#some percico
rafyki · 16 days
(Lil snippet of the Goth!Nico/Surfer!Percy fic inspired by the beautiful amazing incredible art by @neo-kid-funk !! It's definitely going to be much longer, but I hope you enjoy this for now!!)
(under read more bc it's more than 1k words lol)
“He's here again”.
Jason didn't even turn around to see what Nico was referring to with those words - at that point it was such a common occurrence that it wasn't really necessary. Still, Nico felt a little offended at his friends' dismissal.
“Jason”, he said, almost in a whine. “He's here again”.
Now finally (though with a smile and a roll of his eyes) Jason did turn around to look at the current source of all of Nico's troubles and the main character of many of his dreams.
Dark hair, tall, all tan skin and toned muscles, swim trunks hanging way too low on his hips - all in all, the most handsome man Nico had ever seen, and he couldn't keep his eyes off him.
Nico looked at him coming out of the water holding onto his surfing board as if it weighted nothing (and Nico knew that wasn't true, he had almost collapsed under the weight of one once), a hand going up to card through his wet hair plastered to his forehead. He looked so beautiful and at home in the water Nico couldn't help but feel like he was some sort of sea god.
He was too far away to see it now, but he knew that even his eyes were the color of the sea.
What is he even so hot for?
As ridiculous as it sounded, Nico could feel himself blush just looking at him. Yet there was something (everything really) about him that was so magnetic it made it impossible to tear his eyes away - really, at this point Nico spent most of his shifts at the beach kiosk looking at him; he wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a curse that that man came to the beach so often.
He only knew the name because he had heard a girl calling him (was that his girlfriend? God, Nico really hoped she wasn't), and obviously not because he had had the courage of talking to him outside of the small exchanges whenever Percy came to buy something.
He kept following him with his eyes, teeth absentmindedly biting his lips, playing with the rings there.
He was so busy thinking and trying to stare without making it too obvious that he almost missed it when Jason said: “Looks like he's coming here”.
Nico jumped out of his skin. “What!? No, Jason, please please, you take his order, please”.
Another roll of his eyes and another fond smile that Nico had seen all too many times. “Nico”, Jason said. “It's your chance. Talk to him!”
Nico shook his head vehemently. He could already feel his heart starting to pound in his chest and his cheeks grow hot. “No way. He's going to smile at me! I'm a weak man Jason, don't do this to me”.
An obnoxious laugh reminded Nico that Leo was there too - he was so caught up in thinking about Percy that he had completely forgotten about him; but of course there he was, sprawled on the counter as if he belonged there (and with how much time he spent there even without working with them, it might as well have been). “Goth-boy, you're on a beach wearing a black t-shirt under the august scorching sun - you're anything but weak, man, you can do it”.
“Oh shut up Leo, we all know you're no better than me - remind me how long it took you to talk to Jason?”, Nico shot back.
He wasn't looking at his friends though, his eyes still drawn to where Percy was - and yes, Jason was right and he was definitely coming there.
Nico's heart was beating absurdly fast; it really was ridiculous how much he liked a boy he barely knew. But he did - oh god, he really did. Percy was handsome and bright and had the most beautiful smile Nico had ever seen.
And Nico was just a boy who looked very out of place on a beach.
Still playing nervously with his lip rings, he took off his hair tie and fixed his ponytail. Did his hair look good? He hoped so at least.
What did Percy think about him? Did he even have an opinion on him? Or was he just the weird kid working at the kiosk? Probably.
“Don't deflect Nico, Leo is right”, Jason said, cutting through his line of thought. “And don't worry you look good”.
“As cute and charming as always, man!”, Leo added, and maybe from someone who didn't know him it could have sounded teasing but at this point Nico knew him well enough to recognize the honesty in his smile as he did a thumbs up to show his support. “Just smile and he'll fall for you in a second”.
Nico scoffed at that, but appreciated the sentiment.
It was probably too much hoping that Percy would even look his way, let alone anything more than that.
Jason nudged his shoulder, once again taking him away from his thoughts. “Really, you're all good”, he said. “Now get ready to take his order”.
The next second, Nico found himself staring into a pair of sea-green eyes so deep and mesmerizing he was sure he was drowning in them, could almost feel the water filling up his lungs; and if that wasn't enough, a smile so bright it could rival the sun came with them, effectively cutting off the last bit of breath. Oh it was so unfair.
And he wasn't wearing a shirt - of course he wasn't, they were on a beach and he had just come out of the water five minutes ago. His tanned skin seemed to shine under the sun, water was still dripping from his hair and Nico had to use all of his willpower to not follow with his eyes the little droplets' way down his neck and collarbone.
It was more than unfair, and it was definitely a curse.
“Hi, can I get you anything?”
Thank god he was so used to his job that he could sound natural enough saying that even while panicking on the inside.
Even without looking at them, Nico could feel his friends almost laughing at him; he would have been offended if he weren’t so busy trying to survive the moment. Percy really was way too handsome and hot for Nico’s sanity.
Don’t stare at him, he berated himself, it’s not polite to stare at customers. He’ll think you’re weird.
Oh god, he needed a smoke as soon as possible. If he kept biting on his lip like that he would end up biting his lip ring away.
“Huh”, Percy seemed to think about it for a second. “Can I have the same blue drink from last time? You remember?”
Nico did remember. It had been the longest conversation he had ever had with Percy (the longest and most intense five minutes of his life until now), with the surfer asking for some kind of blue drink, and Nico trying his best to understand and make it for him - he had managed to, in the end, and then had proceeded to think non stop for days about the happy smile Percy had gifted him.
For some reason, the way Percy said “you remember?” made Nico’s insides melt, a swarm of frantic screaming butterflies flying in chaos in his stomach. Like it was something between the two of them, something they shared.
Nico had never felt more ridiculous in his life.
“Yeah, I remember”, he managed to say, and in a way it was a relief to turn around and get to work. Part of him wanted to drag it out as long as possible just to make Percy stay a little longer; at the same time, though, part of him wanted this to be over as soon as possible just so he could finally go back to breathing.
“Great!”, Percy said with a smile, like Nico had just told him the best news of the day.
It was such a peculiar request, “can i get a blue drink” - no flavor or anything, just a blue drink. It was weird and endearing at the same time, and it left Nico wanting to know more about it, more about Percy. He wondered how many other weird and endearing things like that Percy did.
“You like it that much?”, he found himself asking, his mouth moving before his brain even registered it.
Another blinding smile. Nico was so weak.
“Everything tastes better if it’s blue”, Percy said with such conviction that he almost made it sound like that made any sense.
It made Nico stop, and then he couldn’t help the short laugh that escaped his lips.
“Does it?”, he asked, smiling back, as he handed Percy his drink.
Percy nodded. “Of course. You should try it sometimes”.
The butterflies were going absolutely crazy in Nico’s stomach, so much he almost forgot to take the money Percy was giving him. “Maybe I will”, he said.
“Thanks for the drink, Nico”.
For an instant, Nico’s brain went blank except for a mantra of he knows my name, oh god he knows my name. Then he remembered he was wearing a nametag, so of course he did.
“Have a nice day”, he said through the lump in his throat.
“You too!”, Percy said and went to leave. He seemed to think back on it though, because he turned toward Nico again, holding out his right hand to him. “I’m Percy, by the way”.
It felt like looking at himself from the outside, like it was happening to someone else, as Nico shook his hand. It was warm and big, and Nico wanted to hold onto it. “Nice to meet you”.
Percy smiled, big and bright and happy, and Nico smiled back.
“See you next time, Nico”.
Nico stared at him as he left and went back to his friends, pretty sure everything that had just happened must have been a dream.
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doevademe · 8 months
Silly idea of someone finding out how often Percy has thought about choking Nico and just Nico specifically and questioning him about it, only for Percy to go on full defense mode. Yes, he knows what it looks like, no, it's not a sex thing. Nico is just a very difficult person to deal with. The choking is wholly rooted in frustration.
Cue Nico (who definitely didn't develop an asphyxiation kink from Percy choking him in the Underworld cell) going "Well, you can choke me if you want, get it out of your system". And Percy turns meek and awkward because it's not like he would act on it, Nico. It's just a fantasy—non-sexual fantasy! And well, if it's not sexual then there's no issue in doing it in a controlled environment, right?
Long story short, Percy and Nico show up the next day, Nico looking sated and with some marks all over his neck, and Percy, through gritted teeth, admits that okay, maybe there was a kinky aspect to the choking thing... but it really isn't that big of a deal! Everyone has their quirks, he's still the most normal one of the Big Three kids!
"We're all freaks, just accept it," Nico says as he leans against Percy.
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skullsandcorals · 10 months
Art I Never Finished or Posted Dump‼️‼️‼️ (ship edition)
(Screenshots from this video)
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Caption: Someone said a real man would never watch his woman pay
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Shirts that say "He's Mine" and "She's Craft".
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custardleaf · 3 months
I’ve recently been getting into the Percy Jackson fandom AND TELL ME WHY SOME OF Y’ALL HATE ANNABETH?? It’s either because of some dumb shipping war or people just straight up hate women 🧍‍♀️
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percicosoftcore · 1 year
‘Percy’s affections for Nico are like a dagger beneath his pillow; people only catch the glimpse of a blade if he feels threatened enough.’
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wild-flowerhoney · 5 days
Inherent Vice - cabin13
The moment Nico's name is picked, out of everyone, only a week after tragedy struck and left him alone, he knows he won't make it out of the arena. Knows, without a doubt, that it won't matter, not to his father and not to the people of District One.
And why should it?
Estelle Blofis is eleven years old, when her name is called, and she doesn't have the chance to know anything before her brother is rushing in headfirst.
Percy Jackson is scared out of his mind. He still intends to come home, no matter who he has to become to do so. No one ever comes back whole from the hunger games, after all. It doesn't matter what pieces of himself he loses in the arena, so long as he remembers what brought him there in the first place.
[Inherent Vice: the tendency in objects to deteriorate because of the fundamental instability of the components of which they are made. As a result of the baseline law of entropy, all objects have some kind of inherent vice.]
chapter one: The End of the World
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happyk44 · 1 year
Fic idea where Nico wakes up to a random three year old in his cabin and the kid calls him Papa and Nico is just ???
While everyone is trying to figure out where the kid came from and who or what it really might be, the kid accidentally explodes a bunch of goblets. And everyone is just ??? and Nico waits for a sign from Poseidon like "oh yeah that's mine, thanks for finding them" but nothing comes, and now he's a little nervous, because those green eyes look awfully familiar, so he squats to the kid's height and is just like, "...Percy?"
And the kid just squeals excitedly, looking around and calling out, "daddy??"
The tension in the air almost triples.
The kid pouts when they realize Percy isn't actually around. Turns on Nico. "Papa, where's Daddy?"
Nico wonders if it would be socially acceptable to bury himself alive.
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punchable-panda · 9 months
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the ship chart I promised a hot minute ago 💀
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
Luke, dying: Did you love me?
Annabeth: Like a—
Percy: Yes.
*Percy and Luke look into each other’s eyes and Percy kisses him gently.*
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*I'm just going to go crazy with this! And borrow some inspiration from a show my mom likes called Grey's Anatomy. Also hope you don't mind me changing canon a bit.*
Nico didn't know what happened. At a certain point the whole building shook as if a tiny earthquake was happening. Loud painful screams filled everywhere. It terrified Nico because they sounded like someone familiar to him. They sounded like Percy Jackson.
Of course, before he could investigate Nico had slipped and hit his head from falling debre. He didn't know how long he was asleep. But he felt someone trying to wake him up.
"Nico wake up! Wake up I need your help!"
Nico finally did wake up, and he woke up to the last person he wanted to ever see. Blonde curly hair and silver eyes of one Annabeth Chase angrily starring down at him.
"Get up! I need your help!", the daughter of Athena stated. Not asked, stated, as if it was an already done deal. Nico ignores her and looks around. The room leading to the gods thrones and hearth is in shambles. Pieces of ceiling everywhere. Furniture broken, glass windows shattered. A pillar broken and fallen over is blocking the door way to the throne room.
"NICO! Are you even listening to me?"
"No. Where is Percy? You and Grover were suppose to be with him. What happened?"
"That's what I've been trying to tell you! Percy kicked us both out of the room. Than he started making earthquakes happen!"
Nico's eyes widen at this, both in fear and worry.
"Grover went to get help, I've been stuck by the door trying to move debris. Percy won't listen. He's all alone in there with him."
"With who? What exactly happened?"
Annabeths eyes go sad.
"I'm not giving him a knife so he can kill himself Annabeth!"
"It's part of the Prophecy you have to!"
"Percy it will be alright. I'm your enemy anyway remember?"
When the deed was done it felt like Percy had stabbed himself too. What makes him break and shatter is that he hands the knife. It has to be him.
Percy holding Luke in his arms after stabbing himself, Annabeth kneeling next to them. Blood is staining Percy's arms. Luke's breathing is slowly down. His blue sky eyes look hazy and clouded.
Luke looks up to both of them. His voice asks desperately, "Did you love me?" A bubble of blood comes out of his mouth and stains his lips. It makes Percy start crying, desperate too for every second so Luke can stay longer.
Annabeth starts to say, "I've only seen you as a brother, but I dont-
Before she can finish the room starts shaking. Percy with a dark voice and the ocean in his eyes, "Annabeth stop it!" It scares Annabeth into dead silence.
Than Percy turns back to Luke, "She loves you ok Luke. Even Thalia and the other campers still love you ok. They were angry at what you did, but everyone still loves you. Your mom still loves you."
Luke stares at Percy, as if waiting.
"I love you too, ok Luke. So you can't die. You have so many people who still love you." Percy sobs in between words.
Luke finally smiles, and brings Percy's face close to his. " I love you Percy, I think I always have."
Luke gentle as a feather kisses a shocked Percy's lips. Blood staining his. "I'll try for reincarnation. Either way I'll see you in Elysium ok."
Percy's eyes go round with fear." No no no no, Luke you have to stay with me ok. Stay with me."
"We're soulmates Percy. We'll find each other again. I promise."
Luke's eyes flutter shut. And they don't open again. The light in Percy's eyes go with him. That's when the screaming, and the shaking of the whole building really starts.
~end flashback~
"You just left him in the room!"
"What did you expect me to do?! He almost killed us!"
Nico says nothing, just gives Annabeth a dark look. Than wordlessly grabs her arm and shadow travels into the room Percy is in. What they find is heartbreaking.
Percy leaning against one wall with a dead Luke in his arms. From how Percy has them positioned. It looks like Luke is just sleeping(if it wasn't for the blood and the paleness of death), with Percy leaning his head against Luke's neck.
Nico does not like the look in Percy's eyes. They look lifeless and numb. As if Percy is not all there.
Nico drops Annabeths arm and the both of them head towards Percy. Kneeling in front of him.
"Percy we need to go. The gods cannot find out you destroyed their throne room,"Annabeth says.
Percy doesn't answer. He just looks ahead at nothing. Holding Luke's dead body gently.
Annabeth goes to touch Percy. That's what finally gets a reaction.
"Don't. Touch. Me." Percy says this quietly, but cold. Sad. Darkness in his voice.
Nico drags Annabeth's hand away. Annabeth still doesn't take the hint. "Percy we need to move!"
"Leave me alone I want to stay with Luke."
Annabeth looks at Nico with wide troubled eyes. "Go stand over there. I'll deal with this," Nico tells Annabeth. She agrees. Which is a surprise, but Nico is grateful. Nico kneels closer to Percy but not touching him.
"Percy, I know you want to stay here with him. But you can't." Nico speaks softly and gently.
"Leave me alone." Percy voice replies dull and lifeless.
"Percy that's not Luke anymore."
Percy at that, holds Luke closer and closes his eyes tight. "Shut. Up."
"Percy the minute he died. Is when he stopped being Luke. His soul is probably in the underworld by now. I know you love him," Nico tears up at this, but pushes down his feelings and continues. He is a son of Hades.
"He probably loves you too. And someone who loves you like that would not want to see you do this to yourself. Because that's not Luke, not anymore"
At that Percy finally looks at Nico. There's a little life in his eyes. "You want to hear something crazy? I was never ment to be the hero in the prophecy. My whole job, was to hand Luke, the real hero. The knife to kill himself himself with." Percy starts laughing at this. With tears coming out of his eyes. One of his hands runs through Luke's hair. "My only job was to kill my soulmate at the right moment. Right before he died he was telling me he loved me. He loves me. And now he's dead from me helping him kill himself!" Percy starts sobbing and laughing. "Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't that the most ridiculous piece of crap you ever heard!" Percy than cries into Luke's neck. Nico starts crying too. He gently takes a hold of Percy's arm to hold him. Percy let's go of Luke(finally) and let's Nico hold him. Crying in his arms. Crying so loud it echos in the room. Nico rocks Percy in his arms saying nothing.
Luke's corpse stays leaning by the walls. Still looking like he's just sleeping.
@dark-emperor-ciska I took a lot from this scene in a show my mom loves called greys anatomy. I'm not a fan. But that scene this is based on hit me really hard. it gave me inspiration. If you want a link to said scene let me know. I hope you like this. I don't think it's any good.
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avaetin · 1 year
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It's hard to transition from Syncretism to another AU lol.
Before I drafted this AU, like months ago, I didn't know Zagreus was in an actual game until I saw some posts, and I had to Google. I do not regret what I found out---
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rafyki · 15 days
Part two of the Goth! Nico/Surfer! Percy!! @neo-kid-funk liked it so much I couldn't not post another part so soon!! That's what your art does to me!! Pure inspiration!!!
This time it's Percy's turn to be a huge loser with a huge crush lmao
Part one, if you haven't read it~
Percy threw himself on his beach towel, trying his best not to spill his precious drink even in his excitement.
“Annabeth, he smiled at me!”
His friend looked up from the huge book she was reading, a skeptic but fond look in her eyes.
“Percy, he works in retail, smiling at customers is literally his job”.
Percy groaned, took a sip of his drink - not alcoholic, but maybe it could make him forget his huge absurd crush on a boy he didn't even know.
The prettiest boy you've ever met though, his brain usefully supplied. What did it even matter that they didn't really know each other and that they had exchanged perhaps a total of twenty words to each other? Nothing, not when said boy had the prettiest features Percy had ever seen, the most enchanting eyes, the deepest and most beautiful voice, and the most charming shade of pink coloring his nose and cheeks. And, finally today Percy could add to the list that he even had the softest and cutest honest smile ever - because Percy could tell the difference between a “customers smile” and an honest one, and the way Nico had smiled today? It couldn't have been anything but honest, and it had made warmth bloom into Percy's stomach, made his heart grow ten sizes.
“No, Annabeth”, he said, at the cost of sounding like a petulant little child. “He smiled for real! He even laughed a little!”
“Did he?”
“I'm telling you he did!”
She seemed to consider it for a long moment. Percy waited with as much patience as he could muster for her opinion. He could always count on Annabeth being horribly and unapologetically honest with him; he could definitely trust her to be the one to offer him a cruel but needed reality check to bring him back to earth.
She had been the main witness of Percy’s fall into the hopeless (or maybe not so hopeless?) rabbit hole that was his crush for the kiosk boy, had been listening to him ranting on and on about him for probably almost a month now, and had been dragged on the beach way too many times against her will for Percy to ignore her valid as always opinion.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean he likes you, Seaweed-brain, you know that, right?”, she said, and Percy knew, but his heart fell anyway. “Still”, she added, and Percy couldn’t help but perk up at the tone of her voice. He knew that tone - it was the tone she used when she was about to say something optimistic even against her better judgment. 
“I guess it is weird for him to smile like that at customers - at least, I’ve never seen him do it - and we do spend a whole lot of time on this beach and at the kiosk”.
She said the last part with just a tiny little bit of annoyance - but Percy knew her well enough to know that she would forgive him eventually.
“I need your support, Annabeth, you know that!”
“You could take Grover with you next time”.
“I did once, remember? He was even more nervous than me”, Percy said. “Not exactly the best wingman”.
Annabeth rolled her eyes at him. “It’s not like you’re doing much but staring at him and daydream anyway”.
Well, that was a low blow, but true.
“That’s not true”, he still said, just for the sake of it. It earned a raised eyebrow and the most skeptical expression he had ever seen on his friend’s face.
“Percy”, she said, slowly as if she was talking to a kid. “Showing off your surfing skills and hoping he’ll find you so incredibly hot he’ll fall on your knees for you is not doing something about this”.
Ouch. Alright, maybe Annabeth’s reality checks were a little too honest and harsh sometimes.
“You can’t know it won’t work”, Percy said.
She was right, of course - she always was, and Percy hated and adored her for it. 
He sighed, setting aside his drink and looking at the kiosk, his eyes finding Nico right away with practiced experience. He was serving someone, and Percy’s first thought was I wonder if he’s smiling like that at them too - which was stupid, and he knew that too, but knowing it didn’t really change anything. Percy was perfectly aware of how ridiculous he was being, but despite what Annabeth might have said about it, knowledge wasn’t always all that mattered.
He sighed, forcing himself to look away.
“What do you think I should do?”
“Well, you really only have two options”, Annabeth said.
It wasn’t exactly hard to guess what she was referring to.
“Either giving up or finding the courage of asking him out?”.
“Ugh”, Percy groaned. “You’re not much more helpful than Grover, you know?”
Annabeth laughed. “You know I��m right, Seaweed-brain”.
“I hate you”.
“Hating me won’t make you date the boy of your dreams”.
The boy of your dreams - oh, he really was, wasn’t he? Percy didn’t even know when exactly he had started to be unable to think about Nico, to want nothing more than to talk to him and get to know him for real; things had degenerated pretty fast - one moment Nico was just the cute goth boy working at the beach, and then the next he was Percy’s newest obsession.
It was weird - Nico wasn’t exactly his type; he seemed to be all dark and sharp edges, cloaked in black like he was constantly trying to hide in the shadows even under the bright sun. He looked like the kind of person that kept everyone at arm's length, and it only made Percy want to get closer and closer.
He realized his eyes had turned to him again, following his every move. He was talking to his friends, his words accompanied by wide hand gestures - Percy had noticed this habit of his before; it was adorable, really. Percy wanted to talk to him and see it from up close.
“He’s so pretty Annabeth, I’m gonna die”.
That was probably the thousandth time Annabeth had heard him saying that, so the roll of her eyes was definitely justified.
“Then go talk to him and ask him out”.
Percy groaned. She made it sound so easy.
He got up, took his surfing board again. “Maybe”, he said. “But first I’m going to see if my plan of being too hot to resist is gonna work”.
“You’re ridiculous”.
“Thanks, I didn’t know that”.
Annabeth rolled her eyes again and went back to her book. Who even preferred reading a book on a beach instead of going into the water? Percy would never understand that.
He walked towards the water with his mind still fixed on the same thought. He wondered if Nico liked the ocean - maybe they could enjoy it together, maybe Percy could teach him how to surf.
Maybe. If he could actually find the courage of asking him out.
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doevademe · 10 months
Nico as Percy's unintended Ace in the Hole. Nico is his secret weapon, able to give him the key to victory when he feels lost or that death is a certainty. Whenever Percy is in danger or destined to die, it's Nico who gives him what he needs to keep going, to survive. He's such a secret advantage that not even Percy knows he has it.
Think about it, everyone just gave up and accepted he would die at 16, Nico didn't. The battle of Manhattan was a lost cause, with them heavily outnumbered, and Nico arrived with Hades and the Cavalry. Nico finds out where the Doors of Death are, he talks up Percy to Bob and he's key in helping him and Annabeth go through Tartarus. Nico is always there, and he's the reason Percy is successful.
And the moment he realizes this, the moment he sees that Nico is his greatest asset, he'll also turn into his greatest treasure. Nico might have fallen first, but Percy definitely will fall harder.
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I genuinely respect every single legal ship but sometimes I will run into pernico and jasico fans on twt and tumblr and they will be acting like their ship is the only option possible ( especially jasico fans ) when it's literally not even canon 💀 and will never be canon . There is little to no evidence that jason even likes guys least of all nico. Yes, he was concerned about him and cared about him post cupid dilemma but never in a romantic way?? When nico told him he was staying at chb his first thought was that I have to tell piper yk his gf and nico was literally disappointed when he saw jason outside his door instead of will and yes he said he wanted to feel Jason's protective arms around him which is understandable considering his situation atm like I would wanna feel my bsf hugging me too when I was stressed and scared and both of them see each other as friends and are in love with other people in canon all the romantic stuff is fanon so take this as your reality check ( not all of the stans just the annoying ones ) . Pernico Is the most toxic nico ship as it is so problematic in canon even when they're just friends, and the age gap is like 4 years, so if u ship this and act like it's canon then 🚪👈
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happyk44 · 9 months
percy and nico but it's that mermaid and priest from the 4th pirates of the caribbean movie
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fryeswiththat · 3 months
does anyone have any fanfiction writing groups? for the express purpose of chatting about their wips, cheering each other on or to find collaborative partners?
could you kindly reblog and link or send it in my dms
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timecryptid · 1 year
Omega Nico who’s been dating his Beta Boyfriend Will for a few months now and he is bored. They have rather boring sex and Will is just rather boring. Then when at a club for his 18th birthday he meets up with his former childhood crush, Alpha Percy who recently broke up with his girlfriend Annabeth (they ended on good terms). And Percy is showing an interest in Nico. And Nico without telling Percy that he is dating someone else, drunk off his ass for the first time, let’s Percy take him into the clubs bathroom and fuck his brains out. But even if he didn’t tell Percy Percy knew that Nico was dating someone. So the whole time Percy is talking about what his boyfriend would think. Especially because Percy and Will are both former cabin leaders so they do know each other.
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