#last night i was eating black cherry Jell-O with my hands
circus-clownn · 1 year
guyssss here's a confession
I DONT KNOW HOW TO USE CHOPSTICKS,,,i don't know how to hold them and if i try my fingers lock up, plus I'm a feral animal so that adds to it
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spacegaywritings · 4 years
The Wonders of Sleep Chap 2 - “Dreams sweeter than a Popsicle”
*Virgil passing out on people and forcing them to self care!: Moxiety
Summary: Patton has been cooking and baking all day because Thanksgiving is near, and since Thomathy had proven himself a worthy enough cook last time his brothers were not around to assist, he is now supposed to do much more work than before. Of course the dad-guy side needs to jump in and take matters into his hands.Only Virgil thinks that baking and cooking from earliest of mornings to evening is a bit too much, even for the altruistic side. It is time to lure him into a little (cat) nap!
Tags: nap, puns, baking, food mention, overworking, patton, virgil, thomas, thanksgiving, eating, popsicle, best friends, most dynamicest dueost duo in the entire thomasphere, pillow forts, fluff, domestic fluff, stuffies, cat stuffie, bunny stuffie, nicknames, moxiety, piggy back ride, struggling to self-care, references to POF/SVS 2, sleep over, back pain, feet pain, (no injury), friendship, caring about one another, mutual support, love
Previous chapter (analogical)
  My KoFi  - Support me ♥
 “Another tray coming in!”
 Patton set another pie onto the kitchen counter.
This was the third pie he had baked this today, among a whole pan of sweet potatoes with roasted marshmallows molten on top of them.
 The kitchen was a festival for the sweet tooth’s nose! The roasted marshmallows gave the air an innocently sweet waft while the pies added a slight sourness to it as some sort of contrast. It was an explosion of sweet, sour and playful scents and they combined to an intensity that Virgil felt as if he could open his mouth and bite a bit off the tasty air.
While he could not do that, he certainly helped Patton enough (once he had been awake enough) to get the rests of the bowl and sneak a cherry or raspberry here and there. He had not been fast enough for the pumpkin.
 “Wow, Pat. This is like three pies already.. You done any time soon? We have a whole kitchen of sweets now, I think that’s enough.”
 Virgil looked at the lined up pies Patton had already made over the course of the day. He had come in late to join him since he was busy panicking over stress for Thomathy (one of his most important activities in the day - this was literally his work). There was cherry, apple and now a fresh pumpkin pie.
 “Aw, Virgil”, Patton cooed as he turned around to face the other and engulf him in a loving hug, “don’t you worry about your good old Patton cake baking some patent cake.”
 He giggled to himself.
 “I am just messing around - those are pies.”
 Virgil nodded tentatively, his eyebrows stricken together as if to mimick the “doubt” meme. He was generally a walking meme, not that Patton would really grasp the joke of his actions and expressions. If it was no pun, then it was not Patton’s type of humour.
 “Thank you for the help, Virgil. If you are tired, you can go.”
 The moral side pulled away. Well, tried to pull away.
Virgil stubbornly held onto the man.
 “Eggselent try but you are going to take a break. You have done more than enough for Thomas. Thanksgiving will be full of food. Take a breather and relax.”
 The man with glasses tilted his head.
 “Oh, but kiddo, I am not done yet. Thomas still has a pecan pie planned and I wanted to make Jell-o in different flavours as little cubes, so it is fun to eat them, you know?”
 The anxious trait stubbornly shook his head and tugged Patton closer.
 “If I make a pun, will you come to bed with me and snuggle up for a short nap? We can bake all night after this, but we have to rest so Thomas can relax, too. We know Thomas needs to take care of himself - this means we have to stop at some point.”
 Patton looked at him, a struggle in his hazel eyes.
 “I... I know.”
 His eyes were screaming “yes” and “no” at the same time, knowing it was right but internally pushing himself to keep going, to keep working and fulfil his duty. He had to make Thomas’ family proud and to make them and any other guest happy!
 Virgil gave him a sympathetic smile.
 “It is okay to say “no” to others and take care of yourself.”
 The former dark side turned, slightly dissolving their embrace by removing one of his arms from the loving hug.
He pointed at Thomas who tiredly sat in the kitchen outside of the mindscape.
 “Didn’t he do enough?”
 Patton’s anguished gaze fell on their Thomas.
 “He is tired, Patton. You got him out of bed early in the morning.”
 He gently drew the moral side into a full-body hug again and tightly wrapped his arms around him. Virgil patted the nape of his neck.
 “It is okay, Popstar. I know it is hard. Let’s go slow and clean this and take a short little nap, yeah?
 The purple bundle of stitches and patches tugged the caring dad-like figure over to kitchen table. His foot pushed one of the chair legs aside, causing the seat to shift just enough for Patton to sit on it. A groan escaped him when he rested, his feet finally allowed to realise the pain they were in.
 “Oh, holy butter knife, my back is aching!”
 Patton rubbed his feet and sunk into the chair. With all these hours spent standing and swirling around to commit to the magic of baking, he had totally lost the sense of feeling his body and his pains.
His whole body seemed to be sore as if Thomas had been working out a lot in the morning.
 Virgil was busy loading the dish washer, clearing the oven and wiping the surfaces of about any kitchen appliance. At the top of it all, he got a popsicle for the more established side.
 “Here you go, Pat.”
 The receiver took the popsicle, eyes lighting up as he grew aware of the gesture.
 “Oh, Virgil, but this is the last honey-lime tea popsicle”, Patton protested to which Virgil responded with a dismissive wink.
“Take it. I will make more of them tomorrow and add mint leaves.”
 The self-declared father figure nodded in delight but stayed quiet, safe for the sucking noise of him devouring the cooling treat.
 “Nap time, popstar?”
 Patton smiled, two sets of whites shining into Virgil’s face as he nodded willingly and stretched out his hand.
 “Carry me? My feet are huuuurt”, he whined, arms stretched out.
 A lop-sided grin stole itself onto Virgil’s lips.
 “Sleepover time!”
 Virgil squatted in front of Patton and loaded him onto his back. It was time for a sleepover between the bestest of friends and greatest of duoest- eh.. duos, of course.
Patton continued to enjoy his popsicle as he snuggled up to Virgil. By the time they arrived at Patton’s moderate door, a baby blue wooden door with a beige knob, the tired side had already slurped up the refreshing treat and was ready to relish in a little slumber party with one of his best friends.
 “Thank you, Virgil... I know, I need to get better at it and I am sor-”
 “psshht”, Virgil quickly interjected, “if you apologise, you will make the best friend ghosts angry.”
 Patton giggled and plopped down onto his bed.
 “Pillow fort?”
 The other nodded and the two got down to collect plushies, pillows, blankets and sheets to create their own little castle of dreams.
Once they were done, Patton picked up a little stuffed bunny. One of his ears was patched up multiple times and one leg was saggy from uneven distribution of filling.
 “Mister Snuffles for you?”
 Virgil nodded and offered his friend a little black cat with eyes yellow like the rising full moon.
 “Punny Purr!”
 Patton took the faux kitten into his arms and hugged her close to his chest.
 “Good night, Patton, Mister Snuffles, Punny Purr.”
 The former dark side curled up in the safety of the pillow fort. Patton joined in on the fun and cuddled up to his missing half.
 “Friends forever, kiddo”, he mumbled sleepily.
 The two chuckled.
 “Forever and even ever after.”
 Patton wiggled further into Virgil’s arms and relaxed in his loose grip. Their little stuffies were snuggled up together between the two sides’ chests.
 They deserved a good nap after being two busy bees, after all.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Mephistopheles of Los Angeles - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut] (Part II)
Synopsis: After the kiss, it’s impossible to avoid the press. But behind closed doors, there’s no reason to deny that you two have a connection. AKA Marilyn invites you and Johnny over to his place for a night of fun. 
Notes: Third and final part coming soon! Also, I love comments :) 
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You sit up by your window, watching the pool glisten. You can't come out and say anything-- he was probably drunk. But, you two did have that magnificent conversation before the drinks came around... there was definitely a connection there.
As if you two shared a mind, just as you're about to pick up the phone to call Johnny, his ID shows up on your screen.
"Hey," you say.
"Morning, sunshine," he says, his voice cracking from an obvious hangover, "Beautiful day, isn't it?"
You groan, sliding the curtains shut and blocking out the sun. He laughs.
"Hey, what if--" Just then, someone else starts to call through. It's an unknown number. You really shouldn't answer, you being who you are... but there's a glimmer of misplaced hope inside you, leftover from last night maybe.
"I'll call you back, kay?" you mumble, and swipe on the call. "Yeah?"
"Hey." It's him, deep, gravelly voice and all.
"Hey." You pull your feet up to your chest. "What's going on?"
"I was hoping-- I got your number from Depp by the way, so I'm not a stalker-- that you guys'd come over to my place, like, tomorrow night. Night before your premiere. We could celebrate properly."
"Sounds great," you smile. "How are you not hungover?"
"I am, I'm just a good faker." He pauses. "It felt good to unwind with you last night. I... appreciate company like yours. I also appreciate that that was the sexiest kiss I've had in like, ten years." That's all he says, then he hangs up. Sober, he's a very somber person... but his drunk side shines through every now and then it seems. Smirking, you stand, and start to think about a shower. Johnny will probably be getting a call next.
The next night, the three of you are situated in Marilyn's living room, the thermostat set to cool air and a low soundtrack of David Bowie floating in the background.
"Cherry. Blood red. So we can pretend we're vampires." A pyramid of jello boxes sit on his counter top, three bottles of Absinthe that would be used instead of water.
"We basically are," Johnny comments idly, watching a fly crawl along the counter.
"Or, or we can pretend we're eating flesh," Marilyn continues, shaking one packet out into the bowl, "Absinthe and flesh. Or we can pretend (y/n) is menstruating, and--"
Both you and Johnny groan loud enough to drown out the rock star's ravings, and finally he concedes, adding the absinthe (mostly) silently. Ultimately however, Johnny is unable to restrain himself from pitching in. "Who would want to eat a woman out on her period though?"
"You'd be surprised," you answer that one, swinging your legs over Marilyn's velvet couch.
"I wouldn't mind it," Marilyn offered, licking the cherry goop off his tattooed fingers, "If I was like, an actual vampire."
This sets Johnny off again, and as he's laughing, you saunter up to Marilyn, wrapping your arms around him from behind.
"And what if you weren't a vampire?"
"You mean if I didn't need to stick my tongue in a reservoir of ovum littered blood?"
"Well, I know girls get aroused on their period, because their hormones are raging. So if my girl was horny as fuck for me on her period and wanted me to eat her pussy, I mean, I wouldn't say no."
You pat his cheek. "A true gentleman."
"I've always wondered this-- when you fuck a girl on her period and she cums, is it like a dam of blood breaking?"
"What, like the parting of the red sea?" Johnny frowns. Marilyn considers this.
"More like... Titanic, but... the Titanic is your dick."
"Completely false," you say, and both guys look over to you, legitimately interested. "It's the opposite. At least for me. The blood stops for a bit, then... comes back with a vengeance once all your wetness has returned from whence it came."
"Very interesting, love," Johnny says, getting up and pouring himself another drink.
"I love being educated in the vaginal arts," Marilyn says, making obscene slurping noises as he licks the rest of his fingers clean.
As the night wears on the three of you (plus Lily) put down bottle after bottle, smoke a couple of joints, and finish the red coagulated creation. Once two AM hits, the conversation deepens, and the guitar breaks out.
"It's gonna be hell for you answering questions about those pictures this weekend, (y/n)," Johnny says, strumming the acoustic instrument.
"I know. The questions I get are so dumb, I've already had a billion asking about you and me and if we're dating. Just because two people play love interests--"
"And have fabulous onscreen chemistry," Johnny adds.
"Yes, doesn't mean we should get... shipped!" Angrily, you exhale a cloud of smoke, the joint hanging lazily between your fingers.
"It's because the media's bullshit consists of asking why male artists do what they do, and asking female artists why they fuck who they fuck," Marilyn mutters candidly, stealing the joint.
"Load of crap," Johnny nods, playing a riff of The Beautiful People.
"I like you... though," Marilyn mumbles, glancing your way.
"I like you too," you blink.
"I would've fucked you y'know... if the paparazzi weren't such cockblocking motherfuckers..."
"I know. When it comes to the press though, we've gotta make it look like an accident if they did get pictures."
"Which they did," Johnny nodded, "I already saw one this morning titled "Chateau Marmont's Wild Nightlife: Johnny Depp blazes one while rising co-star and shock-rocker best friend get 'cheeky' in the bushes." Now we've got not only rumours about you and me to deal with but you and this fuck." This makes Marilyn laugh.
"I'm just known as the best friend now? Wow." He touches his wow tattoo, holding it up.
"You're faded, man."
"Faded, faithful, and fuckin' fatal."
"They make me look like a fucking stoner now, so I'm not much better."
"You are a fucking stoner."
"I'm Jack Sparrow, mate."
"You're a fucking stoner."
You just roll your eyes as they bicker. You remember what your agent told you-- if it's not purposefully publicized, it's messy, and messy doesn't sell. Guess that's what it's like in the Hollywood dating pool.
"Nah, but of course we've gotta deny all of it," Marilyn sighs. "It would blow up your career in a not-good way cause they'd say this young, impressionable starlet is dating a satanist, or whatever they call me, and I don't really feel like answering a billion stupid questions about you either at this point, not when I'm trying to promote my record. They're going crazy over this cause you're so popular right now, (y/n). It'll be all over People and the internet and shit."
"Covering personal shit is the worst part of this job," Johnny mutters. "Unless it's a story about smuggling cocaine into the Pirates premiere."
"Wasn't that at Disneyland?" you frown.
Marilyn and Johnny both nod noncommittally.
"Worth it," Johnny says, holding his guitar with one hand and flicking a piece of the blood red Jell-O onto the ceiling with a spoon.
"Clean that up," Marilyn grins.
"Lick it off, mate," Johnny laughs. It suddenly falls, and with a jiggle, lands between your breasts. You yelp as it splatters into your cleavage, and the two men fall to the floor laughing.
"Mmmmhmmhmm," Marilyn smiles, crawling over to you on his hands and knees with tipsy half-lidded eyes, "I think I will lick it off." He straddles you on the armchair, one leg on either side, and puts his face into your tits, his tongue sweeping deep licks between, up, down, ugh...
"Fuck, you're making me horny," you whisper. Johnny giggles, standing and snatching a small bag and heading up to Marilyn's pool patio with his guitar.  
"See you two in the morning."
"Don't drown," you call up.
"I don't want to have to clean up your chlorine bloated corpse in the morning," Marilyn adds.
"I will leave you the sexiest corpse you could possibly imagine, brother," Johnny calls back down, stumbling up the stairs. You and Marilyn turn your attention back to one another.
"Your tits taste good," he comments, eyes flickering lazily back down to them.
"My pussy tastes even better," you grin, taking his hand and sliding it down between your legs. He rubs it against you, and comes up with slick fingers.
His bed is covered in black silk sheets, a satin cover blanketed overtop of them. Messy piles of books and records litter the floor, and creepy artefacts you wouldn't want to see with a light on surround everything on bookshelves.
"You have blacklights?" you ask, looking around the dark, mysterious room.
"To admire the cum shots on the ceiling," he clarifies.
"Oh, is that all?"
"--But I don't like to call it cum, I like to call it... making wet in you," he giggles.
"Mmm, make wet in me?"
"I would love to make wet in you."
Before you can say anything else, he grabs you by the hips, shoving you forward onto the bed. You land on your stomach, and he stands behind you as you turn your head.
"Take your panties off," he says in a low, level voice, as if he had sobered up in seconds. You feel your bratty side coming out.
"What if I don't?"
He lifts his chin up, looking like a king. "Get on your hands and knees... arch your back and present your ass for me. It's a really pretty ass, I just wanna look at it. Promise."
You do so, and wait in the darkness. After a second, you feel his tongue dart out, licking a stripe up your panties from behind. Then he smacks your ass hard. "Ohgod," you whisper, and he smiles.
"You look so good like this." You flip over, and crawl up to the headboard, hanging on. "Why don't you spread your legs for daddy?"
"Why don't you spread them for me, daddy? I'm a little bit tired."
"Lazy little bitch," he mumbles, sliding his hand between your legs. It rests on your knee, then you feel the pressure of him parting your thighs. He rolls over on top of you, and for a moment, you think he's going to instigate a kiss. You part your lips, waiting for him. Instead, he slides down like a snake between those parted thighs and hooks his fingers into your panties.
"Just lick around them," you smirk, biting your lip.
"Uh, uh. I want to enjoy my meal," he drawls, and pulls them off down to your ankle.
"Eat my pussy good, baby."
"Oh, I plan to."
"Gonna fuck me after that?"
"You know I am, kitten."
He delves between your folds again, making low noises. His hands reach up to grope and grab at whatever they can; your hips, your breasts, your inner thighs. After a moment, you gasp as he slips two fingers into you, then three, fucking you rough with them.
"That's--" You gasp, grinding into his face, "That's so good..."
He hums, the vibration of his lips against your clit driving you wild.
"How fuckin' close are you?" he hisses.
"So fucking close," you whine.
"Cum for me. Make wet... in my face."
"God, you're gonna ruin my ladyboner by saying shit like that!"
A few more masterful circles of his tongue however, and you do cum, gripping the boards for dear life.
"Grab my--" he murmurs, "Grab my hair, love it when it's-- oh, tugged--"
Your hands fly to his hair, and you tug the short black locks as he fucks you with his tongue through your orgasm. Giving you a moment to breathe, he flashes his dark glare up between your legs, eyes shining almost demonically in the dark.
"Fuck me, Brian," you breathe. He crawls up on top of you, holding you by your shoulders as he guides his dick between your legs. When he finally pushes in, he gives a grunt as you moan, wrapping your legs around his ass.
"So fucking good," he groans, and you bite into his shoulder.
"Ohhh yeah, oh yeah," you moan, and he suddenly pulls out.
"Back on your hands and knees, kitten." You obey this time, fucked out but wanting more. He smacks your ass again, and you moan, wiggling back. He spanks you again, and again, and you bite your fist. "Nah, nah," he whispers, "I wanna hear you. Get fuckin' loud, scream it out."
You very nearly scream as he spanks you again, and presses soft kisses up your back, turning into hickies by the top between your shoulder blades.
"Wanna ride you," you breathe. Wordlessly, he lays down, and you roll over top of him, getting into reverse cowgirl position. With another gasp, you sink down over his big cock, and roll your hips.
"That's good," he groans, "Fuckkkk yeah, that's good."
"Daddy, daddy--" you gasp.
"Daddy's gonna make you cum," he whispers, reaching up and around to squeeze your breast. He sits up, so that his chest is pressed to your back, and the angle makes you moan even louder. "I gotchu," he whispers in your ear, "I gotchu, I gotchu, gonna take real good care of you... cause you're takin real good care of me..."
You nearly sob as you reach back and grab his hair, and he sinks his teeth into your shoulder as you had done with him. You feel a bit of blood drip, and cum hard. Marilyn increases his pace as he feels you gush around his cock, pounding you harder than ever. Skin slaps against skin as he fucks you on his lap, and your orgasm keeps burning through you as he mumbles growled-out words of praise.
When you finally come back down to earth, he's pressing kisses to the bite mark, which felt good in the moment, but stings like hell now.
"Guess you're a real fucking vampire, Manson," you giggle. He nuzzles his nose into your neck, laughing.
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oraclesoftime · 5 years
Futures Known But Unspoken
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CHAPTER 26 Rough Tumbles As morning arrived, Belle began to stir, she furrowed her brow as she felt super warm and heavy. She tried to stretch but felt trapped like the other night when Lane had wrapped her up like a burrito.  She frowned, she really hoped Lane didn’t do it again, she had to pee. Belle blinked her eyes as few times before completely opening her eyes. About two things became apparent.  Belle was not a burrito and Kíli had his arms wrapped around her. Her eyes grew wide as she realized she was cuddling Thorin’s youngest nephew. Raising her head, unsure of how to break out of the somewhat sleeping death grip of Kíli, Belle found Lane sitting by the fire smoking someone’s pipe. “Good morning sleeping beauty,” Lane grinned. “How? When did this happen?” Belle demanded trying wiggle her way out without waking the young prince. “Sometime this morning when I got up,” Lane answered, “After I broke free, I let Kíli hug you instead, you didn’t seem to mind~.” “I was asleep! You should be protecting me!” Belle hissed as Kíli made noise. Belle searched for Fíli, finding the dwarf returning to camp, “Fíli, help me!?” Fíli grinned as he shared a look with Lane, Lane shook her head, “Let the lovebirds be.” “Oh… Lane this isn’t funny…” “I think it is.” “Lane!”  Belle grumbled Kíli stirred more, and Belle finally got annoyed flicking the dwarf in the forehead. He made a face before he opened his eyes. Once Kíli realized what he’d done - his surprise turned into a teasing grin, he pulled away, not before commenting that he wasn’t cold at all last night. Belle’s cheeks began to burn bright red as the young dwarf joined his brother and Lane by the fire. Belle stomped off into the bushes to both get away from the laughter, but also to relieve herself. It wasn’t long after her return Thorin ordered everyone to start packing. Belle sighed annoyed, which she noted wasn’t good if her moods were all over the place, as she rolled her bed roll up and continued to be annoyed as their walk began. Bilbo walked beside the woman, “What is wrong Lady Isabella?” “I think...I’m annoyed with Lane,” Belle stated, “But I’m trying to let it go.” “About this morning?” “I think so.” “Well I’m sure Lane is very...um...sorry,” Bilbo said as Lane snickered behind them. Belle looked back at the taller woman and grumbled, “What?” “You just looked so darn cute,” Lane teased, “I mean with that black eye Ori gave you…” “Come on!” Belle flung her hands up in the air, “Stop talking about my eye, poor Ori still won’t really talk to me…” “He’s not the only one who won’t talk to you,” Lane commented. “Huh?” Belle stopped confused as Lane walked passed her, Bilbo hovering between the two. “With your eye like that, Leggles might think you’re a scrapper,” Lane added giving her a shit eating grin, “Thranduil might mistake you for an Orc…” “LANE!” Belle gasped, “It’s not that bad...Is it?” Belle turned to look at Bilbo. “It is a terrible bruise,” Bilbo replied, “But it should heal in time...Who is this Leggles?” “He’s a prince that Belle as has the hots for,” Lane replied. Bilbo’s face began to turn red as Belle gapped at Lane, “How could you? You said you wouldn’t tease me about him.” “A woman’s allowed to change her mind isn’t she?” “Yes, but...You know that I know how bad I am at wooing men!” Belle groaned angrily. During this time the dwarves and Gandalf had stopped walking.  Belle could feel somebody watching and when she looked ahead she saw that the whole company was watching them. Belle’s face went a deep cherry red, her embarrassment spread like a wildfire. Thorin looked angry, “Are you about done?” “I…” “We do not have time for your childish fighting,” Thorin grumbled, “We need to get moving.” A silence fell over the group as Thorin glared Belle down, the woman was feeling so attacked on all sides. Belle stood there for a moment, her mind racing and her heart beating quickly. Thorin was just glaring at them, judging and it was only fueling the fire she felt in her gut already. “Well?” Thorin asked, getting more annoyed. It was only a moment, but a long enough moment that Belle sent a piercing glare at Lane, shuffled her pack and stormed right past Thorin, not saying a word. Seconds later Thorin ordered everyone to follow, Belle continue to walk in her rather angry mood. Lane caught up in no time, “Jezz...What crawled up your ass Izz…? You’re never this annoyed.” “Are you on your…” Lane began. “No...I am not. It’s not supposed to be for another week,” Belle grumbled, “If my count is right. I’m just annoyed in general and do not want to talk about it right now.” “Woof.” “Bite me.”Belle walked faster, ignoring Lane for some time, the taller woman giving up with a frustrated sigh. Over time Belle realized as she power walked away from everyone, that she was being rather childish, but she was always being teased. And with Thorin being all about about the mountain, although he was beginning to show a liking towards Bilbo, he still seemed standoffish towards Belle and Lane. Belle sighed heavily, slowing down, allowing Bilbo and Lane to catch up. Lane was silent, Bilbo looked between the two women and Belle sighed, “I’m sorry.” Lane looked over at Belle, “I’m just touchy… But, I’m mean if this adventure has taught me anything...well, I don’t like travelling on foot. I miss Spirit…” Lane burst out laughing, “Really Izz...after all this time?” “Always,” Belle grinned a little, “I liked the pony…” “I miss Myrtle,” Bilbo added, “Such a good girl.” Belle gave Bilbo a gentle smile, “She was. Did you know Bilbo, Spirit led the way while Lane was fast asleep after her drinking game with the guys?” “Oh really,” Bilbo said in surprise, “I thought you were leading the pony Lady Isabella…” Belle nodded, “I had no idea what I was doing, but Spirit did all the work…” “Such a good horse,” Lane hummed in agreement. The trio began to talk about the Shire, Bilbo making it very clear he missed his Hobbit Hole. Belle giggled, “Trust me, you’ll probably feel different when you finally return home.” “What does that mean?” Bilbo asked looking fearful.“Well, I know us travelling to the Shire made me feel different,” Belle said as she felt Lane’s gaze on her, “I’m not the same person I was months ago...and well, I know I won’t be the same after this adventure,” Belle looked over at Lane and gave her a small smile. As the day continued, Thorin called for a short break, clearly he was softening a little if he was letting everyone have a break. Belle sat on a rock staring up at the sky as Lane appeared next to her. The taller woman sat next to Belle, offering her the waterskin she had, the smaller woman took a sip. “When do you think we’ll see Beorn?” Lane whispered glancing at Belle. “No idea,” Belle replied, “The movies were completely different compared to the books, and I had only started rereading the books when we ended up here…” Lane nodded, “You’re right, what seemed like days in the movies, could be months…” Bilbo joined them and offered each woman an apple. Belle bit into her apple and sighed, “This tastes weird…” “You’re weird,” Lane rolled her eyes, “It’s an apple Izz.” Belle had been feeling off for a day or so, but brushed it off as simply not enough sleep and not enough rest in general. But, Belle had her doubts, when something tasted funny, it was sometimes a sign that her aunt flow was due. But she was positive it wasn’t due for another week. “Perhaps you’re right,” Belle sighed, “Maybe my taste buds have become dull and something as sweet as an apple is just weird for me…” Lane rolled her eyes at Belle, just as Thorin gave the order that they were moving out once more. They began to walk, Belle already feeling the burn her thighs, it didn’t hurt as much as she expected, but she knew by tonight she would feel like jell-o. “My...Lady?” Belle looked up seeing Ori a few feet away. She gave the dwarf a smile and said, “Yes, Ori?” “I...wanted…” Ori looked nervous, “I wanted to once again apologize…” Belle gave Lane a warning look, getting closer and grabbed Ori’s hands before he could run.  She gave him her best smile, “Ori, please. You don’t have to apologize.” “But your face, My Lady.” Belle held back the eye twitch she felt threaten to happen, she took a deep breath, “Is a badge of honour that will impress many men…” Lane snickered, “Impress? More like scare.” “Hey,” Belle said glancing back at her, “No one wants your opinion...Considering you know how to woo everyone…” “Because I’m sexy,” Lane countered. “Are you saying I have no appeal?” Belle stammered letting go of poor Ori and allowing him to retreat. “I’m saying,” Lane explained, “That a guy can talk to you for an hour, and not get a date.” “Hey that was one time!” “What about the time we were all standing in a line up and that dude geeked out with you about Tommy Oliver?” Lane raised an eyebrow, “Or that time that you went out with me and a guy bought your drink, only for you to think he was trying to get in my pants…” Belle frowned, “Come on...it’s not that bad…” Lane laughed, “I think it’s pretty bad, remember the most recent guy?” “Don’t…” Belle begged, “Please don’t…” Bilbo was glancing back and forth between both women and he asked innocently, “What recent guy?” Lane gave Belle her shit eating grin as she answered Bilbo, “There was this guy back home, who was just Belle’s type and she totally missed the chance to ask him out.” “Ask him out?” Bilbo stammered in surprise, “Should not this gentleman have been the one to ask Lady Isabella out?” Belle groaned, “I told you, something seemed off.” “You’re off,” Lane countered. “That’s not nice, jeez...No need to rub it in my-” At some point the company had hit a rocky trail, Belle had been keeping her footing for the most part, but as the group had begun to descend the hill things weren’t going as well. With Belle and Lane bantering back and forth about Belle’s lack of romance, Belle lost her footing, tripping over a small pebble and began to crash down the hill. Her rolling form flew past Thorin and Gandalf who had taken the lead sometime during their walk. Belle couldn’t stop herself, she attempted quite a few times to reach out for anything, even just a sturdy rock to come to a halt. The poor woman screamed as her body rolled, bounced and fell further down the hill. At some point, Belle felt a sharp stab in her right shoulder and it caused her to take a sharp breath. Before Belle could recover and once more attempt to save herself, her whole body slammed into a giant boulder. Lane hollered, “Izz!” As she finally caught up to the smaller woman. Everyone had chased after Belle’s rolling form, following Lane as the taller woman dashed to her friend’s side. Belle felt heavily dazed, her head was spinning and she felt very sick to her stomach. Lane began asking her questions, Belle’s first clear response was, “Lane move…” The taller woman moved, just in time for Belle to hurl her cookies. Lane made a grossed out face and said, “Cute…” “I haven’t felt like this since the last time I was on a ride with a full stomach,” Belle groaned, “Agh...I feel gross.” “Izz...are you okay?” Lane asked concerned laced in her voice, “Izz…” Belle screamed as a sharp pain shot through her right shoulder. She tried to move her right arm once more, only for the pain to continue, Belle’s eyes tearing up and falling down her cheeks. She felt something wet slide down her back and arm. Lane took a look, pulling Belle into her arms as the smaller woman screamed once more. “Izz...I can’t get a look with you screaming in my ear,” Lane said as she held the smaller woman close to her chest. Lane spotted the problem, a stick had been lodged into Belle’s right shoulder. Lane made a face as she tried to look Belle in the face, the smaller woman grimaced as she asked, “How bad...what’s there?” Lane took in a deep breath, “You are now part tree…” “Fuck…You’re kidding...” Belle groaned with a twitch of aggravation at the corner of her mouth, as the dwarves leaned in to get a look. Oin moved in to take a look himself, “We will have to remove this Lassie...It is going to hurt.” Belle looked up at Lane, “I need something to bite on…” “Pardon,” Lane asked confused before she caught on, “Oh…” Lane looked around and Dwalin handed her a cloth folded up. Belle lifted her left hand taking the cloth from Lane, she looked at Oin and with teary eyes said, “Okay...do what you gotta do…” Belle placed the cloth in her mouth and leaned into Lane’s body. Oin cleared his throat, “You ready Lass?” Belle nodded into Lane’s shoulder, she felt someone take her hand and saw Bilbo had taken her left hand. Belle clenched her eyes shut tight as Oin first ripped the back of her shirt out of the way and then went to pull the branch out. Belle winced, whimpered and Oin stopped pulling. He cleared his throat, “You have to stay still Lassie.” Lane and Bilbo continued to hold Belle, she clenched her jaw tighter on the cloth and tried to stay still as Oin went for it again. Oin pulled it out, Belle screamed loudly, the cloth falling out of her mouth as she cried out from the pain. The cool wind hit Belle’s back and Oin continued to tend to Belle’s wound. He first cleaned it out, making sure there was nothing left in the wound. Belle having to place the cloth she’d dropped back in her mouth. Once it was clean, Oin cleared his throat, “I will have to stitch this…” Belle just nodded, not wanting to open her mouth, knowing all too well that she was going to scream loud without something to muffle her. Oin went to work, each stitch painful, and shooting through her whole back. He then placed a salve on it before wrapping her up with bandages the best he could. Belle’s back was still exposed sadly, her shirt needed to be fixed, but sadly she didn’t have an extra one. Balin took off his cloak, placing it over Belle’s limp body that was still curled against Lane’s. Belle blinked gently up at the dwarf and gave him a small smile, “Thank you Balin.” With Belle being wounded, Thorin called grumpily for everyone to camp for the night. Lane set up her friend’s bedroll and proceeded to have Belle cover up while she mended the smaller woman’s shirt. Belle laid down on her stomach, since lying on her back was not an option for the next while. Belle groaned, Lane looked down at her friend, “Do you need Oin?” “No,” Belle whimpered, “I’m just in a lot of pain…” “How about a cup of tea?” Bilbo offered bringing over a cup.Belle gave him a gentle smile, “I would love some…” Bilbo helped Belle sit up and take a sip, Belle grinned, “Peppermint…” Lane made a face, “Yuck…” Belle giggled only to grimace as pain shot through her shoulders.  Lane frowned, “You sure you don’t want me to grab Oin?” “No...He’ll have to take a look at my wound in the morning,” Belle replied, “I should be okay until then…”
0 notes
moth-gay-blog · 7 years
Have you ever lied to a person of authority? Yep.
What’s your favourite type of pie, either sweet or savoury? Cherry pie, probably. It's not really sweet, it's more tart. At least the kind I like is, anyway.
Do you have a Netflix subscription? We use Matt's grandparents' account.
How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning? I'm not even awake in the morning lmao
What colour is your favourite shirt? Most of my shirts are black.
When was the last time you saw a photo of yourself? When I took a selfie a little bit ago.
Does your laptop ever overheat? Not this one. The one I use for games does, though. I use an external fan thing for it though.
Are you wearing a dress today? No.
Do you use your phone during class or at work? N/A
How many times a day do you check Facebook? I hardly use facebook.
Do you hate it when people on airplanes recline the seat in front? In the few times I've been on a plane, this hasn't happened to me. I guess I was lucky.
Are you the type of person to press a button just because? No.
Would you ever volunteer in the case of a natural disaster? Mm maybe? It depends on if it's near me, because I wouldn't be able to afford to travel somewhere to help. And it depends on what the disaster is and if it's within my ability to do anything.
Do you check your emails daily? No.
Are you inside or outside at the moment? Inside. It's about to storm.
Why did you last have to see a doctor? I went to the ER when I inhaled plastic fumes from a broken heater.
Have you ever been pulled aside for a random bag search at an airport? No.
Are you happy with how much you weigh? No.
What’s your favourite flavour of Jell-O? All of them, I love jello. And now I want some. But the kind you make at home, it's better than the premade cups, idk why,
What was the last thing you bought from a supermarket? Food.
Do you know anyone who is highly allergic to anything? Yeah.
When was the last time you had a nap? A few days ago I think.
Are you hot, cold, or just right at the moment? A little warm but it's tolerable.
Do you have a Spotify Premium membership? If not, do you want one? No and no.
What’s your boss’ name? N/A
Have you ever eaten caviar? The cheap kind, yeah. It was okay.
Are you a nervous type of person? Well I have two anxiety disorders and paranoid traits, so...
Do/did you collect anything currently or in the past? Yes.
On average, how much money do you usually put into savings every week? Lmao
Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods? Savory, usually.
Do you have any games on your computer? Which ones? Not on this one, it's not meant for gaming. I have a few on my other laptop.
What are your three favourite fruits? Strawberries, cherries, and kiwi.
Have you ever received a speeding fine? I don't drive.
When was the last time you shaved any part of your body? I reshaved my head a couple weeks ago. It already needs done again.
Have you ever had a cramp in an odd place? Sure.
Would you ever go overseas for cheap medical treatment? I wouldn't be able to afford the trip.
How many hours did you sleep last night? No idea.
Are you good at writing stories? I'm good at starting them, not so much at finishing them.
What have you eaten today? Some shrimp crab cake things, some veggies, some hummus, and a slice of cake.
Do you watch House of Cards? No.
Did anything exciting or interesting happen to you today? Lmao that's one way to put it.
What’s your favourite type of fish to eat? All of it. I fucking love fish.
Who else is in the building you’re in right now? Matt and my grandma.
In your opinion, which fast food place has the best fries? McDonalds.
When was the last time you watched an episode of The Simpsons? I have no idea. Probably during high school.
What colour are your neighbours cars? Uhh. There are all different colored cars...
Are you left or right handed? Right.
Have you ever given money to a homeless person? What compelled you? Yeah. Idk, they asked and I had spare change so why not.
How often do you update your Facebook status, at all? Like once every few months.
Do your parents use social media? If so, which ones? Yeah. They both have a facebook, but my mom uses it more. And my mom has an instagram.
What colour are most of your underwear? Various colors.
What’s your favourite way to eat chicken? Lemon chicken, or various Chinese dishes.
Are there any broken clocks in your house? No.
Who usually does the grocery shopping in your house? Matt and I both.
When was the last time you ate a hotdog? Like two years ago.
Have you ever stepped on chewing gum? Yes.
How far away from your house is the closest park? I don't even know if there's a park in my town.
Do you ever want children? If so, how many? No.
Do you know anyone who speaks fluent French? No.
Have you ever been called in for jury duty? No.
Are your eyebrows darker than your hair? No.
Have you ever been camping in the wilderness without electricity? No.
What do you prefer, lasagna or spaghetti and meatballs? Spaghetti. I don't really like lasagna.
Think of the last movie you watched, where did you watch it? Home.
Have you ever had a caricature drawn of you? When I was a kid.
Do you have to pay for parking at your school or work? N/A
Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural colour? My hair has been every color you can imagine already.
Are there any movies coming out soon that you’d like to see? I don't know. I have no idea what movies are coming out soon.
0 notes