zanimljivaekonomija · 4 years
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Vinjete za Bugarsku od sada dostupne na OMV benzinskim stanicama u Srbiji
Da bi svojim korisnicima putovanje učinila ugodnijim, OMV Srbija je kao dodatnu uslugu pripremila mogućnost kupovine vinjeta za Bugarsku (BG vinjeta) na odabranim stanicama u Srbiji, pre prelaska granice.
BG Vinjete za kategoriju K3, za vozila maksimalne mase ne veće od 3,5t sada su dostupne na sledećim OMV Srbija benzinskim stanicama: Lapovo Jug, Aleksinac, Doljevac, Zaječar i Gradina. U ponudi su dnevne, sedmične, mesečne, tromesečne, godišnje i vikend BG vinjete.
Uz novu dodatnu uslugu, korisnike koji putuju u Bugarsku očekuje i benefit u vidu Kupona dobrodošlice sa popustima, koji omogućava pogodnosti prilikom narednih 6 kupovina na OMV benzinskim stanicama u Bugarskoj
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hano199 · 4 years
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Ho~Ho~Ho~~~ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay healthy with #lapovomalaysia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #itsmehano #hano #merrychristmas #happynewyear #stayhealthy #ootd #potd #lapovo #malaysia #fun #enjoy #happy (at Klang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJNY3IpLWJu/?igshid=lzhgin2j4pe6
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bruhlsbees · 3 years
paradox burning ; 1/5 || ernst schmidt x fem!reader
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summary: after the fight between volkov and schmidt, you comfort schmidt in his quarters
pairing: ernst schmidt x fem!reader
warnings: over the clothes touching
word count: 4,666
taglist: @itsametaphorbriansblog
a/n: if you haven't read the preview i would suggest reading that first to understand the vibe of their relationship better!! chapter two will be up tonight!! just wanted to get this out as i've been lacking content these past few days since i've been celebrating my birthday. hope you enjoy and as always if you want to be added to the tag list let me know!
“TAD throttle control, 8636. Line secure.”
Mother Mary be with us...be with Mama and Papa and sissy and Joe.
“Accelerator system status?”
Father give us the strength today, for we have dove into the depths of space to restore humanity as we know it.
“It’s holding for pre-ignition.”
Look after everyone down below on Earth - for times are dark and the sun does not appear to be rising anymore.
“Shepard team, you are go for countdown.”
I pray that you forgive all of our sins, Father, as we have learned our lessons and strive to move forward in honoring thy.
“We’ve all got our fingers crossed here at Mission Control. Let’s make this first one count.”
And help guide us through these troubling times and help everyone remember why we are up here.
“Status boosters?”
Is this Hell, Father?
Have you damned us all to Hell?
“The GNC?”
To pay for our sins?
Tell me, Father...
“Power up.”
Are we damned?
“Commander, Shepard team standing by for your go.”
Perhaps we are and this is where are days will end.
“On my count…”
Among strangers and empty.
Away from family...
Away from friends…
Alone in our own thoughts.
God, help us all.
You awoke with a start. Gasping for air as you tugged at your tank top, as if the thin material was suffocating you. Not giving yourself time to process what had happened, you threw your legs out from under the warm covers and let the cool air hit your bare legs, your elbows resting on your knees with your head in your hands, catching your breath.
This was the second week in a row now that you’ve woken up from a nightmare. Drenched in sweat and tears spilling from your eyes. It was always a reimagine of the previous one. If you dreamt of your father dying one night, the next it would be your mother. This night, it was your own life that you dreamt slipping away. Your finger pads swiped away the tears that fell down your cheeks before sliding onto the cool flooring, clasping your hands together to begin and pray.
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…” You began, crossing yourself as you settled on your knees, eyes closed and hands squeezed together tight. “Heavenly Father I ask that you watch over Mama and Papa...sissy and Joesph, and all those back home,” You cleared your throat, choking down the tears as you continued on once more. “We have been onboard for over two years and I miss everyone dearly. I hope to speak with them soon as Joesph is teaching Mama and Papa how to use video call.”
Even with all the photos that you had around your room, all the videos that you had programmed in to watch whenever you pleased, you were beginning to forget simple things - like how they smelled, the warmth of their hugs, and how they always tried to pawn your younger siblings onto you. You were always so mad babysitting them, losing out on time with your friends, but now...now you wished that you had the chance to babysit them, to be with them once again.
“Father, I ask that you forgive me for my sins, guide us through this mission, and take us home. All of us. Let this mission go well, and we can save Earth. Amen.”
You crossed yourself a final time, bringing your cross necklace from your chest where it sat and to your lips, kissing the gold piece of jewelry before standing up from the floor.
This was an everyday routine for you. Waking up, saying your morning prayer, taking a shower, and being down for breakfast by 08:00. It was early, you knew that, but you enjoyed having the calmer moments before everyone else woke up.
When you entered the bathroom, you went straight to the shower, turning the handle to let the warm water spute out. You were tired, swaying gently in your stance as your eyes grew heavy. The sudden spitting of water struggling to get out woke up, making you jump as you watched the water pressure went from weak to strong.
You pushed down your shorts from that night, pulling your tank top above you, and stepped out of your shorts, dropping the tank top on the floor before stepping into the shower. You were pleasantly greeted by the hot water, sighing as it hit your back and began easing the tension in your muscles.
Morning showers for you were always dangerous - either it could go very well and you’d be out in minutes, or it could go bad and you’d end up falling asleep leaning against the wall. On this particular morning, after dreaming of your own death, you did not wish to fall asleep again, scared of what could come from your slumber. You quickly washed yourself off, massaging your scalp as you washed your hair before taking the toothbrush you kept in the shower, opening up the tube of toothpaste, and began brushing your teeth.
It was such a mundane routine - almost finding it boring the longer you were onboard. Perhaps it was your schedule that was down to the second of when you did things. You never were one to be so particular about your schedule, having one so precise, but after a year of pure chaos on board, a mundane routine is what kept your little sanity still hanging.
When you were finally ready for the day and changed into your suit, you slid on your shoes and pulled your hair back into a low bun, tucking some of the loose pieces of hair behind your ear before heading out of your room and down the hall, going towards the common room to join the others for breakfast.
By the time you made it down to the common room, you were only the third to arrive - Mundy and Acosta beating you to it.
“Well look who finally decided to wake up!”
From your spot at the bagel machine, you looked over into the game room where Mundy and Acosta stood playing foosball, Mundy looking all too proud - indicating that he perhaps was winning. On the other hand, Acosta looked tired, almost too tired to be playing a game of foosball so early with Mundy.
Letting out a laugh, you shook your head and turned your attention back to the bagel, sighing once it finished before pulling it out from the machine and placing it on your plate. You truly didn’t understand how half the stuff you consumed was edible, but you supposed it beat other things you’ve seen those in space eat.
Taking a seat in your spot at the table, your back facing Mundy and Acosta, you brought the bagel to your mouth and took a bite, maybe a little bigger than what was more polite, but you didn’t care, you were starving.
It was the Commander who came in next, greeting everyone with a morning as he got his own breakfast before sitting across from you at the other end of the table. When the two of you locked eyes, you nodded, continuing to chew your bagel before looking down, not wanting to draw too much attention to the fact that you had a shit night.
You were pleased when Commander didn’t seem to notice, glancing occasionally into the lounge room where Mundy and Acosta continued to play foosball, Acosta finally gaining the upper hand on Mundy for once.
One by one the rest of the crew began to show: Volkov, Tam, Schmidt, before eventually Hamilton joined as well. When Schmidt came in, walking beside Tam speaking in Mandarian about what you assumed to be something related to the Shepard power accelerator. As the two sat down with their breakfast, Schmidt looked over your way, his mouth twitching into a smile before his attention fell back to the screen pad in front of him that Tam was holding.
You listened in on their conversation, picking out what you could understand through the technical language the two spoke on. As a medical crewman, you weren’t familiar with all of the technology onboard, only the ones related to the medbay that you primarily worked in. You went to school for medicine, exceeding expectations in your classes, and found yourself working for military hospitals since. It came as a surprise to you when they asked if you’d like to be a part of the Cloverfield station. What business did you have going up in space?
When you told your family about the news, they were proud, no doubt, that their eldest child would be going into space to directly help with the ongoing energy crisis. It was evident how proud they were of you, but also how worried with you going into space. You lived with your parents and younger siblings your entire life, leading up until your departure for the Cloverfield station. Separating from your family was hard, and having them not understand how to work even something as simple as a video call hurt more.
Your sister, Mila, would be sixteen now - learning how to drive and preparing for her final days in school before going into higher education, if that’s what she wanted. Your brother, Joseph, would be twenty-three now, doing who knows what with his young man mind. You hoped he wasn’t getting into trouble, or knocking some girl up...although the idea of having a little niece or nephew to come home to didn’t sound all that bad.
But your parents, how were they doing? They were older, growing slower as the days went on. Were they still making it through all of this? You assumed Papa was still running the family shop downstairs, selling candies to the little children of Lapovo - whatever children were left in Lapovo that is.
Mama though, how was she doing? You couldn’t imagine how worried she was, probably baking her troubles away in the kitchen. You missed waking up to her cooking, smelling the sweetness of baklava and sarma. She always wrote you letters while you were away either at school or on the military base that was outside of Lapovo where you worked. Now that you were in space though, sending letters just didn’t happen.
Perhaps tonight you’d try and see if Joseph was online and able to chat.
Everything had been going peaceful that morning, which you enjoyed after the sleep you poorly had. That is until Volkov finally spoke up.
“Six hundred and ninety-four.”
Looking up from your bagel and to your left where he was at, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as Volkov screwed the water bottle back closed, making his way over to the table to join the rest of you.
“Six hundred and ninety-four days I’ve kept our O2, CO2, N2, hydrogen, water vapor and methane at optimal levels.”
Congrats, what did he want, a fucking cookie?
You watched as Volkov stood on the other side of the table in front of Schmidt, almost directly talking to him. There was always something going on between the two of them, and quite frankly it annoyed the living shit out of you. You felt like a mother some days, scolding Schmidt for clearly egging Volkov on - him and his damn anger issues.
It was no different today, as Volkov began his tangent on whatever it was he was about to lay into you all, Schmidt was sitting across from him, a smirk on his face.
“You know how many pressure leaks we’ve had? Not one. No microbe overgrowth, nothing. You know why?”
“This is a long speech, Volkov.” Schmidt quipped, reacting in you rolling your eyes and pushing your plate forward, leaning back in your chair with your arms crossed over your chest, wondering where this would be leading to next.
“Because I disinfect the decks every seventy-two hours.” It was Acosta to interrupt Volkov this time, stating that he was actually the ones to disinfect the decks. He was right, you couldn’t remember how many days you spent helping him, on your knees scrubbing at the decks.
It seemed finally everyone was growing annoyed with whatever Volkov was getting at, Commander Kiel finally stepping in and stating that if he had a point he wanted to make, he should make it now.
“There’s one part of this station. One part that is not working. This is interesting, do you know what part that is? The Sheppard Accelerator.” Volkov continued, not seeming to be in any rush to get out what he wanted to say.
In Mandarian, Tam finally intervened, claiming that eight billion were counting on us and asked what his point was. You could agree, what was this all about?
It was then that Volkov stated that he didn’t have a problem with Tam, but with Schmidt - ‘her German boyfriend’. You couldn’t help but snicker at the comment, clearing your throat just as quick, hoping nobody heard. But someone did, and it was Schmidt, giving you a look that screamed ‘you’re not gonna find that as funny later’.
Everything began to really go downhill from there, nobody seemed to be able to get to Volkov and stop him before he said even more that he would regret. Hamilton directed him to go back to his quarters only for him to snap back that she wasn’t his mother. Commander and Mundy even jumped in, trying to calm him down, but nothing worked.
“Two years on this ship, and this man has delivered nothing,” Volkov pushed on. You hadn’t noticed it until then, but Schmidt had moved from the table and was now standing only feet away from Volkov. You felt your heart begin to pound as you watched the two men. Two men with strong anger issues at only breakfast time, something more than just a disagreement on the way to erupt.
“Volkov, enough!” Schmidt snapped, glaring forward at him. “You need to think very carefully about what you’re saying.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and you thought maybe, just maybe Volkov actually shut up for once. But that brief moment of silence was just that, and he was back to speaking, this time more quiet than before.
“We’ve both heard the reports,” Making his way closer to Schmidt, “Germany is preparing for war, Serbia taking alliances with Germany, and everyday that goes by more and more Russians are starving.” The comment made your heart stop for a moment. That was just a rumor, in all of your messages with Joseph, not once had he mentioned going to war alongside Germany to be true.
You didn’t know why you felt the sudden urge to cry, but you did. Bringing your fingers to your mouth, you began to bite down at the skin around your nails, chewing away at the flesh until you tasted the iron of your blood. Nobody outwardly spoke badly to you, besides the occasional poorly landed joke from Volkov, but you couldn’t help but feel like an outcast, wondering if people really thought you were what Volkov said you to be.
By now Volkov was in Schmidt’s face, the two men radiating their own heated anger off one another, tension filling the room, making you feel like you did in your nightmare, suffocating. You pulled at the collar of your suit, taking the zipper and unzipping the front enough to get yourself feeling less trapped.
“Maybe you’re not in a hurry to get the Shepard working. Is that it? Are you stalling us to help Germany get the upper hand? What about you? What are you doing in the med bay alone, mixing something up for us to take? To slowly kill us?”
He laughed, he actually laughed when he looked at you, a shit-eating grin on his face.
It all happened in a matter of seconds. When Volkov turned back towards Schmidt, it was only half a second before Schmidt’s hand wrapped around Volkov’s throat, pushing him back before sending a punch across his face. Volkov was quick to regain his posture, grabbing at Schmidt’s own throat and shoved him back towards the corner, both men trying to pin one another against the wall.
When the scene unfolded, you stood up in shock, mouth gaped and you took a step to the side to try and do whatever you could to help, but felt someone grab your wrist. Turning, you looked down to see Tam’s hand before looking up at her, watching her shake her head ‘no’ and to just wait. And you did, it took everything in you to stick by her side, but you did wait.
Commander was the one to grab Schmidt, pinning him onto the table with his face squished onto the glass. Mundy, on the other hand, held Volkov in a choke hold, keeping him restrained while the Commander lectured the two men - one of which was still trying to get the last word in.
“Keep your mouth shut, Volkov!” The Commander finally boomed, causing the room to come to a standstill. “We have a job to do.”
The room finally fell silent, both men seeming to be relaxed enough for the Commander to think they were free to be broken from their restraints.
“Now, can you two get along for just one day without us having to pull you off of one another?” Moving back, you watched as Schmidt laid on the table for a moment, almost debating on if he wanted to go at it with Volkov again. He decided against it and finally stood up, fixing his shirt before shooting a glare towards Volkov, knocking past him and out of the common room.
You gave it a moment, smiling over at Tam when you felt her squeeze your hand. You nodded her way, squeezing her hand back before you quietly slipped away, moving down the hall quick to go and find Schmidt.
It took a while for Schmidt to really calm down, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if the Commander didn’t rush the test that you were all supposed to conduct that day. It was bad enough everyone was stressed, but having someone be stressed and pissed off just wouldn’t work. You could almost bet that the reason the outburst that morning even happened in the first place was because of the high tensions on board, especially leading up to the next test.
If this test failed, they only would have enough for three more tests. After that... well, they could kiss humanity goodbye.
It didn’t take long for you to find Schmidt, in his quarters struggling to get his suit on as the zipper seemed to be stuck. He was mumbling something in German and you couldn’t piece together what he was saying other than the occasional ‘fuck him’.
When you stepped inside his quarters, the door shutting behind you, he paused his moments, his hands on his zipper, not wanting to look at you. You took a hesitant step forward, not wanting to be on the other hand of his outburst, before stopping once you were only a foot away from him.
“If you’re here to tell me that I was an idiot, don’t bo-”
“I’m not here to call you anything, Ernst,” His cheeks grew red at the sound of his first name, his gaze glancing up at you, watching as you stared back - only instead of something angry, like he expected, your gaze was more somber, worried even, “I just came to make sure you were okay. Here, let me.”
You gently moved his hands away from the zipper of his suit, taking another step forward to pinch at his suit, tugging the fabric down to help the zipper not get bunched in the fabric. You could feel his ragged breath hit your forehead, his chest heaving as the zipper moved higher until your hand stopped above his heart.
His mouth twitched into a smile, feeling your head fall forward to rest against his chest. You felt his arms wrap around you as he pulled you in tighter for a hug, as if you could get any closer to him. His lips sat on your hairline above your temple, kissing you sweetly.
“You trust me, right?” Schmidt suddenly asked. He could feel you tense up in his arms and he pulled back, his hands resting on your arms, squeezing them, “I just, don’t want you to be wrapped up in the middle of whatever feud Volkov has with me. Tam already gets it enough and I just don’t want you to have that on yo-”
You stopped him with a kiss, smiling into it before pulling away, seeing his own smile on his face.
“I can handle myself, Schmidt...I’m not worried with what Volkov has to say,” You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around your waist, “Volkov likes to get a rise out of anyone who gives him the time of day. It’s how he keeps himself busy on board.”
The joke seemed to land well with Schmidt, earning a laugh before you felt him begin to rock you both side to side. “But what’s this about Tam being your girlfriend?” You teased.
You grinned at the sight of him rolling his eyes at you, “You don’t have to be jealous about Tam, you know that she’s-”
“Who said I was jealous?” You asked, a smirk toying on your mouth. The two of you often were fond of teasing one another, poking at one another until the other grew red - then you’d smother the other in kisses to make up for the relentless teasing. “Do I need to be jealous of her? Is that why it takes you so long to come to my room at night, are you seeing her before you see me?”
You had pulled away from him midway, now seated on his cot. He was red in the face and gaping as he tried to intervene, but you kept talking.
“I mean, wow, Tam? I didn’t realize you were the type that liked to be dominated-”
It was your turn to be cut off, giggling when he moved across the room, pinning you down against his bed. You felt your heart begin to race, your own cheeks turning red as his face sat merely inches away from you, his large hand squeezing your wrist down beside your head onto his bed.
“You really like to get under my skin, don’t you?” He asked, squeezing your waist. Behind his glasses, you noticed his pupils were blown, his eyes dark. “Do you like seeing me mad, liebling? Does it get you hot and bothered when you see me wrapping my hand around Volkov’s throat? Do you wish that was you?” You felt his hand moving up your side, groping at you until his hand wrapped lightly around your throat.
His thick German accent, mixed with the sultry tone that was dripping from his tongue, made your stomach flip, the heat between your thighs pulsating. Biting down on your lip, your free hand moved up to grip at the collar of his suit, panting slightly.
“Maybe it does.”
Your simple quip seemed to do it for him. Feeling his body shift slightly, Schmidt hummed in though, his hand moving from your neck and down, pressing into your lower stomach, pawing almost at your body before squeezing his way down to your thighs, pulling one up so he laid in between your legs.
By now you were hot and bothered. Feeling him grab at you, call you the sweet German pet name adored to call you. You felt his breath against your neck, shivering slightly before letting out a sweet moan when his lips pressed against the side of your neck, his teeth nibbling at the sensitive spot he knew of.
But you knew now wasn’t the time. Right now you two needed to be with the other crew members to initiate the next jump. The last thing you needed was for someone to walk in and catch you and Schmidt doing, well - that.
“Schmidt...моја љубав...my love, we need to get back.” You withered your hand from his wrist and to his chest, pushing him back until he was staring down at you, a disappointed frown on his face. You couldn’t help but smile, shaking your head at how childish he was acting.
“Oh, Ernst - come now, I’ll make it up to you later.” You leaned forward and pecked the corner of his mouth, rolling out from under him before standing up, smoothing down your suit as you walked to the mirror by his closet, looking at yourself in the mirror as you began fixing your appearance.
It wasn’t that you two were embarrassed of each other, no you two were smitten for one another and it was truly sick. You just knew that given the dire of your work, what everyone expected out of the two of you, flaunting your attraction could be seen as distracting.
But that was just it, you two weren’t even dating. You weren’t sure how it all started, but one day the constant pinning became more - and now a year later you were where you were now. Sneaking off at night to see each other, to lay in bed and hold one another. Once this was all over, you knew that you’d return home, would Schmidt go with you?
By now Schmidt was standing behind you, obviously aware of your state of mind, deep in whatever thoughts you were having. When you caught glances with him through the mirror, you blushed and looked away. At that point, you heard him laugh and move forward to help you fix your hair, smoothing the parts that stuck up and tucking the longer pieces behind your ear.
“You look beautiful as always,” He pecked your cheek and wrapped his arms around you, holding you in an embrace, “Do you want to go out first, or me?” He asked against your ear, letting the silence sink in between you two.
You wanted to suggest why not the both of you just leave together, but you knew now wasn’t the time to let a potential argument break out, especially given how sour his mood already was - and it wasn’t even noon yet.
���Why not you?” You finally said, reaching your hands up to squeeze his, “After all, you need to be down there more than me. Acosta and I are just there for moral support.”
Turning in his embrace, you looked up at him and smiled, leaning into his touch when he held your face, “Yes, well, I’d like to think of you as my good luck charm.”
You scoffed, shaking your head at his comment, “If that were true, we’d be off this ship by now.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Schmidt leaned forward and kissed your temple, “Maybe,” He mumbled against you, kissing you once more before pulling back, beginning to make his way towards the door, “Maybe you’re my good luck charm in the sense of keeping me from really doing something stupid.”
Your mouth twitched at the comment, not into a smile, nor a frown, almost like you winced. Besides Tam, you were probably one of the only people on board that completely trusted Schmidt. His temper left him to be rather difficult to be around at times, but perhaps he was right - maybe you were his soft spot, his good luck charm as he liked to say, because never has his temper ever gotten to you.
But there was still that sinking feeling in your stomach, as he headed out of his room and down the hall to meet with the others, leaving you standing alone in his quarters.
If this test were to fail - would Schmidt truly snap? Would you finally feel his wrath?
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kursnaco · 5 years
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mndptv · 7 years
Pazite, ponegde ima magle!
Saobraćaj je umerenog intenziteta, ali Auto-moto savez Srbije upozorava vozače na mestimičnu maglu i vlažan kolovoz!Foto: Guliver/Getty Images/Thinkstock   Prema podacima Uprave Granične policije Srbije, na putničkim terminalima graničnih prelaza vozila se zadržavaju do 15 minuta. Zbog izgradnje naplatnih stanica na petljama "Sirig" i "Zmajevo", na auto-putu E-75, saobraćaj iz tih pravaca se usmerava na alternativne petlje. Na auto-putu E-75 kroz Novi Beograd zbog radova se povremeno zatvara jedna od saobraćajnih traka. Do 14. oktobra traje popravka auto-puta E-75 između petlji "Lapovo" i "Batočina", u smeru Beograd-Niš, te je put sužen. Na putu Beograd-Čenta vozila zbog radova prolaze naizmenično između Padinske Skele kod Beograda i mesta Dunavac. U toku je popravka puta Kosmaj-Mladenovac, kod Koraćice, a u petak i puta Dubona-Mladenovac. Zbog radova na putu Guča-Kaona, vozila prolaze naizmenično. Izvor: YouTube Let's block ads! (Why?)
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busyskinny · 7 years
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It slowly becomes a tradition for us to go to the hill every year when I go there. The look is incredible and awakens so much memories. #busyskinnystyle #busyskinny (at Lapovo (village))
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mndstz · 7 years
Vežbajte BESPLATNO u teretanama na otvorenom!
Ponovo pokrenut Nacionalni program besplatne rekreacije u Coca-Cola aktivnim zonama, u okviru kojeg će do novembra biti organizovani besplatni stručno vođeni treninzi za građane 37 opština u Srbiji.Foto: Promo/Represent Communications, Đorđe Bojović Ambasadori Coca-Cola Pokreta za radost će u teretanama na otvorenom držati besplatne stručno vođene treninge prilagođene uzrastu, polu i formi vežbača. Coca-Cola sistem u Srbiji je drugu godinu za redom pokrenuo Nacionalni program besplatne rekreacije u Coca-Cola aktivnim zonama. U okviru programa koji će trajati do novembra u 37 opština Srbije, biće organizovani stručno vođeni treninzi, brojni događaji, druženja, takmičenja osmišljeni tako da u njima mogu apsolutno besplatno učestvovati svi građani. "Angažmanom naših Coca-Cola ambasadora Pokreta za radost, i ove godine utičemo na to da profesionalni treneri, profesori fizičke kulture i sportski radnici iz 37 opština u kojima program traje, steknu iskustvo rada u našem sistemu i ostvare dodatnu zaradu. Pored besplatnog i pravilnog vežbanja, zajedno sa našim trenerima smo svoju stručnost i energiju uložili i u rešavanje konkretnih problema koje smo prepoznali u lokalnim zajednicama i tako dali posebnu dimenziju projektu koji ima za cilj stvaranje kvalitetnijeg i zdravijeg života za sve članove lokalnih zajednica u kojima su Coca-Cola aktivne zone izgrađene", izjavio je Dragan Lupšić, predstavnik Coca-Cola sistema i istakao da su zahvaljujući uspehu prošlogodišnjeg Nacionalnog programa besplatne rekreacije, Coca-Cola aktivne zone postale mesto nastanka brojnih inicijativa, dobre energije, novih dešavanja, pravilne rekreacije i druženja. Ove godine u program su uključena 34 profesionalna trenera koje su odabrali predstavnici Instituta za medicinu rada Srbije i predstavnici Coca-Cola Sistema u Srbiji. Gradovi u kojima i ove godine program širi dobru energiju, timski duh i pravilno vežbanje su: Babušnica, Pirot, Bačka Palanka, Bela Palanka, Beograd, Pančevo, Bogatić, Boljevac, Bor, Bosilegrad, Batočina, Kikinda, Leskovac, Loznica, Lapovo, Majdanpek, Negotin, Niška Banja, Novi Knezevac, Novi Pazar, Odžaci, Opovo, Petrovac na Mlavi, Lajkovac, Dimitrovgrad, Priboj, Raška, Sjenica, Kovin, Sombor, Svilajnac, Tutin, Užice, Valjevo, Osečina, Zaječar, Zrenjanin. Više informacija o projektu, trenerima, lokacijama teretana na otvorenom i terminima treninga svi zaintersovani mogu naći na stranici www.coca-colaaktivnezone.rs. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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Novi direktor Veterinarske stanice ,,Lapovo” doo kolega veterinar Dušan Radovanović, vlasnik Veterinarske ambulante ,,Rogot veterina”, iskusan praktičar koji je od januara ove godine pojačao naš kolektiv u društvu kolege Zorana Veljkovića zaštitnog lica našeg sajta.
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15.01.2017 - Lapovo (Serbia) - 07:01
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zanimljivaekonomija · 5 years
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Dežurne benzinske stanice OMV Srbija za vreme vanrednog stanja
-       Dežurstva na deset benzinskih stanica OMV Srbija
-       Radno vreme ostalih stanica od 07 do 16 časova
OMV Srbija je u skladu sa vanrednim stanjem u Srbiji uvedenim zbog izbijanja pandemije korona virusa donela odluku da pokrene dežurstva na svojih deset stanica, kako bi se u ovoj situaciji olakšao rad dežurnih službi, ali i lica koja imaju dozvolu za kretanje za vreme policijskog časa.
Dežurne OMV benzinske stanice čije će radno vreme biti 00-24 h su sledeće:
1.     Novi Sad 1 – Partizanska bb
2.     Beograd, Ada Ciganlija – Radnička bb  
3.     Novi Beograd -  Jurija Gagarina bb
4.     Čačak 1 - Bulevar oslobodilaca Čačka bb
5.     Niš 4 - Bulevar Vizantije bb
6.     Kraljevo 1 - Dušana Popovića bb
7.     Lapovo 1 - Auto put Beograd – Niš
8.     Lapovo 2 - Auto put Niš – Beograd
9.     Beška 1 - Autoput Novi Sad – Beograd
10.  Beška 2 - Autoput Beograd - Novi Sad
Radno vreme preostalih benzinskih stanica OMV Srbija je promenjeno posle odluka nadležnih institucija i one su sada otvorene od 07 do 16h. Poštujući takođe donete mere VIVA restorani će do daljnjeg biti zatvoreni.  
OMV mreža benzinskih stanica je veoma dobro snabdevena gorivom i svakodnevno se radi na obezbeđivanju neometane nabavke proizvoda u prodajnim objektima.
Za više informacija o poštovanju mera tokom vanrednog stanja, vanrednom radnom vremenu stanica posetite OMV Srbija internet sajt:
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jedimolivolicom · 8 years
Iz Beograda za Kosovsku Mitrovicu krenuo je jutros voz nakon punih 18 godina. Prvi put poslije NATO bombardovanja Srbije uvela se probna železnička linija Beograd – Kosovska Mitrovica, a danas je organizirana promotivna vožnja novom ruskom „dizelkom“. Voz će saobraćati rutom Beograd – Mladenovac – Lapovo – Kragujevac – Kraljevo &ndashutf8
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Oglasi nekretnina u Lapovu
Besplatni oglasi nekretnina u Lapovu
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mndptv · 7 years
Gde su sve radovi na putu
Saobraćaj umerenog intenziteta, vidlljivost dobra, kažu iz AMSS i upozoravaju na radove na putu. Foto: Mondo/ Stefan Stojanović   Prema podacima Uprave granične policije Srbije, na graničnim prelazima na putničkim terminalima nema dužih zadržavanja od 15 minuta. Produžavaju se radovi na izgradnji bočnih naplatnih stanica na petljama "Sirig" i "Zmajevo" do 15. oktobra, do kada će i trajati obustava saobraćaja. Alternativne petlje su "Vrbas", "Srbobran 2" i petlja "Novi Sad". Od 4. oktobra u periodu od 7.00 do 16.00 izvode se se radovi na postavljanju induktivnih petlji u kolovoz, na delu puta od petlje Kolari do petlje Vodanj, u zoni radova od 100 metara, u smeru Niš-Beograd. Za vreme izvođenja radova, saobraćaj iz vozne i preticajne saobraćajne trake biće preusmeren u zaustavnu saobraćajnu traku. Izvor: YouTube Do 8. oktobra u periodu od 7.00 do 17.00, zbog izvođenja radova na održavanju kolovoza biće obustavljen saobraćaj na deonici Aleksandrovac-Boturić, kroz naseljeno mesto Raklje. Alternativni putni pravac, za vreme izvođenja radova, biće deonica Vitkovo-Brus-Boturić. Do 6. oktobra izvodiće se radovi na sanaciji oštećenog kolovoza, na deonici petlja Markovac – petlja Lapovo – petlja Batočina, u smeru Beograd-Niš. Do 18. oktobra zbog radova na popravci kolovoza desne strane auto-puta E 75 Novi Sad-Beograd saobraćaj će biti obustavljen u svim trakama smera od Novog Sada ka Beogradu. Saobraćaj se na ovom delu autoputa odvija dvosmerno stranom auto- puta koja vodi u smeru ka Novom Sadu iz pravca Beograda. Let's block ads! (Why?)
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mndptv · 7 years
Stanje na putevima: Popodne gužve
Stanje na putevima danas je, moglo bi se reći idealno - nema gužve, dobre su vremenske prillike. Ali, popodne će se situacija promeniti...Foto: MONDO/Zora Ćirković Na putevima u Srbiji danas su povoljne vremenske prilike, dobra prohodnost i umeren intenzitet saobraćaja, saopštio je jutros Auto-moto savez Srbije (AMSS). U kasnijim popodnevnim i prvim večernjim satima se očekuju veće gužve na putevima, zbog čega je moguće da se na prilazima većim gradovima formiraju kolone i uspori saobraćaj, a na pojedinim naplatnim stanicama moguća su veća zadržavanja. Prema podacima Uprave granične policije, na graničnim prelazima na putničkim terminalima nema dužih zadržavanja od 15 minuta. Do 8. oktobra će na auto-putu E-75 biti obustavljen saobraćaj u svim trakama u smeru od Novog Sada ka Beogradu, a saobraćaj će se odvijati dvosmerno stranom ka Novom Sadu. Sutra počinju radovi na putu Beograd-Obrenovac, na deonici Zvečka-Ratari, pa će se saobraćaj odvijati naizmeničnim propuštanjem vozila. Na auto-putu E-75, na deonici petlja Markovac-petlja Lapovo-petlja Batočina, u smeru Beograd-Niš, saobraćaj je u smeru ka Nišu preusmeren u preticajnu saobraćajnu traku. Na auto-putu E-75, na deonici od petlje Beograd do petlje Sava Centar, u oba smera, zbog radova će povremeno biti zatvorena leva ili desna saobraćajna traka. Pogledajte gde se još izvode radovi: Izvor: YouTube Let's block ads! (Why?)
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