#l a rush ps2
highmichaelmell · 1 year
I'm unanoning myself lol. what have you been playing?
ayyyy nice!
ok ok ok SO: there's this new rhythm game i've been really into l;ately called hi-fi RUSH! well. rhythm-action i guess?
anyway, it's got a KILLER soundtrack first of all so you KNOW i'm about that shit (with both original music AND licensed songs!). and imo it's got this like, old-school feel to it that i dunno how to really describe? it just feelslike it belongs on the ps2 or something.
despite that vibe though it's not like the graphics are lowpoly or something, it's got AMAZING hq visuals. and the half-tone, cell-shaded look is just sooo sexy, i wish more games were like this
honestly, the squad's been hearing me go off about it for months now, i'm in deep lol. i even bought it FOR jake so he could stream it
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weatherman667 · 2 years
Gravity Rush
I remember playing this a bit on my (ex) wife’s PS Vita.
For those who don’t know, the Vita is not quite as powerful as a PS2.  This was incredible for a handheld of it’s time, but the problem is that the PS2 did not do a very good job of a 3D experience.  A hell of a lot better than the PS1/N64 era. It could do 3D, just make sure you plan around limited expectations.
So, Gravity Rush?  It’s a game built around moving in a complete 3D environment.  You do this by controlling gravity, and using it to fall in a designated direction.  You can float and fling.  While floating, you cannot move around with the  L-stick, or orientate with the L-stick.  Gravity changes to the direction you land in.  You cannot say, run around a corner, you have to float and fling yourself around the corner, and then float and fling yourself where you actually want to go.  You cannot really climb.  You can jump, but not double jump.  You can’t really do anything to help you orientate yourself.
Oh, yeah, you have a gravity meter, and when it runs out, you fall into the black hole.  You teleport back to land because, as the protagonist days, “I got too far away from the city.”  Considering, whatever you seem to be fighting against is gravity-based, so they could have some way of having it make sense.  Nope, you get teleported back, because.  The real reason this is a problem is that in  making it difficult to orientate yourself can leave you in a compromised positions when your gravity meters starts running short.
Spiderman:  Shattered Dimensions actually has a fantastic freefall mechanic that would be good here.
Considering the gameplay is so clunky, they can’t expect too much out of you in terms of fine control.  The game makes up for this be being French, which is it’s greatest sin.
Now, the greatest villain in French stories in Ennui.  A term that has no English equivalent.  I’m sure English has more words for rain than French does, however.
Anyways, in the horrendous tutorial, (more on that later), you save a kid, but because you are an amnesiac that just woke up, can’t really control your powers.   As such, you can’t save his house.  So, he and his dad just start to berate you
Uh, okay?
Alright, tutorial finished, she says she needs a place to stay.  Okay, however, this is the first part of the game where you can actually control what you are doing, (the tutorial wouldn’t let you change the camera until you get to a certain point).  Play around.  Doing playing, I guess I’ll talk to the quest NPC.  Get a tutorial for talking to quest NPC’s, even though I had to actually talk to the quest NPC to get unlock the tutorial to talk to the quest NPC.  Anyways, so, what does she want?  To tell me I smell and need a shower.
I, um...  I didn’t even get close to you until you put up your quest NPC icon, which was apparently just to get me within sniffing range to insult me.  Tried talking to her again and went through the same dialogue.
Alright, super.  Fuck her.  Let’s get back to finding a place to stay.
Apparently that’s going to be in the sewers.  In the... open... sewers.  The cutscene shows a dripping pipe above you, which she acts as if it was your shower.
*breathes in deep*
Alright, so, I have a home, I need furniture!  Oh, woman calls for help!  Help her, turns out she has a chair.  Her daughter in law asked her to throw it away.  Convenient, but I really don’t give a fuck.  That’s the least implausible thing to happen so far.
me:  Oh, wait, I think she finished her rant about how her daughter is trying to kill her by asking her to throw a chair away.
her:  I don’t exactly approve of the way you are dressed.
me:  She... she just called me a whore.  She just said I’m dressed like a whore.
This is like the games that make you commit a warcrime and then berate you for committing a warcrime.  Except it’s a whorecrime of fashion.
Alright, now a little rant about the tutorial.  It’s not a deal-breaker, just a complete waste of time.  It doesn’t let you move the camera until it tells you to, doesn’t let you jump until you’re ready, it doesn’t tell you how to pause in the air until after you were supposed to use it.  It never actually explains your gravity meter, which leads you to wondering what the alarming ticking sound is every now and again.  You also pick up powerups while floating around that recharge your gravity gauge, without being told about.  I would have learned more if they just let me play around with buttons.
TL;DR:  The real problem is that it’s French.  The next biggest problem is that it was too early to really do what it wants to do.  I don’t mean Avant-Garde, I mean the Vita hardware wasn’t good enough to do what it wants to do.
Unless it’s to have an older women tell you that you are dressed like a whore.
Whipping yourself around is a pretty unique mechanic, and the biggest negative consequence you can face is dropping into a black hole and respawning, (you don’t actualy die, however), so, you are free to whip yourself around as much as you want.
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13eyond13 · 3 years
Even numbers W/ Mello
oh haha, I was just reblogging an old headcanon post there, and I’ve actually done some of these for him before too. Don’t think I have time to do the whole thing but I’ll paste those ones here for you anon
What makes them melt romantically?
I think genuine innocence or acts of pure selflessness might catch him off-guard and intrigue him sometimes, since he’s so used to being around people who are very guarded and only ever looking out for themselves. He probably wouldn’t want to show it or would get easily embarrassed by it too, though
Which household chore do they privately love? He likes beating the dust out of curtains and rugs, good outlet for his aggression
Which sappy romantic movie is their favourite? Do they admit to it? He likes My Own Private Idaho and doesn’t admit to it when he’s a young teen but does when he gets a bit older
What is their love language? I think Mello is an unusually articulate and self-aware child in the Wammy’s flashback, and he also seems very easily emotionally affected by what people say to him, so probably Words of Affirmation What did their high school love letters look like? He maybe would write something really intense and rather long-winded and colourful, probably pretty dirty as well. I’m imagining it in his Another Note writing style 😅 Describe their happiest birthday. 12th birthday, he got a massive chocolate cupcake from Roger, the best score on a pop quiz in class (because Near was in bed with the flu, but shhh), and Matt managed to sneak into town and buy a copy of the newly released Silent Hill sequel for his PS2. they both stayed up all night playing that and eating piles of junk food. Well worth the nightmares What fandom do they write fanfic for? Give us a small sample. He invents the Beyond Birthday fandom and his LABB book is essentially the very first fanfic for it. He ships LxB as a vessel for his own childhood crush on L and that’s why the novel sometimes says suggestive shit out of nowhere like “B would be the top and L would be the bottom” etc.
What brings them the most unmitigated joy in all the world? Seeing and hearing big powerful people cowering in his presence and rushing to obey him, his meticulous plans going off without a hitch
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