#líng yá
kamaimasenyo · 6 years
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“It’s the pipe bastard!”
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insidethemirror · 2 years
天涯客 (Faraway Wanderers) Lyrics
Artist:  张哲瀚, 龚俊 (Simon Gong)
Drama: Word of Honor 山河令 (2021)
Chinese | Pinyin | English
天苍苍事了功成渡寒江 tiān cāng cāng shì liǎo gōng chéng dù hán jiāng The sky was gray as I crossed the cold river. 夜茫茫杯中月影笑荒唐 yè máng máng bēi zhōng yuè yǐng xiào huāng táng In the night the moon inside my cup reflects the sadness in my smile. 谁许我策马江湖闯四方 shéi xǔ wǒ cè mǎ jiāng hú chuǎng sì fāng Who allowed me to roam around the world on horseback? 谁醉遍天涯 梦醒不见故乡 shéi zuì biàn tiān yá   mèng xǐng bù jiàn gù xiāng Who got drunk in the pursuit but can’t find their way home when they wake up?
西陵下凄秋凉雨吻我窗 xī líng xià qī qiū liáng yǔ wěn wǒ chuāng Under the Xiling Gorge the cold autumn rain feels like a kiss on my window 任人憎任人谤 未妨惆怅是清狂 rèn rén zēng rèn rén bàng   wèi fáng chóu chàng shì qīng kuáng I don’t mind the hate and slander, but my melancholy persists. 春风吹得绿江南水岸 吹不暖人心霜 chūn fēng chuī dé lǜ jiāng nán shuǐ àn   chuī bù nuǎn rén xīn shuāng The spring breeze brings greenery along the Yangtze River but can’t warm my heart. 猝不及防 那是不是我们的光 cù bù jí fáng   nà shì bù shì wǒ mén dí guāng Is that our light that came out of nowhere?
相见恨晚幸未晚 不再辜负四季花 xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn xìng wèi wǎn   bù zài gū fù sì jì huā I regret not meeting you earlier, fortunately it’s not too late, so let’s not make the seasons pass in vain. 将古道西风瘦马 换小桥流水人家 jiāng gǔ dào xī fēng shòu mǎ   huàn xiǎo qiáo liú shuǐ rén jiā Give up the adventures on horseback for a peaceful quiet life. 万里河山万家灯 往事如烟浪淘沙 wàn lǐ hé shān wàn jiā dēng   wǎng shì rú yān làng táo shā The world is ablaze by ten thousand lights, let the past disappear like smoke and waves in the sand. 将平生霜雪 与君煮酒烹茶 jiāng píng shēng shuāng xuě   yǔ jūn zhǔ jiǔ pēng chá I will spend the rest of my life boiling wine and brewing tea with you.
芳草长烟波流云映斜阳 fāng cǎo cháng yān bō liú yún yìng xié yáng Engrossed in the mist of fragrant grass, the floating clouds reflects the setting sun. 问何处仙乡 蝴蝶为骨玉为梁 wèn hé chǔ xiān xiāng   hú dié wéi gǔ yù wéi liáng Where is my home where that free and noble spirit resides? 你一肩担不尽万古愁 不如分我几两 nǐ yī jiān dān bù jìn wàn gǔ chóu   bù rú fēn wǒ jī liǎng The endless worries you’re burdened with, why don’t you share them with me. 陪君醉 三万场 从此不言离殇 péi jūn zuì   sān wàn cháng   cóng cǐ bù yán lí shāng Let’s go get drunk as we play thousands of games, and never say goodbye!
相见恨晚幸未晚 再不辜负四季花 xiāng jiàn hèn wǎn xìng wèi wǎn   zài bù gū fù sì jì huā I regret not meeting you earlier, fortunately it’s not too late, or else the seasons might have passed in vain. 将古道西风瘦马 换小桥流水人家 jiāng gǔ dào xī fēng shòu mǎ   huàn xiǎo qiáo liú shuǐ rén jiā Give up the adventures on horseback for a peaceful quiet life. 万里河山万家灯 往事如烟浪淘沙 wàn lǐ hé shān wàn jiā dēng   wǎng shì rú yān làng táo shā The world is ablaze by ten thousand lights, let the past disappear like smoke and waves in the sand. 将平生霜雪 与君煮酒烹茶 jiāng píng shēng shuāng xuě   yǔ jūn zhǔ jiǔ pēng chá I will spend the rest of my life boiling wine and brewing tea with you.
无边落木萧萧下 不尽长江滚滚来 wú biān luò mù xiāo xiāo xià   bù jìn cháng jiāng gǔn gǔn lái The boundless forest endlessly sheds its leaves, and the Yangtze River surges ceaselessly. 风刀霜剑皆不惧只要 fēng dāo shuāng jiàn jiē bù jù zhī yào Fear not the wind-like knives and frost-like swords as long as, 你我还在 nǐ wǒ hái zài You and I are still here. 得既高歌失既休 无拘无束亦无碍 dé jì gāo gē shī jì xiū   wú jū wú shù yì wú ài Let’s sing and let go of our failures, living free and unfettered. 但得一知己 慰尽风尘无奈 dàn dé yī zhī jǐ   wèi jìn fēng chén wú nài Nothing but a bosom friend can comfort me through the harships and helplessness. 任山高水远 你在我也在 rèn shān gāo shuǐ yuǎn   nǐ zài wǒ yě zài No matter how high the mountains or how far the ocean is, if you are here, then so will I.
If there are errors please do not hesitate to point it out. It’s greatly appreciated.
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levelingupmychinese · 3 years
花木兰 (2/3)
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箭(jiàn) - Flecha
射(shè) - Disparar, lanzar
柱子(zhù zi) - Pilar
手腕(shǒu wàn) - Muñeca (de la mano)
邦(bāng) - Nación, país
铜牌(tóng pái) - Placa de bronze
棍术(gùn shù) - Arte marcial con palos
队伍(duì wǔ) - Tropas
搅(jiǎo) - Molestar
一团糟(yī tuán zāo) - Caos
沮丧(jǔ sàng) - Desanimada
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瘫(tān) - Paralizada
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刮目相看(guā mù xiāng kàn) - Tener un nuevo nivel de respeto por alguien, darte cuenta (de la mejora de alguien)
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假扮(jiǎ bàn) - Hacerse pasar por, disfrazarse de otra persona
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带领(dài lǐng) - Guiar, liderar
山谷(shān gǔ) - Valle
埋伏(mái fú) - Emboscada, emboscar
袭击(xí jī) - Ataque (sobre todo ataque por sorpresa)
指挥(zhǐ huī) - Mandar, comandar
反击(fǎn jī) - Contratacar
火炮(huǒ pào) - Cañón, pistola, artillería
火药(huǒ yào) - Pólvora
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积雪(jī xuě) - Nieve, manto de nieve
灵机一动(líng jī yī dòng) - Ocurrírsele a alguien una brillante idea (frase hecha)
爆炸(bào zhà) - Explosión, explotar
雪崩(xuě bēng) - Avalancha
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汗血马 - Caballo de Fergana (raza china de caballo)
时机(shí jī) - Oportunidad, ocasión, momento afortunado
堵(dǔ) - Clasificador pared
悬崖(xuán yá) - Precipicio
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眼疾手快(yǎn jí shǒu kuài) - Con ojo de águila y manos ágiles
绑(bǎng) - Atar
合力(hé lì) - Cooperar
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驱逐出(qū zhú chū jìng) - Expulsar
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thebananatroll · 4 years
Chapter 1 (Part 1)
第一章 ��春苑巧遇兩兄弟 忽逢燮齊心禦仇敵啟 Dì yī zhāng jù chūn yuàn qiǎoyù liǎng xiōngdì hū féng xiè qíxīn yù chóudí qǐ Chapter 1 Ju Chun Yuan - Change encounter with two brothers. Suddenly working in harmony to resist the enemy’s awakening.
[Chibi Hu Geng] 路上許有危險,  少主且當心。 Lùshàng xǔ yǒu wéixiǎn,  shǎo zhǔ qiě dāngxīn. There may be dangers along the way, Young Miss should be careful.
路遇食魘 Lù yù shí yǎn Food Nightmares en route encounters
1-1.1 路遇食魘 . 故事 Lù yù shí yǎn. Gùshì Food Nightmares en route encounters  . Story
! 戰況預估 - 謹慎 Zhànkuàng yù gū - jǐnshèn Battle prediction - Caution.
決心去尋找失散的友人, 我與鵠羹踏上了旅途, 可卻因陣法的傳送偏差, 而落入不知距福州城多遠的郊外-- Juéxīn qù xúnzhǎo shīsàn de yǒurén, wǒ yǔ hú gēng tà shàngle lǚtú, kě què yīn zhèn fǎ de chuánsòng piānchā, ér luò rù bùzhī jù fúzhōu chéng duō yuǎn de jiāowài-- Determined to find my lost friend, I and Hu Geng set foot on a journey, but because of a deviation in the Array’s way of transmission, we unknowingly fell into the outskirts far away from Fu Zhou’s city walls.
敵方陣容 Dí fāng zhènróng Enemy lineup
可能掉落 Kěnéng diào luò Possible drops
[Chibi Hu Geng] 點擊此處開始出擊! Diǎnjī cǐ chù kāishǐ chūjí! Press here to start attacking!
Button: 戰門  Zhàn mén Combat
啟擊! Qǐ jī! Start!
[Player] 終於落地啦。 想來也有好時日不曾啟用萬象陣穿越人間的時空了。 Zhōngyú luòdì la. Xiǎnglái yěyǒu hǎo shí rì bùcéng qǐyòng wànxiàng zhèn chuānyuè rénjiān de shíkōngle. Finally landed. It’s been a good long time since I’ve used the Wan Xiang Array to pass through time and space of the human world.
[Player] 爹爹常囑咐我不要頻繁穿越過去, 雖然歴史不易被外物影響, 甚至還會自我修正, 但流連過往容易人迷失自我... Diēdiē cháng zhǔfù wǒ bùyào pínfán chuānyuè guòqù, suīrán lìshǐ bùyì bèi wài wù yǐngxiǎng, shènzhì hái huì zìwǒ xiūzhèng, dàn liúlián guòwǎng róngyì rén míshī zìwǒ... Dad often told me not to cross over too frequently. Although the history is not easily influenced by foreign influence, even so much that it could correct itself, but lingering for too long makes it easy for one to lose themselves in it...
[Player]  咦? 不過這裡怎麼是一處荒郊野林?我明明定位的是清朝福州城... Yí? Bùguò zhèlǐ zěnme shì yī chù huāng jiāoyě lín? Wǒ míngmíng dìngwèi de shì qīngcháo fúzhōu chéng... Huh? But why is this place a wild country forest? I’m pretty sure that I aimed for Fuzhou City in the Qing Dynasty ...
[ 鹄羹] (Hu Geng) 萬象陣於空桑設下至今已有數千年, 出現偏差也是說不準的。 Wànxiàng zhèn yú kōng sāng shè xià zhìjīn yǐ yǒushù qiānnián, chūxiàn piānchā yěshì shuō bu zhǔn dì.  It has been thousands of years since the establishment of the Wan Xiang Array in Kong Sang, it’s difficult to estimate deviations that could arise.
[ 鹄羹] 說不定此地離福州城並不遠, 待碰見他人, 我們問問便知 Shuō bu dìng cǐdì lí fúzhōu chéng bìng bù yuǎn, dài pèngjiàn tārén, wǒmen wèn wèn biàn zhī Maybe this place is not far from Fuzhou City, if we bump into anyone, we will know when we ask.
[Player] 看來鵠羮對空桑, 對萬象陣很熟悉呢? Kàn lái hú gēng duì kōng sāng, duì wànxiàng zhèn hěn shúxī ne? It seems that Hu Geng is familiar with Kong Sang and Wan Xiang Array?
[ 鹄羹]  少主見笑了。鵠羮能夠成為入冊《食物語》的首位食魂, 實乃三生有幸。 Shǎo zhǔ jiàn xiàole. Hú gēng nénggòu chéngwéi rù cè “shí wùyǔ” de shǒuwèi shí hún, shí nǎi sān shēng yǒuxìng. The young master laughed. For Hu Geng to become the first Food Soul to enter “The Tale of Food" book, it is the blessings of three lifetimes.
[ 鹄羹] 自空桑初成, 我便始終伴隨伊摯大人左右。 空桑的一草一木對鵠羮而言, 都有獨特的意義。 Zì kōng sāng chū chéng, wǒ biàn shǐzhōng bànsuí yī zhì dàrén zuǒyòu. Kōng sāng de yī cǎo yī mù duì hú gēng ér yán, dōu yǒu dútè de yìyì. Since the beginning of the Kong Sang, I have always accompanied Master Yi Zhi as his assistant. How Hu Geng regards Kong Sang even to its every blade of grass and every tree, is with unique significance.
[Narration] 途中, 鵠羮與我述說起空桑的過往種種。 那些發生在我出生之前的故事, 部分亦曾聽父親講過一二... Túzhōng, hú gēng yǔ wǒ shùshuō qǐ kōng sāng de guòwǎng zhǒngzhǒng. Nàxiē fāshēng zài wǒ chūshēng zhīqián de gùshì, bùfèn yì céng tīng fùqīn jiǎngguò yī'èr... On the way, Hu Geng and I talked about the past of Kong Sang. Some of the stories that happened before I was born, there were only pieces of it that I had heard before from father once or twice...
[Player] ...
[ 鹄羹] 少主﹒ 是累了嗎﹖ 需不需要就地歇息小會兒…… Shǎo zhǔ﹒ shì lèile ma﹖ xū bù xūyào jiù dì xiēxī xiǎo huì er…… Young Miss, are you tired? Do you need to rest for a while ...
[ 鹄羹] 少主, 怎麼了﹖ Shǎo zhǔ, zěnmeliǎo﹖ Young Miss, what's wrong?
[ Player] 沒什麼……空桑現已被毀﹐ 但我仍想不通這一連串的事端究竟因何而起‧‥‥ Méishénme……kōng sāng xiàn yǐ bèi huǐ﹐ dàn wǒ réng xiǎng bùtōng zhè yīliánchuàn de shìduān jiùjìng yīn hé ér qǐ‧‥‥ Nothing ... Kong Sang has now been destroyed, but I still can’t figure out why this series of incidents happened...
[ Player] 饕餮被镇压在不周山下千年有余, 怎么会不声不响闯到空桑来? Tāotiè bèi zhènyā zài bù zhōu shānxià qiānnián yǒuyú, zěnme huì bù shēng bù xiǎng chuǎng dào kōng sāng lái? Tao Tie should have been suppressed under Bu Zhou Mountain for thousands of years in abundance, how did it silently charge into Kong Sang?
[ Player] 倘若是易牙將它帶入空桑‧ ‧ ‧ ˙ ‧ ˙可他又怎麼有那麼大的本事操縱饕餮呢? Tǎngruò shì yì yá jiāng tā dài rù kōng sāng‧ ‧ ‧ ˙‧ ˙kě tā yòu zěnme yǒu nàme dà de běnshì cāozòng tāotiè ne? What if it’s Yi Ya who led it to Kong Sang ‧ ‧ ‧ but how could he have such a great capability to manipulate Tao Tie?
[Player] 還有那個神殿裡出現的蒙面人, 也不知道是否就是易牙所說的 “宴仙壇主人" Hái yǒu nàgè shéndiàn lǐ chūxiàn de méng miàn rén, yě bù zhīdào shìfǒu jiùshì yì yá suǒ shuō de “yàn xiān tán zhǔrén" There is also the masked man who appeared in the shrine, and whether if he is the “Master of Yan Xian Tan” as Yi Ya said.
[Player] 易牙控訴父親言之鑿鑿, 這中間一定有什麼誤會……! Yì yá kòngsù fùqīn yán zhī zuò záo, zhè zhōngjiān yīdìng yǒu shé me wùhuì……! Yi Ya accused my father with words of absolute, there must be some misunderstanding ...
[鹄羹] 少主, 難為你了, 不僅要承受離別之苦, 還要承擔重建空桑的責任。 Shǎo zhǔ, nánwéi nǐle, bùjǐn yào chéngshòu líbié zhī kǔ, hái yào chéngdān chóngjiàn kōng sāng de zérèn. Young Miss, it’s been hard for you, not only to bear the pain of parting, but also to bear the responsibility of rebuilding Kong Sang.
[鹄羹] 相信伊摯大人很快便能趕回空桑主持大局。 在此之前, 鵠羹會一直陪在你身邊的。 Xiāngxìn yī zhì dàrén hěn kuài biàn néng gǎn huí kōng sāng zhǔchí dàjú. Zài cǐ zhīqián, hú gēng huì yīzhí péi zài nǐ shēnbiān de. I believe Master Yi Zhi is rushing his return to Kong Sang and take control of the situation. Until then, Hu Geng will always be accompanying you by your side.
[Player] 鵠羹溫柔的笑意與話語讓我內心倍感暖意, 我深吸一口氣, 打算繼續趕路-- Hú gēng wēnróu de xiào yì yǔ huàyǔ ràng wǒ nèixīn bèi gǎn nuǎn yì, wǒ shēn xī yī kǒuqì, dǎsuàn jìxù gǎnlù-- Hu Geng's gentle smile and words make my heart feel extremely warm. I take a deep breath and plan to continue my journey with haste--
[Narration] 就在此時, 前方樹叢傳來一陣騷動…… Jiù zài cǐ shí, qiánfāng shùcóng chuán lái yīzhèn sāodòng…… At this moment, there is a sound of disturbance within the thickets ahead ...
[餘腥蟹]  Yú xīng xiè (Crab with odd fishy smell) .....!
[Player] 是食魘‥‥‥﹗ Shì shí yǎn‥‥‥﹗ It’s a Food Nightmare...!
[鹄羹] 少主小心﹗ 快到我身後來﹗ Shǎo zhǔ xiǎoxīn﹗ kuài dào wǒ shēn hòulái﹗ Young Miss, be careful! Get behind me quickly!
--褔州郊外-- -- Fúzhōu jiāowài-- -- Fu Zhou Outskirt--
[Chibi Hu Geng] 戰鬥中可以切換目標, 優先集火治療型敵人。 Zhàndòu zhōng kěyǐ qiēhuàn mùbiāo, yōuxiān jí huǒ zhìliáo xíng dírén. You can switch targets during battle, giving priority to healing-type enemies.
[Chibi Hu Geng] Zhǔnbèi tuǒdang, kāishǐ “gōngjí” Prepare appropriately, begin “Attack”.
--After the battle--
[Player] 現以食神之名將你凈化, 恢復你原來的樣子吧-- Xiàn yǐ shíshén zhī míngjiàng nǐ jìnghuà, huīfù nǐ yuánlái de yàngzi ba-- I now purify you in the God of Food’s name, restore your original appearance--
[餘腥蟹] 呃-- È -- Gh--
[Player] 呼... Hū ... Hu....
[鹄羹] 少主辛苦了, 淨化食魘之時亦頗有伊摯大人的架勢。 不過這句臺詞好像在哪裡聽過…… Shǎo zhǔ xīnkǔle, jìnghuà shí yǎn zhī shí yì pō yǒu yī zhì dàrén de jiàshì. Bùguò zhè jù táicí hǎoxiàng zài nǎlǐ tīngguò…… The Young Miss has worked hard, there are some of Master Yi Zhi’s manners when purifying the Food Nightmare. Where did that scripted sentence came from however...
[Player] 這、 這其實是我第三次淨化食魘而已。 爹爹這傢伙以前也沒怎麼認真教過我, 就顧著……咳! Zhè, zhè qíshí shì wǒ dì sān cì jìnghuà shí yǎn éryǐ. Diēdiē zhè jiāhuo yǐqián yě méi zěnme rènzhēn jiàoguò wǒ, jiù gùzhe……hāi! This, this is actually merely my third time to purifying a Food Nightmare. That father of a man didn’t earnestly teach me back then, now looking at it ... Sigh!
[Player] 說到食魘, 他們跟食魂一樣, 旨為食物化靈。 只不過食魂是由精心烹製的菜肴幻化, 而食魘卻從殘羹剩食中誕生。 Shuō dào shí yǎn, tāmen gēn shí hún yīyàng, zhǐ wèi shíwù huà líng. Zhǐ bùguò shí hún shì yóu jīngxīn pēng zhì de càiyáo huànhuà, ér shí yǎn què cóng cán gēng shèng shí zhōng dànshēng. Speaking of Food Nightmares, they are like Food Souls, aiming to turn food into spirits. It's just that the Food Souls are transformed from meticulously prepared dishes, but   Food Nightmares are born out from leftover foods.
[鹄羹] 少主, 你今天表現得很棒,將來必定會成為像伊摯大人那樣名副其實的食神。 Shǎo zhǔ, nǐ jīntiān biǎoxiàn dé hěn bàng, jiānglái bìdìng huì chéngwéi xiàng yī zhì dàrén nàyàng míngfùqíshí de shíshén. Young Miss, you have displayed a great performance today, in the future you are bound to become a God of Food just like Master Yi Zhi, not just in name, but in reality.
-戰門  . 勝利- - Zhàn mén  . Shènglì- -Combat . Victory-
[Guo Bou Rou] 謂允許我將這份勝利的榮光奉獻給您。 Wèi yǔnxǔ wǒ jiāng zhè fèn shènglì de róngguāng fèngxiàn gěi nín. Allow me to dedicate this glorious victory to you.
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xmasqoo-haineke · 4 years
List of kampo herbs From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  (Redirected from Kampo herb list) Jump to navigationJump to search This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: External links that appear to be advertising Please help improve this article if you can. (December 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Kampō (or Kanpō, 漢方) medicine is the Japanese study and adaptation of traditional Chinese medicine. In 1967, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved four kampo medicines for reimbursement under the National Health Insurance (NHI) program. In 1976, 82 kampo medicines were approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Currently, 148 kampo medicines are approved for reimbursement. [1] The 14th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) (日本薬局方 Nihon yakkyokuhō) lists 165 herbal ingredients that are approved to be used in kampo remedies.[2] Tsumura (ツムラ) is the leading maker[3] making 128 of the 148 kampo medicines. The "count" column shows in how many of these 128 formulae the herb is found. The most common herb is Glycyrrhizae Radix (Chinese liquorice root). It is in 94 of the 128 Tsumura formulae. Other common herbs are Zingiberis Rhizoma (ginger) (51 of 128 formulae) and Paeoniae Radix (Chinese peony root) (44 of 128 formulae). Name Common Name Kanji Katakana Pinyin Chinese (T) Chinese (S) Genus species Count Achyranthis Radix achyranthis root 牛膝 ゴシツ niú xī 牛膝 牛膝 Achyranthes fauriei 3 Aconiti Rhizoma Carmichael's monkshood rhizome 附子 ブシ fù zǐ 附子 附子 Aconitum carmichaelii 6 Akebiae Caulis chocolate vine stem 木通 モクツウ mù tōng 木通 木通 Akebia quinata 5 Alismatis Rhizoma water plantain rhizome 沢瀉 タクシャ zé xiè 澤瀉 泽泻 Alisma orientale 14 Alpiniae Officinari Rhizoma lesser galangal rhizome 良姜 リョウキョウ liáng jiāng 良薑 良姜 Alpinia officinarum 1 Amomi Semen black cardamom seed 縮砂 シュクシャ shā rén 砂仁 砂仁 Amomum xanthioides 1 Anemarrhenae Rhizoma anemarrhena rhizome 知母 チモ zhī mǔ 知母 知母 Anemarrhena asphodeloides 6 Angelicae Dahuricae Radix angelica root 白芷 ビャクシ bái zhǐ 白芷 白芷 Angelica dahurica 5 Angelicae Radix Chinese angelica root 当帰 トウキ dāng guī 當歸 当归 Angelica acutiloba 37 Araliae Cordatae Radix Japanese spikenard root 和羌活 ワキョウカツ tǔ dāng guī 土當歸 土当归 Aralia cordata 1 Araliae Cordatae Rhizoma Japanese spikenard rhizome 独活 ドッカツ tǔ dāng guī 土當歸 土当归 Aralia cordata 1 Arctii Fructus greater burdock fruit 牛蒡子 ゴボウシ niú bàng zǐ 牛蒡子 牛蒡子 Arctium lappa 2 Arecae Semen betel nut areca nut 檳榔子 ビンロウジ bīng láng/ bīn láng[4] 檳榔 槟榔 Areca catechu 1 Arisaematis Rhizoma arisaema rhizome 天南星 テンナンショウ tiān nán xīng 天南星 天南星 Arisaema heterophyllum 1 Artemisiae Capillari Flos wormwood flower, mugwort flower 茵蔯蒿 インチンコウ yīn chén hāo 茵陳蒿 茵陈蒿 Artemisia capillaris 2 Artemisiae Folium wormwood leaf, mugwort leaf 艾葉 ガイヨウ ài yè 艾葉 艾叶 Artemisia princeps 1 Asiasari Radix Chinese wild ginger root 細辛 サイシン xì xīn 細辛 细辛 Asarum sieboldii 5 Asini Corii Collas collagen 阿膠 アキョウ ē jiāo 阿膠 阿胶 5 Asparagi Radix asparagus root 天門冬 テンモンドウ tiān mén dōng 天門冬 天门冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis 2 Astragali Radix astragalus root 黄耆 オウギ huáng qí 黃蓍 黄芪 Astragalus membranaceus 14 Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma atractylodes rhizome 蒼朮 ソウジュツ cāng zhú 蒼朮 苍术 Atractylodes lancea 34 Atractylodis Rhizoma white atractylodes rhizome 白朮 ビャクジュツ bái zhú 白朮 白术 Atractylodes japonica 8 Aurantii Fructus Immaturus unripe bitter orange 枳実 キジツ zhǐ shí 枳實 枳实 Citrus aurantium 14 Aurantii Nobilis Pericarpium aged mikan orange peel 陳皮 チンピ chén pí 陳皮 陈皮 Citrus unshiu 24 Bambusae Caulis, Phyllostachysis Caulis bamboo shavings 竹筎 チクジョ zhú rú 竹茹 竹茹 Bambusa tuldoides 2 Benincasae Semen winter melon seed 冬瓜子 トウガシ dōng guā zǐ 冬瓜子 冬瓜子 Benincasa cerifera 1 Bovis Bezoar cattle gallstone calculus bovis 牛黄 ゴオウ niú huáng 牛黃 牛黄 Bos taurus 0 Bupleuri Radix bupleurum root 柴胡 サイコ chái hú 柴胡 柴胡 Bupleurum falcatum 22 Camelliae Folium tea leaf 茶葉 チャヨウ chá yè 茶葉 茶叶 Camellia sinensis 1 Cannabis Fructus hemp fruit 麻子仁 マシニン má zǐ rén 麻子仁 麻子仁 Cannabis sativa 3 Carthami Flos safflower flower 紅花 コウカ hóng huā 紅花 红花 Carthamus tinctorius 2 Caryophylli Flos clove flower 丁子 チョウジ dīng zǐ 丁子 丁子 Syzygium aromaticum 2 Cassiae Semen senna seed 決明子 ケツメイシ jué míng zǐ 決明子 决明子 Senna obtusifolia (formerly Cassia) 0 Chrysanthemi Flos chrysanthemum flower 菊花 キッカ jú huā 菊花 菊花 Chrysanthemum morifolium 1 Cicadae Periostracum cicada molting 蝉退 ゼンタイ chán tuì 蟬退 蝉退 Cryptotympana tustulata 1 Cimicifugae Rhizoma bugbane rhizome, cohosh rhizome 升麻 ショウマ shēng má 升麻 升麻 Cimicifuga simplex 5 Cinnamomi Cortex Chinese cinnamon bark 桂皮 ケイヒ guì pí 桂皮 桂皮 Cinnamomum cassia 39 Clematidis Radix clematis root 威霊仙 イレイセン wēi líng xiān 威靈仙 威灵仙 Clematis chinensis 2 Cnidii Rhizoma cnidium root 川芎 センキュウ chuān xiōng 川芎 川芎 Cnidium officinale 25 Coicis Semen Job's Tears seed 薏苡仁 ヨクイニン yì yǐ rén 薏苡仁 薏苡仁 Coix lacryma 3 Coptidis Rhizoma goldenthread rhizome 黄連 オウレン huáng lián 黃連 黄连 Coptis japonica 11 Corni Fructus Japanese cornel fruit 山茱萸 サンシュユ shān zhū yú 山茱萸 山茱萸 Cornus officinalis 3 Corydalis Rhizoma corydalis rhizome 延胡索 エンゴサク yán hú suǒ 延胡索 延胡索 Corydalis turtschaninovii 1 Crassostreae Testa pacific oyster shell 牡蛎 ボレイ mǔ lì 牡蠣 牡蛎 Crassostrea gigas 4 Crataegi Fructus Japanese hawthorn fruit 山楂子 サンザシ shān zhā 山楂 山楂 Crataegus cuneata 1 Crotonis Semen rushfoil seed, croton seed 巴豆 ハズ bā dòu 巴豆 巴豆 Croton tiglium 0 Cyperi Rhizoma nut-grass rhizome 香附子 コウブシ xiāng fù zǐ 香附子 香附子 Cyperus rotundus 6 Dioscoreae Rhizoma Chinese yam rhizome 山薬 サンヤク shān yào 山藥 山药 Dioscorea japonica D. opposita 4 Ephedrae Herba ephedra herb 麻黄 マオウ má huáng 麻黃 麻黄 Ephedra sinica 13 Eriobotryae Folium loquat leaf 枇杷葉 ビワヨウ pí pá yè 枇杷葉 枇杷叶 Eriobotrya japonica 1 Eucommiae Cortex eucommia bark 杜仲 トチュウ dù zhòng 杜仲 杜仲 Eucommia ulmoides 1 Eupolyphaga ground beetle, wingless cockroach 庶虫(1) シャチュウ tǔ biē chóng 土鱉蟲 土鳖虫 Eupolyphaga sinensis 0 Fel Ursi bear gallbladder 熊胆 ユウタン xióng dǎn 熊膽 熊胆 Ursus arctos 0 Foeniculi Fructus fennel fruit 茴香 ウイキョウ huí xiāng 茴香 茴香 Foeniculum vulgare 1 Forsythiae Fructus forsythia fruit 連翹 レンギョウ lián qiào 連翹 连翘 Forsythia suspensa 5 Fossilia Ossis Mastodi dragon bone, fossilized vertebrae and bones 竜骨 リュウコツ lóng gǔ 龍骨 龙骨 2 Fritillariae Bulbus fritillaria bulb 貝母 バイモ bèi mǔ 貝母 贝母 Fritillaria verticillata 2 Gardeniae Fructus gardenia fruit 山梔子 サンシシ shān zhī zǐ 山梔子 山栀子 Gardenia jasminoides 13 Gastrodiae Rhizoma gastrodia rhizome 天麻 テンマ tiān má 天麻 天麻 Gastrodia elata 1 Gentianae Scabrae Radix Chinese gentian root 竜胆 リュウタン lóng dǎn caǒ 龍膽草 龙胆草 Gentiana scabra 3 Glehniae Radix Cum Rhizoma glehnia rhizome 浜防風 ハマボウフウ běi shā shēn 北沙參 北沙参 Glehnia littoralis 1 Glycyrrhizae Radix Chinese liquorice root 甘草 カンゾウ gān cǎo 甘草 甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis 94 Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata Chinese liquorice root 炙甘草 シャカンゾウ zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草 炙甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis 1 Gypsum Fibrosum gypsum mineral 石膏 セッコウ shí gāo 石膏 石膏 10 Hordei Fructus Germinatus barley sprout 麦芽 バクガ mài yá 麥芽 麦芽 Hordeum vulgare 1 Houttuyniae Herba houttuynia herb 十薬 ジュウヤク shí yào 十藥 十药 Houttuynia cordata 0 Leonuri Herba Chinese motherwort herb 益母草 ヤクモソウ yì mǔ cǎo 益母草 益母草 Leonurus japonicus 0 Lilii Bulbus tiger lily bulb 百合 ビャクゴウ bǎi hé 百合 百合 Lilium lancifolium 1 Linderae Radix spicebush root, benjamin bush root 烏薬 ウヤク wū yào 烏樂 乌乐 Lindera strychnifolia 0 Lithospermi Radix lithospermum root 紫根 シコン zǐ gēn 紫根 紫根 Lithospermum erythrorhizon 0 Longan Arillus longan fruit flesh 竜眼肉 リュウガンニク lóng yǎn ròu 龍眼肉 龙眼肉 Euphoria longana 2 Lonicerae Folium Cum Caulis Japanese honeysuckle stem 忍冬 ニンドウ rěn dōng téng 忍冬藤 忍冬疼 Lonicera japonica 1 Lycii Cortex wolfberry tree bark 地骨皮 ジコッピ dì gǔ pí 地骨皮 地骨皮 Lycium chinense 2 Lycii Fructus wolfberry tree fruit 枸杞子 クコシ gǒu qǐ zǐ 枸杞子 枸杞子 Lycium chinense 0 Magnoliae Cortex houpu magnolia bark 厚朴 コウボク hòu pò 厚朴 厚朴 Magnolia officinalis 12 Magnoliae Flos willow-leafed magnolia flower 辛夷 シンイ xīn yí 辛夷 辛夷 Magnolia salicifolia 2 Menthae Herba wild mint herb 薄荷 ハッカ bò hé 薄荷 薄荷 Mentha arvensis 7 Mori Cortex white mulberry bark 桑白皮 ソウハクヒ sāng bái pí 桑白皮 桑白皮 Morus alba 2 Natrii Sulfus sodium sulfate 芒硝 ボウショウ máng xiāo 芒硝 芒硝 6 Nelumbis Semen sacred lotus seed 蓮肉 レンニク lián ròu 蓮肉 莲肉 Nelumbo nucifera 2 Notopterygii Rhizoma notopterygium rhizome 羌活 キョウカツ qiāng huó 羌活 羌活 Notopterygium incisum 3 Nupharis Rhizoma Japanese water lily rhizome 川骨 センコツ chuān gǔ 川骨 川骨 Nuphar japonicum 1 Ophiopogonis Rhizoma mondo grass rhizome 麦門冬 バクモンドウ mài mén dōng 麥門冬 麦门冬 Ophiopogon japonicus 11 Oryzae Semen rice seed 粳米 コウベイ jīng mǐ 粳米 粳米 Oryza sativa 2 Paeoniae Moutan Cortex tree peony bark 牡丹皮 ボタンピ mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮 牡丹皮 Paeonia moutan 8 Paeoniae Radix Chinese peony root 芍薬 シャクヤク sháo yào 芍藥 芍药 Paeonia lactiflora 44 Panacis Ginseng Radix ginseng root 人参 ニンジン rén shēn 人參 人参 Panax ginseng 37 Panacis Japonicus Japanese ginseng root 竹節人参 チクセツニンジン zhú jié rén shēn 竹節人參 竹节人参 Panax japonicus 0 Perillae Herba shiso herb, beefsteak plant 蘇葉 ソヨウ sū yè 蘇葉 苏叶 Perilla frutescens 6 Persicae Semen peach kernel 桃仁 トウニン táo rén 桃仁 桃仁 Prunus persica 6 Peucedani Radix peucedanum root 前胡 ゼンコ qián hú 前胡 前胡 Peucedanum praeruptorum 1 Phellodendri Cortex cork-tree bark 黄柏 オウバク huáng bǎi 黃柏 黄柏 Phellodendron amurense 8 Pinelliae Rhizoma pinellia rhizome 半夏 ハンゲ bàn xià 半夏 半夏 Pinellia ternata 27 Plantaginis Semen Chinese plantain seed 車前子 シャゼンシ chē qián zǐ 車前子 车前子 Plantago asiatica 4 Platycodi Radix Chinese bellflower root, balloon flower root 桔梗 キキョウ jié gěng 桔梗 桔梗 Platycodon grandiflorus 12 Polygalae Radix milkwort root, snakeroot 遠志 オンジ yuǎn zhì 遠志 远志 Polygala tenuifolia 3 Polygoni Multiflori Radix Chinese knotweed root 何首烏 カシュウ hé shǒu wū 何首烏 何首乌 Reynoutria multiflora 1 Polyporus polyporus mushroom 猪苓 チョレイ zhū líng 豬苓 猪苓 Polyporus umbellatus 6 Poria tuckahoe mushroom 茯苓 ブクリョウ fú líng 茯苓 茯苓 Poria cocos 46 Prunus armeniaca apricot kernel 杏仁 キョウニン xìng rén 杏仁 杏仁 Prunus armeniaca 9 Puerariae Radix kudzu root 葛根 カッコン gé gēn 葛根 葛根 Pueraria lobata 4 Quercus Cortex sawtooth oak bark 樸樕 ボクソク xiàng shí 橡實 橡实 Quercus acutissima 2 Rehmanniae Radix Chinese foxglove root 地黄 ジオウ dì huáng 地黃 地黄 Rehmannia glutinosa 22 Rhei Rhizoma turkey rhubarb rhizome 大黄 ダイオウ dà huáng 大黃 大黄 Rheum palmatum 16 Saccharum Granorum ground sugar 膠飴 コウイ jiāo yí 膠飴 胶饴 0 Saposhnikoviae Radix saposhnikovia root 防風 ボウフウ fáng fēng 防風 防风 Saposhnikovia divaricata 11 Sappan Lignum sappan wood shavings 蘇木 ソボク sū mù 蘇木 苏木 Caesalpinia sappan 1 Saussureae Radix saw-wort root, snow lotus root 木香 モッコウ mù xiāng 木香 木香 Saussurea lappa 3 Schisandrae Fructus schisandra fruit 五味子 ゴミシ wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子 五味子 Schisandra chinensis 5 Schizonepetae Spica schizonepeta spikes 荊芥 ケイガイ jīng jìe 荊芥 荆芥 Schizonepeta tenuifolia 8 Scutellariae Radix skullcap root 黄芩 オウゴン huáng qín 黃芩 黄芩 Scutellaria baicalensis 27 Sesami Semen sesame seed 胡麻 ゴマ hú má 胡麻 胡麻 Sesamum indicum 1 Sinomeni Caulis et Rhizoma orient vine rhizome 防已 ボウイ qīng fēng téng 青風藤 青风藤 Sinomenium acutum 3 Sophorae Radix sophora root 苦参 クジン kǔ shēn 苦參 苦参 Sophora flavescens 2 Swertiae Herba swertia herb 当薬 トウヤク dāng yào 當藥 当药 Swertia japonica 0 Talcum Crystallinum (Kadinum) talcum powder 滑石 カッセキ huá shí 滑石 滑石 4 Tetradii Fructus evodia fruit 呉茱萸 ゴシュユ wú zhū yú 吳茱萸 吴茱萸 Tetradium rutaecarpa 3 Tribuli Fructus puncture vine fruit 蒺藜子(2) シツリシ jí lí zǐ 蒺藜子 蒺藜子 Tribulus terrestris 1 Trichosanthis Radix trichosanthes root 栝楼根 カロコン guā lóu gēn 瓜蔞根 瓜蒌根 Trichosanthes kirilowii 2 Trichosanthis Semen trichosanthes seed 栝楼仁 カロニン guā lóu rén 栝蔞仁 栝蒌仁 Trichosanthes kirilowii 1 Tritici Semen wheat seed 小麦 ショウバク xiǎo mài 小麥 小麦 Triticum aestivum 1 Uncariae gambir gambier extract 阿仙薬 アセンヤク ā xiān yào 阿仙藥 阿仙药 Uncaria gambir 0 Uncariae Uncis Cum Ramulus gambier extract 釣藤鈎 チョウトウコウ diào gōu téng 釣鉤藤 钓钩藤 Uncaria rhynchophylla 4 Zanthoxyli Fructus Japanese pepper tree fruit 山椒 サンショウ shān jiāo 山椒 山椒 Zanthoxylum piperitum 2 Zingiberis Rhizoma fresh ginger rhizome 生姜 ショウキョウ shēng jiāng 生薑 生姜 Zingiber officinale 51 Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma dried ginger rhizome 乾姜 カンキョウ gān jiāng 乾薑 干姜 Zingiber officinale 12 Zizyphi Fructus jujube fruit, Chinese date 大棗 タイソウ dà zǎo 大棗 大枣 Ziziphus zizyphus 39 Zizyphi Spinosi Semen jujube seed, Chinese date seed 酸棗仁 サンソウニン suān zǎo rén 酸棗仁 酸枣仁 Ziziphus zizyphus 3 Note 1: this character cannot be displayed correctly on a computer. "庶" is usually substituted in Chinese and Japanese. The "灬" in "庶" should be replaced with "虫".
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hikayagami · 6 years
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Líng Yá, Transforming!
More Làng Wū Yáo goodness to come in episode 5:
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shikiswife · 6 years
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Líng Yá transformed
~Thunderbolt fantasy s2e4, Làng Wū Yáo
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trungtamtiengtrung · 4 years
Học chủ đề thành ngữ 4 chữ trong tiếng Trung Quốc
Các bạn còn nhớ kiến thức về thành ngữ trong bài viết trước nữa mình chia sẻ không ạ, hôm nay chúng ta tiếp tục cùng học chủ đề thành ngữ 4 chữ trong tiếng Trung Quốc dưới đây nhé. 
Kiến thức dưới đây không khó để nhằn, vì vậy các bạn nhớ lưu về học và chia sẻ với những người bạn của mình nào.
Đọc thêm:
>>Học chủ đề về giày và phụ kiện trong tiếng Trung.
>>Hướng dẫn bạn nói Anh yêu Em tiếng Trung Quốc.
Học chủ đề thành ngữ 4 chữ trong tiếng Trung Quốc
Học tiếng Trung chủ đề thành ngữ 4 chữ:
沉鱼落雁 (chényúluòyàn)   chim sa cá lặn
独一无二 (dúyīwú’èr)  độc nhất vô nhị
数一数二 (shǔ yī shǔ’èr)   hạng nhất hạng nhì
绝无仅有 (juéwújǐnyǒu)  có một không hai
损人利己 (sǔn rén lì jǐ)  hại người ích ta
幸灾乐祸 (xìngzāilèhuò)   cười trên nỗi đau của người khác
力不从心 (lìbùcóngxīn)   lực bất tòng tâm
亦步亦趋  yìbùyìqū  nhắm mắt theo đuôi
滔滔不绝 (tāotāobùjuí)  thao thao bất tuyệt
囫囵吞枣 (húlúntūnzǎo)  ăn tươi nuốt sống
塞翁失马  sàiwēngshīmǎ    tái ông mất ngựa
狼吞虎咽 (lángtūnhǔyàn)    ăn như hổ đói
成千上万 (chéngqiānshàngwàn)  hàng ngàn hàng vạn
自作聪明 (zìzuòcōngmíng)   làm ra vẻ khôn ngoan
废寝忘食 (fèiqǐnwàngshí)  mất ăn mất ngủ
一门心思 (yīménxīn·si)    một lòng một dạ
铺天盖地 (pūtiāngàidì)   ùn ùn kéo đến
心甘情愿 (xīngānqíngyuàn)   cam tâm tình nguyện
无可奈何 (wúkěnàihé)  hết cách
十全十美 (shíquánshíměi)  thập toàn thập mỹ
Bạn đang tìm kiếm một trung tâm học tiếng Trung uy tín chất lượng và tốt tại Hà Nội, đào tạo các khóa học từ mới bắt đầu đến biên phiên dịch, tiếng Trung sơ cấp, tiếng Trung trung cấp, luyện nghe nói tiếng Trung, luyện biên dịch tiếng Trung, luyện ôn thi HSK, hay là học Hán ngữ 6 quyển. 
Hãy nhấp chuột của bạn vào đường dẫn mình chia sẻ sau đây, các bạn chắc chắn sẽ hài lòng, xem chi tiết và đăng ký một khóa học phù hợp với mục tiêu, trình độ hiện nay các bạn nhé:
夸大其词 (kuādàqící)    thêu dệt
小心翼翼 (xiǎoxīnyìyì)  cẩn thận từng li từng tí
焕然一新 (huànrányīxìn)  rực rỡ hẳn lên
筋疲力尽 (jīnpílìjìn)kiệt sức; hết hơi hết sức
恋恋不舍 (liànliànbùshě)  quyến luyến; bịn rịn; không muốn rời xa
迫不及待 (pò bù jí dài):gấp rút; vội vã; không thể chờ đợi được
不谋而合 (bùmóuérhé)  không hẹn mà nên
不以为然 (bùyǐwéirán)  không đồng ý
我行我素 (wǒ xíng wǒ sù):chuyện ta ta làm, làm theo ý mình
栩栩如生 (xǔxǔrúshēng)sinh động như thật
胡说八道 (hú shuō bā dào)nói hươu nói vượn; nói bậy bạ
眉飞色舞 (méifēisèwǔ):mặt mày hớn hở
左顾右盼 (zuǒgùyòupàn)     nhìn ngang nhìn dọc
一针见血 (yīzhēnjiànxiě)    gãi đúng chỗ ngứa
轻而易举 (qīngéryìjǔ)   dễ như trở bàn tay
全心全意 (quán xīn quán yì)  toàn tâm toàn ý
彬彬有礼 (bīnbīnyǒulǐ)  nho nhã lễ độ
称兄道弟 (chēngxiōngdàodì)  xưng anh xưng em
相提并论 (xiāngtíbìnglùn)  vơ đũa cả nắm
惟妙惟肖 (wéimiàowéixiào)   giống như đúc
忙里偷闲 (mánglǐtōuxián)  tranh thủ thời gian
全神贯注 (quánshénguànzhù)  hết sức chăm chú
缘木求鱼 (yuánmùqiúyú)  đơm đó ngọn tre; trèo cây tìm cá
见钱眼开 (jiànqián yǎnkāi)xem trọng tiền tài
不翼而飞 (bùyìérfēi)  không cánh mà bay, nhanh như tên bắn
龇牙咧嘴 (zīyáliězuǐ)   nhe răng trợn mắt, cắn răng chịu đựng
火上加油 (huǒshàngjiāyóu)   đổ dầu vào lửa
雪上加霜 (xuěshàngjiāshuāng)  hoạ vô đơn chí
无理取闹 (wúlǐqǔnào)   cố tình gây sự
对牛弹琴 (duìniútánqín)   đàn gảy tai trâu
理直气壮 (lǐzhíqìzhuàng)  lẽ thẳng khí hùng; cây ngay không sợ chết đứng
如释重负 (rúshìzhòngfù)như trút được gánh nặng
不可开交 (bùkěkāijiāo)không thể tách rời
重温旧梦 (chóngwènjiùmèng)ôn chuyện cũ; nhớ lại chuyện xưa
如影随形 (rúyǐngsuíxíng)như hình với bóng
惴惴不安 (zhuìzhuìbù'ān)lo sợ bất an
不足挂齿 (bùzúguàchǐ)không đáng nhắc đến
天涯海角 (tiānyáhǎijiǎo)chân trời góc biển
低三下四 (dīsānxiàsì) thấp hèn; đê tiện
光明磊落 (guāngmínglěiluò)quang minh lỗi lạc
东山再起 (dōngshānzàiqǐ)thua keo này bày keo khác
如虎添翼 (rúhǔtiānyì)như hổ mọc cánh
班门弄斧 (bānménnòngfǔ)múa rìu qua mắt thợ
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乘风破浪 (chéngfēngpòlàng)đạp gió rẽ sóng
狐假虎威 (hújiǎhǔwēi)cáo đội lốt hổ
愚公移山 (yúgōngyíshān)Ngu Công dời núi
画蛇添足 (huàshétiānzú)vẽ rắn thêm chân
世外桃源 (shìwàiTáoyuán)bồng lai tiên cảnh
随遇而安 (suí yù ér’ān)gặp sao yên vậy
知行合一(zhīxínghéyī) tri hành hợp nhất
不管三七二十一 (bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī)bất chấp tất cả
开门见山 (kāiménjiànshān)hành văn gãy gọn
一蹴而就 (yīcùérjiù)một lần là xong
惹是生非 (rěshìshēngfēi)gây chuyện thị phi
安居乐业 (ān jū lè yè)an cư lạc nghiệp
难兄难弟 (nàn xiōng nàn dì)cá mè một lứa, anh không ra anh, em không ra em
笑里藏刀 (xiào lǐ cáng dāo)miệng nam mô, bụng bồ dao găm
伶牙俐齿 (líng yá lì chǐ)nhanh mồm nhanh miệng
日积月累 (rìjīyuèlěi)ngày dồn tháng chứa
雷打不动 (léidǎbùdòng)bền lòng vững dạ
有条不紊(yǒutiáobùwěn)rành mạch phân minh
Các bạn đã cùng trau dồi và học chủ đề thành ngữ 4 chữ trong tiếng Trung Quốc ở trên đây rồi, như mình đã nói kiến thức không khó học các bạn nhỉ. Các bạn đã nắm được bao nhiêu thành ngữ ở trên đây rồi, sớm chinh phục được ngôn ngữ này trong thời gian ngắn nhất nhé.
Nguồn bài viết: trungtamtiengtrung.tumblr.com
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languageramblings · 7 years
明知 (míng zhī) — to be fully aware 代替 (dài tì) — to substitute for 出声 (chū shēng) — to utter a sound 习惯 (xí guàn) — to be accustomed to 愈合 (yù hé) — to heal 固执 (gù zhí) — stubborn 伤痕 (shāng hén) — bruise 思念 (sī niàn) — to long for 撕裂 (sī liè) — to rip up 灵魂 (líng hún) — soul
相片 (xiàng piàn) — photograph 保存 (bǎo cún) — to preserve 毛衣 (máo yī) — sweater 孤单 (gū dān) — alone 时刻 (shí kè) — moment 安慰 (ān wèi) — to comfort 体温 (tǐ wēn) — body temperature
愿 (yuàn) — to be willing, desire 浮沉 (fú chén) — go up and down 独自 (dú zì) — by oneself 时分 (shí fēn) — time 承受 (chéng shòu) — to bear, endure 残忍 (cán rěn) — brutal 眼泪 (yǎn lèi) — tears 陪 (péi) — to accompany 永恒 (yǒnɡ hénɡ) — eternal
爱情 (ài qíng) — love 遗迹 (yí jì) — remains 遗落 (yí luò) — to leave behind 杯子 (bēi zi) — glass 手套 (shǒu tào) — glove 脆弱 (cuì ruò) — fragile 单纯 (dān chún) — simple, pure 未来 (wèi lái) — future 旅程 (lǚ chénɡ) — journey 丰盛 (fēng shèng) — rich
满足 (mǎn zú) — to satisfy 眼神 (yǎn shén) — expression in one’s eyes 奢求 (shē qiú) — to make excessive demands 命运 (mìng yùn) — fate 天涯 (tiān yá) — end of the world 飞奔 (fēi bēn) — to dash
Words taken from: 我不願讓你一個人
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kamaimasenyo · 6 years
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“Whoa, somebody’s got a new look!”
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chiyanjun · 7 years
The World as Chess | 天下与弈 tiān xià yǔ yì
Nirvana in Fire | 琅琊榜 láng yá bǎng
Listen here: W.K. Walker
琵琶声声错蛮绮 pí pá shēng shēng cuò mán qǐ The sound of the Pipa comes out quite beautifully 红尘梦里 hóng chén mèng lǐ The mortal world is an illusion 凌云可与天下弈 líng yún kě yǔ tiān xià yì High aspirations will let me move against the world 生死皆为棋 shēng sǐ jiē wèi qí The matters of life and death is akin to a chess game
无奈断痕终难续 wú nài duàn hén zhōng nán xù Helpless and broken, it is difficult to continue 故人长忆 gù rén zhǎng yì The people of yore always remember 横空坐观云伏低 héng kōng zuò guān yún fú dī I watch from above as the clouds settle down 浩渺雾岚起 hào miǎo wù lán qǐ A far-reaching fog starts to haze up
阴谋诡辨中翻覆 yīn móu guǐ biàn zhōng fān fù Overturning conspiracies and fallacy 何人堪与并书 hé rén kān yǔ bìng shū Who is worthy of writing this legacy with me? 金戈战影中沉浮 jīn gē zhàn yǐng zhōng chén fú Rising and falling between the ranks and war 何人曾与同沐终是殊途 hé rén céng yǔ tóng mù zhōng shì shū tú Those who were allied in the past will remain together in the end
百川皆归魂梦去 bǎi chuān jiē guī hún mèng qù Returning to the past seems an accomplishment only feasible in dreams 细数此残局 xì shù cǐ cán jú Carefully count the number of devastating tragedies, 贪嗔本心易移 如是而已 tān chēn běn xīn yì yí ; rú shì ér yǐ How easily swayed a greedy and hateful heart is
战鼓鸣动猎猎旗 zhàn gǔ míng dòng liè liè qí War drums are a chanting ; The banner flag flutters 八方来敌 bā fāng lái dí Enemies hail from all eight directions 倾覆前尘本无意 qīng fù qián chén běn wú yì Originally only wanted to overturn the past 奈何不由己 nài hé bù yóu jǐ But now I can’t help myself
真假皆化作虚无 zhēn jiǎ jiē huà zuò xū wú The matter of truth and falsity melt into nothingness 沧溟千堆不溯 cāng míng qiān duī bù sù Can’t even recall the thousands of changes that happened 爱与恨孰为错付 ài yǔ hèn shú wèi cuò fù The price of love and hate is always wrongly paid 参商永隔两处终入尘土 shēn shāng yǒng gé liǎng chù zhōng rù chén tǔ Orion and Antares at two ends of the world will return to dust in the end
恍惚南柯见穹碧 huǎng hū nán kē jiàn qióng bì Splendid dream ends, disappointed ; dazed eyes search the azure skies 苍野飞一骑 cāng yě fēi yī jì One rider flies across the grey fields 匆匆红尘东去 cōng cōng hóng chén dōng qù The mortal world rushes to its end 似无留意 如是而已 shì wú liú yì rú shì ér yǐ It seems to not have the intention of staying
A/N: This has got to be the HARDEST song to translate among the ones before it... I had this sitting in my drafts for a week *cries* I don’t know how to explain why it’s more difficult.
You know the way Yoda speaks? In this song, there are many lines that sound reversed, and actually make sense either way. Some lyrics also pull one or two words from idioms and phrases and expect me to know the whole meaning T_T I’m glad it’s done! Thanks so much to the people at the langya hall Discord server, their opinions really made me learned a lot :D
This song is incredibly depressing. In many paragraphs, the singer is feeling hopeless or at a loss what else he could do, because righteous deeds are hard to fulfill, but immoral / evil deeds are so easily done by the heart (of others or his own even). The main meaning of this song is that, everything good or bad will turn to dust in the end with time.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Thunderbolt Fantasy Jams Out With Prequel Film in October of 2019
  Head's up, puppet fans! Another installment of the Japanese / Taiwanese martial arts glove puppet extravaganza known as Thunderbolt Fantasy is heading to Japanese theaters in October of 2019 with Thunderbolt Fantasy: Seiyuu Genka ("Western Ballad"), and now a new teaser trailer and a new key visual have been revealed for the film.
    Thunderbolt Fantasy: Seiyuu Genka is a prequel film set in the Western nation of Xī Y��u, and it focuses on the adventures of Làng Wū Yáo as a young man. The cast for the film includes:
Takanori Nishikawa as Làng Wū Yáo.
Katsuyuki Konishi as Líng Yá.
Nao Tōyama as Mù Tiānmìng.
Rie Kugimiya as Cháo Fēng.
Tarusuke Shingaki as Xiào Kuáng Juàn.
Kikuko Inoue as Làng Wū Yáo's Mother.
And Others. 
  Additionally, the new film features a theme song entitled "Cresent Cutlass" that is performed by Takanori Nishikawa and Hiroyuki Sawano. 
    Thunderbolt Fantasy: Seiyuu Genka features a story, screenplay, and general direction by Gen Urobuchi and puppetry and camerawork by Pili International Multimedia. The film hits theaters in Japan on October 25, 2019.
Official Thunderbolt Fantasy: Seiyuu Genka home page
Paul Chapman is the host of The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast and GME! Anime Fun Time.
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bx0032 · 8 years
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【双语阅读】Don't floss, peel veg or wash your jeans 原创 2017-03-14 hanrenhanyu 汉人汉语
Don't floss, peel veg or wash your jeans: 15 things you can stop doing right now 剔牙、削皮、洗牛仔裤……这15件事你可别再做了! tī yá 、xuē pí 、xǐ niú zǎi kù ……zhè 15jiàn shì nǐ kě bié zài zuò le !
世界一直在变化,知识也不断在更新,如果你还固守以前的观念,按“专家”的建议行事,那你很可能正走入一个又一个误区。 shì jiè yī zhí zài biàn huà ,zhī shí yě bú duàn zài gèng xīn ,rú guǒ nǐ hái gù shǒu yǐ qián de guān niàn ,àn “zhuān jiā ”de jiàn yì háng shì ,nà nǐ hěn kě néng zhèng zǒu rù yī gè yòu yī gè wù qū 。
If you've ever washed out a wound with saline instead of tap water or requested an x-ray for lower-back pain, you're a fool. Here are 15 more things you shouldn't bother doing. 如果你曾用盐水而不是自来水洗伤口,或者腰背疼就要求拍X光,那你就太傻了。下面的这15件事,你以后也别费力气做了。 rú guǒ nǐ céng yòng yán shuǐ ér bú shì zì lái shuǐ xǐ shāng kǒu ,huò zhě yāo bèi téng jiù yào qiú pāi Xguāng ,nà nǐ jiù tài shǎ le 。xià miàn de zhè 15jiàn shì ,nǐ yǐ hòu yě bié fèi lì qì zuò le 。
1 Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day 第一件事:每天吃五份蔬果。 dì yī jiàn shì :měi tiān chī wǔ fèn shū guǒ 。
The British government advises that we each eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. In Denmark, it's six. In Australia, it's seven. In 2014, campaigners tried upping it to 10. Just eat some vegetables and be done with it. 英国政府建议每人每天吃五份蔬果。丹麦政府则建议每天六份。澳大利亚政府建议的是每天七份。2014年,一些权益人士想要增加到每天十份。没必要这样,每天吃一些蔬菜就可以了。 yīng guó zhèng fǔ jiàn yì měi rén měi tiān chī wǔ fèn shū guǒ 。dān mài zhèng fǔ zé jiàn yì měi tiān liù fèn 。ào dà lì yà zhèng fǔ jiàn yì de shì měi tiān qī fèn 。2014nián ,yī xiē quán yì rén shì xiǎng yào zēng jiā dào měi tiān shí fèn 。méi bì yào zhè yàng ,měi tiān chī yī xiē shū cài jiù kě yǐ le 。
2 Taking vitamin C supplements 第二件事:吃维C营养片。 dì èr jiàn shì :chī wéi Cyíng yǎng piàn 。
If you feel a cold coming on, it's pointless to reach for the vitamin C tablets. Study after study has concluded that – unless you live in a frozen wilderness, smoke an incredibly large number of cigarettes or subject yourself to extreme physical stress on a regular basis – vitamin C won't do anything. 当你觉得自己有要感冒的迹象,这时服用维生素C片根本没用。许许多多的研究已经得出结论,除非你住在冰天雪地的荒野,或者是烟瘾缠身,又或是频繁进行极高强度的体能消耗,否则维他命C对你来说是完全没用的。 dāng nǐ jiào dé zì jǐ yǒu yào gǎn mào de jì xiàng ,zhè shí fú yòng wéi shēng sù Cpiàn gēn běn méi yòng 。xǔ xǔ duō duō de yán jiū yǐ jīng dé chū jié lùn ,chú fēi nǐ zhù zài bīng tiān xuě dì de huāng yě ,huò zhě shì yān yǐn chán shēn ,yòu huò shì pín fán jìn háng jí gāo qiáng dù de tǐ néng xiāo hào ,fǒu zé wéi tā mìng Cduì nǐ lái shuō shì wán quán méi yòng de 。
3 Flossing 第三件事:剔牙。 dì sān jiàn shì :tī yá 。
In August, the British Dental Association's scientific adviser declared flossing to be pointless, adding that all floss-based studies of the past 25 years have been of "very low quality". If you've never flossed your teeth, you were right all along. Go out there today and flash the world that foul-smelling, grey-green smile of yours. You've earned this. 2016年8月,英国牙科协会的科学顾问称,用牙线剔牙是没有用的,还补充道,过去25年做出的剔牙研究,质量堪忧。如果你从来没有剔过牙,那你一直以来都做对了。不如今天出门对着大家微笑,哪怕你有口臭,牙齿又不白。自信笑容,你值得拥有。 2016nián 8yuè ,yīng guó yá kē xié huì de kē xué gù wèn chēng ,yòng yá xiàn tī yá shì méi yǒu yòng de ,hái bǔ chōng dào ,guò qù 25nián zuò chū de tī yá yán jiū ,zhì liàng kān yōu 。rú guǒ nǐ cóng lái méi yǒu tī guò yá ,nà nǐ yī zhí yǐ lái dōu zuò duì le 。bú rú jīn tiān chū mén duì zhe dà jiā wēi xiào ,nǎ pà nǐ yǒu kǒu chòu ,yá chǐ yòu bú bái 。zì xìn xiào róng ,nǐ zhí dé yōng yǒu 。
4 Washing your jeans 第四件事:洗牛仔裤。 dì sì jiàn shì :xǐ niú zǎi kù 。
The sensible thing to do with dirty clothes is to wash them. But the CEO of Levi's has advised that you should never do so with jeans, because washing them makes them look bad. Instead, why not try rubbing off stains with a toothbrush, leaving them to air outside and never having any friends because you smell of dirt and sweat? 正常人都会把脏衣服洗干净。但是李维斯牛仔裤品牌的CEO却建议我们永远不要洗牛仔裤,因为洗了之后裤子就不好看了。倒不如试着用牙刷刷掉污渍,直接把裤子晾起来,然后再也不结交任何朋友,因为你身上散发出尘土和汗水的臭味。 zhèng cháng rén dōu huì bǎ zāng yī fú xǐ gàn jìng 。dàn shì lǐ wéi sī niú zǎi kù pǐn pái de CEOquè jiàn yì wǒ men yǒng yuǎn bú yào xǐ niú zǎi kù ,yīn wéi xǐ le zhī hòu kù zǐ jiù bú hǎo kàn le 。dǎo bú rú shì zhe yòng yá shuā shuā diào wū zì ,zhí jiē bǎ kù zǐ liàng qǐ lái ,rán hòu zài yě bú jié jiāo rèn hé péng yǒu ,yīn wéi nǐ shēn shàng sàn fā chū chén tǔ hé hàn shuǐ de chòu wèi 。
5 Having a landline 第五件事:装固定电话。 dì wǔ jiàn shì :zhuāng gù dìng diàn huà 。
No one calls your landline telephone. You never call anyone's landline. No one will have a landline at all 10 years from now. They exist purely to complicate the act of changing your broadband provider. 没人会打你的固定电话,而且你也从来不会去打别人的固话。十年后估计也不会再有人用固定电话了。固话存在的意义,只不过是要让你换宽带供应商变得很麻烦而已。 méi rén huì dǎ nǐ de gù dìng diàn huà ,ér qiě nǐ yě cóng lái bú huì qù dǎ bié rén de gù huà 。shí nián hòu gū jì yě bú huì zài yǒu rén yòng gù dìng diàn huà le 。gù huà cún zài de yì yì ,zhī bú guò shì yào ràng nǐ huàn kuān dài gòng yīng shāng biàn dé hěn má fán ér yǐ 。
6 Drinking eight glasses of water a day 第六件事:每天喝八杯水。 dì liù jiàn shì :měi tiān hē bā bēi shuǐ 。
You don't need to drink eight glasses of water a day. The figure first appeared in a recommended dietary allowance guide in the US 70 years ago, and it doesn't take into consideration your age, your height, your weight or your activity level. Instead, just drink until your wee is no longer dark. That means you're hydrated. 人不需要每天喝八杯水。70年前,“八杯水”这个数值首次出现在美国一本广受推崇的膳食摄入指南里面。可是这个数据并没有考虑到不同人的年龄、体重和运动量等指标。其实只要喝水喝到尿液颜色变浅,那就证明你喝够水了。 rén bú xū yào měi tiān hē bā bēi shuǐ 。70nián qián ,“bā bēi shuǐ ”zhè gè shù zhí shǒu cì chū xiàn zài měi guó yī běn guǎng shòu tuī chóng de shàn shí shè rù zhǐ nán lǐ miàn 。kě shì zhè gè shù jù bìng méi yǒu kǎo lǜ dào bú tóng rén de nián líng 、tǐ zhòng hé yùn dòng liàng děng zhǐ biāo 。qí shí zhī yào hē shuǐ hē dào niào yè yán sè biàn qiǎn ,nà jiù zhèng míng nǐ hē gòu shuǐ le 。
7 Overusing your fridge 第七件事:滥用冰箱。 dì qī jiàn shì :làn yòng bīng xiāng 。
Don't put tomatoes in your fridge, because it stops them tasting of anything. Don't put potatoes in your fridge, because it will muck up their starch and make them taste funny. Don't put bread in the fridge, because it will go stale faster. Don't put onions in the fridge, because they need to be well ventilated. Don't put bananas in the fridge, because they're tropical fruits. Don't put avocado in the fridge, because they will never ripen. Don't put ketchup in the fridge, because it doesn't need to be kept in the fridge. 不要把番茄放进冰箱,因为这样吃起来就没番茄味了。不要把土豆放进冰箱,因为这样容易破坏淀粉,吃起来味道会怪怪的。不要放把面包放进冰箱,因为这样会更快变质。不要把洋葱放进冰箱,因为洋葱需要良好的通风;不要把香蕉放进冰箱,因为香蕉是热带水果;不要把鳄梨放进冰箱,因为这样鳄梨就不会熟了;也不要把番茄酱放进冰箱,因为番茄酱不需要放进冰箱。 bú yào bǎ fān qié fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi zhè yàng chī qǐ lái jiù méi fān qié wèi le 。bú yào bǎ tǔ dòu fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi zhè yàng róng yì pò huài diàn fěn ,chī qǐ lái wèi dào huì guài guài de 。bú yào fàng bǎ miàn bāo fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi zhè yàng huì gèng kuài biàn zhì 。bú yào bǎ yáng cōng fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi yáng cōng xū yào liáng hǎo de tōng fēng ;bú yào bǎ xiāng jiāo fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi xiāng jiāo shì rè dài shuǐ guǒ ;bú yào bǎ è lí fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi zhè yàng è lí jiù bú huì shú le ;yě bú yào bǎ fān qié jiàng fàng jìn bīng xiāng ,yīn wéi fān qié jiàng bú xū yào fàng jìn bīng xiāng 。
8 Washing your hair every day 第八件事:每天洗头。 dì bā jiàn shì :měi tiān xǐ tóu 。
Nobody in the history of the world washed their hair as much as we do now. Daily washing is thought to be unnecessary. Every couple of days is good, or less if your hair is curly. Or never at all, if you want people to avoid you like the plague. 纵观世界历史,没有人比我们现在的洗头频率更加频繁了。每天洗头被认为是没有必要的。其实隔几天洗一次就行了。如果你是卷毛的话,还可以适当减少洗头次数。如果你不怕别人像躲瘟疫一样躲你的话,一辈子都不洗也没关系。 zòng guān shì jiè lì shǐ ,méi yǒu rén bǐ wǒ men xiàn zài de xǐ tóu pín lǜ gèng jiā pín fán le 。měi tiān xǐ tóu bèi rèn wéi shì méi yǒu bì yào de 。qí shí gé jǐ tiān xǐ yī cì jiù háng le 。rú guǒ nǐ shì juàn máo de huà ,hái kě yǐ shì dāng jiǎn shǎo xǐ tóu cì shù 。rú guǒ nǐ bú pà bié rén xiàng duǒ wēn yì yī yàng duǒ nǐ de huà ,yī bèi zǐ dōu bú xǐ yě méi guān xì 。
9 Peeling vegetables 第九件事:给蔬菜削皮。 dì jiǔ jiàn shì :gěi shū cài xuē pí 。
Most of a vegetable's insoluble fibre is in its peel. Stop throwing away delicious fibre. 大多数蔬菜的不可溶性纤维都在皮里面。所以别再扔掉“甘美”的纤维了。 dà duō shù shū cài de bú kě róng xìng xiān wéi dōu zài pí lǐ miàn 。suǒ yǐ bié zài rēng diào “gān měi ”de xiān wéi le 。
10 Ordering anything in the top-right-hand corner of a menu 第十件事:点菜单右上角的菜 dì shí jiàn shì :diǎn cài dān yòu shàng jiǎo de cài
Menu design is a skill rooted in complex psychology. Knowing that your eye will naturally fall on the top-right corner of the menu, this is where restaurateurs often place their most profitable items. Why not help run these crooks out of business by ordering from the bottom of the menu, where you'll find items with smaller margins? 菜单设计很有技术含量地应用了复杂的心理学原理。餐厅老板知道你的视线会自然而然地往菜单的右上角看,因此他们常常把利润最大的菜品放在这个位置。我们不妨破坏这个小诡计,点菜单底部利润较少的菜吧。 cài dān shè jì hěn yǒu jì shù hán liàng dì yīng yòng le fù zá de xīn lǐ xué yuán lǐ 。cān tīng lǎo bǎn zhī dào nǐ de shì xiàn huì zì rán ér rán dì wǎng cài dān de yòu shàng jiǎo kàn ,yīn cǐ tā men cháng cháng bǎ lì rùn zuì dà de cài pǐn fàng zài zhè gè wèi zhì 。wǒ men bú fáng pò huài zhè gè xiǎo guǐ jì ,diǎn cài dān dǐ bù lì rùn jiào shǎo de cài ba 。
11 Discarding out-of-date food 第十一件事:丢掉过期食品。 dì shí yī jiàn shì :diū diào guò qī shí pǐn 。
When food reaches its sell-by date, that doesn't mean it suddenly becomes poisonous – it means that the supermarket has guessed this stock should be rotated. Unless it smells terrible or is covered in mould, you're probably fine. 过了保质期的食物,不是说它突然就有毒了,而是说超市预先已经决定要把这批食物换下架了。如果食物没有变味,表面没有发霉的话,吃了过期食品也没关系。 guò le bǎo zhì qī de shí wù ,bú shì shuō tā tū rán jiù yǒu dú le ,ér shì shuō chāo shì yù xiān yǐ jīng jué dìng yào bǎ zhè pī shí wù huàn xià jià le 。rú guǒ shí wù méi yǒu biàn wèi ,biǎo miàn méi yǒu fā méi de huà ,chī le guò qī shí pǐn yě méi guān xì 。
12 Buying antivirus software 第十二件事:购买杀毒软件。 dì shí èr jiàn shì :gòu mǎi shā dú ruǎn jiàn 。
Earlier this year, the US Department of Homeland Security's computer-emergency readiness team issued a warning about a popular brand of antivirus software after finding that it contained "critical vulnerabilities". Most browsers now have content-verification systems that do the job better. 今年早些时候,美国国土安全部计算机应急准备小组发现某知名杀毒软件品牌含有致命漏洞,并在此后发表了一则警告。其实现在很多浏览器自带的内容识别系统甚至比这些杀毒软件做得更好。 jīn nián zǎo xiē shí hòu ,měi guó guó tǔ ān quán bù jì suàn jī yīng jí zhǔn bèi xiǎo zǔ fā xiàn mǒu zhī míng shā dú ruǎn jiàn pǐn pái hán yǒu zhì mìng lòu dòng ,bìng zài cǐ hòu fā biǎo le yī zé jǐng gào 。qí shí xiàn zài hěn duō liú lǎn qì zì dài de nèi róng shí bié xì tǒng shèn zhì bǐ zhè xiē shā dú ruǎn jiàn zuò dé gèng hǎo 。
13 Buying unnecessary products 第十三件事:买下没必要买的东西。 dì shí sān jiàn shì :mǎi xià méi bì yào mǎi de dōng xī 。
Why buy air freshener when you can just fill an orange peel with salt? Why use rinse aid in a dishwasher when you can just use white vinegar? Why buy deodorant when you can just rub coconut oil and baking powder on your armpits? 既然可以把盐倒在橘子皮里自制清新剂,那干嘛还要花冤枉钱买空气清新剂呢?既然用白醋就可以清理干净洗碗机,那干嘛还要花冤枉钱买漂洗剂呢?既然用椰子油和发酵粉就能去除腋下体味,那为什么要买除臭剂呢? jì rán kě yǐ bǎ yán dǎo zài jú zǐ pí lǐ zì zhì qīng xīn jì ,nà gàn ma hái yào huā yuān wǎng qián mǎi kōng qì qīng xīn jì ne ?jì rán yòng bái cù jiù kě yǐ qīng lǐ gàn jìng xǐ wǎn jī ,nà gàn ma hái yào huā yuān wǎng qián mǎi piāo xǐ jì ne ?jì rán yòng yē zǐ yóu hé fā jiào fěn jiù néng qù chú yè xià tǐ wèi ,nà wéi shí me yào mǎi chú chòu jì ne ?
14 Learning to drive 第十四件事:学开车。 dì shí sì jiàn shì :xué kāi chē 。
The driverless car revolution is only a few years away. You can get the bus until then. 几年之后,无人驾驶汽车革命肯定就开始了。在那之前,你坐公交车不就行了。 jǐ nián zhī hòu ,wú rén jià shǐ qì chē gé mìng kěn dìng jiù kāi shǐ le 。zài nà zhī qián ,nǐ zuò gōng jiāo chē bú jiù háng le 。
15 Reading the news 第十五件事:看新闻。 dì shí wǔ jiàn shì :kàn xīn wén 。
According to Professor Graham Davey, consuming a non-stop torrent of negative news stories can significantly contribute to the deterioration of your mood, and to the development of depression, anxiety, stress and PTSD. This article does not count as negative news and has therefore saved your life. Please thank me accordingly. 雷厄姆•戴维教授指出,连续不断地阅读负面新闻消息会明显地破坏原本的心情,甚至还会产生抑郁、焦虑、压力和创伤后应激障碍等不良后果。幸好,这篇文章不算是负面新闻。这么说来我可救了你一命哦。所以你们可以尽情感谢我了。 léi è mǔ •dài wéi jiāo shòu zhǐ chū ,lián xù bú duàn dì yuè dú fù miàn xīn wén xiāo xī huì míng xiǎn dì pò huài yuán běn de xīn qíng ,shèn zhì hái huì chǎn shēng yì yù 、jiāo lǜ 、yā lì hé chuàng shāng hòu yīng jī zhàng ài děng bú liáng hòu guǒ 。xìng hǎo ,zhè piān wén zhāng bú suàn shì fù miàn xīn wén 。zhè me shuō lái wǒ kě jiù le nǐ yī mìng ò 。suǒ yǐ nǐ men kě yǐ jìn qíng gǎn xiè wǒ le 。
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This is one smart instrument here.
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