#lark oak garcia roleplay
journaloflarkoak · 2 months
A bit late tonight but I’ve just got home from the hospital. They think I broke my arm.
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l4rk-g4rci4 · 11 months
Brother! Brother I miss you and I promise it's not just for your cool knife collection! Seriously you've been gone foreeevvvvvvvvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (It's birdie btw)
Hi birdie! I miss you too. I’ll try to visit again soon, however I am a little busy as of late.
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abnormallyo-a-k · 5 months
I just woke up and I'm horribly half asleep but I'm having Big thoughts and Big feelings this morning about lil ole normal oak n the oak boys. I don't know if it's the fact I've actually been writing again recently (Guys!! I'm writing! I'm working on fics and have been doing roleplay stuff!!) or I'm just mentally UNWELL but I am so insane over thoughts of the oak family and how it's led to Normal being who he is.
I have so many thoughts please ask me about them this sad family means so much to me
they are so unwell and I can't not make it worse for them
ALSO JUST THINKINH ABOUY YHE PARALLELS BETWEEN ALL TEENS AND THEIR DADS AND HOW EVER KID IS THE OPPOSITE OF ANOTHER IM UNWELL- the generational trauma is this stupid fucking podcast is ruining my life and I love it
anyway bedtime for me again goodnight
(also as per usual the offer for rp is always open I always crave more rp partners to keep my lil mind sated and not as 'biting at the bars of my enclosure')
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number2enigma · 11 months
Dungeons and Daddies Roleplay Blog Master List -
Canon Characters
AU Characters
Autumn Oak
Barry Oak
Bill Close
Birdie Oak-Garcia
Cassandra Swift
Darryl Wilson
The Doodler
Erica Drippins
Erin O'Neal / O'Neill
Glenn Close
Grant Wilson
Hero Oak Swallows Garcia
Henry Oak
Hermie Unworthy
Hildy Russet
Jodie Foster
Lark Foster
Lark Garcia
Lark Oak-Garcia
The Library
Lincoln Li-Wilson
Mark Likely
Mercedes Oak-Garcia
Morgan Freeman
Nicholas Foster
Nick Close
Nicky Swift
Normally Oak-Swallows-Garcia
Paeden Bennett
Ratticus Finch
Risky Click
Ron Stampler
Scam Actually
Scam Likely
Sparrow Oak-Garcia
Taylor Swift
Terri "Scary" Marlowe
Terry Jr. Stampler
Veronica Marlowe
Willy Stampler
If any have been missed, please:
DM me using the blog account (if it is yours)
Leave a comment
Whisper into the nearest tree, and Erin will let me know when we get drinks next weekend.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
Maybe I do feel my anger getting worse. Maybe I’m not getting better. I just keep fucking spiraling. I’m going to go to the gym and I’m going to force myself to get back into a routine. I can’t just keep putting myself.
Dad’s out of town this week for a convention. I’m visiting my grandfather whether he likes it or not.
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journaloflarkoak · 4 months
It was cold today. I don’t feel like going to work and I can’t let myself rot all day again. Maybe I’ll go see Sparrow. It feels like he’s the only person I have anymore.
I feel like at this point I shouldn’t care that I don’t see Grant or Terry anymore. Or Nick…
I feel like a child every time I think about them but I’m not. I’m a grown man who can’t stop wanting “friends”. I’m not a fucking teenage girl. It’s fucking embarrassing. Sparrow doesn’t have friends and he’s fine. At least I don’t think he does that he doesn’t talk about them. I hope he doesn’t just not talk about them because he knows how alone I am.
Therapy in three days. Sometimes it feels like she’s the only one who knows how to fix me.
Can I be fixed?
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journaloflarkoak · 3 months
So. Is this blog just your pity party? I mean hey! If you want it to be, who am I to judge. But just checking, so we're all on the same page here.
( — @williamstampler )
Yeah Willy. It’s almost like that’s what the point of a fucking journal is. You fucking asshat.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
My dad came and visited me today. It was.. nice. He seemed genuinely concerned for me. Maybe it was the broken arm or maybe it was the black eye and bruised exposed arms but he was a mess when he saw me. He tried to heal me but he knows I don’t like it. My bones never heal properly.
I think it was just concerned because this is the first time I was seriously hurt and mom wasn’t around. I miss her.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
you broke your arm? are you okay? what happened?
My right arm is broken. I’m alright, in a bit of pain but I’ve been given pain killers.
I had gone out of my way to train a new group of soldiers at D.A.D.D.I.E.S. and I suppose I underestimated one of the recruits. My arm was broken in three different places and dislocated. And the worst part about it is that I just feel kind of embarrassed.
Like he looked like a tough guy but I fought gods before. I’ve been through shit that no one has ever imagined doing. I’ve been to heaven and hell. I’ve travelled through portals and fought creatures you couldn’t even imagine.
And a 21 year old kid from Florida broke my arms.
Physically, I’m fine. Mentally, well my ego was definitely bruised.
Thank you for the question.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
I just realized that it’s strange that I have people whom read my journal every day. I post something short about my growth as a human and now I have people telling me in my personal messages that they hope I get better.
I suppose it’s because empathy is something I’ve struggled with through my whole life, but I could never imagine being invested in someone else’s life. I guess, thanks? Is that appropriate to say? It fills me with a type of happiness that there are people out there that care even if I’ve never met them.
Even if it’s just liking my posts or sending me questions about my life, although really personal and sometimes including information that I haven’t even shared, it gives me comfort knowing I’m not alone in the world.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
I remember when I was boy. I miss it. I miss my younger self. Not in a pitiful way. But I miss my brother and I miss just being innocent. Maybe I don’t spend enough time with him
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
I’ve just been reflecting on my what my grandfather said. I’m starting to think I should get a new therapist.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
I’ve made a mistake seeing my Grandfather. I expressed to him about my doubts and my lack of self confidence in the future and in response he spoke about how in his prime he was unstoppable and how he had no doubts in himself or his abilities. He also told me how he had a great group of partners that enhanced his abilities and that if I fear I’m not enough on my own to seek support from those around me.
I don’t have anyone.
He didn’t like that answer because he began berating my about how if I can find a way to overcome then I’m not better then non-Oaks. He’s always believed the Oaks were better then others but my attitude towards forming relationships is doing nothing but making my whole family look bad in comparison. And what sucks is that I fucking agree with him.
But he wouldn’t even let me agree with him because when I was down on myself he’d snap at me and tell me how not once has he ever seen an Oak that down on themselves and he raised my father. That stung a little. I tried to act tough but it was literally like he could see into my soul.
He told me I have potential but I don’t need to keep thinking i’m doing better, I just need to be better.
I think he may have some merit because the first thing I could think of is yet another family member who likes Sparrow more. But that shouldn’t be the take away from that conversation.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
I wish I could get better. I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I hate seeing happy people. It’s not fair. Why can’t that be me?
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
Usually going 'im changed' means you havent changed at all
Me and Nick cut contact when I was 26. I’m going to be 35 next month. I am a vastly different person. Or at least I’m trying to be.
Unless you’re Nick, my brother or my therapist I’ve learned (through therapy) that I shouldn’t let others. opinions make me feel bad about myself. Especially if they’re strangers.
Thank you for the question.
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journaloflarkoak · 2 months
Was there a specific moment you can remember despising your father, or has it always been?
Was there ever a moment where something clicked?
Is there a specific memory of Henry Oak-Garcia that makes you hate him so?
Jesus. I guess since I was about 11? Around the time you start actually realizing you can have opinions outside of your parents.
I always found my father quite preachy. Always talking about being peaceful and passive, loving thy neighbour and all that. Not in a religious way although I am plagued by my mistake of running to religion when I was in my formative years because I knew it was something my father fundamentally was against.
Now I just have religious trauma and a desire to tell no one that I’m at the very least, not straight, and no desire to explore it because of how I was exposed to Christianity.
And it’s not that I blame my father for that but I believe the way he went about it was incorrect.
See I know I say I hate my father a lot but that’s just not true. I do love him. He’s my father. I am the blood of Oak and Garcia and if I really wanted to I could deny my Oak heritage but being an Oak is still something I’m very proud of.
The thing I dislike about myself always traces back to him. My anger, my stubbornness, my need to have those around me like me, my short temper. Every time I do something that is fundamentally me, I realize I’m becoming more and more like him and I hate it.
He wasn’t even a bad dad growing up. Like I can tell he cares but I just felt suffocated all the time. I was being asked to join the army and my peace and love father almost threw me out of the house he was angry.
And he acts like he doesn’t have a favourite. I know he does. Sparrow was his perfect child. Hell, Sparrows still a vegan! Sparrow knew how to express opinions to dad in a way that he wouldn’t get disappointed and I just seemingly didn’t have the patience.
I know this was probably more of an answer then you were expecting when you asked it but I could go on for hours about how my mother and I were a much better team than anything my father and I even attempted to be.
I fucking love my mom.
Thank you for the question.
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