smita97 · 11 months
got a larry tshirt from Ajio 😂😂😂
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rikaspotting · 7 months
Larry: The formula to find the volume of a pyramid is 1/3 * Base X Height
Rika: ...
Rika: Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
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vihola · 24 days
OC fact swap- Star was kidnapped out of the imperial intelligence genetic-engineering Watchers program when she was small, and when their demands for ransom were roundly ignored by the Empire, the pirate crew shrugged and decided they had a new daughter
When Liran and Laari are kids running away from their destroyed home, they hide in the first ship they can find. Turns out the ship belongs to pirates, who aren't two happy about a couple of stowaways. Laari convinces them that she and her brother can be useful, so the pirates relent: "Whatever, but we're leaving you at the next space station." They don't leave the siblings at the next space station. Or the space station after that.
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onlyonemes-blog · 2 months
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Shamoona (sham) laari ah helley anhen Gola eh
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madsceptictrooper · 3 months
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What if 90s Moomin anime and Calimero 1992 cartoon series were dubbed to Finnish by PVP Voice Oy?
-Samuel Harjanne as Moomintroll -Jari Salo as Snufkin -Peter Philström as Sniff -Jenni Sivonen as Snorkmaiden -Sari Ann Stolt as Little My -Pauli Virta as Moominpapa, Stinky and the Antlion -Titta Jokinen as Moominmama -Vesa Hämes as Hemulen -Raine Heiskanen as Snork -Karolina Blom as Mymble Jr. -Juha Paananen as the Police Inspector -Mari Laari as Too-Ticky -Elise Langenoja as Mrs. Fillyjonk, Aunt Jane -Arto Nieminen as the Mailman, The Groke, Muhveli, Muskarat and the first astronomer -Mirjami Heikkinen as Alicia and Ninny -Elise Langenoja as the Witch -Bruno Lähteenmäki as the Brisky Hemulen -Minna Tasanto as Sorry-oo and Dame Elaine -Ossi Ahlapuro as the Lighthouse Keeper -Hanna Savikko as Toft -Pasi Ruohonen as The Hobgoblin, Moominpapa's ghost friend and the second astronomer -Pekka Lehtosaari as Captain Budd -Veeti Kallio as The Imp
- Hanna Savikko as Calimero - Kiti Kokkonen as Priscilla - Markus Blom as Valeriano - Jenni Sivonen as Rosella - Bruno Lähteenmäki as Pierrot - Karolina Blom as Suzy - Arto Nieminen as Producer Critichelli - Pauli Virta, Juha Paananen, Vesa Hämes, Arto Nieminen, Jari Salo, Joonas Suominen, Bruno Lähteenmäki, Elise Langenoja, Sari Ann Stolt and Pekka Lehtosaari as other characters.
Original idea by Niklasm15 Original meme template by AleximusPrime
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ruttotohtori · 3 months
Viimeöisessä unessa olin eka jossain paikassa, jossa oli paljon jotain wanhoja, kivisiä raunioita ja sit siellä oli se Delhin rautapylväs ja sen rautapylvään takana oli riemukaari, jonka kummankin sisäänkäynnin edessä seisoi harmaasta kivestä veistetty patsas. Toinen niistä patsaista esitti vartaloltaan ihmisen näköistä Paha Silmä-nimistä demonia, jonka pää muistutti vähän Simpsonien Kangia ja Kodosta, ja sillä oli vain yksi, valtavan kokoinen silmä. En muista minkä näköinen toinen patsas oli, mutta se esitti jotain toista hahmoa. Siellä raunioitten luona oli tosi paljon ihmisiä, koska siellä oli joku juutalaisten paikka.
Sit mä olinki jonku rakennukses sisällä. Se rakennus näytti siltä, niinku joku ois yhdistäny kaupan ja tehdashallin. Mun seurassa oli joku tyyppi, joka oli mun kämppis. Me ilmeisesti asuttiin siellä rakennuksessa. Meitä alko seuraamaan joku vähän sitä The Ringin tyttöä muistuttava hahmo, joka halus tappaa meiät. Meiän piti äkkiä löytää uus asunto, et päästään eroon siitä hahmosta. Me kuljettiin koko sen ison hallin läpi ja kuljettiin oven läpi toisen näköseen halliin, joka muistutti vähän Ikeaa. Me päätettiin jäädä sinne asumaan ainakin siihe asti, kunnes se hahmo löytää meiät.
Seuraavaks mä asuinkin mun vanhempien kanssa isossa kerrostaloasunnossa, jossa oli kome isoa makuuhuonetta. Mun vanhemmat sano mulle, et ne lähtee käymään jossain ja mun pitää sen aikaa vahtia vauvaa. Siellä asunnossa asu meiän lisäks jostain syystä vauva, joka ei ollu meille mitään sukua, eikä se ollu adoptoitu. Se vaan asu siellä vähän niinku kämppiksenä. E yhtää tykänny siitä, et mun pitäis vahtii sitä ku e oo ees ikinä hoitanu lapsia enkä tykkää vauvoista. Enkä mä eka ees tienny, et missä päin sitä kämppää se vauva on. Pienen ettimisen jälkeen se löytykin yhestä makuuhuoneesta istumasta ikkunan edessä. Siinä ikkunan kohalla oli lattiassa syvennys, jossa oli sellaset luiskamaiset reunat ja sen koko syvennyksen ja reunojen päällä oli patja, jossa oli valkoset lakanat päällä. Aattelin eka, et jätän vaa sen vauvan siihe omiin oloihinsa ku se kerta istuu siin hiljaa, mut sit huomasin, et se ikkuna o auki ja menin sit laittaa sen kiinni, ettei se vauva tipaha siitä alas. Sit yhtäkkiä mulla olikin kädessä Tentomon-pehmolelu ja mä leikitin sillä sitä vauvaa, joka näytti yhtäkkiä jostain syystä Palmonilta.
Ja sit sinne huoneeseen ilmesty jostain jotain ihan tuntemattomia kovismaisia tyyppejä. Yhtäkkiä me kaikki (vauvaa/Palmonia lukuunottamatta) oltiin ulkona jossain matonpesupaikalla, joka oli aurattu poikkeuksellisen hyvin. Sinne tuli jotain muita tyyppejä, jotka oli vaan keskenään, ja niillä oli pitkiä metallitankoja, joissa oli toisessa päässä koukut ja ne puhu jotain, et "tää on se oikee paikka" ja "tää pitää laittaa tänne" ku ne laitteli niitä tankoja paikoilleen. Ne kovistyypit sano, et ne toiset tyypit pelaa jotain Pokemon-peliä, ne tangot piti laittaa joihinkin tiettyihin paikkoihin kuumailmapalloa varten. Sit mä muistin, et sillon, ku mä olin pieni, ni ku mä olin mun vanhempien makuuhuoneessa leikkimässä ja iskä oli siel nostaas painoja ni sinne oli tullu just samanlaine porukka samanlaisten koukullisten metallitankojen kanssa ja ne oli siis myös pelannu Pokemonia ja sen takia tullu sinne meiän taloon ku siellä sattu olemaan se paikka, mihin ne tangon täytyi laittaa!
Sit me oltiinkin yhtäkkiä sisätiloissa ja meiän edessa oli iso laari täynnä kirjoja, joita sai ottaa ilmaseks. E eka aikonu kattoa niitä, mut sit bongasin sieltä kirjan, jonka kannessa oli dinosauruksen kuva. Tarkempi tarkastelu paljasti, että kyseessä oli kristitty dinosauruskirja, jonka nimi oli Siipien siittämät ja kannen öljyvärimaalauksessa oli Dilophosaurus, jota enkeli panee. Kirjan tekijän mukaan enkelit harrastivat seksiä dinosaurusten kanssa, jotta evoluutio johtaisi myöhemmin ihmisiin. Muut kirjan kuvitukset olivat normaaleja dinosaurusmaalauksia.
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hellcr77 · 1 year
Laari ah hadhaa kujaku hurinama dm.
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huadongfr · 5 months
Progression de la 5.5G en Europe : DNA apporte pour la première fois la technologie 5.5G au réseau en place
Le 13 décembre, l'opérateur finlandais DNA a tenu une conférence à son siège à Helsinki, présentant la première application technologique 5.5G d'Europe basée sur le réseau existant, avec la vitesse du réseau mobile existant dépassant 10Gbps, et démontrant des applications IoT passives à travers le réseau mobile, faisant sonner la trompette pour l'ouverture de la commercialisation de la 5.5G en Europe en 2024, et ouvrant un nouveau voyage pour l'industrie mobile européenne. Le nouveau parcours de l'industrie européenne de la téléphonie mobile.
"La 5.5G est un pont important entre la 5G et la 6G. La Finlande a toujours été un pionnier de la technologie mobile dans le monde. Même si le réseau 5G du pays est encore en construction rapide, nous avons déjà commencé à montrer ce que l'avenir nous réserve avec nos partenaires.La première phase de la norme 5.5G, Release18, sera achevée au début de 2024, et les solutions basées sur la norme devraient arriver sur le marché à la fin de l'année prochaine." Jarkko Laari, directeur de DNA Radio Networks, a déclaré.
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Sur le marché mobile finlandais, la facturation à l'expérience a alimenté une décennie de croissance rapide dans l'industrie mobile. À l'ère de la 5G, DNA a été en mesure de faire monter en flèche l'expérience réseau en déployant la technologie Massive MIMO en bande C à grande échelle, et l'expérience utilisateur du téléphone mobile Omnitele est restée numéro un pendant trois années consécutives. Dans le réseau 5G de DNA, les consommateurs et les particuliers peuvent bénéficier de débits allant jusqu'à 1Gbps. Avec cette version, DNA a permis une expérience de liaison descendante pour un seul utilisateur de plus de 10 Gbps sur la base de la bande C commercialement disponible avec le spectre d'ondes millimétriques, jetant les bases pour les futurs taux d'expérience à large bande pour les consommateurs et les particuliers qui évolueront vers 2Gbps~4Gbps.
" Les débits gigabit sont essentiels à la croissance de notre base d'abonnés. L'expérience améliorée apportée par la technologie 5.5G nous aidera à développer davantage d'applications. Nous sommes impatients d'appliquer les nouvelles capacités de la technologie 5.5G aux connexions fixes à haut débit pour les entreprises et les particuliers dans un avenir proche". a déclaré Laari.
Dans le même temps, l'IdO passif, un nouveau scénario introduit par la 5.5G, ouvre un nouvel espace de connectivité pour les opérateurs. dna a fait la démonstration d'un certain nombre de scénarios logistiques tels que l'entrée, la sortie, l'inventaire et la surveillance de la température basés sur la technologie 5.5G en utilisant le spectre 900M de son réseau existant. Cette technologie IoT passive, moins coûteuse, avec une couverture plus étendue et un espace plus grand, deviendra un point de croissance important pour DNA à l'avenir, ouvrant de nouvelles frontières pour sa production numérique d'entreprise et son entreposage et sa logistique intelligents.
L'année 2024 marquera le début de la commercialisation complète de la 5.5G. Pour DNA, le fait d'anticiper l'introduction de la 5,5G dans les réseaux commerciaux actuels représente sans aucun doute une toute nouvelle amélioration de l'expérience du consommateur et de l'utilisateur domestique, ainsi qu'un nouveau coup de pouce à sa position sur le marché. Au niveau mondial, la 5.5G est prête, des normes à la chaîne industrielle, des applications aux produits, et de la vérification des réseaux à la volonté de déploiement, et les deux prochaines années marqueront le début d'une poussée concentrée et d'un développement à grande échelle des applications de la 5.5G.
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nordnews · 6 months
The 5.5G standard, which covers the next three standard versions of 3GPP (releases 18, 19 and 20), is expected to significantly improve network performance. Jarkko Laari, head of D...
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xras-stuff · 7 months
Laari ah hadhaa kujaku hurinama dm.
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thathusenfulhu · 1 year
a whole larb-a luvvin @ som tam thai
i booked a table for four before i went to som tam thai, that small thai restaurant deep in maafannu. i'm with a small group of friends - moosaalhu, his brother mohodhay, and my acquaintance naseembe. 'moosaalhu says you're giving us a treat,' says naseembe grinning, and taking the seat next to mine. 'did he now?' i respond. naseembe keeps grinning, his small teeth yellowed by the light of the restaurant, and with half his head in a grey beanie, he is a very peculiar sight. the owner of the restaurant, an older man, waits by our table smiling as we debate what to order. finally, we agree on a tom yum goong for the table, pandan chicken for the boys, larb for moosaalhu. and some beef red curry and jasmine rice for me. then naseembe looks at me and says: why are you wearing yellow, anni has left the party. before i can think of anything he adds: i'm sick of all these elderly people running the country. i want a revolution. 'a revolution,' i repeat. 'you heard me,' he grins. 'i want something big, something that'll scare the shit out of us.' 'yes,' says moosaalhu in his thinking-man's voice. 'actually, yes. we need someone to shake up the system again.' 'now, what if it turns out we just want to be where we are?' says mohodhay. 'what if we're just fantasising like an old couple who'd really rather have things remain the same?' 'i know i'm fed up with things,' says naseembe animatedly. 'aren't you? we've got a bunch of boomers and gen-x'ers representing us. they don't know us. they don't know SHIT.' 'maybe we should form a party,' says moosaalhu. 'hell yes,' says naseembe. the food arrives, and we set aside the politics and slurp up the soup, not much different from thai wok where you'd pay twice as much and for less. the prawns are fat and curled in on themselves. very good. the red curry, which is just for me, is thick, spiced medium and they are generous with the meat. naseembe scoops some up with his spoon, chews, and begins to nod appreciatively. later, i ask for the bill. it cost us just over 700 rufiyaa. 'well,' i say, calculating my share of the bill. 'you guys need to pay 480.' 'what?' barks moosaalhu grabbing the bill from me. he begins to calculate fiercely and says: no, YOU need to pay 350, we're paying the rest.' 'that's bullshit,' i cry. 'i just need to pay 250, not a laari more.' 'give me the bill,' says naseembe. 'i got 99 in maths.' he begins to calculate on my phone but for some reason, gets an outlandish sum. 'it's your stupid phone,' he says. 'i'm going to do it on my iphone.' ‘could you please keep it down, please?’ says the owner. at the end of his tether, mohodhay says: just divide the whole thing by four and pay up. when we step outside, mohodhay lights up a cigarette and shakes his head. 'we almost killed each other at our party's inaugural meeting,' he says. 'maybe we should give our politicians some credit and resign ourselves to doing stuff we're actually some good at.' 'huh,' i say. when it's just me and moosaalhu things run pretty smoothly but when the group gets bigger...hmm. maybe it's some law of large numbers.
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Sean Tizzle - Divine African Woman Lyrics
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Sean Tizzle - Divine African Woman Lyrics Je ah ma lo Get up! Get up! Get up! I am calling you, I told you Je ah ma lo You’re the finest ti le that I’ve ever seen And you’re an African woman I look up to you Leave my life girl na suicide Girl you’re so damn fine So damn fine Make I no lie girl, I adore you die Ti mo ti da’mira Oti to’jo meta, oti to’jo meta Make I no kolomental Igbawo laari ra Otipe ta ri ra Otipe ta ri ra Na na na na na Wo wo wo Na na na na na na na na Sa re You be the venom wey dey killi me Ati antidote wey dey heal me Oya gbe le je kin gbe kan si So ti gbe jekin gbon’mi si You be the Venom wey dey killi me Ati antidote wey dey heal me Oya gbe le je kin gbe kan si Oya so funmi to ba fe kan si Oti to’jo meta, oti to’jo meta Make I no kolomental Igbawo laari ra Otipe ta ri ra Otipe ta ri ra Na na na na na Wo wo wo wo Na na na na na na na na Sa re Je ah ma lo Get up! Get up! Get up! I am calling you, I told you Je ah ma lo Read the full article
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rpvlix · 1 year
//Ok dumping current Aton and Izbris lore but I will have to come up w more at some point and also I'll have to write some for Cassonne and Laaris
Aton and Izbris, Cassonne and Laaris, created in pairs to rule over their twin universes. All birthed from the ether on a whim.
Aton, the being of order. Izbris, the being of chaos. They were meant to live in harmony, balancing the universe.
Aton and Izbris did manage harmony for a short time, long enough to watch over the three planets their universe entrusted to them. They were always meant to live among the people, integrate with the planets and their nature, become a part of harmony.
This did not please them.
Izbris found his influence was very well received, the people were ripe for chaos. Impulsive, vengeful, messy, the mortals were all of it and more.
Aton, so calculating and logical and orderly, despised both his brother and his peoples’ ways of life. They were messy, chaotic, loud. It was impossible to think, how could he rule them in a calculated manner if he couldn’t even make calculations?
And so Idemer was created, his haven in the sky. He isolated himself there. The distance breeds objectivity, he poses. Izbris disagreed, and the distance between the brothers only grew from then on.
Eventually, each has it in their own minds that they would be better off, the people would be better off, if the other was out of the picture. Izbris, always acting on a whim, launched his attack far quicker than Aton could have even planned one. It was unsuccessful, of course, as Aton had prepared for this inevitability from the start, and so he locked his brother away in a pocket dimension, in a cage that could only be broken with Aton’s own blood.
He carried on alone for a while, the occasional meeting with his sisters where they expressed their disapproval of the entire situation, but eventually, perhaps after Cassonne created her own children, he decides his family must expand.
The distance breeds objectivity, yes. But it also makes it more difficult to monitor the situation on the planets, especially with three of them to pay attention to. He has two children, one after the other, that he’s set on raising exactly like himself. He will entrust to these children, when they’re old enough, minor duties from the people. Reconnaissance missions as well, simply observing the state of affairs so that policies can be decided upon accordingly.
He created more children as time went on, each one developing their own particular talent.
Izbris exiled all of the children for assisting their father, taking his chance to finally rule with impunity. Astathis, who had assisted in the uprising, was exiled as well. Someone that betrays a father so easily, well they won’t be very good company now will they? And Izbris is the embodiment of chaos, after all, why should he be easy to predict?
Many of his exile treatments seemed like jokes, perhaps they were. Ekentros, sent to a pocket of eternal rain. Kymatix (?), Fouskotos (?), Astathis, banished to the void he loved so much, Braso, banished to a realm of such stench that it would strip him of his sense of smell, Solinas, banished to a planet called ‘Earth’ where he must live as an inflatable tube man until a kiss set him free, and Andras, well, he felt a little bad for her quite frankly. Her exile consisted of a nice, flowering tree and a small patch of grass surrounding it. She wasn’t much of a threat, anyway, having no talent of her own.
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etherealtinkling · 1 year
Is behtey waqt ko kya naam dun
Nazr jhuki, wahan laari chooti
Anjaane ko anjaam dekar
Dar haqiqat, faqr o faaqa
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laurennbacall · 2 years
laary. <3 3. 20. 28.
hi res, tysm my love! <3
3 - how have your reading tastes changed from when you were a child?
back then i mostly read fantasy books bc it was honestly the most interesting thing for me, i loved harry potter and percy jackson. i wanted so bad to take part on these worlds and see their wonders, practice magic, go to hogwarts, discover the hidden demigods reality. i used to fangirl a lot more in the past too, as much as i love a book these days i don't have that energy to dive into all the lore. now i'll never refuse a good fantasy book, but i think i got a little tired of ya/middle-grade fantasy.
20 - can you read in other languages?
well, aside from portuguese (my main) i do read in english, although depending on the level it can be a headache. i can read spanish intermediate level novels, as it has so many similiraties with pt.
28 - do you always finish a book, even if it is dull?
i try to, but sometimes is just unbearable. the most torture i got myself into this year has to be forcing myself to finishing mary poppins, omg i hated her character so much.
ask a bookworm!
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davasmedia · 2 years
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