#labyrinth worm
travelers-gaming · 9 months
thinking about labyrinth on loop. when I get the spoons I'll probably talk about her powers more but right now I'm just thinking about her
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faultlinescrew · 1 month
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Might as well put a few of my hcs here: mostly just members of faultines crew (labyrinth, newter, spitfire), bc they rlly do live in my head rent free
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rililith · 2 years
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For a friend's request of Labyrinth from Parahumans :] she has such a cool power...
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thegeekstressart · 2 years
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‘Ello! He’s just a worm, but he’s assembled and painted! If only 2 years after I started him…
I got this amazing model kit as a gift, and at first I was intimidated, and then I had trouble figuring out some bits, but I’m pretty happy with where he’s ended up. Unfortunately, I can’t find anything on where the kit came from, but if I can get it I will edit this post with that info - it’s a great little model!
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alpacahat67 · 1 year
every day i say "allo" and hope someone will say "did you say hello?" and it never happens.
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marionette-j2x · 2 years
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"Once upon a time in the huntlow discord server-"
Ah yes The Worm House ft. my favorite Wormlow moment- uwu
(this was actually made from the day after discord's and eventually twitter's worms-on-a-string explosion. and no don't ask why we did this to ourselves-)
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rileyclaw · 2 years
im sorry for beginning the wormification of the owl house fandom yesterday (lie)
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Why are there three of them and why are all three so cool
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Ello Labyrinth Worm
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elcuervoborracho · 10 months
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a few parahumans portraits, to warm up.
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travelers-gaming · 9 months
wildbow voice if you're disabled you get cool and versatile powers
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faultlinescrew · 1 year
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*chucks a salamander, gecko, a strip of acid and the world's greasiest teenage boy in a big pot and begins stirring*
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Ello Worm
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graphix1025 · 4 months
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Labyrinth themed valentines
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 11 thoughts (pre-interludes):
Taylor's dad sees his daughter for the first time since she ran away. Since the fucking Endbringer attack! And literally says the line "“I need to go handle this" about a fucking work thing. No Danny. You do not NEED TO HANDLE THIS. God damn. It is fucking hard to be a co-parent for Taylor when I'm the only one doing any parenting!
Speaking of parenting - Taylor, you really should get some therapy. That was a pretty detailed level of fucked up nightmare you had. I love you and just want you to take care of yourself.
Skitter just like "all right, for day 1 I'm going to gain complete fucking control over my territory and establish myself as an unkillable bug goddess". And then she worries if she is doing enough!
Seriously though, letting that guy stab her and counting on her costume to block the knife? Fucking baller move. Also stupidly risky. So pretty much on point for my wonderful but stress inducing bug daughter.
And then she just sits in her chair drinking tea while she destroys two groups of Merchants? Doesn't just beat them, but absolutely terrorizes them. Lights one of them on fire with their own matches! WITH BUGS! I love her so much.
She also gained two minions as a side bonus to controlling her territory. And ensured their loyalty and dedication to her.
For real. Sierra would take a bullet. She'd die for Taylor. But Charlotte? Charlotte would kill for Taylor.
The speech Taylor gave Charlotte when giving her the options "leave town" or "work for me" was so well done! Came across as incredibly fair so Charlotte couldn't complain, but also just tied her in a little bundle all nice and neat. Set her up to want to work for you. Very nicely done. Taylor clearly has been learning from Lisa.
We're just pretty much giving up on that whole secret identity thing huh? It just started cascading out of control quite quickly. I don't expect Taylor and Skitter to be different people for much longer.
Lisa and Taylor went to a party together! A shitty villain party that was dangerous and almost killed them. But villain prom is villain prom. GAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Just a number of good Chatterbug (Smugbug) moments here.
Lisa has a MURDER WALL! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so fucking much and I will just sit in there with her working on the murder wall for hours. (She isn't trying to solve a murder so I know it isn't technically a murder wall, but it's a murder wall cause that's the best name.)
Fucking Bryce. Sure went through a lot of trouble for that asshole.
Skidmark just doing a thunderdome up in here. Some people use their powers for cool things and others build a fence.
Also really not seeming to do great for loyalty. Like ya you get a cape or two out of it but it left everyone in your gang not trusting anyone else.
I love everyone in Faultline's crew. Newter was my favorite but Shamrock may have beaten him out. I always loved Domino and Shamrock gives the same vibe.
Newter got a few good Nightcrawler like moments here too which was fun (grabbing things with his tail, talking to people from weird perches).
God DAMN Labyrinth is powerful. Like I knew she was but getting to see it. Holy shit. That was so fucking cool. Literal goddess of reality right here.
I'm really excited to learn more about Cauldron and the superhero in a can stuff. Very Weapon X with the memory wiping and such. (I'm just really on an X-men comparison thought process right now I guess)
Taylor "I'm not a skilled combatant" Hebert over here as she dual wields knives and successfully fights off multiple people, most bigger than her, while specifically using non-lethal attacks on them. Taylor that isn't what "not skilled" means!
Seeing the trigger event thing was really cool. I don't think the fact that any cape near a trigger event appears to almost pass out has been mentioned before. Obviously in universe know one would know anything beyond them appearing to stumble, but still. And we got to see more of the higher dimension beings. We in Flatland now.
Oh god there is so much more I think I'm missing huge amounts. AHHH!!!
Oh, this is important. While describing Mush Taylor says "He bore a resemblance to a particular pink skinned, scrawny goblin of a creature from those fantasy movies." That open endedness of that context made me decide she must be talking about The Goblin King in Labyrinth. David Bowie. But to keep things simple, since it might seem like she is talking about Gollum, I decided that on Earth Bet David Bowie played Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. This is canon as far as I am concerned.
That does also mean Mush looks at least a little bit like David Bowie.
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aruliart · 1 year
Gregor and Labyrinth i did a while back for a collab that didnt end up panning out. In the mood to do more Worm stuff today so look out for that 🤣
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