#larry butz: bi attorney
feralforbeanix · 3 months
Phoenix actually has to be bisexual because Larry is the only canonically straight man in Ace Attorney and Miles is all but confirmed to have never been attracted to a woman in his life and only gets flustered/sexually frustrated by men.
Someone's gotta balance out the trio.
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amaranthdahlia · 1 year
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and thats why he calls him nick
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soencersocks · 1 year
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I’ve thought about this for 2 weeks and only made it this morning.
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wowowwild · 1 year
Larry asking Miles 'Gay, Gay, Homosexual, Gay' Edgeworth if he think Iris is cute... I think someone forgot to tell Larry queer people exist.
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dead-inside-mcgee · 4 years
Larry Butz: Bi Attorney
*throws this dumb au at you* Have the only no dl-6 au that doesn't revolve around Miles
Larry is a prosecutor. Why? To impress a girl of course- a girl that's definitely Dahlia Hawthorne (I'll get to it)
She's reading a magazine that as Miles Edgeworth, a defense attorney, on the front. He claims to know him and when she doesn't believe him, he decides to go to law school to meet up with him
Even after she disappears, something about a murder?, it's not like he can just quit law school. He worked hard for this
So he becomes a prosecutor. And eventually he goes up against Miles in the Maya Fey trial
Meanwhile Phoenix runs a bakery because I have PLvsPW brain rot (insert obligatory background narumitsu)
The trial is interesting
Larry: Holy shit is that you Miles?
Miles: Oh god- I'm sorry Ms. Fey I can no longer take your case. I have to jump out a third story window
Miles: You're wrong detective, Ms. Fey is the only one who couldn't have written that note. According to the autopsy report, she died instantly.
Larry: Oh! Oh oh oh oh! Woah! Wait!
(paper shuffling)
Larry: On my report it says almost instantly! So she could have! Take that smartass!
Larry also does art on the side. His office is pretty much an art studio
Miles orders a Steel Samurai commission from him without realizing
Miles: Thank you. Tell anyone and I'll kill you.
Larry: Sure man. Artist-commissioner confidentiality. That'll be 40$
Miles: The painting or the confidentiality?
Larry is also himbo4himbo for Gumshoe
Gumshoe: Here's that report you needed! I made sure there's plenty of pictures, sir!
Larry: Gee thinks. Hehe...
Larry ten minutes later: Phoenix you gave me the gay!
I have some dark backstory I made for Larry but you'll have to wait for me to get around to writing the fic, or for me to cave and make another post
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franzvska · 2 years
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there is literally NO straight explanation for this
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prosecutor-rebecca · 3 years
Larry: So let me get this straight-
Phoenix: You mean, let me run this bi you.
Miles: We should ace-ess the case.
Klavier: Lets just see how this pans out.
Apollo: I’m gay.
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barriste-r · 3 years
happy bi visibility day to all these mfs
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bravequackcathal · 3 years
could you imagine a laurice/maya outfit swap
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midnightdemonhunter · 3 years
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Larrynix week day 1: Lifestyle
And they were roommates....(oh my god they were roommates)
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n-a-gindustries · 4 years
new au!  but it’s just my favorite characters in a swing jazz band.  larry on the alto sax, kay on the drums, and maya singing with a swell alto voice.  it’s called larry and the lesbians. 
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daisuke-chaos · 4 years
Okay, I finished the info on the Characters for my Nutcracker Au (Mostly for notes I can use when Writing this thing) if anyone has anything to say just put it as a reply and i can read it ig
And the Song below is just something you guys can listen to while reading this
Characters (and information about them)
Main Characters
Miles Edgeworth (24)
⁃ Main Character
⁃ Prince
⁃ Next in Line for the Throne
⁃ Takes on the role of ‘Clara’ from the Nutcracker
⁃ Doesn’t believe in Magic
⁃ Had a crush on Phoenix but then Dl-6 happened
⁃ Currently Betrothed to a Duchess Dahlia Hawthorne, whom he is not fond of, because something seems off about her
⁃ He’s also Gay
- Every year since Dl-6 he has been given the same old Nutcracker Soldier, which he has called ‘Stupid’
⁃ Follows a Mysterious Cloaked Stranger of his own free will, curious about where they’re heading and why they took that stupid Nutcracker and stole Franziska’s doll
- is Protective of Franziska
- starts off similar to Bratworth (cold to people a lot, nicknamed the ‘ice prince’ by everyone), turns into Normal Edgeworth
Franziska von Karma (18)
⁃ Main Character
⁃ Also takes on the role of ‘Clara’
⁃ Has no idea about the Nutcracker, Doll, and Mouse being Alive until they reveal it
⁃ Has a Whip (somehow)
⁃ Also has a doll she’s been given for the past few years, over and over again, along with a pet dog she calls ‘Scruffy’
⁃ Is protective of her ‘little brother’ and follows him to make sure he’s safe
⁃ Is a Lesbian
⁃ Looks Like a Cinnamon Roll, but she can and will kill you
Phoenix Wright (24)
⁃ Main Character
⁃ Takes on the titular title of the ‘Nutcracker’
⁃ Can be Childish at times (be a crybaby)
⁃ Has a crush on Miles, but never told him
⁃ Called ‘Nuthead’ at times by Larry
⁃ Also called ‘Nick’ by Maya and Larry, causing Edgeworth to think his name’s Nicholas
⁃ Cursed as a Nutcracker
⁃ Can actually move, but prefers not to when others are around
⁃ Learned Sword-fighting by watching the soldiers and Edgeworth practice
⁃ Knows the Truth about Dahlia and isn’t fond of her
- Wise Dumbass
Larry Butz (23)
⁃ Main Character
⁃ Takes on a role similar to the ‘Rat king’
⁃ He’s not the villain though
⁃ He was also cursed because he knows the truth about Dl-6
⁃ Turned into a mouse, but by night he can become human-like (with mouse ears and a Tail)
⁃ Has a cloak to help him hide in a crowd
⁃ He’s the Stranger that Edgeworth and Franziska follow
⁃ Edgeworth and Phoenix: He’s an idiot, but he’s our idiot
⁃ Is like a younger brother to phoenix
⁃ Isn’t an idiot, but does stupid stuff just for the hell of it.
⁃ Called ‘Mousy’ by Phoenix at times
⁃ His first name’s Lawrence, but he hates being called that
Maya Fey (17)
⁃ Main Character
⁃ Takes on a role similar to the ‘Nutcracker’
⁃ Was cursed simply because Dahlia hates her and because she had been helping Phoenix and Larry out
⁃ Is a wooden doll, who is alive
⁃ Energetic AF
⁃ Larry is a bad influence on her
⁃ Phoenix is also a bad/good influence of her
⁃ Practically Larry and Phoenix’s little sister
⁃ Knows a fair deal of Magic, but can’t use it that well as a doll
⁃ Tries to lead them to find the Grand Wizard
Other Characters
Dick Gumshoe (32)
⁃ Supporting Character
⁃ Was cursed into a ‘Scruffy’ Dog
⁃ Tries to cover for Phoenix, Maya, and Larry when he can
Mia Fey (27)
⁃ Main/Supporting Character
⁃ Takes on the role of the ‘Narrator’
⁃ Rather powerful Mage who knows a lot
⁃ Had tried, but failed to break the curse, so she suggested finding the Grand Wizard to Maya
Iris Fey (23)
⁃ Supporting Character
⁃ Cursed to be a rabbit by her sister
⁃ Not that good with magic, but has been like a guide that’s appeared at times to help out the group
The Judge (70-ish??? IDFK okay?)
⁃ supporting Character
⁃ Takes on the Role of the ‘Grand Wizard’ (Santa)
⁃ Powerful Wizard
⁃ Can be a bumbling fool
⁃ Seems like any other old man
⁃ To find him, follow the North Star
⁃ His home looks almost like an ordinary house, but it has an almost mystical sense
Manfred von Karma (65)
⁃ Main Antagonist
⁃ Takes on a role Similar to the ‘Rat king’ From the Nutcracker
⁃ Tyrannical King
⁃ All who oppose him end up disappearing (get cursed)
⁃ Killed Gregory Edgeworth
Dahlia Hawthorne (23)
⁃ Also an Antagonist
⁃ Supports Manfred von Karma
⁃ Desires Power above all else
⁃ Powerful Witch who’s cursed people who’ve wronged her, and plans to do the same to Miles Edgeworth
⁃ Wants to destroy the Mouse, Doll, and Nutcracker
Pearl Fey (8)
⁃ Powerful Mage
⁃ Is very Respecful of Mystic Mia and Mystic Maya,
⁃ Cares for the Rabbit
⁃ Is a helper for Mia Fey willingly.
Gregory Edgeworth (Deceased)
⁃ Supporting Character
⁃ Was Killed by Manfred von Karma, who was the Royal Advisor
⁃ Was the King, but is now dead
⁃ He’s only mentioned
Edit: Prologue’s up now -> https://daisuke-wrights.tumblr.com/post/637044130531491841/ace-attorney-nutcracker-au-act-0-prologue
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broadwaypunk · 4 years
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collabwithmyself · 5 years
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Phoenix: (Did I... not come out to him, or...?)
Edgeworth: (I'm not sure if he'd follow if I tried to explain all that...)
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starry-beetle · 5 years
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some larrys (and a gumshoe) from mooonths ago when I played the first AA game
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dead-inside-mcgee · 4 years
Larry Butz: Bi Attorney- Dl-6
I'm thinking about this au again. I'm changing my original idea slightly
Gregory isn't murdered, but loses the trial against Von Karma. Still VK is pissed about that penalty
Larry Butz was raised by his sister, Misty Butz.
Misty was in some shady business, and was eventually prosecuted for possession of drugs, but before her trial she tried to shoot VK, and ended up with a bullet in his shoulder and a vendetta against another family.
Misty was executed and Larry was taken in by Vk. But don't worry Larry is doing juuuuuust fine
VK decides to kill two birds with one stone, framing Larry Butz for the murder of Gregory Edgeworth
Miles is of course, devastated about his father's death, but he has to stay strong because he knows that Larry could never kill someone
At the trial Larry learns that it was VK that pushed and fought to get Misty the death sentence
So the thread Larry Butz is hanging on is actually quite thin
But he's fiiiine-
And then be learns that his entire life as a prosecutor, that he was so proud to have and be good at, is actually standing on top of a tower of lies and forged evidence
After that trial he gets blackout drunk and is on the first plane out of the country, leaving only and scribbled note about how he can't take this anymore
He's probably fine though
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