#late eycte
depressedraisin · 8 months
notes on "mr. snarl"
hello, hello, hello welcome to the mr. snarl is high camp discourse. i've been readin' and thinkin' and drivin' myself nuts over this, so i'll be blabberin' on for a good minute. bear with me.
before we dive into any discussion of camp, we ofcourse need to understand what camp is in the first place. camp as an idea is nearly impossible to neatly put down in a few words or a sentence. it has no definition as of such. camp is loud. camp is ostentatious. camp is exaggerated. camp is 'too much'. camp is gay. camp is ironic. camp is cheeky. drag is camp. marlene dietrich is camp. baroque art is camp. cher is camp. mommie dearest (1981) is camp. the rocky horror picture show (1975) is camp. dostoevsky is camp.
the girlies who get camp get it, those who don't, don't.
however we do have susan sontag's 1964 seminal essay 'notes on "camp"' from where most of our contemporary ideas and understanding of 'camp' comes from. in her essay, sontag noted 58 points on what camp is or might be. for our purposes in this post, we'll go by those. because it is the camp bible of course. and i am a pretentious bitch.
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now before we get to the meat of the matter, a quick detour to discuss the many faces of alex turner.
alex's personas have now come to as closely associated to his image as an artist and public figure as blonde wigs are with dolly parton, i suppose. it even has its own section in alex's wiki page. he is one those performers to whom the "eras" concept can truly and perfectly apply. he is a different man on stage with every new album, each 'era' is unique from the other and distinctly defined. a new 'era' for alex is not only a change of a haircut or a new pallette, it is a total revamping of his mannerisms and performance style and public image. be it mr. schwarz (the car era), mark (tbhc era) or oliver tate sr. (early sias era), each one of his personas is another way in which he represents the themes of that album. understanding a persona is integral to understanding the album.
and alex admits to as such. each Performer is a fractured reflection of his own self, and of the album.
but. but. i do not think that he has always made use of the Performer, or atleast, tried to make perceivable distinctions between them. in the first three-four years of his career- during WPSIATWIN and FWN, he presented as just Some Guy. just another normal bloke from sheffield. which, you could argue, was the persona that fit the context of those albums, but i would say that he was probably not putting that much thought into it at the time. it isn't until TAOTU that we see alex using his on-stage fashion to project a certain kind of image that ties in with the music he's playing. (do i think it's miles' handiwork? yes.). the lil suits and ties and beatles-mop cuts, y'know.
the first distinct Performer appears during the Humbug era. the soft-spoken, brooding, fawn-mannered poet who is probably hiding a bagful of secrets and hang-ups behind those layers of brown curls- let's call her him aly. then we have the bright-eyed, puppy-smiled, deep-voiced loverboy of the early SIAS era. i propose to call him oliver tate sr. (after the guy from submarine (2010) obviously). then mr. snarl- we'll get to him later. the loud and theatrical and slutty and deliciously gay EYCTE era persona. then the melancholic space poet mark of TBH&C and finally the suave auteur of The Car- mr. schwarz.
mr. snarl is the one who has garnered the most fascination and endured the most in popular imagination. dare i say, AM-era alex turner is a lowkey late 2010s pop culture icon. it is very easy to understand why- the quiff, the leather jackets, the perpetual sunglasses, the biker boots, the LA drawl tinging his sheffield accent, the devil-may-care wantoness. the girlies on tiktok and pinterest aren't obsessed with him for nothing.
so, what makes mr. snarl camp? what am i yapping on about?
let's get back to sontag.
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camp is artificial. camp is ironic. mr. snarl is too. he is a character. he is a mask. *cue the bourne identity and body paint*. 'artificial' does not imply fake or dishonest. we should be careful not to be quick in putting any value judgement onto this artificiality- the aritifice is a quality of camp. you can't appreciate camp, if you snigger at the artificial.
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2. camp is character. mr. snarl is a character if there ever was one. extremely defined, visually and behaviourally- you see a performance and can immediately recognise the moment mr. snarl is peeking through. he is also very intensely one thing- very intensely masculine, very intensely rockabilly, very intensely rock god. he is 'instant character' as sontag puts it, which is why perhaps he so immediately and so firmly gripped our collective imagination.
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3. camp is exaggerated. camp is style. do i even need to elaborate on this? Ben Beaumont-Thomas of The Guardian said it much better than i could- alex ironically "played with the role" of being a rockstar but simultaneously "can't help but be a real rock star." so, to put it in sontagian terms, he is not a rockstar but a "rock star"
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the 2014 brit awards speech is the peak of this ironic, exaggerated performance i think. (i'm still waiting for someone to do a drag performance based on it).
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4. but to me, what makes mr. snarl camp is his performance of gender. now let's get one thing clear- camp is not effeminate or queer behaviour. it is the "spirit of extravagance", so any kind of extravagant and ironic presentation of gender can be under the purview of camp.
this performance of gender is not the david bowie or marc bolan or brian molko kind, no. this performance of gender is much subtle, much more nuanced- he wasn't playing around with rigid definitions of gender or crossing gender lines. he wasn't trying to say something with it necessarily. i doubt even, if it was a purposeful thing that he was thinking of back then.
but mr. snarl is a performance of gender. it is a performance of masculinity. and the thing that makes it so very interesting is that it was a cis, straight man doing it.
[if y'all are interested, another interesting example is dolly parton + her persona + her performance of exaggerated femininity. for more on that i'll point you towards be kind rewind's video essay on her.]
mr. snarl was an image of a very certain kind of masculinity. 1950s, elvis presley, rockabilly, greasers, james dean- these are some of the pop culture touchstones that come to mind when we think of mr. snarl. he is also decidedly american. a "fictional character from america" as alex later put it. was this whole persona thing an effort to conquer america then? perhaps...but eh. there is no way i can conclusively say that. it certainly helped that cause. AM the album was very us-american in essence-- it drew from hiphop and r&b after all. the soundscape of the arctic monkeys was very much rooted in its northern british indie roots, and AM was the first one that was clearly not. and mr. snarl was just a visual reflection of that. [for more on how the arctic monkeys conquered the us]
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mr. snarl was a certain kind of masculine in a way alex turner personas haven't been previously or since. he has always presented as conventionally masculine. even the humbug persona- him being my girlfriend notwithstanding- is not much different from the aesthetics of say, ray davies or mick jagger or george harrison back in the 60s and 70s. the slightly effeminate dramaticism of eycte is not exactly gender-bending as such.
but mr. snarl was hypermasculine. masculinity has had an interesting place in his lyrics up until they- they are both critical ('brianstorm' 'a certain romance') and fascinated ('jeweller's hand' 'catapult') of more aggressive masculine characteristics. (he does use a lot of very sexual but not necessarily erotic language to describe said masculinity- but that's another can of worms.) mr. snarl was in a way, alex being those characters from those songs he was writing about. mr. snarl also very aggressively straight. straight with a capital s. his songs in AM still had the self-abasing and submissive undertones to the narrator that love songs from humbug and sias, but much toned down. he was out there shouting out his girlfriend on stage. and who can forget the "ladiessssssss!" moment. he had models hanging off him in photoshoots.
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you probably saw these photos and thought- "what the fuck?!" with a cackle. that is exactly what makes mr. snarl camp. the irony, the ridiculousness of it all.
5. i don't think alex was trying to be or do camp. camp is best when it is not intentional. i can even confidently wager alex would not take it as a compliment if i showed him this essay. a lot of very "serious" people look down upon camp as something lowbrow and tacky and unserious. but it isn't. i would go ahead and classify mr. snarl under naive camp- he is trying to be straightlaced and serious, but failing grandly, which makes it deliciously camp.
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so. mr. snarl was an exaggerated representation of masculinity. in a sense, mr. snarl was basically drag. alex turner being "Alex Turner".
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misskattylashes · 9 days
Okay inspired by @thetruthisfictional post about Milex patterns. I thought I would share some observations I have made in my autistic pattern seeking brain.
I am only looking at the post EYCTE period to the present day, and not everything is in chronological order.
Louise started to appear around the same time Miles decided to move back to the UK permanently. Rather than Alex split with Taylor, there are rumours of him cheating on her with Louise, creating a reason for him to want to leave LA. It is also a convenient narrative because Miles and Taylor were friends, so the reason that Miles and Alex can’t be seen together is because Miles doesn’t like Louise because of what she did to his friend Taylor.
Which means Alex can come home to London, without it looking obvious that he is following Miles.
Plothole – the reason for his return is so  Louise can split her time between London and Paris to pursue her ‘successful music career’. The truth has since emerged that Louise lives in Paris and Alex lives in London and Louise has no career to speak of.
Louise’s use of social media
A genuine social media account will post day to day happenings, even not every day. Shared songs, interesting meals, something work related. Louise’s posting only ever coincided with events happening around AM. Go and check her account sometime, see how much she posted around the summer of 2022 leading up to the release of The Car. Note also how she has posted every September 21 since 2021 which also coincides with the day she was officially announced in September 2018.
Since EYCTE Alex has not used one female pronoun in a romantic sense. Miles barely has either, nothing to the degree of the previous two albums.
Alex’s image
This is so carefully protected. Most recent photographs were taken several days or even weeks before. Alex is usually in his ‘costume’. One of the most questionable being the recent Eurostar ones. He was sitting there so obviously being ‘Alex Turner’ but the only people who recognise him are a couple of fans who happen to have professional equipment. I suspect there are all sorts of clever wizardry and facial recognition software going on in Meta that stops unfamiliar photos of Alex being published. Before you say ‘How can they do that?’ think about times you may have uploaded a song only for the sound to immediately disappear or you get a message with the list of territories it can’t be played in. This happens in seconds so the technology is there.
The train photos fitted a convenient narrative. Just after Alex was seen coming home from Paris, Louise is seen in the Caribbean with her family. We then get a recent of Alex in NY. Louise comes home from the Caribbean to Paris, but then makes sure to tell us she is going to NY, we then get the pap walk etc.
Why are we never allowed to see Alex walking along Bethnal Green High Street or in the pub with Miles? I think this is less to do with record company pressure and more to do with Alex wanting to keep his private life private.
Miles’ use of social media
Last year when AM were in the UK, I would notice that days Alex was on a break, we would hear nothing from Miles. You might get one official post about OMB that was clearly posted from his social media team. But stories would be empty.
Once Alex went to the US in late August, many a night we were treated to tipsy Miles chatting to the TV, or filming little Maxie getting up to mischief in the house. Soon as Alex came home it stopped.
Earlier this year Miles started the late night posting again and filming Maxie. Lo and behold a few days later we get pics of Alex in NY. Soon as he comes home, it stops again.
Another thing I have noticed. When Miles posts videos he always puts the photographer's name. But he occasionally only puts an 👀. These will always appear when Alex isn’t seen elsewhere.
There are probably many more but I will probably do a part 2.
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afroditisworld · 11 months
Brooklyn baby
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Late Eycte! Alex Turner x Singer!Reader
Warnings: smut, smoking, stoned sex? spanking, oral (female received), smut without plot, soft dom Alex, tits play and use of pet names (doll, luv, princess) if you are not into that please don't read it :))
word count: 3k
You and Lana were best friends. You were like sisters from different mothers. You grew up with each other, and it didn't turn out to be a surprise when you both decided to follow the same career. Both of you were talented women in the music business. You both followed each other every step of the way. You normally planned your tours together and attended each other's shows with every change. It was a mutual relationship based on support and admiration for one another's talents and successes.
So when she met Miles Kane and Alex Turner, she also introduced them to you, and you instantly matched each other's energies. But, oh, you and Alex, you had an electric connection with your first conversation. You felt an indescribable spark every time you talked to him. Alex had his way of making you smile. His witty humour and charming personality captivated you from the start. With every word he spoke, you found yourself drawn closer to him and as time went on, your bond only grew stronger.
You and Alex were at your home studio, trying to get the perfect sound for one of your songs. It was one of those terrible days when you'd prefer to listen to one of your vinyl records than try to come up with new ideas. You were attempting to play a song on your keyboard, but nothing seemed to come together. You sighed as you turned to see Alex, who was lying on the floor with his back to the wall, doing the same thing with his electric guitar.
"I'm going to play a record," you said, hoping it would bring some inspiration, and you walked towards the record player. "Do you mind?" you continued.
"No, maybe I can strum a few chords while you listen and find something new," he replied mindlessly.
You laughed at your current state as you picked a random record from the collection and gently placed it on the turntable. As the familiar crackle of the vinyl filled the room, you watched as his fingers effortlessly moved across the strings of his guitar, creating a melody that seemed to be perfectly in harmony with the song that was playing in the background.
"Oh, I love this song," you whispered, and you started mumbling the song lyrics under your breath. "I didn't know that you liked Lou Reed," he commented, listening to your soft humming with a smile on his face.
"Yeah, his music has always clicked with me," you replied, your voice barely audible over the music. "I've been listening to his songs for years; Lana teases me for that; she had written a song about it," you said with a smile.
When the record ended, the room was filled with silence. "Does it bother you?" Alex's voice brought you back to reality, showing you his lighter that was ready to light up his joint. You just shook your head in response.
You both had given up on finding some tunes for your song. Instead, you approached him and sat next to him. You were lying on the floor, your heads facing the ceiling, in silence. Then suddenly Alex placed the joint in your mouth, giving you a puff, and as the smoke filled your lungs, you closed your eyes. At that moment, a calming sense washed over you, as if the worries and stress of the outside world had been temporarily suspended and time stood still. With each exhale, the weight on your shoulders seemed to lighten, allowing you to fully embrace the tranquillity of the moment. Alex's fingers were still on your lips, and you could feel the warmth of their touch spreading through your body. Slowly, you felt your mind drift away. Your body grew more and more hotter, yet the cool air in the atmosphere made you shiver. Alex forced you to look at him and his unexpected action made you freeze. You just stared at his beautiful eyes and waited for him to say anything.
“Fuck” he sighed with a smirk “You got some soft lips there” he continued your heart racing as you tried to process his unexpected compliment. You couldn't help but blush, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion. “I'm always catching myself thinking if you could put them in good work for me,” he said and you were so surprised that you only blinked you could barely find words to respond.
“Oh, don't act so surprised luv, I know that you wanted too, I can say from the way you look at me” he added again. It wasn't that you didn't want to but you really didn't know how to react. You never believed that Alex could be so forward.
"Come here," he said, lifting himself up. You move closer to him without thinking, never breaking eye contact, and as you get closer to him you fall to your knees. Everything seemed to start dragging on a bit slower as the high settled into your mind and every touch made you shiver. "Oh, no, it's not about me tonight," he said, helping you stand up. You looked at him confused, and he kissed you passionately on your lips, catching you off guard. The intensity of the moment left you breathless, and you couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this sudden display of affection. As he pulled away, a mischievous smile played on his lips, and he whispered, "Tonight, it's all about you."
When the words left his mouth, he kissed you again, lifting you up and placing you on the nearest table. His hands roamed gently over your body, his touch igniting a fire within you that you had never felt before. "Alex," a soft moan left your mouth. As his hands travelled all over your body. "What is it, doll? Tell me what you need," he asked. "I- I need…y-you" you moaned, so ashamed that you couldn't even look him in the face. You could feel your panties getting wetter and wetter with every minute passing. God, this weed was doing too much to you. "No need to tell it twice," he said, placing his hand on your neck and pulling you in for a kiss. The intensity of the moment overwhelms you, making it difficult to form coherent thoughts. The combination of his touch and the effects of the weed heightened your desire, leaving you craving more. A cry left your mouth as you kissed him back, and he bit your lip, causing a mixture of pleasure and pain to surge through your body. The room seemed to spin as you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating mix. It was a moment of pure surrender, where nothing else mattered but the raw desire between you. You wrapped your leg around him as you quickly deepened the kiss. You gasped into Alex's mouth as you felt his hands touch up and down your back.
Without even realising it, your top and your bra were lying scattered in the studio while Alex's mouth took one of your nipples between his teeth and pulled hard, gazing up at you as you cried out of pleasure and pain. Your back was arching from the pleasure his mouth was giving you, and all this attention in your sweet spot was making you soak through the fabric of your undies. His hands were hugging your boobs perfectly as he was teasing you, alternating between gentle caresses and rough squeezes. The combination of his skilled mouth and expert touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, igniting a fiery desire within you. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you surrendered to the intoxicating sensations, losing yourself to Alex, which left you breathless and yearning for more.
"Al, p-please. You're teasing me so much." You pleaded with a desperate voice, your words laced with a mixture of need and anticipation. Alex's eyes met yours, filled with a hunger that mirrored your own desires and with a wet pop, he let go of your breasts. The waiting was maddening, every nerve in your body on edge as you watched him slowly remove his hand from your breast and lower it between your legs. He smirked, his fingers tracing teasing circles on your inner thigh, inching closer to where you craved his touch the most. Your breath hitched as his fingers brushed against the fabric, sending a shock of electricity through your body. He lowered himself, and his hot breath was hitting your clothed pussy sending goosebumps all over your skin.
“Tell me what you need and I will give it to you," he whispered seductively. You could hardly find the words to respond, but the ache in your core fueled your determination.
"I need your touch," you managed to utter, your voice trembling with tension. With that, he lifted your skirt and slid his fingers beneath your panties granting you the pleasure you craved, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over you.
"You're so wet for me," Alex said, thrusting two fingers into you. As your hands grabbed his hair, his thumb slid to circle your clit, fingers now steadily pumping into you. Your spine arched and your legs sought to close as he curled his fingers in the perfect position. He looked up at you, disappointingly shaking his head.
“No, sweetheart come on, I know you can do better than that," he said wanting to continue pushing you to your limits.
“Close your feet again and I'm going to stop,” he said, with a serious expression on his face.
With his jawline sharp, he placed his hands on your back as he pushed you to the edge of the table. You could feel the pressure building in your muscles and the passion surging through your veins. He helped you take your panties off, and he lowered himself between your legs.
You gasped and rolled your eyes back as his tongue touched your clit. His hands gripped your thighs and held them open for him, so tightly that you swear it'll leave a mark on your skin. As he continued to lick and suck your pussy, his tongue touched you in all the right spots. With your hands pulling the back of his head, you pushed your hips into his mouth as he thrust the tip of his tongue into you. Alex groaned against you, and the pleasure reached all the way to your core.
He rubbed his thumb on your clit again, making you see stars. Your body trembled in pleasure as you cried out his name. He was looking at you and, he couldn't help but enjoy having such power over you.
“A-Alex, please” you whispered.
“Please what doll?” he asked teasing you.
“Ple-please, don't stop” You paused not being able to utter a phrase with his face between your legs.
“I'm gonna cum Al- please, d-don't stop” you continued as one of your hands gripped the table tightly.
Alex moaned as your orgasm landed on his tongue, the sweet taste lingering in his mouth as he sucked the juices. The heat of the moment overwhelmed both of you, leaving you breathless and craving for more. He pulled away, gently placing your shaking legs down. You looked into each other's eyes, knowing that this was only the beginning. You felt your juice running out of your thighs, and your mind was all over.
You only came back to reality when he helped you turn around and bent you over the table, ready to take you from behind. When your breasts touched the cold furniture, you gasped at the sensation.
“We are not done, luv,” he said with a playful grin. You weren't able to respond but you needed him, you wanted to feel him inside you, all the anticipation that your previous action gave you and the high feeling of the joint that you two smoked made you even more hornier, longing for his touch. Eager to feel him again you pushed your hips against him, causing friction as his bone teased your entrance, he then backed up and let a spank fall in your ass. It was so unfair, he was fully dressed when you were wearing nothing but a skirt that was barely covering anything because he turned it up.
The painful sense sent a rush of pleasure through your body, and a cry left your lips. You closed your legs, trying to get some relief. But again, that gave you another spank.
“Please” you begged again, hoping for mercy. And then the sound of Alex unzipping his pants was like harmony in your ears.
“Someone is getting needy” he whispered and when he pushed his member inside of you, burying himself fully, you both moaned.
“Ugh- Al” you moaned as waves of euphoria washed over you. Your legs started shaking and you couldn't bear your own weight anymore. You were a mess. Your moans, his heavy breaths and the sound of your bare skin slapping together filled the room. You could feel his dick hitting against your tight walls with each hard thrust, it was like he was doing it on purpose. You tried to make him slow down by pushing him by his chest but your attempt failed as he grabbed your hands and placed them behind your back.
“You wanted me to stop, luv,” he asked, mocking you. “N-No, just- just please…slow down” you cried out and bit your lips trying to hold yourself quiet. Another orgasm built up quickly inside of you, you were so sensitive and overwhelmed with pleasure that you could barely breathe.
“What? Are you going to cum already” he said and spanked you again harder than before, making you whine even louder. You couldn't even respond to him you just nodded and murmured.
“Use your words, babe, like a good girl you are” he groaned. He was getting closer too, your walls were tightening around him and made it very difficult for him to move and not to cum right there.
“Yes. Please yes,” you screamed, and then you placed your hands where you need them the most and started playing with your clit. The pleasure intensified as you felt the waves of orgasm building within you.
But Alex still catch your action. “Such a dirty girl trying so hard to cum on my cock” he said.
He knew he had some power over you and he wouldn't stop until he had made you completely submit to his desires. You couldn't think of anything else but how close you were to your relief. Your body started to shake as the pleasure rushed all over your body. Your mind went blank and you gave yourself to him completely.
You were high, your body aching as you let go once more. Alex moan as your juices covered his cock. Your orgasm seemed to last forever. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, Alex continued to fuck you while you came and you couldn't do anything else but moaned in pleasure.
“ I- please cum inside me, I'm on the pill" you panted. And this was all Alex needed as he filled you up.
When he pulled himself out the mix of his warm release and your juice started running out of you in a sticky mess, you nearly sobbed, as he left you feeling exposed and empty.
“You did so good Y/N," he said helping you to stand up and face him, his eyes were filled with admiration and pride.
“I can't feel my feet,” you said with a shaky voice.
“Come on, princess,” he said as he lifted you in his arms. "How does a bath sound ?" he asked as he carried you towards the bathroom.
well, my boyfriend's in a band he plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed
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doctor-dusk · 5 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 | 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐭.
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you and a certain riddler (eycte!alex) have some fun at a halloween party.
warnings: unprotected sex (piv), veeery soft dom!alex, i think that's it lol
word count: 4.6k
english is not my first language, so sorry if there are any grammatical errors. also this is my first smut posted here, i'm fucking nervous :v
‘’so, you think it will take a while for her to arrive?’’ 
alex heard miles' question sound far away as his eyes were fixed on the partially busy street. they were at the entrance to the hotel exactly ten minutes ago for a costume party, after all, it was halloween.
‘’perhaps. it wouldn't be her if she wasn't late, eh?’’ he replied, looking at his wristwatch and avoiding rubbing his eyes in frustration, as he didn't want to smudge the perfectly done eyeliner on the waterline of his eyes.
alex had planned this for over a month, not just because miles and other friends would be at this party, but because you would be there. well, at least that's what you told him three days ago, when he asked you for the umpteenth time if you were really going. turner knew you well enough to know that you could change your mind in the blink of an eye. you weren't the type to leave the house, so seeing you be anywhere other than your apartment was like a huge event that he really didn't want to miss.
‘’you can go ahead if you want. i'll wait ‘ere.’’ alex turned to kane when he saw him adjust the platinum wig on his head. he couldn't say exactly what miles' fantasy was, but he didn't think it was bad. it suited him.
‘’nah, i don't think it will be necessary.’’ miles pointed with his chin in the opposite direction, making alex turn his head. his eyes caught sight of the silver toyota prius arriving at the rotating parking lot. alex breathed a sigh of relief mixed with satisfaction when he knew it was you.
he didn’t look away for a second, not even when the valet came around the car to open the driver’s door so you could get out. he thought he forgot how he breathed when he saw you tiptoe out of the vehicle, wearing a strapless leather dress, highlighting even more your clavicle and well-defined shoulders; the black leather boots didn't shine any more than the chocker-style necklace wrapped around your neck subtly, not looking so tight; your voluminous hair was down, finished impeccably, and turner thought for a moment that was the reason you took your sweet time. as you approached as if you were parading on a catwalk, he noticed how the femme fatale makeup fit you like a glove, your entire face seemed more highlighted with the catty eyelashes.
he definitely couldn't stop looking at you. and he didn't even want to.
‘’what kind of fantasy is this, miles?’’ it was the first thing you asked after you handed over your car keys to the valet to park your car in a space in the underground parking lot. ‘’i don't know, a mix of elvis presley and niall horan?’’
‘’yeah, yeah, very funny.’’ miles forced a laugh without a hint of humor. ‘’this is art, okay? ric flair, better known as the nature boy.’’ he said, taking a walk while you let out a laugh. ‘’of course ya’ don't know, just want to know about lovecraft and allan poe.’’
‘’and what's wrong with that?’’ you rolled your eyes in amusement, then resting them on turner. his smile grew even wider when he saw you so close and so… tempting. you never thought you'd actually need to see turner wearing eyeliner until you saw it before your eyes. ‘’oh, and you must be…’’ you said, sliding your index finger over qlex's covered shoulder, making him smile.
‘’c’mon, darlin’. it shouldn't be that hard to know who i am.’’ alex extended his arms, also doing a little turn so that you could look at him up and down and caught your lip between your teeth just in time, before he could complete the turn and look back at you. ‘’what does a liar do when he’s dead?’’
‘’he lies still.’’ you replied immediately, seeing alex smile as he nodded. ‘’well, 's not bad, al. such a perfect riddler. better than a certain someone…’’ you mumbled under your breath as you gestured to miles, making turner hold back a laugh.
‘’yeah, just pretend i'm not here. bullying can be avoided, ya’ know?’’ he lightly pushed you by the shoulder, making you laugh. you couldn't help it, but you knew that deep down, it was all just a joke. you and miles got along very well, especially because you had been friends for a long time and it was through him that you met alex. it couldn't be better.
‘’c’mon, you know i love you, mi.’’ you hugged him over his shoulder, gently rubbing the palm of your hand on miles' chin, feeling his sparse beard tickle your open palm.
‘’okay, okay. and who are you, by the way?’’ he asked, now paying attention to your costume.
‘’neither do i know. something close to the characters in the books i read, a mix of dracula and… i don't know.’’ you said, shaking the vampire cape you wore. turner couldn't help but let an almost invisible smirk appear. he knew you would choose something like this, it was as if he knew you like the back of his hand.’’
‘’i liked it. ‘s just like you.’’ alex said, seeing you smile without showing your teeth, your cheeks flushed as the smile was still present on your face. ‘’looks like you’ve been flashin’ triple A passes at the cemetery gates.’’
‘’oh, here it comes. we don't have time for that, let's go ‘cause the night is young and it grows fast.’’ miles gestured in mock boredom, opening the way for you to enter. obviously you and alex followed him side by side, and alex didn't pass up the opportunity he had by wrapping his arm around your waist, resting his hand there. 
of course, you didn't stop feeling that ravenous shiver, even though you tried to hide it as best you could. you just loved alex's touch on any area of your body. literally any area.
‘’thought you weren't going to come.’’ alex whispered in your ear, even though the room was filled with loud music, you were able to hear and smile.
‘’i thought about giving up, you know me. i hate leaving the my cave.’’ you laughed through your nose, looking at him. alex awakened something inexplicable in you, even more now. the clothes, the hair, the makeup, the way his jaw was so marked as if it could cut diamonds, the eyes marked by eyeliner seemed more enigmatic even in the partially lit environment, the mouth that seemed to invite you for a kiss in a hidden corner... all of that was capable of taking away what little sanity you had left and making you insane, even if you hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol until that moment.
‘’oh, sweetheart, you would break me heart if you didn't come.’’ turner pouted amidst his slurred voice, letting his thumb run up and down your waist, giving you an almost imperceptible caress. you held your breath subtly, trying not to lose your self-control.
but in front of alex turner, you had anything but self-control.
‘’it's not like you won't have fun here without me.’’ you joked, taking a drink from the waiter who passed by, serving drinks on a golden tray. the party was packed, more than expected. miles had already gotten lost in the crowd, not that you cared about that. you’re fine just in each other's company.’’
‘’it wouldn't be that funny, love.’’ alex laughed, letting his nose run over your bare shoulder, feeling the fragrance of your perfume invade his nostrils, absorbing a smile that was impossible to hide. ‘’you and your mysterious energy like someone with an unkind of ravens and murder of crows fascinate me. i couldn't do without you ‘ere.’’ he finished, taking some of his drink to try. his throat burned with the first sip, but nothing he wasn't used to.
‘’me and my mysterious energy? this one is new.’’ — you raised an eyebrow, a little curious. alex couldn't explain exactly what caught his attention.
he knew that you were kinda different from the other girls he had ever met. fascinated by lovecraft and edgar allan poe, further denoting your small obsession with death. your favorite films were horror films, especially the italian kind. you could spend hours and hours listening to the soundtracks while driving your prius through the city streets in your dark leather clothes, living your life the way you wanted.
he loved your authenticity. you weren't afraid or ashamed to be like this. maybe that was what excited him so much that he wanted you so bad.
alex laughed instead of giving you an answer, pulling you onto the dance floor. at one point, they met up with miles and other mutual friends, you drank, had fun listening to some music from the 80s. you felt free to do whatever you wanted as the drink got more to your heads and the zeros lined up on the clock.
in fact, you don't usually go to these places, you'd much rather be at home under the covers and in the company of a good book. but when you were with alex and miles, everything seemed to get better. or more specifically, when you were with alex. even though he was completely the opposite of you, turner was seen as a kind of magnet, impossible to ignore, especially when you had already taken enough shots to lose track of each other and the sexual tension increased with each exchange of glances.
little did you know that even though he wasn't your type, alex was completely willing to try something.
‘’what do you think we get out of ‘ere, baby?’’ you heard alex's voice drawl when he brought his mouth to your ear. you thought he did it on purpose, just to make every hair on your body stand on end. and well, it really was on purpose.
‘’where?’’ you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling him closer. turner looked around for a moment, trying to adjust his blurry vision. you could go to any room in that hotel, but he had a better idea in mind.
‘’your car.’’ he suggested. you gave a roguish smile, finishing your drink in one gulp. oh, you knew exactly where this would take them, and there was no way you were going to back down now. not when turner is absurdly irresistible and you're in an overwhelming mood.
‘’what about miles?’’ you dared to ask, looking over his shoulder, seeing your friend dancing as if there was no tomorrow, not caring about the two of you there.
‘’don't give a shit about him right now.’’ turner said, tilting his face a little to give you a soft kiss without using his tongue, already being able to awaken even more that insane desire in both you and himself. ‘’just want you, darlin’.’’ he finished in a whisper, biting your bottom lip.
you didn't need to respond any further, leading the way immediately, passing through the euphoric and drunk bodies, gripping alex's hand who was following right behind you, also eager to get out of there as soon as possible. you got your car keys from reception, and soon the two of you were heading to the parking lot, stopping to exchange some caresses that you thought were urgent since you couldn't do it while walking.’’
‘’oh, i love this car.’’ alex comments in an ecstatic sigh, letting his hand slide over the sparkling silver bodywork of the trunk of your toyota prius.
‘’more than me?’’ you asked, leaning your body against the warm hood of the car, practically lying on it. alex watched the scene in slow motion with a roguish smile. and for him it was impossible not to walk towards you, leaving your bodies almost glued together, his hands were firm on your waist while he used one of his legs to create a small space between your legs.
‘’no, no more than you, honey.’’ he replied in a purr, his thirsty lips trailed across your chin in a drawn-out kiss, making you gasp as you felt the light pressure of his kiss on your neck.
soon enough, the kisses on your neck stopped when you felt the need to feel his lips crushing yours, becoming as urgent as the touches on his neck and waist, bringing him closer to you, his sneaky hands moved down to lift the skirt of your dress so that you felt freer to open your legs a little more and he could be in the middle, pressing more against you. the rough kiss had an alcoholic taste, not that you minded that, in fact, it made everything even more delicious when mixed with the heavy breathing and racing hearts.
‘’fuck, you're so…’’ he murmured amid the kiss, feeling your hands loosening the black tie he was wearing around his neck. even though he was a musical genius, words always seemed to escape him when it came to you. and you loved it.
‘’so…?’’ you laughed, biting his lip softly before turning your face away to look around. you didn't know if anyone was nearby or if there were cameras in that parking lot. but deep down, you both loved that adrenaline.
‘’so dark. but i want you hard.’’ he said, grabbing your face by the chin and forcing you to look at him. his hair that was previously combed back was messy, and that made him even sexier in your opinion. ‘’so hard…’’ he repeated as he kissed you again, as if somehow he couldn't live without feeling your mouth against his and your tongues tangling briefly.
‘’how much? do you have a percentage?’’ you teased him as you felt his hands squeeze the warm skin of your thighs, sliding a little lower. every touch and sensation was so electrifying that any little thing could make you even more aroused.
‘’fuck the percentage, i want you so much. so fuckin’ much.’’ he laughed, dragging his slightly drunken voice. you laughed too, you liked that it was always in moments like this that you managed to get a hearty laugh out of each other, and so soon you were in the backseat of your car.
within moments, you were sitting on his lap, feeling his hands on your back and the cold breeze from the air conditioning on. turner relaxed his body against the back of the backseat, wrapping one hand around your waist while the other pressed the back of your head as you trailed kisses on his neck. he gasped with each touch, each time he felt your tongue snake up his neck to his earlobe while your hands had the agile job of unbuttoning his shirt and getting rid of his belt.
you had an immense desire for each other, and every second seemed to increase your desire even more, especially when you kissed him again, so deeply that you lost your breath, even more so when you moved your hips in his lap, feeling him pant against your mouth.
you quickly unzipped alex's pants, sliding them down enough with his help as he lifted his hips so that you had an easier time taking off not only his pants but also his boxers, revealing his throbbing erection pulling out of his confines.
you give a smirk, not hesitating to place your right hand there, causing a drawn out sigh from him. your touch was all that he needed, he was craving it for such a long fucking time.
‘’i’m not going to lie, it's the first time i've done this in a car.’’ he said, still panting as he felt your hand slide up and down his cock, seeing you sit a little below his belly so that his leaking tip gently brushed against your belly. you were stroking him so deliciously slow, making him clench his fists in anticipation.
‘’same, i don't even know if this will work.’’ you laughed softly, feeling alex’s hands lower the top of your dress a little just to see the sight of your breasts exposed in front of him, leaving him more aroused than he could have imagined.
‘’let’s make it work, love.’’ he replied, moving his hand to your panties, not feeling the need to take them off, just using his index and middle fingers to form a hook and pull them to the side, leaving them free so he could test the waters a little, teasing you just like you did to him. ‘’oh, you’re so wet, baby.’’ he smirked, using his thumb to ghost over your clit, his touch was as light as a feather, and it was torturous for you. ‘’we didn't do anything and you're already soaked, eh?’’
‘’and it’s all your fault.’’ you grumbled, pressing your thumb on his fat tip, spreading the precum all over his throbbing cock. he let out a growl, he wish he could eat you out until you’re screaming his name and your moans echo throughout the parking lot, but he was kinda desperate to feel you around him.
''lift your hips, babe. need to feel you.'' he commanded, still holding your panties firmly to the side with the hook he formed with his fingers.
you obeyed immediately, raising your hips a little, rubbing his tip through your folds, spreading your wetness over it, closing your eyes as you sink down on him, feeling him bury his cock completely inside of you, throwing your body back a little, placing both of your hands on his knees while he helped you move by putting one hand on your waist and the other were still occupied holding your panties to the side.
your movements were slow, lifting your hips up and bringing them down again, making alex have the privilege of seeing his cock coming out almost completely to the point of seeing his tip out and then disappearing completely inside of you, your walls feeling like home for him. and you did this with such precision, increasing the pace a little more with each bounce, both of you panting with each firm thrust.
‘’f-fuck, al, feels so fuckin’ g-good…’’ you barely have the voice to whisper in his ear when you lean your body towards him, making him place one of his hands on your lower back. alex kissed your neck, already free from the necklace when you took it off earlier, leaving a trail of saliva with his tongue until he reached your jawline.
‘’you feel so fucking good, darling. so tight…’’ alex hummed, satisfied with the feeling of your tits against his chest, your hard nipples poking his skin. ‘’you ‘ave no idea how much i want you on all fours right now.’’ he said, sucking the air tightly between his teeth, his hand moved to give you a hard slap on your left buttock, making a noise that would certainly echo through the room if you were in one.
‘’let’s make it work, love.’’ you repeated his line, seeing him smile as he caught his lower lip between his teeth as he caught one last glimpse of you above him. you had an idea, knowing that you could fold down the backseat, doing so by pressing the small latch in the corner of the car, folding the seat down and creating more space.
now you were able to reverse positions, and soon you were on all fours towards him, letting your ass up so that he could take you from behind. the car was silent, you only heard the sound of his breathing and your own breathing before you felt him pulling down your panties until it reached your bent knees, your hole were clenching around nothing, feeling so empty without him, but soon this emptiness were filled when he entered you again with no warming, making you gasp.
his hands grabbed your waist after traveling a path along your thighs and buttocks, respectively, feeling your skin shivering at his touch. you pressed the upholstery of the seat with one hand while the other was leaning against the window. whoever was passing by could easily see the prints of your fingers and palm because of the air conditioning on. 
even though the pace was slow at first, you couldn't help but roll your eyes at the delicious sensation of feeling him fucking you so deep , his tip kissing your cervix repeatedly, even more so when he held your shoulder, making you lift your head a little and feel his warm and alcoholic breath hitting your hair as he leaned his body a little more over yours.
turner had a smile on his lips, he liked the sight of having you in all fours at him, and even more so when you were so lubricated that it was even slippery, he could pull out his entire cock and bottoms out with such ease and did it several times, not only because it is extremely pleasurable for him, but also for you. 
he loved seeing you so cockdrunked, he love to see you arch your back as you contorted your body whenever he hit your g-spot to the point that it made you feel a small twinge, just like a cramp.
‘’oh, fuck, alex.’’ you growled, grabbing his wrist, making him look at you while you turned your head enough to look him in the eyes. you had bright eyes, a flushed face, your lipstick was completely smudged and your chest was rising and falling with heavy breathing.
‘’yeah?’’ he asked cynically, leaning his body more to leave a small kiss on your shoulder, watching you struggle to reach his lips to try to give him a kiss.
‘’are you sure i'm the dark one around here?’’ you mumbled, and alex gave another smile. he knew you wanted more. he might as well make you beg for it, he liked being in control, and that turned him on even more.
‘’shh, you are very impatient.’’ he tilted his body more so he could kiss you while he remained still inside you, then returning to his starting position to continue thrusting slowly for a few more seconds, just for fun.
he kept his eyes closed, feeling his adam's apple throb and even though he tried to ignore it, he couldn't help but respond to your requests for more. the position made the penetration deeper and, when he realized that you were more comfortable and wiggling your ass to match his pace, he sank his fingers into your hips as he began to thrust harder.
there was a moment when you didn't know which was louder, whether it was their moans or the sound of his hips bumping against your ass, and turner didn't hesitate to close his fist around your hair, making you roll your eyes under your eyelids, needing just a few more thrusts so he could notice your arms failing to keep you fully on all fours, announcing the arrival of a orgasm.
alex wraps his arm around your waist, his palm resting on your belly, making you partially kneel while he is pounding hard, just to hear you moan his name madly, feeling your nails scratch his arms wrapped around your torso. 
his other hand roamed to your front, moving down so his middle and ring finger could rub your clit tirelessly, making your knees even weaker as you grabbed his hair for your dear life. you're just a babbling mess, and he liked the effect he had on you.
‘’what’s the matter? you wanted it hard, so you’re fucking getting it.’’ he growled, biting your shoulder as you gasped for air, your cunt was clenching hard around him, you’re really close.
‘’fuck, fuck, fuck, alex, ‘m gonna cum, please…’’ you moaned breathlessly, feeling his fingers keeping its ministrations on your sensitive bud.
‘’mhmm, that’s right, baby, cum for me.’’ he encouraged you, and you just loved it when he talked to you like that, and it didn't take long for you to cum on his cock, he kept fucking you through your orgasm just to prolong this overwhelming feeling.
and of course, it didn't take him long to follow suit, letting go of everything he was fighting to hold back just for the feeling of pleasure to linger, his hot load coated your walls, filling you up so good. soon he was breathing deeply as he tried to adjust his blurred vision, his grip on you still tight.
he let his limp body fall onto the bench, seeing that you did the same. now you’re concentrated on regulating your own breathing. you had a smile on your face, running your tongue over your lips as if you couldn't believe what just happened.
his half closed eyes still captured the moment when you reached the dashboard only to turn off the air conditioning and open the glove compartment, taking out a cigarette pack and a black lighter. every movement you made was slow, from the moment you brought the unlit cigarette to your full lips until the moment you took the first drag, blowing the smoke outside through the small crack in the window you opened.
‘’why are you looking at me like that?’’ you asked curiously, your bent legs swinging from side to side in a distracted way. turner shook his head, taking a drag on the cigarette you offered him next.
‘’i just like looking at you.’’ he replied after releasing smoke from his mouth. you both stayed in a comfortable silence for a while longer, just looking at each other and enjoying what you had. and you wouldn't trade it for anything. ‘’we should do this again.’’
‘’maybe in a bigger car.’’ you added, looking inside your prius before taking another drag, taking your hand to the outside of the car to get rid of the cigarette ashes. ‘’but I really want to do it again. not here.’’ you raised one of your eyebrows, sliding your foot over turner's bare and sweaty chest, letting him know that you weren't satisfied with just this quickie. and he wasn't either. he would never get tired of doing this to you wherever he went.
‘’my place or yours?’’ he asked with a smirk, seeing you shrug your  shoulders. 
‘’odds and evens?’’ you asked and alex laughed.
‘’fair enough. evens.’’ he responded by closing his hand and you did the same, and they soon showed the chosen numbers. alex showed one finger and you showed two.
‘’guess i won this one.’’ you giggled, touching the tip of his nose, implying that you were going to your apartment. and then, they were putting back your clothes and getting ready to leave the parking lot in the car.
‘’are we really going to leave miles ‘ere?’’ he asked, laughing as he combed his hair with his fingers. you laughed, nodding.
‘’miles knows how to manage without us for a night.’’ you replied, allowing yourself to speed up the car as you left the hotel, moving further and further away. ‘’i just know that i want you so hard.’’
‘’how much? do you have a percentage?’’ alex asked, hearing your hearty laugh echo through the car while the wind that came through the window ruffled your hair and made you more graceful.
‘’fuck the percentage, i want you so much. so fuckin’ much.’’
alex laughed, being quick enough to steal a peck from you as you took you both to your apartment or wherever. alex didn't care about having a certain destiny as long as he was with you.
after that, all you saw before your sparkling eyes while you both were inside the prius was an empty avenue on a halloween night in los angeles.
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lovemkx · 19 days
ib: @uhbasicallyjustmilex
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hellcatsandcars · 1 year
long post! milex inspired rambling!! you have been warned!!!
not to be That Guy but i am asking everyone who - just like myself - likes to speculate about miles and alex and their personal lives (very much far away from them so that our speculations don't make anyone uncomfortable, thank you very much) to stop for a second.
there's been a trend lately of people kind of... piling up heartbrokenness (?) on miles, and portraying a sort of break-up situation between the two of them after the end of the eycte tour. that's fair enough! lyrics interpretation can definitely be used to back those ideas, go off!
but also, since a lot of people have used the "alex was not ready to come out, they fell out as a consequence of this" trope (which again, fair enough, whatever waters your crops) i am asking you to actually stop and consider what this means with a bit of empathy.
a large part of the fanbase is queer, in whichever direction that may be. a lot of us have gone through the five stages of gay grief when we found out because, despite the bubble we create for ourselves on the internet, there are a lot of real life issues connected to queerness that we will simply have to learn to deal with. that being said, i find it sort of... mean, i guess, the way that people are using the very real issue of being torn between coming out (and the many, many consequences that follow) and maintaining a "secret" relationship, which as far as we know might have been secret only to the public. especially given the added weight of fame, i would also be very hesitant to have a relationship exposed for everyone to see, comment on, judge, or discuss like it's just another segment in the news.
alex is beyond private, as is his right. we as fans grow to have a sort of parasocial expectation of him to share facts about himself (since we may feel that we are "owed" that intimate knowledge) and we gossip about him endlessly and we pick apart every single interaction or relationship he has. if we do all this in private, and bearing in mind that it's not something we are actually in any way involved in ourselves, it's okay. i'm not dictating what people do on the internet because that'd be beyond pointless.
but please, especially if you're queer yourself: how would it feel to have a part of your life ruthlessly exposed for the world to see, slipping entirely out of your control? how would it feel to be the villain simply because you don't want to come out, or don't want to divulge private information?
this is not to say that you can't write or imagine these scenarios, but maybe try to have a bit of empathy when you do. sometimes coming out really isn't a feasible option, and there's nothing evil or cowardly about that.
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should-know-better · 27 days
Do I Want You?
When I first heard this track, I was blown away with how much it reminded me of Shavambacu, so I simply had to research into it further. Be warned - it’s a long post!!
- The initial themes of the song that sprang to mind were separation, pining, suspicion of another person and self doubt.
- There’s no pronouns.
- And there’s even mention of a ghost - so you can see why it rang bells!
Timing wise, it was included on the Come Closer EP that was released on 18th February 2011, which might have made the song about Miles’ break up with Agyness Deyn but I believe that it was written much earlier and therefore is about a certain someone else!
Miles and Agyness started seeing each other in June 2009 after she apparently pursued him (NME 16.6.09)
Then on 24th August 2009, the NME report that Miles has left The Rascals.
By November 2009, it’s reported that Agyness finishes with Miles as she doesn’t want a long distance relationship as she’s working in the USA (2.11.09 filmibeat.com).
I noticed that the co-writer of “Do I Want You?” is Rascal, Joe Edwards, which makes me think that the song must have been written before August 2009. And as Agyness and Miles were still together then, it’s unlikely it’s about her.
I feel that the song would have been written between late November 2008 and the first few months of 2009, when The Rascals were still together and Miles was missing some-one… remember how I said major themes were separation and pining?
Miles and Alex spent a lot of time together in 2008 promoting TAOTU, with the majority of those shows taking place in October. The last show they perform as TLSP is in LA on 3rd November 2008.
Then Alex is busy with AM again, writing Humbug, touring Australia and New Zealand (January and February 2009) and recording Humbug. After spending so much time with him, Miles was bound to miss Alex during this period.
So, considering the lyrics:
"I’m doing nothing at all,Stop the boredom, I’m sitting here staring at the walls,I don’t mind at all, I don’t mind" This lines that set the scene (as Miles often does in his songs) reminded me so much of 'Scared of Love' - "Look at the ceiling / am I dreaming? / Lying on my bedroom floor.."
"I’ll just gather myself from this lovers fall, this planted suspicion that I’ve endured, it seems tired and I don’t care." The 'lovers fall' suggests to me that he feels that he has been cast aside, or falling from the usual high that he feels with his lover. Someone has created doubt in his mind about his lover (and it's been there for a while now) but Miles questions whether this gossip is true. If the song was written when I think, Alex would be on his second trip to the desert with AM and Josh Homme. What if after the first trip (September 2008) rumours got back to Miles about what went on out there? Maybe Alex talked a lot about Josh when he and Miles were touring EYCTE in October? Then Alex goes back to the desert to do a few more tracks and as Miles doesn't have much on, he's thinking about this.
"Do I want you? Do I need you? Everybody’s talking but I don’t understand." Miles obviously begins to question the relationship, perhaps listening to the gossip, perhaps getting advice from 'everybody.'
"Back to the storm when the hits were drunk, narcotic intuition covering my gaze, and I don’t care." This could refer to an argument (storm) after drinking and drug use clouded his thoughts, or it could be him remembering back to the TLSP tour (storm) when he was on a high from performing (hits). 'Narcotic' can mean 'numbing,' so maybe 'narcotic intuition' means that his usual conscious reasoning was numbed at the time, due to his love, so he believe in any gossip.
"Are you feeling, what I’m feeling? Cos it means nothing to the ghost that we’ve become. I was warned by little talks by friends who ?? But for Christ sake don’t I just know." A change from looking inwardly ('do I need you') to thinking about what the other person feels. Miles is still feeling insecure about the relationship and refers to them as a 'ghost'. In this case, 'ghost' may be a spectre of what they once were, or that the relationship is in the shadows.
'Ghost' comes up many times in future years but at this point, it's closest in time to "a ghost in the wrong coat," from 'Separate and Ever Deadly.' The ghost in that song, (again about suspicion) to me, refers to imposter syndrome, or feeling that you are the wrong person for the other at that time.
Unfortunately, I can't work out what the end of the third line is and I can't find it anywhere on the internet, so if you have good headphones and can help, please comment.
To me, this song is Miles missing Alex after the TAOTU tour in the same way that Shavambacu was for the EYCTE tour. They both have separation and pining themes, but in the later one, Miles has lost the self doubt (of this song) and admits that he's in love.
Please, please let me know what you think? Am I going mad and seeing more than there is? My theory got a bit carried away 😂. Thanks for reading if you got this far!!!
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GUYS. i'm too deep. send help.
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^ from miles' "too little too late." pirouetting in the dark ........... hm. dangerous animals reference?
"it's all entertainment" they played up their relationship and the tension there but "underground" there was something deeper, they did things in secret where neither of them were pretending, but still it had to be covered up. and miles is getting fed up with not being allowed to be genuine-- trying to be what he's not.
this was released in 2018 btw and is so clearly about alex that i might be tweaking a little.
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this reads so clearly like miles KNEWWWWW that alex wrote songs about him (which, if he's referencing humbug, then my point is all but confirmed, because look at fire and the thud and the jeweler's hands (and, apparently, dangerous animals)).
oh my god. what happened on the eycte tour ... and who wants to bet this all was alex's fault.
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goblinontour · 24 days
you can only pick one to bring back:
-eycte alex
-tbhc alex with beard
or late sias
easiest choice ever, tbhc with beard
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steinwayandhissons · 1 year
(or feel free to add your own!!!)
here’s a reference for those that need it (although these are so iconic you probably don’t) - just an excuse to bask in his beauty
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blair-s-world · 11 months
Momentary Synergy
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Alex Turner in EYCTE era
Uhm, there’s d usage, dirty talking, oral (f receiving)
This is the Part 1.
You run through security checks with your best friend. You ask around the people, where is Alex? Actually, where is Miles, because it is easier to locate Miles as he surely knows where Alex would be!
You meet the quartet girls talking and giggling. “ Hiyaaa, Uhm Miles? Alex? ” you ask panting. They point to the last room in the area. The girls could surely see that you were mad as you couldn’t find him. You and your best friend walk to the room. Even though there was some music playing. Your boots were louder.
You burst open the door to find Alex and Miles near the vanity. Alex was wearing sailor pants and his ass looked delicious.
Miles look at you and your best friend and gestures to come over to the boys. You were as clueless as your girl. You weren’t sure what they upto. It’s a roller coaster ride when Miles and Alex are together. You stand by side of the vanity opposite to Alex leaning towards the wood. That’s when you see Alex being concentrated on something.
Oh, he’s parting the lines of white powder with a metal card. You just watch him there being so invested in this that he didn’t realise you were standing next to him now. As your scent intoxicates him, he just moves his head to see you and smiles. His dilated pupils, puffy nose and droopy smile indicated that this wasn’t the first session. He taps the metal card and puts it aside. He cups your cheeks with his hands and gives you a sloppy wet kiss on the lips. You can taste the tequila, the cigarettes, the lime and the powder.
You are okay with what’s happening. You have also used over the years. You’re more into smoking. But back when you and Alex were in LA, all of these hard stuff was around you and you have occasionally enjoyed the high. And that’s the best part of Alex and Miles, they use it but they never go on a bender. Actually, according to Alex, all of these substances don’t stand a chance when you’re around him.
“ Babygirl.. My love.. wifey.. ” Alex said in between kisses. This made everyone laugh. Alex has this habit of physically craving you when he’s high.
“ What’s up, baby? ” you ask him and then look at miles who is snorting his second line. Your best friend is standing next to Miles and they are going alternate on the lines. You loved the fact that you and your best friend were literally like the female version of Miles and Alex just didn’t have the creative capability to make a career out of it. Hell, both of you liked it being the way it was. “ I was trying to fill in the void, as you weren’t there and I heard that your flight was late so I was in doubt if I could even see you ” Alex cooed as he snuggled his nose in your neck and started kissing your shoulder. “ I’d have flown the plane myself if I were allowed Alex. The weather wasn’t cooperative. ” you said.
Miles slides the plate towards you. Your best friend gives you the most sly I am gonna go and fuck miles smile to you and both of them were looking at you like puppies.
You look at them confused. “ Take a hit. ” you bestfriend starts to hype you up. Miles started chanting “ Y/n come on, come on. ”
Alex looks at you, brings the plate closer and whisper in your neck, “ C’mon kitten, reward me today. ” Alex knew that if you hit, you’ll be horny and you’d fuck him wherever it was possible. And he wanted you to get horny. He was poking his dick to you the entire time.
Instead of taking a snort you rub the powder on your gums and take a sip of margarita which was kept beside Miles. Everyone cheered as you did the second round as well.
Your eyes started getting heavy. You were being extra touchy to Alex. You were swinging your hips to the music the boys were singing. Alex eyed you has he relaxed on the couch. Miles and your best friend were hugging and dancing. Both of them decided to leave you and Alex jumps off the couch to lock the door. He spins himself to look at you who still hasn’t processed that they have left and was still dancing to some tune. You were moving your hands and your hips and your legs in a rhythm that made Alex made him do things to you that you would remember for ages.
Alex holds you by the waist and drags you to the vanity again. “ Al….. ” you drag his name as you reach the vanity. Both of you are giggling. “ What do you want Mr. Turner? ” you ask him in the most seductive manner possible. Alex looks at the last two lines which were abandoned earlier and gestures. Both of you hit it.
The moment you do that. Alex moves you away from the vanity and sits down on the floor by the cabinets. You look at him confused. “ I need to feel my home. ” he said, looking at your thighs and running his finger up and down.
That’s what it was. For Alex, you are his home.
Before you could even calculate Alex pulls you, gets your dress up and panties off. Your upper body was leaning on the vanity table whilst your legs were spread out.
Alex darts his tongue out. A lick goes from top to bottom and then bottom to top. He sucks out to your clit as if that’s the only thing that’s going to bring him happiness. You look at your face in the mirror and you realise you were fucking high as well. That’s when you realise that it is time to make this one of the best orgasms of your life.
You bend your knees a bit giving Alex more room. Your hand goes in his locks making him groan and grow in his pants. His hands start to massage your ass, he knew that will make you more comfortable. His tongue begins the work. Circles. Ups and down. The number 8. Flicking. You name it. He did it all to bring you to the Edge.
His tongue would go from bottom to top and then he’d would kiss your clit whilst his nose gave the perfect friction. He begins to munch you down and your moans got louder and louder. He wiggled his tongue around. Sniffed you out. Swirled his tongue around.
“ Give. It. To. Me. Kitten. ” he said as his tongue went in and out of your hole.
“ I want this. Now. ” he asserted and his tongue decided to unleash something you couldn’t fathom. He decided to go the slowest that he could. He knew you. He knew that you are about to give him what he wants but he wants you to have this orgasm.
Slow circles. Slow flicks. Again. Slow circles. Slow flicks. All with the tips of his tongue.
Your body gave in. Your legs gave in.
“ Alexxx… ” you shout and moan.
He knew you reached the high. He doesn’t let you go, rather starts to run his fingers on your thighs, intensifying your orgasm.
You physically had to move to move his head off. Alex gives you a smile you knew he was happy. You look at him and grab him by his collar and take him to the couch. You were not done. And it was time for reward part two.
Feedback appreciated.
Tags: @lady-darknessa
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misskattylashes · 4 months
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This essay is so big, it needs two parts!
The EYCTE cycle
Part 1
From ‘I Just wanted to be one of the Strokes’ to ‘I’m scared of love’ and why I don’t think we will get TLSP 3 any time soon.
There is no doubt that Planet Milex is a different place to where it was in 2015. Back then, they hung out in LA, treated girlfriends like third wheels, were pictured cuddling and behaving like a couple outside The Kills gig, and then went onto record Everything You’ve Come to Expect.
Planet Milex 2024 seems like a desert. No official pictures of them together, the only indication they are still in each other’s lives being Miles frequently mentioning in interviews about hanging out with Alex, still sharing clothes, a picture of them walking the streets of Shoreditch, a sneaky photo at a Scott Walker tribute concert (which interestingly was taken down immediately). Then ultimately, Alex wanting his beloved to be the support act for the final days of the tour, when it was clear at times Alex felt a little overwhelmed by it all, and of course, Miles was there to hold his hand and bring him back down to earth.
‘Maybe I was a little too wild in the seventies’
It’s interesting out of all the Monkey’s songs, it is I Wanna Be Yours that Alex then merged with Star Treatment (often adding ‘I just wanted a jet ski for the moat’ – more of that later), which kind of confirms who I Wanna Be Yours is about – I have no idea why no none has ever questioned the addition of ‘secrets I have held in my heart’.
I think the EYCTE period was one where feelings deepened and promises were made. The one to watch is Miles. At the beginning of the promotional period, Alex looks like an adoring boyfriend, but Miles is quite composed and whilst flirty with Alex, it’s no more than he ever was before, during the SIAS and AM eras. By the end, in the days of Sziget and Rock en Seine. Miles is looking like a soppy puppy with eyes full of love (pretty much how Alex has looked at him since 2008!). But judging by the lyrics of Star Treatment (which Alex started writing during EYCTE), Alex was aware their little bubble couldn’t last ‘here ain’t no place for dolls like you and me’, but Miles, having fallen hard thought they could keep it going.
Alex went off to France to record TBHC leaving Miles stranded in LA, friendless and a bit lost, meanwhile Alex went through a period of self-reflection and justifying to himself why he had let Miles down. Not all the songs on TBHC are related to Milex, Alex was influenced by a whole variety of things, but songs like Star Treatment, Golden Trunks, Batphone and The Ultracheese address their situation. The Ultracheese even ends ‘I done some things that I shouldn’t have done, but I haven’t stopped loving you once’. I see TBHC as Alex’s ‘excuse album’. Sorry I let you down Miles, but look what a big superstar I am with all these big responsibilities, but know I love you’
Miles on the other hand was angry and hurt and wanted to lash out. Coup de Grace is full of angst with thinly veiled digs at Alex (of course during the official promotion, Miles said it was about Hannah his ex but I do think mentioning Alex’s personal information in Killing the Joke is kind of telling). Wrong Side of Life is possibly one of the saddest and most desperate songs I have ever heard. And on Silverscreen, how do you explain Two Faced Johnny as being a woman?! The only hint at self-blame is on Too Little Too Late, with the lines ‘I’m too fickle set in my ways, I’m too little too late’ – which has echoes of Troubled Son. Personally, I think one of the reasons Alex possibly wanted to go back to how they were prior to EYCTE was because Miles had never committed before (see most of AM!) and it was a case of do the hurting before being hurt. But CDG ends with Shavambacu, which in an interview Miles said was about an ex and they used to call each other Shavambacu as a silly little name (cue footage of Miles calling Alex Shavambacu on stage). And the last line is ‘oh honey I love you’. Like TBHC, CDG ends with a declaration of love.
In between CDG and CTS we have the night at La Cigale (which I will write about in a different post) where I think their fall out came to a head, because not long after that, we have grainy footage of them hanging out in East London. At the same time Miles is writing Change The Show, and whilst the songs are still a bit angsty, there is a lot more pragmatism. See Ya When I See Ya stands out, and we have the ‘Johnny’ character again, but instead of being angry with Alex for his double life and secrets, Miles has resigned to himself he’ll always be there for him and keep his secrets for him. I think because they had reconciled to a degree, Miles realised they weren’t going anywhere, but it didn’t mean Alex didn’t annoy him. Final track Adios ta ra ta ra indicates exasperation at their constant battles, but there is still an air of resignation.
Part two tomorrow
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afroditisworld · 11 months
Masterlist. afroditisworld
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☆ smut ᯓᡣ𐭩 fluff 𐙚 angst 𝄞 hurt/comfort
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
☆ Brooklyn baby: Late!Eycte! Alex Turner x Singer!Reader ˙✧˖° the one with the joint
☆ Playing Dangerous: Eycte!Alex Turner x Rockstar!Reader ˙✧˖° the one with the teasing
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
☆ Salvatore: Switch!Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader ˙✧˖° the one with the hands
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
𐙚 Nobody: Young!Sirius Black x Inncecure!Reader ˙✧˖° the one with the pity
☆ Off to the races: Dbf!Sirius Black x Brat!Reader ˙✧˖° the one with the age gap
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
𐙚 Silver Spring: Remus Lupin x Black!Reader ˙✧˖° the one with the rejections.
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dietmountaindewbae · 2 years
v. am i that girl that you dream of?
alex turner x reader 
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word count: 5807 
summary: partnering up with (late eycte) Alex to produce your album has risen feelings, would you let that get in between you?
warnings: smut 
song recommendation: dream within a dream by elysian fields
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ 
After the tour was over, Alex had arranged a meeting with your manager you were the next girl with fresh potential in the music industry, but you were a bit shy to talk with Alex personally, even shyer to record the album with him, but when you met him at a party he was a chatty guy, polite and humble, you thought by his looks he might be someone who could dislike your introverted personality. After the meeting with your manager, he and your co-writer would soon meet at the studio where you worked day and night trying to make the best out of yourself and your album.
"I was on, you were gone by daylight" You sang thru the mic, while a soft guitar played behind you, "I could stay in bed trying to figure you out," Violins, guitars, and a piano, it all made you feel disconnected from everything after the recording stops you saw a figure of a man with big shoulders walking away. You quickly took your headphones off and walked out of the cabin.
"Excellent," James said, "I'll work on the xylophone, and..." He whispered in your ear, "Alex is here don't get nervous you're alright" You nodded your head, and he patted you on your back.
Smoke coming out of his mouth, leaning on the door frame, leg over the other, he watched the sunset behind the Hollywood sign, "Really pretty isn't it?" He asked, and you nodded, "You don't talk much, huh?" You said no with your head.
"Not a very big fan of talking," You said.
"You have a really pretty voice, I could fall asleep listening to it" For a minute you thought he was criticizing your work, probably because it was boring and he could fall asleep while listening to your album because maybe it wasn't good enough. You walked away and went inside the recording cabin, he saw you leaving and walked behind you throwing his cigarette away and stepping on it.
"Hey, James can we pause the xylophone for a bit and keep recording?" You wanted to proof Alex that the time he would spend here helping you, he wouldn't regret it. So you sang the whole song in one take with your eyes closed, giving your best, sometime dancing around, moving your hips, trying to imagine he wasn't here so you could feel less pressure but his eyes were on you the whole time and you could feel it. When you went outside the cabin James clapped and gave you a high five.
"Flawless, you did good there," Alex said, James grabbed his things and began to head out of the studio, he hugged Al goodbye and kissed you on the cheek.
"I expect to hear from both of you soon aye" You waved James goodbye, he had to leave to work on yet another album with another band, so you were only left with Alex now, and that beautiful sunset you admired for a while, lovely shades of yellow and red, with some pink colors here and there, it was magical, wind on your hair, some stars showing on the sky, you were amused by them, next moment when you turned around Al was recording you with his film camera, he smiled, one eye on the mirror the other one closed like a total expert.
"And cut!" He giggled, "This is good material for a small trailer, introducing Am I The Girl That You Dream Of, great song name by the way," He looped his arm around you.
"Oh... thanks I work hard on it" Next moment your phone began to ring, and you rushed to it, "Hello?" Your manager was on the other side of the phone, and she asked if that gig at the bar was still on, it was at 9 so you had to get ready before that to set up everything, but James was gone so you had no one else to help you, you could play your part but you froze, sometimes forgot the chords or the lyrics, "Yeah I'll be there in a few, bye see ya" You hung up, your hand hit your forehead.
"Everything alright?" He asked, putting his camera aside.
"Yeah, is just I got a gig and I need a guitarist" You scratched the back of your head.
"Why? You're good at it"
"I just freeze sometimes, and I guess I'm also used to playing with more people, all eyes on me I just feel loads of pressure" You confessed, eyes down, and he raised your chin.
"Is alright, that used to happen to me, I can do the guitar, is the tambourine good for you?"
"I'll do it" He gave you confidence when he smiled, and you began to tidy up the place, him by your side so you both finished very fast, Al was very organized, and at the same time you both chatted for a while, he told you some stories from when he was recording his first album with the monkeys, and you told him how you felt about this new experience, time went fast and it was almost about to be time.
"We drop by your place or mine?" He asked.
"Um... my place, I haven't showered today, I'm always in a hurry" He chuckled, and walked closer to you, "What? Do I smell?" Fuck.
"Not at all, you smell pretty good to me" You both chuckled, and he opened the door for you, you turned your car on and put on your belt, and he jumped in as well, "Your car smells good too" You laughed, pulling out of the parking load, he turned on the radio, Mazzy Star playing on your stereo.
"You're a ghost on the highway, and I'll love you forever" You sang above Mazzy's voice, "Ghost on the highway, and I'll love you forever" Alex lighted a cig.
"Been a while since I heard that song, mind if I turn it up a bit?"
"Sure, sure" You drove down the streets of LA, down to your apartment, Alex kept looking at your playlist complimenting your music, both of you had a common sense of style and music taste, there was a moment when The Smiths played How Soon Is Now? and you both dug on that tremolo sound on the beginning of the song, both singing your heart out until you got home.
"I won't take long, make yourself at home" You dropped your keys on the kitchen counter, and headed towards your room, it was unbelievable the amount of fun you had with him. When you first saw him he was like a shiny cowboy with that black jacket, and his boots, for a moment you forgot he was a human.
Alex was amazed by the amount of stuff you had in your apartment, you had a huge shelf filled with books and different types of vinyl, posters with zodiac signs, art you painted, and Polaroids framed with your friends, on the top of your kitchen counter there were fake roses tied into the lamps, there was a small corner where he saw your guitars, and a tambourine, your computer had stickers of hearts, and small kisses, and a cactus, he was thinking about your mind, how dreamy it was, it was like you had another meaning for everything. He stared at a picture of you and your mom, sitting on the beach building a sand castle, and you had some funny sunglasses, there was another of you sitting on your sister's lap playing your guitar, he admired all of those pictures in silence, giggling, and smiling, since little he could tell you were extraordinary.
When you hopped out of the shower, you could hear him chuckle, and a soft melody playing as well, what could he be laughing about? You opened your closet quickly taking out some clothes, and when you come out of your room Alex laughed even harder.
"What are you laughing about, Al?" He pointed your head, and you still had your towel on, "Ah, shit" You took it off and laughed.
"You were a really cute girl...still are" He showed you the picture of you and your mom building that sand castle, "Look at you," He gave you the frame, "I'm gonna call you sandy now, like Sponge Bob, or Alice, cause you live in wonderland"
"Ah! Wonderful" You said with sarcasm, "Well I'm almost ready I'll just do my makeup, and we're done" You glanced at your clock, you still had an hour and a half to get ready, in 15 minutes you could do it, so you grabbed your bag and your mirror put it on your kitchen counter and turned on the white light, "There's better light here anyways," You pulled out a chair and began to work, first you grabbed a pair of tweezers to fix your eyebrows a bit, sometimes pulled a piece of flesh on accident, but you tried to get those little hairs out, Alex hissed and sat on the counter table.
"That doesn't hurt for you?" You said no with your head, "You're pulling your skin off" It was a bit red, he was kind of right but a bit of makeup on that area will make it brand new.
"I mean... once you get used to it, is alright"
"Do mine," He said.
"Yeah, plug them... just a bit," He said, stopping you for a moment, you went closer to his face, grabbing his chin to get a better look at the places you had to take out the hairs, and he forced his eyes shut scrunching his face.
"If you keep forcing your eyes shut it will hurt more, relax," You said, he still had his eyes closed, and you could see a little scar on his eyebrow that you touched with your thumb, you focused and pulled just one.
"Ouch!" He exclaimed, "Bloody hell! you're a lair!" He groaned and scratched his brow, you exploded in laughter.
"I didn't even pull it out!" You said between laughs.
"Don't even try again, you're gonna pull me whole eyebrow off" He chuckled, and you kept plugging your eyebrows off, humming the song, "I don't even get it, how are you so at peace by doing that, woman?"
"Experience man, just experience" When you finished, you began to lather up your face, Alex watched you in awe as you did it, still humming to the music, it was Leonard Cohen, Chelsea Hotel #2, you were almost ready you didn't do much to your face, just some concealer, blush, a bit of natural color for your eye, a cat eye, mascara, blush, and bold lip so it could all piled up together, next moment when you turned around Al was filming you with his camera.
"Can't help myself, love, you have the face for a movie, you know like one of those little indie films" You laughed and said no with your head, applying lipstick.
"Can you stop for a bit? I'm trying to focus"
"I can't I'm in the middle of making you the next Hollywood star, you will thank me when you see your name on the walk of fame" In a blink of an eye Alex had a red lipstick stain on the corner of his lip, "Yeh didn't!" He gasped with loads of drama.
"Come here cowboy, I'm gonna make you look pretty!" You teased him, and he jumped out of your counter and began to run around your apartment, you had your lipstick on hand running around in circles behind him.
"I'm being chased by this evil woman, she has a dangerous arm she calls "lipstick" she keeps saying she's gonna make me look pretty but-" You were trying to catch him on the couch, but you ended up going on circles all over it, he was falsely going left to right like he was playing some basketball game, trying to fool his rival, "I have my suspicions" You ended up running faster, and hoped on his back, "No! She trapped me!" He yelled.
"Now smile" You sang, you painted clown makeup on his lips while he kept saying no over and over again, "Brava! Beautiful!"
"I've been defeated by the girl in sandals, send help," He said, you both chuckled panting for air, he dropped you on the couch making you giggle.
"Let's get this off you now" You grabbed a makeup wipe from your bag, he grasped your disposable camera from the side table and began to take pictures of himself making the funniest faces ever, sticking his tongue out, smiling wide.
"Come 'ere, let's get some pictures for the momentum" You stuck your tongue out and so did he, you made little horns behind his head, he grabbed your cheeks squished them together, and gave you a kiss on the cheek, you gasped and now it was your turn to fill his face with red kisses, he kept taking more and more pictures, until finally, he stopped, "I think that's a wrap!" He giggled, "Now get this off me" You smacked your lips together.
"Two more, okay?" He said no again, but you pushed him to the couch and straddle him with your legs, he laughed with a defeated smile, and you took a picture, "Amazing!" He stared at you, admiring your smile, he patted your hips and gently sat up, "Another one" He smiled, and this time he put the back of his hand on his forehead, and parted his lips, leaning back, he was so dramatic, "Fantastic", you were about to get up but he sat you back down hugging your waist.
"Two more, it's revenge time, come 'ere" He hugged you close to him, his arms just below your breasts just to take you closer to him, his cheek squished to yours, he took a picture, and another one with you sticking your tongue out and your eyes together, and him smiling like a little kid, and lastly your favorite one of you looking at each other smiling brightly, he put the camera down and stared at you, still chuckling, "I-" Your phone rang making you both jump up, it was your manager.
"Fuck! we gotta go, we have..." You glanced at your clock, " Less than ten minutes!" Alex grabbed your guitar case, the tambourine, and your pedal case, you grabbed your keys and put the makeup wipes in, taking Alex's camera with you, and your phone, and you quickly checked yourself out before you left fixing your lipstick.
"I look good?" He stared at you up and down, you had a yellow dress patterned with red and maroon roses, black boots with white socks, and half of your hair lazily tied with a red bow.
"Beautiful" He opened the door for you, and you grabbed the guitar case to help him out, both of you rushed to your car and drove to the bar, whipping your lipstick off his face, once you were in, the first thing you did was to look for your manager, she was talking to someone close to the stage, and your manager turned around to look at you, she was visibly furious but when she saw Alex she changed her mood.
"Alex" She sounded so pumped about it, but tried to stay cool giving him a friendly smile and a hug, "It's good to see you around here" Alex hugged her back giving her a light kiss on the cheek, "I see you're gonna play together that'll be excellent"
"Yeah, sorry for being late" She waved it off, smiling at both of you.
"Being a little late is nothing, the show is what matters but don't be late again" She warned you with a serious face, "Good luck now," She directed you to the small stage in the bar, and you stepped forward to the mic, introduced yourself to the people in the bar, they didn't pay much attention to you, your manager had lured you into playing this gig just to get some press, and the image of your fresh new sound for the youth, but the thing was you didn't like this feeling, all the pressure, the expectations, it made you feel repelled. Alex began to play the guitar and you tried to focus on something else while you sang, tried to focus on the melody and the words that came out of your mouth, with a white light focusing on you, you forgot where you were, who you were standing in front of, you were enveloped by the music, almost in a trance, on a dream.
Suddenly the music ended, and the show was over, the people in the bar clapped, and you glanced at Alex and smiled, he applauded you and hugged you from the side, "Thank you, have a lovely night everybody" You stepped down, your manager padded your shoulder.
"You did really good for your first time" You smiled and hugged her, "Well, I gotta go now, see ya" You waved her goodbye, she always had somewhere to go she didn't stay for much just like you expected, you turned and Al had the biggest grin on his lips.
"First time?" His arms crossed, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as well, "Drinks are on me" He wrapped his arm around you, and pulled out a chair for you from the countertop, he ordered some margaritas for you and him.
"Yeah, I had the chance before when I send the demos but I kinda bitched out, I wasn't ready, I was gonna open up for a band but it was a huge crowd, and I don't do well with 'em" You confessed.
"For your first time, you were excellent love, really," Your cheeks blushed a little bit at his comment.
"Now tell me something about you" You crossed your arms on the table leaning closer to him, and he sat back and chuckled.
"I used to work in a pub like this on Sheffield, when I was younger, the owner let us play a few gigs in that bar, but now that we're talking 'bout first times, I was shitting meself" You almost spat your drink, a choked laugh coming out of your mouth, "I mean it!, in this pub called The Grapes, there it was...me first time"
"What kind of first time?" You joked, and he came forward laughing, you sipped your margarita and kept listening to him.
"A different time of first time, see.... me and the guys we would spend so much time practicing and all, at first I didn't wanna be the lead singer but, in the end, I had to do it, I guess I was very insecure about me voice, and I didn't know what to do while on stage, do I just stand there like a robot playing the guitar or do I just dance or summat like that"
"You just let go, be free" You giggled about how obvious that answer is, "I know it sounds like a cliché though"
"But it's true, isn't it?" You nodded, "For some people, it's hard though, so this one goes to being free and having fun" He raised his glass in the air, and you did the same.
"And for making an amazing duo" You added, "Cheers"
"That's right, cheers" You smiled and had a sip of your drink, couple of hours later, more margaritas came by, and you found yourself laughing so loudly at everything that Alex said, you couldn't believe how afraid you felt when you first met him on the studio, he's a humble man, with a great sense of humor, you easily centered your whole attention on his voice, how everything he said was almost like a song, the way his tongue rolled the words that came out of his mouth, how he was passionate about everything he would talk to you about, and he liked the pink color of your cheeks, your scarlet red lips, and your eyes that dilate each time you looked at him, you had that look in your eyes that could easily break his heart into a million pieces, you were his dream girl, some kind of girl he thought his eyes would never come across to again, he didn't want to go home after this, he wanted to stay with you.
"I can't believe you and Matt did that!"
"Our folks almost caught us though, but it was a thrill to say so the least" You smiled at him for a bit, until you looked down at your table, your fingertips touching his, and that small rose of your fingers made your cheeks blush, shortly the bartender interrupted that moment.
"Can I get you anything else?" He asked, you glanced at his arm which was inked and filled with tattoos, a septum piercing on his nose, his hair was long and his eyes a deep blue, Al stared at the man jealous because your eyes were on him, he ordered two margaritas again, and the man left, you followed him with your eyes.
"See summat you like?" He snapped you out.
"Now I do" Maybe it was all the margaritas you had that made you say that but it was true, "I'm just intrigued by all of his tattoos, you know? I wanna know what they mean to him, cause for me a naked girl tattooed on his skin is very straightforward"
"Maybe he likes his women like that," He said, you gasped and giggled.
"And you?"
"I like to leave 'em in a little something" He whispered, your cheeks blushed darker you crossed your legs together trying not to smile, "If I'm honest, I don't want this night to be over, why don't we keep it going?"
"Your place or mine?" You said without a doubt.
"Yours obviously" He stood up and gave you his hand, you jumped out of your sit remembering how tall he was, or how small you were.
"You really like my place, don't you?" You packed up your guitar while he unplugged the amps, he smirked and handed you the tambourine.
"Your place is like wonderland, and I would like to visit it again" You giggled closing up your case, he grab it for you and dropped your stuff in the back of your car.
"Before we go, I think we might need to get some stuff from the supermarket to get loaded" Or properly shitfaced.
Speeding down the white halls of the store, you found yourself grasping the shopping cart tightly while Al ran to get tequila and triple sec for more margaritas, both of you were starving and everything you saw you wanted to get, when you finally got to the cash register the old lady with fluffy hair giggled at you, your hair was wild after all of those spins you had in the shopping cart, you smiled at Alex, finally you left the store with four huge bags full of chips, booze, sweets, limes, frozen chicken nuggets, and curly fries.
"What a ride!" Your head was still spinning, you tried to stand up to get out of the card but Al threw you over his shoulder like a potato sack, and spun you around, "Alex!" You begged him in laughter until he put you back on the ground but you fell over laughing so hard it made your stomach hurt.
"Are you alright?" He gave you his hand but you pulled him and he fell to the ground next to you, he looked into your eyes, "You're really beautiful" He said.
"With this hair and everything?"
"With the wild hair and everything" He ran his fingers thru it, "Let's go home, yeah?" You whispered a yes, and he pulled you up from the ground, and you drove home together, singing every song that was on the radio until you got home huddling to your apartment, you threw everything on your counter top, while you went to your room and changed into something more comfortable some denim shorts and a black shirt, when you came back you saw Al making the margaritas singing The Stooges, pouring the mixture in two cups, you grabbed your acoustic guitar and played some random chords, fooling around.
"That sounds really lovely" He put the cup down on your coffee table and he drank from his margarita as you played the same chords over and over again mumbling some words, he grabbed your tambourine and played along with you, and you changed the strumming and began to fingerpick the strings, your eyes set on that picture that Al saw before you played the gig, you remembered how warm the water was that day on the beach, so you used that for inspiration.
"I want to love a boy the way I love the ocean," You thought for a moment about the next words, "Wish I was not afraid of all I have that's broken" And then Alex hummed the melody you began.
"I know I must behave to contain all my emotions"
"But I want to love a boy"
"The way I love the ocean" Both of you chuckled after the song finished, you kept the same fingerpicking.
"We could do summat with that together" He, for the first time looked down at the floor and not your eyes, he looked a bit shy, you put everything back in place and sat down on the couch again.
"What was that?" You asked a bit impressed.
"You looking down on the floor?" He chuckled, his cheeks blushing.
"Sorry is just, that I wanted to..." He scratched the back of his head, you noticed he did that whenever he was nervous, he licked his lips and bit the bottom one, you understood what it was, and you also wanted to, very badly, and with the number of margaritas you had you said fuck it all, your hands cupped his cheeks and you pecked his lips very gently, lingering for a bit, his lips parted yours his tongue slipping inside your mouth taking over you, your fingers ran down his hair pulling it, you went further down letting them run down to his chest, you pulled away for a moment and smiled at him brightly.
"Is this what you wanted?" You grinned, he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, "Or do you want something more, Al?" He pressed his lips on your neck, his hands going down to your hips, you wanted it too, so badly, since his mouth had kissed yours it made you feel those tingles in the pit of your stomach, you were hungry for more.
"Lay down for me" He crawled on top of you, and you kept kissing his lips until your head hit the pillow on your couch, he undid the button of your shorts and helped you shimmy out of them, "Do you remember what I like?"
"I dunno maybe remind me of it" You teased him, he took your shirt off and unclasped your bra with one swift move.
"I like to leave me girl in a little something...but for you, I can make an exception" He left a trail of kisses down to your belly, parting your legs his fingers began to tease you dragging your underwear down, he loved every curve of your body, the roundness of your chest, and your thighs, he couldn't believe he had laid his eyes in such a beautiful girl, dragging down your underwear he pushed your knees up and dug his face between your thighs, he didn't want to use his fingers this time though, he wanted to taste you, his lips sucked your sensitive spot and his tongue licked your walls going in circles on your clit, you were already writhing feeling the need to be touched more, your fingers formed into claws that pulled his hair.
"More, please," His tongue lapped in fast circles that made your legs quiver, "Fuck that's... oh my fucking-" He pushed his tongue inside, and your hand went down but he grabbed your wrist and put it down.
"If you want me to touch you just ask babe, okay? Anything you need" His tenderness made you smile and chuckle, he crawled back up to peck your lips softly, "Tell me what you need" Your hand went down, lightly brushing his hard cock, "That?" His hips bucked forward, and you felt him hard against your thigh.
"Y-Yes" You whispered, you were eager for it, you filled his neck with kisses gently flipping him so you could get on top, you helped him to unbuckle his belt, but it made you giggle how difficult it was for him to get out of those skin tight jeans, "Need a hand?"
"No, I'm... yes I do" Both of you giggled together, and you pushed them down as best as you could to his thighs, "I need to stop wearing those"
"Nah, they fit you very well" You stated.
"I've heard they make me bum look what was the word..." He stared into your eyes, for a good moment trying to find the answer, but you already knew it.
"So you've been looking at it!" He made your cheeks turn red, and you felt so guilty but at the same time how could you resist if he keeps dancing like that?
"Once!" His eyebrow raised, your eyes rolled and you chuckled, "Okay, two times... but that's it" He stared at you once more, his eyes were lost in yours for a moment, you bit your lower lip and slowly let it go, maybe it was bad that you did, "I'm sorry" He grabbed the back of your head, your forehead against his.
"Just shut up and kiss me" And that's what you did, your lips against his, you tasted that bitter and sweet flavor of the margaritas and cigarettes he smoked, but they tasted like heaven on earth, around, between, forward, and back, your lips never got tired, your tongue didn't get enough of his taste, "I'm sorry if I'm hurrying things up I-"
"Shut up Al" He liked it when you called him Al, he loved that spark of cockiness you had, it was so cute to him, he wanted to show you how much he wanted you, he wanted to make you feel so good it was his duty now, he pushed his cock out and rubbed it against your sensitive spot, a moan escaped your lips to his, and when he pushed himself inside you your body shivered, "Alex.." You breathed out, and your hips began to move slowly forward and back, a moan escaped his lips, and he pulled you closer to him, your chest against prest his, you went slow at first but when you felt more confident you began to increase the pase a little bit.
"You feel so good, so tight and warm" He groaned, you gasped when you felt him deeper, touching that spot that made your walls contract, he grinds your hips harder and harder each time, and his breathing got heavier as he felt closer, "You're driving me crazy, doll,"
"Al, I'm close" He moved your hips faster against yours, your tits bouncing and hardening when you felt goosebumps crawling up from your lower back, Al hit the spot once more your eyes rolled back when you felt it, it was so close now.
"Give me everything love" One more thrust, and that was it for you, and as well as him, he pulled out of you just in time, you watched him give his cock a few thugs until he came on your inner thigh, he seemed lost for a moment, his breathing so fast he was panting, he looked up at you and smiled, and when he looked down he immediately went back from his trance, "Wait here, let's get you cleaned up" He kissed your cheek and lightly turned on his back to rest you in the couch, kicking out of his jeans he quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a few paper towels, he whipped off his release from your thigh and threw it away on the trash bin, when he finally got to you he sat next to you, "How do you feel?"
"Tired," A yawn escaped your lips.
"Bedtime, babe" He carried you bridal style to your room with no struggle, laying down in bed and covering you up with your sheets, he cuddled right next to you, "Sweet dreams, darling" Your head rested on his chest, feeling his calm heartbeat slowly as he got relaxed under your skin.
"Sweet dreams to you too, Al" You pecked his lips one last time before you went to sleep, he smiled and cuddled closer to you.
The next morning you woke up smiling, but it turned around when you didn't feel his arms around you, you flipped the blanket and he wasn't there, you felt he might've regretted last night, maybe it was wrong for you to kiss him in the first place, you walked out of your room more disappointed than ever the door slammed on accident, and that's when you saw him, on his same grey underwear cooking God knows what but it smelled amazing.
He turned on his back and smirked, "Good morning to you too" He looked at you up and down, and you noticed you didn't have anything on, you were completely naked, he went up to hug you and stared at your face for a moment, "What's wrong, babe?"
"I just thought you had... left"
"I would never do that" He caressed your cheek with his thumb, "And for the record, you won't get me to go that easily" A smile crawled to your lips, and he smiled back pecking your lips, you quickly changed the subject to distract both of you for a second.
"What are you making, Al? Smells good" God, he was just like a happy meal, the prettiest, British happy meal ever.
"I'm making eggs, sausage, pancakes, and some beans... and also you're a blessing" You stole one of the sausages that were already cooked and served on a plate.
"Why?" You said with your mouth full.
"Cause you have Heinz beans, and the best pancake mix ever" You broke into laughter, almost choking on your food.
"I can't believe you woke up and did all of this" You turned and also saw fresh coffee in the pot, you poured him and yourself a cup.
"I'm capable of eating this all by myself, when I wake up hungry I just cook everything that I see on the fridge" You truly believed him, like actually, you could expect that from him, but you didn't expect he was also a very tidy man, you could use that on a daily basis.
"Did you have a good night sleep?"
"I dreamed about you," He said with a smile, "Very sweet dreams I'd say" You couldn't believe how this man could make you blush so hard, and just with a few words.
"Wanna tell me about it?"
"How about I show you" He quickly turned everything off and carried you back to bed, both of you giggling.
Hope you enjoyed! and be prepared for the next chapter ladies and gentlemen…
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yellowloid · 1 year
hey! i was sort of reading “something to rely on” lyrics, and i remembered that you analyse some of miles, monkeys and tlsp songs. so, i just wanted to ask what are your thoughts on this song, cause i particularly think it’s about alex or some of it. anyway, other songs from cdg can be fully about alex, but barely no one talks about this one, so i thought it’d be great to discuss about it.
there’s also “adios tara tara” that i also think it’s about alex, as other songs from change the show, but that’s for another time! i also love your blog, your fanfics and song analysis, they’re always really good! 🫶
sooo first of all sorry for being this late lmao this is kinda embarrassing because this ask was sent MONTHS ago maybe almost a year ago it was so long ago i literally don't remember. i'm only just answering now BUT better late than never i guess skgshdfh
(as usual don't take this too seriously lmao this is just a silly theory, i'm in no way implying it's the truth. it's just delusion o'clock)
now, if you follow me you know what i think of coup de grace as an album - and that is, the fact that it's soooo about alex it's crazy like. bro was so angry and in love and heartbroken????? and he wrote a literal masterpiece of an album????? that's iconic if you ask me
so to no one's surprise, let's follow the usual theory - them having some sort of falling out after eycte because of miles getting serious and alex consequently chickening out, which led to Peak Gay Drama Year, also known as 2018, when they both release albums that - more or less explicitly - contain images that could easily be interpreted as references to each other. something to rely on is no exception:
"crescent moon, left in my drive / all too soon, you made your point"
the reference to the moon creates a pattern, since the semantic field of astral entities is also present in songs such as killing the joke, with "interstellar, dressed in leather, drinking bitter boy" - which as we all know is one of miles' most direct lines when it comes to referencing alex, and it can easily be linked to am's own space-themed album, which miles definitely got to listen before its official release date.
opening the song with a reference to the moon could be a way of @ a certain someone, letting him know that yes, this song *is* in fact about him, if he didn't get the other billion hints in the whole album. (however, for the sake of keeping it vague, i won't be referring to him directly but rather to a ~mysterious person~) (i'm sure you get my point tho *wink wink*) [gunshots]
mentioning the moon could also be a way of referencing the ever-present theme of nighttime encounters in the entirety of mk/am/tlsp's discography: sometimes those encounters are described as fun, sometimes they mean trouble; sometimes, they leave the people involved with a sense of guilt and/or shame, on which we'll come back later and which often leads to bad decisions ("all too soon, you made your point"). in this particular case, the first image that comes to my mind is someone leaving sneakily after a (series of) one-night stands, with the song obviously being from the pov of the person being left, who also gives us a reason why they think the other person left:
"keeping off the radar, how does that make you feel? / keeping it clean, through all the things you wanted me to be / out of touch, with all the rumors i keep hearing of you / keeping off the radar, how does that make you feel?"
this person doesn't seem to want other people to know about their affair, and that's why they keep it secret; it seems that they want miles to be something he's not, or something he can't be - or maybe they ask all these things of themselves, which would maybe make it easier for them to accept the relationship going public. this person wants to keep it neat and clean, picture-perfect and fitting to everything everyone expects from them; but as much as they try to stay lowkey and not attract attention, the narrator informs us that no matter how much this person tries to hide, there's still rumors going around about them, as an individual as well as their relationship(s) with other people, most likely with the narrator too.
"all aboard the guilt train / last call before we leave / last call before we learn to love / the last call before we leave"
the line referring to guilt is insanely queer-coded and i will die on this hill because it just SCREAMS internalised homophobia, with which the other person might be struggling. it wouldn't make sense otherwise - because what would that person feel guilty about, if it were a straight-passing relationship? unless it was a cheating situation, of course... but it could be a cheating situation AND also a queer one, with this person being in another (het) relationship while having a same-sex lover (the narrator), which would give that line a double explanation. also every time i listen to this song i just can't help but think about 'all aboard the kane train' WHAT WHO SAID THAT
however, the narrator tells us that this is the "last call before we leave" - meaning, he's giving this person an ultimatum to make up their mind and decide if they want to be with him for real or not, since the latter possibility would result in him leaving - not necessarily for good, but... just trying to get over that person once and for all. at the same time, though, it's also the "last call before we learn to love" - which is incredibly soft imo, because it's him still putting trust and hope into that person and a positive decision on their part. he believes they will eventually choose to be with him, he hopes for it and trusts the other person to make the right decision, which would lead to them being together and learning how to love each other without limits nor second-guesses. the repetition of the leaving line could also be seen as a way for him to give it a new meaning compared to the first one: if they ended up together, they could leave that world based on nasty rumors and appearances, ignoring them all to just be happy together. because, after all, miles declares it openly:
"you're all that i wanted / all that i need / you're all that i wanted / you're all that i need"
i mean. does this even need an explanation. bro is down BAD
"something to rely on / something to get high on / i don't want to beg or steal, i don't want to borrow hearts / i just want to make it real / something to rely on / the making of a mystery, wishing on a falling star / i don't want to let this sadness rule my heart / your actions from the start / in spite of me insightfully inviting me to fall apart"
i left the chorus last because imo it captures perfectly the whole vibe of the song and what i think is miles' outlook on life in general: the narrator wants something stable and secure, an established relationship with the other person; he doesn't want to have to beg and argue and make it more complicated than it probably already is, he doesn't want to be a pastime or just some lover. he wants something thrilling and intense, almost addictive - but most importantly, he wants something real. this complicated situation with the other person is making them both suffer, and the other person's behaviour doesn't make it any easier; but in spite of everything, and in spite of his sense of self-preservation, he still finds himself unable and unwilling to resist them, to let them go for good. and no matter how self-destructive this might be, he doesn't want to be ruled by negative emotions; he's already fallen for them, too deep to even consider letting them go. he just keeps falling, and yeah, the outcome of their situationship might still be a mystery, but he chooses to be hopeful - "wishing on a falling star", bringing the song to a circular end by mentioning other astral entities that inevitably remind us of the "crescent moon" that opens the song. which also evokes the idea of circularity that is typical of situationships like the one described here, where the moment he seems to have made up his mind (or maybe the other person finally did?) it's like rinse and repeat, and once again they're back to square one.
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