#shrignold x reader
sleepyone232 · 2 years
Shrignold x s/o reader
-Shrignold would be an actual sweetheart. He's so happy that he finally found his special one.
-(At first he even tried making you join his cult, but he was a bit afraid that'll change your personality completely.)
-He'd give you flowers, self-made gifts, sweets, etc...anything he thinks would make you happy.
-Of course, he has those really NICE nicknames for you, like: ''Sweetheart'' or ''Darling.''
-This Butterfly would also cuddle with you a lot, or sit on your head, shoulders and sometimes even in your hand.
-Kisses. KISSES. He'll give you like a crap load of kisses everyday. Oh your walking past him? Kiss. You guys are talking casually? Kiss. You guys are cuddling? Kiss. Oh your asleep? Kiss.
-He's just a lovely-dovely boyfriend that'll do anything for his partner, no matter what.
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trashcanfanfics · 2 years
HI OH MY GOD YOU WRITE FOR DHMIS??? I have one request please. There is almost no Shrignold x readers. My brain has attached itself to him and i’m suffering with no x reader content. Im fine with anything. Though some ideas could be imagines of what he would be like as a lover. Or maybe a oneshot of the reader meeting him. I just need content please i am starved. Of course if not that is totally fine <33. Also don’t forget to drink water today if you haven’t!!
I'm gonna do a few headcanons and then a little blurb at the end about meeting each other :)
He's sort of smothering as a partner
Does have a weird ability to be a small butterfly or a humanoid of normal size
Loves you no matter what you say or do
Very "love is blind" and puts you on a pedestal
Gives you flowers and says "I love you" every day
Very good at communicating, however, and will back off if you explain to him you're uncomfortable
Won't stop him from kissing you any chance he gets
Gushes about you to anyone who stops long enough to listen
Gets excited when you say you love him for the first time
Very gentle in bed and calls it "love-making"
Not willing to try new things unless you bug him long enough
Does try to get you to join the cult, but if you keep fighting him on it, he'll give up
He'll be sad about it though
You were in your garden, tending to your flowers, when something flutters by your ear. You turn around to see a...Is that a butterfly? That's a big butterfly, you're sure they don't get that big.
"What species is that?" You ask yourself as it flutters around your garden. It flies back to you and up this close you can see a very-not-butterfly face. You blink in surprise and step back as it gets closer to your face.
"Hello! You're very nice to look at!" It spoke. You blinked a few more times. Maybe you've been in the sun too long today. You feel your forehead with your wrist. The butterfly giggled at your expression.
"What the fuck?" You looked at this weird butterfly and just stare at the absurdity of the situation. It waved and giggled again before flying off in the shape of a heart. You walked back into your house and decide to try and forget the weird butterfly. Surely that'd be the last you would see the thing, right?
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musicismyworld · 10 months
Ain't now way I simp this mf butterfly...
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
ims o sad rn…. there r barley ne og teachers x readers on tumblr ☹️☹️ guys send in the ogs for me for a bit!!! i wanna write abt them,,
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cartmanmyhusband · 2 years
¿Podrías hacer un Shrignold x Lectora? Por favor!
Mirabas asustada a todos lados, unos animales, un árbol, un chico morado y un chico mariposa, hace unos minutos te cantaban sobre el amor, y ahora mismo te están casando a la fuerza con el muchacho mariposa, según ellos era mi "special one" tenia un vestido de novia, y ese chico llamado Shrignold iba con un buen traje, lindo pero en este momento eso no te importaba, un par de lagrimas salían por tus ojos, nos pusieron los anillos, me agarro con bastante fuerza y me beso, cerre fuertemente los ojos, pero ya no recordabas lo ocurrido, ni un poco...
Eras la hermosa esposa de tu marido Shrignold, eras tan amable y cariñosa, sacando algunos momentos donde estabas sensible, algo normal, estaban tranquilos mientras se daban muestras de afecto, como besos, abrazos o caricias, era simplemente hermoso, te sentías tan bien en sus brazos o cerca de el, no recuerdas como se conocieron, solo sabias que lo amabas, nunca le preguntaste, pero hoy intentarías preguntarle, solo por curiosidad, por eso mas que nada.
-Cariño- Lo llamaste, mirándolo a los ojos, con una sonrisa cálida.
-¿Que pasa amorcito?- Te pregunto, mostrando curiosidad, para después devolverte la sonrisa.
-Bueno nunca hablamos de esto antes, pero... ¿Como nos conocimos?- Respondiste su pregunta, ahora haciendo una tu, lo miraste, con esperanza de una buena respuesta.
-¡Oh... Bueno te encontré triste, hablamos bastante y nos gustamos, así que después de eso ¡nos casamos!- Respondió para sonreírte, para darte un beso en la mejilla-¿Pero por que querías saber eso?- Pregunto, mientras miraba tu rostro con una gran tranquilidad.
-No lo se, creo que solo es curiosidad- Dijiste tranquilamente, mientras te sonrojabas un poco.
El y sus amigos te dijeron que viniste a vivir con ellos, pero por un fuerte golpe te olvidaste de todo, tu les creíste ya que nunca te hicieron daño o algo realmente malo, pero igualmente aunque sea mentira ahora eras muy feliz, no sabias como era tu vida pasada, pero esta es tan buena, tienes un gran esposo, grandes amigos, y un amable suegro, llamado Malcolm, siendo el rey del amor, todo estaba tan bien.
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mikankinniexxx · 2 years
I Love Shrignold sm ♡
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xseizure-candyx · 2 years
Fuck it, imma write red guy fanfics since NO ONE ELSE WANTS TO
Plz send in ideas plzzz
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samithefungus · 2 years
Request for Shrignold x Reader fanfic?
Shrignold tries to convince Reader to join his love cult. He thinks they are mean to be each other’s special ones, he’s not overly pushy but persistent.
Thanks Anon for the request; hope you like it <3
Shrignold x Reader
WARNINGS: Nothing this time
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-You loved being outdoors and in the last few days the weather was perfect for picnics
-You didn't have friends and so what you did was spread the tablecloth on the floor and eat alone, then lie down, enjoy the outdoors for a bit and go home; it was relaxing for you
- For a few days has been showing up a guest, if we can call it that, during your picnics.
-It was this butterfly, who said his name was Shrignold
-You found it every day in the place where you had your picnics
-Initially you didn't pay much attention to it, there were so many butterflies there
-Then one day he approached and he intruduced himself
-You smiled and politely you told him your name too
- Shrignold had been staying with you for a picnic for a few days
-You ate and talked and relaxed together, then before you left he always said one thing to you:
-"I don't know if I told you about Malcolm, he is the king of love, my group and I pray to him and we feed him with gravel; if you stay here a little longer I can explain you about him and may I introduce you to the other members of my love group"
- You promptly refused; this all sounded like a cult and you didn't want anything to do with it
-But Shrignold believed...indeed he knew that you were his Special One, it was Malcolm who told him
-You kept refusing his offer, but Shrignold didn't give up, Malcolm would get a new follower and he would finally get his Special One
-As usual the day before you had refused to convert to Malcolm, but today Shrignold was more confident than other days, he had a good feeling
-He showed up at the same place at the same time to meet you, but you weren't there
-Shrignold thought you was just late
-He waited 10 minutes, but you still didn't arrive
-Waited 20 minutes and still nothing
-After half an hour Shrignold began to despair; he had lost his Special One and doesn't know if he will ever meet it again
-But while he was lost in his thoughts you came running
-"Sorry, I forgot my picnic basket at home and I had to go back to get it!!!" You announced
-Shrignold lunged at you and hugged you (more or less)
-"I thought you weren't coming" He said worried
-His behavior seemed a little strange to you, but you decided to ignore it
-As always you ate and chatted and when you were about to leave he asked you to stay to talk to you about Malcolm
-You wanted to refuse, but to make you forgive for being late you decided to accept
-Shrignold took you to a place in the clouds, apparently was there his strange cult of love.
-You looked around and the only adjective that came to your mind to describe this place was 'bizarre', but honestly you liked that place a bit
-Shrignold and the other members of the cult started singing to tell you their thoughts about love
- You honestly felt like someone cared about you, like you were at home; plus they sang well
-Suddenly they explained (singing) what they meant by Special One
- And Shrignold shouts: "And you are my Special One Y/N!!!"
-You were quite,you can't believe what you just heard  and now you wanted some explanations
-You stopped the song and turned to Shrignold: "What do you mean?"
-"You are the person I am meant to be with, you are my Special One!" Shrignold responded enthusiastically
-"What makes you think so?" You asked
-"Malcom revealed it to me; he told me that soon I would find my Special One and then I met you, this means that you are my Special One!" Shrignold replied
-You didn't know what to do, it was nice to know that someone wanted to be with you for the rest of their life and you always wanted this kind of relationship, but at the same time you needed time to decide
-"So, will you stay with us and be my Special One?" Shrignold asked
-This question confused you even more, you didn't want to join a cult but at the same time the idea of ​​hurting Shrignold's feelings made you feel bad
-《And if that all means that Shrignold really is the one I'm meant to be with》you thought
-What if Malcom was right, and you and Shrignold were really meant to be Special Ones
-You has finally made your decision
-"I think I'll stay, Shrignold" You said
-Everyone celebrated and Shrignold hugged you
-You don't know if you made the right choice, but now you can't go back
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lovesick-fanfics · 2 years
I can't for the life of me remember if I sent this in or not for sorry if I already did but can I request the main dhmis trio (platonic) + an energetic tomboy reader? "One of the guys" vibes if that makes sense. Only if you have the time of course, ty ^^
Dhmis trio x one of the guys!reader (platonic)
Thank you for the request! (You hadn’t submitted one already, dw!)
Red guy:
“… please calm down…”
Enjoys your enthusiasm most of the time, but some days he is not in the mood.
Forgets your not a dude sometimes, like when a teacher decides to put you in a dress he gets really confused
“Uh… y/n doesn’t wear dresses.”
“So? She needs to be girly! She’s a girl.” (I feel like shrignold would do this)
Thinks it’s funny when you fight with duck guy about stuff
“Y/n!!! You can’t keep throwing your pants all over the bedroom! Some of us trip on them!”
“Look down then, big feet!”
“>:O!!!!!! BIG FEET??? You!!! You!!!! Augh!!!”
Likes your company, even if he doesn’t show it :)
Duck guy:
Did I mention he likes to pick fights with you?
He enjoys your witty remarks and comebacks, even if he looses.
Don’t insult his feet, he gets very defensive about that
Gets weirded out when your sad, but in a concerned way
“Hey y/n! What are you doing-…. Crying….? Uh….” *Awkward pats*
Unsurprisingly the least affected when you get super excited about something
If you tell him not to insult you about something he won’t
Will back you up if a teacher decides to mess with you.
Yellow guy:
Is just as excited as you are
Will be by your side if the four of you are going out somewhere
Has “sleepovers” with you (you two build a fort between your beds and talk, draw, and do other stuff normally at sleepovers) (much to red guy and duck guy’s dismay.)
“Can’t you two be more quiet?! Some of us are trying to sleep!”
“No” “you should wear ear plugs then!”
Sometimes if you two get too roudy red guy steps in and tells you he’ll help move your “fort” to the living room
He is the first one to defend you against a teacher or someone else who insults you, even if he doesn’t really know what to say to get them to go away.
He trusts you the most out of the three, coming to you first if he has a problem (you probably have older sibling vibes, 100%)
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ava-imagines · 2 years
Hello! I rlly rlly love your writing, you're the only person I've found who writes for Duck. On that note, I was wondering if maybe you could write Duck x Reader cuddling hcs? Thank you so much and have a great day!!
I'm glad you like my writing Anon!! And of course (you have a great day/night aswell
Duck Cuddling Headcannons 💚🦆
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Duck would be great at giving hugs
Seeing as his feathers are so fluffy and soft
I feel like his body would be really warm when you cuddled him
Cuddling Duck basically feels like you're cuddling a soft toy
You guys usually cuddle on a couch or in the bedroom (nothing sexual)
Sometimes he pats your head and sometimes you run your hands through his feathers
Yellow and Red could enter the room where you guys were cuddling and Duck would go "What are you two looking at?"
I feel like Red would heavily cringe on the inside but he manages not to show it, Yellow however thinks it's cute
Yellow even tried to draw you two cuddling together, you put it up on the fridge, making Yellow feel proud of himself
If you two ever found a bench and hugged eachother on it, Shrignold would watch from behind a tree and be surprised that love actually exists outside of being in a cult
Overall, you two love to cuddle
However, Red cannot stand being in the same room when you're cuddling. He says he doesn't want to witness that stuff but Duck just says he's jealous that he's single.
There we go, all done! :]
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randoms-fandoms · 1 year
DHMIS request info!
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I don’t write character x character for this one, sorry!
Characters I will do “x reader”s for (can be romantic or otherwise)
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sillypuppetsposts · 1 year
- SHRIGNOLD!!!! (please request him more frequently then others!!! i write for him the best)
-red guy
-yellow guy (PLATONIC)
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Warren the Eagle x Shrignold plz for Dhmis Requests!
Incredible! But I feel I should specify I only write x reader/reader insert content.
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spooki-ghoztzz · 2 years
Could you write general headcanons for yandere shrignold (if you're comfortable with it
( ofc my little ghost! i’m never uncomfortable with yandere stuff or anything for that matter. )
{ Basic yandere tw’s. }
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shrignold is a very possessive yandere,i feel like i already said this is another post but he wants you to himself and only him. being a cult leader has drilled some..bad things in his mind and now he thinks it's okay to have you by his side and manipulate you to stay with him even if it comes down to brainwashing you and making you a mindless zombie who only knows how to love HIM.
he’d never let you leave his sight even if it’s a ritual he has to perform you’re going to be there even if you get sick around blood he won’t care. you aren’t leaving his sight.
he’s sweet but in a sickening way. if you beg and plead to just leave one time his main solution? gaslighting and manipulation. no matter what you say he’s not going to give into your pretty face and tears.
even if he’s a sickening person he wouldn’t force you to hold his children and or adopt one. he doesn’t like children much himself so he’d stick with maybe a fur baby instead.
very rarely lets you see your friends or even family. you have to even lie and say shrig isn’t a bad guy he’s just busy and you can’t leave the house much. hes very happy you don’t yap on about the cult..maybe cause he’s almost made you so mindless and now has you in a stockholm syndrome state to where you love him no matter what. he’s made you his.
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mikankinniexxx · 2 years
I need friends RN!!!!!!!! I love Helluva Boss, South Park and DHMIS
I don't speak very well English bc its not my native language so, ppl who speake Spanish or English ♡♡♡♡♡♡
I would love to have artist friends too, so pls interact 😭😭😭😭
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sillypuppetsposts · 2 years
requests are open !!
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♡ dhmis m.list
♡ welcome home m.list
♡ read this before requesting!~
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