#laura ♡
starlight-blackbird · 7 months
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BOOK(S): Open Heart series.
LOVE INTEREST: Ethan Ramsey.
PRONOUNS: She/her.
FACECLAIM: Teyonah Parris.
Cancer → INFJ → Type Two → Pansexual
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deerest-deer · 19 days
yellowjackets characters as littlest pet shops:
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sofysta · 4 months
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Laura Makabresku
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
I made mood boards out of pins saved on my Yellowjackets Pinterest board bc I’m still suffering from brainrot
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lesbianjudasiscariot · 10 months
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Talking Dead | 2016
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taiturner · 1 year
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JAYMEE AQUINO & LAYLA KEATING ━ in season 5 of All American
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xrosevoidx · 3 months
no offense to gay furries ok i respect you guys immensely. but as a lesbian who just wants to oogle a big strong lady its very disheartening that every single bit of dislyte rule 34 is one of those giant wolf men
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axolotlgifs · 1 year
    by clicking the SOURCE LINK below you will find 151 gif icons (80 px) of actor LAURA HARRIER from her role in HOLLYWOOD. all these gifs were made from scratch by me, so please do not repost / claim as your own / edit for public release / use them in t.aboo plots / to play laura as herself.
please LIKE/REBLOG this post if you find it useful ! ♡
hi naomi! this is your secret santa  finally  and this is the first one of your gifts ! hope you had a happy and safe holiday season and that 2023 may be kind and full of beautiful things for you! [ @lcverevermcregifs​ ]
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mirclle · 2 years
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“ uh, deberías probar este. ” levanta la copa que mantenía entre labios, satisfecha con la elección que ha realizado. “ tiene la acidez perfecta, tonos frutales maduros, es armónico. ” se trata de uno de sus eventos preferidos en otoño, por eso ha pasado de stand en stand probando la variedad de vinos que tienen por ofertar. 
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goldencherriess · 6 months
Hello Laura! Ack! I can't believe we're in the new year, that's insane! I wish you only the best and cannot wait to read all your new works, your personal updates, and all the silly little thoughts you post --- love them ALL. Hugs and kisses, bestie!! 💕💗💖💗💕💗💖💗💕
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Hi, Francesca! Thank you so much for the lovely words and that collage omg I love it so much! It's with Harry Potter, my favourite story of all time. You know me so well!
Thank you, once again! You're absolutely the best! Happy New Year! I can't wait to chat more with you, to read any new works you might write and post (you're such a talented writer, I admire you so much<3). Cheers, bestie! Here's to a new year!
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deerest-deer · 18 days
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆yellowjackets as teddy bears ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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the-velvet-worm · 2 years
I am like struggling to get through the episode Laura and Travis had to miss because their baby was born that day lol. The rest of the cast is trying their hardest, bless them, but you can really tell their brains are scrambled, especially poor Marisha who keeps mentioning what a long and emotional day they’ve all had. Liam having to Skype in also messes with things, his presence is very missed. Sam is doing a great job keeping up morale though.
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sofysta · 4 months
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☆_ Laura Makabresku
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
That is very good, feeling extremely gay is the best.
While I'm here (since I was gonna request this last night/yesterday but I fell asleep), do you have any thoughts/head cannons on Adult!Yellow Jackets (whether you include cannon adult YJ's by themselves or as well as the others that died ((Jackie, Laura Lee etc)) is up to you) as parents/how they are around kids.
Just a thought, since Mama Lottie is the only thing I've been able to think about for weeks and I'm super excited for chapter 2 (no pressure on releasing it of course), and thought this would be cool.
If not don't worry I'll 100% understand if you don't xxx
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely perfect for me, thank you so much for asking me to ramble about the girls as moms/aunts. It's my favorite thing to think about. Some of these will expand upon what I said in my SFW alphabet
Yellowjackets as parents/with kids
tw: food shame/judgment with Jackie religious themes with Laura Lee (all positive endings)
✰ Jackie had a very strict upbringing to me. She was obsessed with being perceived as perfect and model all the time and I can only assume that was instigated by her parents (mostly her mother)
✰ She seems like the type to have kids, but she's always trying to improve upon how she grew up because she knows how that pressure feels and doesn't want that for her kids
✰ For whatever reason, I see her as a girl mom whose last kid is surprisingly a boy and she's thrown for a loop because she's so used to having girls, and having a boy is suddenly so different
✰ but as a girl mom, she tries to be really open for her daughters. She wants them to see her as just a normal person because that's how they'll then look at themselves. She's also that mom on holidays or family gatherings that lets her kids have control over what they eat
✰ I headcanon her mom was one of those almond moms who was always talking about what Jackie was eating or looked like and she's not gonna let that happen to her girls. She wants them to have a positive relationship with food from the start so they don't have to learn it like she did. She's opening up the pumpkin pie at thanksgiving before dinner is served and giving each of her kids a slice and noone can stop her
Laura Lee
✰ Laura Lee is still very involved in her church and faith in her adulthood and I can see her wanting that for her children too, but she makes it very clear that that faith for them doesn't need to be strictly Christianity. I think she'd probably take them to church when they're little, but she'd be really open to letting her kids know if that's not something they want, they can tell her they no longer want to go
✰ I can perfectly envision her as one of those moms at pride with the free mom hugs shirt on and proudly holding up her sign about how god made everyone beautiful as they are. She's also taking in any kid who needs a roof over their head and a hot meal, no questions asked
✰ I see her wanting to fully or partially home-schooling her kids. Can't really explain why, but it feels fitting
✰ We already know a lot of how I look at Lottie as a mom, given my mama!Lottie tag and fic, Bean Sprout, but I'll never skip an opportunity to gush about her more!
✰ she's the epitome of the crunchy granola mom who's taking her kid out to the garden with her, encouraging them to dig in the dirt in their rain boots and overalls to find worms and other bugs and taking them on hikes with the dog. She's got her kid and her dog with her all the time.
✰ She's the kind of mom who wants her kid to try everything at least once, but not in a pushy way. She thinks it extremely important for confidence development that her kid knows that it's ok to try and fail because you can always get right back up again
✰ She's also really good with other people's kids. She likes watching the way kids think and the best way to see and understand that is by getting to know them on their level
✰ Misty's awkward around everyone, and that extends to kids as well, but she's a little better with kids than she is with adults. She babysat back when she was a teenager, so she still knows a thing or two
✰ part of me can see her as a mom while another part of me doesn't. I think had the crash not happened, she'd be more likely to have or adopt a kid of her own, but in the crash timeline that feels far less likely
✰ that or it's a situation where she thought she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up because "that's what everyone wants" but as she gets older she realizes that no, she really doesn't want to be a parent
✰ but I do think she enjoys being around children to some degree due to her babysitting days
✰ So Natalie is an interesting one because my immediate reaction is always no, in no world does she like kids, but then I remember that she's actually pretty chill with kids and we see that when she goes to Kevin's son's soccer game
✰ In no way do I think she'd have a kid of her own, but she can definitely be the favorite aunt, that's for sure. She's gonna teach her friend's kids about the reality of the world, maybe how to get away with some very petty crime (but if they actually do it, she'll be pissed) and she's gonna go and take them to do the things they aren't supposed to, like getting sweets before dinner
✰ I think Shauna prefers younger kids. She's definitely having a hard time with Callie and the teen years, but based on how she talks about Callie when she was younger, she enjoyed the younger days
✰ She seems like one of those moms who had trouble making other mom friends, but it's alright because she's go her little girl keeping her company
✰ I feel like Callie was her little mini-me, which makes her growing up harder
✰ she's definitely one of those moms who kept a baby journal when she was pregnant, writing to her baby nearly every day and she managed to keep it up throughout a good chunk of her childhood. she's planning to give it to Callie when she graduates high school
✰ Tai gives me the vibe that having a kid wasn't something she initially considered when she was making her life plan, but now that she has Sammy she'd never go back
✰ I'm really hoping we get Sammy and Taissa again in season 3 because when she's in a good space and caring for herself she really is a good and caring mother, and it made me sad to lose that completely in season 2
✰ I personally think Samone carried Sammy and Tai stayed by her the whole time, making sure her wife got the best care she possibly could when they were in labor. After he was born and she got to hold him, she got this overwhelming feeling realizing that yeah, she's a mom now and this is her little guy to take care of
✰ she's definitely an only-child mom to me. I don't personally see her wanting another kid. can't really explain why on that one
✰ Very much like Natalie, Van gives off chill aunt or step-parent energy to me. I don't see her having kids of her own, but she's definitely really good with kids. The only way I see her as a mom is if she gets into a relationship with someone who's already got a kid
✰ She'd be willing to babysit her friend's kids as Aunt Van and she loves hosting them at her house for sleepovers. Breakfast is always fun at the Palmer house, and it's guaranteed to be very sugary
✰ I mentioned it before, but I can imagine her hosting summer parties in her backyard and grilling lunch with a bunch of kids running around playing with water balloons and squirt guns
✰ she's definitely got a box or closet full of cool toys for when she has kids visit. She also loves teaching them about the movies she liked growing up and taking them out on all kinds of outings
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not gonna lie i feel like the fandom over hypes jackie/shauna. like yeah shauna is obviously in love with jackie and that influences her choices but thats it. it was not shown to be mutual and there are more interesting dynamics in the show !!!tai/van!!! even lottie/laura lee
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