#spitfire worm
faultlinescrew · 4 months
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Might as well put a few of my hcs here: mostly just members of faultines crew (labyrinth, newter, spitfire), bc they rlly do live in my head rent free
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masterweaverx · 1 year
End of the Month Publication Roundup
Well, I managed to get quite a bit out this month.
The next chapter of Strike Out is out, so if you want to read a story of a teenage superhero realizing her mom isn't all that great and trying to find a way to improve her situation, there's that.
There's also the very first chapter of Subversion Quest, where the protagonist is the plaything of fate itself. This wild romp isn't exactly my best work, but sometimes it's fun to just be silly.
And then there's Central Collapse, which is more of an idea and part of a oneshot collection than an actual story right now. The question posed: What if a toxic parent died before the start of canon?
I've also added four chapters of Vista of the Stars, so if you want to see a teenage superhero's adventures in the Star Wars galaxy, there's plenty for you there!
And for those of you who have been waiting for it, the next dramatic section of Luck of the Draw is up! That's one interlude and six chapters of teenage superheroes fighting crime, saving lives, and finding love. (Fair warning, this part does have some close calls and transphobes, but the transphobes get beaten up and it ends with the poly lesbians expanding their romantic group, so it's all good.)
Anyway, here is your reminder that writers are artists too, and artists need support! Here is my Patreon if you want to support me long term, and here is my ko-fi if you want to support me short term. I really depend on this for... basically all my income. If you don't want to support me monetarily but like my work, please please PLEASE reblog this.
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vampire-matcha · 7 months
Part 4 of cheating!Soap. Simon's POV. Angst. Potentially ooc Simon.
Simon Riley is a bad man. He wasn't given much of a choice really. He was dealt a bad hand that kept getting worse and worse. He tried to live a good life, despite his childhood, but it was all taken away from him in fire and blood. So he threw himself into it headfirst. He dove into it and found comfort in the fire and blood. He knew fire and blood. He's good at fire and blood.
Simon Riley is a lonely man. All his life, he's never had anyone. He keeps everyone he meets at arms-length at a minimum. He doesn't do love. He doesn't believe in it. The last time he tasted it was from his mother, and that taste has long since been replaced by the tinny taste of blood. He's comfortable being alone. He fills his time with work, and on the rare occasion he's sent back home to his barren flat in Manchester, the most he does is find a quick fuck at a pub.
He doesn't care about their names, he doesn't particularly care if they're a man or woman or something in between. He doesn't care what they look like, he hardly looks at them at all. They're just a means to an end for him. Just a warm hole to stuff himself into to feel good for a bit, to make his head quiet for a bit. He leaves once he's done. He never stays the night, never even stays much longer than to tie off his condom and pull his trousers back up.
It all changed when he met that damned spitfire of a man John MacTavish. Goes by the name 'Soap'. A ridiculous nickname in Simon's opinion, but then again, he goes by Ghost, so he doesn't have much room to talk.
Soap is loud and brash, but he can be careful and focused, too. He's intensely loyal and has a deep sense of justice. He fights for what's right, Ghost has seen it. He makes the icy shell around Ghost's heart melt, ever so slightly.
It's a slow progression, the way Soap draws Ghost into his orbit. Ghost doesn't even fully realize its happened until Las Almas. There was a moment when he thought he lost Johnny- when did Soap become Johnny? They had gotten separated and Ghost waited for him. Ghost never waited. But he couldn't, in that moment, hiding out in a church with a whole militia after him, even fathom leaving Johnny behind.
By the time Simon realized he loved Johnny it was too late. Johnny was married. Simon hadn't noticed that when he read Soap's dossier years ago. It must have happened in the time they had known each other. Simon had never pinned Johnny as someone to keep his cards so close to his chest like that, but he was proved wrong.
Johnny didn't wear his ring in the field. It was a liability, not just to have jewelry on in life-or-death situations, but also for anyone to see he was married, be it friend or foe. He didn't find out until after Chicago. It seemed that Soap's near-death experience at the top of a skyscraper had shaken him more than he'd let on. He'd snuck off at the bar to use the payphone and Ghost had followed.
"Hey, its me... Just needed to hear your voice, bonnie... No, no, I'm alright, just a wee bit banged up... Yeah, I miss you too, lovie... No I promise I'm alright. Just got a bit worried the whole 'til death do us part' thing was comin' sooner than expected... Sorry, bonnie... No, no, you're right, it's not funny. I'm sorry... I'll be home in a few days... Yeah... I'll see you then. I love you."
Simon hated you. He hated you and he didn't even know you. He didn't even know you existed and he hated you. Who were you? Some civilian? Some random woman who decided to shack up with Johnny? Probably just chasing valor or benefits or something. What could you possibly have to offer someone like Johnny? You could never understand him the way Simon does. Their bond is forged in fire and blood. You could never hope to understand it. They'd been through hell together. And yet you've wormed your way in between them. You, a woman he doesn't even know, have ruined everything. But Simon, ever the stoic sentinel, keeps it all under wraps with practiced patience. He didn't survive this long by letting his emotions control him. He'll figure out a way to fix this.
Then several months later, Simon meets you. It's after another mission, and you're picking up Soap from base, who had gotten a mild concussion and couldn't drive himself. You're there, waiting for him with a lovesick smile on your face. Simon watches as you embrace Johnny, wrapping him in your arms and holding him for a long time. Too long, in Simon's opinion. And then you pull back and hold Soap's head in your hands, turning his face side to side to get a better look at him. You laugh at something he says. Simon sneers. Oh, aren't you just perfect? A sweet little doting wife?
And then Johnny brings you over to introduce you two. You shake Simon's hand with both of yours, gratitude broadcast to the world as you thank him for getting your Johnny home safe. Your Johnny. Simon hates it. He hates how sincere you are. He wishes you were something worse, something worth hating. But Ghost reads people. He's great at it. But he can't read anything but genuine in you. And it makes him hate you more.
It isn't fair, Simon thinks. You don't deserve someone like Johnny. You haven't earned him. You haven't fought for him like Simon has. You haven't fought alongside him like Simon has. Simon has suffered. His whole life has been nothing but blood and fire. Doesn't he deserve something good for once? Hasn't he earned it? Even the devil himself got to taste heaven before he fell to earth.
That's what he tells himself on that night. The night they were stuck in that frozen safe house in the middle of Bumfuck, Russia. They'd narrowly escaped the enemy, and they didn't dare poke their heads out for risk of being spotted. Soap's radio had broken in the escape. Ghost was the only one with a means to communicate with Watcher. She tells him exfil will be there in the morning. He unplugs his radio. He tells Soap he can't get through. He tells himself that he's justified. He's a devil seeking a taste of heaven.
And what is Johnny if not heaven? Simon needs him. He needs to taste him. Johnny is worried. Simon can feel it rolling off him in waves. Simon can make it all better for him. Just for tonight.
"Who knows when exfil's gonna get here?" He asks. "What do we have to lose? It's just for tonight. Just let me take care of you, Johnny."
Simon can feel the hesitation in Johnny's body when he kisses him. But Johnny let's Simon lay him down. Simon whispers words into Johnny's ear. Not quite words of reassurance. But Simon Riley is a bad man, and a lonely man, and those two things make a nasty combination.
Simon tastes every part of Johnny's body he can get his mouth on. Neither man has bathed in days, and a lesser man would be disgusted, but Simon has experienced far worse. Besides, nothing about Johnny could ever disgust him.
And when Johnny let's him inside, Simon, that devil, finally tastes his slice of heaven. A whole life of suffering was worth is just to feel Johnny beneath him. It's perfect, he thinks. Even if only for the night. Simon looks Johnny in the eye. Simon stays with him afterward. Simon sleeps beside him.
Then morning comes. Exfil comes. Regret comes for Johnny, but not for Simon. Maybe he shouldn't had lied about his radio, but it was worth it, wasn't it? But now Johnny won't look at him. He won't speak to him. He practically runs from him when they land.
No, no, no. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. This was supposed to fix things! It was supposed to fix what you had ruined! You, Soap's perfect wife with your perfect life, perfectly ruining Simon's. Johnny was supposed to see that he needed Simon more. Johnny was supposed to see that he needed Simon as much as Simon needed him. What happened? What went wrong? Simon blames you. He always blames you.
Simon calls Johnny late that night, after he's sure you must be in bed. He pleads with Johnny to come to his senses. It wasn't a mistake! How could he say that? How could he say that it was wrong when Simon had never felt so right in his whole life? It's your fault. You've got Johnny trapped under some kind of spell. You can't love him like Simon could, like Simon does. Simon changes tactics.
"You have to tell her," Simon tells him. Maybe if you know, you'll leave. Then Simon can have Johnny all to himself, without you getting in the way again. "The guilt will eat you up, it's better if you just tell her. Its the right thing to do." Johnny reluctantly agrees.
Simon waits for Johnny to call him the next night, to tell him you've kicked him out. He waits for the call so he can swoop in and be Johnny's rescuer. Maybe then Johnny will see how much he loves him. But Johnny never calls. Simon would be tearing his hair out with anxiety if it wasn't so close-cropped to his head. What's happened to him? He hasn't lost control of his emotions like this in years. What have you done to him?
Simon drives to Johnny's house. He watches from the curb through your window. Johnny's alone. Good. He has half a mind to walk up to the door when he sees you come around the corner. He watches you two talk. He watches you cry. Crocodile tears, they must be! Poor you, having your perfect life be derailed. Simon was justified. It's only fair that you suffer even a fraction that he has so he can take some of your perfect life for his own.
But then Johnny is holding you. Johnny is kissing you. No, no this isn't right! You should be screaming at him to leave! You should be beating Soap to a pulp so Simon can put him back together! Why won't you let him have this?
He watches Johnny carry you away. He forces himself to drive away before he does something he'll regret. He speeds the whole way home. He turns his apartment upside-down. In the back of his mind he's thankful he lives in a shit part of town where no one calls the cops unless someone is actually dead. No noise complaints as he shatters every mirror.
It's your fault he's losing control. You you would just let him have Johnny, it would all be fine. But you, you selfish bitch, want to keep Johnny all to yourself. Why? Because you've got a ring? Because you made a vow? Well, Simon makes a vow to himself. No matter how long it takes, he will make Johnny his.
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Fighting Off The Summer Sun-Rin Tohsaka X Vampire Reader
@melodic-haze , here is the idea I had waiting in the wings, I do hope you enjoy.
Also, this is only the first in a string of ideas I've had with a vampiric reader so keep an eye out for that. I'm thinking the next one will be Furina.
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“It is… hellishly hot.” you muttered as you shifted around on the couch, desperately trying to get comfortable despite the blazing summer heat which you were more susceptible to than most.
Being a bloosucker really did suck some times.
Even with the thick curtains drawn, you could feel the sun's rays attacking you.
Your skin growing feverish and the omnipresent feeling of needles pricking at your entire body sapping all strength from you, making it laborious to breathe and even more so to think.
Nonetheless, she had a way of worming into your mind even when you lacked the energy to consider or ponder anything.
“Rin Tohsaka”
Even thinking her name made you feel like you were eating the smoothest and richest of chocolates.
Something about her was… magnetic.
It was little wonder why she had everyone’s eyes.
Including yours which she was the apple of.
A woman clad in red with beautiful locks of brown hair and eyes the color of a pure blue sky, not to mention she was a passionate and talented spitfire.
There was no other word for her beside Beautiful.
Even then, you felt that fell short of the mark.
Just then, you heard the door that connected the house to the workshop open.
“Speak of the devil” you deliriously muttered, vision doubling as you forced yourself into some horrendously sloppy approximation of a sitting position.
A few moments later, the door to the sitting room burst open and there stood Rin, holding several buckets of Ice, more than enough to fill a bathtub.
“Hello Rin…” you weekly greeted her.
“Hi. I’m going to run these to the bathtub.” Rin declared with a false calmness in her voice that did little to hide the edge of concern in her voice.
A few moments later, you were leaning on Rin as she half dragged you to the bathtub while you made a drunkard’s stumbling look like a normal stride.
Though, your vision was no longer doubling.
It was tripling.
Soon however, the two of you had arrived at the destination.
The Bathtub full of ice.
Rin sat you on the edge of the tub, the ice cold ceramic bleeding through your clothes.
The same clothes that Rin was in the process of removing.
Soon, you were down to your underwear which was enough for Rin who began to guide you into the tub.
And that led to where the two of you were now.
You, laying in the ice filled bathtub, your body no longer feeling like it was being cooked from the inside and the fog over your mind beginning to clear as Rin ran her hand through your hair.
It was a nice feeling.
But you couldn’t help but wonder.
What sinful would her bare skin feel like when placed to yours?
How beautiful would she be with red dusting her cheeks?
How wonderful would her blood taste?
“I don’t know, maybe one night we could find out?” Rin spoke, her statement coming out more like an unconfident question.
A bolt of embarrassment struck you.
It seems the fog over your mind hadn’t quite completely cleared.
Then again, the fog she caused never truly did.
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elianaroselight · 4 months
So I have fallen into the CotL world and came across an awesome AU called the Heartstring AU by @bleeding-seraphic. I loved this post about Leshy meeting his soulmate (again) and had to write about it.
TW : talks of sacrificing another and mentions of genocide
How did he end up in this predicament? This was the thought running through Leshy's mind as he listened to the lamb that had somehow managed to make him mortal. “-welcome to your new forever home, you genocidal freak.” Ah. Still was quite the spitfire it seems. Even after all these years. “If you need anything, man up and deal with it on your own. Oh. And if you try anything, I'll break both your knees and sacrifice you to your brother. Bye now!” Well, that was quite the whiplash of a threat. 
Leshy listens to the sound of feet walking away, used to his dark world forcing him to rely on sound to orient and understand his surroundings. The worm sighs when the coast is clear, reaching down to scratch an itch on his pinky. ‘Damned beast.’ He thinks before being startled by the feeling of something on his finger. He feels it quietly. It was.. A thread? A string of some sort. Thin but strong. Almost like spider silk. It didn't seem to be touching the ground, meaning it was floating or tied to something else. Now he was curious. Where did this strange thread lead to?
He loosely holds it, following where the string directed him to go. A few times, he had to walk around a building or even past some plants. (He was especially careful around those.) As he walked, he could hear someone working in the dirt before standing up. He seemed to be nearing this person and planned to walk right on by, until he realized the string he was following wasn't going around them. It was leading him to them. He feels his hand touch theirs and feels a gaze upon his face. The gentle sparks and warmth he felt where they touched was oddly welcoming if confusing. 
They sat in silence for a moment before the other screamed, startling the god. Leshy flinched back, trying to figure out why they were yelling but before they could do anything, the sound of hurried footsteps caught his attention and he stepped back a bit more. “Okay. Okay. What is going on?” The lamb calls out to them. Before Leshy could speak, the other begins to yell at the lamb. “WHY IS THE GOD OF DARKWOOD HERE?!” He's been recognized? 
“You must have recognized him wrong, Mel. He is but a rescue from Darkwood.” They say as the lamb tried to calm the other. So Mel is the name of the one his string is tied to? Leshy quickly makes note of that information as he listens on. “My lamb, I think I'd recognize the god who tried to sacrifice me! And even if I didn't, our strings were the same the first time we met and-and they still are!” A sacrifice? There was only one sacrifice that had managed to get away from him. A silent yellow cat who had been set free after he was creeped out. So this ‘Mel’ was the yellow cat he set free? Huh. 
The annoying sheep pauses for a moment before speaking with a bit of an uncertain tone. “Are you sure your strings are attached?” “Yes! I've known since I saw it connect while I was at his altar to be sacrificed!” “I see. Well, he won't be able to harm anyone here so I'm giving him another chance. Why don't you take the rest of the day off, Mel. We can talk this over more when things settle down again.” 
Leshy hears the cat near him sigh. “Yeah okay.” They say before walking off. Leshy can feel the glare from the lamb on him, but ignores it to process this information. So this string was attached to Mel, a yellow cat he had set free a while back. The only thing left to answer was: what is this string and why is it attaching them? 
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museofthepyre · 8 months
Assigning the CHNT cast TMA entity alignments… add on if you wish/ have any differing ideas! I have yet to assign some ppl still.
Sydney: The Corruption
(Connection to concepts of decay, mushrooms worms, bugs n decomposition, illness and deterioration, consumptive/ unhealthy attachment style, self-destructive desperation for love/ “always wanted to be killed by something that loves me”- that whole squash monologue captures my point pretty well.)
Jedidiah: The Web/ The End
(He’s hyper-aware of the string pulling us all along to our inevitable fate, serenaded by the unstoppable ticking of a clock. He tries to know, control, and change that. He tries to pull the strings and turn back the clock hands. He manipulates/ hides things from Sydney, who’s all wrapped up in the web he strung. Themes of fate, inevitability, death, and the cheating of it!)
Elijah: The Distortion
Infectious hysteria! His presence is accompanied by confusion, (what’s regarded as) delusional religious beliefs, and just a general aura of dreamlike surrealism. He’s cryptid-like. Those who look at him are overtaken with his religious fervor. Sydney worries that he’s a hallucination for a while. Themes of madness, unreality, and not trusting one’s own mind (manipulation falls under that category).
Adam: The Flesh
Yeah. Next. (Takes on other people’s appearances! Cannibalism! Blood! Mutilation! He knows how human brains function and he uses that understanding to toy with them, that could be interpreted as taking advantage of the fallible nature of flesh. So easily destroyed!)
Ok short spitfire round for some of the counsellors/ others that I can think of atm
Rowan: The Extinction
Juniper: The Distortion
Lucille: The Web
Soren: The End
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evilwizardcrab · 1 year
imagine being a member of the ABB. kidnapped from your house, implanted with a bomb by a maniac tinkerer, forced to live in a filthy overcrowded building with a bunch of of gang members.
then BOOM! you -a literal office worker armed with your dad's katana- are attacked by TERRIFYING MASKED VILLIANS for the third goddamn night in a row.
so anyway you're getting handcuffed on the floor, building burning down behind you (because of course spitfire literally spits fire) and the bug girl (who just tried to force wasps down your dick) and the floating skull guy (who broke your ribs) start awkwardly talking about hanging out at his later to put together furniture then another chick starts teasing wasp-dick girl about having a crush on fucking skeletor all the while you are literally lying there. on the floor beneath them. tied up. bleeding. with the dawning realisation that you were beaten up (and probably given aracnophobia) by a group of literal fucking children.
on another note, just started arc 6 of worm.
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eat-limes-bitches · 2 years
*Part of the Stages of a Storm collection*
PAIRING: Female Avenger! Reader x  Bucky Barnes 
WARNINGS: Angst, Injury, depression, crying, hurt/comfort, Soft! Bucky
(This story was highly inspired by You Don’t Know by Katelyn Tarvern)
The wind shows us just how close to the edge we really are
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Any other day, the view would be enough to calm the turmoil swirling through her head, but being stuck back at base in a wheelchair while her teammates were out fighting the next battle was too much for her to handle. It had been 6 weeks since Y/N had fractured her pelvis and femur and was removed from field work ‘until further notice’ as Tony said. They had also assigned her a babysitter, Bucky was staying back from all missions now, just to watch over her, making sure she was safe and was well taken care of. What she didn’t know was that Bucky wasn’t forced to do this, he begged them to let him stay back. Y/N had wormed his way into his heart from the moment she stepped foot in the compound and he didn’t trust anyone else with her care, which is how he found himself here, watching his little spitfire be more of a wisp of smoke as she stared out the window, gripping the mug in her hands with a vice grip.
 Taking a deep breath, he walked over to her and sat down next to her and watched her for a moment. The tattoos on her arms that would normally glow and fluctuate with the fire she tamed inside was now an ashy black, almost seeming to fade in some places. Her eyes were hollow missing the spark that usually lived there and her overall spunk was gone. “Hey darlin, I know this sucks, but how are you doin’?” Bucky asked softly, placing his hand on the armrest of her chair. Y/N shook her head, refusing to look at Bucky , instead focusing on picking the skin around her nails.  “You were right about the sucking part.” She grumbled, setting her mug down on the table and examining her hands. “I haven’t been able to conjure a flame in weeks, I don’t know who I am anymore.” Bucky placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to find the right words to say but she shrugged him off. “ I'm so tired, sitting here waiting. If I hear one more "Just be patient", It's always gonna stay the same.” Bucky felt his heart sinking at her confession, “Doll…” he started but was cut off by her speaking again, “Let me just give up, let me just let go.” Bucky placed his hand on her shoulder again causing Y/N to turn and look at him. She took in the worried look on his face before speaking again, “If this isn't good for me, I don't wanna know. I don't want your good advice, or reasons why I'm alright.” She took a watery breath and spoke again, “I need some air.”
Y/N removed herself from Bucky's presence and wheeled away from him and onto the balcony, hoping the cool air from the approaching storm could help her find the air that had been missing from her lungs. She closed her eyes and focused on the wind whipping her hair around when she heard the door open and close before heavy footsteps made their way towards her. She opened her eyes only to be met with Bucky’s concerned gaze looking right back at her. She was captivated by the blue orbs for a moment before she blinked and shook her head. “Don’t look at me like that.” This caused Bucky to arch an eyebrow slightly, “Like what.” Y/N looked at him again before her hardened expression crumpled slightly, “Like you can see right through me. I’m afraid you’ll end up seeing me the way I see myself.” She whispered as tears began to freely flow down her face. 
Bucky’s heart broke and he kneeled down beside her, taking her face in his hands and wiping the tears away with his thumbs, “Oh darlin’, what do you need from me?” Sniffling, she looked into Bucky’s eyes and began to wonder when she loved the feeling of his hands on her skin and how vibrant his eyes were. Shaking the thought from her head she took a deep breath and the words that left her mouth were ones Bucky never thought he would hear, let alone directed at him, “I could really use a hug. I feel so alone.” Careful not to jostle her, Bucky wrapped Y/N up in his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead while whispering softly, “You won’t ever be alone as long as I’m around, doll. Never.”
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
OK, I know that Tanya and Carmen most definitely won't allow it....BUT
Sometimes, a girl's gonna crave a good burger and fries or like ice cream.
And I can't help but think MC asks one time idk on a car ride if they can stop at McDonald's or something, and they go no, immediate shut down.
Carmen and Tanya give her the look when MC tries to reason with them
And MC just gives up after getting the look.
BUT who's the most likely to allow it cause they dont care as much? 👀
So I'm imagining MC after knowing what Carmen and Tanya would say when a craving for junk food hits just looks over to Kate and later finds her to ask if she can take her to McDonald's or to get some junk food to hide or snack on.
Kate? On board
Easy way to score points with MC
Cheshire cat grin of evil cause MC came to her for this
Or reverse it
When MC is eventually comfortable enough around the Denali's and has accepted her fate(kinda?idk)
She bargains
Kate:hey wanna go somewhere, but I get to carry you around
MC:is it home? (like MC's home before she got taken)And what's in it for me?
Kate:no? And what do you want besides going home?
MC:.....can we get ice cream on the way? Or maybe just stop by McDonald's? I just crave fast food
Kate:the widest grin as she speeds up to MC picks her up bridal style and rushes off
(Wait I forgot MC don't know bout vampires....eh small details) :p
So yeah, the thought of Kate just secretly buying like gummy worms, candy, other junk foods as treats
For MC, if she craves something to score points, get on the good side of MC getting closer to her, pissing off Tanya
Okay, I just HAD to answer this as soon as I got home from- *drum roll*
(No kidding. 😅)
And, seeing how I've read your ask this morning (before going out), I couldn't not imagine MC and her forced-found family in that very scenario. I was sitting there, eating my burger, like-
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First of all: Tanya might be persuaded. With the correct...incentive. 😏
Second of all: Seeing how that´s never (for the time being) gonna happen in MC´s books, guess our girl will have to bribe someone else.
I mean-
That woman would do just about anything for her daughter-in-law charge. Unless that anything is dangerous, or reckless, or foolish, or suicidal, or-
In other words: Anything to do with fast food. 💀
He´s...alright...ish(?) to be around. When he´s not being creepy, that is. (He´s just a bit of a nerd, leave ma boy alone, MC.) But he´s also very devoted to his wife, which is a great thing in itself, no doubt about it. However-
He´ll ask what his wife said.
(MC will lie.)
(Eleazar will see right through it.)
Then he´ll deny MC because Carmen has too. It´s as simple (and painful) as that. 🤷‍♀️
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Do you think MC has a death wish?
Well, that leaves only one option, really-
The middle sister wants to give in right away.
FINALLY some fun happening in this house. Fun that clearly goes against her sister´s wishes. Could this get any better??
...In fact, it can.
Because Kate also realizes how desperate MC is (despite trying her damnest to hide it.) And thus, she realizes she´s in a position where she can make demands. See what else she can get out of it, yknow?
(Kate´s the biggest lil shit, what did yall expect? Then again, Tanya ain´t that much better. She´s just less...straightforward about it. 😏)
"What kind of demands", you ask? Well-
(This is clearly after MC has already asked the dreaded question and then some because conversing with Kate Denali is anything but simple...)
MC, already done af with this conversation: "...Well?"
Kate: *eyes MC up for the umpteenth time, the shit-eating grin still firmly in place*
Kate: "Hmm..."
MC: 🙄😑
Kate: 😏
Also Kate: "Say, little spitfire...do you remember our conversation about how you ask for something?"
(Yes, the one in Chapter 3.)
MC, not in the mood for that shit...again: *turns around and begins to walk off cause fuck that, she´s gonna get that burger, with or without the help of that-*
Kate, internally: *panics cause her plan is about to backfire...again*
Kate, pretends to be annoyed: "My god-Wait."
MC: *stops but doesn´t turn back around yet*
Kate, while MC´s back is still turned: 🤯😩💀
Kate, internally: *think, think, think!*
Kate, pretends to be annoyed: "I´ll do it."
MC: *starts to turn around-*
Kate: *from 💀 to 🙄so damn fast cause girl gotta play her cards right while she still has them*
MC, suspicious af cause there ain´t no way it´s that easy: "...Really? Just like that?"
Kate, internally: *starts celebrating cause that´s the cue she´s been waiting for*
Kate: 😒...😏
MC: *already regrets every decision that has led to this very moment*
MC: "What do you want?"
Kate: "Careful with that phrasing, little one..."
MC: *starts to turn around again-*
Kate: "Why me?"
MC: *turns back to face her*
MC: "...What?"
Kate: "You heard me."
MC: "..."
Kate: 😏
Also Kate: "You wanna know what I think?"
MC, without missing a beat: "No."
Kate, without missing a beat either: "I think-"
Kate: *slinks closer*
Kate: "-that my stuck up family denied your cute little ass, so you came to me."
MC: "..."
Kate: *comes to stand directly in front of MC, that shit-eating grin back in full force*
Kate: "Am I right or am I right?"
MC: "..."
Kate: "Yknow...this won´t work if I´m talking to a toaster-"
MC, thoroughly done with listening to that voice: "And what of it?"
Kate: *bull´s-eye*
Kate: "I wanna hear it."
MC: "...What?"
Kate: "You heard me."
MC: "..."
Kate: "Come now...it´s not that hard."
MC: "..."
Kate: "Lemme help you:
'Kate the Great is so awesome for taking me to MC Donald´s!'
...See? Not too difficult, is it?"
MC: "..."
Kate: "...No? Hmm, how about-
'Kate the Great is the coolest Denali to be around and not at all stuck up like the rest of her family!'
MC: "..."
Kate: "...Yeah, that was a bit too simple, wasn´t it? Everyone knows that."
MC: "..."
Kate, sighing: "...Look, if you want that burger, then you gotta make amends."
MC, confused af: "...Make amends?"
Kate: "Ahh, she speaks! But yes, make amends."
MC, still confused af: "...For what??"
Kate: "Well, I did ask if you remembered our convo all those weeks ago."
MC: "..."
Kate: "Yknow, the one where you left poor ol me standing there like a fish out of water, waiting for a plea that would never come."
MC: "..."
Kate: "...Ask me again. Nicely."
MC: "..."
Kate: "What´s the magic word?"
MC: *knows exactly how that convo went down, most tempted to give the same answer she gave back then*
MC: "..."
Kate: 😏
MC: *imagines taking a bite of that burger*
Kate: 😏
MC, gathering all her willpower: "...Please."
Kate, internally:
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Kate: "...Good."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
MC: *coughs in awkward*
Kate: *stares right into MC´s soul*
MC: *stares back*
Kate: *gaze starts drifting down-*
MC, loudly: "WELL-"
Kate: *jumps slightly, which is a feat considering she´s a vampire and not easily startled*
MC: "I dunno about you, but I´m starving and I believe I was promised a burger, sooo..."
Kate: *takes a moment too long to get her shit together, how embarassing-*
Kate, back to being Kate: "First of: I didn´t promise anything. Second-"
MC: *mentally preparing to have her dreams crushed because ofc it was too good to be true-*
Kate: *back to staring right into MC´s soul*
Kate: "...I´m starving too."
MC: *way too focused on finally getting that burger to grasp the actual meaning of that statement*
MC: 🤩 "Great! Let´s go then!"
Also MC: *proceeds to skip out of the room*
MC has never skipped out of a room before.
MC has never smiled at her before.
Kate thinks she likes it.
A lot.
This got WAY longer (and more emotional) than I thought it was gonna be, BUT-
It got us some soft!Kate and I´m so here for that. 😤✊
Also, every time I´m thinking MC can´t possibly get any more blissfully unaware, she goes and is even more blissfully unaware. 😭
Oh, btw: Even if the sister were to use their super speed around MC (which they have, if you remember), she won´t be any wiser. Why should someone conclude that they´re vampires from that? As far as MC´s concerned, they´re humanoid creatures with special abilities/super powers.
They could be Power Rangers, for all she knew. 😅
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
Oh, and also: Kate would´ve said "yes" sooner or later, regardless of how that convo went. As you said, it´s all about scoring points with MC. And if she gets to annoy her sister while she´s at it?
Also also: She´s no doubt very pleased MC came to her, no matter if she was the first choice or the last resort. What counts is that she got to spend some quality time with the hooman.
...Something her older sister seems to be struggling with. 😏
(She´ll also be very pleased to rub it in Tanya´s face later that day. 😌)
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
I love the idea of Tsu'tey and Spider
Like Tsu'tey is more accepting of the sky people now, due to Jake, but it's more of a tolerance than anything.
Then there is Spider.
I'd imagine that Tsu'tey couldn't help but start to see himself in Spider, despite the differences, when it comes to the boy's loyalty, bravery, and love for the People.
Little Spider running after Tsu'tey whenever he's not playing with the Sully kids, trying to copy him (Spider would definitely try to style his hair like Tsu'teys), and constantly pestering him for stories. It's annoying at first no doubt but Tsu'tey is familiar with it due to being an older brother.
Eventually, Tsu'tey would be a bit concerned that the adults responsible for Spider are just....letting him run around the Pandoran jungle without supervision at such a young age. Like even ignoring the dangers that the wildlife would pose to Spider, all it would take is for him to trip and his mask could break or come off.
Then Spider starts emulating him physically. Styling his hair like Tsu'tey, painting his blue stripes in a pattern similar to Tsu'tey's own, and trying to dress somewhat similar to him too.
Spider is like a duckling trailing after Tsu'tey.
(on a bit of an angstier note)
Tsu'tey noticed after a while that people look to him when it comes to things with Spider, even the sky people seemed content to just leave the care and parenting of Spider to Tsu'tey. It isn't until something big happens, like Spider getting injured, that it's really brought to his attention.
tsu'tey is made a babysitter by Eywa, and by his nature as a big brother; always hypervigilant of the much smaller, more fragile, human than most around them.
he finds himself checking on spider when he's off in the woods, not Jake. he's the one watching the kid play, making sure spider isn't hurt by his larger siblings, not Jake. he finds himself checking spiders mask and canisters, again, not Jake.
he worries for spiders safety, airing his worries to both Jake and Neytiri, but also to Mo'at. the former say that he's a tough kid and that they trust him to be safe (as if that will defend him from falls, trips, predators, or getting lost), the latter, advises him to leave it be (for now) that Eywa has a purpose for everything, including this.
to get a child killed, he thinks, for just a moment, before he feels a familiar little body smack against his legs. no, to raise a proper warrior, he swears he hears a woman say behind him.
and so he reluctantly takes spider under his wing (spider had already wormed himself there, but tsu'tey finally accepted it) and he gets to know the kid; he's a spunky little shit, but behind his spitfire mouth and excessive energy, was an empathetic, loyal, and brave boy who put his family and The people before himself; who treated Pandora with more respect then he did himself at times; who treated each creature he met as an equal (he didn't fear even the mightiest of creatures, even if he know they could kill him, he instead treated then with the utmost respect, and knew when to turn tail to not piss anything off). tsu'tey came to love the little shit, even if it meant he worried about him more and more every day. He taught him to make his own spears and arrows, carved him his own hunting blade (he had a sad little), and helped maintain the bow he cared with Neteyam. when spider starts painting himself, he mimics Tsu'tey's stripe patterns, staring intently in that creepy but endearing way that kids just see into your soul. he eventually just helps him do it, cause it takes spider forever and he is impatient (and it makes spider smile).
after spider almost cuts his eye out with his hunting blade, tsu'tey shaves the sides of spider's head every couple weeks, and though he has little control over the fact that his hair was locked so young, he gives spider beads to put on the front few locs of hair so he can copy him. he knew better then to try and convince him otherwise, spider was determined to look like him, there was little he could actually do to keep it from happening, might as well make it easier (and safer) than to let spider try and do it himself.
during meetings or really just about anywhere, he typically keeps the kid next to him, hand on his head (or carrying him around when he was younger). when any sort of fight or violence happened, spider knew he could tuck himself behind Tsu'tey and he would be safe. he knew he had someone looking out for hm, even when he felt alone.
within a few years, spider is tsu'tey's human copy, and a trained warrior under tsu'tey's teaching and command. he was extremely skilled, especially considering he had the disadvantage of being human, he manages pretty well for himself...
though it does help that the local fauna seem to trust him and show less violence then they do to the na'vi. tsu'tey still has nightmares of the day he found spider napping in the crook of a tree, a viperwolf resting only a few feet with her cubs. he still doesn't know (he definitely does) why she didn't attack the sleeping meal, why she entrusted him with her babies while she herself took a break to rest in the leafy alcove of the forest. (it's definitely Eywa, and he's definitely stressed, and he definitely can't do that again cause it may just kill him to panic that intensely... though he will admit, being able to get within feet of a mama viperwolf to scoop the sleeping and only receiving a short growl, was kinda cool) he went straight to jake after that, telling him that he should cherish the gift he was given.
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lorinplayspalia · 8 months
Vault Bundle Checklist (Part 2 - Flames)
Sear-Chef Bundle [ ] Chapaa Masala - Recipe is purchased from Reth for 2,500 gold. Requires milk, chapaa meat, butter, 2 spice sprouts, tomato, dari clove, wild garlic, heat root. [ ] Heat Root x5 - Found on Bahari Bay cliffs. [ ] Phoenixfire Relleno - Recipe is purchased from Reth for 2,000 gold. Requires egg, flour, any meat, 2 spicy peppers, spice sprouts, and cooking oil. [ ] Dari Cloves - Found in the northern part of Bahari Bay. 4 are given as a reward for Chayne's friendship level 3 quest.
Emberseeker's Bundle [ ] Emberseeker Medallion x6 - The first is given from Jina, the rest are hidden around Bahari Bay and look like treasure chests. The exact locations can be found here.
Brightbug Bundle [ ] Paper Lantern Bug - Bug catching along the Bahari Bay coastline during 6 PM - 3 AM. [ ] Bahari Glowbug - Bug catching around Pavel Mines, Hideaway Bluffs, and Pulsewater Plains during 6 PM - 3 AM. [ ] Spitfire Cicada - Bug catching in Bahari Bay during 3 AM - 6 PM. They are attached to sapwood trees. [ ] Firebreathing Dragonfly - Bug catching around Mirror Pond Ruins, Mirror Fields, and Family Farm.
Flamerod Bundle [ ] Radiant Sunfish - Fishing in Kilima rivers, using worm as bait. [ ] Flametongue Ray - Fishing in Kilima rivers, using glow worm as bait. [ ] Striped Sturgeon - Fishing at Kilima Lake, during evening and night (my guess is 6 PM - 3 AM), using worm as bait. [ ] Dawnray - Fishing in Bahari Rivers, using 3 AM - 6 AM
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faultlinescrew · 1 year
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Spitfire, Sophia getting a better story, fucking up nazis and cool gasmasks? Sign me the fuck up i am so down for this you have no idea.
The Arrows created by @nonplatonicsubtext, and i will make more art in return for more lore on these three and Charlotte Design notes and hcs under the cut
(if any of these dont fit please feel free to disregard them :] i am just 'yes and-ing' here)
Spitfire: - I have five different designs for her i rotate through depending on how im feeling, so i went for the one that would best fit for this au - In canon shes one of the younger members of palinquin (in my hcs she is the youngest) and pretty timid, so plays more of a support role, in this shes a more a frontline fighter, so natrually, more scars - ^ and i like the idea of her getting burnt by her own powers (not canonly fireproof and all) - many thoughts about her you have no idea - having more of a spine is a good thing, but it is also causing her so much stress - went for a more assymetrical design partly for the lack of resources due to her not ending up taking any teams offer, parlty bc i thought it looked fuckin sick - very curious as to why she turned down faultline - was homeless (i belive this for a number of reasons), her and Apsis are crashing in some abandoned basement somewhere Morrigan: - I dont really have much to say, i am so hyped to watch her be rescued from her original narrative and i want to make art for it - n0brainjustvibes prowler!sophia design is so good it rewrote my brain entirely, shes ourple now - your (nonplatonicsubtexts) description for her costume was so vivid i just picked it up and threw it at the drawing software
Apsis: - Shes kinda just free real estate to do whatever with so this will be mostly hc's - Also havent given her a full costume design bc i am waiting for a more solid vibe if that makes sense - Mixed south asian/white (in the above art, at least) - May i suggest the name lila/leela - Whilst Emily and Sophia are roughly 15, shes more 18/19, and that age gap might contribute more to the gap she has with the other two - Fell out with the Merchants a while back due to petty drama and managed to avoid their aquisition into the Syndicate - Has a bit of a substance problem from that, but wont really recive any support due to the whole 'tramatised homeless young adult whos primary job is kicking the shit out of white nationalists' thing, so thems the breaks i guess - Shes just chillin
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Of all the Egan girls who is the wiggliest wiggle worm? 🤣
Spitfireeeee. She's the most physical in the womb, she kicks and punches Frank all day and night, she puts up a fight during birth, and she's the loudest screamer of the girls. The first thing Bucky says after he and Frank are alone with their baby is "This kid has a set of lungs, huh?"
Spitfire is the top wiggle worm of the Egan girls. 🤣
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pixeldistractions · 6 months
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Who are these two little men?!?
Jordan is going to be sad that I gave his boys a little growth spurt while he was away, but isn’t that the way it happens with boys at this age? You blink and they grow two whole feet. Now they’re almost as tall as their mom. At 9.5, they only have another year and a half until they age up to “preteens.”
It actually kills me being such a slow writer, because I have so much story planned for these kids as they grow into teenagers. I have plans for the drama they’ll cause with other people’s kids, too. Stephanie’s kids, Jack’s kids. Some of that might come up sooner, but a lot will happen years down the line, which at my rate will be like a real life decade, lol! And I just want to talk about it all!!!
Since these boys and Johanna will get much more screen time in the upcoming story chapters, let’s get to know them a little better.
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Felix, age 9.5:
aspiration: social // traits: clever, outgoing, +mean (ruthless)
already building his voting base for middle school student council president
A- student
throws rocks at seagulls when nobody’s looking
auctioned his best voidcritter cards for cash at recess
favorite foods: sushi, cheddar jalapeño Cheetos
peek into the future: will have a crush on Lily Nova
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Milo, age 9.5:
aspiration: motor (he will fail) // traits: slob, light-hearted, +clumsy (slacker)
wants to be a video game streamer, but his mom says he’s not allowed until he’s thirteen
C- student
picks and flicks his boogers when nobody’s looking
still plays voidcritters, but he keeps losing his good cards, where do they go?
favorite foods: grilled cheese, sour gummy worms
peek into the future: will ask to live with his dad
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Johanna “JoJo”, age 4.5:
aspiration: mind & body // traits: self-assured, active, + ??? (spitfire)
favorite animal isn’t wolverines anymore, now she likes tarantulas
her mom won’t let her have one
jumps on the couch when nobody’s looking
favorite game: hide and go seek
favorite foods: hot dogs, pineapple, strawberry ice cream
peek into the future: when she’s a teenager, she will hate being called JoJo and will insist on Hanna.
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Hi again! ☺️
I was looking through that list again and that nr. 3... It kinda screams Sukuna to me! I would love to see what you make of that 😇 if you're up for it!!!
‘I am neither caffeinated nor drunk, do you really want to have this conversation right now?’ 
‘No ma’am/sir.’ 
I'm going with Mafia Au for this one, female reader because I was feeling the whole fem fatale vibe. Sorry it took so long!
Heels clicked on the hardwood floors as you made your way through the lion's den, ignoring the looming faces of his guards, sneering at you from doorwarys.
You have nothing to fear in this house, they do. It's envy they glare into your skin, not rage, and the fact that they can do nothing but watch you stride through the mansion, untouchable, will forever irk their pride.
'Oh Miss (Y/N)! Won't you wait a goddam second?'
Rolling your eyes, you didn't get the chance to dive into Sukuna's office and avoid snivelling Mahito sashaying up to you, as though he has your right to look sassy in this house.
'Ooof, somebody's crabby, that time o' the month?'
On any other day, maybe you'd have had the patience, on any other day, maybe you wouldn't have dug your stiletto into his crotch and watched him fold like an origami crane, face turning red as he yelped.
'I am neither caffeinated, nor drunk. Do you really want to have this conversation right now?'
Mahito whimpered, hand wrapped around your ankle, powerless to do anything, and he knows it. 'N-No, no ma'am.'
Some part of you wanted to laugh, and you had no reason to hold it back anymore. It's been years since you gave a shit about being the asshole.
So busy were you in making sure the asshole gave you a wide birth for at least the next few hours, you were oblivious to the crack in the door, through which Sukuna watched, and revelled.
Such a spitfire, his Queen, such a fearless thing, a warrior in a button up and slacks that made her legs go on forever.
Mahito scuttled off, heaven's knowing he doesn't have the self preservation to stay the hell away from her, or Sukuna, indefintely. Idiot boy.
'My my, who woke you up on the wrong side of the bed, pet?'
You startled at the boss' seductive purr, only now realising the door had been ajar. 'You're the only man who could wake me up without losing a finger, your highness.'
Sukuna laughed at the mockery in your voice, curling his fingers as he leaned against his desk, beckoning you closer. 'Hell, you really did skip your coffee this morning, spitfire. As much as I love watching you shred every worm that looks at you the wrong way...'
You stepped between his arms, his knee naturally slipping between yours. Big, warm hands engulfed you, crushing you to that broad, muscular chest as the smell of cigar smoke and cologne enveloped your senses.
'You were saying?'
'No... I think I like the way they shit themselves when you look at them. Keep it up and you'll be almost as good as me.'
'I think you mean as bad as you, devil.'
Sukuna snatched your lips in a kiss, reminding you all over again of what a reprehensible, demonic monstrosity of a man you've ended up with, and the way your body responds, shows you how much you've become his mirror.
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chaos--mode · 5 months
— five songs. ( you can find rien's full playlist here ! )
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recency bias. the good thing in all of this, is earning your callouses / getting resilience, studying consequence / i've been something of a scholar these days / i've been trying, but i get it wrong / i've been something of a revelation, i just don't know what i want
i didn't ask for this. cold rage hides the shame, of images i can't escape / scars that live under the surface / it's strange, what i became, when part of me was ripped away ; and replaced with something worthless / you think that i'm a spitfire? you should / afraid you're on my bad side? that's good / if i wanted to end you, i could
the dead come talking. feel the worms eating holes through my mind, like regrets that'll kill me in time / walking backwards is always a guess, distant faces burn holes in my chest / shadows floating, they're out in the hall / they still haunt you long after they're gone / buried in the basement, cold cement / dead come talking, can't put them to rest
panic room. still waiting, hands shaking, maybe the coast will clear / but these voices, these strange noises, they followed me in here / my phone has no signal, it's making my skin crawl, the silence is so loud / the lights spark and flicker with monsters much bigger, than i can control now / welcome to the panic room, where all your darkest fears are gonna come for you / welcome to the panic room, you'll know i wasn't joking when you see them too
never got better. and suddenly i'm right back in it, shaking and scared to death / i feel it pounding up in my chest, one second / step back, and i just can't hold it together / i'm back reliving, trying to catch my breath, i miss it / end up back in my head, my prison / hope i'm not on the edge like this forever / 'cause every time that i remember, it's like i never got better at all
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