#ladji paara
quincyhorst · 1 year
(Scrapped Tweet Thread)
Recommended read: This one headcanon involving Ladji. (And Jean -Baker- but he isn't relevant here) It got quite covered with all that happened in the previous poll. You could consider the following a little "follow-up", as I've wanted to post a happier headcanon for the main french keeper. Just to avoid making it all so grim 🥴
The Razzano have bunnies as pets. An entire family of them. 🐇
They have their own special place on the garden, where the bunnies can jump and snuggle as much as they can. However of course, sometimes curiosity makes them go "off-limits", and enter their owner's home. If not stopped early, things will end mostly on a distasteful surprise... But at least, everybody in the family takes great care of them, specially Émile. So much so, that he can genuinely recognize and name every single one of them, even if they all look pretty similar to another.
When Ladji started to visit more often Émile's home post-FFI, he soon became aware of the jumping fluffballs, but he paid no attention to them. Pets are cute, but he'd rather not mess with something he never had. That was until one day, where Émile got the fantastic idea of begging Ladji to draw one of his bunnies. It was quite a... New experience for the painter, granted his main weakness on art are animals. When he draws people he'll manage to catch on even the smallest detail, but when he draws another living species... He feels ashamed of the end result. But at least in that occassion Émile seemed very happy with that drawing, so... Not everything was bad.
To this day Ladji still struggles with animals, and is not that interested much on studying them. But whenever he's at the Razzano's garden and a bunny is nearby, he might often try and sketch it. All these studies end up on Émile's hands soon enough... They make up for adorable gifts.
Two add-ons:
1- ...Because of these experiences, now everytime Ladji sees anything bunny related he'll always think about Émile. Always.
2- The bunnies' names are: Olivier, Luc, Rene, Georges, Louis, Jacques, Henri, Robert, Auguste, Alexandre, Matthieu, AND Gaspar. Yeah. Not even his older siblings understand how Émile is able to remember which bunny is which.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Rose Griffons Headcanons
Giving some love and recognition for my country representatives !
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-They get along very well with the other European teams, especially with England’s Knights of Queen.
-Despite losing a lot in the FFI, their goalkeeper Roger Pialat is considered one of the best goalkeepers in Europe. (He even managed to create a stronger version of Galatyn).
-Despite being the captain, Pierre Godin doesn’t wear his captain’s armband very often. He said that he doesn’t really like it, to which his teammates don’t really understand.
-Pierre also considers Edgar as his soulbrother, since they both have similar personalities. The main difference is that Pierre is not an attacker at all (He did go on the attack sometimes, but only if he sees an opening in the rival’s team by his defender position).
-Pierre is always stylish and gracious no matter what. He also secretly like teasing Julien.
-Michaël Aron is the cook of the team.
-Francis Poujol wants to be an architect when he grow up.
-Kévin Pinot adores history, more specifically the Napoleonic period.
-Roland Pérec lives in Paris and just loves the atmosphere. He also loves seeing people being amazed by the city’s monuments while sipping some coffee.
-They all are mastering something already, and a lot of people from other teams are jealous of them, mostly non European teams, since the other European teams are happy for their early success (some others even have some success already too !) : Romuald Huysmans already gains well in his life by being of the most famous models worldwide. On the other hand, Stéphane Hinault is also one of the top hit singers. It’s really something to go this far already for such young people. 
-Julien Rosseau, being as pretentious as he is, believes he is the best representative of his team. On top of that, he matches with the team’s name as he always carry a rose between his teeth. The main reason of him believing that is because a lot of their supporters are saying he is the best player, and that he should be the captain, although Pierre is a great captain too (It’s probably the reason why Pierre tease him, as he is the captain). Roland even thinks it’s a bit infuriating for Julien to see Pierre without his captain’s band.
-Jérôme Hervaud has an enhanced sense of smell, giving him a special talent of creating and spotting great parfumes.
-Alain is the son of a bicycle repairman, but he hates working on them. He actually loves riding a bike and wants to participate in the Tour de France one day. His teammates are fully supportive of his dream, and they even say that football will help since he will grow stronger. They help him getting up whereas his strict father tries to bring him down.
-Alain was born in Martinique. His family decided to move out to France when he was fairly young.
-Émile goes to cinema to watch every new movies that comes out. He has a huge collection of DVD’s to a point where almost all his dining room is filled with them.
-André Pinson has been a huge fan of philosophy ever since he discovers it thanks to his dad. He wants to be a philosophy teacher when he’s older. For that, he is “training” with his teammates, but they don’t understand a lot about philosophy.
-Jean Gutain believed he was the best fashion creator, until Knights of Queen’s member Mickey Richards defeated him. So he needs to prove his talent again.
-Claude is already a great baker, he wants to expand his business worldwide when he gets older.
-Michel is great at gardening, he even cherishes roses to give some new fresh ones to Julien.
-Full names :
Roger Ladji Pialat
Pierre Godin (no other name(s))
Michaël Aron (no other name(s))
Francis Carlos Grégory Poujol
Kévin Pinot (no other name(s))
Roland Léo Pérec
Romuald Ronnie Ross Huysmans
Stéphane Hinault (no other name(s))
Julien Rosseau (no other name(s))
Jérôme Éloi Hervaud
Alain Favreau (no other name(s))
Émile Lazare (no other name(s))
André Pinson (no other name(s))
Jean John Gutain
Claude Moreau (no other name(s))
Michel Morland (no other name(s))
-The members that are still representing France when they’re adults are : Roger Pialat, Pierre Godin, Roland Pérec, Romuald Huysmans, Stéphane Hinault, Julien Rosseau, Alain Favreau, Émile Lazare, Jean Gutain and Michel Morland. Though it is rumored that Pierre might not be the captain anymore but rather the substitute captain.
-Members from youngest to oldest :
Claude Moreau (11) - Roland Pérec (12) - Romuald Huysmans (13) - Stéphane Hinault (14) - Michel Morland (14) - Jean Gutain (14) - Alain Favreau (15) - Julien Rosseau (15) - Émile Lazare (15) - Pierre Godin (15) - Roger Pialat (15) - Jérôme Hervaud (15) - Kevin Pinot (15) - Francis Poujol (15) - André Pinson (15) - Michaël Aron (15)
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qualcosadelgenere · 1 year
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1) Jean Baker: "Australia's strongest goalkeeper. He is the true Poseidon."
2) David Waterman: "Originally an Aussie rules player but was longing to participate in the tournament."
3) Shine Beach: "He cannot stand it when a sandy beach is dirty and picks up garbage every day."
4) Karmei Kohler: "He keeps art handed down from ancient times in Australia as a tradition."
5) Clark Cain: "Eager to protect the rare creatures that live in Australia."
6) Sully Princeton: "A genius at finding the whereabouts of rare minerals. He seems to know by just looking at the terrain."
7) Matt Angle: "Patience strengthened by spiritual discipline is the key to this player's power."
8) Surf Wyndhas: "A worldwide master at surfing. He waits for good waves to always look at the sea."
9) Niese Dolphin: "The brilliant prince of the sea. He is the man to lead Australia."
10) Reef Hamilton: "He is a master at catching tropical fish in coral reefs by skindiving."
11) Joe Jones: "Attacks at once when it comes to opportunities to quietly creep up on the opponent."
12) Quincy Horst: "He travels the wilderness still looking for a new gold mine."
13) Holly Summers: "Although he has a part-time job as Santa every year he envies the cold areas."
14) Clive Scissors: "He is good at cutting through opponents with the use of his sharp arm."
15) Daniel Barrack: "He is working hard to be the best in the world of horse meat that has been kept at his home in Australia."
16) Bruce Marlin: "Does his footwork with a spring characteristic of a kangaroo."
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1) Fermin Sanchez: "Like a bull at a matador, he charges straight through the crowd to grab the ball."
2) José Costa: "He's an experienced and tenacious mountain biker."
3) Rafael López: "He's a great flamenco dancer. Girls are lining up for a chance to dance with him."
4) Antonio Galius: "He's always making sketches for abstract paintings, like Picasso."
5) Querardo Naval: "He's trained to be a matador since he was a child, but he hates hurting animals."
6) Joan Nadal: "He eats five meals a day to keep his strength up when he's travelling overseas."
7) Igor Freire: "He's an avid consumer of paella, but he's really fussy about the type of rice."
8) Mikel Pereiro: "His hobby is making sailing boats. He's assembling an invincible armada in his bathtub."
9) Pedro Moreno: "He's raising a black Iberian pig at home, in the hope of producing tasty ham."
10) Samuel Mayo: "This plucky Pamplonica dreams of one day showing his mettle at the Running of the Bulls."
11) Davi Peroqui: "He's fiercely proud of Spanish football, and doesn't hide his desire to take on the world."
12) Juan Zubeldia: "Everyone is bewitched by his virtuosic skill at flamenco guitar."
13) Isaac César: "An opportunist on and off the field. If he sees a beautiful girl, he'll try to charm her."
14) Laudelino Sastre: "Like Don Quixote, he acts rashly without considering consequences."
15) Carlos Arroyo: "He hopes to raise architectural wonders like the Sagrada Familia."
16) Federico Rubiera: "He'd like to have a go at synchronised swimming, but he can't find a boys' team."
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1) Ladji Paara: "Always draws pictures in Montmartre. He wants to be called the pioneer of soccer pictures."
2) Pierre Godin: "His motto is: always play with style and grace, no matter who your rival is."
3) Miguel Arron: "Despite his appearance, this boy has a gift for French cuisine."
4) Franz Poujol: "He wants to make a building more famous than the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris someday!"
5) Kévin Pinot: "He wants to apply Napoleonic battle strategies on the playing field."
6) Laurent Pérec: "He always spends his days off relaxing at outdoor cafés."
7) Ronny Weiss: "As one of France's best boy models, he is in high demand for fashion shows and photogravures."
8) Stéphane Henno: "A young genius artist of chansons. All of his CDs are big hits!"
9) Julien Rousseau: "He likes to play with a rose clamped between his teeth. Very pretentious."
10) Jérôme Éloi: "Due to having a keen sense of smell, this person is capable of blending the best perfume."
11) Alain Failliot: "The son of a bicycle repairman. He'd like to help out at the Tour de France one day."
12) Émile Razzano: "He considers himself a devotee of French cinema and has a large collection of DVD movies."
13) André Panzo: "He likes nineteenth-century philosophy, but his friends do not understand him when he explains it."
14) Jean Jetin: "Although he has not yet made the leap to fame, this guy is a fashion prodigy."
15) Claude Moreau: "His baguettes are known throughout France. Mmm … They are delicious!"
16) Michel Morin: "He has a gift for gardening, especially if it's about cultivating life."
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funkyyysophia · 3 years
I think- I think Emile need help-
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quincyhorst · 1 year
RG: Émile and Ladji post-FFI
Some more ÉmiLadji, now this time from the reserve keeper's POV too, because he also went through his own issues post FFI.
...I found this while browsing my drafts. I have no idea why I hadn't posted it here before, oops-
Here's a post I recommend reading for better context. And this one, too.
Back when the "Ogre" match happened, Émile stood in the bench the whole time, although not by choice. Originally his expectations about the match were positive, like usual, but when in just 15 minutes the rivals were winning by 6 goals... He started to feel very nervous, and it got even worse as the match kept progressing with the score getting worse and worse.
I'm not sure if this match was treated normally with a half-time and such, but I like the idea that around the 18th enemy goal, Émile started to beg the coach to play, completely distressed. He couldn't just stay there and sit! Maybe Ladji had an issue catching those goals, but maybe he could do it instead! The french coach was quick to listen and act, but to both their surprise, Ladji refused to leave the goal himself and begged Émile to stay on his place.
Eventually, the frenchies straight up left the field at the 36th goal, and thus the whole mess that fell over RG happened. Given he was not the one who failed to catch so many goals Émile was -partially- free from being the center of drama, although he couldn't help but feel guilty upon what had happened. For a while, Ladji's stubborn choice to stay in goal puzzled him, and it became the first major obstacle on their relationship. But as Émile searched for an answer, he finally got it by the keepers main words.
"Regardless who played, the match would've ended the same. They were too strong for both of us. Besides, if somebody is going to be ridiculed from now on... I'd prefer it to be me than you."
(Remember, Émile is part of the team Celebrities, at the literal same level as Pierre, Julien, Ronnie... Maybe it was his movie collection or not, but he seems to be carrying a HUGE fame.)
The answer left the reserve conflicted. He was still pissed off for not being able to do anything, but he could at least start to see where Ladji came from. As the FFI came to an end the two managed to at least be on good terms again, which was appreciated. Émile felt so bad on the idea of losing a friendship with such a cool artist like him...
When returning home, Émile saw from the sidelines the huge shitshow the media had turned into due to juvenile soccer. And things didn't got any better when reuniting with his family. They were happy Émile didn't went by much trouble (And hell, his father was willing to help cover anything that could hurt his reputation)... But the sudden dissing of his teammates and the main keeper started to make him uneasy. He tried to do all he could do defend them, but it was futile. Rose Griffon was now a bad-luck name among everyone. Time only made Émile realize even more the reasons behind Ladji's choice back then. Don't get him wrong, his family is WAY nicer than what's pictured here, but such a huge stain would have hitted them in many ways otherwise.
Gradually, things returned to their normal pace for Émile. Though with a little twist, and that he was in constant contact with the former Rose Griffon members; given he had gotten almost all their numbers and some addresses, even. However, even if it had been almost a month away from the FFI, Émile couldn't help but still think about Ladji, wonder what could be of him. So, getting his address thanks to Pierre, he decided to contact him via a letter. Originally it was to check out on him... But right at the last minute, he decided to ask if they could hang out some time. Don't mind him, he just wanted to see the artist in action one last time.
Time kept passing, perhaps even more than Émile would've wanted, yet with no response. Pierre told him he also had been ignored in person, which made things even more upsetting. However, right when he had almost given up, his older sister surprised with the main keeper's letter in the mall. His reply was quite short, but he did accept to hang out together! Hell yeah!!!
And this is where everything I've written before happens, after their first visit the two become close with one and another, even to the point they attend Uni together thanks to Émile's aspiration to become a cinema director. Studies might be quite hard at times, but student life isn't bad, making tons of friends! And yeah, he's still in contact with the other RG members to this day too :')
Every weekend, he and Ladji like to go to Carrousel Cafe as a place to rest, given is nearby the university. Plus, Laurent's work hours occur there, so the three like to spend time and talk for a while. Curiously, it was also here where Émile gained the idea for his final uni project... But here's where I end the post.
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quincyhorst · 1 year
Ok, I'm gonna write some stuff about Ladji + Émile post-Ogre bc I want to. This doesn't have many ship elements minus towards the end i guess.
So, enjoy it. It is long, you have been warned, and it mentions few OCs.
After the FFI, Ladji was pretty much devastated. He had been turned into the worst keeper of the tournament by great margin, all because of a match nobody knew it was going to turn out the way it did.
Besides, one thing was to talk by the POV of a spectator or as a field player, and other thing was to actually experience being on the goal the whole time. When Ogre first started to score, Ladji took it as the usual, just small messups that he had enough confidence on fixing. But when the goals started to surpass the 9th mark, he started to feel nervous. He tried everything he could, using all his hissatsus (Even the 'incomplete') ones to stop it, but around the 15th goal, he had completely given up. At some point on the match, reserve keeper Émile begged for him to leave so he could take his spot, but Ladji refused. He had realized that, unfortunately, this was a battle neither of them would win. Besides, deep down, Lad knew that Émile would be even more powerless to stop the Ogre, something he did not want to see.
But if things got sour at Liocott, it sure as hell didn't become any better back in France. Whenever he went, he would hear all sorts of murmurs behind his back. The media tried to avoid shaming too much just a 14 year old boy, but let's be fair, feeding off drama its part of its nature. So for a long time, he became a huge talking topic... Even if all he wanted was just to be left alone.
Meanwhile, his mother tried all she could to stand up for him, refusing anything that could drag his son ever further. As for his father, well, the two barely spoke after he came home. All he got was just a "What a shame. You'll do better next time." from him. The words weren't bad at all, but the tone in which they were spoken made him feel... Uneasy.
A way to maybe fix things for him was to completely cut soccer from his life, and turn into another spot, like other RG members had tried to do. But while they succeded, all that Ladji got was even more rejection no matter the club he tried to enter. Simply enough, he was just seen as a symbol of bad luck. Nobody wanted to have "Unlucky Ladji" on their team.
Soon enough, Ladji gave up on fitting anywhere. He would go to school like usual, but he straight up refused to talk with anyone, just inmerse himself on his own art. It even came to the point he refused getting involved with ANYTHING related to Rose Griffon, wishing to distance himself from it. Not even Pierre, the same person that had gotten him into soccer, could change his mind.
However, he wouldn't be like this forever. And it started all with a letter he received one day, coming from no one but Émile. His words sounded pretty kind; apparently he had gotten his address thanks to the former captain, and all he wanted was to check on him. He asked about his life, his art, and in an unexpected turn, if the two could meet again one day. Although Ladji was relieved to see Émile happy despite everything, the latter request made him uncomfortable, almost making him throw away the letter entirely. His mother tried to step in and convince him to reply, but Ladji's ideals were set in stone: He just did not want to associate with anybody from RG ever again.
...But, was this going to be the case forever?
He thought so, until one night, in which his father was organizing the typical friend hangouts. With their -already- bad relationship Ladji kept his distance away, although he suddenly heard his name being spoken by the drunk old man. Without being noticed, he tried to eavesdrop the conversation on the other room. And then...
"...Yeah, I knew he was going to fail eventually... I'm not that surprised."
...This was officially the last straw. Not only the world had thrown him away by something out of his control, but now even his darn father. He tried to convince himself it was one a typical drunk rambling, but it was futile. With this, he was completely broken. If things were so desolate, then, what would be of him? On who he could rely on from now on?
And then, he remembered...
Rose Griffon. Pierre. And Émile's letter.
At that time, it had been quite a few weeks since he had received it... Would it be okay if he replied to it now? Or was it too late? Hell, he even thought it had been lost, but turns out Lad's mother had kept it around just in case. Determined, he wrote a short reply to what Émile had written, accepting his request after so long, and trying to plan out where they could meet. Now, it was time to see if a reply could come now...
And it did.
Upon some more exchanges, both Émile and Ladji set their own meeting spot; at the reserve's keeper luxurious house. During this first encounter Ladji couldn't help but feel rather intimidated, realizing the huge class diference both had. But at least to his relief, Émile was upbeat and bright like always, and his home was quite comfortable to stay in.
From that day on, both keepers started to reunite more often. Sometimes in Émile's house, few times at Ladji's, and in some occassions they went out somewhere. As weeks, months and even years passed by, both boys forged a strong relationship with each other, bonding happily over art. They would often watch few of the movies from Émile's collection, or in other occasions to draw something together. And even despite the father-son resentments, both the Razzanos and the Paara got on well too.
Overall, Émile's friendship had made Ladji's life brighter than ever, even making him drop his dumb grudges and reconnect with the other Rose Griffon members again; specially with Pierre (And his new bestie Julian).
As adulthood came to stay, Émile wanted to pursue cinema "by personal reasons", and he offered Ladji to study a similar career too. Both decided to move to an apartment nearby the well-known Paris University 1.78, in which they became students of. Now with the two in their final year, their teachers are asking a final project from both; and while Paara is still unsure what to do, Émile just got an interesting idea: To make a documentary film about Rose Griffon! It's still unknown how that idea came to be, but he justifies it as "A way for us to tell what truly happened there!". Despite still unsure of the idea, Ladji wants to support him. Though, there's some things he first needs to deal with...
Including his unrequited feelings towards him.
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quincyhorst · 1 year
(Scrapped Tweet Thread)
This was meant to be on my own HC tag only but I decided to post it on the main Ina11 tag too bc I feel like this isn't talked enough imo. So, hi.
So just to clarify, all my Rose Griffon headcanons are set on FFI!Ogre universe, unlike the other teams (which are more inspired by the anime). Mainly because I wanted to expand on the specific Ogre vs RG match and the outcome it left in-universe. Plus being fair, I personally find slightly more interesting than just getting humiliated by all other Block B teams.
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Another reason why? It is a good source of angst.
(Long post + Headcanon ahead)
First off I want to clarify something: On the game, it is shown that Ogre inflitrates on the FFI tournament, defeating Rose Griffon by 36 goals (I'm still unsure what team were they replacing in this match, and since I don't own IE3 I cannot confirm) and things got so bad that the french players had to leave themselves. Either way, after Inazuma Japan and Canon defeat them, they leave the timeline, but at the cost of deleting any of their trace in people's memories. So this leaves a question, what about the match? If Ogre gets memory holed from the entire FFI, are those 36 goals attributed to anyone else? Or do the match results change to suit the original timeline better?
For this scenario's sake, we'll make it so Ogre modified everybody's memories and perception, and took one team's spot for this occasion. When they left the timeline, they changed the match as said country made those goals instead. But unfortunately the damage was still done, France got destroyed by something they couldn't remember anymore, just vague memories and feelings that haunt them deep inside.
But you know how to make this worse? Remember, Rose Griffon is a national selection, meaning they were under the constant pressure of representing a whole country. But, what happens when at the last second, you get bombarded with such horrendous result?
The Rose Griffon kids must have had it hard, specially after getting labeled "the worst FFI team". Imagine returning home with your teammates, and for the next days, weeks and months all the press talks about is an international humiliation that you couldn't do anything about; and you can't actually process how or why it happened.
And this is all about being a regular player. NOW, imagine BEING THE ACTUAL GOALKEEPER. Because remember, in the match's cutscene THERE WAS NO SWITCHING. Ladji Parra stood in the goal during the entirety of the match, even when it ended.
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When you come back home, your name appears everywhere. All over the newspapers, all over the TV, the web, your image as a soccer player overall gets ruined forever. Nobody wants to have you around, as you became a nationwide symbol of shame and humilliation. From now on, you will forever be known as the goalkeeper that failed 36 times, who knows if you'll ever get rid of that stain as time goes on.
...Now, this got rather sad, so let's add here something more uplifting: If there was something actually good that came from the Ogre match and that dreaded FFI, is that after it all ended, the Rose Griffon players started to rely deeply in one another for support. They were all put on the same situation and negative public image, so if nobody else was going to support them, why not work together? It wasn't easy at first, given some members even refused to communicate at first (I think you know who I'm referring to), but no matter what, they eventually came back and all stood together.
And by also reaching out constantly they managed to strengthen their bonds any further; making very close friendships within some of their members. Hell, some of their actual family members became close too. So overall, post-Ogre, Rose Griffon all became a very united found family.
Note: I'm case I might be wrong and turns out those 36 goals were erased from history too, then... Uhhh... You can consider this an AU instead (? I think it's an interesting change of pace given how Rose Griffon (And France overall) always got the worst treatment out of the three euro Block B teams. Also it feels weird for me for Ogre!IE3 to just hit RG in the face and then just erase/change it with time travelling magic or something. They went by something horrible, man, of course something must have remained on their brains.
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quincyhorst · 1 year
(Scrapped Tweet Thread)
Inspired by my 2022 WC tweets and posts, regarding how similar both keeper looked.
I like to headcanon that while Jean and Ladji have both their left eye covered by hair, the reasons differ between them. Jean's a very stupid reason, but Ladji's one... Is quite serious.
(Note, but this post was meant to have an "adult content warning" for alcoholism in this post just in case; but it apparently made the blog impossible to browse through. Although it isn't severe, I'd still say to proceed with caution.)
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Ladji's father is mainly a gardener, but he's also a worker at Vigne du Clos Montmartre, a vineyard located within the parisian neighborhood. Typically the wine harvested gets auctioned off, but he has enough contacts and good relationships for him to get few bottles in secret. He typically keeps it hidden until it's party time, which for him happens like... Every season. In these occasions he likes to invite his friends, play music, and joke around till they all get drunk. But sadly, due to his tendency of drinking too much, the man can get pretty weird in attitude; rambling nonsense, singing loudly, or playing around with objects. However until now, he had done nothing that could endanger his buddies, his wife, or his only son.
...But one day, this wasn't the case.
Typically while these parties happened, Ladji and his mother would go into separate rooms, just not interested on joining. But in that dreaded day, little Lad realized he had left one of his art supplies where the man was partying, so he quickly went to retrieve it. Unfortunately, and perhaps due to fate's cruel hands, his father had gotten drunk too early, and noticing a spider on a wall, he threw an empty wine bottle at it in hopes to kill it. This was just an eccentric choice which could be cleaned up later, but... Unfortunately, as he hadn't noticed the nearby child either, one of the glass' shards fell right into his son's own face.
The child's painful scream was enough to make the old man re-gain his consciousness and he inmediately tried to undo his mistake, attending Ladji alongside his buddies. Unfortunately, the damage was already done.
By a miracle neither of Ladji's eyes were hurt nor any other improtant parts of his face, but he had gained instead a mild scar over one of his eyebrows. It eventually healed away, although on the time it took Ladji couldn't help but feel nervous just by seeing it. So, he let his hair grow in hopes of covering it, even if it meant worsening his own view. Ironically even with the wound gone, Ladji's eye vision would start to decrease either way, so now he had a proper excuse to cover said eye. At least let's look at the bright side; nor scar nor blindness were enough to stop him from making such beautiful art.
But while the physical wound was healed, sadly the incident left an emotional one in Ladji and his father's relationship (Which would get even worse as time went on), even if he has tried to excuse himself with "It was just an accident". At least after discussing it with his wife, his drinking habits decreased, so it will most likely not happen again. Hopefully.
To this day, neither of Ladji's friends know the true reason of his "emo" fringe, and he's better off keeping it that way. But the secret often leaks out in the form of a mysterious nelophobia (fear of glass) he developed post-incident, which does awaken some questions from Pierre or Émile. Who knows if he'll ever open up one day.
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Now, as for Jean... His unseen eye isn't covered because of an injury, a vision problem, or something similar... He just has a very slight heterochromia. That's it. It has a more blu-ish tone than the visible one (Dark sea green, inherited by mom), something barely noticeable...
Nonetheless, when he was pointed out this by his caregiver, little Jean felt rather embarassed by how uncommon it was. So, he constantly tried to hide it, choosing his fringe as the best method. Fortunately as time went on he came to actually accept his heterochromia, yet... His hairstyle was just too cool to cut it out.
Only said caregiver, his mother, and his friends Nice + Reef know about his other eye color; and soon Quincy will join them as his own curiosity grows further. The public is still unaware about Jean's heterochromia though, but its not like he cares much anyway. In fact, he benefits from having his eye hidden, as he gives it an excuse for people to theorize and gossip about what he could have under that eye. A perfect excuse to growing his fame.
Two things added here:
I wanted to add more characters here but honestly... Justifying why SO many have one eye covered feels rather overwhelming. I'll leave it ambiguous for anyone outside these two unless I have an interesting idea to offer.
...And honestly, sorry if all my Ladji headcanons so far have been pretty grim. He's just like that. But worry not, I've decided to add something more lighthearted for tomorrow :`)
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quincyhorst · 1 year
Montly Headcanon Roundup: Samuel Mayo
Big Waves
(Meant to be Bruce x Shine, kind of) Marlin's Koala Fear (?)
Rose Griffon
RG after the Ogre Match (+ An alternate scenario)
Ladji, Émile, and his bunnies
Fire Dragon
Afuro and his connections with Korea/Fire Dragon/the bencher Seong-Jun
Red Matador
El Matador Rojo: Pretty much me dissecting Red Matador's Querardo profiles both on in Japan and Overseas. Meant to be an analysis, but its true that it contains few personal interpretations of his character.
Potpurri Nº1 - Featuring the spanish MFs and briefly mentioning Davi too.
Other Teams/Characters
Touko's School Life
Talking about Miyasaka's profile, and his future
Both Ladji Paara (RG) and Jean Baker (BW)'s origin of their one-eyed looks
...Also talking about Queraldo -> Querardo according to the wiki. Prior analysis (Also featuring Mikel and Davi)
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