aparticularbandit · 2 months
20 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
tagged by: @andtherewerefireworks. THANK YOU. <3 <3 <3
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
206, apparently. O.o I didn't realize it was that much. Whoops. >.>;;;;;; ...when did I end up with 55 fics in the MCU. I knew I had a lot in JTV, but when did I end up with that many in the MCU
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Uh...currently? ...uh...let me check my pinned post. Uh. Danganronpa (not DRV3 because I haven't finished it yet; specifically Junko etc. I like rewrites and consequences more than...crossovers...right now. I would rather play with canon...ish). MCU (specifically Wanda-related etc. re: Wandavision and DSMOM, but also add the Ancient One and also add Viv Vision because I love her). JTV (because yes, I can be persuaded to write more Roisa stuff). Miscellaneous Kathryn Hahn etc. (frequently referred to as Hahnverse, specifically beyond Agatha I will also write Eve Fletcher and Claire Debella). Who Framed Roger Rabbit (because yes, I can also be persuaded to occasionally write more Jessica Rabbit stuff, although it is often highly specific to my Jess). Puella Magi Madoka Magica (just because I haven't in a very long time does not mean I can't). Noir (the 2001 anime; just because I have very little posted doesn't mean I won't write for this). The Haunting of Bly Manor (specifically Dani and Viola and we pretend that most of the last episode didn't happen because I love Viola and I like looking at the complications of that whole situation). ...probably others that I can't think about at the moment, honestly.
4) Top Five Fics by Kudos:
By kudos? 1) What Dreams May Come. 2) Finding Family. 3) Lost Causes. 4) Make Life Worthwhile. 5) Take A Sad Song and Make It Better. Surprised by that last one, honestly, but not by the other four. The top two on my stats are pretty much always Bly Manor Fix-It Fic and FF; they just switch places every now and again.
5) Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I respond to comments if I feel I have a response or if I want to continue the dialogue or if I'm asked a question and don't put it off for a while (I'm really bad at this, actually). But I feel like a lot of comments...don't need...a response? And have been running into the weird situation lately where responding to comments...feels like...it keeps people from commenting? Which is? A weird feeling?
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Timeline canon doesn't count (I see you out there reading this) because that's not fic, that's rp. And, I mean, technically that had a happy ending. Technically. the day her line went flat. hands down. i've got some other angsty stuff that comes to mind, but like. nothing like that one, i don't think. ...but if I ever finish it all happens so quick, that may take it.
7) What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...uh. Hm. I think probably Finding Family, because it was nearly 375k of build up (385k if you include the Holiday Special) and character development and relational development just to get to that ending so that it felt well earned and deserved and still not expected even though set up and just. I knew the ending of that one when I started it, and it was exactly what I wanted it to be, and I think it's the most happy because it's the most right and complete and just.... I don't know how to put words to it, but that one.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten bot hate on my MCU fics by bots who want me to switch to a different fic website, which I don't think really counts. I haven't gotten hate as comments on AO3 fic, BUT I DID have a period early last year and some the year before of A LOT of Anon hate, some of which was fic hate. Specifically character interpretation. But that felt more like a campaign of hate against me and that was just the avenue they were deciding to use at that particular time because there was so much other hate they were sending, so like. ...yeah, that was a thing.
9) Do you write smut?
10) Craziest crossover?
Heart in Motion aka the JTV/ODAAT crossover that no one asked for and then everyone asked for and then I never went back to. XD
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Partly! Someone started translating Finding Family into Russian! With permission! You can find it here!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Room for One I co-wrote with @butimnotasexyrussian! IT WAS GREAT.
14) All time favorite ship?
Honestly, I don't think I have one. I love Jess/Scully and Jess/Regina. I love the Valentines. But my shipping favs are flexible at best.
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What Dreams May Come. I don't think I left it in a good spot, as opposed to If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now, which is unfinished and will probably stay unfinished but at least stops at a good spot.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Consistency. I'm very consistent in terms of world-building and maintaining exact specifics through a fic. I keep my through threads, usually, and if I set something up, it's probably going to pay off later.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS SO LONG. WHAT IS WRITING SHORT STUFF, I DON'T KNOW HER. But also plot. And description. And setting. I suck at all of these things. Oh, also, having characters have distinct voices. All of my characters sound the same. -shrugs-
18) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't have a problem with it, but I very rarely do it. I'm worried I'll get something wrong!
19) First fandom you wrote in?
Tales of Symphonia. I was in, like, middle school, and I did not post it. Fortunately. (This does not count RP, which I was doing earlier than that. That's not the same. And to be honest, I'm not sure I would know the answer then. Teen Titans or Inu-Yasha, maybe? I'm not sure.)
20) Favorite fic you've written?
It's a toss up between Luisa and the Fox and Surrogate. Probably there's something else I'm forgetting but will remember after I post this. But honestly? It's probably one of those two.
tagging: @adhdavinci (FINALLY I CAN TAG YOU BACK BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T TAG ME FIRST! HAHA!); @captaintoomanybattles; @auburnlaughter; @eriquin
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flowerwrites06 · 1 year
Hi! Give us a little more spoiler about Namjoon, your upcoming character! For example, what is his personality like?
Ooh he sort of aligns with Seokjin's whole philosophy in a way that the gangs should be of Korean influence. But he's a bit more brotherly I guess? And less up himself lmao. He's like that dude everyone looks up to, the boss that can get rid of a crappy spouse or a stalker. He's very protective and wants his underground influence to help people when the police or government can't. Sort of can't give you more info just yet but stay tuned! The next chapter will come soon, I promise!
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izatrini · 9 months
Weekend Playlist: Border Collie, The Haunt and more - LATF USA
Weekend Playlist: Border Collie, The Haunt and more  LATF USA http://dlvr.it/SwC5W8
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originalsproutseo · 11 months
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montaneuspr · 1 year
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Gecko VP 5+ Vest in LATF USA’s Trail Runner Must-Have
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Panama CITES calls for bridging data gaps in combating illegal wildlife trade
Panama CITES calls for bridging data gaps in combating illegal wildlife trade
Delegates at the ongoing Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) have called for an evidence-based integrated approach in addressing the challenge of data gaps in combating illegal trade in wildlife and meeting sustainable development goals in Africa. Speaking at the side event hosted by the Lusaka Agreement Task Force (LATF) held on the sidelines…
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loveafterthefact · 2 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 84: This Tree will Die Without Leaves
Oh we all still die.
This episode brought to you by Willow Tree March by The Paper Kites because titles are my mortal nemesis. Also, I'm very sorry because this one will sting.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, and Keith experiencing eMOtional DAmage :')
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The blaring of the alarms is about as loud and frantic as it can possibly get, but about two dobashes after the system detects the breach, the lights go black, and small lights in the wall fade into life, placed at random, shaped like the lights on Altean armor. If an Altean in armor were standing perfectly still, they’d be nearly invisible.
And Keith sticks out like an elk on a mesa. He’s not the only one who realizes this, as Adam’s particular presence encroaches on his personal space.
“They breached through the west end,” Griffin murmurs. “We can’t get visual.”
“Understood,” Keith growls, sword in hand. “We are prepared to fight to the death if necessary.”
“Give us that opportunity first, if you don’t mind,” Adam whispers.
Keith scoffs, wishes for Lance’s safety as he leans over the dimmed holotable display, seeking out heat signatures through the warrens and hallways of the castle. He can see clusters of civilians, the heat of the castle forges and laundry rooms, the warm glow of the greenhouses-
A moving puddle of heat, marching toward the situation room.
“They know where to go.” Keith’s jaw clenches, not so much against nausea as against rage. The puddle pauses at a corner, takes the correct turn. “Somewhat. They’re following someone’s directions.”
“There are only a few people on Daibazaal who would have that information.” Adam adjusts his grip on his weapon. “Three, to be exact. Two who are capable of giving it. And both are Alteans.”
“The question is why.” Keith straightens up. “Nevermind, for now. They will attack. We will kill them, and then, I guess, get to the comms room and see what we might be able to achieve there. From there, I will head toward Alfor’s laboratory with Adam. The rest of you will go to where the civilians are being held. Defend them with your lives, communicate with me as best you can. Collaboration is key to getting these shits off the planet.”
“Are you sure that’s wise?” one Altean asks. “You seem unwell…”
“I am well enough for this. Everyone, stand back.” Keith waits until the Alteans start moving and the puddle of heat becomes a platoon of Galra right down the hall, before driving his knife directly into the table’s hard drive, and Adam follows by shattering the crystal tabletop with the blade of his poleaxe. “Let them try and get anything from that!”
Keith scurries, presses himself into a corner adjacent to the door, Adam standing in front and slightly to the left of him, shielding him from whoever comes through the door first. He takes a deep breath, another, ears seeking the sound of running footsteps, drowned out by the pulse of his own hearts. He grips the handle of his blade tight, sword arm ready, a live wire from the shoulder down. A deep breath. He adjusts his stance, widens his feet a little more. A deep breath. We’ve got this. I’ve got this. He lifts his eyes to the ceiling, sends a quick prayer to Trija to preserve them.
One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths. Four-
The doors burst open, and the room descends into pandemonium.
Lance coughs, curling into a fetal position on the floor as he takes stock of all his new aches and pains. His visor is completely gone, nothing but a few shards remaining. There's a sting in his cheek that might be bits of crystal or just rock. Vision blurred, hazy, shifting- he closes his eyes tight, feeling grains of Daibazaal dust against his water lines. Every inhalation is agony- a few of his ribs must be cracked.
“Papa-” Lance coughs, dust choking his lungs. “Fuck- Keith. ”
Lance’s body jerks sharply, and he coughs again, long and hard. He has to get up. His lungs are on fire, itching like a billion insects.
He needs to get up.
Everything hurts.
He needs to get up.
Lance forces his eyes open again, still curled tight, trying to breathe. He can barely see anything. It’s so dark. His wrist without the vambrace is sending lancing pain up his arm. That hand is numb. His injured arm must have sustained more damage in the fall.
Another coughing fit wracking his frame, Lance curls back up, trying to get himself together, nothing around him but dark, and the barest outlines of stone illuminated by his suit. Desperate and alone, mind hazy, heart pounding in his ears and behind his scaled cheeks, Lance reaches out for his father, quintessence slogging its way through damaged stone, as sluggish as its wielder.
And he finds… nothing.
No Alfor.
Only a smear of alchemic residue.
Lance’s heart stops, breath frozen in his lungs. No. No no no. No no no no nonononononono. A horrible, strangled sound tears its way out of Lance’s dust-coated throat, hot, thick tears spilling from his eyes as he lays prone, injured and trapped in the blackness.
“Papa!” Lance screams, curls in on himself.
He did this. He did. It was him. It’s all his fault.
It’s all his fault.
It’s all his fault.
He killed his father.
It’s all his fault.
He sobs bitterly, as quietly as he can. Just in case. Every sob that rips through his lungs has him choking. He can’t breathe right. He can’t breathe-
Something moves in the grit just beyond the shadowy light of his suit. Blinking away his tears, Lance scrabbles for his bayard, doesn’t even react when it just reappears in his hand. Wiping snot and tears from his face with his glove, Lance activates his sword, hand trembling as he crawls deeper into the low-hanging tunnel. He wants his father. A selfish, frightened part of him also wants Keith, misses his ferocious husband watching his back.
Fuck. What he really wants right now is to be held while he cries, but he doesn’t have time or anyone he'd want to cry with.
“La-” A hoarse cough. “Lance? You there?”
“Thace?” Lance croaks, crawling forward, elbows scraping through grit and rubble. “Thace, what-”
Thace’s breathing is ragged, his arm and half of his chest pinned under a large stone, other arm under his torso. “Lance, I need-”
“Okay.” Lance sniffles, draws his quintessence in close so he can’t feel that void so much anymore. “Okay, let me see if I can-” He coughs. He gropes around in the dim light, aided by his damaged flashlight. The stone isn’t load-bearing, a tiny, one-dot gap between it and the ceiling. He throws all his weight into it, and it lurches, rolls off Thace’s chest and arm in one tumble. Thace cries out, the shift of the heavy stone a crushing grind against his bones.
“You okay?” Lance croaks, helping the Galra sit up.
“Arm might be broken, but I still have ass to kick. I think I can still fight. You?”
Lance coughs again, so hard he gags, spitting up bile. The heaving of his chest ends on a sob of pain and grief.
“Hey…” Thace doesn’t ask about Alfor, and Lance decides it’s probably pretty obvious, all things considered. “Does your chest hurt? Broken ribs? I don’t like that coughing.”
“It- It feels… tight. I can’t breathe quite right.”
Thace’s garnet eyes glitter with worry, shining with a golden hue in the dim dark. He pushes Lance down, sitting him on a rock while he examines him. “Your wrist is definitely broken. Not sure about your ribs, but you don’t look bloated.”
“Mnh. It would mean there’s internal bleeding. Let me know if your belly starts feeling tight. I know you said your chest does, but I think you might’ve just inhaled some dust. We can get that fixed if you don’t cough it up.”
“Okay.” Lance scrubs at his face, a big mistake as more dust gets in his eyes and he has to cry it out again.
“We’ll get you help as soon as we can. Hang in there, alright?”
“Alright,” Lance whispers, still sniffling. He’s grateful that Thace doesn’t comment.
“There’s only one way to go: up. Hopefully, we’ll find a way out of this tunnel, get to your sister, Romelle, and Lotor.” Thace pushes himself to his feet with a grunt, and Lance can’t help but notice the way the Galra’s hand comes up to his own chest. Thace is still nursing. He needs his kits. “You set our pace.”
“We’d better get going,” Lance whispers, pushing himself up and dragging himself along the side of the tunnel, illuminated only by his armor, nothing but ringing silence in his comms. He coughs again, so hard it makes his head hurt, Thace’s hands on his shoulder and arm to keep him steady. Something is very wrong.
So much is very, very wrong.
Wrapping his arms around himself, hunching down over his belly, Keith’s thrown forward as the blast to the doors sends a shockwave through the metal wall at his back. The lock bursts, splinters, metal and stone sailing end over end, crashing into the remains of the holotable. The first Galra enter the room, heading straight for the center of the room. A crush of enemies floods in, and the Alteans engage. Metal scraping against metal, against stone. Keith keeps himself pressed against the wall until he spies an opening behind one of the Galra. Without a second thought (including whether Adam can keep up with him), Keith makes his presence known in his favorite fashion: murder.
The young Galra drives his blade into an insurgent’s chest with a snarl as they barrel toward him, and he leaps over their body as they fall into the shattered glass of the holotable, shards flying with the impact. Shoving his panic deep, deep down, Keith fights alongside the Alteans as the enemy swarms the narrow hallway. It’s not ideal, these close quarters. As scrappy and swift as he is, he’d prefer more open conditions.
He’d really prefer to not have to fight at all, but here he is.
Adam’s polearm swings in his peripheral vision, slicing straight through an opponent coming in from his left. Another Galra stumbles over their fallen comrade, and Keith sends his knife through their face. Keith’s past them before their body hits the floor, hood still back in case he needs to puke, but claws extended, one arm up in front of his face as he runs, ready to block a blow. He can lose and arm no problem. His brain? Not so much.
He flexes his fingers at the second joint, metal claws protracting from his armor-backed gloves. Keith will use his fucking teeth if he has to, if it means him and his kit live through this mess.
An insurgent nearly twice his size swings a massive sword at him, and Keith is forced to duck, scrambling backward as the enemy bears down on him.
“Keith!” Adam shouts, not even bothering with honorifics as he struggles his way through the carnage. Before the Altean can get to him, Keith dodges the sword and slips between the anonymous Galra’s legs, sends his sword up into a small gap in the back of the armor. Adam pulls up just past him, still watching his back.
“You know, I think I finally appreciate how fast you are,” the Altean pants. “Also, I’m almost useless in here. Too close.”
“I know.” Keith’s own chest heaves. He’s been too sedentary the last few movements. He should have known better. He should have done better-
He’s grabbed by the arm and thrown bodily down an adjacent hallway, Adam’s startled cry in his ears as he tumbles to a stop, prone on the floor. An enormous pair of feet marches toward him, and he lifts his head.
A deep, rumbling chuckle reaches Keith’s ears as he starts to push himself up. In a small slice of space, he can see Adam being engaged by four or so other foes, letting a Galra cut his polearm in half so he can dual-wield.
“The way you fight is a disgrace. Then again, you never were much of a Galra, were you Little One?”
Something in Keith’s chest frosts over. Little One. Only a few people call him that- the people who saved him, accepted him, loved him.
Love him.
“Shiro did his best, he always does, but sometimes you just have to admit that something’s a lost cause.” The Galra’s left arm is an enormous mechanism, glowing with violet light. “I should have killed you the moment you were made to be that Altean’s bitch.”
Keith whimpers, a raw, gaping wound opening up in his heart at the betrayal even as he stumbles to his feet, adopting a defensive battle stance against this enormous adversary.
“Oh, don’t be scared, Little One. I’ll kill him next for what he’s done to you. You won’t be apart for long at all.”
Sendak pulls his hood back, arm whirring as it transforms into a wicked, two-bladed weapon. His lips twist into a grin full of teeth. “I will enjoy this.”
Keith runs.
The air rasps in and out of Lance’s lungs, but the coughing does cease. Thace is still concerned, though he’s trying his best not to show it. It’s only near the top of the steeply sloping tunnel that he starts limping.
“You’re hurt.”
“Messed up my knee. I’ll be fine with time… Of course, we might not have much of that left.”
“Yes, we fucking will,” Lance grits out, leaning against the wall for a moment to focus on his breathing. “‘M not dying in this shithole.”
“I meant the tunnel-”
“No, Hey! Over here!”
Turning his head, Lance spies a violet glow down the tunnel, first moving away and then stopped.
“The fuck are you doing?!” Lance hisses, adjusting his grip on his bayard.
“Well, they’re gonna see our armor anyway. Might as well try to be friendly.”
A long stretch of silence and then-
A voice he’d know anywhere. A voice he’s been desperate to hear since he left Daibazaal. Voice catching in his throat, eyes stinging, Lance pushes himself off the wall to stand up straight.
Running footsteps in the dark toward them, and Lance has his sister in his arms. Her hair is in a braid down her back, and she smells like soap and also sweat, and her large belly reminds him of awful, awful fears still careening through his head, but he has his sister.
He has his sister.
Her fingers find the back of his neck, and her lips brush against his ear as she whispers, “It wasn’t your fault. He was ready.”
A sob slices its way through Lance’s lungs as he buries his face in his big sister’s shoulder, trembling. Another, large, slender hand finds Lance’s shoulder.
“We’re happy to see you, Lance.” Lotor’s hand squeezes tight. The two step back, reclaiming Romelle’s hands between them before she can drift away. Lifting his gaze just a dot, he sees Krolia and Shiro.
“Shiro!” Lance breathes, embracing the mountainous Galra soldier as well. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“Hey, Lance… How’s Keith?”
“He was leading defense when we left, but we haven’t been able to make contact with Daibazaal, so I haven’t heard from him-” Lance gulps, taking a step back. “He’s being careful, though.”
“Captain!” Thace stands to attention.
“Speak, Soldier!”
“Honerva has been apprehended. We have reason to believe she intended to destroy Altea.”
“Is she involved in this coup?”
“Undetermined.” Thace grimaces.
“I believe she might have,” Lotor whispers. “For what cause, I cannot determine without investigation, but it would not surprise me at all. Honerva’s mind works in mysterious ways. If she-”
“The water is coming for you,” Romelle whispers, staring deep and sharp-sudden into Lance's eyes. “The water is coming.”
Allura reaches out and takes Romelle’s hand in her other spare, worry creasing her brow. “It’s alright, darling. Everything will be alright.”
“We should keep moving,” Lance whispers.
“You must breathe without breathing.”
Lance coughs yet again, and wonders if maybe Romelle might be onto something. He waves away Lotor’s concern. “I inhaled some dirt or something. I’ll be fine. We can use the tunnels to get back to our craft. From there, you three can go to Arus. I’ll remain behind to help.”
“Are you sure?” Thace asks. “You could go with your sister. Leave us to clean this up.”
Lance shakes his head. “Keith is on Altea. He sent me here in his place. I won’t leave you to this mess, regardless of who made it.”
“We’re still a little foggy on that part,” Lotor mutters, running fingers through his long hair. “But nevermind that right now. You’re right. Allura and Romelle must get off planet. I’ll remain here with my people.” Lotor and Lance exchange a nod, and Lance can’t help but think of that conference they had so very long ago, where Lance offered his allegiance in exchange for the lives of his people. This is not how he’d planned to evade commiting treason.
None of this is how he’d planned.
As the others start discussing where to go from here, Lance can’t help but feel something is wrong. He doesn’t feel well, drained in an odd sort of way, almost like he has a fever. He’s exhausted, itchy under his flightsuit, but he doesn’t bother to even try to scratch. It’s fine. Everything is fine. He’s fine.
But as the others keep moving, he’s falling further and further behind, and that itching sensation travels from his wrists and ankles to his elbows and knees. As their squad keeps moving, Lance has only just made the decision to get Thace’s attention when a trembling of the ceiling, dust and bits or rock falling all around them, announcing their return to the near surface.
“Should be easier going now,” Shiro says. Allura’s leaning on him a bit, not exactly enjoying carrying the weight of her infant uphill all that way. Lotor has a hand on her back, leading Romelle by the hand.
“You won’t hear me complain for that,” the Princess mutters, rubbing her belly. “Had they caught me only a few phoebs earlier, I’d be up there giving them everything I've got, I swear.”
“Even then I’d prefer you didn’t,” Lotor mutters. Like he could stop her. Allura might have all the pretty ways and graces of her species, but she’s as stubborn as her blood. Lance used to wish he were more like her. Strong in the same way.
As they hurry down the tunnel, the floor trembles beneath them and dust and debris fall from the ceiling, feet covering ground at Allura’s slowed pace. They’re almost back to where Lance started when the walls widen, cracks appear in the ceiling, the floor shifts and buckles beneath them-
And they drop.
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feralplantwife · 4 years
Love After the Fact: ART!!!
I commissioned @voidstar_art to design an original monster for episode 63 of my Klance series, Love After the Fact. Behold the kronil in all its terrifying glory.
Read the series here!!! (Soon to be on my blog! See Description Below)
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Love After the Fact Series Description:  After centuries of war, the Kingdom of Altea and the Galra Empire thought they had found peace when young Emperor Zarkon married Honerva, an Altean scholar and friend of King Alfor. However, when relationships become strained again, a new, firmer alliance must be struck. Zarkon's only child, his son Lotor, has married Princess Allura of Altea. They will rule Daibazaal in their turn. Kings Alfor and Coran have a son, Crown Prince Lancel, who will one day rule Altea. A child short, Zarkon turns to the young son of his estranged brother, an odd youth named Keith... Willing or not, they will be married. What happens after the fact is entirely in their hands...
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
3, 17, 19 please!
3) what fic are you emotionally attached to?
Luisa and the Fox. ...I feel this one might be expected at this point, so I went through and looked at all my other fic and like. Of them all, this is still the one to which I'm the most emotionally attached. >.>;;
17) What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
I was actually afraid of getting this question because like. How do you quantify best engagement/interaction/feedback? SO OBVIOUSLY ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS I NEED YOU TO KNOW. FIRST OFF. But actually, I honestly think it is less the comments/etc. than it is, like, getting to know other writers in the different communities and making friends? Which is...the interaction bit? So becoming friends with you and Belle and Cait through Roisa stuff (or Skylar through Agatha stuff) - and like getting to pop into people's DMs or discord or whatever and just rant and ramble about ships AND CAUSE EACH OTHER PAIN is. the best interaction I get from people who have read my stuff. ^^
19) If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Pain, obviously. ;) No, it would - I've reblogged a thing about narrative distance recently, I think - yeah, this post - and my ideal fic would play with the concept of narrator as distinct from character POV so that you've got the narrator who's telling the story to you who can occasionally comment on things or speak directly to you, the reader, without it feeling weird, in a comforting sort of way. But also the ideal fic would employ second person (kind of like in What Dreams May Come with Viola or in Finding Family with Agatha (when she was stuck in Agnes)), which I'm not sure is compatible with that sort of narrative voice.... It would probably include some super in-depth world-building but not, like, Tolkein world-building, but taking our world and making one difference and then extrapolating from there (like with the soulmate timer stuff). It would be queer, but not necessarily lesbians queer (although there would probably be wlw stuff in it, tbh). A lot of angst. A snarky anti-villain turned anti-hero. A woobie destroyer of worlds. Someone who has turned evil because of tragic past reasons. One character could potentially be ALL OF THE ABOVE. Like I have a character type and I acknowledge this. But also you're gonna have the mom friend. Not the happy perky sunspot but the, like. LET ME USE MADOKA AS AN EXAMPLE. THERE WOULD BE A MAMI, THERE WOULD BE A KYOKO, AND THERE WOULD BE A HOMURA. :D ...okay, in ouat terms. There would be a Mary-Margaret Blanchard (but not necessarily Snow; I will maintain they are separate characters and I like MMB better) and there would be a Regina. ...uh, that's missing a character. There would be a Dottie Underwood. She's the closest to a Kyoko parallel. xD Lots of discussions of mental illness. ...potentially different versions of the same character - whether that's multiverse or time travel or clones or etc. (Or it would be a fairytale. Actually, the ideal fic would be a fairytale.) ...I'm gonna stop there. XD
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flowerwrites06 · 1 year
just read the new chapter for lion and the fox and omg !!!! i loved getting more of gaias perspective and the affects their marriage had on them growing up. also learning more about belle like wow !!! very well written . excited for more
thank you so much for reading! i'm glad you like gaia's character and yess, thank you I was excited to give insight on Belle's backstory! We'll be getting more of angel and taehyung in the next chap so stay tuned!
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See you at this years #LosAngeles #tequila fest! #sipjuegos #latf (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiOqauTLHFj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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frolick-crow · 5 years
Morning, guys! Although I never got around to finishing this, I wanted to still at least share with you all the rough cut of my LatF short. School and work heavily delayed the project, and I’ve caught myself working on other personal projects as well, thus LatF has slipped through the cracks lately. Anyway, enjoy this piece of rough animation.
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kandeekorn-art · 6 years
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a surprise gift for @crudely-drawn-characters of their characters Lady and Fly! Bonus: here's a speedpaint https://youtu.be/P0OgbKBH2gA I love how Fly seems like a tomboy and thought it'd be cute if she didn't want a flower in her hair :)
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theperplexedpoet · 6 years
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#comingsoon #octoberpremiere #indiefilm #featurefilm #studentfilm #tarantino #wabf #LaTF https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxgvJOn8qJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cxw1yxtlk1e4
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suuntopr · 5 years
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Suunto featured on LATF 
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