#kymopoleia hygiea and asclepius yes one tag
sylkhi · 3 years
Nico saying "I smell like death and animals fear me for it" is incorrect. Here's reasons why:
1. It's really no secret at this point that Nico is the most powerful demigod alive in-canon. He's so powerful that he has enough reserve strength and vitality (after recovering as much as he possibly could from Tartarus, starvation, and using the seeds in the state he was in. You don't ever fully recover from things like those) to constantly have his fear aura and cryokinesis emanating low-key, kind of like his wavelength.
But, it's at its lowest when he's with Will/Jason/Hazel/Reyna/Gleeson/whoever you ship him with, but never fully off. The fact that he emanates an aura puts him one step closer to god than mortal by the way.
ANYWAY, the constant emanation of the fear aura definitely makes animals skittish, but as he doesn't really let it off when he's alone with animals, they crowd him and glomp him whenever he's alone with them.
2. A lot of the animals he interacts with are probably animals tied to gods who don't have the best of relationships with Hades.
This one should be pretty self-explanatory. When you make an enemy of a god, you make an enemy of practically everything they represent (imagine permanently pissing off Hygeia or Asclepius... yeah, let's not).
Think of Annabeth and cows. Her Bovine Majesty, Hera, that goat skin gal, Queen of the gods, doesn't like Annabeth, and cows, by extension, do not (why are there so many commas???). The difference here is that Hera actively does things to screw around with Annabeth, and the only thing stopping her from screwing up Annabeth's relationships and (eventual) marriage is Athena giving her the look. Enough about my Annabeth|Hera head-canons though.
So whenever Nico interacts with a horse and equine creatures, or an eagle, or a cow, they get skittish and violent because of the gods they're tied to not liking Hades, and by proxy, him (exception here is Zeus, who genuinely dislikes Nico and would kill him if that didn't mean dying at Hades' hands, quite literally btw).
3. Animals don't really fear death (itself), which Nico represents.
Here's an important distinction for you and a head-canon from me (one I might write a piece on): Hades' children are representations of death itself, while Thanatos' children, as children of the god of death, represent it's causes.
I don't want you to think of to confuse it with him repping death by old age (that would be children of Geras).
Anyway, all creatures seem to take comfort in death, and thus Nico. And when an animal is comfortable with you, it tends to either leave you to your business, or seek your attention.
This one is cracky and feels like something I'd write a piece for at 3AM when I can't sleep.
4. This one is about Artemis|Nico.
Basically, as a sort of apology to Nico cause she knew what it meant to take away the only person he had at the time (and for a long time, really), I head-canon that Artemis has marked Nico with one of her blessings (a boon for my Hades players out there).
This specific mark is the one that numbs wild animals'/animals with violent dispositions' instinct to attack creatures they perceive as "dangerous".
Animals aren't daft. They can tell a dangerous individual, and some attack on sight to get the upper hand. Of course, Nico is too powerful for a non-mythical beast to so much as scratch him (he wouldn't kill them, just scare them off).
Anyway, with the mark, wild animals basically act as their domestic counterparts would around Nico.
I head-canon that when he first started shadow-travelling and would wind up passed out on totally different continents or in different places, he woke up one day in Tsavo East National Park with man-eating lions (look it up, fairly interesting) curled up around him and purring.
Anyway, now that we've dived into my mind and swam steadily downwards, we've finally reached the bottom where one thing is left: SHITPOSTING. Let's do it.
Animals when nico's fear aura is on: I do not know this man. I could see him walking down the streets and I would not recognise him. Sorry to this m–
Animals when nico's fear aura is low: cuddle time. Time to cuddle. Yup. Did someone say snuggling? Come here, boyo *glomps said boyo*
Nico: so do you like me or not???
Zeus [on mount olympus]: I think it's about time I sent an eagle to pluck his ey–
(ground rumbles)
Zeus [nervously]: *clears throat* –to pluck the twigs out of the boy's hair, why is he so bad with maintaining his hair?
(Will is doing some stuff for a Veterinarian son of kymopoleia. Nico accompanies him to the vet's like the supportive boyfriend he is)
Will: why are you covered in cats???
Nico [covered in cats and enjoying every second of it]: cause you're giving the dogs a check-up, doctor
(Will got turned on when nico said doctor, guys, don't blame me)
(Hades and Hera get into a cat fight. It's for a very petty reason; their pet peeves with each other's children)
Hades: time-out! Can't we just try to get along now that our boys are dating each other?
Hera [pensive; the expression looks fake]: *adjusts goat skin on shoulders*
Hera: . . . no
(Cat fighting continues)
(Snow-white!Nico AU with Reyna and Hazel as main supporting cast, Percy as prince, and Hera as misunderstood evil queen with her own character arc? Closer than you'd think)
Reyna: stop singing nico
Nico: why?
Hazel: You're covered in birds nico. BIRDS, PLURAL!
Nico: makes me even more fly :)
Percy: omg literally so hot *swoons*
Hera: *strokes cow behind ears* can we skip to the part where he eats the apple and gets trampled by my trusty cow?
(The story falls apart. Not even the Apollo kids can save it. Lesson is not to let the aphrodite cabin do storytime at the campfire).
Hazel: oh, I didn't know you had pets, Nico
Nico: I don't
Hazel: why all the random animals, then
Nico: you're not trying to kick out my other visitors, are you
That's it, guys. Deuces. Yes, some of the head-canons here might feature in my next nico-centric (ooohhhhh, *interest sounds*).
I'd like to do more posts like these, but they're a bit time-consuming to write up. It's still so worth it though.
Should I do more like these? (The "head-canon/opinion dump-into-shitpost" format). You tell me. I mean, I'll still make them, just more frequently if yes is the answer.
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