moments expressing being some part of the lgbt community herself. Liane and Cartman have a much different relationship than Sheila and Kyle, Liane may appear more loving, soft and motherly, but she doesn’t exactly play a heathly role as a mother. I HC that she does not take Cartman’s homosexuality seriously, nor does she take kyman’s relationship seriously. Even though Liane is very devoted to her little poopsiekins and will stop the world for him in certain situations, I feel by the time and age Kyle and Eric get into a relationship, Liane just can not care too much to support it, she and Eric have drifted apart as mother and son and their relationship is pretty rocky. I feel she will acknowledge kyman and go on about how adorable they are, how they are “such cute and loving friends”, but it doesn’t get much deeper than that. I believe Liane would be too ridiculed with religious trauma, sexual trauma and relationship trauma to appropriately understand kyman’s relationship. I feel she will have her own prejudice based on her upbringing and normalcy in her own eyes, but she won’t voice it or take action against kyman’s relationship. She lets Eric live his life as she lives hers.
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
omg .. thinking about cnc w cartman while being kyle’s gf
they literally DESPISE each other of course, but kyle agrees to share u cuz he thinks it’d be hot !
so ANYWAY back to the cnc .. while cartman fucks u he takes pictures and videos of u and threatens to send them to kyle.
(& little do u know he actually does later on to hold up his part of the deal)
screams in pillow and kicks feet happily
Oh wow 👀
I literally didn’t know how to do this at all (btw this is more or less PWP and you’re on birth control)
Ik it sounds like Kyman but I didn’t specifically try doing Kyman or anything (I DONT SHIP THEM BTW but also I don’t care if y’all do ya know??)
CNC Cartman hcs with reader who's Kyle's gf
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• I DONT KNOW HOW TO WORD THIS SO LIKE- Kyle and Eric have this agreement or something
• Kyle kinda shares you, his gf, with Eric who he absolutely despises. But he thinks it’s hot and Eric gets pussy so he doesn’t give a shit 💀
• Eric has quickies with you in the janitors closet or some enclosed space and sends Kyle pictures of your fucked out face and your pussy when he’s done with you
• He probably makes you ride him and takes a video of it, sending to Kyle to say how pretty you look on his dick
• He’s always trying to get you in all sorts of positions to brag to Kyle about, bragging how he can bend Kyles pretty little gf over whenever he wants and however he wants. He puts you in full Nelson’s for the hell of it, just to show Kyle how much you enjoy being a slut for him
• They get really competitive at times and take turns fucking you to see who can fuck you better.
• Kyle has a h u g e breeding kink and Eric’s big on CNC + dacryphilla. So while Kyles desperately trying to breed you, Eric fucks your mouth until you’re gagging on his cock and crying
• And you love it, Eric treats they treat you like a whore and they both know you love it. Kyles a bit more heavy on praise, saying you’re just a good girl for taking it and how pretty you would look filled with his cum
• You know how Erics always recording y’all and stuff?? He blackmails you with the videos and threatens to send them to Kyle. It’s not like Kyle doesn’t know or doesn’t like the videos-
• It’s that Eric knows it embarrasses you to know that they have such private moments
• ANYWAYS- Eric makes you beg him on your knees not to send them, and then he sends them anyways. He loves you see you on your knees tbh
• He’s also is really big on orgasm denial, he loves seeing you squirm and cry over how frustrated you get from being so close (cough he licks those tears and taunts you for crying cough)
• He makes you give him blowjobs and pushes your head all the way down just to fuck with you and make you gag on him (thanks Jen <33)
• Hear me out, size kink- WITH BOTH OF THEM! You're just so much smaller than themmmm (but not in that weird child way- YALL ARE ADULTS)
• You kinda struggle to ride Eric so he has to grab your hips and fuck you that way sometimes when you get too tired <3333
• The way Kyle fucks you and the Eric fucks you are really different. Eric is a selfish lover, anything and everything does is for his own pleasure or he gets some kind of kick out of it. Kyle puts your pleasure before his own <333 that and he wants to breed you
• Eric probably cums in you and takes a picture to send to Kyle just to piss him off
• Ya know how I said he loves orgasm denial? When he finally lets you cum he keeps going so you get overstimulated. Just loves hearing your cries of “it’s too much! Feels too good-“
• Also also also he loves leaving hickeys on your body, especially on your thighs when you’re wearing a skirt or some shorts
• BUT- he does this in front of Kyle and smirks at him while Kyle’s just itching to touch you. IMAGINE THAT HAPPENED IN PUBLIC AND THE ONLY THING HIDING YOU WAS A TABLECLOTH! Kyles literally twitching he’s so horny rn, don’t worry tho- once you’re done with Eric you blow Kyle too and now he doesn’t feel as mad at Eric
• Anywayssss
• In Eric’s opinion, if you’re not crying and your jaw doesn’t hurt when you’re done giving him a blowjob you’re not done yet
• God he’s such a sadist, he loves degrading you and tbh- he likes impact play too
• When Kyle’s fucking you, Eric’s gonna get your attention by tapping your cheek with his dick to signal he wants a blowjob. He wants your attention god damn it >:(
• Anything Kyle does, Eric’s gonna try doing rougher or better. Man you’re gonna be s o r e when they’re done with you
• Imagine- Eric’s fucking you with your face shoved in some pillows and he slaps your ass if you start losing focus on him. Maybe he pulls your hair and leans down next to your ear “We’re not done yet Whore <3”
• Eric feels a lil jealous when Kyle’s fucking you and he knows he shouldn’t, but he just can’t help but love the way you’re such a Whore for him
• But at the end of the day you’re Kyles gf, not his. You’re under Kyles arm and in his bed at the end of the day
• And Eric’s just some asshole who’s friends with Kyle and fucks you really well
I wanted to make it longer but I started giving up 😭
Sorry if it’s not what you wanted hun
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actuallytweaking · 3 months
Since no one asked, my hcs for what Kyman calls each other after the new special is this:
- Kyle: tries to switch to calling him a bastard but after a week goes back to calling him Fatass. Whenever anyone brings this up, Kyle defensively says ‘It’s not an insult, I’m just stating what I see.’ Even if Cartman loses weight he will still call him Fatass, he really can’t help it.
- Kyle half glares half laughs whenever someone other than him calls Cartman a Fatass
- Cartman: has switched fully to calling Kyle a Daywalker instead of Jew - because people keep thinking he’s antisemitic, he has standards. now puts extra effort into kick a ginger day (nov 20th) and alternatively butchers the pronunciation of Kyle’s name even worse. (Káhelue/Chahel/Kayul)
- Cartman brings up the 3Js thing more often
- If pressed on why he changed he’d argue that being a Daywalker is far worse than being Jewish. Completely denies that he’s ever said anything offensive to Kyle, this is because he’s genuinely an idiot.
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
i like to think that every time cartman agrees with kyle on something, kyle gets really confused and subconsciously waits for cartman to start an argument so it goes like
kyle: …Yes, so that’s what I think.
cartman: Cool, I think so too.
kyle: What?
cartman: What?
kyle: Aren’t you gonna argue?…
cartman: Why would I? Your point sounds reasonable.
kyle: No, wait, that’s… that feels kinda weird. What about the part when I said that I formed my opinion based on that one research? Aren’t you gonna check it to see if I didn’t make it up by myself?…
cartman: Wtf, Kyle, you want me to argue with you??
kyle: No, I don’t! …But maybe you should check the last fact I talked about, now that I think about it, the source doesn’t seem very reliable.
cartman: ???????
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legoiscrying · 1 year
Hey!! As soon as I read Poly I immediately wanted to know your HC on the poly main four...but if you don't ship that then can you tell me your Stenny HC?
Ofccc I don't mind poly M4 I'll do HCs on them! :D
This is probably age-uped to young adults btw
1. They like to give each other presents. But!
- Cartman doesn't like to give physical presents (like, small gifts) bc he doesn't really see anything special in them, and also the greed that he still had from his childhood not always lets him to do so. But he most likely to take his boyfriends somewhere nice, like restaurants, entertainment places, shopping centers and all that stuff.
- Kenny is an entire opposite to Cartman. Even when he grows older and has enough money, he still is struggling with wasting large sums so he's not the type of guy to take Stan, Kyle and Eric somewhere fancy. But he likes to make small gifts, and he's very dedicated to that. He's also very attentive to details: like, if Stan says that he saw a game that he always wanted to play, Kenny'd buy him it. And overall if someone mentions a gift that they really want, Kenny will remember that.
- Of all of them, Stan is the least fan of gifts. Although he's usually not the initiator of gift exchanging, if someone gifts him something, he'd be very responsible at finding something in return. Like, seriously, one time Kyle got him a small present at the mall and said "I don't know, just reminded me of you", and Stan went on a whole research on what he should give Kyle in return. He knows Kyle very well, but still usually doesn't trust his own taste in gifts, so he would definitely ask Cartman and Kenny for advise. Kenny helped to navigate, Cartman helped to choose and...Stan bought what he first thought of anyways.
– Kyle is...Complicated. He's as much greedy as Cartman, but he doesn't really talk about plus he'd grown to overcome it a little better. He genuinely saying sucks at giving presents (like, gifting), but here's the other thing: He usually shares his stuff with his boyfriend to the point where his stuff is not only his. "Yes, Kenny, you can borrow any food you want from my fridge", "Here, take my scarf, Stan", "I don't need that, you can use it, Cartman". That kind of stuff. He sometimes complains that guys take his stuff so often, but it's his way of repaying them and making them happy. But romantic gifts? He sucks two times more. He's the type of guy to bring flowers on a date, even tho they know each other for ten years. Still, he likes enjoys giving presents
2. I do this with every poly ship of mine: In which order the guys got together romantically. Expect it's a bit complicated for them, because they've always been a group lol
Stenny, they're the most fastburn of them all and would realize their feelings relatively early > Stan still has his awful crush on Kyle but haven't told Kenny about it yet > Meanwhile Kyman's relationships are staring to develop > Kenman are hanging out together and something is happening > Stan first talks to Kenny, Kenny says he's okay with Stan having other crushes and that he wasn't surprised it's Kyle > Stan confesses to Kyle, Kyle doesn't reject him, but says he needs time to think > Kyman get together and Stan thinks it's kinda over for him and Kyle > Kenman are still hanging out and things are still happening > Kenman get together and they freak Kyle and Stan out by that /pos > Style have a tough conversation and eventually get together too > atp they already realize that the poly circle has happened, so then Stanman and K2 get together too
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komipacket · 2 years
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There's a lot of reasons to ship kyman! I mean just look at them! They are so funny and silly, hating each other but at the same time so in need of each other! Their dynamic is so original and creative, i can go like that forever... Maybe i will do a whole post about what i like in kyman ship! Anyways my favourite hcs are basically inside my arts and comics, so one of them that Cartman is in love with Kyles hair, but acts like it sucks as a defensive mechanism. At the same time Kyle has a soft spot for Cartmans face. He has really smooth skin and nice proportions so it makes him look adorable even when hes acting like a total asshole! But Kyle is repressing those feelings bc ITS CARTMAN he CANT be cute and stuff yk!
I also have my own headcanon that Cartman still has those toys that he killed before. After some time he realised he couldn't bear living without them. And even tho hes not playing with them that much, they are still his friends. He repared them almost from the scratch and is hiding them properly, taking them out only at emergencies! Hes still sleeping with Clyde the frog, and the toy has those little scars all over it.
I think thats enough for today!
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Thanks everyone for you support!!!!
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