cardinneverloses · 2 years
It had been a week since his last, and hopefully final conversation with Neon. With the tournament just a couple weeks away the only thing Cardin had his mind on was training, team exercises and studying while also being the schools part time janitor, a permanent punishment for his past actions of racism and putting other students in harms way because of a petty feud.
In his head, he knew the punishment was deserved. In actuality, he welcomed it. Socializing was too hard, at first he thought he hated others, but over time it changed from hatred to flat out not being able to trust them. When word got out about what he had done to others, for awhile it was non-stop fighting with other students, randomly coming up to him trying to act self-righteous in their actions of either beating him up or bullying him. He couldn’t say it didn’t bother him, it did. It caused his distrust and dislike for others to plummet even more.
Maybe that’s why it hurt so much to be standing before Neon once again. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to just walk away from this like he had last time. She looked mad and while he was able to stare down anyone before him… Neon was somehow different as he was only able to look to the side of her or anywhere her gaze didn’t meet his as he knew what was to come next.
“Can we just… Get this over with…?” Maybe it was because, out of everyone here, she knew so much more about his actual life than anyone. Maybe that’s why his stomach felt like an earthquake, that sweat already began to form along his forehead, that instead of anger, all he could feel was anxiety and disappointment.
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candledburns · 1 year
Normally, Roman would be prepared with a witty remark and a confident smile in a situation like this... but right now, things are anything but normal. Outside of the way his whole body aches, feeling viscerally wrong in a way he can’t even come close to describing - he has no idea what’s going on or how he got here. The last thing he remembers is standing over Red, and then...
There’s something else. He’s sure of it. But all he can bring to mind is an overwhelming nausea that fills him with the urge to vomit.
What matters most right now though, is Neo. Right now, the only person he’s ever cared for is looking more fragile then he’s ever seen her - and that sight fills him with a flicker of fear, one that threatens to quickly grow strong enough to bring him to his knees. But when he speaks, his voice is hoarse, and he barely manages the words.
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“Ugh... the hell is going on here?”
@lacrimcrum​ ( continued from here! )
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tricoloredillusion · 2 years
@lacrimcrum​ continued from here!
When she noticed the young girl, the first thing Neo did was freeze- stare at the other with wide-open eyes and surprise. For once, her change of attitude was too obvious, feeling almost impossible to cover with her acting, no matter how good she was.
Closing her eyes for a second, even, the mute rubbed them after, but careful to not smudge her eyeshadow too much. Thinking that maybe, this was simply a dream.
Maybe her Semblance went off without her knowing it?
It was soon proven to be too real, and the moment that Trivia got closer and hugged her, Neo opened her eyes and her heart skipped a beat, anxious. Not anxious because of the touch, but because of what she was looking at.
She could feel her heart almost sinking inside her chest, but keeping her composure, she instead picked the offered doll with one of her hands, carefully so to not damage it in any way.
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She was just so speechless, that this suddenly felt like if a few bullets pierced her body- no, this may be even worse than the pain she could feel from that, but when the brunette held the free hand and lead her to the room, the criminal couldn’t help but reciprocate the small gesture by holding hers in return, kinda tight.
Beautiful like a princess? She was aware of how pretty she was, but at this point she may be too far from a princess. The princess of deceivers, perhaps.
Wherever someone would’ve felt something warm inside their chests, Neo was starting to feel that this may be a bad idea, but she stared at the pillow-built castle, smiling in return and simply following.
Was she really going to keep up the act? Perhaps it was easier to ask if she would be able to before breaking down.
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the-gray-maiden · 2 years
❤ + cardinneverloses & lacrimcrum maybe? c:
@cardinneverloses I haven't interacted on this blog much but want to connect with them more on My Ruby blog. I enjoy they are bringing a small side character to life! Cardin designed to just be the "school bully" Get's develop under this wonderful person!
@lacrimcrum This mun.... a god, I always respect multimuse blogs because I could never! Lila is the character Lia has most interacted and is torn between wanting to always be around her but also super intimidated by her.
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strykingback · 1 year
💾💾💾 (Any muse you wish)
(Since ya sent three ya get three!!!)
Originally Zek’s full name was going to be Zek Sunna Zaitsev and his rifle was going to be called Vasily based off the actual historical figure Vasily Zaitsev. However this changed when Russia invaded Ukraine and proceeded to do a lot of horrible things and it was then I had to find another sniper who was legendary to change up Zek. Thankfully Simo Häyhä came in clutch!
Kintaro’s past was going to be entirely different as he would be raised by a bear (Not an Ursa) and later on adopted by the Yama-baba to train with her until her death. No blindness, no aura-sight just an ox faunus who found himself in a weird situation.
My take on Adam was going to be an unknown swordsman who fights for a lost cause. As after watching Black Lagoon I can definitely see a lot of Adam vibes in Ginji, who ends up getting killed all because one of the protagonist’s manage to pull out a last minute trick on him. As in my canon he gets himself killed by Tyrian who pulls out a last second trick on him…
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send hearts for how your muse feels // Accepting!
@lacrimcrum asked: 💘💓 [From Lila to Hazel]
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💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either. 💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
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Honestly....., those are fair reactions.
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💔 [From Tyrian to Hazel]
💔: Hates their guts.
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That is something they can agree on.
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💖 [From Neon Katt to Yang]
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
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"Hey, you're pretty cute, too!" Yang says with a little laugh. They might have initially got off on the wrong foot at the Vytal Festival (which was partly her fault, she knew; her temper got the better of her), but she definitely wanted to get to know her better.
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Hare’s Kitchen - RP with lacrimcrum
The weekend had come, and George was on his way to the student kitchens, he had once again decided to make dinner for his team, and by request, it was the hare faunus’ classic pasta with cheese sauce, and the meat to go with, was chicken, though for time, George had picked up pre-cooked roast chicken chunks that only needed reheating before being added.
In the student kitchens, it also seemed quiet, though that was because most students preferred to just go to the dining hall and get something there, or order something from the city to pick up or deliver as there were arrangements to allow that.
But here George was, a shopping bag full of stuff, which included a French breadstick for making garlic bread, a bag of fusilli pasta, a bag of pre-shredded mixed cheese, and some garlic cheese spread, he didn’t need to bother with flour, milk, or spices like mixed pepper and mustard powder when they were provided by the kitchens.
After picking his work station, and with his bag of ingredients on the top of a low-down cabinet, he would get to work finding pans, other sauce ingredients, and the trays to help get the food from here to his dorm room where his team would enjoy the meal, but hearing someone else come in, he’d stop to see who it was and he had seen them around before, a female rabbit faunus, but at this point in time, he didn’t know her name, but he’d at least address her, though all he had was.
“Hey there, how are you?”
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
@lacrimcrum​ (Lila)
⚔    ⚔    ⚔    ⚔    ⚔ ** not accepting
qrow doesn’t know how he gets himself into these situations.
except for the fact he hangs out where alcohol mixes and brawls happen. and was raised to fight in so many ways. and because one could tell by just one look at this woman that she was scrappin’ for a fight. 
okay. so maybe he knows exactly why they circle each other outside the mistral tavern, Harbinger as a longsword twirling at his side by the hilt while this stranger looks at him with a recognition he doesn’t trust. she’s made him sweat, he’ll give her that. being quick on his feet and full of slick tricks doesn’t mean much when she’s so sticky sure-footed and slippery all at once that it’s hard to take her down.
“i’ve seen a lott’a combat in my time,” he taunts, still a moving target, “but not many who’ve got quite th’command’a their own body like you, lizard lady.”
he stalls, squaring her up. there has to be a weakness somewhere.
he misses Raven, thinking of her portals, how they used to dart to and fro to overwhelm larger targets. currently, a bit of parkour is the best he can do.
the woman’s one good eye narrows as qrow lunges into his next stance. there go her little glyphs to steady her feet, and a wide swing comes out in counter to his rush, but both are useless, because he blows past, to the trees. 
he leaps trunk to trunk, trying to circle back around. yet she seems all too happy to give chase, try to beat him at his own game, showing off agile bounds. really, if she wants to bring herself off the ground, he’s halfway won. 
you know what they say. the higher they are, the harder they fall. or something.
the moment he knows he’s out of line-of-sight for a second, he transforms. black wings carry him higher, out of sight, down and back around. is it cheating? probably. can he live with that? definitely.
he flies in from her flank, transforming again in the shadows until all her senses could tell her is that one large man with one large sword is falling at her at full speed. she jumps to solid earth and stabilizes once more, but it does no good. not with Harbinger held horizontal across qrow’s chest and pushing forward with his own weight plus gravity. 
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she can block him with open palms and hold tight to that, too. doesn’t matter. he’s headed towards the ground, fully intent on taking her with him, until her knees bend back over stuck feet, and her whole upper body slams to the ground - trapped beneath the broadside of a blade.
he sneers down at her, whiskey breath and all, “y’wanna tell me what this’s all about, or’re we makin’ it best two outta three?”
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seeasunset · 1 year
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❝I mean I am sure you can handle your own, but are you sure?❞
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caeloservare · 1 year
@lacrimcrum sent: ❝  your scars are nothing to be ashamed of.  ❞ [From Lila]
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Extensive scar related prompts
General's clenched fist froze in the middle of pulling collar of his coat closer to his neck. Reluctantly he let go, leaving it be. Maybe he should consider sleeping in a turtleneck instead of the t-shirt with the Academy logo.
Seems bumping into each other in the middle of the night was becoming some sort of tradition or something.
"It's not that." He protested with very little idea how to explain himself without revealing too much. Was there any point in hiding though? She already saw the scars peaking from under the collar.
"It's... It's not shame. I simply think it's better to not let other people see them." It still sounds like shame, doesn't it. "I don't like the stares I get."
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cardinneverloses · 2 years
@lacrimcrum [The Grim Reaper has a Assistant]
“Not again…” A groan came from the copper haired Reaper as a small stack of papers were placed on his desk. His assignments for the week was always the worst part of Mondays. The freshly printed pages lay next to his morning coffee, half gone already as he took another sip and looked to his assistant with a heavy, discontent frown “Any chance we could maybe, I don’t know… push some of this off?”
Looking at one of the sheets, he recanted the full obituary that came with the fresh soul “Corrupt politician. Died of heart failure.” Then the sheet after “Corrupt politician.” And continued until his point was more than made. It wasn’t too often that he complained about work, knowing that what showed up was more than a concern for everyone as it was his job to take on the more… undesirable souls.
In his defense, he had a hangover from the night before. Which was strange, who knew spirits could get hangovers, or get drunk in the first place. Either the case, he knew Velvet wouldn’t abide to his protests which was more than likely why she was given to him years ago to replace his last assistant who was reincarnated. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”
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tricoloredillusion · 2 years
@lacrimcrum​ continued from here!
Patiently standing so the other could work on the design, Neo’s eyes seemed to be all over the dress. As expected, of course, her other self would have a good fashion sense as well- so good, that even if her first option was never a dress, she had to admit this one was pretty magnificent.
She let both of her hands rest upon her hips at some point, before adjusting her chest and passing a hand by her hair to try and wear a hairstyle that could go with it, to make her appearance even more astounding. All with the help of her Semblance.
She was reading the other’s texts in the meantime, too, and even if at times it seemed as if she was more focused on the clothing and her hair, it would soon be proved that she was attentive the whole time.
‘Don’t mind me memorizing this design, in case I need it for a special occasion.’
Glowing text of her own floated in mid-air, before a soft and muffled chuckle escaped her lips at the mention of pitiful people that fell for the other Neo’s trap. Typical- it was just so easy to make some people let their guard down, that at times it grew boring just how predictable they could be.
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‘Anything interesting that they were carrying? Aside of credit cards with tons of Lien.’
The idea of going around to create some havoc with another self was really tempting, so of course that she didn’t hesitate in giving it a thought, and her mind was even faster when she had to give an answer to that.
‘Oh, I can already see it. We could create some kind of persona to say we are twin sisters. I’m sure the 2x1 will manage to fish even more people than usual.’
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the-gray-maiden · 2 years
💕 - What's something that never fails to make you happy?
Munday questions! (accepting) 
// You know just a pepsi and reese’s peanut butter cup. Always give me joy. 
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@lacrimcrum​ clicked the little ❤ for a starter!  
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Yang waited for Neon outside of the training room, a bubble tea held in her left hand.  Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Oscar were currently sparring with Team FNKI, but they were just about done.  There was a lot going on right now, but you could never have too many friends, right?  
Which was why she was here, peace offering in hand, hoping there were no hard feelings from the last time they'd seen one another.  She didn't figure that Neon was the type to hold a grudge, but she honestly wouldn't have blamed her if she did.  Yang had kind of....ruined the whole Vytal Festival before things had literally started blowing up in their faces.
But even with how easily Neon and Flynt had almost beat her and Weiss, Yang had learned a lot through that fight.  And Neon actually seemed like she could be pretty cool, when she wasn't kicking her ass.
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deviousdoctor · 2 years
🔞 (It doesn't have to be sexual related)
@lacrimcrum (It's gonna be though)
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Set my Alarm, Turn on my Charm, That's because I'm a Good old Fashion Lover Boy
Speaking of Kinks, Arthur likes to be choked. That's it, that's the post.
1000% calling out my own muse.
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⚠️ Sleepyhead [From Velvet]
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"I don't know what you are talking about."
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