#[these were all excellent; thank you. ^^]
fisheito · 7 days
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theyre touching tails and looking at ducks together now. tomorrow they'll braid each other's hair and decorate it with kelp ribbons
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the only criticism i have for deadpool & wolverine is that my best friend b-15 is definitely NOT into men i’m so sorry
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writinggremlin · 2 months
While checking my outfit in the mirror today, I came to the realization that I am dressed like 90's!Fitz. I have on white, baggy 90's jeans and a black t-shirt, with a pink flannel over top. I'd show a picture but I'm too self conscious for that lmao.
Anygay, I challenge Fitz to a fashion contest. >:)
(/j I know I don't even stand a chance against him. Pretty sure he'd say/think that I have good taste if he saw me tho lol)
Also, while I was typing this...
*looks at the Clearly Canadian sparkling water I'm drinking*
*sprints to google*
"When was Clearly Canadian popular?"
"The 1990's."
*...takes another sip*
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any show finale that makes me cry like 4 times is a good finale in my book
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smply-sktchng · 1 year
CSM sketch request from @princeasimdiya12 that turned into a discussion and character sheet abt what the Loneliness Devil might look like!!
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
genuinely funny when my boss who's a degree purist tries to encourage me to get my masters. while I work for her full time. for next to no money. with extremely inflexible hours.
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mastersoftheair · 11 months
an interview with darragh cowley (portraying lt. glenn graham), who talks for some time (starting at 34:54) about the his experience working on MotA, including his audition ("the biggest audition of my life"), the boot camp, and his experience working with the other guys. interesting points include:
-the boot camp lasted two weeks, but it was during the height of covid19, "so they couldn't facilitate quite as a in-depth camp", so it was more like spending two weeks in a classroom ("the whole two weeks, we were those boys"). they practiced drills, marching, and exercising, "but we didn't have to camp or sort of, you know, be horrified or traumatized, if you will, like they did on "saving private ryan". no, you know, we weren't sleep deprived or we weren't, you know, made to survive on rations at all! it was relatively cushty."
-"i made a bit of a scene at the boot camp on the last day. i'd organized, uh, some beers for the military advisors and i'd [done] a little speech at the end for all the men, because we, you know, we did the whole thing in uniform–in costume, in character. the whole two weeks, you know, we were those boys…particularly by the end a bit, like, they were really encouraging us to live in our roles. so i made a bit of a scene, and made a big speech, presenting to captain dye, which will possibly be the best thing i've ever done in my life… and i think the director of the first four episodes (cary fukunaga), i think he liked that, and i think he picked me out for that".
-says he was of many other actors who were "basically told to improvise for a lot" and were initially given three weeks to film, but weren't necessarily told when those three weeks would start: "and then it would extend". cowley, tho, ended up on the job for nine months ("which was from start to finish"), finishing twelve days before the rest
-recounts how he was "really involved with all the boys" and made it a point to go out and meet everyone else during boot camp bc, despite being nervous, he wanted to be the friendly face for others that he would've wanted himself
-he'd "find out what squadron [each new boy was] in, and find their squadron, and introduce, you know, each lad to five, six, seven of the lads in their squadron"
-such actions earned him the reputation as the guy who "knew everyone's names"
-was quite candid throughout about how nervous he was about doing his portrayal justice, as well as his inner struggles as a working actor
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book-of-baba-fett · 11 months
For the ask game: which fic are you the most proud of? What inspired you to write Illicit Affairs? Which OC do you relate to the most?
Ask Me Anything About My Fics
For most proud of: I'm actually going to go ahead and say A Lucky Hand, because that was the first fic I ever wrote and I always thought I hated writing or that I was bad at it because I could never commit to it, so when I finally sat down and wrote something and people engaged with it, it changed my total perspective on it.
I started to get the ideas for IA when I wrapped up my first clone wars watch and was already on Rebels. I just loved Rex as a character so much, and I started thinking of different dynamics between characters and I thought of "what if there was a Jedi and clone relationship and what if Rex was the one in it." All these plot details rushed into my head, and I was still unsure about the process of writing it but I started to post x reader fics as a way to see if there was any sort of interest in my writing, and when I got positive feedback I decided to go for it and it's been my passion project ever since.
And I definitly relate to Talia the most. I've always said she's not a self insert, and she isn't, but that being said it's hard to not let parts of yourself show in characters you write. I relate a lot to her in how she doubts herself, and how she can't help but compare herself with others, but I also relate to how she can see the humor in things even when it's dark, and her stubborness.
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wizardcurse · 1 year
i wanna know 1 and 17 for the music asks >:3c
ask and you shall receive >:3c
A song you like with a colour in the title: Yellow by Yoh Kamiyama!
17: A song that you would sing a duet with on karaoke Hmmm. WAIT I KNOW The Asshole and the Good One - Daniel Kahn & Psoy Korolenko
This song is chaos and would be so much fun to sing with someone
🎵 may I burn in flames, be stomped by a horse, no matter what happens, your mine and I'm yours <3 🎵
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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Send hearts for how your muse feels // Accepting!
@lacrimcrum asked: 💘💓 [From Lila to Hazel]
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💘: Doesn’t really like them, but doesn’t flat-out hate them either. 💓: Is intimidated by them, but wants to be friends with them.
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Honestly....., those are fair reactions.
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💔 [From Tyrian to Hazel]
💔: Hates their guts.
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That is something they can agree on.
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💖 [From Neon Katt to Yang]
💖: Finds them aesthetically attractive.
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"Hey, you're pretty cute, too!" Yang says with a little laugh. They might have initially got off on the wrong foot at the Vytal Festival (which was partly her fault, she knew; her temper got the better of her), but she definitely wanted to get to know her better.
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cursedmystic · 2 years
🪶| “did you find what you were looking for?”
It's a question he's long asked himself. Sitting here now, under the eaves of the high-rising Bell Tower, Morty centers himself with the ringing of the bell that signifies the return of the rainbow pokemon to their home.
Morty had been asked once, when he was but a child, what he hoped for in life. More than anything, he'd wanted to see the great bird that his family had guarded for centuries now -- Ho-oh, the sacred bird of seven colors. It was said to seek a trainer with a pure heart and the strength of will unmatched.
He had seen in shadowed visions that a trainer would come and claim that title, though he couldn't see who it was and could only pray desperately that it would be him, if he only trained hard enough.
I don't know how you do it, Eusine said over lunch, trying to see into the future. It's going to make you crazy one day. Let it go!
He's right. Morty's never been one to linger on things, but that vision had consumed him like Entei's flames, burning him up until he pushed himself to the peak of his abilities.
In the end, however, the chosen trainer wasn't him.
Fitting that the boy's name should be Gold. Even more fitting that he should climb these stairs with a brilliant feather in his hands to claim this title.
He should be sad, he supposes. Perhaps, quietly, he is -- but he's proud, more than anything, to even be worthy enough to guard Ho-oh's roost and bring it home.
The bell chimes overhead and Morty breathes deep. The day sets with a ringing cry and when he opens his eyes to peer up, there is a feather waiting for him, radiant as the sun itself. It's as long as his palm and lighter than air, and he holds it like it might fall to pieces if he clutches it too tightly.
Yes, he supposes he has found what he was looking for.
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cagesings · 2 years
to  be  honest,  i  was  barely  on  the  dash  all  day  so  i  had  no  idea  what  was  going  on  until  i’ve  looked  more  into  the  situation  because  i’m  trying  to  find  the  url  i  need  to  block,  but  looking  further  into  this  whole  thing  is  making  me  really  paranoid  so  i’m  gonna  be  even  more  selective  with  who  i  follow  back  for  my  own  comfort.  my  apologies  for  anyone  this  impacts  but  this  is  making  me  sick.  this  especially  goes  for  muses  in  the  s.tra.nger  t.hin.gs  fandom  because  i’m  already  afraid  of  it.  i’ve  had  several  callout  and  drama  tags  blacklisted  for  a  while  now,  but  i’m  adding  even  more  to  the  list  so  i  can  avoid  those  kinds  of  posts.  i  was  going  to  make  a  few  posts  addressing  a  few  things  about  jo’s  relationship  with  anthony  because  it’s  important  to  keep  in  mind  because  now  i’m  afraid  to  because  people  don’t  know  aging  is  a  thing.  i  just  hate  this  whole  situation  and  the  fact  that  the  people  hurt  by  it  are  so  lovely  and  absolutely  don’t  deserve  this. 
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dykeseinfeld · 2 years
fathers will tell you stories from their childhood that sound copy pasted from the dsm
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
so once me and my wife were watching a documentary where a snake ate like a million eggs. that snake just went to fucking town on eggs. and the snake made the eggs look so good that i kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it, and eventually it was 11pm and i ran out of willpower and decided to eat one (1) singular raw egg just to prove to myself that the snake was surely a liar.
the snake was not a liar. texture is like, super important to me and raw eggs are very Texture so i had another one, and then another one, and then another one, and eventually i ran out of eggs.
i had like, fifteen raw eggs.
i didnt really know how to explain this momentary madness to my wife, so my Plan was to put all the eggshells into a grocey bag, and then throw that grocery bag in the dumpster, and if she never noticed that would be Excellent and if she noticed immediately i could lie and say that the eggs went bad.
except i cant lie very good, and of course with murphys law being such, i got salmonella.
so i threw up a lot and my wife asked me what poisoned me so and i tried very hard to dodge the question but i was oozing shame like oil from a room temperature cheese and eventaully i gave in and told her everything and to her enormous credit she was more flabbergasted than actually upset. she did make me promise to not eat any more raw eggs, which i have stuck to, and she gives me weird looks during nature documentaries now as if desire was the only thing keeping me from eating thousands of pounds of krill anyway i made a joke earlier about being able to eat my age in eggs and my sister in law in law made a drawing to comemorate the moment and also because it was my birthday. she's excellent. thank you 10000000% @cintailed. you should all visit her page and admire her work.
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boyczar · 3 months
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#everything is coming together exactly as it should#everything is literally happening best case scenario for me all the time#shadow work illuminates so much#you can transmute any negative trait into a positive one#thank you to my parents#thank you to all my old friends#thank you to everyone in my life currently#it has all been for a reason#the suffering is never in vain#trauma gives rise to your excellence#only people suffering from post-traumatic STRESS will disagree#but as soon as they turn that into post-traumatic GROWTH they know the truth#if you are suffering from PTSD or C-PTSD i wish you endless healing#i know it hurts now and there’s nothing i could say that would instantly change that#but you have a gift for this world#waiting to be understood and utilized#i wish you nothing but happiness and growth#and clarity to see the gift and see your true Self#i am grateful for the things my parents taught me directly and indirectly#i have a parent with a personality disorder and another parent that is the most intensely critical person i’ve ever known#(also i recently learned that the term ‘Cluster B’ personality disorders is not often used anymore#it’s referred to as the ANTAGONISTIC Personailty Disorders which i feel like is way harsher than cluster b lmao#but it’s what psychology is finding to be more accurate#anyway…#i’m grateful to have grown up with people who were stunted emotionally bc it’s shown me how to recognize it in myself and others#i can help myself heal from it and i can walk away from those who are still struggling with it (and wish them well)#everything that has happened has seriously been for my absolute highest good and i didn’t see it in my moments of turmoil#but now it’s all abundantly clear#heaven is a place inside me#mine
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emergencyplumbingil · 4 months
A Customer's Delight!
Seamless Shower/Tub Combo Faucet Installation & Drain Cleaning: A Customer's Delight!
Our customer from Elgin shares his experience :
I had the pleasure of availing the shower/tub combo faucet installation and drain cleaning services from Emergency Plumbing and I couldn't be more thrilled with the results! From the moment I reached out to Emergency Plumbing, I was impressed by their prompt response and seamless scheduling process. The team arrived right on time and wasted no time getting to work. Their efficiency was truly commendable, and before I knew it, my new faucet was installed with precision and expertise. What truly set Emergency Plumbing apart was their unwavering commitment to quality. Every step of the installation process was carried out with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a flawless finish that exceeded my expectations. Not only does my new faucet look fantastic, but it functions flawlessly, thanks to their expertise in proper alignment and leak-proof connections. In addition to the faucet installation.
I also opted for drain cleaning services, and I'm delighted with the results. My drains are now free-flowing and clear of any blockages, thanks to the thorough cleaning performed by the team. What's even more impressive is Emergency Plumbing's commitment to affordability without compromising on quality. Their pricing was incredibly competitive, and there were no hidden fees or surprises along the way. It's refreshing to find a company that delivers top-notch service without breaking the bank.
Overall, my experience with Emergency Plumbing was exceptional. From their friendly customer service to their unparalleled craftsmanship, they exceeded my expectations in every aspect. If you're in need of shower/tub combo faucet installation or drain cleaning services, or other plumbing repairs, look no further than Emergency Plumbing. Trust me; you won't be disappointed! Thank you, Emergency Plumbing, for a job well done!
Call us today for all your plumbing needs, from repairs to installations, like water heaters, sump pumps, ejector pumps, new gas lines, faucets and garbage disposals, and much more.
Join our community of satisfied customers at Emergency Plumbing and experience excellent service and best prices.
#A Customer's Delight!#Seamless Shower/Tub Combo Faucet Installation & Drain Cleaning: A Customer's Delight!#Our customer from Elgin shares his experience :#I had the pleasure of availing the shower/tub combo faucet installation and drain cleaning services from Emergency Plumbing and I couldn'#I was impressed by their prompt response and seamless scheduling process. The team arrived right on time and wasted no time getting to work#and before I knew it#my new faucet was installed with precision and expertise. What truly set Emergency Plumbing apart was their unwavering commitment to qualit#ensuring a flawless finish that exceeded my expectations. Not only does my new faucet look fantastic#but it functions flawlessly#thanks to their expertise in proper alignment and leak-proof connections. In addition to the faucet installation.#I also opted for drain cleaning services#and I'm delighted with the results. My drains are now free-flowing and clear of any blockages#thanks to the thorough cleaning performed by the team. What's even more impressive is Emergency Plumbing's commitment to affordability with#and there were no hidden fees or surprises along the way. It's refreshing to find a company that delivers top-notch service without breakin#Overall#my experience with Emergency Plumbing was exceptional. From their friendly customer service to their unparalleled craftsmanship#they exceeded my expectations in every aspect. If you're in need of shower/tub combo faucet installation or drain cleaning services#or other plumbing repairs#look no further than Emergency Plumbing. Trust me; you won't be disappointed! Thank you#Emergency Plumbing#for a job well done!#Call us today for all your plumbing needs#from repairs to installations#like water heaters#sump pumps#ejector pumps#new gas lines#faucets and garbage disposals#and much more.#Join our community of satisfied customers at Emergency Plumbing and experience excellent service and best prices.
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