#lames headcaons
Headcaons for first years finding a scrapbook their s/o made! Like their s/o took the time to make it all cute and aesthetic, it's full of cute moments and dates, ribbons and pressed flowers and stuff. Would they be embarrassed? Excited? That kind of thing!
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Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Ace is a bit callous with his reaction! He admits the scrapbook is cute and all, but it’s kinda sentimental for his tastes. It’s something he doesn’t quite understand the value of.
The pictures Ace likes to see the most in your scrapbook are the candid ones! Your expressions are sillier—mid sneeze, dozing off to sleep in Magic History—and make for great teasing material.
He’ll make jokes about your hobby in the typical Ace way! “What, is your memory so lame that you already forgot about our date yesterday? You gotta make a whole shrine to remember it by?”
Though Ace has a pretty good memory himself, he enjoys pointing at various pictures your scrapbook and putting on exaggerated voices to give them new meaning. (Think of it as watching an abridged series, but done in real time!)
Sometimes Ace gets a little annoyed when you spend long stretches of time making sure your scrapbook is perfect. He’ll put his head on your shoulder and pout. You’ve got the real thing right here, don’t you? Pick him over pasting a few photos and sequins down.
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Seeing such a cute and well-put together scrapbook gets Deuce excited! In fact, he wants to roll up his sleeves and pitch in. Working on the scrapbook can be a team effort, and a cute way to for you to bond!
... Well, that’s easier said than done. Deuce has zero grace when it comes to the arts and crafts. Yeah, he can hold a pair of scissors, but all the shapes he cuts come out crooked, and he gets strings of hot glue everywhere, which make for odd-looking pages.
He’s so eager to help out that he ends up making a mess! Deuce gets marker all over his hands and glitter on his face and in his hair! After a session of scrapbooking, you assist in wiping ink from his skin, and hand picking shiny particles off of him.
One of the things Deuce loves to do is make little misshapen ducks out of googly eyes, pom-pom balls, and craft feathers. None of them ever turn out the same, but each has its own unique charm. You jokingly name each duck, referring to them as your future adopted children—and that brings a blush to his cheeks.
Hey, the parts of the book that Deuce contributed to may not be the prettiest or the most neat, but they’re full of heart and fond memories for the two of you.
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Jack, of course, appreciates the meticulous labor and time you put into your work (he only wishes you were this thorough with your studies)!
He’s very straightforward in his thinking, so he doesn’t exactly understand the need for extravagence and all the decorations. If you want to remember things, why not jot it down in a few simple words instead?
Jack’s also of the opinion that some experiences simply can’t be captured in art. It’s only by getting your heart pumping and your adrenaline rushing that you can commit something to memory! (You have different views on the matter, but you are still able to respect one anothers’ thoughts.)
Though he may not 100% get the sentiment you have for scrapbooking, Jack supports your hobby in small ways. He’ll offer you flowers grown from his cacti, which you can press into your pages, and offer advice on organizing your scrapbook (he has a lot of practice from taking good lecture notes).
At the end of the day, Jack’s always willing to lend an ear to whatever stories your scrapbook has for him. That soft smile and excited aura you give off while you show him a new page sets his heart at a frantic pace.
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Epel looks upon the scrapbook with fondness in his eyes. He’s normally not into super frilly things, but there’s something about catching memories in crafts that intrigues him.
Hand him a crafting knife, and he can put his expert slicing skills to some use! Let Epel carve up a intricate ribbon or paper pattern for your use; he’d be more than happy to lend his abilities to you.
Epel gives suggestions for how you can make your scrapbook even cooler! What if you add some flames over here instead of pressed flowers, and little skulls instead of rhinestones?
Epel tells you about his Ma’s memory quilt, passed down for generations in the Felmier family—it’s a blanket made of patchwork, each patch representing a new shared experience. It’s sort of similar to your scrapbook, right?
It occurs to him midexplanation that, one day, that cherished memory quilt may be passed onto you and him. At that point, Epel’s voice trails off and he devolves into a blush that consumes his entire face.
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Sebek marvels at your superior craftsmanship! He speaks in an animated manner about it, praising every little facet and flourish.
He handles the scrapbook delicately, as if tending to a delicate flower, careful not to fold or tear anything—he doesn’t want to disturb your work!
Sebek insists that the scrapbook be preserved so that it may be shared with friends, family, and future generations!! He considers it an important piece of the history you’ve shared, and he’ll die standing on that hill.
Whenever you make additions to the scrapbook, you proudly show it off to Sebek! A calming past time for the two of you is settling in with a pot of freshly brewed tea while poring over the updated scrapbook together.
Whoops! Sometimes you splash your tea on the pristine pages. While Sebek fusses, you shrug it off. Even small things like that, you remind him, are worth holding close to your heart—because you’re experiencing it with him, and that’s all that matters. That always sets his heart at ease, and his lips into an understanding smile.
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momtaku · 7 years
I just got a long ask from @yousackofwine​. Since it reads more like fanfiction, I thought I’d publish it this way. It’s a lovely headcanon of Levi staying up all night to tell Armin everything about Erwin. We all know Levi doesn’t sleep anyway...
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@yousackofwine wrote:
So I recently came across a chart detailing Armin's relationship with pivotal characters in SnK, and of course, it stated that Armin respected Erwin. However, this got me thinking.
I imagine Armin planned on dedicating himself to Erwin and following in his footsteps. I mean, who else would Armin look up to if not the Commander himself? Unfortunately, Armin will never get the chance to follow Erwin now. Not only is his role model dead in his place, but he has to fill Erwin's role.
I cannot imagine Armin going into that position blind. If only there was a person who was incredibly close to Erwin and served as Erwin's subordinate long enough to know what kind of a person Erwin was. Levi! Just picture this. Levi sitting alone in the dark, looking lost and dejected. Armin must have realized how deeply Levi cared for Erwin because of how much his death affected him. He approaches and takes a seat across Levi. Levi doesn't stir.
"Captain, can I talk to you?" No response Silence fills the room..... "What was Erwin like?" And just like that, Levi awakens. 
Sorry that was pretty lame but I have faith that Isayama will include a scene like this when we finally learn of the past occurrences these last 4 years. I like to imagine it like the scene where Eren asks Hange about titans and she ends up staying up all night long discussing titans.
Levi could definitely stay up all night talking about Erwin and I like to imagine Armin will be more appreciative of it. As to why I felt the need to send this long ass ask to you. Well that's because I wish for Levi and Armin to bond over their shared admiration of Erwin. 
I know, I'm pathetic.But what do you think? How do you think Isayama plans on developing a bond between Armin and Levi? I honestly cannot see Levi siding with Eren and Mikasa in this arc, but Armin might just make it.
  In the character directory interview, Isayama says “After Erwin’s death, Levi will probably let Armin fill in those missing parts in the Survey Corps”. Hange is the commander, so he’s likely talking about Armin's role of strategist. 
Erwin recognized Armin’s bright mind.  During the Shiganishina arc, Erwin described Armin as “one of our greatest weapons.” He expected his senior soldiers to treat Armin with respect.
And as you said, the respect went both ways. Armin completely admired the Commander and saw him as a role model. I’m sure Levi is fully aware of this.  
I don’t know how likely it is, but I’d love to see your headcaon happen. It would be a wonderful tribute. If any conversations included flashbacks of Erwin, I’d be extra thrilled.
Thanks for the ask and the headcanon!
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Headcanon meme: Rumplestiltskin
A.  I think that Rumple forgot the reason he crippled himself. (Not that this is new sorry for the lame answer.) But I mean he was told over and over again he was just a coward and he begins to actually believe it, so I really think he forgets that his main reason was to be able to see his son, and that is part of why he is so ashamed of his scar and limp. 
B.  Hilarious headcanons are not something I am great at. I had an au idea where Imp Rumple was actually like three feet tall like an actual imp, but idk if that counts cause au. There is a new one I had where a lot of things Rumple does (like dancing) he can only do because magic and if he lost his curse he’d forget it all and have trouble with things. That is funny right? Idk I suck at lighthearted humor XD. 
C. Angst. Oh man I have so many. Look at my headcaons page XD. But my favorite that I don’t think is on there cause it isn’t strictly canon is one about Bae. So remember how the seerer told Rumple his actions on the battlefield would leave his child fatherless and that was why he crippled himself? Well what if she didn’t mean that battlefield. What if the battlefield was one he fought at later, the one where he saved the children of the Frontlands from the ogres without asking for a price? And as we know all magic comes with a price so the children of the Frontlands had to pay. And who ends up torn away from everything he knew and living a rotten life? Baelfire. So yeah that is my fun torture people with angst headcanon. 
D. Not strictly canon lol. I have a tone of these. But one of my favorite is the the origin of the Dark Curse. I sorta don’t like what they did with that in canon so I have two alternate ideas. Either Merlin was a great wizard and all but his Apprentice got jealous and stripped away his magic, but only the light magic. So then Merlin became the first Dark One and the Apprentice got to look like a hero saving him, cause fun plot stuff and a new villian and all. The other is that long ago there used to be slaves that were controlled by daggers, like the one that controls the dark one. Only these were normal people, forced to do the biding of their owners. And the worst physical punishment they could get was being cut by the dagger because it was designed to bring them immense pain. During this time a bunch of wizards wanted to be more powerful and so they gathered up a bunch of magic, but the light magic stayed where it was doing it’s job so what gathered was dark magic. The wizards knew they couldn’t command it and either they lost control or decided they had to put the darkness somewhere they could control it, but either way it ended up in one of the slaves, being passed down how we saw in the show and all.
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