kyu-piddy · 5 months
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To be a man in your eyes
Fem reader x Ace Trappola
Tw: Age gaps (reader is seven years older), light yandere behavior, implied non-con
1.2k words
Ace could remember many moments in his life with you in it. It was actually harder to remember moments without you.
From the moment Ace had been born, you had been there. His brother's best friend.
You had seen him in diapers, learning how to crawl, how to speak.
As he grew slightly older he used to go into his brother's room and demand he play with him. His brother would roll his eyes and tell him to go away, but you’d smile at him and grab the small plastic figure of his hand, ready to entertain his childish whims.
Eventually he started doing it on purpose. Going into his brother's room when he knew you were there, and demanding you play with him.
He also started stealing the stuff you’d bring over. Hair ties, hair clips, jackets.
You were always sweet and calm in return, indulging him and appeasing his brother, saying “Oh, he’s just a kid.”
At the time it felt great, to have your eyes on him instead of his annoying brother, but it quickly turned sour.
He’d huff and puff at you, saying “I’m not a kid! I’m nine years old! Almost a teenager, Nee-san!”
“You’ll be in a few years. But, for now, you’re still a kid.”
And you’d smile, that sweet motherly smile of yours you reserved for him.
But he didn’t want that smile. He wanted the one you gave his brother, a smile meant for someone of equal standing, an almost adult like yourself.
When his brother went to NRC, he thought he’d have you all for himself. No more pesky older brother to try to take you away. But you stopped showing up as much to his house. You still came by from time to time, but it was much less than before.
The few times you came, you played with him, but it wasn’t the same. You always longingly stared at his brother's bedroom door, as if waiting for it to open and for him to come out.
It infuriated him.
Why couldn’t you pay attention to him?!
“Nee-sannnnnn! Stop staring at stupid Nii’s room!”
“Sorry, Ace. Got a little distracted there. Where were we?”
You’d keep playing as usual, but he still felt furious. He started stealing more of your things in retaliation, and keeping them in his room. One day, he stole a half used lipstick. It was dark red, and the packaging made it look really fancy. It had been on your lips.
He put it on his lips and tasted it. Was this how your lips tasted?
He stashed the lipstick on his bottom drawer.
His brother returned later that year, now a full on graduate and with a job prospect on the line.
The first thing you did was hug him with all your might, and he returned fully, embracing you tightly.
Ace ran towards you both, grabbing a fistful of his brother's shirt.
“Stupid Nii. You’re suffocating Nee-San!”
You laughed and ruffled his hair, saying you were okay.
You really didn’t see him as more than a kid.
But he wouldn’t be a kid much longer. He was becoming a teen soon enough.
But disaster struck.
“I have this really great job opportunity!” You excitedly shared with his brother and him your plans. Your plans of moving away.
This was so unfair. He was so close to being a teenager. To be old enough for you to not see him as a kid. And now you were going to move away? You really were cruel.
His brother was really happy. Of course he was. You were going to be near his stupid Nii-san and not him.
You smiled at him. He ignored it and left the room.
You left, but just like his brother, kept contact.
At least tried to. During the first months he’d ignore your calls, sending you a quick text about how he was so busy, and having so much fun. But the feelings of longing grew stronger.
You’d send him texts, call him, even write him letters.
He couldn’t help but crack, the collection of your many knickknacks not enough to keep him satiated.
After that he tried talking to you everyday, even if it was just through a small text message.
Visits were difficult. Your job required you to work the time he was on holiday, so the only way to see each other was through photos.
You’d sent him some, and the others he’d find from stalking the social media of all your friends.
You looked radiant. And that drove him mad. You were so happy around all these people who weren’t him. You should only smile around him. You should only be his.
Is this because you only saw him as a kid? He couldn’t accept that. You’d have to see him as a man once you saw him face to face.
During the holidays of his third year at NRC, you came back to visit.
You didn’t look much older than the last time he had seen you five years ago, but he had changed immensely. He had the face of a man, and he was now taller than you.
Surely you’d see how much he had grown and stop the childish treatment.
And yet, when you saw him, you still gave him that motherly smile and pat on his head, and he was back to being 9 years old and throwing tantrums for your attention.
Couldn’t you see it? How much of a man he was? He was finishing his studies. He could provide for you. You didn’t need anyone else. He would just have to prove it to you.
“Hey, ___. Can ya come real quick with me to my room? So we can chat one on one like good old times.”
You eagerly accepted, so used to his house that you went in front of him.
You sat on his bed as he locked the door without you noticing.
“Ya know,___, I had a girlfriend when I was in middle school.”
You hummed in recognition.
“But she was so boring. I never even liked her. I never really liked any girl for that matter.”
“You don’t need to worry about that. You’re still young. You have plenty of time to figure it out.”
He sat by your side.
“I already figured it out. There’s one exception.”
He leaned closer to you, and you instinctively leaned back a little, a slight uncomfortable look in your eyes.
“An exception?”
“Yeah. A girl who is so dense, so stupid, that always preferred someone else. Do ya know any girls like that, Nee-Chan?”
He hadn’t called you that since he was 13, trying to distance himself from his former child self.
You looked like you were about to bolt out of the room, arms crossed.
He kept creeping closer to you on the bed and you kept leaning back, until you slipped and hit your back on the mattress.
He grabbed his pen from his pocket, and with a swift gesture your wrists were tied together.
Your eyes widened in horror, the rope becoming tighter as you tried wiggling out of it, a scream stuck in your throat, the shock of it all keeping you from truly screaming.
He smirked at your defenseless position.
His parents had left for the night. You were both truly alone.
After tonight, you wouldn’t see him as a kid anymore.
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