#lab rats by leos-cult
leos-cult · 1 year
i've been thinking a lot. and here. If I re-made Lab Rats, but put my own spin on it, these are some of the things I would include:
The Rats would just have their original abilities- Adam with laser eyes and strength, Bree with speed, and Chase with smarts. There wouldn't be any 'hidden abilities'. This, imo, provides simplicity, and requires them to be more creative with what they've got
The Rats would be Much More Weird. They've been raised in a basement, by one man, and have NEVER SEEN DAYLIGHT their entire lives?? They're gonna be fucking weird man.
Adam was actually really smart when he was young. He had a shaky grasp on his superstrength, but that was perfect in the eyes of his creator. So he was pushed further. Gaining heat vision was where things went off the rails. His ability's strength was set too high, and with his first test, the bionic components overheated and damaged certain parts of his brain. It was adjusted and worked ok afterwards, but Adam would forever be mentally stunted. That was just fine in his creator's eyes- the muscle didn't need smarts.
Chase has more mechanical components than his siblings. He may call himself the "smartest man on the planet", but that's not really the case. He's definitely very knowledgeable. Anything stored within a computer or digital textbook can be uploaded to his chip (which act like a secondary brain) and be learned within milliseconds. But he doesn't really "learn"- he just automatically knows it once it's uploaded. If his chip were ever disabled, it would be disastrous. He would be reduced to just his weak, flimsy human brain; He would feel empty, not even know how to perform addition, and lose all sense of identity.
Bree gets a consistent personality. She'd be hyperactive (not my original idea, but I love it and I'm using it), always itching to run, move, do something. She's always interrupting people in conversation because her mind moves as fast as she can run. The lab was always cramped and confining to her, but what could she do about it? Also she wouldn't feel different due to being a girl. Gender roles were never taught to the Rats, so she's treated the same as if she were a guy.
Man there's so much more I could go on about. I haven't even gotten to Leo cause he'd need a whole post for himself.
Part 2, if anyone's interested?
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EFCU (Elite Force Cinematic Universe) Big Bang!
What is a big bang? It’s a fandom event where writers and artists pair up to create fan content! Put simply, writers post fic summaries and artists pick which fic they want to make art for. This specific big bang is for the EFCU, which includes Lab Rats, Mighty Med, and Elite Force.
Rules? The only “rules” are that everyone follows the schedule, fics must be at least 2k words long and posted on AO3 at the end of the event, and both fics and artwork should be posted on Tumblr as well.
Here’s the link to the sign-up form!
And here’s a basic schedule for the event:
April 28th: Sign-ups open
May 7th: Sign-ups close
May 10th: Synopsis/outline submission form opens.  You can send in your synposis/outline if you didn’t sign up, the sign-up forms are just so I can get a rough number of how many people are interested in this event.
May 17th: Synopses/outlines close
May 18th: Artists get to pick three works they’re interested in. It’s first come, first serve, so if their first pick is taken, they get their second, and so on and so forth. Again, you can participate if you didn’t sign up.
May 22nd–28th: If there are any unchosen works left by this time, we open round 2 of artist picks, where artists can choose up to three more works (again on a first come, first serve basis). If there are works left after that, then I’ll open round 3 and artists can pick however many works they want until there are none left. These rounds would last three days each.
May 22nd–28th: Once there are no unchosen works, I’ll post the writer-artist pairs and they can get in contact with each other!
June 15th–21st: The fics and artworks are due. Participants should post them on Tumblr, tagged #efcubigbang23, and I’ll reblog them here. Fics should be posted on AO3 and I’ll add them to a collection for ease of access.
Updates will be posted on this blog. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any!Tumblr?
Tagging a few people so this gets traction: @theyliverentfree @quimbionics @dezwade @neurodivenport @ma-except-lab-rats @rivalswsh @leo-dooley-lab-rats @leos-cult @nebulainsel @dramaticnerdwithanxiety11
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Hello, if you've been mentioned in this post then you either interacted with one of my Lab Rats posts, or you have Lab Rats content on your blog. I created a discord server, and as it hasn't gotten much traction without the pinging, I decided to just do what I did for my Monster High server and ping some people.
(Lab Rats, Mighty Med snd Elite Force are all included btw)
If you don't use discord, don't like interacting directly with strangers, etc etc that's totally fine, I just wanted to invite some people to hang out!
(anybody else who sees this is welcome to join!)
@neurodivenport @eatmarcus @rememberingnoah @leo-dooley-lab-rats @toastybugguy @theyliverentfree @and-so-he-rambled @rock-n-writing-archaeologist @leos-cult @harrypottersgirl @davenweenie @daven-portia
also @bosemanchester both because you reblogged someone else's LR post but ALSO bc i totally wanna talk to you you're in some of my favorite fandoms like MBAV and Henry Danger
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Going to copy Aster a bit here and introduce myself officially since I think ur super cool!
I’m Eren, i first watched LR when I was younger when it sort of first came out but I didn’t officially start getting into the fandom until about two years ago. My blog is pretty new though and I think I’ve only been posting about LR for roughly six months but I’m not quite sure. I’m part of the Donald Davenport hate group (lol) where we bully the evil little man (his character, not the actor obviously) which you will understand the more you watch the show.
Also, welcome to our cult, dude. You’re going to love it here. If anyone gives you any shit, dm me and I’ll help out in any way I can. All my mutuals are super nice (mostly all LR blogs) so I can give you some recommendations on blogs to follow if you would like. Are you comfortable with headcanons being sent in? If so, what sort of hc content are you comfortable with just so I know. Much love <3
Haha, thanks for thinking I'm cool! :] I was 10 when Lab Rats came out but quite honestly I don't really remember if I actually watched an episode. I have a terrible memory, especially with my childhood, but I think I can vaguely remember watching maybe an episode or two of Lab Rats back then, but yet again maybe I was just remembering all the bumpers/promos and commercials so I really can't remember if I ever watched an episode. I had begun to watch the video Keyan Carlile did on the show back in March before I decided "Hey, this seems interesting and somewhat nostalgic, I'll glance around the characters and plot for a bit" and then here I am a few months later with a blog lol for it.
Donald definitely won't be getting a "Dad of the Year" (or I guess "uncle") trophy anytime soon, that's all that I know so far but I already don't like his vibes. Some of his aspects remind me of Reginald from The Umbrella Academy, two asshole fathers with superpowered children that they mistreat. I'm loving all of the characters so far *cough cough* not you Donald *cough cough* and I have to say that Leo and Chase (I guess Spike too since my blog url is dedicated to him lol) are my favorites. And the humor of the show, as stupid and cheesy as it can be at times, still manages to make me laugh. It's very fun watching this show, it's kind of like reliving my childhood even though I'm not sure if I ever truly watched the show, but from the era of tv I remember best!
Another fun part about watching tv for me is noticing small details and writing my thoughts down, so I have about two notes worth of my thoughts and things I have noticed on my phone that I'll eventually start posting on here, and that's only for season one. At the same time it takes me about 2 hours to get through one episode when I have to pause to write stuff down and rewind a scene over and over so I'm also annoying myself when doing this
I'm feeling welcomed and comfortable in this fandom so far which is always the best when joining a new one! And I will gladly take blog recommendations. I'm fine with hearing headcanons, I would just personally request not to hear any that involve sexual or romantic situations since that kind of stuff makes me feel uncomfortable. Otherwise anything else for any characters I will gladly hear! I'm sure once I get deeper into the show I'll start rattling off my own 🙂
I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving this message, thank you!! 💖
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atypicality · 6 years
Edye, Kira, Clovette, Vix, and Rufion
Full Name: okay so none of my OCs have last names,, embarrassing i know. he’s named after a neopet as that’s how i formed his character (this is progressively getting more embarrassing). his name is pronounced “eddie,” and an interesting fact about his name is that the part “dye” (pronounced “die”) is a nickname for dionysus, a god that has definitely influenced his character.
Gender and Sexuality: male, he’s bisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: he’s latino and he’s human(??)
Birthplace and Birthdate: i literally have no idea (i feel like i should look into astrology and choose his birthday according to his personality…he’s probably a leo or a gemini and he was clearly born somewhere in latin america. i was thinking ecuador but i’m biased bc i lived there lmao),, he’s 22 though
Guilty Pleasures: reality t.v. and romcoms
Phobias: (i’m not putting the names of each phobia bc no one knows what that means) emotional intimacy, being buried alive, and abandonment
What They Would Be Famous For: i could see him being an actor with a horrible reputation
What They Would Get Arrested For: anything ranging from drug dealing to kidnapping (he was supposed to return vera to the shadow realm, for example). i wouldn’t put much past him
OC You Ship Them With: aliah and rufion (i like him with vera platonically)
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: nora bc she has to deal with his bullshit
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action and comedy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: pointless sacrifices. they died, dammit! let that count for something!
Talents and/or Powers: he’s an illusionist, meaning he can warp reality (or one’s perception of reality) and trick people. he can also make portals and fly/hover to some extent.
Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s a party animal and he’s fun to be around. he’s also pretty loyal to the people he cares about.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: he’s a no strings attached kind of person. he can be very apathetic and insensitive.
How They Change: he goes from being a villain to being the sidekick of the MC (vera),, i’m so proud of him
Why You Love Them: he’s the classic asshole/misunderstood bad boy turned good…he’s a huge loser that accidentally became cursed and now has a cult following and he’s just hilarious to think about.
here’s a mix i made for him
and his three shipping mixes lmao (aliah)(rufion)(vera)
here’s the cult mix if you want to listen to that  😂😂😂
alsoo i have a sidekick mix
and i’m literally developing two more for him (villain / hero arc, respectively)
can you tell that he’s my favorite
Full Name: just kira (hi, just. i’m nina)
Gender and Sexuality: female, heterosexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s mixed: japanese and black. she’s a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born in japan (city whomst) and she’s 27. probably a gemini or a scorpio
Guilty Pleasures: chocolate/sweets in general and creeping on social media if that counts
Phobias: she suffers from body dysmorphic disorder and suffers from fears that accompany that, such as not being good enough, etc. she also hates bugs, especially spiders.
What They Would Be Famous For: despite her bdd, she’d definitely become famous for being a beauty vlogger/youtuber. her ‘mask’ (aka whatever it is people with bdd do to help themselves cope with their body’s appearance/perceived flaw) would be makeup and she uses her powers to give herself the illusion that she’s someone else (in terms of appearance, if that makes any sense).
What They Would Get Arrested For: shoplifting (idk if you can be arrested for this but it’s the only thing she would do)
OC You Ship Them With: will a lil bit tbh. they’re the mom-dad pair
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one lmao
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: romcoms and horror
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: white people doing stupid things in horror movies, the most aggravating definitely being having sex/making out while danger is imminent
Talents and/or Powers: she’s an illusionist and can make portals like edye. she’s also a makeup artist
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s super sweet and a good listener.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people misinterpret her as shallow
How They Change: she betrays the Good Guys for her benefit but is forgiven. she also seeks help for her bdd and stops using her powers to alter her appearance (her makeup still serves as a mask though, her insecurities and anxiety don’t disappear overnight)
Why You Love Them: her struggle with self-love is so heartbreaking and she’s so strong and admirable.
Full Name: clovette. some people call her clover. she’s also a neopet.
Gender and Sexuality: female, pansexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s asian and a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born somewhere in southeast asia. she’s 20 and probably an aquarius
Guilty Pleasures: sleeping in and staying home all day
Phobias: she has a fear of flying and the ocean. she suffers from social anxiety and is afraid of large crowds.
What They Would Be Famous For: she’d be a kickass video game developer
What They Would Get Arrested For: probably doing something illegal online (piracy maybe?)
OC You Ship Them With: maybe with nora
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one!!!
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: science fiction and fantasy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: white savior trope
Talents and/or Powers: she doesn’t have any powers but she’s great at coding and game design and she’s a talented artist.
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s really funny when you get to know her.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: she comes off as judgmental but she’s really not
How They Change: she’s initially scared of travelling from her island (boats? Horrifying. airplanes? Terrifying.) but then she’s forced to move and has to face that fear plus the fear that comes when you don’t know anyone and have to form new relationships.
Why You Love Them: she has so much potential for growth and she’s so cute and inspiring
Full Name: i have to pick out a really basic white girl name for her but she goes by vix and vixen is her villain name (edye doesn’t deserve a villain name).
Gender and Sexuality: female, heterosexual but the kind of straight girl that will kiss other girls for male attention.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: she’s white and a human
Birthplace and Birthdate: she was born in paris, she’s 21, and she’s probably a pisces.
Guilty Pleasures: kissing girls uwu, eating way too many tubs of cookie dough ice cream, and erotica.
Phobias: she’s scared of birds and the deep sea. she’ll enjoy going to the beach but she won’t go in the water because then she thinks of sea monsters and other unknown terrors hidden in the unexplored ocean. she’ll go to a pool, though.
What They Would Be Famous For: she’d be an actress or a journalist
What They Would Get Arrested For: robbery, possibly arson
OC You Ship Them With: no one
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: edye
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: film noir and slasher films/thrillers
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: love triangles
Talents and/or Powers: she uses love magic and mental manipulation.
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s clever and really determined.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s a bitch.
How They Change: she’s initially shy, awkward, trying to make her way through life. then she falls in love with someone (*coughs* edye *coughs*) and gives herself a makeover. she goes from innocent civilian investigating something to villainess and cult leader. 10/10 transformation
Why You Love Them: i don’t lmao. i like that she fits the femme fatale archetype. she’s a really interesting character. she also unironically calls herself vixen, so there’s that.
here’s her mix
Full Name: rufion (pronounced rough-ee-an). he’s also a neopet (he looks so ugly rn because he’s my lab rat).
Gender and Sexuality: male, homosexual
Pronouns: he/him and they/them
Ethnicity/Species: honestly i have not thought about where he’s from at all but he’s brown (we love ethnically ambiguous characters in this house! /s). he’s a human.
Birthplace and Birthdate: [me seeing birthplace: owo what’s this?] he’s 23 and he’s probably a capricorn.
Guilty Pleasures: does ordering a lot of takeout food count? he stays up all night playing video games and loves reading comic books. he also really likes baking sweets (he’d probably be a really good cook but tbh he’s too lazy)
Phobias: he’s scared he’s going to die in his sleep and stays up all night as a result. if someone told him the effects of lack of sleep on his health he would definitely panic
What They Would Be Famous For: he would definitely be in a band. fuck
What They Would Get Arrested For: He Would Never Be Arrested. Next 
OC You Ship Them With: edye
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: vix
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he doesn’t really like watching tv/movies but superhero films
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: bury your gays
Talents and/or Powers: he’s good at fighting.
Why Someone Might Love Them: he’s really nice, super optimistic, and honest. he’s hard working and responsible. he’s a huge nerd basically
Why Someone Might Hate Them: people might view him as naive and annoying.
How They Change: he’s a sort of private investigator but then he takes a…peculiar case and then………………..he catches feelings lmfao. there’s definitely some side-switching/ambiguity in his future
Why You Love Them: he’s just trying his best honestly. idk how to articulate it but he’s kind of like xD as a human being.
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leos-cult · 2 years
Marcus but r e d
Tumblr media
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artist claim round 2!
( we MAY be a bit off schedule. a bit. )
@tabl3 with @advisortotheadvisor (choice 1)
@quimbionics with @unvexes (choice 5)
@rivalswsh with @leos-cult (choice 4)
@leos-cult with @ma-except-lab-rats (choice 6)
and myself (@mattiebluebird) with @theyliverentfree, whose fic synopsis wasn’t posted on the list
however, there are still 2 unchosen fics, #’s 2 & 3. so any artists willing to take on a bigger load should fill out this form and in a few days i’ll post those pairs.
bc the schedule’s so messed up, the official deadline for fics and art is now moved to June 30th.
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