#larry the lamp x reader
sillypuppetsposts · 1 year
- SHRIGNOLD!!!! (please request him more frequently then others!!! i write for him the best)
-red guy
-yellow guy (PLATONIC)
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
Where is the Larry The Lamp x Sassy!reader hcs? It's been months 😭 sorry if I'm a little impatient -
— 💤
It hasn't been that long, and some requests take a very long time. Plus I only do one a day and don't write on the weekends so it takes a while sometimes.
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spooki-ghoztzz · 2 years
ok but like could I request the lamp/larry x a s/o whos always asleep or like tired
( hiwhuhru tbh i got back into the fandom and all i can think about is this goofy fella- )
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larry is a tired guy himself or..he’s either drunk 24/7(or completely zooted out) but let's just say he’s tired all the time so you two match perfectly together!
one of larry’s favorite things to do is snuggle up with you as you fall asleep or if you two are lazy or either he’d yap his mouth about dreams while you’re tryna sleep.
shut him up by just snuggling close to him or just straight up telling him to shut up,,he’ll respect ur wishes but hates having to.
he likes to give you small kisses on the face while your asleep,ik it seems creepy but it’s one of his big ways of showing affection since he’s not even used to human and or humanoid object contact.
but if you have a bad habit of falling asleep at random places he’d just..let you no matter how uncomfortable it is. hell he might even join you (sorry if you wake up with a sore neck and or back,,)
he’s always gonna be taking naps with you,if you nap without him he’ll get all offended- he’d wake you up with a tiny scoff “well that’s just so rude! didn’t bother asking me if i wanted to rest too..” “..larry,you could’ve just joined me,” “..oh-”
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stoney-siren · 3 years
May I Have This Dance? PART 1 (Sal Fisher x Gender Nuetral!Reader)
I decided to stray a bit from my usual AOT content and give some attention to the other fandoms I’m in, like Sally Face! :)
Summary: Senior year at Nockfell High is coming to an end, which means prom night it coming up soon. Although usually Sal Fisher is not one for high school get-togethers, he’s been wanting to ask (Y/N) to the dance, though it’s not as easy as most people make it seem. He just doesn’t know how to ask them.
This is the first part, I plan on there being two parts to this fanfic, possibly three.
TW: Swearing, possible mentions of drug use, slight angst? 
“Bullshit!” Larry burst into laughter, throwing his head back as he held his stomach. His rather embarrassed friend tensed up at his reaction. “You wanna ask (Y/N) to prom?” He continued to giggle, as his fit of laughter died down.
“Can you try and be quiet? What if your mom hears.. She’s gonna never let it down!” Sal tugged at his pigtails out of nervousness, pacing around the room.
“Come on, who cares? You should ask them!” The taller boy encouraged as he shut the door to his bedroom, turning his attention back to his blue haired buddy.
If only it was that easy, Sal wanted to say, but he just knew Larry would shoot back with something irritating and snarky. So instead, Sal fell back onto one of Larrys beanbags and let out a loud and irritated sigh. His friend soon followed persuit, jumping onto the beanbag that sat beside Sals.
“I just.. Cant. Who would wanna spend prom night with somebody like me anyways?” His self deprication captured Larrys attention faster than the reaction of a mouse on a mouse trap.
“Oh don’t give me that shit Sally dude! Anybody would be lucky to have you, everyone knows it too! You’re caring and funny, quick witted and honestly just somebody everyone wants to have by their side!” Larry exlaimed, though his words fell upon deaf ears.
Sal was too busy just day dreaming about (Y/N), he admired everything about them, the way they laughed, the color of their beautiful eyes, and the pure look of joy that washes over their face whenever he lets them paint his nails or put stickers on his prosthetic.
“Sal? Sally Face! You listening?” Larry called out, finally getting Sals attention.
“Oh, shit, sorry.. No, I’m not.” Sal shook his head and grabbed ahold of his pigtails again, glancing down at the floor and sighing.
Larry hated seeing his friend like this, he was aware of how low Sals confidence could be sometimes, but he’d never dare to point it out in fear of upsetting him or making things worse. He wished he could show Sal what all their friends and himself thought of him, then maybe he’d see himself in a brighter light.
“I think you should head back upstairs and get some rest now, I’ll see you at school tomorrow, alright?” Larry gave Sal a light punch on the shoulder before standing up and walking to the door with him.
“Yeah, alright. See you tomorrow Larry Face.” With that, he shut the door behind himself and headed to the elevator, pausing at the second floor button, thinking of (Y/N) before hitting the fourth floor button.
Your POV
You laid in your bed peacefully, staring up at the ceiling as the light from your lava lamp illuminated the room. The light was your favorite color, lighting up the side of your face as your thoughts raced for the future. Usually on a Sunday night, you’d play your music so loud that Todd would come over from his apartment and tell you to keep it down, but so many things were on your mind that you just didn’t have the energy to start a little fight with Todd. 
“Maybe I’ll talk to Ash about it, she always has good advice.” You mumbled as you turned and killed your lava lamps energy. You have had a crush on Sal Fisher since Sophomore year, but you never got the chance to talk about it with him or anyone for that matter.
Letting out a final sigh, you shut your eyes and melted into a world of memories and dreams.
“(Y/N)! Get up dear! You’re gonna be late for school if you don’t!” Your mother called from outside your room, this was how you usually woke up before school. She would always pretend to be in a panic, and tell you that you’re late to try and get you out of bed sooner, though sometimes her act would be real. That’s why you always check the clock in your room to see if she was lying or not.
“It’s 7:30, mom.” You mumbled as you pushed the blankets off yourself, Todd probably wasn’t even here yet to walk with you to school. Since you two both lived on the second floor, you guys have walked to school together since the first day of Freshmen year, then Larry, Ash, and Sal came into the picture and you guys became a team.
“Still, get up!” She called, her voice sounded more further away this time. You knew she wasn’t gonna stop pestering you until you got up. So while pushing the covers off your body, you got to your feet and picked out and outfit for today.
After breakfast, you brushed your teeth just as you heard a knock at the door, and your mom open the door to greet Todd.
“Hi Mrs. (L/N), is (Y/N) ready?” His voice grew louder as you stepped closer to the door and stopped next to your mom.
“Hey Todd, I’m ready!” Giving him a smile, he returned it as he lead you down the hallway and to the elevator. He hit the button as he attempted to make conversation with you.
“So how have your grades been? Excited for the end of the year?” He turned his head to make eye contact with you.
“Yeah I guess, I’m still not completely sure what I want to do once I graduate, but I know I’ll have you and everybody else to go to for support.” You responded in a tired tone, still a bit dazed from just waking up only 10 minutes ago. Todd nodded at your response as the elevator chimed.
The two metal doors slid open to reveal Sal and Larry standing on the other side, they looked ready for school just as much as you and Todd.
“Oh hey!” Larry called, “You two look like shit!” He laughed, Todd grimaced in annoyance while you just rubbed one of your eyes, trying to wake up.
“Yeah well your eyebags got eyebags and I’m sure Sals looking more than tired under that prosthetic.” Todd shot back as he stepped into the elevator, you supposed everyone was up late studying, since Mrs. Packerton always has extremely hard ‘end of the year’ tests. The fact that she’s a cultist makes trying to focus more difficult.
You stepped into the elevator and stood between Todd and Sal, taking notice in how quiet Sal was. It wasn’t unusual for him to not say anything, but a small hello could always be heard from him whenever we saw each other.
“You okay Sally Face? You seem a bit quiet.” Larry seemed to get a kick out of comment since he snickered and nudged Sal with his elbow.
“Yeah, what’s up bud?” Larry questioned in an almost teasing tone, it confused you, but you also knew that Sal and Larry always had their own little inside jokes. Maybe something happened last night while they were studying together, probably something involving Larry’s terrible toilet humor, or maybe they just got high again and completely blew off studying.
“Nothing, just tired.” Thats when you noticed how red Sals ears were, though you didn’t think much of it since you just wanted to get to school and get these seven hours of hell over with.
School never failed to be the same as always, with Travis and his homophobic and just down right ignorant remarks, the lunch food always smelling strange (especially the bologna), and of course messing around in the hallways and during lunch time with some of your favorite people. This time at lunch though you asked to speak with Ashley in private, she and Todd were the best advice givers you knew, but you just didn’t have as much faith in Todd in keeping a secret as you did with Ash.
“Whats up, (Y/N)?” The two of you stood behind the school as you anxiously looked around for any people who could overhear you.
“I, um, I needed some advice. It’s about the prom coming up this week..” You mumbled as Ashley burst into squeals of excitement, smiling widely to you.
“Oh I’m so excited you came to me for help! So you want to ask somebody, right? Who is it? Is it Larry?” She giggled and nudged you, trying her best to get the name out.
“No! It’s Sal!” Not even sure where that little outburst came from, you lifted a hand over your mouth in shock, as Ashley’s face only stretched further into happiness as she grabbed your shoulders.
“Oh I just knew you had a crush on him! You always laugh at all his jokes, and compliment him whenever you get the chance! And if you ask me, I think he might like you too!” That suggestion made your face burn, the thought of Sal actually returning such feelings made your heart warm.
“C- Come on, don’t say that!.. But do you really think that?” Ash nodded in response as she took your hand.
“You have to ask him out! And I know just who can help us.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
History comes to life; Ahkmenrah x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well this has been a LOOOOONG time coming in. For years I’ve alwasy wanted to try and write an Ahkmenrah fanfic and thanks to a Wattpad friend of mine, she gave me that chance. So here we are with my first Ahkmenrah fanfic. Now this is only part 1 and I’ll try to have pt.2 up as soon as I can. Hope you all enjoy this fic my lovelies :)
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2006. New York City. The Museum of Natural History. My home away from home.  I mean to a college girl going for a master’s degree history that’s a lot, and all at the age of 23.  Yeah whenever it came to school I was always deemed the ‘smart one’ or in some cases the ‘nerd’.  
Was Valedictorian in high school, completed my bachelor’s degree within my first 2 years of college and now I’m completing a 4 year master’s degree.  Not only that but I once did an entire year abroad in Egypt as a part of one of my courses that gave me 3 credits for one of my History courses.
And now here I am completing an internship credit instead of going for a core course credit, here at the Museum of Natural History.  So far into my second week of my three month internship it’s been pretty good.  Since I’m also having to write my dissertation about the ruling of Ahkmenrah, this place has been a great place to think.
Whenever I wasn’t needed by the boss, Dr. McPhee, you would normally find me in the Ancient Egypt hall, sitting in the room of the pharaoh himself writing my paper.  And I know it sounds crazy but sometimes I wish that I could actually have the chance to speak with him, I mean if I’m to complete my dissertation I wish to know things that I didn’t already know (there’s only so much you can find on the Internet).
Little did I know that that day would soon come, and it all started with a blast from the past. 
I was currently walking down the steps after completing my day here at the museum when I saw walking with Cecil, one of the three night guards an old ‘boss’ you could say.
“Well I’ll be damned. Larry Daley.” I greeted as I came up to them.
“Oh hey, hi uhh…..” ahh the same old Larry forgetful Daley.
“(Y/n) (l/n). I used to live down the road from you guys.”
“Oh right sorry! Wow it’s been a long time.”
“Yeah about 3 years since I graduated high school.” I said with a smile.
“So I see you know our new nightguard huh Ms. (l/n)?” asked Cecil.
“Yeah I’ve babysit his son since the day he was born. How is Nicky by the way?”
“Oh he’s you know good. Fine. Loving hockey.”
“Oh that boy and his hockey. I remember he tried to get me to play it in the house and we ended up breaking that lamp.”
“Yeah thanks for reporting that.”
“Even though he tried to convince me not to speak of it.” I giggled. “So Cecil says you’re going to be the new night guard?”
“Yep. Just showing Larry around, giving him a little tour before his shift tomorrow night.” Cecil explained.
“Well, welcome to the team.”
“So do you work here too?”
“Oh no I’m just here for an internship credit but Dr. McPhee has allowed me to do further researching even after my internship’s up.”
“Read her dissertation a couple of days ago, she’s quite the researcher. Any further questions you can always ask her.” Cecil said.
“Oh Cecil you old charmer stop it. Well I better get out of here before traffic gets too crazy. Bye Cecil, Mr. Daley, welcome aboard again and I hope to see you before your shift tomorrow.”
“Yeah of course, see yah then (y/n).” I smiled and gave the gentlemen a nod goodbye before bundling up and walking out into the New York winter air.
I was now at home typing up what I had written down on paper and transferred it to the rest of my dissertation that was on Word.  I heard my door open and in came in my mom and she said.
“Dinner’s ready.”
“Okay mama, just half a minute and I’ll have everything typed up.”
“Sweetie you’ve been working non-stop ever since you got home. You can step aside for ten minutes to eat dinner.” I looked up at her then saved the changes I had and said.
“Fine mama, you win.” She grinned down and said to me.
“I always do. Until you become a mother yourself, you’ll never win.” I scowled up at her before the two of us walked out of my room and headed downstairs to eat.
As we ate our dinner, I told her about my progress and about Mr. Daley now working for the museum as the new nightguard.
“Wow, Larry Daley. Hadn’t heard from him in a while. Not since the official divorce.”
“Wait what?”
“Oh honey I’m sorry to tell you this but Larry and Erica were going through a divorce this past year.”
“Ahh man. How’s Nicky taking it?” I asked.
“Well last time I ever talked to Larry he told me it was a joint custody agreement. Now whether that went through or not I’m not sure.”
“It must’ve, I mean he did say Nicky was still playing hockey so that must mean he gets to have Nicky at least some days of the week, maybe the weekends.”
“Erica was always hard on him. Even when they first got together. Don’t tell her I said that though.”
“I promise mom.”
After dinner, I took the dishes and cleaned them out before placing them in the dishwasher before going back to my paper. Before I even knew it when I finally ran out of ideas and edits, I saw that it was after midnight.  So after saving everything I shut my laptop off and got ready for bed.
The next day it was like any other day.  I went in, did my rounds for Dr. McPhee, organized some files and edited some papers.  Then after my lunch break I had time to do my paper for the final 4 hours of my day today.  Even with the small crowd of people in the Pharaoh’s tomb, I wasn’t really bothered or distracted from doing my dissertation.
In fact I was so invested into it that I almost didn’t hear the voice speak over me.
“Hard worker as ever.” I looked up and smiled at Mr. Daley.
“So, ready for your first night tonight?”
“I don’t think it should be that hard. I mean not really anything happens in a museum at night.”
“Do you got a second? Just wanted to see if you’re interested in a cup of coffee. Colleague to colleague?”
“So not just for the sake of me being your old babysitter? Is that all I am to you now, just a colleague?”
“No. I mean yes. But not in that way I mean I was just…..” I laughed and said.
“I’m just pulling your buttons Mr. Daley. I’d love to get a cup of coffee. Maybe even educate you on what you’ll be guarding.” I packed up my stuff and we both headed out to the coffeeshop just down the block from the museum.
As we walked around Central Park he asked me.
“So that paper you were writing earlier, what’s it on?”
“Oh it’s my dissertation paper for my master’s degree.”
“Masters?! Wait so you already got your bachelor’s?”
“Yeah. I got it just last year. Now for my masters I’m doing the full 4 years so in total I’ll be doing 6 years of college.”
“Wow, sounds exhausting.”
“It can be, but I can’t help it. I’ve got a thirst for knowledge. And as an ancient civilizations concentrator I can’t help but want more.”
“Yep your mom always did call you her little book worm.” I smiled and nodded. “So that paper.”
“Oh yes that. Well I’m doing my dissertation on the ruling of Ahkmenrah and how he was the most justified ruler Ancient Egypt had ever known. Sure there have been good pharaoh’s but I’m setting to prove just how fair and just Ahkmenrah truly was as a ruler. Even with his short time as king.”
“How long did he rule?”
“Well he was given the crown by his father when he was just 16 and ruled for only 4 years before he was murdered by his own brother.”
“Yeah, his brother was extremely jealous of Ahkmenrah. So much so that after murdering his brother, he tried to claim the throne only to throw Egypt into despair in just under a year of his ruling.”
“Yeah. Ahkmenrah sought to treat everyone with a kind but firm hand when need be. Did you know that he was the only pharaoh known to be kind to the Hebrew slaves?”
“I did not.”
“Yeah. He even tried to seek out a fair system where they wouldn’t have to work on their sacred holidays. Of course it wasn’t passed yet because well—he died just before he could declare it a law.”
“Wow, things would’ve turned out very differently had that happened.”
“Yeah. Cecil’s also been a good resource too since he was there when he found his tomb when he was just a kid.”
“Cecil found Ahkmenrah’s tomb?”
“Yeah. The three sarcophagus’ of him and his parents.”
“But wait I thought you said he had a brother?”
“He was. His brother wasn’t buried with them. Kahmunrah was condemned to be mummified alive and buried in a tomb far beyond the royal family’s because of what he had done.”
“Wow that’s—horrifying. Don’t they like rip their guts out or something?”
“All their organs were placed into jeweled canopic jars.”
“Wow. I think I lost my appetite to drink this coffee now.”
“Sorry Mr. Daley, I can be a little assertive when describing some of the things the Ancient Egyptians did. But you should’ve seen me when I actually got to set foot in an actual mummification area.”
“So you actually went to Egypt?”
“Yeah last year during my bachelor’s degree last spring. I spent an entire semester down there. Learned a lot, and I can speak a little Arabic. Ancient Egyptian is a little rusty but I know like a word or two.”
“So if you could, could you read what’s written around the tomb of Ahkmenrah?”
“Now you’re really challenging me Mr. Daley.”
“Thought you said you loved a challenge?” I chuckled.
“That I did. But sadly no. Probably a word or two as I said.” I looked down at my watch and said.  “It’s almost sunset, better get back to the museum less you wanna get fired on your first day. I’ll check in on you first thing tomorrow.”
“Okay, thanks for the little history lesson on the pharaoh (y/n).”
“Anytime. And here, give me your phone.” He handed it to me and I went through his contacts to see if he still had my number. Turns out he didn’t so I went ahead and gave him my new number since I got a new phone. “Here, any questions or concerns or if you just wanna chat. Give me a call.”
“Thanks (y/n). Anything I can do for you, just let me know.”
“Give me a chance to see that knucklehead Nicky again and we’ll call it even.”
“Will do.”
“Well good luck Larry.”
“Thanks.” I waved goodbye and walked back towards the nearest exit and hailed down a taxi and told them my address.
As I lay down in my bed after typing up the next several pages of my paper, I charged up my flip phone since it was almost dead from this week’s use.
“Hope Larry’s liking his new job. I’d give anything to stay the night in that place.” I stretched myself out and cuddled into my bed before falling asleep.
Bright and early the next morning I got around and headed on out of the house.
“Mama I’m heading out!” I cried out.
“Have a good day sweetie, give my love to Larry for me.”
“Will do mama.” I gathered up my stuff and took the bus toward the museum.
Once I got there, I entered inside just to see Mr. Daley walk out.
“So how was the first night?” he looked at me like he had just been through a rumble with Mike Tyson or the Rock as he said.
“Well I—”
“Dad.” A young boy’s voice said.  We both turned to see Nicky walking with another man with short black hair and looked younger than Mr. Daley.
“Hey, hey buddy. What are you guys doing here?”
“Oh Erica had to be in court early today so I’m taking Mr. Big stuff here to school. But he wanted to swing by see your new job.” The man explained with a smile.
“It’s so awesome that you’re working here.” Nicky praised.
“Well your dad gets a praise but I don’t get so much as a hello?” I teased.
“(Y/n)!” he came up and hugged me and I hugged the little monkey back. “Do you work here too?”
“No I’m just here as an intern for a couple of months.”
“So Nicky whose your friend here?” the man asked.
“Right, (y/n) this is Don. Erica’s new uhh…well he’s her new….” Larry tried to explain but Don butted in by saying with a business man snake-like smile.
“I’m her boyfriend. So you’re the famous (y/n) the babysitter I’ve heard about.”
“Yeah. So you’re the new guy huh?” I looked over him once over and all I saw was a monkey in a suit with an earpiece to his ear.
“Yeah.” He shrugged like it was nothing. “Hey Nicko. Wanna take a lookie-do inside. Maybe your dad or your friend can give you a VIP tour?”
“You know what we’re actually kinda slammed this morning but I promise I’ll show you around soon bud, deal?”
“Deal. Love you dad.”
“Love you too.” Nicky hugged his dad and Mr. Daley gave Nick a kiss on the top of his head before he and Don walked hand in hand across the crosswalk before heading towards his school. “Yeah Erica and I are going through a—”
“I know, mom told me the other night. I’m so sorry. You both seemed really happy together.”
“Yeah well sometimes life happens. I’m just thankful I get Nick on Wednesdays and every other weekend.” He said solemnly as he kept his eyes on Nicky.
“Were you really thinking about quitting?”
“How did you…..”
“I’ve seen that walk so many times with my friends. Hell I’ve even done that walk before once at the Library of Congress. So c’mon Mr. Daley the truth.”
“Last night was……intense I’ll admit. But I really want Nick to be proud of me, and not see me as…..ordinary.”
“As Teddy Roosevelt once said, ‘some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them’. Maybe this is your moment. Look I know being the night guard may not be the funniest job ever for you. But don’t do it for yourself, do it for Nicky.” I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.  He looked up at me and said.
“You truly were the best babysitter Nicky ever had. No wonder how he got so wise.”
“History geek, you get great life quotes. Not just from Star Wars or Lord of the Rings.” I then skipped up the steps and walked inside.
“Oi intern!” I sighed heavily.  Even after 2 weeks he never really does call me by my name.
“Yes Dr. McPhee?”
“The Egyptian tour guide called in sick this morning, I want you to take over his shift. You’ve got the better resume to give a tour with your year abroad. So do it.”
“Yes Dr. McPhee.”
“And see to it that the children don’t touch the exhibit. God I hate it when those sticky little monsters think a museum is a-a-a-a-a…..touchy place.” He then turned away mumbling to himself.
“Out of all the bosses I’ve had, he’s by far the goofiest and strictest. But it’s better than organizing files again.” I then went up and Rebecca handed me my Egyptian tour guidance flag and I waited for the first wave of guests which was in fact kids from the middle school I went to years ago.
When the class arrived I greeted them and told them my name and that I would be their tour guide today.  I walked them through the Egyptian wing before finally leading them to the tomb of the Pharaoh.
“Now we are finally arriving into the tomb of the pharaoh himself. King Ahkmenrah was known as one of the youngest pharaohs to rule in the Upper kingdom of Egypt in 232 BC. He was even the first pharaoh to be crowned above his older sibling.” It was then I had a young girl raise her hand. “Yes sweetheart?”
“What are these statues?” she gestured towards the 20ft. jackal guards.
“Ahh those are the Anubis guards. The Egyptian god Anubis, Lord of the dead is said to be the judge of the underworld. He would deem by balancing your soul on a scale with sand and if your soul weighed heavier than the sand, you would be damned in the underworld. But if your soul was lighter, you’d be granted peace in the afterlife. His guards which you see up there are the protectors of bodies, especially over the royal families tombs.” I got another hand raise this time from a black child.
“Do the mummy’s really get wrapped up in toilet paper?” at that the kids all laughed, to which I couldn’t help but laugh.
“No. No it’s not toilet paper. They get wrapped in special linen which is sorta like a gauze wrap. How many of you had an injury and your parents would wrap your injury with a sorta white bandage?” I got a few hands raised. “It’s basically that. But before they wrap up the bodies, they expose the body to a type of oil and salt to de-moisturize the body so that it could be preserved from the elements.” Another boy asked.
“What exactly is that gold thing up there?” I looked up and I said.
“Ahh that my dear boy is the tablet of Ahkmenrah himself. It arrived here at this museum in 1952 from the Nile expedition. It is said to bring the dead back to life.”
“Yeah right.” The boy sassed back.  Kids today, so desensitized by movies and television.
“It’s a legend but never mock the powers of Egyptian magic. Okay kids, why don’t you have a look around and check him out. But please don’t touch the stone slab.” I then walked aside and the kids all gathered around Ahkmenrah’s sarcophagus. “If only it were real.” I muttered as I sat down and rested my feet.
The day dragged on until finally I was clear to go home.  I decided that for tonight, I would leave my dissertation for next time and just immediately go to bed.  I covered myself up with my thick warm blanket and was out like a light.
The next day it was just about closing time and once again I was in the tomb of Ahkmenrah.  I stared down at his sarcophagus sighing softly.
“Excuse me miss, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to vacate the premises.” I jolted slightly but when I turned around I saw that it was only Mr. Daley.
“Oh sorry, just—kinda got caught up in my thoughts is all.” He switched his flashlight off and walked up to me.
“So this whole Egyptian stuff really—gets to you doesn’t it?”
“Ancient Egypt has probably been one of my most favorite ancient civilization. It’s just fascinating of how the Egyptians were able to build things like the pyramids, the sphinx, and intricate tombs that have endless passages in order to trap graverobbers when they didn’t have the technology we have today. It’s amazing.”
“Yeah, guess that is kinda cool.” We stood there side by side in brief silence before he said, “Hey (y/n), do you really believe History comes to life?”
“I mean yes. In a way all around us we are always being given knowledge of every historical moment. And this museum helps us to actually in a way live through it.”
“I mean do you truly believe that history can come to life?”
“I—don’t get what you’re saying Larry.”
“I mean that…..I tried to tell Rebecca this earlier but she ran off on me. She thought I was making fun of her but I really wasn’t I’m telling the truth, I told her the truth.”
“What truth?” he looked around before he leaned close to me and whispered.
“Everything in this museum comes to life. At night. All because of that tablet. Ever since they brought it here back in 1952, everything in this museum came to life.” I looked at him before saying.
“Uhh—have you been overworking yourself again?”
“No, no I swear to you (y/n) I’m not lying.”
“Look, your shift’s about to start and I should really get going. We’ll—talk about this tomorrow. Goodnight Mr. Daley.” I quickly walked around him but I could hear him trying to call out to me.
As I exited the museum I began thinking back to what he was saying.  I mean I know I said that there could be a slight chance that the tablet of Ahkmenrah could hold some magic but this—this is something else.  I hailed a cab and asked him to drive me back to my place and in just 10 minutes I arrived back home.
As it got darker and snow began to fall from the sky, what Larry had told me earlier this evening was still spinning in my head.  I mean what he said was absolutely crazy, if he was implying that the figurines, statues, and the actual pharaoh himself can come to life at night—he was even crazier than when I first met him.
Suddenly something was thrown at my window.  I gasped and turned on my lamp to see the leftover remains of a snowball.  I got up from my bed and looked out the window to see some figures standing down along the sidewalk.
From the streetlights I could see that it was Larry and Nicky but along with them were two others.  One was dressed up as an Egyptian pharaoh and the other was dressed like Attila the Hun.  I put on my coat and boots and quietly walked down the stairs and unlocked the door.
“Nicky? Mr. Daley? What are you guys doing here?”
“Hey (y/n) look I know this is a lot to take in right now and I don’t have a lot of time to explain so I’m gonna cut right to the point. Cecil stole the tablet of Ahkmenrah, along with Gus and Reginald. We have the other two back at the museum but we need your help in getting Cecil.”
“Whoa wait what? Mr. Daley you mean to tell me that the former head of security, someone I’ve looked up to for years has stolen the tablet of Ahkmenrah? Why would he want to steal it?”
“He said he and the other two guards were gonna sell it so that they could get a wealthy long retirement.” Nicky spoke up. I then turned to the two costumed gentlemen and I said.
“Am I missing the historical convention or something?”
“No, no, no. You know how I told you the tablet makes things in the museum come to life? I’d like you to meet Attila the Hun and the pharaoh himself Ahkmenrah.” I turned towards them and almost couldn’t believe it, especially with ‘Ahkmenrah’.
I mean there’s never been a real documented picture of him due to his short reign but—he was kinda cute. Wait what am I saying? This could all be a trick.
It was then Attila said something in Mandarin as he nodded to me.  I looked at him confused, that’s when Ahkmenrah said.
“He says he’s honored to meet someone who knows his true history and not the fables that surrounded him.” I walked up to Ahkmenrah and I looked him over.  His light blue eyes and sun kissed skin.
“How do I know you’re not just some method actor?”
“I assure you my lady I am no actor. But if you want to test me since you know so much about my history especially, ask me something only I would know.” I crossed my arms at his challenge.
“Okay.” I thought long and hard about a question that only either I or the ‘pharaoh’ himself would know.  “How exactly did your brother kill you?” yeah I know it was a dark question but it was all I could think of that was a difficult question.  Some scholars have even debated on Ahkmenrah’s death but I alone knew the truth after getting some good research done.
“It was sunset. I had just gotten through with wanting the Jews of Egypt to have free will among my kingdom when my brother called me into the studies to speak about the new law. At first I thought we’d go into another argument about it, but he wanted to drink a celebratory toast in light of the new law. I thought nothing of it so my brother and I drank the wine he had prepared. After the toast, I felt this pain in my stomach and—my brother standing over me with nothing but a cruel smile on his face.”
Oh…….my…..god.  It—this was……Ahkmen—he…..Ohhhhhh shit!
“My pharaoh I—” I proceeded to bow before him but he stopped me and he said.
“Please no. There is no need for that.” Oh my god his hands were so warm on my cold ones.
“I—I can’t….I just can’t believe. Oh my god I’ve really fallen off the deep end haven’t I?”
“Told you I wasn’t crazy.” Mr. Daley spoke up.
“Okay, okay I believe you. So where is Cecil at right now?”
“Last we saw him he was heading for Central Park.”
“Then why the hell did you come here for!? Central Park from here is halfway across town compared to the museum! We’ll never catch him on foot.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” He then whistled and soon a horse came charging in and stopped right in front of us.
“Uhh Larry I hate to break it to you but we all can’t fit on one horse.”
“Oh I know this is my ride, your ride is Rexy.” I soon heard the thundering footsteps and soon following behind a toy truck was the giant T-Rex that you first see when you walk into the museum. It let out a roar and my mouth just dropped.
“You finally get your Jurassic Park wish huh (y/n)?” Nicky said to me with a wide smile.
“I—I suppose so.” The truck stopped right by us and I took notice of the two small miniatures inside that were inside.  The Roman General Octavius and the cowboy Jedidiah.
“We ready to get this rodeo on the show now gigantor?” said Jedidiah.
“Yeah guys. So you remember the plan right? You all round Cecil off and I’ll follow behind him.”
“We’re on it my liege. Everyone hop on. The enemy must not escape our sights!” Octavius proclaimed.  Larry and Attila got on top of the horse and the two of them rode off while Nicky, Ahkmenrah and I got on top of Rexy.  Ahkmenrah got on first and he held his hand out to me.
I took it and he helped me mount onto the T-Rex. My back was pressed up against his chest and our noses almost touching each other’s.
“Thank you.” I softly whispered in awe.
“I didn’t want you to get hurt. It’s—very different from mounting a horse.” I nodded as I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
“Shall I leave you two alone to get a room?” Nicky sassed out.
“Oh you little twerp just get on.” He grinned smugly as he came up and I told him to be careful as he came and sat in front of me. “K guys we’re ready!” Nicky told the two miniatures suddenly Rexy lunged forward and soon we were running full speed towards Central Park.
Within 10-20 minutes we arrived at Central Park and on the other side through the trees I saw Cecil riding on top of the money carrier horse and coach.
Rexy soon began to run faster which forced me to lean further up against Ahkmenrah.  We looked at each other and smiled at each other as I felt him hold onto my waist tighter so that we wouldn’t fall off.  Rexy then suddenly took a sharp left and we were now right in front of Cecil’s path.
But then Cecil took a sharp turn right past us just barely missing Rexy’s leg by a few inches.  It was then I saw the horrifying sight of the truck that Jedidiah and Octavius were riding in spin out of control until it flipped over a small foot of snow before exploding.
With no bone to follow, Rexy soon stopped and whined and we all looked in the direction where the two miniatures had disappeared to.  I saw that Larry had stopped just ahead of us and he was looking right where Jed and Octavius had fallen.
“Rexy let me down boy.” He lowered himself down so that I could get off of him.
“Where are you going?” asked Nicky.
“I’m gonna help your dad end this. Ahkmenrah, can you keep an eye on Nicky?”
“Yes of course.”
“Nicky, stay with him alright?” I told him in my sitter voice and he knew to never go up against me when I used that voice.  I hopped off and raced towards Mr. Daley. “Larry!” he turned to me and I said. “I’ve got a plan, but I need you to do exactly what I tell you.” he nodded.
“Hop on.” I got on the back of the horse as Larry said, “C’mon Tex let’s finish this. HIYAH!” soon we took off racing after Cecil.
“Stay close to the back of the coach, I’m gonna try to hop on it and grab the tablet.”
“Are you crazy!?”
“Yeah well it’s been a crazy night. So just do it!” he urged Tex on and soon we were right up on the stagecoach.  I reached out as far as I could and missed it a few times before finally getting a grip onto it.  Once I pulled myself up, I nodded to him telling him to get Cecil’s attention while I went for the tablet.
“Give me the tablet Cecil!” Larry cried out.
“Can’t do it, son!” the horses whinnied as they ran faster and I slowly crawled up towards Cecil’s back where I could see the glimmer’s of the golden Egyptian tablet.
“Pull over!”
“It ain’t gonna happen. Moving on!”
“Last chance Cecil! Stop the horses or I will!”
“They can’t be stopped, Larry. Don’t you know your history? These are money carriers. They were trained not to stop for anything but a secret word.” I finally grabbed the tablet and pulled it out of the bag as I said.
“You don’t say?” It was then Cecil turned and saw me with the table. “You mean a word like—”
“DAKOTA!” Larry cried out.  I then held onto the roof railings of the stage coach as the horses suddenly stopped and Cecil went flying forwards into the snow.  As Larry rode up towards Cecil, I got off the stage coach and followed right behind Larry.  “Read up on my history, along with a little help from a friend.” Larry said as he turned towards me.
“And by the way. Consider yourself out of my dissertation paper.” I told Cecil.
“And also, never talk to me like that in front of my son.” He then grabbed Cecil and threw his famed words back at him, “Moving on.”
We soon met up back at the stagecoach where Ahkmenrah, Nicky, and Atilla and his Huns came in.
“Oh hey, Huns.” Cecil said nervously as Larry transferred him over to them.
“Tell Atilla to have his boys take him back to the museum, put him back with the rest of the guards.” Larry told Ahkmenrah who then translated it to Attila in his tone. “Oh and uhh no limb ripping, okay?” Larry told Attila.
Attila tried to reason with Larry but he shook his head saying no.  That’s when Attila pinched his fingers with a little bit of space between them as he asked Larry.
“Mikaka?” Larry turned to Cecil for a moment before turning back to Attila doing the same thing as he responded.
“Makeekaka.” Hearing that made Attila and his friends very happy as Attila then proclaimed out to his Huns.
“Hey, w-wait. Hold the phone. What’s Makeekaka mean? Wait, translation please?” he asked Ahkmenrah as the Huns picked him up and carried him back to the museum.
“That’ll teach him to steal from the museum.” I bragged. “Not bad Mr. Daley. That was impressive.”
“Hey, couldn’t have done it without those websites you sent me to help me out with the research. You’re the real hero here tonight (y/n).”
“Yeah, and that was so awesome of how you got onto that stagecoach. You were like a superhero back there.” I blushed at Nicky’s praising.
“They are right (y/n).” Ahkmenrah said.  “We owe this night to you, thanks to you I once again have my tablet.” I smiled and said.
“It took all of us. Teamwork is what got this back.” I said as I held up the tablet.
“Oh boy.” I heard Larry say grimly.
“What is it?” asked Ahkmenrah.
“I gotta get you guys back to the museum.” He said urgently.
“Why? What happens if they’re not back at the museum? Well besides it being empty.”
“If the exhibits are outside of the museum when the sun comes up, they turn to dust.” He told me.  My eyes widened in fear as I turned to Ahkmenrah and he looked at me with a grim expression that expressed the truth.
“How?” asked Nicky as I turned to see half of the museum already here in Central Park.
“It’s gonna take us hours just to wrangle everyone up. And this isn’t even half of the exhibits we need.”
“Ahkmenrah. We’re gonna need your help.” Larry guided me over to the young pharaoh as he continued, “This is your tablet, you know the instructions. We need you to get everyone back.” I handed him his tablet and he took it from my hands.
As we did the transfer, our fingers briefly touched one another’s and I swear to god I thought I felt a spark.   I swallowed my little crush (was it a crush? I don’t know) and nodded to him and that’s when Ahkmenrah began to speak in ancient Egyptian as he looked down at the tablet.
As soon as I heard him say his name, the tablet glowed which reflected his face majestically, but that’s when I heard Rexy softly growl as he then began walking back towards the museum.  Not only was he walking onward but all the exhibits, it seemed they were all in a trance as they walked on.
With that the four of us left alongside the exhibits and we went to make sure that everyone got back there and to their designated wings safe and sound.
Once everyone was inside, present and accounted for; I walked with Ahkmenrah back to his tomb and he said to me.
“Thank you, for helping me retrieve my tablet (y/n).”
“It was no problem. Really. I’d do it all over again a thousand times if it meant you and the others could live to see another night.” He smiled and as he placed it back to its proper place he asked me.
“Will I see you tonight?”
“Oh I don’t know.” I sighed heavily.  “I can’t let Larry just get the boot for this, at least not if I can help it.”
“You have a kind heart (y/n). In another life you would’ve made the perfect Egyptian Queen.”  I blushed and laughed shyly. “If that is the case, then it was an honor to finally meet you (y/n).”
“Believe me it was an honor meeting you. I just…wish we had more time. I have so many questions for you.” He smiled and said.
“If the Gods make it to be, perhaps one day we shall cross paths again.” I nodded as I extended my hand out for a handshake. He took it and instead of a handshake, he turned my hand over and kissed the back of it.
I felt my face heat up and butterflies fluttered around my stomach as I nervously smiled.
“Yeah, you too Ahkmenrah.” I then helped him back into his sarcophagus and once I closed it up, I heard nothing but silence.  I turned to the Anubis guards who now stood very still and figured that it must be sunrise about now.  “Wadaeaan ya fireawn. Num jayidaan.” I whispered as I gently touched Akhmen’s sarcophagus.
I left the Egyptian wing and saw that all the exhibits were now once again either statues once more or had phased back into their wax figurines.  I walked down the steps to see the large mess once again.
“You got him back to his wing safely?” asked Larry.
“Yep. Safe and snug in his sarcophagus. C’mon. Let’s clean up whatever we can before McFreak comes in and flips out.”
“(Y/n).” Rebecca scolded me.  I shrugged at her as I picked up a broom from the supply closet nearby and handed one to Nicky and the two of us began to collect all the toilet paper that had been tossed around.
When Dr. McPhee did come in, he was definitely not happy.  After having Larry and I sit through the news that was talking about all the sightings that had happened last night from Rexy’s footprints in the snow, caveman drawings in the subway and even the Neanderthals up on top of the museum building waving torches in the air.
“Any explanation at all?” he asked the two of us. Larry thought about it before he came to a fake conclusion.
“No. Got nothin’.”
“Me neither.” I answered.
“Right. I’ll take your keys and your flashlight then.” He said as he walked up to Larry before turning towards me and continuing, “And you. Can turn in your membership and research card. You’ll be banned from the museum until further notice.” Larry and I looked at each other before Larry turned in his stuff and I turned in my access card.
He guided us out of his office to let us out of the museum but what we saw was something I had not seen since I was probably a little girl.  
The museum was packed! There were probably hundreds maybe even thousands of people walking about, getting tours, checking in, and asking for information about certain figurines or exhibits.
A wide smile spread across my face as I placed my hands over my mouth trying to contain my excitement.  But what really got me excited was when Dr. McPhee gave Larry and I back our stuff and gave us a small smile before walking away.
“Oh my god.” I said in awe.
“Seems the news really brought this place back on the map.” Larry said.  I then hugged Larry as tight as I could and he hugged me back. “What’s that for?”
“I have no idea. Just—thank you for probably the greatest moment of my life.”
“You sure it don’t have anything to do with the pharaoh just one floor up?” he teased.  I playfully punched him as hard as I could in the shoulder.
“I’ll see you tonight Mr. Daley. I’ll even pick up Nicky and bring him here.” I headed off to start my shift since I knew the tour guides needed more help so I decided to lend a hand and help out.
Of course that was fun and all, but the real fun began when the sun went down.  With my I-pod hooked up to the stereo on my “Happy feet playlist”, I had my #1 song ‘September’ by Earth, wind and fire playing while all the exhibits were gathered around the main lobby in celebration.
Everyone was either dancing or playing soccer and I couldn’t help but smile at seeing a once ancient pharaoh dance so badly that it was almost embarrassing.  Our eyes soon locked with each other and he came over to me and said.
“Come on, let’s dance.”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no I don’t dance Ahkmenrah.”
“This is our party and I demand you dance. By royal decree.” He teased at the end with a wink down at me.  Well—who was I to deny a royal pharaoh’s decree?
“Just a little warning for you, I don’t know how to dance.”
“Neither do I.”
“So you’re not at all embarrassed?”
“Not really. We’re amongst friends. And true friends don’t laugh at one another, even in their silly moments. Now come (y/n).” he took my hands and pulled me onto the dance floor and the two of us danced to the beat as silly as we possibly could.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone x Fem!PleasantValleyResident!Reader
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Title: Throuple
Granny Boone is bisexual and you can’t change my mind. 
This is way too long I’m sorry. My excuse? Its self indulgent that's why and I wrote it over the course of 2 days, both at night time so... 
Pick whichever Buckman you like best. 
Boone and Buckman just care a lot about you! A looooooot, a lot. Like, so much. A colossal amount, really- but you’ve never heard of a ‘throuple’ before.
Warnings: Uhh, polyamory? Sexual harassment, hint towards rape (Not of you or any known characters but still), 2001 Maniacs craziness? Reader might also have a mental illness, I don't know. Its not explicitly stated and I’m just the writer so how would I know? But she is really tired. Laziness in the last written sentence. I haven't edited the last half, so it might be illegible... In the morning I probably will edit. 
SET: Before the massacre, so everyone is alive except the 2001 Maniacs victims who have yet to be born because this is 1860
“Hey Y/N!” One of the men from table three - was it William or was it Lawrence? I don’t know, whoever-it-is’ voice is too slurred at this point for me to figure. Turning away from the table I was wiping off, I tuck the washcloth into the waistband of my apron and raise an eyebrow vaguely towards the table. “Come over here a moment, wouldja?”
“Why?” Now, usually, I would go over; No question. But its nearly closing time now, and its dark, and men like to get rowdy at this time, and I’ve been burned by that shtick before. Resting my working hands, course and strong, on my hips, I raise my eyebrows.
Put on a cold front and they’ll lose interest. Uh, usually.
“Just wanna get a betta look atcha! Larry here says you got a flat ass, but I got 3 coins on yer plump bottom. Y’ wouldn’t want me losin’ coin, would you?? Come on, now, just stand over here and lemme ‘ave a look-see. Wont even touch!” William, as I can now see, shows off his grotty yellow teeth in a wide grin.
He honestly think’s that crap will fly? He really, truly believes I’ll just submissively walk over to them and bend the fuck over?
What the hell do they take me for? I’m a waitress, not a prostitute.
Instead of snapping at them though I merely sigh, and clap my hands in a finished manner. “Come on boys, time to go home. It’s closing time and my snuggly warm bed’s calling out t’ me. Aren’t yours’? Come on, then!”
Groans and protests are my response, but the long drunk and tired men - they’re here after a long day of work in some mines, - get up and head for the exit to my building despite their complaints. I know neither of them are staying in any of the hotel rooms above, so that’s where they’ll go and that’s where I herd them. Out the saloon doors and down the street. I shoo them all the way, curbing their complaints with ‘Think about lovely dreams’, and ‘You can come back tomorrow for breakfast!’. Once we’ve gotten to the door, I wave them off, dish cloth in hand. “Goodnight boys, see you in the morn- Ah!” A high-pitched shriek comes out of me and is released into the cold night-time air in a puff of visible gas in the lamp light as I whip around. Someone pinched my-
“Theodore.” I gasp, eyebrows furrowed as I use my fists to cover my ass as I look up defensively at the tall, roguish looking man. I thought he left hours ago!
How dare he-
“Definitely plump / flat, boys!” He calls out to the two that are heading down the street, receiving raised hands in goodbye and laughs in response. Probably disgusting comments, too, but the mix of how far away their retreating backs are becoming, and the alcohol in their systems making their words blur together like flour and eggs mean that I thankfully don’t hear them with any sort of clarity. Theodore looks back down at me and smirks. “You said something about a warm snuggly bed, Miss?”
“Yes. Yours is a couple blocks from here. Be free to go forth, right now.” I roll my eyes, slipping around him so he’s closer to the door. He twists around and runs a hand through his greasy hair that’s far too long, and would be fair if he ever let water touch it. Good lord man, go see Al the barber and maybe you’ll learn some manners along the way.
“Aw, are you mad at me now Y/N?”
“Just cross.”
“I know a fun way we could work through those passionate feelin’s together, darlin’- “
Another voice joins the fray, just as I’m worrying if Theodore will ever actually leave, or more seriously- If he will ever actually pull through with the comments like that that he always makes towards me. “Oh, what’s that?”
Theodore and I look out to the street immediately to see who’s interrupted him. Who, with such a high and feminine voice, has had the audacity. Who, has become simultaneously his annoyance, and my saving grace.
My eyes land on Boone, and a grin makes its way over my lips. She looks cross herself, hands on her hips, shoulders anchored towards Theodore in a way a mother might look at her son when she is…
Totally pissed off.
I waive my dish cloth at her from behind Theodore. “Good evening, Boone!”
She doesn’t so much as say anything back, just glances at me and then back at the problem- Theodore. Oh man, if I were him I’d be backing off now. Boone scares everyone, me included. Not that I have to worry, she’s made it clear that she cares about me.  
… A little too much, but still. That’s neither here nor there right now. I’m glad she’s here!
“I think I heard some unsanitary comments comin’ from you, Mr Miller. At least I hope they were just comments. Why don’t you go on and apologise to our deserving waitress Miss L/N, before I let the Mayor know what you’re up to here. I believe he warned your ass last time we caught you cornering her.” Boone’s eyes darken on him and I wonder if I could slip off to the side and clean off the last table; the one William and Lawrence were at previously, so I can retire sooner. She’s got this all under control, if I know her.
But then Theodore just rolls his shoulders back, and the air around him seems to still. “You know, Miss Boone, I never see either you or our esteemed mayor every kickin’ up such a damn fuss over anyone else in this town. I mean, shit. I had some devilish fun with Miss Lyla the other day and you didn’t do nothin’!” A smirk slowly rolls over his mouth as he looks back at me for a moment, caging me in those dark, weaselly eyes for a moment. Oh, crap.
Boone, though, doesn’t even bat an eye.
But before she can say another word, yet another familiar voice calls from the shadows. I look down the path the way Boone was headed down before she heard Theodore and I and stopped by, to see Buckman walking down towards her. What are these two doing taking walks at 11 at night for, anyway? Why aren’t they together?? Seems a bit choreographed, to me. Let me just add that to all the reasons they creep me out.
Now, our Mayor is shorter than Theodore, who is much like a weasel in that he’s skinny, smelly and long, but that doesn’t make him an any less intimidating presence against him. Even with cheer in his eyes and his hands carefully in his pockets, its always been clear from the get-go, that he’s a force to be reckoned with. Its something about the way he holds all of his emotions inside, I’ve always thought. Mixed with the knowledge that he’s fought in a war.
It’s why we voted for him.
“Oh, uh, Mr Mayor.” Theodore swallows down a gulp of spit, stepping forward out of my saloon, finally. “Sir!” I take a deep breath and let it out, relieved, going straight to the doors and wedging myself between them; blocking him from coming back in and ready to shut the doors again as soon as I can. I don’t want Theodore coming back in, but I also don’t want to be left alone with either of these two nutters’, either.
Oh, by ‘nutters’, I mean ‘pillars of the community’… Mostly, I mean that. Uh, half.
Okay fine, they’re nuts.
“Mayor,” I greet, inclining my head for a moment politely.
“Evenin’ Y/N! I hope you’re not having too much trouble with this one.” Buckman immediately flashes me a bright, election winning smile. A real one. Like he always does when he see’s me.
“Well, he was. But I think Boones got it covered.” I grin back, unable to help it. He’s very charismatic!
Boone’s expression softens a bit and she relaxes her stance, giving me a little smile. “Thank you dear.”
“I’m sure she does.” Buckman agrees, and then they share a smile between them, and I look down at Theodore on the bottom step that leads to my saloon. Oh Jesus Christ, if he had suspicions before, then they are just growing now. This is just what I need!
I haven’t done anything, Theodore!! I promise!
Which is not to say I haven’t received countless offers, but I don’t need to be even thinking about that. Seeing as I declined. 
“Now, why don’t you head on home Theodore.” Buckman drops his nose to look up at Theodore with a little bit more menace and severity. “You’ve overstayed your welcome.”
“Good night sir! Boone, Y/N.” Finally, Theodore looks back over his shoulder at me, and then makes a break for it down the road past Boone. She gives him a stink eye for as long as she can before losing interest.  
And then its just me, Boone and Buckman in the stillness of the night.
And I wish I’d run off like Theodore.
“Well! Good night ya’ll! I got an early day tomorrow, so- “ I try to escape by weaving an excuse and locking the doors behind me, but it it’s not 2 minutes later when the only other set of key’s for this building stick into the lock, turn, and they walk on into my saloon. I sigh, now behind the counter washing cups.
Of course. He’s the mayor. Of course, they have keys.
Looking up at the ceiling, I pray for an easy time of it tonight. Please, let them be tired from their daily duties and they’ll go home soon.
I continue to wash glasses and plates and put them away, but I don’t get too far before Boone’s gone right ahead and helped herself to my special ‘only me’ area -behind the counter of my saloon,- and turns me around by the shoulders to look at me. “He didn’t touch you, did he?”
I sigh, and tell her. “No. I’m fine. You shouldn’t worry for me.” She really shouldn’t, not in the way she does. She has a husband.
The part where he didn’t touch me is obviously incorrect, but I better not mention that to these two.
“Even so, we do worry darlin’. Come on, sit down for a bit. Give us some peace of mind, at least.” Buckman, immediately on the other side of the counter, asks and I sigh. I’ve learnt, that if I don’t comply, then they’ll never leave. And besides, the things they ask of me are never bad. Just, sit down and talk with them. Play cards. Have a drink. Generally, just lovely things like that.
It’s the intent behind them that concerns me.
“Yes. I’ll go and get you some water.” Boone says with a No-‘If’s’-or-‘Buts’-about-it kind of tone, and I try to open my mouth and protest against that, but she’s already guiding me around the bench. When we reach the end, she deposits me with her mayoral husband, and he leads me the rest of the way to a table. I sit down, sighing simultaneously and he sits down next to me. “I’ll wash the glass; Don’t you worry about that!”
“That’s… “I blow air into one of my cheeks and blow out gradually. “… Not what I’m worried about… “
“Now, he didn’t do anything nasty, did he? He certainly had the intention.”
I shake my head and set my hands in my lap. I want to tell them what he did, I really do. I don’t know why, but I always want to tell them things.
But I retain the believe that I can’t. I shouldn’t be that close with either of them. “No, sir, I’m fine, really! That’s not even as bad as some other men get at this time of night, anyway. I could have handled- “A moment after I’ve admitted the fact that other men have been worse than what Theodore just suggested to me, I pause. And peer guiltily up at Boone instead of Buckman as she hands me the water she promised and then sits down on the other side of me. “… I haven’t helped my case, have I?”
“No.” She laughs.
Maybe I do need this water.
I take a sip and look at neither of them, instead settling my focus on this glass of water and the far wall. I really need to repaint that wall…
While I do this, and they talk to each other about their day, I ponder my situation.
Now, I… I don’t consider myself a judgemental person. I don’t care what any folks do behind closed doors, in their bedrooms. Man and woman, woman and woman, man and man. But I am damn sure that it is only supposed to include 2 people. I’ve never heard of couples that are more then that, unless you count cults and I don’t.
So, it’s not that I don’t care for them both. Not at all. Its that I can’t be with them both, like they’ve asked, like they want. I can’t.
I’d like to be that open minded, I would, but… I just can’t picture it.
___TIME SKIP: Modern Day___
Since they arrived, I’ve been peering a little too long to be polite at a few of the newest group of victims. I’m a little worried that they’ve noticed, but I’m also really curious. I just can’t tell who is a couple and who isn’t. There is a particular group of 3, that’s throwing me off. I definitely saw the blonde one kiss the ginger one, but then I also swear saw the ginger one and the brunette ones holding hands. Could that just be a friendly thing? It had a pretty intimate feel, to me.
Now, I stand on the porch of my saloon, leaning my forearms onto the railing as I watch them. Buckman’s still with them, along with half- no, the rest of the town, remaining town I should say, inviting to the annual ‘guts and glory jubilee’. At this point, I really don’t get why any of these kids stay. Maybe it’s just because I know what going to happen to them.
Or maybe, its because this generation of kids are morons.
‘Guts and Glory Jubilee’? I mean, really? At first it was clever, but it was only a temporary name for the trap. And now its been a hundred years and its still called the same thing, and my saloon’s always full with disrespectful modern teenagers and my friends acting like loons to keep them there, and the kids aren’t getting any brighter. Too blinded by the way us Pleasant Valley women dress, and the inviting way we all -men and women alike, - smile, and laugh. They’re none the wiser to our plot.
Like I said, Morons.
As I’m watching the usual show on Buckman explaining with bright theatrics what a fun time it’ll be and how they should stay, as our honoured guests, I catch the eye of one of those guests. The blonde one from before, that kissed the ginger one. They smile through the awkward, accidental eye contact, and I paste on a smile back- too old and too tired to care about the awkwardness. I keep the contact until the moment they look away, honestly too tired to look away first.
I just want to go.
Where everyone else did. My parents, my fiancé, my… god, even my fucking cat… Where they went. Before we were massacred. Heaven, or hell, or wherever the hell we go after real, no consciousness death. Where we can’t, until 2001 of these dumbass teenagers die.
I just have to hold on a little longer.
A little while later, they agreed to stay and I went off into my saloon, ready to great them and serve them drinks. And clean tables, and fight off bastards trying to get a drunken feel, and snap back at rude ass, degrading miscreants who think I’ll just stand by and let them call me names.
Which is what I’m busy with now, as I dry off a now clean glass, ready to be filled with my sub-par rum again. A loud, brutish call of ‘Hey, any fucking rum left? Waitress!’ interrupts my quieter, calmer thoughts of fantasising about seeing my family again right after the saloon doors absolutely slam open. I whip around and am ready to have Jonathon, the only man in this saloon that I even remotely enjoy the company of and my only employee, kick the bastard out when my voice escapes me. Instead, I roll my eyes in utter frustrated and groan. This is just what I need.
“Theodore, what have I told you about calling me waitress?! You know my name.” I exclaim through grit teeth, throwing my now damp dishcloth onto the bench with vigour, causing a couple boys at the bar to reel back with a few irritating, obnoxious ‘Oooh’s. Theodore slowly smirks in that easy way that he does, and drops down in the bench across from where I’m standing. “Yes, we have the revolting drink you love. You know, we have rum. You basically live here!” I throw him a greasy with my eyes. “Which reminds me, I’ve been meaning to ask you; Do you have a home?? Because I’d be happy to send you off with a weeks’ worth of rum if it means I’ll get some peace and quiet from you for that time!”
“Naw, baby, I come here for your company. If you came home with me for a week, that’d be a different story. I’d stay away easy! Just stay… in bed… with you.” He winks.  
Dropping the ferocity in my body language for a moment, I just deadpan at him. “You disgust me.”
“In the best way.” Theodore grins, then leans into the bar, evidently done with teasing me for now, if his serious expression tells me anything. “Anyway,” He starts, sounding exhausted now as his hair droops around his face and the smile officially leaves his eyes. “Drink?”
Because it’s my job, and because standing near a quiet Theodore is a welcome alternative then trying to make conversation with the teenage boys down the left side of the bar who ‘Ooh’ed me earlier, I pat the bar and grumpily head off for the rum and a glass. “Coming right up.”
While I do that, Boone and Buckman; The nutters, the pillars of the community, the mayoral couple and the banes of my existence, come into the saloon and take the table by the door. I ignore them though, pulling my own stool out from under my side of the bench and sitting down across from Theodore, pouring him his drink and sliding it to him. Jonathon can handle the rush for a few tiny minutes, while I sit for a second. “Thank you, darlin’.”
I don’t say anything back, because I don’t like to extend pleasantries to him of all people. Instead, I look around the room and do my usual assessment. The room’s loud, and full of people -Boone and Buckman took the last unoccupied table, and Theodore took the last stool, -, acting loud and having butt loads of fake fun. I don’t really care about that though; all I care about is that in a moment I’m going to have to get up and ask around for any more orders and clean some more cups and plates. For a second, I let my shoulders relax and I rest my hands on the bar in front of me. Strong, work woman’s hands.
“You noticed the ‘throuple’ in the new group?”
Oh, Theodore is still talking to me.
“Huh?” I look up from my hands to meet his eyes momentarily, raising my eyebrows at him. What did he say?
“The throuple, that’s what they called it when I asked ‘em.” He smirks for a moment. “It’s a relationship between 3 people.”
“Why do I care? That sounds like their business.” I sniff, then wipe under my nose a moment and then move to fixing my apron over my chest. It had slid to the side while I was working, it seems.
For a glorious moment, he doesn’t respond. He just stays quiet, and I think how lovely his company is when he’s on the other side of the bar and is quiet.
Then I look up at him, still with my eyebrows up my forehead, and see he’s looking straight into my soul. A knowing, mischievous grin on his lips. Its as if he ironed it in that way, all creases and wrinkles on his face from smiling so much in his life.
But I know what he’s insinuating.
It’s a different world out there now, that’s apparently allowed. It happens. Romantic relationships between more then 2 people. Maybe I should reconsider my answer, to Boone and Buckman. Maybe it would work.
That’s what Theodore is saying with this look that is so annoyingly painted on his face.
And to that, I say fuck off.
Or I would, if I wasn’t a good, Christian lady.
Instead I shrug my shoulders at him and head off to check the tables. “It’s a whole new world out there!” I call back, successfully, hopefully, ending the conversation.
Where does he even get off making suggestions like that to me- he shouldn’t even be that sure of what was happening -what they were, or are still, trying to make happen, - to mention it to me in such a forward manner. I definitely didn’t tell anyone except my mirror, and my… bathroom sometimes… but I certainly didn’t say it above a whisper! He couldn’t have heard, even if he was snooping around like the creep he is.
And the other two definitely wouldn’t have said anything. They despise Theodore Miller even more then I do.
He must just be smart.
… huh.
Who knew? Theodore has a brain and not just a penis under that grease, sweat and soot covered flesh.
Like a coward, I hit every other table in the room before I get the one by the door. They obviously can tell that I’m trying to avoid them, because saloon procedure is obvious to get to the table that was most recently filled as soon as possible before any others, but I don’t really care. If Theodore and I noticed the, uh, ‘throuple’, then the mayor and his wife, definitely, did. And I’m dreading the conversation that is about to occur.
When I do, finally, start heading towards Boone and Buckman’s table, I notice Theodore turning around in his seat to drink and watch the scene.
With his knees spread wide like a heathen. Ugh! Not in my establishment. Before I get to the table, I show him my middle finger and he turns around, chuckling to himself.
Okay. I take a deep breath, and stop at the dreaded table.
“Good afternoon, Mr Mayor. Mrs Mayor.” I beam, a pasted smile that’s obviously fake. Luckily, because I don’t think I could handle any more embarrassment and pressure right now, and unluckily because I think anyone else’s attention might actually be preferred then these two’s right at any time, no one else is paying attention to see such a grin. “What’ll it be? Today we have beans and bread as the special- like always. “I take out my notepad and pen.
Not because I need them to remember orders, of course. Just to have something to focus on.  
“Good afternoon Y/N, why don’t you sit here with us for a bit? You look bone tired from takin’ care of this lot! It’s a full house today.” Boone asks, even going as far as using her foot to push out the other chair at the table that isn’t taken, for me to prospectively take.
Absolutely not.
“I am exhausted.” I find myself sitting down, instead of leaving like I should have. Immediately on feeling the tension leave my legs, I feel like collapsing onto this table and falling asleep. “Thank you.”
Leaning into my hands for a moment with my eyes closed will have to do. A feel a comforting hand pat my shoulder and it does feel better. “Why don’t you let Jonathon handle business for a little bit- we actually happened to have a talk the other day about him wanting more opportunities to advance. This would be a perfect opportunity for him! And you look warn, sweetheart.”
He shouldn’t call me that.
But it does sound good. Especially coming from Buckman. And with Boone looking so worried about me, too. It feels too nice a place to be, with them, to be wrong. “Uh, well, maybe… “
Then I look up, past Boone’s head and, by complete chance, on the blonde, brunette and ginger that have been the topic of the day…
And all of a sudden, momentary blind panic tears through me.
I jump up from my seat, the chair toppling down onto its back as I stand back on to my exhausted legs. it barely interrupts the volume of the room, so no one else really notices. But I do catch sight of Boone and Buckman’s faces, even more worried and a little bit hurt, before I stutter through an apology and an excuse about having to work, and I rush off back to the safety of my bar. Of course, Boone has been back here before, but I choose to ignore that little fact.
Theodore watches me with wide eyes, as all the tension in my person just grew to level a thousand intensity, as I call Jonathon over and ask him to take his lunch break now.
I don’t need any excuses to go and take my break. One of them, or both of them, might come and ask me if I’m okay. And I’m starting to forget why that’s such a bad thing, but I know there is a reason, and… Jesus Christ, I’ve never been so conflicted.
Because yes, the world outside of Pleasant Valley has come far. Like I said to Theodore, it’s a ‘whole new world’ compared to what it was when we were alive a century and a half ago.
But we’re in Pleasant Valley. And you only have to look around and see how different we dress and talk and move compared to these new present time people and you know; We aren’t part of that whole new world. Boone, Buckman and I don’t fit here.
Maybe if things were different.
Definitely if things were different, actually. I know, if they were, I would be there. I would be all in.
But I’m not and things aren’t different.
An hour later, and I’ve calmed down at this point. I still feel exhausted, now because I work so much and because of emotional baggage, but I don’t feel the racing heartbeat that made me sick before or the adrenaline that caused me to run away. So, it’s better… Stable again, at least.
I’ve convinced myself that if I don’t look their way. I can become numb again to the feelings they make in me. Its an idiotic notion, but its kind of the only thing keeping me still right now.
Merciless God, grant me a break. Amen.
The saloon is starting to quieten down for the night, as the light goes away outside and visitors disappear to their rooms -some with a partner they’ve only just met, some alone, some with friends they came with. It’s a big group this time, - upstairs in the hotel part of my building. I’m sitting back down in my stool behind the bench by the time the ‘throuple’-I’m still not sure about that word, - finally, FINALLY, decides to retire up to their room. I bid Jonathon a good night as he went home too, a little earlier to his wife and son, and waived shortly when Theodore pushed drunkenly off the bar and hobbled out the doors.
I lean heavily onto the bar myself, and watch the three go up the stairs together. The brunette’s holding the ginger’s hand now, and the blonde walks ahead of them and holds the key to their room.
After they disappear onto the second floor, I turn to look at who else I need to wait to leave, so I can go to bed myself. Mmm, I’ll take a long hot bath first, and light some candles to go with it. Most importantly, I’ll let my hair out of his too bloody tight ponytail!
“Ah, that’s sounds good.” I mutter, already imagining it as I push off the bench and go collect some plates and glasses that are left out on the tables and wipe them down for the last time today.
“Miss Y/N?” A familiar voice, Boone, calls the softest that I’ve ever heard it from the door. I look around quickly, ribbing the back of my aching neck to see no one else around. Huh, I hadn’t noticed I was alone.
It was nice.
Still, I flash her a tired, half smile. “I’m sorry for earlier.”
“I know. I’m sorry too. We should know at this point not to go so hard on you. You work all day harder than anyone, even Buckman but don’t tell him I said that.” She pauses, walking fully into my saloon and as if it were choreographed, we both sit down together at a table. “Actually, go ahead and tell him. Its true.” I grin despite myself, rolling my shoulders back and then leaning back in the chair- entirely taken over by exhaustion. I don’t even have energy to put up walls. Boone looks at me again and gives me a soft smile. “We want you to know always, that we care deeply for you, and whenever you’re ready you can join us. But… we also don’t want to stress you so much anymore. So, we’ll pull back- a little. If that pussy Miller tries anything on you again he will be dealt with.”
I nod, sighing. But, then again, why doesn’t that make me feel better? They’re going to leave me a bit more alone! I should feel relieved… but I do not. “Thank you.”
“Of course. I hate to see you so pent up.” A devious smirk touches her lips and her eyes. “I mean, I would like to help you with that in a different way then leaving you alone… But I will. Because I love you.”
I take a quick, deep breath. There it is. I never actually thought those actual three words would leave her lips aimed at me. But it’s the most natural thing in the world, tell her. “I love you too.” A wicked beam is my response from her at that.
“Can I hold yer hand?” Boone asks, offering her daintier hand across the table. Trying hard not to glance around for onlookers but failing, I take her hand.
It feels so nice, relieving, to hold it finally.
I take a deep breath, and whisper the next words. I want them out, I want to confide in someone. I’m sick of keeping everything to myself, I’m sick of being all alone. It’s by my own will, of course, but… it still hurts, all the same. “Boone, I-I’m just so… so weary, of everythi- “
Buckman interrupts me, turning up at the door. “Howdy, what’s going on in here?”
Boone ignore him, gathers up her skirts and gets to her feet. When she rounds the table to me, she drops them to the ground in favour of cupping my face in her hands instead. “I know. Why don’t you let go of one thing? Let us hold some of the load, sugar. Please.”
Finally, I can’t tell myself no. And I absolutely can’t tell her no. I glance from her to Buckman who has apparently read the atmosphere and now stands beside Boone. He smiles, like he always does at me. Like he feels it.
God, I want to feel a smile again.
And I lose the strength to do this all on my own anymore. I shakily get up from my seat and throw my arms around (You choose one or both, because I’m lazy and its bedtime for me).
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The Affair (Part 1)
Summary: y/n and Van meet for the first time at a party. Chemistry is instant and they find themselves spending the night together.
Ya'll this is filthy af, so read at your own risk, k? Smut smut smut. Van x Reader 1 of 3
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Note: ok so I wrote this a while ago and wasn’t sure if I should publish this. But then I remebered that I also enjoy a bit of smut every now and then. So i decided I’m just gonna put these three parts out there, inwardly cringe a little and the move forward.
ok, that’s all. enjoy at your own risk.
The first time they met:
It was at a party. A friend of a friend of a friend or something. Y/N had no idea whose party it was, but she didn't really care either. All she knew was that Sebastian - Esther's new boyfriend - invited them. Esther was Y/N's flatmate and became one of her closest friends since living together for three years.
But back to how they first met, Van and Y/N. It was at this aforementioned party:
The party was held in a house somewhere in a fancy neighbourhood in North London. One could see it was fancy by the cars that were parked on the streets, everything from Land Rover SUVs to Porsches. But this also meant that whoever hosted the party had money; money that would be well spent on alcohol and snacks, which instantly guaranteed the party to be a full success.
When Y/N first entered the house and saw Van, her heart skipped a beat with excitement. She knew who he was, had heard of Catfish and the Bottlemen, and even went to one of their gigs once. He was standing and talking to a group of people a little aside of what was later to become the dance floor in the lounge. He wore all black and had a beer in his hand, smiling and nodding along to the conversation he held with the people. He didn't look like the rockstar she remembered on stage. He looked like a normal dude at a party and yet there was something mesmerising about his presence.
Y/N didn't arrive with Esther and Sebastian because her workplace had her working late, not that she minded. She loved her job. But it meant that she arrived at the party in a stranger's house without knowing where her friends were. The fact that Van McCann was at the same party didn't make things any easier. She just got more nervous. She tried to find her friends in the kitchen first, and while she was already there, poured herself some of the expensive-looking vodka and mixed it with O. Of course, they weren't in there. She never had been that lucky, so she made her way through the hallway and back towards the open-spaced lounge. The house was massive and she feared she wouldn't be able to find her friends at all.
She sipped on her drink and stepped around people, smiling when her eyes met theirs. She didn't have to search long though. Her eyes -which were automatically glancing in the direction of where they last spotted Van when she first entered the house- suddenly found the messy mop of Sebastian's honey blonde hair right next to the lead singer himself. He definitely hadn't been standing there before.
Y/N's heart began pounding rapidly. This meant Sebastian somehow knew Van. And it meant that if she went towards their group, she would be introduced to him and, maybe, the rest of the band. She gulped down half her cup of vodka and O and made her way to the group. Esther, who was standing next to Sebastian, squealed with joy when she saw Y/N coming their way. "You made it!" she hugged her close and pulled her into the circle of their group. "This is Y/N. The best flatmate anyone could share a flat with, I swear!" It seemed like Esther was already slightly intoxicated because she seemed way more excited about Y/N's arrival than it was necessary, making Y/N blush and take another sip from her cup before awkwardly replying "Hiya". The guys in their circle of conversation introduced themselves as Larry, Johnny Bond ("but Bondy is fine"), Van and Benji. They were discussing something Y/N had no idea about. She didn't mind though. This way she could muster them all a little closer. When her eyes landed on Van and remained on him for a little longer, his eyes met hers. She smiled shyly and he smiled back, instantly causing her smile to become wider. That's how their connection started and as the hours of the night progressed, so did the number of drinks that Y/N and Van were downing together. ...
She somehow managed to end up outside in the back garden, sharing a joint with Van. They had to do it in hiding because Y/N, bolder thanks to the booze in her system, had been pick-pocketing the joint from some drunk German dude who had been boasting about it prior. It was a miracle that no one had found them yet since they were unable to stop themselves from snickering and laughing while smoking some German guy's weed. When they finished their smoke, eyes glassy and slightly red-rimmed, and Y/N was about to make them get up and go back inside, Van decided to make his move: "wanna ditch the party and go back to mine?"
Y/N could feel herself blushing but she smiled knowingly, bit her lip in a flirty attempt and nodded coyly. So an Uber was called and a quick "bye" was exchanged with their friends.
Van's flat wasn't all that far away, it took them about 25 minutes till Van opened the front door to his one-bedroom flat. It was... minimalistic. It had the necessary furniture in it, some black and white prints, a couple of guitars leant against the wall, and a stereo with a turntable plus a tower of records next to it, but other than that it was completely devoid of any decorations. "It's... nice." Y/N grinned at Van, fully knowing he knew she was lying. "Yeah well, I'm gone most of the time anyway, innit? And when I get a coupl'a days off I'd rather spend them with me family up north, so this really is just for when the lads and I 'ave to be in London for work, see." Y/N grinned at his need to justify his crappy flat and instead of replying, placed her arms on his shoulders and around his neck. Van instantly relaxed into her suggestion and placed his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Y/N could have sworn he was able to feel her erratic heartbeat, but if he did, he didn't acknowledge it. He slowly moved his head down to hers and she closed the space by tilting her head up and letting her lips meet his. He had been chewing gum on their drive back and Y/N mentally kicked herself for not asking for one too. He still tasted minty but had spit it out into the bushes before they made their way up to his flat, so that she could taste a bit of him too. Their lips moved together like they were made for each other and when she felt his tongue grace her lips she broke the kiss and whispered "bedroom?" He ushered her into his bedroom which was just as bare as the rest of the flat. Instead of turning the big light on though, he went to the bedside table and turned on the little lamp while Y/N went back into the hallway to turn off the lights there. The bedroom was cast in a warm but dim light and Van began unbuttoning his shirt while kicking off his boots. He made it all the way to the first three buttons when Y/N stilled his hands by grabbing his wrists and pulling them away from his shirt. "Let me," she said and began to slowly unbutton them for him, revealing more and more of his chest hair and necklace, and then the little happy trail vanishing under the band of his boxers that were peaking out of his jeans. When she unbuttoned it all, she pushed the fabric off of his shoulders and marvelled at the sight in front of her. She was really going to have sex with Van fucking McCann. Van, however, wanted to see her out of her clothes too. So he took hold of the hem of her t-shirt and pushed it up, signalling her to lift her arms, which she did. One swift move and she was standing in front of him with her lacy black bra. She was so fucking glad she had shaved and put on her good undies this morning. Hoping something like this would happen, not knowing it would be with a rockstar.
Next were the pants, however both Van's and her's were tight so they both got out of them without help from the other, taking off their socks in the same movement, until they stood in front of each other in only their underwear. Van was looking her up and down which made Y/N a bit uncomfortable, so she stepped forward and pulled his head down with one of her hands on the back of his neck to kiss him. This way he wouldn't be able to ogle her and all her imperfections. He obviously took this as a sign to move things along and grabbed her waist to pull her hips flush against his. She could feel the bulge in his boxers and with the other hand, she reached down and stroked him through the fabric making him moan a little into her mouth. He sat down on the bed and took her with him so she was straddling him. She moved her hips into his, causing friction between their sexes, and provoking them both to breath heavily into each other's mouth.
"Fuck" she gasped as Van's hand reached into her panties and began to spread her wetness along her entrance. He hummed in satisfaction. His movements were slow but electrifying and Y/N tried to push herself onto his hand. He withdrew his hand however and moved her fully onto the bed and crawled above her. His golden necklace dangled in front of her face. She slung her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck and pulled him down, on top of her. His lips found her neck and began licking and sucking the skin there, making their way down to her collarbone and then to her breasts which were still covered by her bra. She noticed and arched her back so she could reach and unclasp it. One swift move and her breasts were free and available for Van to explore further. His lips kissed their way to her left nipple and she could feel his teeth scrape her skin. She moaned and arched her back into his touch. She wanted more; more Van, more touch, more of his skin on hers. She bucked her hips into his and tried to free his bum from his boxer. He got the hint and helped her push his underpants off. He leaned above her again then and opened the drawer of his bedside table to grab a condom. No ten seconds later he had opened it and pushed it over his erect penis. All the while Y/N had removed her panties in eagerness. Van positioned himself over her again but before he moved to push himself inside he asked: "are you ok?" Y/N smiled, glad he was making sure she was still on board, and then nodded. He pushed himself inside and she gasped at the sensation. He stayed like this for a couple of seconds, letting her adjust to him and then slowly moved halfway out and then back in. He went slow at first, letting them get a feel for each other.
When their breathing began to synchronise Van bucked his hips into her faster and faster. His pubes rubbed against her clit with every movement and she could feel herself building up. "Van" she moaned simply because she could. She clutched his back and Van's movements became even faster and more erratic, both their breathing picking up speed. "Fuck. Fuck yes, Van." she panted. He reached down and began rubbing her clit with his fingers while drawing in and out of her relentlessly. "Van! Shit, Van, I'm gonna cum" she screwed her eyes shut and moaned as she felt herself falling over the edge of her orgasm and convulse around him. The contracting muscles and moans of her orgasm were bringing him over the edge too. He came, thrusting a couple more times to milk both their orgasms. Stilling his movements and pulling out, he collapsed on the mattress next to her. After a couple of moments of silence in which they both tried to catch their breaths, he removed the condom and carelessly dropped it onto the floor next to bed.
They didn't say anything, the silence continued and she wasn't quite sure what to do. Should she stay or leave? How much longer should she wait till leaving? Did he expect her to leave now? She turned around on her side to face Van, who was still facing the ceiling. When he heard her shifting however, he moved his head to look at her. "I'd better be going, right?" She asked but didn't make any preparations to do so. Van turned his body to fully face her too and brushed a strand of hair from her face behind her ear. "You don't have to, I wouldn't mind if you stay. Maybe have a second and third round later?" Y/N couldn't hide the relieved smile crossing her lips and Van moved to pull the duvet, that was laying crumpled at the end of the bed, over their naked bodies. She snuggled herself into his arm that he had draped behind her head and placed her arm on his stomach and chest, feeling his chest hair between her fingers, ignoring the necklace that sat on his collarbone. It seemed too holy for her to touch.
Her heart was beating faster than ever, every fibre of her skin that was touching Van's seemed to be ten times more sensitive. She draped one leg over his and could feel his leg hair brushing against the skin of her inner thigh. They lay there like that for some time, not moving except Van stroking her back occasionally with the hand that was draped around her, and Y/N drawing patterns into his chest hair.
She must have fallen asleep because the next time she opened her eyes the room was dark and Van was lightly snoring next to her. For a second she thought about grabbing her clothes and leaving, making it less awkward for them in the morning. But the bed was warm and the thought of stumbling around in the dark room and potentially waking Van anyway kept her put. She carefully felt for Van's body. He was sleeping on his side, facing her, as her hand found his waist. She gently moved her hand upwards, feeling his arm, then shoulder until she reached the nape of his neck. That's when she heard him sigh in his sleep. She was careful not to move her hand and wake him, but it was too late as she felt him move beneath her touch. She felt his arm wrap around her torso, pulling her into his body. As he moved his head and nuzzled it into her neck, she could feel his hot breath on her skin. It gave her goosebumps and sparked new lust between her legs. When he lazily began kissing the skin of her neck, she removed the hand that was resting on his neck and moved it southwards. Down his back, over his shoulder blades, along the spine, over his buttocks, and then reached between their bodies to take him into her hand. She could feel him take a sharp inhale when she grabbed him and started to stroke him up and down, teasing his tip with her thumb. He was quickly getting hard and she moved to drape one leg over his hips, guiding his penis over her wetness. All the while Van's head was still nestled on the pillow close to her neck so she could feel his breathing change with pleasure. Needless to say that round two was much more gentle and slow, both of them being slowed down by darkness and their previous exhaustion.
In the morning, Y/N was woken by Van's hand caressing her waist. She was laying on her side, facing away from him and when she turned around to face Van, he was already gently and tiredly smiling at her. His hand found its way between her legs and she gasped when he found her clit with ease and started circling it with his finger. She scooted closer to him, wanting to be as close as possible. She began to move her hand towards his penis just to find it already erect. As soon as she grabbed it, Van slipped a finger inside her and a moan escaped her mouth. She lifted her upper leg to allow Van more access and to wrap it around him, but Van wouldn't have it, he pushed it away and in the same movement manoeuvred her to lie on her back. He climbed on top, ready to push himself inside when he suddenly realised that he was missing a condom, in fact, he remembered he was missing a condom during the second round in the night too. Y/N noticed him halting and looked up at him to find his face contorted with worry. "Everything ok?" she asked. "We didn't use a condom." Van breathed out and let himself fall face first into the mattress next to her (making sure his hips were facing sideways though, because that would have been painful). Y/N observed his discomfort and moved to lie on her side again, head propped up by her arm and elbow. She drew a random pattern on his back with her index finger and said: "I'm on birth control, and last time I went to the gynaecologist I got tested and came out negative. No STD's, no AIDS... If you are worried about that." Van moved his head to look at her. "You are not freaked out then?" He asked and after seeing that Y/N was completely calm, turned his whole body to face her again. She shrugged as good as she could in her position. "If you can promise me you don't have STD's or AIDS either, I'm not freaked out." She replied. Van shook his head, "No STD's that I'm aware off, have never been tested for AIDS though." Y/N trusted that he was telling the truth and leaned forward to press her lips onto his, signalling him that it was ok for them to continue without a condom.
For her, it didn't really feel any different without it, but for Van, it felt way more intense, the awareness of being inside her heightened. When he came and collapsed onto her, panting, he kissed her gently. He didn't pull out right away, instead, he savoured the moment, knowing that this was the last time.
They wouldn't see each other again. This was just a one night stand, although one of the best he ever had.
When he rolled off of her with a satisfied sigh and lay back on the mattress, facing the ceiling, eyes closed, Y/N took that as her cue to get going. She rolled out of bed, collected her clothes from the floor and vanished into the only door she hadn't entered yet in the hope it was the bathroom. She got dressed and tried to comb through her hair with her fingers. When she emerged from the bathroom fully clothed and entered back into the bedroom to get her shoes, Van was still lying in bed, duvet draped over his lower half, giving Y/N one last delicious view of his torso and upper body. He didn't stop her, just watched, as she sat on the edge of the bed to tie her shoes. When she was done and ready to leave, she stood up, faced Van and said: "Well then, was nice meeting you." She smiled slyly, knowing very well that the phrase was a massive understatement. Van's lips twitched into an amused smile as well as he answered "Likewise". Y/N turned around then and left the bedroom and seconds later the flat, as Van heard the front door open and close and steps vanishing down the staircase.
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hellfirenacht · 5 years
Can’t Be Unseen Chapter 5
Sal Fisher x Reader
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Chapter Summary:  You have a DREAM and think back on MEMORIES.
Larry didn’t stay long that night, at least no more than two hours. It was getting late, past midnight, and though he didn’t have an official curfew, he didn’t want to make his mom too worried or suspicious. He put his long-since cast off shirt back on and gave you a hug and a kiss on the forehead before he headed to the basement floor.
You closed the door behind you and made your way back to your room. As you changed into your pjs you noticed a small mark on your collarbone, and felt very thankful that it was sweater season. You didn’t really want to worry about covering hickeys with make-up come Sunday when your parents came home. You’d already had the talk way too many times with your parents. As lucky as you were that they were more than willing to tell you where they kept condoms in the apartment, you really weren’t feeling that right now.
Sleep came easily to you that night, without thoughts of overthinking for once. Though it was mostly because you were so tired from everything that happened that day. Within minutes of laying down you were passed out.
It‘s almost time for school, the late autumn sun threatens to set and yet you worry about being late. You are in the school hall, your class is towards the gym but each turn of the corner puts you between your old elementary school and your current high school. But that’s normal, right? Yes, this is what “school” is.
Travis is in the library giving you a dirty look from behind the help desk. He calls you a dirty harlot for kissing Larry. You aren’t allowed to use the computers anymore.
Class has started and you’re late. You wonder if it’s even worth going to class since you can’t open your locker and you’re late. Oh, you aren’t supposed to be here. This is your old elementary school anyway. It would be best if you left.
You exit the building; something feels off. You are outside of your high school and your childhood neighborhood is right across the street despite it being a few states away.
There’s someone next to you. You tell them you think you’re dreaming as if you are commenting on the weather.
“Oh, that’s cool.” they seem to agree. You ask them what you think you should do if this really is just a dream.
“You should probably leave. It’s not really interesting here.”
School is a dull place for a semi-lucid dream, you decide walking back into the building. If this is a dream, then you might as well find some company.
You walk into the first classroom you see. Larry is sitting on his desk and you tell him that this is a dream and that he should explore with you. He responds by standing up and throwing his backpack across the room before jumping down and following you out.
He asks if you usually know if you’re dreaming and in kind you explain this has only happened a handful of times. You’re outside on the sidewalk, he tells you to try and fly.
You doggy paddle in the air at best for a few seconds before landing on your feet. You know you can’t actually fly and that ruins your dream logic. Larry is still impressed that you did as much.
It’s nighttime and the street lamps are lit. The moon is full and close, way too close. The craters of the moon are more prominent than you’ve ever seen and you feel uneasy. You tell Larry you don’t like the moon.
He makes a big leap over your head, landing easily as though for a moment gravity didn’t bind him. He lands in front of you and you keep walking. It’s Halloween and pumpkins are everywhere. One is carved to look like Sal’s mask.
Larry asks if this is your dream then where is Sal? You aren’t sure. It’s honestly pretty rare that people you know play a big role in your dream. You simply shrug your shoulders and Sal appears in the distance before walking into the shadows of the woods. You cry out for him but he’s gone and you go after him.
Larry has disappeared and you run through the trail and find yourself at the edge of a lake. Sal stands at the edge next to a doc and you approach him.
He asks you, if he’s Jason-chic does that mean he should jump in the lake and scare children? You deny his request, noting that the stuffed animal you won him so many months ago (which he isn’t even holding) would be ruined. You tell him you’re dreaming and he nods, unphased.
He says that even if it is a dream he’s real and you agree. Of course he’s real, and you’re sure that when you wake up that both of your friends will remember this adventure. It is science and a fact.
You feel Larrys’ arms around your waist and you look at Sal who’s still staring out into the lake. This is normal, right? You close your eyes and someone kisses you and you kiss back. Larrys’ nose pressed into your cheek. The lips on yours turn hard and unmoving like plastic. Sal’s hands were so nice and cool. No, wait Larrys’ hands were warm. No-
You open your eyes and gasp in horror taking a step back. Sals’ mask is gone and his face is distorted, glitching, loud, static-
Larry asks if you’re really going to look at his best friend like that. You can barely hear what he’s saying over the static. Sal says’ something but his voice is distorted. Sal reaches a hand out but you push it away as the world around you starts to pulse. You don’t deserve Sal You don’t deserve Larry You don’t deserve You don’t deserve You don’t deserve you don’t deserve-
The world was quiet as you woke up, the distorted sounds of the dream halting in an instant. Outside the sun was just starting to rise but still you found yourself unable to move from the nightmare. You took a few slow breaths and began to relax back into your bed, reassuring yourself that it was only a dream.
You don’t deserve-
No, you weren’t going to think about it. You were not going to let some stupid dream tell you what you did or didn’t deserve.
Sal deserves better. You claim to like him yet kiss his best friend.
‘Shut up.’ you think to yourself. ‘I’m allowed to move on!’
You spent the next hour trying to get back to sleep, but ended up tossing and turning instead until you gave up and made your way to the living room. You laid down on the couch and turned on the tv in the hopes that some cartoons would help you turn off your mind.
The couch still smells like Larry.
It took you three minutes to find some air conditioner to make the couch smell like gingerbread. That turned out to be a small mistake when the scent was too overpowering. Giving up on laying around you started putting away all the decorations that you had brought over from the previous night and having some breakfast.
By this point it was 9 am, and you dared to glance at your phone for the first time since you woke up. You didn’t know if you were hoping that Larry would text you or not.
There were no direct messages, but there were a few in the group chat.
ToddFace: Thanks for inviting us to the party, Sal!
SallyFace: glad you and neil could make it!
AshleyFace: Jamie had fun too. Shes looking forward to seeing you all again
SallyFace: lol glad we didn’t scare anyones date off
Had anything with Larry not happened last night, you would have thrown in a “Sal you could never scare me off ;)” but instead you closed the chat. No reason to make things harder on yourself than it already was.
So many times you found yourself staring at individual conversations with your friends. So many times you considered reaching out to talk but you faltered each time. It had never been hard for you to reach out to a friend before this whole mess with Sal and Larry so why was it hard now? You used to pride yourself on letting your friends know when you were hurt or confused or just needed to vent but it felt impossible right now.
The rest of the day went by with nothing to report. There was some scattered small talk in the group about holiday plans, Christmas lists, inside jokes, and questioning about what would be the best way to sneak snacks into a movie theater with increasingly weird food. All good distractions until you found yourself sucked into a computer game that lasted you until bed.
Sunday came with your parents waking you up with bright and happy smiles on their faces telling you to get packed because you were all going to the old lake house!
A feeling of excitement and unease spread over you. On one hand, you loved going to that lake house with your parents. After spending so much time moving around as a kid and teen, that lake house was the one consistent place you could go that would be unchanged.
On the other, there was no wifi in the house and even with unlimited data, the signal was spotty at best and non-existent at worst. You’d be cut off from your friends for the next two weeks. It would be after Christmas that you’d see them again. You wouldn’t even really get a chance to say goodbye to them either.
But this is what you wanted, right? A chance to get away from everything to really think things out. You pulled your suitcase and started shoving clothes haphazardly into it. Not like you really needed to dress nice to be around your parents. It’d be two weeks of board games, decorating yet ANOTHER tree, carols, eggnog, and every other cheesy Christmas cliche your parents could think of.
Still though, you grabbed your laptop and charger. When your parents were making kissy faces at each other, this could be a good time to catch up on all those games you’d been meaning to play. Maybe even watch some movies or-
Your phone dinged twice, alerting you to two messages from Sal and Larry and your heart jumped slightly. No, you needed to calm down. It was just the group chat and they’re just shit posting.
It was not the group that.
LarryFace: hey I got some free time today, wanna hang?
SallyFace: So it’s been a while since we’ve got to see each other one on one. Are you busy today?
You could almost laugh at how absurd this whole had become. Why is it that every time you wanted to clear your head, these two managed to have the worst possible timing. It was almost a blessing that your parents came home just to whisk you off on a four hour drive to the middle of nowhere.
You responded to Larry first.
BlankFace: Hey sorry I can’t. My parents are actually taking me to the lake house for a few weeks
LarryFace: oh that’s a bummer. Any idea when youll be back?
BlankFace: Not til after Christmas, looks like.
LarryFace: wanna hang out when you get back?
BlankFace: It’s a date-
You delete the last message, changing your mind.
BlankFace: Sounds like a plan!
Your direct your attention to Sal’s message, hesitating on how you want to approach it. He hadn’t asked to hang out one on one since you two talked things out. There was a slight pang in your chest that you wished so badly would go away. What was it about Sal that was so hard to get over? He wasn’t your first crush, or even the first guy to turn you down.
BlankFace: I’m really sorry, I wish I could but my parents are taking me on vacation for the next few weeks and I’ll be out of town til after Christmas.
SallyFace: They’re taking you today?
BlankFace: Yeah, you know how they are. Overly spontaneous during the holidays. I’m packing now.
SallyFace: Do you want any help?
You typed and deleted the word yes. There was an insistent thumping in your chest, telling you to say yes but you pushed it back. If you saw him right now, after making up with him and making out with Larry, you were sure that you’d end up saying or doing something you shouldn’t.
BlankFace: I’m almost done, thanks though!
You grabbed your backpack and dumped it on the floor before shoving your toiletries in it. Then you reached under your bed and grabbed a shoe box and fitting it into your bag. You flipped through the binder that was in your backpack and pulled out some of its contents, shoving them into a side pocket.
SallyFace: When are you leaving?
“Are you done packing? You’re mother and I are ready to go when you are!” you dad called from the living room.
“Almost done! Give me two seconds!” you replied, shoving your chargers into your backpack, and grabbing your headphones.
BlankFace: Now.
Within moments you were in the backseat of the car as it pulled out of Addison’s designated parking lot. Your headphones were in, but before your music kicked on, you swore you heard something.
Turning behind you, Sal was running after the car before he seemed to run out of breath and wave at you. You waved back, watching his figure grow smaller in the distance. A few months ago he had been a few inches shorter than you, but looking at him now, had he grown a bit? What had you really missed out on in those embarrassing months after the failed date?
‘He came to say goodbye.’ you thought to yourself as his figure disappeared. ‘He came to say goodbye and I snubbed him because I’m still a coward.’
The early morning was a good excuse to lean against the cool window and pretend to sleep. You covered yourself up with the blanket that your parents kept in the car during the cold months and allowed a few tears to escape your eyes.
When did you become someone who couldn’t face their own feelings? A few months ago you had always been so honest with everyone about everything for the most part. Or maybe, that was a lie. Did all that flirting with Sal really count as the truth? Thinking back, you never did have a chance to really say how you felt about him, even as a friend.
Guess you weren’t as mature as you thought. Maybe you just always hid the big truths with smaller, flashier truths.
SallyFace: see u when u get back. I’ll miss u.
‘I already miss you.’
It was late afternoon when your parents pulled into the driveway of the small lake house. You’d lost signal a while ago but you’d had it long enough to tell the group chat that you were gone for a bit and that you’d miss out on the next few weeks. Ashley promised to send memes by snail mail, and Todd said to have fun.
The lack of electronic entertainment wasn’t a big deal for the next few hours as you and your parents set up decorations and going out to chop down the tree with your dad.
“So, why did we decorate the apartment as much as we did when we were gonna have Christmas here?” you asked as you untangled string lights.
“Because the holidays should be celebrated in different ways!” said your dad, wrestling with getting the tree to stand straight. “At home we can have a flashy Christmas but here we can be away from it all and just enjoy the simple things!”
You weren’t sure if that was a real answer, but you had no reason to say no to it.
“Tomorrow I think we’ll turn on the fireplace.” mused your mom. “Yes, and we can roast chestnuts and marshmallows. And maybe if you’re good, Santa will come and leave an early gift!”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Though your parents had given you the “Santa isn’t real” talk many years ago, they still liked to believe in the spirit of the holiday to the fullest. You wondered what was it about your parents' relationship that made everything so happy? Normally, you ignored it whenever they started going on and on about how in love they were but after what happened with Sal and Larry, you couldn’t help but wonder; what’s it mean to be in such a loving relationship?
That night after dinner, you decided to ask them. The three of you sat around playing a card game, when you finally managed to spit it out.
“Mom, dad?” you started. “How did you two first know that you wanted to date each other?”
Your dad looked a little surprised. “Well, it all started on the first weekend of December a little over twenty years ago- I saw your mom standing in the park and-”
“‘-Said to yourself “that’s the woman I’m going to marry’. Then you took a chance and asked her on a date and you both went dancing a five star hotel and proposed that very night.” you finished. “I know that, you’ve told me the story a million times but... what really happened?”
He smiled at you. “I guess you are a little too old for fairy tales aren’tcha, kid?” you nodded.
“I was lost.” your mother explained. “It was cold and it was miserable and it was raining- not snowing. I was supposed to check into a hotel for a business meeting that evening but I couldn’t figure out where it was, when your father approached me.”
He took her hand. “She looked like she was having a rough day, so I offered to walk her where she needed to be. Turns out It was at the hotel I was working for at the time.”
“I had graduated college a year before, and your father was working his way through trade school.” your mom added.
“Even half drenched and frazzled, I still thought you were beautiful.”
“I thought you were cute enough for a bellhop.” they both laughed.
“I did ask her out though, the next day. I was clocking out and she was about to leave and-”
“I asked you out, dear.” your mother gently corrected. “I asked if you wanted to grab coffee.”
“And your mother, the charmer, asked me out. She swept me off my feet and was enchanting and funny and wonderful and-”
“Dad. Please.”
“Right, sorry. She was just really something special. Still is, of course! But our first date was us sitting in a hole-in-the-wall cafe, decorated for Christmas with the snow falling outside.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“So how did you know that you wanted to see each other?” you asked. “How did you know it was going to last?”
“We didn’t.” your mother explained, honestly. “We saw each other once, and then wanted to see each other again, and we kept up that pattern until we realized that we always wanted to see each other.”
“Is that what love is?” you asked quietly.
“It’s what it means to us.” your father said, looking your mom and for a moment you didn’t see your parents. You saw two people twenty years younger and madly in love.
“I think I like that story better than the fairy tale.” you admit.
“I wouldn’t trade our story for anything in the world.” your dad said. “Now, does this sudden interest in asking about dating and love have anything to do with... anything?”
“I like Sal.” you admitted finally.
“A fine young man! Very polite though I do wish he’d let us take a peak under that mask.”  Your dad said, taking a sip of his drink.
“It’s a prosthetic, dear. He needs it.” your mom chided gently.
“Sal doesn’t like me.” you added.
“Now I can hurt him for you, though it would be a long drive back.”
“Dad no.”
The floodgates opened at that moment, and you told them everything. About how long you’ve had feelings for him, the date, his face (dad tried to press for details about what you saw, but your mom shushed him), and finally about Larry kissing you. You fudged some details about how much kissing went down, saying it was just a goodnight kiss rather than how far it went.
“I just don’t know what to do.” you said. “I’m so confused and I don’t know how I feel about either of them anymore. I don’t understand how this can be so easy for some people.”
“You’re father and I did get lucky, but that doesn’t mean we both didn’t have our share of past relationships that weren’t messy and confusing.” your mother said, handing you a mug of hot chocolate.
“Lord knows I messed up plenty of good relationships before I met your mother. The main thing you need to do to have any relationship work is to build a strong foundation of trust and communication.”
“If you feel like you don’t know what to say, maybe write them each a letter explaining how you feel.” your mom suggested. “You always did like to pass notes in class.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling a little. “That’s not a bad idea.” you admitted. “Maybe I will.”
“You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Your father said. “But if you’re going to be kissing anymore boys- now I do know that I want grandkids or at least grand puppies someday- but you know the condoms are in the-”
“WELL GOODNIGHT MOM AND DAD, GREAT TALK. SEE YOU IN THE MORNING.” you suddenly stood up and rushed into your room. As gross as your dad could be, the talk had made you feel better, just a little.
You sat at the small desk in the corner and turned on the lamp. Reaching into your backpack you pulled out the shoe box that you had crammed in there and opened it. Your mom was right, you did love to pass notes in school. You loved it so much that you tried your best to keep every single one that had been passed between you and your friends, carefully dated, folded, and set in this very shoe box for safe keeping.
In this box was every memory you had since moving to Addison Apartments; notes between you and Ashley in art, scribbles and doodles from Larry, old tests that Todd helped you study for with encouraging comments in the margins, and misheard lyrics from Sal.
Sal and Larry had been fighting over lyrics to a metal song they had been listening to, each hearing different words through the fried vocals of the lead singer. It had become a game that they’d pass the headphones around to everyone at the table to try and decipher what was being sung. Each time, Todd would look up the song online and announce who had come the closest. Usually everyone was wrong.
There were even a few pictures in the box from Ashley’s old Polaroid; everyone wearing their hair (as best they could) in pigtails on April Fool’s day, Larry and Sal at Homecoming with Sal wearing a stunning yellow dress, all of the boys on top of each other in a dog pile, Maple painting Ashley’s nails, and one of you and Sal.
This was one you hadn’t even shown Sal. In the photo, he was playing a game on his Gear Boy and was attempting to explain how to get through the level. In that moment though, you weren’t looking at the screen, you were looking at him. Ashley had managed to capture you looking so softly at him that you had to make sure that he never ever saw it until you were married with children or puppies.
You never did beat that level.
Looking through all of this, you grabbed a few sheets of paper and started writing.
Sal Fisher, today is the day that I’m going to tell you everything and then I’ll be able to move on.
Next Chapter
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you-andthebottlemen · 5 years
52. Request - Van is lovesick but you think he’s just being friendly.
Based off this request:
hiii, love your blog so much!!! you're crazy talented, could you write something about van liking reader like waaay more than she likes him? maybe they're friends and he has a crush on her and writes songs about her and acts "lovesick" but reader just acts like it's just him being friendly lol and doesn't really mind it? i havent thought about the ending at all so it can be fluffly or whatever you want it to be! thank you xxxx
Thank you sooo much to whoever sent this! I am SO sorry it has taken over a year for me to write this as I received it just after I officially closed my requests. But now that I am back....here it is! Hope you love it. <3
Please send me any requests if you have them! 
E x 
The window was open which meant the warm springtime air flooded in and filled your small flat with the smell of freshly cut grass and blossoms. It was your favourite time of year. Van lay casually draped across your couch with only his boots hanging lazily off the end, guitar in hand and strumming away slowly trying to piece together new chords into a song. You were sat on the floor by his feet reading and Larry was clattering about in the kitchen making a fresh pot of tea. Being Larry’s roommate meant the three of you spent almost all your down time together since Van and Larry were practically attached at the hip. You and Van were pretty close too. You all existed in a perfect harmony.
When Larry walked back out, both you and Van dropped what you were doing instantly. You moved the vase full of flowers Van had bought you that morning over so there was space and Larry placed the pot on the table. He filled all your mugs before settling down beside the now upright Van. The three of you slurped in silence for a little while until Larry began to talk.
“So what you workin’ on Van?” he asked, throwing you a small smirk.
“New song,” Van replied after swallowing a mouthful of tea.
“Duh. About what?” Larry questioned.
“Y/n,” he grinned bashfully and picked up his guitar again.
“As per usual…” you said quietly, not looking up from your book. “What is it this time? My enchanting wittiness or my stunning smile?” you teased, over exaggerating.
“Not my fault you’re a dead perfect muse y/n.”
You rolled your eyes and Van gave you a gentle nudge in the rubs with his boot.
“You need to get a girlfriend Van.”
“Yeah Van, get a girlfriend,” Larry provoked and leant over to give his best friend a small punch in the arm.
You and Larry laughed in amusement, but Van just stayed quiet and returned to strumming his guitar and humming softly. Everyone always teased you, saying Van was practically in love with you. All the songs he wrote about you, how he followed you around like a puppy, his general behaviour around you. But you always passed this off as friendliness; Van was the kindest most loveable person you knew, and he treated everyone as if they were special. This was just how your friendship was and you didn’t mind.
The three of you continued to exist easily in the same space for the remainder of the afternoon, occasionally floating in and out of the room. There was some casual conversation, but mostly a comfortable silence only interrupted by Van singing smoothly under his breath. It was the most relaxed you’d felt in months; you loved having them back from tour. As the sun went down, Larry went out, you retired to your room and Van eventually went home after a solitary smoke out the window.
The smell of alcohol rose off Van like a horrid perfume. He dragged along behind you slurring words to a half-written song only he knew and swayed around trying to move his feet both in the direction you were walking and as if he were trying to dance a waltz.
The others had piled into a taxi but Van in his drunken state, had insisted on walking and you couldn’t leave him alone. You’d sobered up by now, so the walk wasn’t pleasant. You were cold and not dressed properly for a 3am adventure through the city.
“Come on…” you whined, looking back at Van who was now swinging slowly around a street lamp. “I want to go home.”
Van’s face melted into a pout and he came up behind you and held both your shoulders as if he were about to start a conga line. Then he let one hand fall and used the empty space to pull you into him with his arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders, so he could share his body heat. You put yours around his waist and held onto his velvet blazer gratefully.
“You’re like...nothin’ else y/n,” he slurred, a soppy smile on his face as he looked down at you.
“You too, McCann, you too.”
Van’s drunken weight made you stagger slightly but you soon fell into rhythm as you led him all the way home.
Once you arrived back at your flat, you found that all the boys had stayed. Benji and Bob were crashing on the couch, Bondy was top and tailing with Larry. This meant Van had to share with you.
Larry helped you drag Van’s body to your room and pulled off his boots for him. Meanwhile, Van was still singing in slurs and trying to serenade you, seemingly unaware or at least, very unbothered by what was going on around him.
“Crushing on you, that one is,” Larry laughed. Your cheeks burned.
“Shut up he’s not.”
“Totally lovesick,” Larry asserted, too drunk to be wary of what he was letting slip.
Once Van was successfully in your bed, you bid Larry goodnight and made sure he was okay too. Then, you showered and washed away the grime of a boy’s night out. When you came back to your room, Van was fast asleep in your bed and snoring lightly. His face looked soft and peaceful, kind of angelic really. You climbed under the sheets and curled up beside him then tried your best to fall asleep too. But Larry’s words echoed in your brain. Van was not into you. No way. Yeah, he was a little obsessed with you. But you were sure it was because he didn’t really have many other female friends. You were different and he treated you differently because of it. All innocent.
You let these thoughts carry you off into a deep sleep and didn’t notice when Van’s arms snaked around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
Unsure of how it all came to be, Catfish were doing a bar show. Unheard of at this point in their career. You weren’t missing it. They may be some of your best mates and you weren’t a fangirl, but their band was fucking good. You’d only seen them live for the first time just before The Ride came out, so mostly larger venues. This was special.
The room buzzed with a vibe you couldn’t describe but wanted to bottle up and keep forever. Everyone was excited, happy and in awe of the guys. You felt a different energy from the guys too, one you’d not felt before. One that confirmed to every single person there, that they belonged in arenas, that they were going to be the biggest band in the world someday. Van’s stage presence was a lot usually, in a small venue such as this, it was something else entirely. He effortlessly captured the attention of every single pair of eyes in the room. No wonder they’d made it so big already. Their talent was plain as day. You felt lucky to be there and couldn’t help but smile.
“Hope you don’t mind if we play a new tune for ya?” Van asked the crowd. He was met by loud whistles and cheers. “This one’s for you, y/n.”
Van used the neck of his guitar to point you out in the crowd and you felt everyone turn to face you curiously, some whispering to each other and other’s throwing you expressions you didn’t understand. His hair was sweaty and stuck to his face and you could hear the excitement in his voice, accompanied by his huge grin. Your cheeks turned a bright red and you awkwardly held you glass up to him. After a small chuckle into the microphone, Van launched into the song.
“You’re so lucky to be his girlfriend!” a random girl beside you squeaked.
“Oh, no. I’m not his girlfriend,” you replied with a bit of a laugh.
She looked confused. You gazed back over to Van, who was just visible over raised arms, from where you were stood at the back of the packed room. He was throwing himself around stage and singing about you. Your eyebrows furrowed and you got lost in your thoughts, not listening to the lyrics of the new song at all.
That was the first time you’d properly thought about what it would be like to be Van’s girlfriend.
You and Larry were holding a small party at your flat to celebrate one whole year of living together. Somehow, the place hadn’t blown up and you were still sane, just. Your job was to take care of the space; cleaning and decoration. You’d spent most of the morning on the kitchen and much to your displeasure, the bathroom. Now onto the living area.
“Van, can you like not do that right now? I’m trying to vacuum?”
Van was laying on the floor propped up on his elbows, vinyls spread all around him.
“I’m on music duty,” he replied bluntly. He continued to slowly flip through all the records he’d gathered from around your flat and from his own, as if you weren’t there.
“I know.”
You prodded his leg with the end of the vacuum. He ignored this and began to whistle as he fiddled with the record player. Your record player.
“God you’re so annoying,” you groaned in defeat.
“Yeah but you love it,” Van replied, sounding smug. He looked at you over his shoulder and gave a cheeky smile with his tongue between his teeth. You rolled your eyes.
“Can you leave that for literally two minutes? I won’t take long,” you argued. “Or, hey. Go get food and alcohol with Larry, he will need the extra set of hands.”
Van huffed and gathered his limbs together, so he was now sat cross-legged and looking up at you. He looked like a child in kindergarten when the teacher had roused on them.
“Why’re you trying to get rid of me,” he whined.
“Fuck Van, I just want to vacuum the floor!” you laughed in disbelief.
Finally, he stood up and you pushed him out the door with Larry who was on food and beverage duty. After you cleared the vinyls and record player Van had left off the floor, you went around and finished your tasks undisturbed. They took about half the time they would have if the boys were still around. Once you were satisfied with the cleanliness of everything, you moved onto the aesthetics.
You strung up some colourful bunting and golden fairy lights on the ceilings and empty walls. When the sun would finally go down and you would turn the big lights off, the room would have a glow. You were excited. All the tables and surfaces were clear, ready for Larry to put out a spread of drinks and snacks.
Van and Larry took longer than expected so you used the peace and quiet to get ready. Your phone occasionally chimed; people texting questions about what to bring, confirming their attendance or bailing, sometimes the odd text from Larry double checking what you’d written on his list.
Once you’d slipped on your party dress and done both your hair and makeup, you felt ready.
Van and Larry finally came crashing back through the door, arms piled high with groceries. You rushed over to help, envisioning one of them dropping and breaking a wine bottle all over the cream coloured carpet.
“Fuck, y/n…the place looks amazin’!” Larry beamed at you as he gazed around the room.
“Forget the place, look at you! Dead gorgeous.”
Van was staring you up and down from behind the boxes of beer stacked in his arms, his eyes twinkling. You knew if he had his hands free, he would have come up and twirled you around.
“Er, thanks!” you swayed side to side awkwardly and smiled.
The boys disappeared to get ready; which probably meant reapplying deodorant and maybe changing their shirts. But not without Van sneaking one last glance at you around the corner, which you didn’t see. You got to work on the drinks, even though that wasn’t your job. You only had an hour until everyone was meant to start arriving and knowing the rest of the Catfish boys, they’d be early to get dibs on the best food and drink.
You looked up from the kitchen sink where you were mixing up a punch and saw Van leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed and eyes on you. You were unsure how long he’d been there. He’d changed into the burgundy button up you loved on him and kept his trademark black jeans and brown boots. You could smell his cologne and slight tobacco scent from where you were stood.
“Can I help you?” you chuckled.
“Nah. Well…maybe.”
Van came and stood across from you on the other side of the counter. He ran a hand through his hair and made a small noise, almost like a sigh.
“I think- I think I’ve gotta tell you something y/n,” he said nervously, his voice dipping up at the end of the sentence. He placed both hands down on the counter.
“What did you break?” you said seriously, trying to joke and lighten the mood. But he didn’t react.
“I know I’m just your mate and stuff. But I like you y/n. I really fuckin’ like you.”
Your eyes widened and you dropped the bottle you were holding, luckily into the sink.
“Careful,” Van laughed and reached over to pick it up just as you did. Your hands collided together and you snatched yours back instantly.
“No, you don’t Van. You only think that because I’m the only girl who hasn’t fallen at your feet.”
You refused to believe that everyone had been right about him this entire time. Why hadn’t Larry just said something for god’s sake? But then you remembered he had when he was wasted that time. Fuck.
“Maybe. Guess that’s part of it. But no! For real, I was proper taken with you ever since we first met. You completely blew me out my mind.”
“Oi don’t go ripping off more Oasis lyrics on my account,” you teased in a faux tone of disapproval.
“I’m being serious, y/n. I have feelings for you.”
Van’s voice reached a level of sincerity you’d never heard before. You sighed and weren’t really sure how to react. You couldn’t say you were shocked? But it was also the last thing you expected.
“I probably should have been able to tell, right?”
“Yeah, I’m no good at subtle,” Van laughed.
Your mind flipped through memories of the last few months. The songs. The flowers. The compliments. The unnecessary intimacy. All of it.
“Always thought you were just like, really nice to me. That it was normal?”
You gave Van a small shrug and chuckle as you put the punch bowl aside on the bench. When you were done, he came over to be beside you. Your hip touched his leg and neither of you moved apart. You looked down nervously, avoiding his eyes.
“I won’t lie, I hadn’t really thought about us in that way before,” you said quietly, feeling embarrassed and worried about hurting his feelings with your honesty.
“Would you want to?” he asked innocently.
Then, you spoke words you never thought you’d be saying.
“Yeah, I think maybe I would…”
With that, Van lazily rolled his head down and planted a slow kiss on your cheek, testing the waters. You let him. He raised a gentle hand to your chin and moved your face to be looking up at him. You thought he was going to kiss you on the lips and your heartbeat rose – you weren’t sure you were ready for that.
“Well okay then,” he replied simply.
His voice was low and quiet, but it was also hopeful and smug; you could hear the tiny grin in it. You smiled at his tone and wrapped your arms around his middle, giving a small embarrassed groan.
“I’m so stupid!”
Van just chuckled, pulled you into him and swayed you side to side, your forehead pressed to his chest.
This was going to be new and different. Van definitely liked you way more than you liked him and clearly had for a long time, in a romantic way at least. But somewhere, you knew that it wouldn’t be long before you were going to be head over heels in love with him. He was just that sort of a person. Magnetic.
Soon, people began to arrive. You and Van sat with your friends, chatting away and socialising but keeping yourselves a secret for now. You’d not necessarily agreed you were a ‘thing’, but you’d acknowledged something further than a friendship. You’d work it out together with time.
The evening was spent swapping stolen glances, arm touches and shared drinks. Both of you smug in the awareness that you were something no one else could see. As the night went on and you both became progressively more drunk, Van stole you away to an empty room, pushed you up against the wall and kissed you for the first time. One kiss and that was it. You knew you were made for Van McCann and he was made for you.
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atopearth · 5 years
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Part 1 - First game (Turnabout Sisters, Turnabout Samurai and Turnabout Goodbyes)
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So, I was going to buy this on Steam, but then I recently got a Nintendo Switch (so I can play Code Realize and Collar x Malice next year loll), and it was on sale! Since I had no games (I bought World End Syndrome but it’s not here yet), and I really wanted to try playing stuff, so I bought it XD Two of my friends really recommend it as well, so yeah I would have bought it some day anyway~ I think I should have bought an SD card with bigger storage than 64gb though… (EDIT: I did...)
Anyway, the game! It’s a bit sudden to be thrown into trial all of a sudden, but Wright is a newbie lawyer anyway so I guess it’s all good loll. Kinda funny that the questions the reader has to answer are simple stuff like the victim’s name etc but I guess it helps you get used to remembering things, and looking over evidence etc if you don’t remember. Because I did forget the victim’s name hahaha. Honestly though, the style of the game is really cool and different, I really like the transitions for effect and I love the big font “hold it!” and “objection!” has hahaha. Mia is very helpful. In terms of the case itself, it was a simple and silly one, mainly because of Larry, he’s so dramatic and ridiculous, it’s funny. Note though, this is probably blasphemy to others but I’m playing with a walkthrough (i.e. I pick my answers and then double check with the walkthrough), I just don’t find it fun or have the time to explore wrong answers anymore tbh (backlog of VNs is long, I’ve got at least 6 more games). Anyway, I like how the game wants you to think but you don’t necessarily need to think too hard (for now), and it’s all done in a not so serious way that makes it fun. Like, I loved it when the judge said Larry was not guilty and confetti started falling down on the screen hahahaha. I think this game will be a great break from Steins;Gate 0 right now lol.
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Turnabout Sisters I remember trying to watch the anime of Ace Attorney (which sucked, it was like the game but all the fun was gone because it was less interactive yet still played out like a game, it was weird) and being shocked that Mia died. I was so sad because I liked her, she seemed nice and cool. I kinda forgot about all that until this part started up and then I was like oh yeah!! Poor sister got arrested for it though, but I guess Phoenix needs a reason to do something. It was saddening when the sister didn’t have anyone to defend her😞 It was sweet when he decided to defend her, since he became a lawyer because he wanted to become someone that could look out for people who had no one by their side… When he says it like that…it’s hard to not admire how kind he is.
Lmaooo at Miss May and the bellboy though, I love how weirdly crazy they both are. May is like fake and sweet when she’s in her “cute” mode, but becomes super aggressive when angered (such as being caught out for lying), and the bellboy is just thankful that now the hotel is more popular because a murderer (May is being suspected now) lived there hahahaha. Everyone is so eccentric in this world. I find their mother’s story saddening though, she was probably pressured by the police into finding the culprit for a case with her spirit medium powers, but then she failed and the media got wind of it, and the backlash she received as a “fake” made her disappear. Disgusted that Grossberg was the one who told White (Mia’s killer) about the medium thing for money, and White then leaked it to the media! But I think the worst is that Mia tried her best all these years to out White for being the one who ruined her mother’s life (as well as many others with his blackmailing leading them to suicide), but she got killed by him… It’s so unfair.. I’m glad Maya is out though, and lmao at her taking it so seriously when you pick the option of telling her to help break Phoenix out (since he’s in detention now for suspected murder because of White’s influence). She’s so cute hahaha.
Well, that was a crazy trial lol, not only was White a chronic liar that was allowed to “amend” his testimony several times, Edgeworth was pretty apt at trying to keep him from being caught. I knew the receipt would show when the lamp was bought! Kinda obvious when he mentioned that he saw it last week I guess, gotta catch him somewhere haha. I guess the lesson is to update your furniture often so you can catch murderers😂 It was really nice to see Mia’s spirit inside Maya helping Phoenix and cheering them on in the epilogue though, I wonder if we’ll see her again? I definitely like Mia more than Maya😞 But I guess with Maya, they’ll learn and grow together as they do their best for the law office?
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Turnabout Samurai I love Oldbag, she’s so whatever with everything, she’s hilarious. Not only does she talk nonstop complaining about young people these days, she really knows how to drag people into her pace lol. The defendant Will looks like a lion hahaha, except he’s one with no teeth since he seems way too gentle to be able to do anything. Anyway, gotta love how dodgy Oldbag is by omitting evidence, remembering things suddenly, as well as exposing that the directors etc were actually there as well but the studio wanted her to hide it. Btw, I love it when Phoenix wants to buy time by accusing someone else of the murder, and one of the options was the grade school boy, and when you pick the option, even Phoenix himself is startled that he said it and he himself doesn’t even know how he should support this as a possibility since the kid couldn’t have held the weapon hahaha.
HAHAHA THE GREAT SAL MANELLA. That name lmaoo😂😂 Nice to see Mia again to help Phoenix, I love her and how she was so capable in getting the kid to talk. I found it really interesting going through the kid’s testimony, since it really presented a proper reason for the kid to lie and have obstructed the court from getting to know the truth. Not only is he a kid, he’s a kid that believes his hero Steel Samurai would never lose, so him deleting the photos of him losing to the villain and lying about him winning are plausible and interesting to uncover, I liked that part. I don’t know why I never thought of the possibility that Jack Hammer was actually the Steel Samurai, even though I questioned from the beginning whether Studio One was really where he was killed haha. Now that it’s apparent the victim dressed as the Steel Samurai and went to Studio Two where everyone else was, it is now possible for the producer and them to have killed the victim within the 15 minute break they had… Oh yeah lmao when the kid came to testify and he was too short so they got him a box to stand on, I love little details like that hahaha.
Well, I really liked that! I really liked how everything ended up wrapping up and how the story tied together. I had some trouble (as usual!) with the presenting evidence parts (because I suck), but yeah that was great! I don’t know why it never clicked, but I really missed the thought that Hammer was the one who wanted to kill Vasquez and that’s why he did all that pretending to be the Steel Samurai and hiding his tracks etc, so he could blame the killing on Powers after. He had enough of being blackmailed and used by Vasquez these 5 years for accidentally killing a person on set (of which she covered up, since someone took a photo of it). It’s kinda ironic that he ended up dying in the same way as the person he accidentally killed. Maybe Studio Two really is cursed lol. But yeah, anyway, I really liked the piecing of all the evidence and clues! Seeing it unravel the way it did really made sense, especially when things I noticed but didn’t know what to think about were talked about, such as the small incinerator next to the van. I couldn’t piece together the story myself, but when they did, it was great, I liked this case. I also really liked how Edgeworth suddenly switched sides and started questioning the witness and the holes in her testimony as well because he knew that she was the killer and he wanted to catch her in her lies, since Phoenix missed some things. They were a nice combo haha.
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Turnabout Goodbyes I didn’t think Edgeworth would become a defendant! But I guess what I’m most shocked about is that Edgeworth’s father was the victim in the DL-6 incident involving Mia and Maya’s mother, Misty Fey who was the spirit medium helping out with the case that led her to be labelled as a fraud. Edgeworth seems to really like Phoenix but can’t seem to be honest for some reason, hmmm, and I guess his father’s death is related to why he threw away his dream of becoming a great defence attorney like his father and instead became a prosecutor? Oh.. Edgeworth actually witnessed his father’s murder…and the suspect they caught was the one Misty pointed out as the killer through talking to the victim’s spirit, since he was the only one that could have done it, and yet he was declared innocent with the help of the defence attorney at that time, Hammond. And now, the victim in the current case is Hammond… I guess the police would think of that as Edgeworth’s motive to kill him… I wonder if Edgeworth lost all faith in defence attorneys because of that incident with his father.. But I’m happy that the weird Detective Gumshoe really respects Edgeworth and believes in him even though others don’t, I thought it was really nice that he acknowledged and believes that they can really work hard to capture criminals because they know that Edgeworth will prosecute them for their crimes. It’s like they both believe in their work and through that, they do their best to catch these criminals.
Well, it was obvious that the girl was dodgy because it’s definitely impossible to see who shot who when it’s foggy, and at night, and at a far distance! But it’s helpful to prove that she wasn’t even focused on the boat and was looking for the “monster” Gourdy that supposedly appears there. Gotta admit that Karma is hilarious, especially when he insults the witness’s intelligence for looking for a monster hahahaha. Also loved it when even the judge couldn’t go against him and followed his pace, glad the judge eventually stood his ground though lol. I still find it so fascinating that in this world, all trials must be tried and decided within 3 days so that the justice system isn’t clogged with cases. Aww it was so sweet to learn from Gumshoe that Edgeworth really appreciated Maya causing a fuss in the trial and giving the opportunity for Phoenix to cross examine what Lotta slipped up on. Lmao when he told Phoenix that Edgeworth would pay for her bail and he started thinking about whether Edgeworth would pay his rent for this month too hahahaha. Omgg, lmao at Gourdy the monster actually being Larry trying to inflate the Steel Samurai balloon and failing, causing it to fly like a rocket into the lake lolll. I guess he does deserve having the dog eat all his Samurai dogs loll. It was expected, but it’s kinda funny to see Larry come to save the day when Edgeworth was declared guilty haha.
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Omgg, their back story was so touching! I thought it was so cute seeing little Edgeworth say “objection!”, and Edgeworth is right, if there’s no evidence, and if he didn’t do it, then he shouldn’t admit it! I also loved Larry saying “if he didn’t do it, then he didn’t do it”, those words were so simple but so true. I can’t believe the whole class put Phoenix on “class trial” to get him to admit something he didn’t do, and even the teacher didn’t believe him, like whaaat, great teaching right there. But I guess it’s because of how dodgy they all were, Phoenix, Larry and Edgeworth got to become friends. I found it really sweet that although Edgeworth transferred out because of the DL-6 incident, and never contacted them again, and ignored Phoenix when he tried to talk to him, it was really touching of Phoenix to become a defence attorney just so that he can meet Edgeworth again. Edgeworth is a prosecutor so regardless of what he wanted, he’d have to face Phoenix eventually and I thought that was really cute. Lmao at Larry completely forgetting about such an impactful incident on Phoenix’s life, but it’s so him. He’s silly, but he’s a great guy, and he really helped out with this testimony! It was all over the place, but he heard really important things and you gotta be glad he came to save the day! I honestly didn’t expect the murder to have occurred before midnight, and that the one in the boat with Edgeworth was actually not the victim but the murderer. It’s honestly…hard to believe and accept that Edgeworth could be the one who killed his father when he threw a gun (evidence?) that was lying next to him to protect his father from Yogi who was deprived of oxygen. I’m still sceptical of that though, what about the hole in the glass? And why would there be a person telling Yogi to get revenge on Edgeworth etc for ruining his life (for being suspected, losing his career etc) and making him kill Hammond etc. Whyyyy would they show von Karma the letter!! It’s such crucial evidence!! I’m not surprised he used a stun gun on them to steal the letter back!
Anyway, that was good, I really liked this case. I think the most saddening thing was discovering that Yogi really was innocent and really had his whole life ruined from this incident. It was terrible to hear that Hammond got him an innocent verdict but it was actually at the cost of declaring him of unsound mind, so he’s been pretending to be “insane” all these years, especially after his fiancee committed suicide after this incident. He wasn’t wrongly accused for being the murderer and yet he still lost his career, his partner and everything in his life. It was really saddening to think about tbh. As for von Karma, when this case first came about, I really didn’t expect him to be the killer in the DL-6 incident, I thought he was interestingly eccentric with how he wants everything to be perfect and was super arrogant and would always strive for guilty verdicts but I guess with the comedy in the game, I didn’t really expect the cost of his actions. He was caught for giving faulty evidence by Edgeworth’s father Gregory, and that is the one and only scar to his record. He’s been dodgy all this time and probably incriminating many innocent people in these 15 years at least, sigh. I guess I didn’t think that just because there was an opportunity, he would actually kill Gregory (when Miles threw the gun and it ended up landing near him). I also didn’t expect him to have been shot by that misfire and for him to never have taken that bullet out of his shoulder because he didn’t want to create any doctors as a witness to this! Which is understandable though, but wow, he’s pretty hardcore. So yeah, that was awesome and I think it was my favourite case! I really liked how things flowed and how everything ended up piecing together like that. It’s really cool to see how the evidence matches up together.
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Lmao at Larry having been the thief that stole Edgeworth’s money in that Phoenix class trial incident, I honestly thought it might be him but I was like nahh. And it was him hahahaha omg. I guess the deserves getting dumped by girls all the time lol. The photo Lotta took at the end was nice, I also really liked the little snippets showing all the previous witnesses lives, lmao at that bellboy becoming the owner or something lol! Although Maya isn’t useless and really helps Phoenix by just being there and helping him think through things etc, I do think it’s good for her to complete her spirit medium training first and then come back. It’s important for her to have her own goals and stuff after all, so I’m glad she did that.
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my-name-is-soul · 6 years
(Yandere Sal x Reader) : "I'm Smiling underneath my Mask" part1
First of, this is my first Sal Fisher x reader, I hope i won't get burn alive. I don't own Sal.
"..Are you okay? " a petite girl stretched her hand to the blue haired boy that was just bullied by that awful bully named Travis. (Y/n) gave him a sweet smile, she thought this boy was a girl due to the cute pigtails. The masked faced boy accepted her hand as he stood up.
"Travis is not that rude or violent before...i wonder wgat pushed him to... " concerned tone enveloped her voice to the bully.
"he probably be going thru something difficult in his family..." she turned her attention to this little boy who is at bit taller that her.
she blinked noticing that the boy doesn't talk much, so weird things started to play in her head,
"I'm so sorry! You probably think that I'm weird... It is just that he is a good person... He is just... Probably.... Facing..." she didn't finished her sentence as she shook her head then smiled awkwardly
"I'm so sorry... Nevermind.." in her surprise, the blue haired kid just let out a light chuckle before patting her head,
"I understand... I actually think the same thing. I encountered bigger bullies that Travis and learned their background and felt exactly what you feel right now... By the way... My name is Sal... You can call me Sally Face or whatever"
his voice was abit low for a girl so she knew Sal is a boy.
"o-o?! Is that so? U... -un.. Sal..my name is (y/n)" she smiled shyly at the boy. Before Sal start to say something again (y/n) lean to his face and try to look to at his eyes.
"blue" (Y/n) smiled admiring his eyes from inside his prosthetic mask. This actioned made Sal lean back feeling abit violated to his personal space.
She caressed his mask, "nice mask" with that she smiled and turned around and walk to her class, leaving Sal dumbfolded.
Larry walked up to Sal after seeing everything, he smiled and teased his best friend.
"(y/n) is a sweet chick huh?" he smirk when Sal slowly grabbed his pigtails, pulling them gently then unconsciously hid his prosthetic face.
Larry knew his best friend fell for her at first sight.
- -
After a few years, Sal and his friends are now in their second years.
Ash and Todd sit next to each other, knowing too well that Sal got a crush on (Y/n)
"...ask her out Sal" Ash suddenly encourage him, the poor boy almost choke his food while eating applesauce.
Larry turned his head to Ash, seeing Todd nodding his head in agreement.
Wiping his teary eyes coughing alittle, "are you crazy Ash? We rarely even talk"
Larry smirk as Sal slowly grab his pigtail, pulling them a bit. "plus... I have no time for that... The ghosts are already teasing me nonstop back at home..."
Resting his chin to his palm as Larry asked his nervous best friend, "how did the ghosts know about (y/n)?"
This made poor Sal tensed up.
"if it right... Megan saw something on your cl-"
Larry was cut off when Sal stood up, making his chair slide noisily away.
"I'm done.. See you guys at the library.."
Sally just left after that.
Ash and Todd blinked at their friend's action. Chug looked at Larry's expression, seeing him with a poker face.
Larry discovered something kind of disturbing at Sal's room.
Few nights before..
"dude? I got the strings for your guitar that you asked last Thursday." Larry went inside his room calling out for him, sadly no sign of him.
"...hm... Probably at the restroom or something.." he sat on Sal's bed and look on his hand thinking nothing in particular.
His eyes landed to the photos of them last Christmas Party, it was fun back then. He then realized Sal always wear the same black long sleeves, this kind of rang curiousity in his head..
"...does he even have other clothes than black long sleeves?"
With this Larry stood up and lure to his friend's closet, but he froze when he remembered Megan saying something about Sal's unhealthy obsession behind his closet.
Larry swallowed a lump before slowly opening the closet, the creepy sound of the creaking closet door was not helping his heart to calm down.
Sliding Sally face's black long sleeves to the side to see the black silky clothe behind. Leaning more, Larry peaked on a small shrine, clicking the small lamp
His eyes grew when he saw a stolen photo of (y/n). A sealed four or more hair, probably belongs to her also. Some unwashed utensils from the cafeteria. A gym clothes, and a jacket.
Larry assumed that all those things belongs to her.
He lean more as he look at the photos of (y/n) almost everywhere the hidden closet, different pose, smiles, cutes ones. In the point that everything seems so obsessed.
"...damn Sal.. You are not this obsessed to Ash before." he whispered as he lean back and return everything back to normal as he saw it.
Luckily, Sal opened his room just in time.
He froze while holding his prosthetic looking directly at his best friend who is about to pick his red electric guitar.
"Larry? Since when did you arrived? I told you to let me know before you go here. " Sal calmly said like the usual Sally Face everyone love.
"sorry dude, your room is just wide open and I was calling out for you, but no answer... So i kinda walked in." Larry said as he sat on his bed opening the new string package.
"o? I didn't hear you though" he said as he closed his closet firmly. Larry saw this and pretend that he is didn't know anything.
Sal's prosthetic is off so Larry can read his expressions easily, and he can tell, he is nervous.
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Hi! Could you do a Connor x reader where they write on their skin to each other cute little messages to each other when they know the other isn't feeling the best and they are really close despite living a bit further away so they talk all the time on the phone and when Connor has his suicide attempt the reader drives all the way to the hospital that he's in and while she's waiting she writes things on her arm for him to wake up to and they meet when he wakes up an it's emotional and cute???
Hello! I loved this story requestand I really hope that this is what you had in mind when you sent it. I wroteit over the span of a few hours in between studying for my exams so I didn’thave much time for proof reading and I apologize if there’s any errors. I hopeyou enjoy it!
Connor Murphy x Reader: I Hope I’m Not Too Late (Soulmate AU)
Word Count: 4108
Summary: Soulmate AU in whichsoulmates can talk to one another by writing on their skin. Reader and Connor have been in touch sincethey were little and gave grown incredibly close despite living so far apart. Thenwhen Reader realizes something is wrong, they make in impromptu road trip tosee Connor, hoping they won’t be too late.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, attempted suicide
Thedrawings started appearing on your skin around your eleventh birthday. Theystarted small at first, tiny doodles on the back of your hand or across yourforearm. Later they became larger, intricate drawings covering your arms liketattoos. The sleeves of art became a regular for you throughout middle school,wearing short sleeved shirt in hopes that you’d see a kid with matching sleevesbut the day never came. Your artistic soulmate remained nameless. Until ninthgrade when the drawings suddenly stopped.
Afterdays without a new drawing appearing on your skin, you decided to do somethingyou’d never done before. You picked up a pen and you wrote back, your phonenumber scribbled in messy writing across the back of your hand. Then you satback on your bed and waited anxiously for a response of some kind. The instantyour phone started ringing, displaying an unknown number, you scrambled toclick ‘accept call’ and held the phone to your ear. Before they could sayanything you quickly spoke up, “Why did you stop drawing?”
Theother end was quiet for a moment before a voice on the other side spoke, quietas if they were whispering into the receiver, “You like my drawings?”
“Ohcourse,” You say, looking down at the faded drawings on your skin, “I alwayslook forward to the new ones.”
“Sorry,I’m just…” He huffed and his voice got a little quieter, “I haven’t been in themood to draw.”
“Whyare you whispering?” You asked, shifting on your bed as a smile pulled ontoyour face.
“Myparents are always riding my ass. They’d have a field day if they knew I wasmaking a call to someone I’d never met before.” You could hear the annoyance inhis voice. He breathed, “I mean, hell- I don’t even know your name.”
Youcouldn’t stop the excitement from bubbling inside of you as you giggledslightly, “I’m Y/N.”
Abreathy laugh came from the other side, a smile in his voice, “I’m Connor.”
Thatwas the first day you spoke, but it wasn’t the last. You discovered he lived afew towns over, a couple hours of driving at the most. However, your parentswere strict and his parents didn’t trust him, so you remained apart. But that distancedidn’t stop you from becoming close.
Thetwo of you began talking whenever you got the chance. You made a habit oftalking every night, sharing anything and everything. He always called firstbecause he never wanted to talk on the phone with you when his parents werearound. You knew how Larry could be when it came to invading Connor’s privacy,which was also why your number was never saved as a contact in his phone.
Therewere nights when your routine was broken and the phone call never came or youdidn’t pick up. Those night sprung up when one of you had a bad day and weren’tin the mood to talk. For Connor, these days were fairly common, but you nevertook it personally because you knew him and knew that he needed some time todecompress. So, the nights when he didn’t call, you would grab a pen and writeto him instead. They were always reassuring words, caring and kind, somethingto remind him that people cared about him. And he would always return the favorwhen you had a bad day, telling you how much he cared about you and how amazingyou were. The longer you spoke to him, the more you realized how much you caredabout him and the way he confided everything in you, it seemed like he returnedthose feelings.
Inmany ways, he was your closest friend. While you had other friends through highschool, he was always the one you felt the most connected to. You knew he wasyour soulmate so it made sense that you were close, but it felt more than justdestiny. He was your best friend and you loved him more than he would everunderstand.
Before you knew it, Septemberrolled around, and the night before senior year was upon you. You rolled overonto your back, pressing your cellphone against your ear as you smiled, “Hey.”
You sighed quietly, smile fading,“I told you, Con. It won’t be as bad as you think it’s going to be.”
“You’re right. It’ll probably bemuch worse.” He sounded tired and the soft whistling sound of wind from yourphone indicated that he was outside.
“Where are you?” You asked, staringup at your ceiling, brow furrowing.
“Don’t worry. I’m just sitting onmy roof,” Connor answered and you heard him shifting, the sound of his pajama pantssliding harshly against the shingles of his roof as he got himself comfortable,“Easier to talk outside. My mom is still awake getting everything ready forschool tomorrow. Packing lunches and all that.”
“Speaking of school,” You say,trying to get the conversation back to where you wanted it to be, “Promise methat you’ll go.”
“I don’t want to make a promisethat I can’t keep,” He said.
“Connor,” You say sternly, tryingto persuade him, “It’s your first day of school. Which means it’s the easiestday because there’s basically no work handed out. It should be kinda fun,right?”
“Easy for you to say,” Connorscoffs, “You have a bunch of friends that you get to see again. Do you know howmuch that sucks for me? Everyone gets to catch up with all their friends andtalk about their summers and I…don’t.”
You let out a soft breath, eyeseasing as you let his words sink in, “I didn’t mean-”
“I know.” There was silence for afew moments, the sound of the wind on Connor’s end the only sound you couldhear.
“Hey. Just think. Only one moreyear,” You say, trying to sound happy enough to cheer him up, “Then we’re donewith high school and get to go to that art school you’re always talking about.”
“One more year,” He echoes, voicesofter than you expected.
There was another small pause andyou closed your eyes, smiling gently, “One more year and then I can come andsee you.”
You heard him let out a hard breathbefore muttering out a quiet, “I wish I could see you now.”
“I know,” You say, sitting up inyour bed and letting your legs rest over the side, “Connor?”
“Y/n?” He answers.
“Promise me you’ll go tomorrow.”
Another pause came before hesighed, “I promise.”
Your first day of school went bywithout a hitch, and while it was nice to catch up with your friends, most ofthe day you spent worrying about Connor. When night eventually came, you sat onyour bed watching videos on your phone, waiting patiently for his phone call. Afew hours later, you realized that no call came and it dawned on you that hisday probably went as poorly as he assumed it would. You grabbed a pen out ofyour book-bag and turned on your lamp before moving to write him. Then younoticed the writing on your wrist.
I’m sorry.
At the sight of those words youfelt something inside you snap. How long had they been there? You pressed thepen to your skin quickly and wrote to him.
Sorryfor what?
A few minutes passed and noresponse came. Your chest tightened and you started to panic, eyes glued onyour arm as you frantically wrote again.
You picked up your phone and dialedhis number, pressing the phone to your ear, mouth dry and heart pounding. Itinstantly went to voicemail meaning his phone was turned off.
You were on your feet before youhad time to think, running out of your room to the kitchen. You grabbed yourmom’s car keys off the counter and pulled on your shoes, and ran out the frontdoor. The night air was cold against your skin but a jacket was the last thingon your mind as you jumped into the car and pulled out of the driveway.
You barreled down the highwaytoward Connor’s home town, your mind was racing, thinking about all the thingsthat Connor could have possibly done. You forced yourself to turn on the radioto drown out your thoughts. You caught sight of the words again on your wrist.
I’m sorry.
The words made you sick and you hadto force yourself to look back at the road. Tears burned in your eyes as youdrove, blurring your vision. You scrubbed the tears away with the palm of yourhand and tried to hold yourself together.
Time dragged on as you drove, buteventually you saw the exit for Connor’s town. The rest of the drive toConnor’s house seemed agonizingly slow and when you caught sight of thefamiliar house number, you felt the tears fill your eyes again. You practicallythrew yourself out of the car the instant it was in park, running to the door.You rang the doorbell, pressing the button several times before you backed up astep, staring up at the large house as the muffled sound of the musical chimesechoed inside. When no response came, you rang the doorbell again, hoping hisfamily would answer the door to confirm Connor was okay. But there wasn’t anymovement from the dark house.
You looked around, trying to calmyourself, taking in a few deep breaths. The driveway was empty, you realized.Then you noticed the blood. From the light of your headlights, you could seedrops of blood along the otherwise spotless driveway. You turned back to thedoor and saw more blood there on the silver door handle. You felt sick as youran back to your car, climbing into the driver seat as you scrambled for yourphone. You punched in Connor’s number again before lifting it to your ear. Thistime, it rang, signaling his phone was back on. A sob wracked through you asyou sat there, clutching the phone tightly, tears burning your eyes.
“Hello?” A voice asked on the otherend, but it wasn’t Connor’s. It was a woman, her voice low and raspy as ifshe’d been crying.
You hiccupped another sob, tryingto hold yourself together long enough to answer, “Where’s Connor?”
“Who is this?” She asked, painobvious in her voice at the mention of his name.
“He said something and I’m worriedabout him,” Your stared up at his house, tears blurring your vision, “Please.Is he okay?”
There was a pause before she letout a shaky breath, “He’s in the hospital-”
You didn’t need to hear any more,closing out of the call instantly as you brought up the map of the area on yourphone. You found the only hospital in the area and shakily put the address intoyour phone before you buckled back up and began your drive there. Luckily itwas close and you found yourself in the lobby of the hospital within minutes.The man at the front desk looked up as you approached and he straightened, “Isthere something I can help you with?”
“Connor Murphy,” You blurt out,voice hoarse from crying the whole way there, “I’m looking for Connor Murphy,p-please-”
He nodded and looked down to hiscomputer, typing something in before he looked back up to you, “What’s yourrelation to Mr. Murphy?”
“Significant other,” You sayinstantly.
“He’s currently in room 207,” Thereceptionist responds, gesturing down the hallway, “End of this hallway,through the big doors, on the right.”
You nodded and hurried in thedirection he had pointed, fearing the worst. When you pushed open the doors andmade your way to his room, you noticed a girl standing in front of room 207,arms crossed, eyes downcast. She was wearing a large pink sweater and a pair ofgalaxy print pajama bottoms, her hair pushed back out of her face by mismatchinghairclips. You slowed as you approached her, weary of the situation. Shenoticed you, straightening as she moved her body away from the wall, “Who areyou?”
You glanced through the opendoorway of the hospital room and saw two people sitting beside a hospital bed,visibly exhausted. Your eyes fell to the bed instantly and you realized thiswas the first time you saw Connor. Though you wished it was under bettercircumstances. He was thin, skin pale, features sharp; His eyelids were apurple, eyes appearing sunken in; His wild dark brown hair framed his face. Youfelt sick when your eyes landed on the bandages wrapping around his wrists,spots of red seeping through.
“I’m Connor’s soulmate. I…” You trailedoff, looking back to the girl who you now realized must be his sister, Zoe. Youswallowed thickly and held out your arm to her, showing her the writing on yourwrist, “He wrote me a-and-”
Zoe looked at your wrist and shenodded once as if she recognized the handwriting. She looked inside thehospital room at Connor, eyes weary, “The doctors said he’s going to be fine.”
A weight felt like it was liftedoff your shoulders and you relaxed in the slightest as the tears continued tofall. You looked back at Connor’s form on the bed before you began approachingslowly, not wanting to alarm his parents.
Larry noticed you first, placinghis hands on his wife’s shoulders as he rose to his feet, “What are you doingin our son’s room?”
You regarded him wearily, holdingout your arm to them, “I’m sorry, he just wrote me and I was so scared thathe-”
“You’re the one I talked to on thephone,” Cynthia spoke up, staring at you with tired eyes.
You nodded once, jaw setting, “I’msorry for just showing up out of nowhere. I drove for 2 hours to get here. I…I was just so worried about him.”
Larry looked to his wife, appearingto be unsure if he should kick you out or not.
“Let her stay. She came so far tosee him,” She says, looking up at her husband before she looks back to youspeaking gently, “He hasn’t woken up yet. You’re welcome to stay here until hewakes up.” Her eyes eased and she leaned into her husband’s hold, looking backto her son’s unconscious form, “I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”
You smiled weakly, grateful she wasallowing you to stay, “Thank you…”
Larry sat back down beside her,eyes still watching you. Cynthia’s hand reached out and wrapped around Connor’s,giving it a light squeeze as she spoke, “Have you and Connor been in touch before?”
You let out a breath, shifting yourweight from one foot to the other in thought, “We’ve been talking since we wereeleven. We talk every night, either over the phone or using our skin.”
“We had no idea,” Larry’s browfurrows in confusion.
You nodded, knowing fully well thatConnor hid you from his parents but you didn’t want to bring that up now. Youdidn’t want to say anything that hurt them.
Larry rose from his seat again, “I’mgoing to go get some coffee. Would you like one, hun?”
Cynthia looked up at him and noddedslightly, “Yes, please.”
He looked to you, “Do you wantsomething to drink…?” He trailed off, realizing he didn’t know your name.
“Y/n.” You said quickly beforegiving a small shake of your head, “And no, I’m fine, thanks…”
Larry nodded, looking to his wifebefore leaving the room, passing Zoe on the way out. You watched him go,interested in finally meeting the man you’d heard so much about. When youlooked back to Cynthia, she was watching you, patting the empty seat besideher. Hesitantly, you approached and sat beside her. You could see them now, thefaded drawings on his skin from the days he would still draw for you. Yousmiled slightly at that, “Connor used to draw for me all the time. When I wasyounger, my arms used to be covered in his art.”
“He was such a happy kid,” Cynthiasmiled as well, but it was a tired smile. You never got to see him interactwith his family but you knew it was bad. The fights were something he rarelytalked about, but when he did it was because he needed to vent. She suddenly lookedup at you, grabbing your attention, “He used to love knock-knock jokes.”
Your eyes eased, “I never wouldhave guessed.”
“I don’t remember the last time helaughed…” She trailed off, looking back to her son as her smile wavered.
“He had his good days,” You say,looking to him as well, “The problem was, the bad days outweighed them. He wasreally trying to be better but he needs help.”
“I know…” Her voice was quiet andshe slowly rose to her feet, moving to the larger bench on the other side ofthe room against the wall. When she sat down you saw just how exhausted shewas. She looked to you, “Will you wake me up if he does? I just need to closemy eyes for a minute.”
“Sure thing,” You smiled weakly andlooked back to Connor.
Larry came back a few minuteslater, carrying two coffees, but when he noticed his wife asleep on the bench, he setthe coffees down on the small side table and moved to her side. When the weightchanged, Cynthia moved toward him, resting her head on his shoulder. His armmoved around her and held her close as he rested his head against hers, closinghis eyes as well. Not soon after were they both asleep, their soft breathingfilling the room. Zoe was outside, sitting on the floor with her back againstthe door-frame. The way her head was drooped forward, you assumed she had fallenasleep at some point as well.
You looked down at yourself, takingin your own appearance for the first time that night. You were still in yourpajamas, thin grey plaid pants and an oversized black shirt. Your hair was amess, you were sure, and your skin was probably blotchy from crying. You couldn’tcheck because you were almost certain you had left your phone in the car. Youpatted the pockets of your pants to make sure your phone wasn’t there and foundyour pen instead. Your eyelids drooped as you let out a soft breath. This wasn’thow you pictured yourself meeting Connor for the first time. You looked down atyour wrist again.
I’m sorry.
The words still made you sick andyou popped the top of the pen off before lowering it to your skin, turning theoffensive words into a bunch of flowers. As you stared at your finisheddrawing, you decided that he needed to see something hopeful when he woke up. Ifyou wrote something on his arms each day, maybe he would see it before he didsomething like this again and reconsider. So, you began writing to him.
Iknow things may seem hard right now but they will get better. You’ll get thehelp you need and I will be here for you every step of the way. I promise.People care about you. I care about you. You can make it through this. I knowyou can.
Ilove you, Connor
You felt the tears welling in youreyes again and you wiped them away with your hand, pushing your pen back intoyour pocket. When you looked back to Connor, you didn’t expect him to bestaring back at you. You froze, unable to do anything as your eyes met.
Slowly he spoke, his eyes moving toyour arm before back to your face, “…y/n?”
At the sound of his voice youcouldn’t stop yourself from smiling, tears streaking down your cheeks as you leanedforward, wrapping your arms around him and holding him close. He returned thehug instantly, one of his hands on the back of your head, the other around yourmiddle, pressing into the small of your back. You held onto him tightly, smilingthrough the tears, “I was so afraid that I’d never get to meet you.”
He let out a breath into your hair,“I’m sorry…”
You stiffened at those words andyour fingers gripped his thin hospital gown, “Don’t. Don’t say those words… You scared me, Connor. Ididn’t know what to do and…” You leaned back and really looked at him, takingin every feature from the light freckles that dusted his cheeks to the brownand blue mixing together in his right eye. Your eyes eased, “I thought I lostyou.”
Connor reached up to your face, gentlywiping away the tears pooling along your jaw. He watched his hand and then hiseyes fell to the part of his arm visible below the bandage.
Ilove you, Connor
He looked back up to your face andhis eyes were unreadable, “I didn’t know that you cared so much about me…”
“I thought it was kind of obviousat this point,” You say, smiling warmly as you leaned into his hand, “You’re mysoulmate, my best friend, and one of the most amazing people I know. How couldI not love you?”
Connor leaned his head forward,resting his forehead against yours as his eyes closed. He seemed to be strugglingto accept what you said and you began to realize just how much he needed help. Then,as if acting on a spur of the moment decision, the hand on your cheek moved behindyour head and he drew you in, pressing his lips against yours. His lips werechapped and hard against yours and it was painfully obvious that he had neverdone anything like this before, but that didn’t stop him from trying. You returnedthe kiss instantly, moving your lips back against his, your hand resting on hisupper arm. When he parted from the kiss he was smiling widely, chuckling breathlessly,“I can’t believe you drove all this way to see me.”
“My parents are going to kill mewhen they wake up and find the car missing,” You laughed lightly, smiling back.After a moment, you moved your hand to hold his, “But seriously…I’d do anythingfor you.”
He avoided your gaze, obviouslystill exhausted as his fingers played with your hair, “I love you too, youknow.”
Another tear slipped from your eyeas you smiled brightly, heart swelling in your chest.
There was a sudden stirring behindyou, indicating that Cynthia and Larry were waking up. You gave his hand asqueeze and looked over your shoulder at his parents. Cynthia blinked away the sleepin her eyes and saw him, smiling as tears formed in her eyes, rising to herfeet and rousing Larry from sleep as well.
You stood up, wiping the tears fromyour eyes as you released his hand, “He just woke up.”
Cynthia hurried to his side and youmoved back from him to give them more space. You moved to the other side of theroom, allowing his family the space they needed as you watched. Connor met yourgaze over Cynthia’s shoulder and he smiled gently at you, reassuring you that hewould talk to you later.
You let out a soft breath andrelaxed against the wall, watching his parents embrace him and apologize fornot getting him the help he needed. You hoped this would be a wake-up call forthem that Connor wasn’t just lashing out for attention and that he really didneed help. You noticed Zoe in the doorway, standing up, wiping the sleep fromher eyes as she watched her parents. She looked down at her fingers and movedback into the hallway. It was clear that she was not interested in thesituation. You knew how Connor treated her and you felt bad for her,understanding why she felt the way that she did. You looked back to Connor and hisparents, the way Cynthia held onto him, Larry standing over her with a hand on hershoulder. It gave you hope.
Your eyes eased and you smiledgently, knowing that he was going to get the help he needed and everything wasgoing to be okay.
He was going to be okay.
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achaoticeternal · 7 years
City of Stars
Connor Murphy x reader
A got a request a while ago for a connor murphy x reader with “City of Stars” from La La Land
A/N: so this was actually a challenging piece for me to write because it’s a song that I never really thought Connor would have anything to relate to but I think it turned out alright. Hope you enjoy
Part 1 of 2
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City of stars / Are you shining just for me? / City of stars / There's so much that I can't see Who knows? / I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you
In the town where the Murphy’s lived was a little park – Springleaf Park – to be exact. It consisted of a woodsy area, a medium sized lake, two small playgrounds for children, and a few biking/ hiking trails. But what was so overwhelming about this park was the garden that sat right in the middle of it, with only the moon and two old streetlamps illuminating in the late hours of the evening. The garden was well tended to by a group of older ladies who had nothing better to do than garden and host book club meetings in the park. But who tends the garden is beside the point because it is what grew in the garden that attracted Connor in the first place.
Roses, tulips, carnations of multiple colors had bloomed in the late spring and a couple of sunflowers, vines, and moss also crowded the garden. All of these beautiful plants survived all the way from late spring/ early summer to now Autumn. And the beauty surrounding Connor made him smile softly before looking up to the night sky above him. Stars and the moon rained down their soft light onto him and the garden. He hummed along to whatever track was playing from his phone, and by the sound of it, it was probably one of those jazz or musical songs that Zoe bought that somehow ended up on his phone to, but the song wasn’t too terrible. In fact, Connor found himself enjoying the song. He thought about texting the one kind-of-friend he actually had yet…
His attention was broken away from the sky once he heard the gate of the garden creak open. And speaking of the devil herself, Connor thought as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) stepped through the gate, holding her sketchbook and keys while her head bobbed along to whatever song had been randomly put on one of her playlists. She set her stuff down on a bench and stood next to Connor. 
“I figured you’d be here, so I kind of snuck out to make sure you were okay,” (Y/N) spoke softly as she explained herself.
Connor just nodded in response yet (Y/N) swore she could see his lips twitch slightly, “the sky… it, uh, looks nice tonight?” he mumbled. 
“Yeah, it’s like a whole city of stars up there,” she giggled a bit. Connor then did something neither really expected; he hugged (Y/N). It was nice - both would eventually admit -but it was also strange because neither of them were really a ‘touchy-feely’ person.
That now our dreams / They've finally come true City of stars / Just one thing everybody wants
The two finally took a seat together on a bench, Connor sitting quietly, eyes shifting from the plant life to the sky to (Y/N). (Y/N) sat on the bench in concentration to finish a sketch of the garden that night. She hid the book from Connor so that he wouldn’t see the full picture she drew. The sketch of the two of them standing side-by-side, fingers intertwined, underneath one of the lamp posts and the garden surrounding them. She sighed to herself and smiled down at her work, admiring how she captured the good she saw in Connor into the drawing.
“Did you finish it?” He asked, since he noticed the lack of movement from your hand.
“The sketch is done, but I was to be able to add life and color to it. Maybe with water color?” She inquired, still hiding the sketch from the boy.
“I think oil pastels would be better. It can give it a nice pop of color,” he shrugged but not before his stomach growled.
“Connor,” (Y/N) looked at him in the face, “did you skip dinner tonight?”
He didn’t respond immediately but a view moments later he spoke, “Larry was basically trying to pick a fight with me and-’’ (Y/N) stood up, her materials under her left arm, and took  Connor’s arm in her right hand. Usually anyone touching Connor automatically pissed him off but with (Y/N), it was just different.
“W-where are we going?”
“Waffle House; I’m not gonna let you starve.”
There in the bars / And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants It's love / Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else Inside of a Waffle House down the road from A La Mode sat two friends next to each other on barstools, a server asleep in a booth, and a cook making himself a snack. The jukebox directly behind the pair of friends played some 80’s song neither of them really knew. So naturally, the room was quiet, except for the sounds of eating, drinking, and the buzz of the lights
(Y/N) poked around at her food while Connor was nearly through his second chocolate chip waffle of the evening. There was even syrup running down the chin of the boy.
“You’re getting food all over yourself, Connor,” (Y/N) shook her head. Connor just shrugged and continued eating. Later, he announced he was full after eating 3 and a third of a chocolate chip waffles and 8 glasses of chocolate milk.
“Impressive, but where do you keep all that food?”
“I’m a teenage boy, and shake it all down to my skinny legs,” Connor joked before turning to look at the jukebox, “hey (Y/N), do you have a dollar?”
“Last time I checked, Connor, you were not my toddler son that I have to entertain,” (Y/N) teased the tall, childish boy.
“Pretty please,” Connor asked, and (Y/N) finally handed him a dollar, glad that she was able to lift his spirits. He strolled over to the modern jukebox and turned on “Santeria” by Sublime. (Y/N) could only laugh when Connor did a goofy dance and sang along with the track. She sat in her own stool nodding ahead along and singing with him at the parts she knew.
And the song drifted to an end, only for Connor to quickly choose another one.
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Colors ° sal x reader°
Originally posted to Wattpad on my account; Marksepticeye
°1. Our New Home°
"(Y/N), you got that last box?" My dad shouted from the front door, as I shut the hatch on the back of the Jeep.
"Yeah, I got it!" I shouted back, hiking the box higher so I didn't drop it.
"Awesome, bug!" He said, shutting the door behind me. My dad's always called me bug since I was a baby. I never minded it, not even now that I'm 16. The relationship with my dad was wonderful. It grewu more after mom left. She wanted nothing to do with us. She left about three years ago to be with some guy named Tom she met at work. They both ran off to New Mexico or something. I haven't seen or heard from her since.
"Just go ahead and set that down on the table and we can start unpacking. Where do you wanna start? I'll let you pick."
Our new house was nice. It was right down the street from school and a few houses away from Addison Apartments. We we're going to rent an apartment there, but right at the last second, someone moved and sold their house. It was basically fate, if you ask me.
"I'll start in the kitchen." I smiled, heading into the bright white kitchen. The house was happier than our old one back in New York. It was cold and closed off, this one was open and warm.
"Alright, I'll start in the living room." Dad said, scooting around the door frame and over to the CD player he unpacked while I grabbed the last box. "Anything specific?" He asked.
I gave him a 'duh' look. And he put his hands up in defense, "Alright, alright, Queen it is." He put the CD in the tray and skipped fo Bicycle Race and we got to work, but not shortly after, his phone started to ring. He paused the music and went off into the other room to talk.
I put a few of the dishes away as the door bell rang. "Bug, could you get that?" He shouted as the doorbell rang again. I went over and looked through the peep hole to see a girl about my age. She had super long brown hair and had a pan in her hands.
I opened the door and was met by her striking green eyes. "Hi! I'm Ashley, I live next door. My mom saw you arrive so she made some brownies and had me send them over." She said, her voice was almost sing-song like.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N). Would you like to come in for a moment?" I asked, trying to be polite. I'd  never had a neighbor introduce themselves, so I was just going off of what I'd seen in movies.
"Sure!" She said. I put my hands out for the tray and she handed them over and followed me into the kitchen. "It's so pretty in here. You guys get a lot of light."
"Yeah it's nice, nothing like our old place." I said as I pulled some stools for the bar over so she could sit, she thanked me and sat down just as dad got off the phone..
"Who was at the door?" He asked, stopping in his place, "Oh, hello sweetie."
My dad always said sweetie or honey when he didn't know someone's name.
"Dad, this is Ashely, she's our neighbor." I said. Ashley waved hello and my dad smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Ashley! I'm (Y/N)'s dad Bryan. Did your parents stop by as well?" He asked.
"Oh no, my mom just left for work, they we're gonna stop my maybe tomorrow if that was okay?"
"Saturday would be better. You guys could come over for a barbeque then. I start my job tomorrow and (Y/N) here starts school."
"Oh, awesome! (Y/N) you should totally sit with my friends and I at lunch! They're all super nice." She said. "There's Todd, who is like your typical nerd; but sure knows how to make some cool gadgets, Larry - he's a cool laid back rocker dude basically, and then there's Sal. He's a little different, but super sweet. The only thing with Sal is that he has a prosthetic face. It's basically a mask and he never takes it off."
I nodded. "I'd love to sit with you guys at lunch, thank you."
"Cool I'll meet you by the cafeteria tomorrow. I'll see you then. Nice meeting you both." Ashely smiled and I walked over to the door to let her out.
"Okay that's a lot of boys to be getting mixed up with." Dad said sternly. I knew he was joking, but it was funny trying to see him be all big and bad.
"Oh dad, what if I don't like boys?
He stammered for a moment, "well I-" he stopped and huffed, "Damnit don't play these mind tricks on me, you know I support any decision you make as long as it isn't bad."
I laughed at his frustration. "I know how to handle myself dad. Plus you know I'm still hung up on John."
John was this guy I dated for a year when I was 15. He was a total loser, but your first love is hard to get over, I guess.
"Yes, but don't go expressing your pent up female frustration out on these new males. You're a teenager and I know your hormones are all..."
"No! Blah blah blah!!! No!" I shouted covering my ears, "Please don't dad. I'm not gonna put myself out there like that in anyway, thanks."
He laughed, "I know bug, now let's finish up and go grab something to eat."
We ran out to the local burger joint at about 8:30. I had put everything away in the kitchen and my dad finished the living room with enough time to spare. We did unpack my room a little but stopped because we were hungry. We hadn't eaten since about 9:30 the night before.
I got a burger and some curly fries and my dad got the biggest, gooiest burger on the menu. We took everything home and sat on the couch. It was nice to relax after being cooped up in a car for so long and then unpacking.
"So, Bug, are you excited for school tomorrow?" He asked, dripping some ketchup on his shirt.
"Uh, I guess. I don't know." I sighed, "I've never been the new kid. It'll probably help having Ashley but other than that I don't think it'll be a good first day."
"You gotta be positive! You're so smart, and beautiful too. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend."
"Thanks for the obligated dad speech. It helped a little." I smiled. "Hopefully the other kids don't think I'm weird." I added after a moment. "Also I'm kinda nervous to meet that Sal kid."
"Why's that?"
"Remember, Ashley said he's got that prosthetic face.  What if I just stare at him and make him uncomfortable?"
"Well, I'm sure he gets it all the time. It's probably just like someone with a prosthetic leg. You don't really stare at them."
I shrugged. "I hope Ashley's friends like me."
"I'm sure they will, Bug. Now, go on and get ready for bed. I'm sure you're pretty tired, and we don't need you falling asleep during class now do we?"
"Yeah, yeah. I love you, Dad. I'll see you in the morning." I said giving him and quick hug and gathering my trash. I tossed it in the kitchen bin and made my wat to my room. Boxes were still scattered everywhere, but mostly with decorative things and out of season clothes. I grabbed some pajamas and something to wear tomorrow. I grabbed my TV remote and turned it on. I'd watch a YouTube video or two before bed to help me fall asleep.
I took my medication and curled into bed, falling asleep to a gaming video.
It wasn't long before I woke up. I checked my phone and it was actually around midnight, so I got out of bed. I walked the unfamiliar hallway to the bathroom. I did my business and went to the kitchen to grab some water.
On my way back I looked out the window and saw a few kids walking towards the Addison Apartments. One was tall and the other was shorter. They had their hoods up and I could only see when they passed under a street lamp. I wondered why they we're out this late, but I shrugged it off and went back to sleep.
This time I slept until morning, waking up from my alarm at 7:30. I could hear dad rustling around in the kitchen. Probably making his lunch for the day.
I got up and changed into my clothes, just a pair of light jeans and a sweatshirt. I grabbed a pair of socks and made my way to the kitchen. Dad was standing behind the counter. His face beamed when he saw me.
"Good morning, Bug! Are you all ready for school?" He asked. "I'm making some breakfast. Eggs, toast, and ham. I hope your hungry cause I made a little too much."
"Thanks." I said sleepily. I sat at the dining table where there was already a plate our for me. I ate slowly, scrolling through my phone. Dad put the dishes in the dishwasher before heading over and sitting with me.
"I figured I'd drive you to school today, if you'd like." He said, cutting off a piece of his ham.
"Yeah I'd like that." I smiled, finishing off my piece of toast. "Breakfast is really good, dad. When did you get the groceries?" I asked.
"I ran out shortly after you went to bed. I just went to the small one down the street. Just got some bread, milk, eggs, and stuff like toilet paper and other things we needed . We can go to the bigger store when you get home."
I looked at the time, "Sounds good, but we better get going soon, neither of us should be late on our first day!"
"Oh shit, you're right! Get your shoes on and I'll start the car."
I grabbed my shoes and my bag, I sat them down on the counter and put my shoes on. After a moment, dad honked the horn, letting me know he was ready to go. I grabbed my house key and headed out the door.
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