#kyu headcanons
tazernatic · 2 years
hey are you guys ready to consider the possibility that— if the headcanon of kyu-chan introducing kazuki and rei shortly after yuzuko's death in order to prevent kazuki from spiraling is proven right, then that means the two of them have been living together for well over three or four years???
because i'm not, there's just SO MUCH to unpack there
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reiiishii · 24 days
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I got no braincells so small HCs on Kyu-
She's a Hello Kitty girlie. (her favorite is the girl herself and she was shocked to hear Hello Kitty has a boyfriend. A close second is My Melody)
Kyu's VERY into Gyaru fashion, the main style she focuses on is Hime.
Once Technology gets more introduced to Soul Society I can see her starting a radio show.
Kyu's tone deaf!
She's NOT that big of an Anime fan! But she's big on Video games! (Legend of Zelda is one of her favorites, but she also likes Harvest moon and games like that! Comfy games,,,)
She has a plushie corner, she will hide in it, it is very cozy. (Tbh her bedroom in Karakura town AND Soul Society is VERY cozy,,,)
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calissarowan · 2 months
Whatever happened to the Patchamen who came to Earth to stop the bad people in your idea? Whether in the Naomiverse or any of your next gen verses?
Yes! Other people think about this! That’s always niggled me, the fact that they just headed to Earth and we never heard from them again. I might honestly be tempted to have them cameo in the Naomiverse, probably during the season six arc, since they’ll spend some time on Earth then, or in an original arc I’m planning. Actually, your question may just have gifted me with inspiration to make an arc I was struggling with way more interesting, so thank you so much! This gets long, so I’ll add a ‘keep reading.’
Anyway, moving on, I think they probably showed up on Earth and everyone thought they were heading to Comicon or something, meanwhile they sought out all the terrible troubles Bloom had mentioned. And, honestly, since this is Earth, I think they probably found some. They definitely sought to dole out justice for all, but here on Earth, justice doesn’t get doled out by people in rubber bodysuits with capes and gimmicks, so I think they got arrested pretty fast. They broke out, but maybe after getting arrested a few more times, they figured out that, if they were to help the people of this world, they needed to use a new approach. So, honestly, I think they fell into a pretty standard superhero role. Get themselves some secret identities, some normal clothes, and somewhere to keep their giant robot, and fought crime by night. Or day. Or whenever they’re free and there happens to be crime. And nobody outside the area they protect believes the Patchamen exist, but those that have been saved by them are eternally grateful for their heroes, and felt so validated when magic was proven real, and suddenly their heroes weren’t urban legends anymore, so they were all like, ‘You see?!’
I like the Patchamen, so I’m gonna go into what they’d do when they’re not trying to follow in the footsteps of that mysterious figure of terrestrial history, ‘Batman’.
Ben would actually become a cop, I think. He wants to bring justice to people, and while he’s never gonna stop doing it his way, he wants to know how the people of Earth serve justice. This makes it very awkward when he’s at work and the other cops are talking about that idiot in a rubber suit running around calling himself ‘The Justice Man’. Immediately falls into the stereotype of loving donuts, but can’t for the life of him figure out who would cut a hole in the middle. What foul villain stole a third of his pastry, without even the courage to come forward and make their evil known?! Coward!
Junko would be a stylist, since she’s the princess of beauty, and I think she’d be really surprised by the very negative views towards people’s looks here on Earth, especially ideas like you need to have a certain body type to be beautiful, and she’d be very firm that everyone is beautiful, but she’s happy to bring out inner beauty. She probably gets her own apartment, since she needs some girl space from the giant robot, genius kid, and two guys that narrate their own lives. (They do that, don’t tell me they don’t.) But the dog lives with her. She’s just a single stylist living with her giant dog. That’s how she rolls.
Jinpee is probably in school. Not elementary school, or high school, but like, a course at MIT or something. He hasn’t really got much going on aside from recreationally hacking the White House and trying to figure out what to do with these nuclear codes he got last Saturday.
Bo is one of those guys that says he’s got lots of irons in the fire, but is actually doing nothing. Says he’s writing a screenplay, but he’s actually just picturing the awards ceremony for the film he hasn’t even come up with a title for. Everyone is trying to get him to get a real job, but just he insists he’ll get to it. Ben has been covering him for rent for the entire time on Earth, and it’s getting old. At least he and his quills are pulling their weight in battle.
Kyu is very put out that he has to stay at the apartment most of the day, since people on Earth aren’t familiar with giant robots walking the streets, but he downloaded an ai chatbot and promptly developed a crush. He will not be told that it’s not sentient like him. They like him back. Why else would they listen to everything he’s got to say?
And Zack is just chilling like the giant dog he is. It doesn’t really matter whether he gets tummy rubs on Earth or Eraklyon, just as long as he gets them. And Earth has good dog food, so what’s to complain about?
Thanks so much for the ask! I really enjoyed answering it! The Patchamen had so much potential, and it’s a real shame they were never built on.
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syrups-fanfic-cafe · 1 year
Hi!! I really love your works! I saw that you write for Huniepop too and I was wondering.
Can I please request, Kyu Sugardust quitting being a love fairy so that she can marry her human s/o.
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Hello! I'm going to assume these were either the same person, or different people with similar requests. Either way I hope you like the headcanons! - Mod Syrup
Kyu Sugardust quits being a love fairy to marry her human s/o
It was already against the rules for her to sleep with you since you were one of her clients, so it came as a surprise when she almost immediately fell in love upon meeting you. But she couldn't help but fall in love with you, you almost had a charm to your awkwardness, it was like you put her under some sort of spell.
In fact, you might as well have put her under some sort of spell, cause not only did she quit her job as a love fairy, but also decided to live out the rest of her life as a human with you. You almost wanted to check if she was ok, if she was sick, cause you didn't think she loved anything more than her job, and here she was, quitting it just to be with you.
Her boss did not take the news well, to say the least. I mean, her best worker, quitting her job to marry some human that was barely a 6/10? It was almost blasphemous. But Kyu was *very* persistent, even going as far as the block her boss's number and cutting off ties to the sky garden altogether, it's not like she'd be living there anyways, she'd get to live with you now.
It was pretty rough when she first started out trying to be a human, there would be alot of times that she'd forget should couldn't fly anymore, seeing as quitting her job as a love fairy also meant losing her wings. Luckily, she already knew alot about public transport from watching other humans, so it wasn't too hard to adjust.
She also wasn't used to other people seeing her all the time. You'd have to keep reminding her that "Yes, the girl at the park can indeed hear the comment you just made about her tits." She learned quickly that she couldn't say shit like that anymore.
She also had a lot of questions when she decided to be with you, specifically about monogamy. She wasn't exactly the most 'monogamous', especially sense her job was to turn people into players who bang girls left and right. But she knew that monogamy was very important for human marriages, so she asked and made sure that was what you wanted.
Keep in mind this did not at all stop her from suggesting a threesome every so often.
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sorceriii · 1 year
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Name: Kyusaku Miiro Alias: Kyu (Preferred) Age: 17-18 (11/22) Height: 5′8″ School: Tokyo Tech (2nd year; Scouted) Grade: Grade 2
Personality: Passionate, bubbly, and a voice of the people- Kyu is a 2nd year at Tokyo Tech. Currently an enigma to most about what happened to her, Kyu puts others before her own needs and uses her own optimism as a means of keeping the hearts of those within Jujutsu Society alive- a free spirit with a heart of gold, she can also be known as a bit of an airhead despite being incredibly smart. She uses her platform to boost and lift the spirits of her fellow sorcerers, charismatic and never negative, she’s a familiar name among jujutsu society for positive influence and her commentary on specific events within the country despite it being BLATANT propaganda- Kyu continues to do it as she knows it helps the people and in the end that’s all she cares about. If asked about why she’s so happy in dire situations the only reply they’ll get is ‘the worst thing that’s happened to me has already happened.’ because in her eyes, nothing could be worse than what she can, has, or could go through.
Family: Kanna Miiro (Mother; Alive) James Wolfe (Step Father; Alive) Shiki Nishida (Step Sister; Alive) Daisuke Nishida (Nephew; Alive)
Cursed Technique: Force Program Shutdown - Kyu can manipulate the cursed energy from computer programs within technology and apply them to her enemies (Viruses, pop-up ads, etc.) with different effects- treating them like computer programs or software. - Viruses cause them to slow down, pop-up ads are shields to her, Spyware protection/viruses allows her to completely shield herself from oncoming attacks, so on and so forth (I’ll do a proper post on this later) - Too many active at once will cause Kyu to slow down herself and overheat, before she passes out. - Force Program shutdown also let’s Kyu manipulate cursed energy to increase her strength. (this would fall under Malware protection software)
Domain Expansion: User Banned - The area around them doesn’t change, but User Banned allows Kyu to manipulate reality as if it’s a computer program or video game. - User Banned also lets Kyu apply debuffs or restraints to her enemies within- so in short it’s sort of akin to a battle game once she activates it. She can apply health bars to herself and her enemies as well- she’s not that unfair. - Kyu isn’t too sure how to close her domain at the time so she really doesn’t like using it unless she absolutely has no choice. (she usually ends up passing out by the time she needs to close it or is forced to do so-) - A good indicator her Domain is active is the pixels that float up from the ground.
OTHER: - Kyu was scouted by Jujutsu society, before she joined Tokyo Tech, she was apart of a radio club at her local school and worked at her mother’s bakery (still does when she’s not at school) - Kyu still works on a radio show but it’s mostly a podcast- when she has time she’s broadcasting like a regular radio show. - She likes doing her missions at night due to her albinism. But she can still do them during the day, she just has to be careful. - Kyu does go missing after Shibuya, returning only during the Culling game arc while she’s healing to help those inside know what’s happening outside their areas. (And actively going against the higher ups KNOWING full well it could spell her death.) When seen face to face again, she’s sporting lichtenberg figures that spread up her arms, torso/chest, and into her hairline.
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takinghisbow · 2 years
Romance Stats
repost ; use the template linked to make your own with your muse(s) ; the more hearts the more this works in romancing/seducing them.
Kyuichi Akanishi
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Pick-Up Lines: ❤❤❤♡♡ Cuddles: ❤❤❤❤❤ PDA: ❤❤❤♡♡ Dancing: ❤❤❤♡♡ Dates: ❤❤❤❤❤ Gifts: ❤❤❤♡♡ Act of Service: ❤❤❤❤❤
stolen from: @ahogedetective because now i had to do this for kyu too fdksfjsdhdksh
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kyuureimu · 2 years
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whoops I am nearly forgetting my own headcanons but reminder psa mini-headcanon: As they currently stand Kyurem's preferred pronouns are completely interchangeable between he / they / it, and identifies as masculine agender/nonbinary! (as Isshurem they identified as genderfluid, for the record. their identity is literally fluid.) Whichever you use in his human guise in any context doesn't really matter, but prefers it / they as a dragon!
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cherribmb · 11 months
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Pinocchio event attendee local jester does not have a good time.
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tazernatic · 2 years
ive been thinking about kyu-chan, as one does, and i love that the yadorigi is an actual coffee shop like he served both kazuki and rei when they went there so he definitely has the ingredients to prepare the items on the menu
it'd be so funny if the names on the menu were super specific or puns about their secret job, so whenever there's a new hire for the company the new person is instructed to ask for smth like a rendezvous (basically irish coffee) with two extra shots and kyu-chan is mentally going like "on god, you better be an assassin because i know you're not asking for alcohol at f*cking nine a.m."
please give me that p.a. works
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reiiishii · 1 month
are you a soldier, a poet, or a king ?
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The Poet
"There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue" Loneliness. Strength. Joy. You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough. Here's the truth : you are. You sing songs and hope they carry faith, because you have run out if it, and yet you still throw your heart out to the world and hope it makes it through. You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create. You are tired of stumbling through life. You dream of a ground you can stand on. One day, you will dance. Your love is where you feel - without fear.
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The King
"There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy" Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe. Come on, breathe. In. Out. It starts now.
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viisiond · 1 year
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anathemamadness · 2 years
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As a lover of chaos, Kyusaku loves to pull pranks. From the very harmless to the somewhat cruel. An example!
Dazai calls Chuuya his dog- Kyusaku would ask Chuuya to do things and then give the poor guy a dog treat-
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sorceriii · 1 year
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Name: Kyusaku ‘Kyu’ Miiro Alias: Kyu (preferred) School: Tokyo Tech [2nd year] Grade: Grade 2
Cursed Technique: Force Program Shutdown - Kyu can manipulate the cursed energy from images and programs within technology and apply them to her enemies (Viruses, pop-up ads, etc.) with different effects- treating them like computer programs or software. - Viruses cause them to slow down, pop-up ads are shields to her, Spyware allows her to completely shield herself from oncoming attacks, so on and so forth (I’ll do a proper post on this later) - Too many active at once will cause Kyu to slow down herself and overheat, before she passes out. - Force Program shutdown also let’s Kyu manipulate cursed energy to increase her strength. (this would fall under Malware protection software)
Domain Expansion: User Banned - The area around them doesn’t change, but User Banned allows Kyu to manipulate reality as if it’s a computer program or video game. - User Banned also lets Kyu apply debuffs or restraints to her enemies within- so in short it’s sort of akin to a battle game once she activates it. She can apply health bars to herself and her enemies as well- she’s not that unfair. - Kyu isn’t too sure how to close her domain at the time so she really doesn’t like using it unless she absolutely has no choice. (she usually ends up passing out by the time she needs to close it or is forced to do so-) - A good indicator her Domain is active is the pixels that float up from the ground.
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takinghisbow · 2 years
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Has never punched anyone (in most verses) but will swear to hell and back that he has.
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Has absolutely punched someone full force but won't talk about it unless it comes up at a completely random time.
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kyuureimu · 2 years
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// now look here, it is no surprise that kyurem is a sad lonely fuck. he is doing this to himself, and as things stand i'm only focusing on the parts of his life that is directly relevant to game lore and everything me n my canons have cooking in the backburners.
but i can't promise that he *hasn't* been in a committed relationship as much as i can promise that he *has.* in his time known as kyurem he is/was arguably too busy with... literally everything to want or care to have that kind of partner. but as isshurem/the original dragon? they're old as fuckin dirt and during all that time i don't write about them the world is their oyster or whatever.
and thus i am not saying that ish and harmonia the first didn't have anything either, implied queer-platonic relationship at the bare minimum.
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strytells · 2 years
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Some Kyu facts!!
- She’s in Ignihyde! (sorry y’all gained an extrovert) - Kyu’s a social media influencer (and a model on the side), she’s pretty popular on Magicam! - Kyu can lift 15 tons (Though she doesn’t often; won’t say how or when she got that strong- but it’s definitely not magic) - 50% bimbo 50% genius..... - Favorite video games are Stardew valley and Mario Kart (the reigning queen of Mario Kart in the dorm...) - She’s apart of the Basketball club! - homegirl is never seen without her pastels and I’m so sorry....
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