jeongie-un · 1 year
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Pranking my non Korean friend
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dcxdpdabbles · 27 days
I really want to see what happens next in cave boy. How fast do they build a ship to take Danny home, and how embarrassed is Connie about his mistake
"Take care of yourself," Bruce says, smiling down at him. Danny offers back a grin, making sure to include all of the other Waynes. They surround the ship that has pre-program coordination to his home dimension.
All he would need to do was turn it on and fly it through the portal the Justice League had brought to the Batcave for him. Apparently, it was built a few missions ago for other dimension traveling allies.
The magic users have formed some kind of cult in Bruce's front yard but that wasn't Danny's problem. He got tired to explaining that he was plain old Danny Fenton, a halfa that got lost.
Apparently, a few demi-gods, Wonder Something and Captain Something (Danny stayed true to what he told the Bats. He doesn't want to be involved in their heroes' business. He wasn't paying attention when they introduced themselves) had gone around telling people that he was a god and to show him proper resepct. That just drove even more colorful charaters to camp out in Bruce's yard.
It looked like a music festival out there—the ones his parents claim they couldn't remember despite spending an entire weekend at. Sometimes, Danny is violently reminded that his parents were a lot more party animals than Dan, Jazz, Dani, or he turned out to be.
Thankfully, not everyone was acting weird around him; many heroes coming and going to help set up the final steps. Tim spearheaded the effort, and after building the ship for him, everything was finally ready.
Danny was finally going home.
All his things were packed and on board, waiting for Danny to take off. He was surprised the Waynes were willing to let him take everything they had bought or sent to him by fans. It wasn't worth millions, but it was a generous amount.
He will miss them after all the lies and theft that he done, Danny had spent a long time with the Waynes. He still wasn't entirely sure he and Bruce were the same person just a counter part of one another but they were so sure he was willing to let them think that.
"Thank you for everything," Danny tells the group, allowing Dick and Steph to step in for a hug.
"Thank you for allowing us to see Bruce as a child," Cass counters patting Danny's head around Dick's body. "You were entertaining."
Tim clears his throat, stepping forward with a binder. Dick and Steph detach themselves from Danny but not before giving him michvious smiles that make him slightly worried. If they were ghosts, Danny would think that they were planning on attacking him in the middle of class on purpose.
"I'm sorry about the way I treated you, Brucie." Tim starts twisting the binder a little before holding it out. "I figured you should have this."
"What is it?"
"The contingency plans I wrote about you. In case I had to neutralize you. All ninety-seven of them," Tim says, if that's even remotely normal. Danny is even more unsettled at Jason's smile of approval or Babarba's little coo as if she were watching toddlers play make-believe.
Is showing each other contingency plans a form of love for these people? Ancients Danny enjoyed his time with them but can't wait to get home.
"Eh, thank you." Danny manages to say, curling the binder to his chest. Tim's face explodes into a beam of pure unadulterated joy.
"You're welcome! If you ever come back, we can compare notes. I honestly think plan number fifty-two will give you a run for your money."
".....I'm a civilian, remember? Punching me would be enough to beat me."
Tim waves his hand in dismisal, before leaning in for own farewell hug as Damian scoffs. "We both know that's a lie, even without your god-hood."
"Father, did he fight off suitors since he was a child," Damian raises his chin, standing up straighter in pride. He's not quite puffing out his chest, but it's a darn close thing. He doesn't seem to mind when Danny wraps one arm aorund his shoulder is a makeshift hug. "You like will have the same suitors."
"Goodbye, Young Master Danny," Alfred says next, straightening his hair and shirt with a bittersweet gleam in his eye. "I will forever cherish your time spent with us."
"Bye Alfred."
Jason clapped a hand on Danny's shoulder, giving it a rough push. "Don't forget about us brat. We may not be able to follow you to your dimension, but once our worlds' divide stabilizes, you better come over for dinner."
The halfa shurgs not committing to anything. The way the Flash explained their worlds was that due to how similar their two dimesions were, having someone from either place visting for two long was cutting away at the diviation that seperated them.
If that fell, the two worlds would collide and rip each other's realities apart.
They would need to allow it to heal before any visitation could be done. Sadly, the divide would have to be healed naturally. It could be days, or it could be decades.
This may be the last time Danny would see them for a long time. Stupidly, tears start to well up in his eyes, at the thought. Duke punches his shoulder gentely, not calling him out on them when the other also has some tears.
In fact, the only dry eye in the cave right now belongs to Alfred, Bruce, and Cass. What a strange little family this was.
Danny bites his lip while gesturing to the ship that hums with power. "I better get going."
"Yes," Bruce says. "You have family waiting for you. Remember to cherish them"
Danny freezes from where he climbs into the ship hatchet door. He looks over his shoulder at the gathered group and suddenly realizes something. He can see the similarities between Bruce and Dan even if he has doubts. "I will. And maybe in a few years, I'll met the versions of you and have a even bigger family. Cherish your children Bruce."
The man offers him the softest smile he has seen grace Bruce's face. "I already do."
His children swing wild, crazed eyes at him. Danny can practically see the fines in the white of their eyes, and Dick climbs over a table so he can lean into Bruce's personal space. Batman leans away from his eldest son, looking honestly stricken.
Danny laughs, closing the door. He quickly settles into the lush seats, feeling the material of the cushion creak under his weight. The familiar hum of advance technology welcomes him with open arms as he wraps his hands on the steering wheel.
For a still moment, Danny wonders what he will do if this false, and he stuck here forever. A familair ache grows in the center of his chest at the thought of never seeing his family- his real one- again but with one deep breath he forces himself to press the on switch.
The portal blares to life in front of him- white and bright, unlike the Fenton Portal- and with a loud woosh, it rips open. He can see the front of his house, and it's like a physcial blow of happniess.
He slams his foot on the gas, flying out of the cave with a wave of laughter, feeling light for the first time in over a year. The bight clear sky of Amity Park, rains sunshine down on him as he crashes against a few parked cars.
The Wayne Tech holds true not allowing him to get any damage as it stumbles to a stop in a ironic perfect parallel parking spot right in front of his house. Danny is laughing so hard, so utterly free, that he feels mad with it, as stares out the window of his home.
He is home.
The last thing he hears of the Waynes is Alfred's calm voice in the communicator as it loses connection. The portal seals shut, self-mending the air as if though it was never there.
"Thank you, Master Danny, for allowing this old man to relive a memory."
The front door of Fenton Works is thrown open, a teenager with long red hair stumbles out of it, staring at the ship. She makes eye contact with the driver and then a scream of glee fills the air.
"Danny!" She runs as fast as her legs can carry her down the driveway, and Danny quickly fumbles out of his seat, desperate to get outside. They met halfway, arms encasing each other in desperate hugs as the to sob.
"Danny! Danny! You're back" Jazz babbles through her tears. Behind her Jack and Maddie are running toward them yelling and crying, and so utterly despreate to hold their boy.
The teenagers fall to their knees from the impact of their parents, and first the frist time in over a year, Danny can fianlly breath easily.
"I'm home," He whispers, pressing himself against his family.
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freefolkfightorflight · 4 months
So what I’ve learned is I love my relationship but it is lacking in one major area: emotional support. And when I’m shown this by another human it feels like heaven. So. That sucks.
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em0dog · 2 months
i know im a dog bc i see people treat dogs the exact same way people have always treated me: without respect or autonomy and setting them up to fail no matter what
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unwelcome-ozian · 27 days
“Political language. . .is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” (George Orwell)
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Taylor has like a gazilion of those "how to draw manga" books, also when he was younger he tried to use a circle drawing thingy (i have no idea whats it called in english) and a ruler to draw a face (the chin was indeed very pointy and the eyes definitly too big, it was covered with highlighters and looked indeed awful), he looks back and even he can't stop himself from slightly cringing at it.
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artsy-anonymous · 6 months
In the city of the dead
I lay stuck inside my bed
The house burns down around me
The language of the lost pouring from their open mouths
Nobody can hear a thing
Suddenly, im breathing in the smoke
Surrounded by the bodies
As im tugging on my chains
I’ll be swallowed by the flames
Freedom dripping from the sink
I don’t need forgiveness
I just wanna talk and for you to listen
I know id only raise the suspicion of my cause
My burns, they throb
To the beat of your heart
Am I a
Robot or a doll? Am I anything at all? Maybe a soul like me, doesn’t even need to know. Am I big, or am I small? Hunching over, standing tall? I lost my identity oh so very long ago.
Software update, reinstall
Scary things I can’t recall
Making the best of it
Never ever knowing why
On my knees, I try to crawl
Fire breaking in the walls
Calling out for somebody
Knowing ill get no reply
As I woke up from the dream
I had lost all self-esteem
The burning home had cowed me
I thought that I was safe, now ill never be the same
Tossed aside for making a scene
Do I know who I pretend to be? Or whom am I a copy?
Yes, it made me who I am
But ill never understand
Why it had to happen to me
Temperament or sickness?
Holler all you want!
No one ever listens
If only I had raised my suspicion of the cause
Would you have noticed at all?
If im a
Robot or a doll. Am I anything at all? Maybe a thing like me doesn’t yet deserve to know. Am I big, or am I small? Hunching over, standing tall? I lost my identity oh so very long ago
Ones and zeros
True or false?
Resets systems to default
Taking the rest of it
But I can’t remember why
On my knees, I try to crawl
Fire-charred collapsing walls
Crying out for somebody
There is no one to reply
Robot or a doll
I’m not anything at all
I’m just an entity
Finding out the way to go
But these fingers and these palms
Full of love despite the scars
They show indisputably
I have so much more to grow
Oh, I can change
I can evolve
I can get up when I fall
Ill live contentedly
I don’t need a reason why
Standing tall and standing strong
I have found where I belong
In the arms of somebody
There is no more need to cry
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datasoong47 · 10 months
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Okay, yeha, time for bed. SOrry for the drunk spam @lexi-liesmith
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tofanahisjava · 11 months
I swear, every day with genderists is like a damn fever dream. I haven't heard these proposals for forcing people to use male terms for female anatomy, "t-penis, dick/dickie, cheasticles" to refer to female sex characteristics is an interesting twist on the run of the mill misogynistic bullshit. I mean, usually with these sexist language changes, they are still obviously speaking of the female body or of female bodily functions. The contrast between "bleeder/menstrater/uterus haver/birthing person" and "t-penis" all referring to females is interesting, like there's still too much acknowledgment of the differences between women, and men who say they're women 🤔 idk, it's certainly a development, was wondering what you gyns took of it
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goldenkid · 10 months
when I know the song lyrics in the club I'm like see? see?? you can't get rid of me!! I'm here and I'm fighting with my teeth
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psy-ger · 2 years
Monty doing his best being my hearing animatronic. The only thing is he doesn't like to use ASL for long periods of time. And interpreting for me it's a lot of work for this man, but he's doing his best!
Its difficult to draw signs so I apologize if it's hard to read.
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bloodcrownedking · 1 year
Being a qsmp fan is truly a trade off for me. On one hand it is very fun and cool and wonderful to see interactions between different communities and discover new streamers. On the other hand. I Have Sensory Issues
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shayriara · 2 years
गुरु से बढ़कर कोई नहीं, गुरु देवे वो हृदय कर लीजे
ना कीजे अपमान गुरु का, हर आज्ञा सर आँखों पर धर लीजे
गुरु की महिमा क्या कहु, शब्द नहीं कुछ आज
क्या कहना क्या सुनना हैँ, हर सुःख की चाबी उसके पास
मोसे कहत मेरे गुरु, तुम अज्ञानी सही कुछ काम की हो
लिखना सदा हृदय से, कलम चाहे बैरागी या श्रृंगार की हो
-कृष्णा शर्मा
Guru se badhkar koi nhi, guru deve vo hriday kr lije
Na kije apmaan guru ka, hr aagya sir aankho pr lije
Guru ki mahima kya kahu, shabd nhi kuch aaj
Kya kahna kya sunna hai, hr sukh ki chaabi uske paas
Mose kahat mere guru, tum agyaani sahi kuch kaam ki ho
Likhna sadaa hriday se, kalam chahe bairagi ya shrigaar ki ho...
-Krishna sharma
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ghostly-omens · 7 months
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orangeflowerpetals · 1 year
Hi honeyworks fandom, I have finished yet another fic. It's fluffy Chisaku fic and there is no angst to be found at all. It's actually an attempt to write a story in Japanese to help me hopefully become more proficient at the launguage and to help my reading / writing comprehension.
I've edited it as best I can, but it's probably really broken and badly grammered I just can't tell yet.
This is six years after beginning to study the launguage btw I think i'm somewhere around a kindergarten/ first grade - second grade level? I know some kanji but there are some (arguably important!) Words that I still don't know. Like, I know the word for magic, and can somewhat form sentences, enough to attempt writing a story, but I didn't know the word for forehead before writing this fic.
Would anyone be interested in reading it if I published it? 👀👉👈
Also if I do publish it, if anyone that speaks Japanese fluently and would like to spot my mistakes so I can learn from them, is very welcomed
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whatswexceles · 2 years
The biggest mistake of the English launguage is that there isnt a symbol that looks specifically like this. We can’t have a little fanged mouth emoticon now, i feel scammed
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