Laitsu Epic
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3. Storytime
Word Count: 953
Warnings/Triggers: Slight NSFW, tickling
Quick Summary: Laito interrupts Natsu reading for his own fun.
Natsu sat on the couch with her legs sprawled out as she flipped through pages of the book she read. She was relaxed and excited, finding each new bit of information to the story just another grab at her attention. With the high fantasy tight in her grip and eyes not leaving the pages for any sound or disturbance. The book had surely captured her.
Although the intense battle she was reading between the knight and dragon came to a fast pause as the book was yanked out of her hands and up above her head. “Hey!”
Natsu reached up for it and took a glimpse at the hand that was holding the thick novel. She followed it to its owner and saw Laito looking down at her with an amused smirk.
“Were you enjoying yourself, Little Bitch?” Laito asked in his playful tone.
Natsu put herself back down and crossed her arms with a huff. Her shoulder was still sore, but it was overall healed. “I was… But now I won’t know the outcome of the conflict!” Her eyes locked with his, her glare being consumed by the ones filled with amusement.
A chuckle came from Laito as he set the book on the coffee table and proceeded to get onto the couch with Natsu. He grabbed her calves and proceeded to pull her towards him. Natsu yelled in protest and tried to get her legs out of his hold but to no avail.
Laito leaned in close to her face once Natsu was pulled against his own body as much as possible, only to have her turn her head away in irritation. A chuckle came past his lips as he looked at the angered girl. “My my, are you attached to that book more than you are to me? I feel insulted,” he started to purr with his last statement and reached out to grab Natsu’s face and turn it.
She was fast to slap his hand away. “I was reading! You shouldn’t interrupt someone how you did!” Her smart statement made Laito pause for a moment before his expression went to a blank one.
Oh, how was that a mistake…
All Natsu realized was that she had her back on the seat cushions of the couch at that moment. It wasn’t until a few seconds later that she registered the cold hand around her throat and the weight of the man on top of her body. The once anger was now shock, and now it turned into fear as Natsu had lost whatever control she had in the situation.
Laito put pressure on her neck, making Natsu grab at his hand and gasp for breath. He was irritated at how resistant she was being, but Natsu’s stubborn ways still amused him. “I get to do what I want, don’t I, Little Bitch?” Instead of waiting to hear a yes from her, he continued on, “You will listen to me and not fight, won’t you?”
Natsu whimpered a little bit and muttered out a small “yes.” She was staying as still as possible. She didn’t know what to do at the moment to save herself, but even then, was she even thinking of how to get out of the situation?
“Now… I want to have some fun, and you reading prevents that from happening. That attitude you also gave me also is killing what enjoyment I am having. So, Little Bitch, be a good bitch and give attention to me right now.” Laito’s eyes kept trained right into Natsu’s panicked and choking face. 
Just as Natsu’s eyes were starting to roll back, Laito released his steel grip from her neck. Natsu’s gasps then took over in loud and uneven gulps. Although her attempts to regain breathing were cut short as Laito pressed his lips firmly against hers, hard enough where it would be difficult to even breathe through the nose. 
The dizzying effect from the lack of oxygen made Natsu not notice things as quickly, much like how her bra was unhooked. She only noticed the feeling when her breasts were groped roughly from under the cups that had held them. 
In the small moments where Natsu could gasp for air, a cry would come as Laito bit her lower lip over and over. Blood mixed between their mouths, Laito sucking as much as possible in his onslaught. During the struggle to gasp, her hands found their way to resting on his shoulders, just lightly resting instead of pushing against.
Laito soon detached completely from Natsu’s lips as he went down south to her stomach, its appearance being flat and slighly caved inward from gravity. He lowered his face to it and let the tip of his nose and lips lightly brush against it, getting the response of Natsu immediately stiffening from the slight tickling he had caused. 
A small chuckle came from Latio as he looked back up at Natsu’s face, seeing a twisted frown and tightly closed eyes. “You’re very ticklish, aren’t you, Little Bitch?”
Natsu tried to bite her lip, but stumbled as pain erupted from the pressure. “I… am. I’d prefer it if you didn’t tickle me.”
The smile never left Laito’s face as he spoke again. “Oh, but let me share with you my own story, Little Bitch…” He began to stalk his way back up to put his head level with hers, one hand moving to hold Natsu’s left side under her shirt and began to dance on her skin. Jolts and unpredictable movement immediately started from Natsu in response. His head dipped down, lips close to touching the shell of the brunette’s ear.
“I get to decide what we will do for fun tonight…”
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friendly-npc · 5 years
"Some people said you sometimes need to take a life to save a life. I never believed it. I believed that everyone could be saved. But right now, I'm having second thoughts."
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stnaf-vn · 2 years
Nopeeee, none of thoseee
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The Sixty Eight-Inch Tremendous Steel Nodachi Sword A Makeover Coming From Past to Type
For an astoundingly inexpensive price, you are able to get the tremendous 68-inch Nodachi sword that mirrors Japan's ethnicity and gallantry. The nodachi, or odachi, was the cavalry and foot soldier's weapon from Japan.
Nodachi, with a standard candor, is a Japanese word, which literally means "big" and which resounds a figurative significance of "Horse Killing Sword." The Odachi sword has been consistently preferred in battle as a result of its blade's fantastic cutting power. Owing to its immensity, both the Japanese soldiers' hands were required in handling the sword, a manifestation of who may then survive the toughest battles.
The 68-inch humongous carbon-steel is divided between the blade which runs at a approximate period of 49-51 inches and the handle in an approximate assortment of 16-18 inches. The blade is made of high carbon steel making this a great shield against rusting. In its glorious essence, the Nodachi blade may actually destroy even the most robust armor with simplicity when stitched with complete force.
The blade of the Nodachi sword necessitates greater strength in the person for it to be forged. It could not be compared to that of a normal sword, even as it is quite huge. Pounding on it absorbs its forger a wonderful deal amount of strength. It was not really a miracle then why the Nodachi sword turned into a symbol of everything was used in Japan as a reflection of one's status in society.
In ancient Japanese instances, the wearing of the 68-inch humongous carbon-steel Nodachi S-word afforded different acknowledgement from the folks as it had been then worn across the rear to highlight not only the standing in the area but also his strength to withstand the duty of the blade's burden. Only the men who stood its weight were helmed fearless and bold.
During the reign of the melee, the Nodachi sword has been eliminated from people use. The Feudal Japanese melee believed in bodily battles that paved way for the proliferation of Kendo, laitsu, and Ninjitsu. The melee constructed the fundamentals of battleship and aborted the practice of the Nodachi sword. The sword has been declared as dangerous warfare which stripped off its prey of his dignity and pride. It had been then that this sort of sign of power, integrity, and brevity was merely limited being a decoration to frighten the Japanese individuals of a powerful weapon. The making of Japanese blades was popularized by several famous manufacturers like Paul Chen, Cas Iberia, Shinwa, United Cutlery, Gil Hibben, Kit Rae, only to mention some, together with shared goals of re-living Japan's potent past and presenting such abundant history into the rest of the world.
Whether you wish to decorate your household with a touch of Asian belief which will enhance the elegance and beauty of Japanese model and the might of Japanese chivalry, the 68-inch humongous carbon steel sword is a thing that would not fail to impress you. Turn your home into a refuge of the past and let history meet contemporary style with all reverence as to the was daring, courageous, and victorious.
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Laito, what’s Natsu like in the bedroom? 👀
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Laito: “Oh, Little Bitch is something quite fun. Especially in her expressions she makes. She also can be quite noisy, and a lot of unique little sounds escape her quite often. It’s fun trying new things and discovering a new noise she makes. She’s a squirmer too, so it’s sometimes annoying having to push her back into her back or having to control one of her legs. It’s sometimes fun, but when it inconveniences me, it isn’t fun.”
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Birthday present for my best friend
A slightly older Laitsu on a transport truck
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Laitsu giving you a Borgar
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friendly-npc · 5 years
Hey look another doodle that looks the same as 4 other ones
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friendly-npc · 5 years
Another old laitsu doodle
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friendly-npc · 5 years
Here have an old laitsu doodle
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I think I didn't post this
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friendly-npc · 5 years
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"I've never been here when it was night...
There are no stars,
No moon,
But I can still see.
Something seems quite off about this..."
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My my~ Another Laito babysitter! Fufu~ Natsu, what does Laito when you're sick? Thank you!~
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Natsu: “Quite honest, he still pesters and annoys me. While it’s more to make me feel better, I don’t like how he holds me when I’m ill. I prefer sleeping by myself when sick. He makes it so much more uncomfortable not knowing how hot it gets when he adds to the heat of the fever I’m already dealing with!”
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friendly-npc · 6 years
"There's always something that goes on, whether we like it or not. Something will continue. Will you be there to witness it?"
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friendly-npc · 6 years
"Take a deep breath. It'll be alright. I'm fine."
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