#laura's theatre adventures
featherbow · 5 months
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Critical Role presents Bells Hells LIVE Saturday, June 15th 2024 Presale for Beacon members starts Monday, May 20th at 10:00 AM PACIFIC General Tickets available Tuesday, May 21st at 10:00 AM PACIFIC
Watch Critical Role LIVE at The Greek Theatre in Los Angeles on June 15th as Bells Hells gather their courage and their allies to stop Ludinus Da’leth and his planned destruction of the gods.
Game Master Matthew Mercer will lead players Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Robbie Daymond, and Marisha Ray through an exciting live performance of Campaign 3, Episode 98 of Critical Role with the extraordinary Brennan Lee Mulligan serving as the Master of Ceremonies.
Here are all the details to join these wayward heroes on their adventure!
Our first Bells Hells Live Show will take place on June 15th at The Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, California!
The Greek Theatre 2700 N Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90027 https://www.lagreektheatre.com/
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sweetpea-tiana · 4 months
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( quinta brunson, 35, cisfemale, she/her ) ☼ i know it’s a small town, but i run into TIANA IYENGAR every time i go to ADVENTURER’S GUILD. it’s like they practically live there and not PELICAN TOWN for ONE YEAR. it must be because they’re BUBBLY and NOSY. come to think of it, that’s probably why they’re an SPA OWNER/FREELANCE MONSTER SLAYER too. but i did hear they want to BETTER THE HEALTH/WELLNESS OF THE COMMUNITY, and sometimes they like to WATCH TV/MOVIES. rumor has it they also like SWEET PEA, but dislike JOJA COLA. what do you think? + laura, 28, she/her, est.
Silence. Peace. Serenity. Had tried to associate any of these words with little Tiana Iyengar in her hometown, the locals would have laughed you out of town. Local legend says that Tiana came into this world talking and hasn't stopped since. Don't get us wrong, Tiana was LOVED for this and hasn't really deviated much from this. She has always been bright, bubbly and perky beyond belief. Tiana has never met a stranger and made it her mission to befriend everyone.
The only time this started to waver was in high school, when she managed to fumble her first high school relationship. Her boyfriend did not appreciate how 'friendly' and 'overly-accomodating' she was, not to mention how he couldn't 'take her seriously' with all that positivity. While she recognized now that this was such uncool, toxic behavior, it didn't feel that way at the time. While she wanted to dial it down and process her emotions, she had an image to uphold, expectations to exceed. She didn't have time to change and process all of that. So...she didn't. Tiana kept right on being the bright, perky person everyone needed. Little. Miss. Sunshine.
Maintaining such a sunny disposition led to two different developments in Tia's life. Firstly, she developed a love for movies and live theatre, as she discovered it was 'socially acceptable' to cry at the movies. Secondly, Tiana taking her first yoga class in college in order to appease her roommate. Their Yoga instructor, who was a dead ringer for Michelle Yeoh, opened the young English Major's mind wide open to the world of Yoga and relaxation, of focusing on your breath and grounding yourself in the here and now. Tiana took to it like a duck to water, keeping up with it long after her required courses were over for her credits. The practice had such an influence that she not only became a business major, but she also was working to become a certified Yogi and a certified massage therapist. She had achieved all of these things by the time she graduated, landing a lucrative position at a luxury resort.
Despite all the success, Tiana has never forgotten who she is and where she came from. Therefore, when her life in a big city became too hectic, too noisy and far too complicated, she leapt at the chance to own and operate her own spa in a lovely area known as stardew valley. Having been here a year as of May 1st, Tiana is so grateful she took the plunge. While she doesn't make nearly as much money, she is far happier and hopes to be able to find herself and help others find themselves along the way.
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aspiringsophrosyne · 1 year
Episode 5: Pass Through Fire
Is it hot in here? It seems hot in this theatre. Maybe their air conditioning's on the fritz. Better get yourself a drink, because it seems like the temperature's going up and staying up.
The Good.
Janet Varney. Of course they got Korra to voice Keyleth's mom. Of course they did. This whole opening sequence screams Avatar, and I'm here for it. And it's nice to see such tenderness between Keyleth and her mom, given their separation. Also, just seeing Good Parents in TLOVM is a joy, given the majority of the group comes from less-than-ideal families or home situations.
Raven Queen's not the most tactful conversationalist, is she? I like that this is something that just won't let Vax go until he deals with it; it might be easy for him and the audience to think it'll go away without those little flashes. Similarly, it fits that he cannot get the armor off; there's no escaping it or what it represents. 
Yay, Vex and Scanlan banter. I love what the runes say if you look close enough. Nice nod to Viridian, too. I'm happy to see more between these two in particular. Laura has talked about how they both put up fronts and that this was something Vex recognized in Scanlan and related to. They have their own interesting dynamic it's good to see more of.
I like that the show portrays Keyleth and Vax's concerns as equally valid. They are trying to fight something that could affect everyone in Tal'Dorei and perhaps even the world, but Vox Machina had previously backed each other up in their personal quests.
Very cool getting to see Keyleth just beat on something. Her magic is always a treat for the oculars, but there's something fun about watching her hit a monster in the face.
Yes...! Flashback to Allura and Kima's adventuring days!! I would watch an episode focusing on that group. It's also nice to see it so quickly and casually established that the two are a couple. In the original, they had been together before the stream, then split off to do their own things. Matt left it up in the air whether they would get back together or not. They eventually did, but that left us with hours and hours of ambiguity until it became clear that Allura and Kima were very much in love.
Hey, Robbie! Robbie Daymond was a player on Exandria Unlimited and a guest player for Campaign 3 of Critical Role. He's fabulous, and I didn't even realize that was him playing Cerkonos.
Keyleth's whole transformation scene is beautiful and cathartic. She spends so much time unsure of herself or struggling to control her abilities, but then she gets that extra bit of confidence to let loose, and it's awe-inspiring. Her surrendering to the fire has a certain painful, uncertain beauty. You don't know if she'll be able to do whatever she needs to without hurting or destroying herself.
Neal's score compliments the moment perfectly; it's a musical epiphany spliced with the triumph of a battle won. There isn't anything more I can say about the music without repeating myself; it's always amazing.
Keyleth gets a little costume upgrade, yay! I like that the characters' looks change to represent their development and growing power. We saw something similar with the character art starting in C2, and it was always fun to see the new looks.
The Bad. (Or at least, not great.)
Grog and Craven Edge
So here's the thing about the original shitting scene. And yes, that is a sentence I just typed.
Originally the second Sphinx was not on the same continent as Vasselheim, and the crew went back to Tal'dorei to meet with Osysa's mate, to get the Vestige and some other treasures Identified, and to rest for a bit. Whitestone, in particular, was where the scene with Grog and Scanlan happened. Even if you didn't see the original, you might be able to guess it was transplanted from a more populated setting because Grog asks Scanlan for a song so that no one else will hear.
When they're in the woods. Away from the group and far away from any other people.
Grog's dumb, but he's not that kind of dumb.
It's not a huge deal, but it's one more instance on a growing list of the writing CRew's inconsistencies.
To fix it, I'd change the line to something different (Grog asking for mood music instead, perhaps) or, hell, have it chronologically take place in Whitestone when they first escaped the Conclave. Just have Grog flashback to it in this episode. You'd have to change some things in a few episodes, though. Have Grog fight some residual undead or monsters hanging around the city so he can see what the sword is capable of first, for instance. But you could make it work. 
I need more damn banter.
Not just because we had more banter in the original stream and not just because it would be a great way to organically world-build and establish and develop these characters and their relationships...
But because none of these people have books, iPhones, or music to listen to while they travel, presumably for hours if not days. All they can do is talk. So it makes sense that they would.
There's another reason, but I'll get into that next episode.
~ * ~
Again, I wished they'd added some visual effect to indicate Allura was at least trying to cast a spell when those rocks fell. If you know the original story, you know she lives, and if you know D&D wizards, you know they have tricks for that kind of thing, but if you're new, it can look cheap that they got out without any previous indication that they had.
So...to pass through the fire.
For various reasons, the way this moment was presented in the Campaign can't happen here. And even if there was no getting around that, it breaks my heart that the way it went down, so much of the original meaning of this phrase was lost.
The long and short of it was that it was part of a pep-talk for Keyleth that was a metaphor for enduring adversity. And it's such a disservice to Kiki's anxiety and her struggles with her confidence to just have her suddenly understand the concept out of nowhere when we have everything we need to give it more weight.
We have the whole prior season.
Instead of Keyleth just suddenly realizing what she needs to do, what she's capable of doing, have her flashback to the Blue Dragon she helped kill. The badass magic she used on the road to Whitestone that saved Vox Machina's lives while they were chasing after Scanlan. When she healed Cassandra. Her ice magic against the zombie hoard. When she killed Sylas. Hell, you could throw in her escaping the Conclave, which was her almost literally passing through fire.
Then hit us with her mom's voice. Because then both she and the audience can connect her mother's phrase with all she's endured up to this point. Hammer home what it means.
And then it's clear that Keyleth's already done what Air Ashari are made to do. So she can do it now.
Pyrah And Future Conflicts
Keyleth is told that Thordak had help getting out of the Fire Elemental plane, which led to the death and destruction that's come to Pyrah. In the stream, the confrontation between Keyleth and the being that provided that help was electric, charged with her anger and outrage in a moment where all her lack of surety fell away and was the foundation for some incredible moments later. There could still be more coming to set up for it....but as it stands, I can't see this episode providing the same heft that its stream counterpart did.
Mainly because, in the stream, we got to visit Pyrah before the attack. We saw it thriving, calm and peaceful. After the Chroma Conclave's initial attack, Allura showed Vox Machina the devastation the dragons had wrought outside Emon. Pyrah had become the sight of a smoking crater and mounds of dead. It left Keyleth and Marisha both in tears.
We're not getting the same impact here, but maybe we could've gotten closer to it by having Keyleth's flashback with her mom occur in Pyrah. We could see how the city was meant to be, and then we could've further empathized with Keyleth when she gets there and sees how devastated it is.
Heading into the next show, we've got one hell of a performance coming up. Don't miss it!
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spacesapphist · 2 years
My 10 Favorite Plays I Read in 2022
Stage Kiss by Sarah Ruhl (2011)
“Art imitates Life. Life imitates Art. When two actors with a history are thrown together as romantic leads in a forgotten 1930s melodrama, they quickly lose touch with reality as the story onstage follows them offstage.” (Concord Theatricals)
Trifles by Susan Glaspell (1916)
“In a small Iowa farmhouse, surly and reclusive farmer John Wright was found murdered. His apathetic wife Minnie is the prime and only suspect, and sitting in jail for the crime. Now, a small group of people enter the home, looking for the clues that would explain why a woman would suddenly strangle her husband in the night. While County Attorney Henderson, Sheriff Peters, and neighbor Mr. Hale roam the house looking for clues, the women (Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale) examine the “trifles” of a country kitchen, such as frozen jars of preserves and a poorly sewn quilt. But as the women look closer at Minnie’s world, they make a bone-chilling discovery. Inspired by a true story, Susan Glaspell’s Trifles is a seminal play of early 20th-century American theatre and helped define American realism as we know it.” (StageAgent)
Peerless by Jiehae Park (2017)
“Asian-American twins M and L have given up everything to get into The College. So when D, a one-sixteenth Native American classmate, gets “their” spot instead, they figure they’ve got only one option: kill him. A darkly comedic take on Shakespeare’s Macbeth about the very ambitious and the cut-throat world of high school during college admissions.” (Concord Theatricals)
Blue Stockings by Jessica Swale (2013)
“1896. Girton College, Cambridge, the first college in Britain to admit women. ...In Jessica Swale's debut play, Blue Stockings, Tess Moffat and her fellow first years are determined to win the right to graduate. But little do they anticipate the hurdles in their way: the distractions of love, the cruelty of the class divide or the strength of the opposition, who will do anything to stop them. The play follows them over one tumultuous academic year, in their fight to change the future of education.” (Nick Hern Books)
Harvest by Manjula Padmanabhan (1998)
“A dark satire, Harvest tells the story of an impoverished family and the Faustian contract they enter into with a shadowy international corporation: fabulous wealth in exchange for the organs of one of its members. As Ginni, the glamorous American woman who hopes to receive the organs, invades their one-room home via an interactive video device, the play lays bare the transactional nature of human relationships–even the most intimate ones.” (Hachette India)
Nell Gwynn by Jessica Swale (2016)
“London, 1660. King Charles II has exploded onto the scene with a love of all things loud, extravagant and sexy. And at Drury Lane, a young Nell Gwynn is causing stirrings amongst the theatregoers. Nell Gwynn charts the rise of an unlikely heroine, from her roots in Coal Yard Alley to her success as Britain's most celebrated actress, and her hard-won place in the heart of the King. But at a time when women are second-class citizens, can her charm and spirit protect her from the dangers of the Court?” (Nick Hern Books)
How I Learned to Drive by Paula Vogel (1997)
“A wildly funny, surprising and devastating tale of survival as seen through the lens of a troubling relationship between a young girl and an older man. HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE is the story of a woman who learns the rules of the road and life from behind the wheel.” (Concord Theatricals)
Tipping the Velvet by Laura Wade (2015), adapted from the novel by Sarah Waters
“It's 1887 and Nancy Astley sits in the audience at her local music hall: she doesn't know it yet, but the next act on the bill will change her life. Tonight is the night she'll fall in love… with the thrill of the stage and with Kitty Butler, a girl who wears trousers. Giddy with desire and hungry for experience, Nancy follows Kitty to London where unimaginable adventures await.” (Bloomsbury)
King Charles III by Mike Bartlett (2014)
Written in the style and structure of a Shakespeare play, King Charles III is a future history play which follows Charles’ ascent to the throne.  “Prince Charles has waited his entire life to ascend to the British throne. But after the Queen’s death, he immediately finds himself wrestling his conscience over a bill to sign into law. With the future of the monarchy under threat, protests on the streets, and his family in disarray, Charles must grapple with his own identity and purpose, to decide whether, in the twenty-first century, the British crown still has any real power.” (PBS)
In the Other Room, Or the Vibrator Play by Sarah Ruhl (2009)
“Set in the 1880s at the dawn of the age of electricity and based on the bizarre historical fact that doctors used vibrators to treat 'hysterical' women (and some men), the play centers on a doctor and his wife and how his new therapy affects their entire household.” (Concord Theatricals)
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ribbonbonny · 1 year
tagged by @silverjirachi ! Breaking the chain so that my mobile app stops exploding loading all the previous replies kjshdfs
3 ships: This is where I reveal my secret that I normally really don't super like shipping and I dont know what happened to get me captivated by Max n Archie. this was a first and there has still also not been a second (at least outside of ocs w friends) There are other ships I'm just fine with ofc ! But my investment in ships as ships kind of falls off a cliff here wwww.
1st ever ship: Prooobably YukiChie from persona 4? Again though, I did not particularly care about shipping. I did not really consume content of them or anything I just thought they were fine skjdhfsk
Last song: Laura Pausini - La Solitudine
Last movie: EUeuuuh. In theatre, Barbie. I dont remember if I watched something online after that
Currently reading:
The Sea is Not Made Of Water by Adam Nicholson
The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf
Fics corner:
Caught up on everything I want to be atm but a couple that I always have on open tabs are these! Mostly all finished, or at least all very long which is what makes them great when wanting to reread something wwww
Broken Open Revealing Hollowness and Vibrance (Hollow Knight)
Swords and Spells : Crossed Roads (Persona 4)
Oh How The Mighty Fall (ORAS)
May and the world (ORAS)
The Devil and The Dead Sea (ORAS)
Currently watching: Trying to get through adventure time w my partner atm! Besides that, a looot of random youtube videos on whatever interests me
Currently consuming: Water
Currently Craving: Oven Potatoes (theyre in the oven atm)
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victorylaurels · 1 year
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.*・。゚ ━ (laura harrier, cis woman, she/her) the fates have spotted elizabeth foster walking along the streets of ogygia. the 29 year old has been here for one year and currently lives in ithaca villas. word on the street is that she is methodical & determined, but can be pretty competitive & perfectionist. i’ve heard she is an architect and former ballerina, which is pretty fitting for someone who was nike in a past life. on the night of the murder she was supposedly at home listening to Tchaikovsky, but who knows if that’s true or not.
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Basics !‎
Full Name : Elizabeth Laurel Foster
Nicknames : Liz (most common), Lizzie
Gender Identity | Pronouns : Cis woman ; she/her
Sexuality : Bisexual
Occupation : Architect
Character Traits :
+ : determined | methodical | supportive | disciplined | honest | comprehensive | adventurous | enthusiastic
– : competitive | perfectionist | workaholic | demanding | inflexible | impatient | cocky | stubborn
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Background !‎
Past Life:
In ancient Greece, NIKE was the goddess of victory and success in any field. Was depicted as a winged figure, when alone, and as "Wingless Victory", when portrayed as an attribute of Zeus or Athena.
Current Life :
(TW: cheating)
Her mother, a native of Ogygia, was an undoubtedly talented ballerina that decided to move to New York so she could have an opportunity to live out of her dance. It was there that she got an invitation to dance for the American Ballet Theatre. About six months later, she fell for a guy and married him, deciding to step out of the company in order to start a family and Elizabeth was born.
When Liz was about four years old, her mother found out that her husband was living a double life. Every day he came late from "work", he was actually with his other family. Needless to say that her mother was (rightfully) pissed, she sacrificed so much for that family to end up betrayed and with her dreams shattered. She immediately filed for divorce and got full custody of her child.
She was a very caring and loving mother, always supporting Liz and being there for her, but she didn't want her daughter to make the same mistakes as her, so her raising was based on a very strict mindset. "You must not let anyone get on your way to the top", "Winning is what makes you worth it", "There is no point in doing something if you're not going to try making it perfect", were some of the common phrases that shaped Liz's life.
Growing up, Elizabeth always felt the need to prove herself and be the best she could (she doesn't like the word perfectionist), she was moved by competition and, mostly, by winning. She was always searching for new things to do so she could prove to be worth it, in the academic and athletic fields. She entered the gymnastics team, the cheerleaders, chess club, everything she could, and when she earned gold, she felt great, she lived for those moments, but there was something in her mind that was always saying that it wasn’t enough, and when she lost, earned second place, or something alike, she felt like a fraud, a complete disaster.
At some point in her life ("as long as I can remember", she'd say), and through the influence of her mother, she fell in love with ballet, it was the thing that took up most of her time, her mind and her dreams.
She ended up deciding to study architecture (a course with a very heavy workload), while practicing to stay as a high level ballerina and practicing for all of her other hobbies/competitions. Did she overwork herself? Sure, but it wasn't a problem for her (or so she thought).
Eventually, her efforts paid off, Liz got an invitation to dance at the ABT. She couldn't refuse, stepped out of every other thing to dedicate herself exclusively to ballet. However, she's a perfectionist and a workaholic, she was so focused on improving her technique that she forgot to actually take care of herself. She spent extra hours in the studio, missed nights of sleep, often forgot to eat, but she thought she was managing it.
Until it all came crashing down. During a rehearsal, she seriously injured her knee, and had to go through surgery. She couldn't walk properly, and, most important, couldn't dance for months, the recovery time was long and painful, during which she moved to her mother's land.
SUMMARY: Due to her mother giving up on her dreams in the name of having a family that didn't last, she was raised to not repeat the same mistake at all costs. She became a workaholic that couldn't deal with losing or being far from perfect. As a ballerina, this mindset led her to an injury, and, consequently, a surgery due to her overloading her body. During the recovery time, she moved to Ogygia, where she deep dived in her job as an architect, in which she is as meticulous and perfectionist as possible.
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Headcanons !‎
The injury destroyed her, she was exactly where she wanted to be and then everything was over, she doesn't even like talking about it, and pretends it didn't happen. One of the reasons she moved to Ogygia and focused so much on her job was that she wanted to distract herself from that and slow down.
Technically speaking, her knee is now fully healed and she can return to her normal activities, but she's afraid of doing so and not being as good as she used to be, and also afraid to get back into her self-destructive habits. She is trying to return to being her old self now. She's very careful with her knee (and whole body) now, she goes on walks every day and does some stretching and strengthening exercises.
Of all the things she tried growing up, her favorites, outside of ballet, were gymnastics, tennis, karate, and volleyball (this one is purely self-indulgent cause I'm a volleyball player myself).
She loves everything competition, even if she's not participating. A natural cheerleader, she'll always be there to support a friend who's engaging in a dispute.
Even though the lengths she would go to win are kinda scary, she would never cheat in any competition/sport. "Nobody likes tainted victories"
Loves challenges and is always down to try new things, but she might get frustrated quickly and not relax until she's good at it. One of her toxic traits is thinking she can do everything and needs to be immediately good at it (🤡).
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Connections !‎
Someone she can have friendly competitions with (idk chess, races, random bets)
Friends that she could cheer for (someone invites her for watching the races or the underground fights, please!!!)
Rivals (from anything really)
Would really like someone who knew she used to dance and supports her to return doing so
Clients (do you have a business? Just got married? Need a new house/establishment/wtv for some reason? Why not trust an architect that dedicates herself a little too much to her work?)
Exes / One-Night Stands (she lived in New York and has been in town for a while. Maybe they broke up because she was too focused on ballet and later work, and wouldn't give them enough attention? Maybe it was after the injury? Just a hookup? Idk)
***Give me anything, let's plot
┊𓄹࣪₊˚➛ Ooc Info !‎
I'm Anne (she/her), a 21yo, Brazilian, stressed uni student on her way to changing majors. I don’t know how to properly maintain a conversation, but I’m always eager to plot. You can check my other muse Kate (Demeter) here @blccmingrose
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chickrawker · 2 years
TWY at The Queen 3/26/23
Went on a little adventure to see The Wonder Years at their (ostensibly) hometown show at the end of their tour. As usual, set list first.
The Wonder Years
The Queen
Wilmington DE
Doors I Painted Shut
Wyatt's Song (Your Name)
Dismantling Summer
Local Man Ruins Everything
Cardinals II
You in January
I Don't Like Who I Was Then
A Song for Ernest Hemingway
Heaven's Gate (Sad & Sober)
Cigarettes & Saints
Melrose Diner
Sister Cities
Songs About Death
Low Tide
Old Friends Like Lost Teeth
Laura & the Beehive
There, There
Passing Through a Screen Door
You're the Reason I Don't Want the World to End
Came Out Swinging
TWY were out in support of their excellent new album The Hum Goes on Forever. The set list was full of these new songs that fit in seamlessly with old faves like "Cigarettes and Saints", "Old Friends Like Lost Teeth", and "There, There". This was my first time at the venue which is an old art deco theatre. I had no idea that I had bought fancy tickets but we had VIP tix in the second row of the balcony which really were fantastic. It was loud and there were so many sing a longs. We sounded so good! The floor was NUTS!
I took advantage of our nice seats and took a lot of video which you can find on my insta.
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519magazine · 11 months
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kenttheatreblog · 2 years
A REVIEW: The 39 Steps at The Erith Playhouse
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As a novel, The 39 Steps is what it is, an adventure yarn very much of its time. Had the script been adapted as a serious stage play, straight from the novel, and stuck faithfully to all the original elements, it would today have seemed dated and anachronistic. By instead basing it on the 1935 Hitchcock Movie, but with tongue in cheek, Patrick Barlow has created a fast moving and funny modern classic.
Written for 4 actors, it means it can be recreated on both small and large stages by a small cast. Without the resources afforded to a film director, it instead requires ingenuity and flexibility. In this, the Erith Playhouse production benefited enormously from 1st time director Laura Bonner’s imagination, and the cast’s energy in realising it. In The 39 Steps, pace is everything, and is entirely down to 1) How a director coordinates the various inanimate elements -  lighting, sound, costume and music, and 2) Whether the director has buy in from the cast and crew to deliver. It was clear from the outset, particularly the obvious enjoyment of the cast in working with this director, that all the necessary elements for a successful show were in place.
Doing a monologue to open the show, with the weight of responsibility falling on one pair of shoulders to initially engage the audience can be daunting at any stage. Given that Gareth Hunt, a last minute replacement, had only 2 weeks rehearsal to learn the script, the movements and develop the character, it is totally understandable that Hannay’s opening monologue, an early opportunity to firmly establish the central character, was perhaps a little lacking in drive and energy. That his nuanced performance grew and grew is a tribute to his obvious skills as an actor, and to the confident and assured performances of the whole cast, in what is, essentially, an ensemble piece.
As Hannay grows from clueless to confident in the ways of love, it is essential that the actor playing Hannay’s 3 female ‘love interest’ characters, does so very differently and convincingly, in 3 different accents. Charlotte Nightingale’s excellent performance in doing just that, was, for me, a key element in the audience’s understanding of the fast moving plot.
Halfway through the review, and only 4 of the 100 plus characters have been accounted for! A common feature of Patrick Barlow’s comedy (e.g. National Theatre of Brent) is the struggle of small casts to overcome insurmountable odds in staging big plays with inadequate resources. So to merely say that Michael Bate and Katie Cavanagh (as the two clowns) played Everyone Else would be to underplay their importance in giving the deliberately convoluted plot context. Much of the play’s hilarity comes from the attempts of the clowns to keep up with the plot. That they were able to ‘nail’ these characters at breakneck speed and with incredible energy is a huge credit to their physical and verbal flexibility as character actors, and added hugely to the comedy.  
You can’t ask more of a cast that we, the audience, enjoy the show as much as they do. On Wednesday night, everyone did. I can give no higher praise.
Andy Leggatt
The 39 Steps ran at The Erith Playhouse from 13th-18th February 2023. Image taken by Robert Piwko.
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lauraxxtennant · 7 years
rsc macbeth 🎭
hey guys i met chris eccleston tonight and it was wonderful 😂😘💯
i loved his performance, he was excellent. his natural delivery, his humour, his intensity - all top notch macbeth and top notch chris.
tbh it felt like some elements of the production didn't quite blow the audience away, but i LOVE what they did with the three witches, and the last 20mins is very suspenseful and chilling (though the fight scene could use a little work). i got goosebumps at the end, which is the sign of a great show haha
afterwards, he stopped for photos and autographs and was so lovely (side note: when you speak to him he looks right into your eyes all attentive and intense and it's magic) and then he attempted to leave but someone else requested an autograph and he dutifully stuck around and said, 'sorry that i'm rushing off, it's just i haven't seen my kids all week and i want to get home to them' 😍
then him and me were walking in the same direction (i hope he didn't think i was following him!! i was following my google maps route, honest. so i put a little distance between us lol cos we were the only ones going that way 😂)
...and 'take a chance on me' was blaring out of a pub as we walked along the river and honestly how apt 😂🎶 (in case you did not know this about me, abba superfan right here)
anyway, i'm very happy!!! goodnight 😘
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semiotomatics · 7 years
I know there's a lot of fandom overlap between TAZ and critical role but I am legitimately shocked there hasn't been a crossover or any sort of Official Interaction™ between the two casts considering there's like .5 degrees of separation between them
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vintage1981 · 2 years
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Celebrating Caroline John
Caroline Frances John (19 September 1940 - 5 June 2012) was an English actress who played companion Liz Shaw in Doctor Who during its seventh season. She revived the character for the BBV P.R.O.B.E. video series, as well as the Big Finish Companion Chronicles line of audios.
John was the third of eight children born to Vera (née Winckworth), an actress and singer, and Alexander John, a theatre director. She was educated at St. Joseph's convent school, Crackley Hall in Kenilworth.
After training at the Central School of Speech and Drama, she worked in theatre and toured with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre Company. She appeared in Juno and the Paycock in a 1966 production directed by Laurence Olivier, King Lear, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, The Merchant of Venice and as Hero in Franco Zeffirelli's production of Much Ado About Nothing.
John played the role of the Doctor's companion in 1970 opposite Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor. John was recommended to then Doctor Who producer Peter Bryant by another BBC producer, James Cellan Jones, who sent Bryant and his associate Derrick Sherwin photographs of her. Unlike most of the preceding and subsequent female companions of the Doctor, Shaw was a brilliant scientist and understood much of the Doctor's technobabble. Shaw and the Doctor discussed things on a more equitable level of intelligence, and the Doctor respected and rarely patronised her. New series producer Barry Letts believed the character was too intellectual to be a suitable companion to the Doctor and decided against renewing her contract for the next season.
During her final story, Inferno, John also played the part of Section Leader Elizabeth Shaw, an alter ego of her regular character that the Doctor encounters in an alternative time stream. John reprised the role of Shaw, albeit as a phantom, in the anniversary episode The Five Doctors, and also appeared in the special episode Dimensions in Time (1993), part of the BBC's annual Children in Need appeal. In the 1990s she appeared in a series of straight-to-video releases including The Stranger: Breach of the Peace, and as Liz Shaw in the P.R.O.B.E. stories written by Mark Gatiss. In these stories made by the production company BBV, a pipe-smoking Shaw works as an investigator (for the P.R.O.B.E. organisation).
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John later appeared in two Big Finish Productions' audio dramas based on Doctor Who; Dust Breeding (2001), although playing a character other than Liz Shaw, and The Blue Tooth (2007) where, as Liz, she recounts in narrative form an adventure she once had with the Doctor and UNIT. After The Blue Tooth she played Liz in four more Companion Chronicle audio plays; Binary, The Sentinels of the New Dawn and Shadow of the Past. Her final audio play, The Last Post, which she recorded on 26 January 2012, was released after her death.
In addition to her role as Liz Shaw, Caroline John appeared as Laura Lyons in a 1982 televised version of The Hound of the Baskervilles, starring Tom Baker as Sherlock Holmes. She also appeared in episodes of Z-Cars, Casualty, The House of Elliot, and EastEnders.
John read most of the audiobook of Elisabeth Sladen's posthumously-released autobiography, with David Tennant, Brian Miller and Sadie Miller reading their contributions.
John was married to actor Geoffrey Beevers. The couple had three children: a daughter, Daisy, and sons Ben and Tom. She died on 5 June 2012 from cancer.
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queenshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Two
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 2,363
Warning: Smut
Note: This plays in 2020.
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Three days had passed and your new little toy had become your new lockdown obsession. You never had an orgasm so strong and your two best female friends thought that it was rather amusing when you told them about it over a glass of wine.
Every Tuesday evening, you skyped with Laura and Elenore in your room for at least an hour while enjoying some alcoholic beverages and tonight was no different.
But, since living with Cillian and following his breakup with Laura, you had to be careful about what you were saying as you didn’t want to upset either of them.
Laura clearly wasn’t over the breakup and continuously asked you about Cillian, finding it somewhat strange that you were living together and, whilst you assured her that you were not interested in Cillian, she struggled to believe you.
You hadn’t told Laura about Cillian’s hook ups with Lindsay and made it clear to both of her and Cillian that you weren’t going to discuss their respective private lives with the other and would appreciate if they were going to accept your position in this regard.
Whilst Cillian did, Laura sometimes couldn’t help herself and dwelled on about how she missed Cillian. Clearly, she was still in love with him and, whilst you reminded her that you aren’t a messenger between him and her, you were quite willing to listen to her and provide emotional support as a friend.
When, however, the topic of intimacy came up in your conversations, you couldn’t help but cringe.
According to Laura, he was quite a devil in the bedroom department and you felt as though your wanted your ears to explode every time Laura brought up specifics.
This, again, happened tonight when your sex toy recommendation turned into something else entirely and you learned that you missed out on so many things with James.
According to your friends, what you and him used to get up to was quite ordinary and you learned that your best friend and roommate was much more adventurous than your ex-fiancé.
‘You did not have sex at the theatre…oh my god’ you said in disbelieve when Laura told you one of the many stories in which you learned that Cillian had quite a thing for risky public relations with his female partners.
‘Who would have thought huh? He seems all so quiet and shy, but he really isn’t’ Laura confirmed, making you to take a rather large sip from your glass of wine.
‘Apparently so’ you then giggled before you also learned that your new house mate was hiding some things in the basement.  
‘Common, you’ve been living there for three months now and you never wondered what the hooks in the ceiling of the basement are for?’ Laura then asked and you couldn’t help but choke on your wine. A sex swing perhaps, you now wondered?
‘I think I have heard enough, thanks. Can we please change the topic?’ you asked somewhat embarrassed but, it wasn’t the fact that you learned these kinky facts about Cillian which embarrassed you. Rather, it was the fact that you got aroused by the thought of him doing those things. This, in turn, made you uncomfortable and you didn’t like that you were fantasising about him in any way at all.
You even had started to have dreams about Cillian over the past few days, causing you to wake up aroused and wet and forcing you to seek relief. You never felt like this about him before and you wondered why this was happening now.
Was it the fact that you saw him every day, sometimes even half naked as he carelessly moved through the house? Was it because you were bored and sex deprived? Or was it because your bond had become stronger after he helped you and supported you through your break up?
You didn’t know what it was that caused you to have these thoughts about him but you noticed that they had become more prominent and you found yourself looking at his body more frequently when you were around each other.
But you weren’t the only one checking out their roommate. Cillian quite obviously did the same.
It was Wednesday morning that he came back from doing the grocery shopping as you were in the kitchen, dancing and making pizza dough.
You didn’t even notice Cillian walking in as you shook your booty to some loud music while giving the dough a good workout.
Wearing nothing but a cotton singlet and cotton briefs, you were twirling around the kitchen just you twirled around the dough. Your top wad covered in flour and so was your hair and face.
Cillian’s chin dropped and inhaled sharply before putting down the shopping bags.
‘Having fun there?’ he asked, startling you and making you drop one of the empty plastic bowls.
‘Absolutely’ you smiled before bending down in front of him and he couldn’t help but wonder how far your tattoo on your right thigh extended upwards.
Whilst Cillian put away the groceries, you finished preparing the dough and set aside to rise before cleaning the mess you had made.
‘I am going out with the dog shortly, do you want to come?’ you asked but Cillian declined your offer.
There was something else he needed to do.
Knowing that you had left the house, Cillian made his way to the basement.
‘This is ridiculous’ he said to himself as, once again, his erect cock was straining against his tight jeans after he saw you dancing around in the kitchen.
There was something about you like this, in your black cotton panties and your black singlet, messy hair and your top covered with white dust from the flour moving to the beat of “Touched” by Part Human. Your nipple piercings were clearly visible through the thin top and the tattoo on your upper thigh was barely covered.
It wasn’t even the kind of music he liked, nor did he like tattoos or piercings on women. He didn’t want you. Or did he? He wasn’t so sure anymore but, what he did know, was that he needed to get off yet again.
Opening up his laptop he was quick to flash up the internet, but it wasn’t a porn website which he decided to visit. To the contrary, Cillian felt the need to listen to this very same song again, picturing you in his head, dancing and slowly loosing the little amount of clothes you were wearing.
He placed a towel onto the large office chair in front of his desk and, after sitting down, Cillian unzipped his jeans and pulled them down slightly, releasing his raging erection. He leaned back against the chair comfortably, closed his eyes and caressed his shaft gently.
Using an open hand, he massaged his cock and balls at the same time while imaging you, dancing for him. There was no time for guilt as every stroke of his hand sent a shiver down his spine and every exhalation released tension from his already throbbing cock.
Cillian then used his other hand to move upwards and with a lick of the forefinger, massaged the back of his bulging head, much like the way you tease a wooden clit.
But it was no longer his hands he imagined stroking him, it were yours instead and he squirmed under the overwhelming pressure of anticipation. Panting and short of breath, Cillian opened his eyes like one waking from a nightmare.
It didn’t quite feel right just yet and he quickly reached into one of the draws in his study desk and retrieved a tube of cherry flavoured lube which Laura had bought back in time. Cillian squirted the lube directly down his pulsing shaft and some of it ran over his tight balls and down into his clenching ass. The lube was cold but soothing and the scent of cherry-scented lube filled the room.
Cillian spread the lube all over his shaft with his right hand and began stroking, up and down, slowly at first and then increasing in speed. The sensation of it trickling down his ass arched his back, making his breath seize up.
The thought of you stroking him occupied his mind as he continued to stroke. He was sweating now, panting and wanting more. He could feel the surge through his testicles as he continued to rub his shaft and tease his balls.
His body lurched. Mouth open. Eyes closed. There was a surge of pre-cum, running across his thumb and, in his mind, he imagined you licking it off with your pierced tongue.
Then, finally, the roll of cum began as he continued to stroke his cock hard and fast. The orgasm was building, muscles contracting. Cillian’s cock was hard as a rock. One frantic gasp for air and release.
With a loud groan, Cillian came hard and his seed landed all over his upper thighs and the towel beneath him while his cock continued to throb and pulse in his hand. Cillian squeezed the last of his cum from his shaft with a final groan and, just as he did, he heard a voice in the doorway.
‘Oh my god, fuck’ you said with total embarrassment as you quickly turned around when you realised what you had just witnessed.
‘Fuck, Y/N, Jesus’ Cillian shouted out, cheeks flushing red.
‘I am so sorry Cillian. Please tell me when you are decent, alright’ you chuckled while Cillian quickly wiped his cum off his thighs with the towel and pulled up his jeans.
‘I am decent’ Cillian huffed out rather embarrassed and you turned around with a wide grin on your face.
‘Listen Y/N, this…’ Cillian began to say but you immediately interrupted him.
‘Cilly, there is no need to explain, really. We all have needs and its not that I haven’t seen your manhood before. In fact, most of the world has, although maybe not in an erect state’ you chuckled, thinking back at 28 Days Later.
‘I thought you were out with the dog, so, uhm…you know…’ Cillian barely managed to say.
‘I forgot the doggy bags and came down here to ask you where they were’ you eventually said and Cillian got up and showed you where he had put them.
‘Right, thanks, I am going now, see you later’ you then said before commenting on his choice of music to masturbate to which, of course, embarrassed Cillian even more.
For the remainder of the day, you couldn’t get Cillian out of your mind. The picture of him masturbating was stuck in your mind and so was the picture of his hard cock and cum covered thighs.
There was no way you could go to sleep like this and you pondered on about what Laura told you and how dirty minded this man really was.
From light BDSM to anal sex, you were certainly turned on and you were feeling ashamed about it. He was your best friend for god sake and yet all you could think about was his hard cock.
With those thoughts running through your mind, you reached for your other more conventional vibrator and lay back and open your legs as wide as they will go before placing the tip of your vibrator at the entrance to your dripping pussy.
Whilst you felt guilty about it, you imagined it be Cillian’s hard and glistening cock instead of your vibrator, pausing for just a moment before gliding it home.
‘Fuck’ you whispered, unable to keep completely silent, and began sliding the vibrator in and out of you. The fullness felt amazing and you loved it but you couldn’t get enough. You were aching for more, for Cillian’s warm skin on yours instead of the hollow air and the cold vibrator in between your legs.
But your mind went even further than that, imagining the cum you had seen on Cillian’s thighs inside of your pussy, filling you and dripping out of you slowly. You even wondered what his cum would taste like and feel like in your mouth as you began pleasuring yourself harder and faster.
You were desperate now, your eyes closed, picturing your best friend making love to you. Imaging that this is him slamming himself into you over and over as he tells you that you are his. It's almost too much, but at the same time not enough.
You stopped for a moment and pull the toy out suddenly, almost cumming as you did. Quickly you reached down with your left hand and used your fingers to dip them inside, soaking them in your juices. You began pumping the vibrator into you slipping and sliding over and over in a constant motion. Fucking yourself faster, harder in desperate need.
Your left hand had also increased in speed, furiously drawing circles around your twitching swollen clit and, after only a few seconds you explode without making a sound.
The explosion was overpowering from waves of pleasure from inside you coming out and along every inch of your skin. They started before the last one ended, rippling forever upwards throughout your whole body.
Your clit suddenly too sensitive that you had to remove your fingers gently and bask in the glory of it. But, it only took a moment for the guilt to set in.
You knew you had to do something about this but, with new COVID restrictions having been introduced, you knew that you were stuck for now. You wouldn’t be going anywhere and all you could do is distract yourself from your filthy thoughts about your closest friend.
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OKAY, let me start by categorising what spoilers I know as best I can, going (mostly) in chronological order AFAIK:
Clarota betrays them (VERY sad, when I first watched those first 10-ish episodes I was fully behind Keyleth’s ‘trust him’ train)
Vax loses a foot to lava and also his snake belt rip
Kima and Allura are the cool, trustworthy PCs, as is everyone’s favourite, Gilmore, a shopkeep with a black belt in karate
The dragonborn guy’s homeland gets dunked on and then later he dies offscreen
Percy’s sister is alive and betrays them but only kind of? I think? She was held captive by the Briarwoods for years and Percy thought she was dead, but she was blackmailed/brainwashed/tortured?
Vax gets cornered by the Briarwoods alone by accident (classic)
There’s a chick called Ripley who makes guns A Thing for the wider world
Something about a sun tree? It’s a creepy tree? They hallucinate their own corpses on it? Or something?
They probably kill one of the hottie vampires at the end of Percy’s arc, I think the male one? Because the lady vampire shows up later?
Percy dies in his arc and it’s the second res ritual they do, after Pike’s one pre-stream
“Take off the mask, darling.” I still don’t care about romance but I feel obligated to mention that I know that famous line
I also know the equally famous “I thought he’d never leave” bubble bath bit, ah Laura
There’s a CHROMA CONCLAVE attack right at the end of Percy’s arc, somewhere
Rashian is a dragon or something, everyone laughs at Liam for not knowing this. I know nothing else about who the Chroma conclave is (3-5 chromatic dragons??? One of each colour????) or what they want, except Vax levels up in the middle of fighting one and Keyleth yells at one
There are communication earrings. There is also a weird black powder man. Victor?
They actually have a permanent home/keep unlike the Mighty Nein?
Vex dies because Percy didn’t check for traps, this is the start of some deal of Vax’s with the Raven Queen which means he multiclasses into paladin?
Vax can fly, he can fly, he can fly!
Uhhhh there’s a couple cursed swords or something in there lol
Percy sells his soul briefly? Genius move Smart Guy lmao
Feywild??? Somehow????? They meet Artagan and make a deal with him for a doorway, and they spend an episode as cows somewhere in here?
Keyleth has Mom Trauma, I don’t know how much this will feature in the campaign
Vax and Vex’s dad suxxx or something, mother is dead
Scanlan hits on his surprise daughter and everyone screams
They have some kind of year long adventuring group break for some reason?
Keyleth makes a storm on an airship (???) and this is cool. Also she turns into a fire elemental a lot and this is also cool.
There’s a kraken fight? It goes really badly, like LEGENDARILY badly, and ngl I’m kind of looking forward to it
Scanlan #LOSESIT and has his legendary ‘what’s my mother’s name?’ rant, after which he leaves for an undetermined number of episodes and is replaced by Tary
This leads to Grog spelling C-A-T for some reason and this???? Makes people cry???????? Truly something you had to be there for
Pike tries to commission drawings of VM for Tary (who calls Vex “little elf girl” and braces for impact when Laura’s nostrils flare) and this goes Very Wrong in a funny way
Tary’s dad sucks
He writes a book
Some NPC reads said book in campaign 2, hence why I know about it
Grog has an arc to do with the other Goliaths who beat him up for defending Pike’s dad?
When Scanlan comes back he tries to sneak in, Vex chases him and he panics and casts modify memory on Vex, it fails several times, an angsty moment becomes comedic very fast
He is received with Mixed Emotions lmao
Keyleth turns into a goldfish and kills herself, this is both apparently extremely painful and extremely funny
Vax gets disintegrated and dies in a beholder fight (rip)
Gilmore is not a dragon but everyone was fully convinced he was. He also gets bodysnatched or something at some point to freak out VM, but they figure out very quickly it’s not him
Scanlan is Ioun’s chosen? Whatever that means, something to help fight Vecna I think
“It was an honour knowing you” sad! Sad! Sad line! Gilmore doesn’t understand, cheekily responds, and leaves!!!! Liam looks on the verge of tears!!!!!! SAD!!!!!
There are so many true love nat 20s. I don’t know what any of them are except that Pike has one and Ashley looks like she’s about to cry
They win the Vecna fight and Keyleth gets the HDYWDT, Scanlan wanted to save a Wish spell for Vax but couldn’t, so he stays dead
Everyone cries here but at least the rest of the party is okay
Keyleth is the last woman standing and everyone cries at this too
And then Grog uses the deck of many things, spawning two oneshots to clean up his mess
Also somewhere in here Vex steals a broom from a guest (lol)
More tears than campaign 2 I think, since there are at least two resurrection rituals we see on screen that I know of
The fights might be more stressful since they’re higher level?
Scanlan is going to be the most sexual and lewd character because he is played by Sam
Vex is going to be the second most sexual and lewd character because she is played by Laura
Vax will still instigate most of the one-on-ones so Liam can have as many heavy conversations as his theatre kid’s heart desires
Keyleth will try and fail to make the group more moral
Pike will not try to be moral at all despite being four feet of blessed armour and adorable hair
I think other characters try to make Percy feel remorse for Murder Reasons, but I suspect he’s not going to feel that guilty (I will likely support him in murderous endeavours unless they are FAR more messed up than I currently believe)
From what I understand Grog is Loveable but not hugely layered or complex, and I know Travis was proud he didn’t cry this campaign. I suspect I may be surprised at the character depth Travis gives him, however.
Keyleth also thinks the gods are overrated and I AGREE
Percy is three feral and eldritch raccoons in a trench coat, held together only by sheer force of will and the fragile shell of a posh accent. No one notices because it’s a really cool accent.
There will be a lot more money/shopping/drinking elements than in campaign 2, since I know Vex is a haggler, Percy is a Lord, and Keyleth is a day-drinker? As are Grog and Scanlan
It will be funny for me to see Taliesin play a smart character and Travis a dumb one, though I know that the whiplash went the other way for most people lmao
Vox Machina will be less team-heavy than the Mighty Nein? I gather they’re more of an ‘individual hero’ makeup than an ‘everyone has support abilities’ makeup
It will be more fast-paced than campaign 2? It seems like a lot of the arcs lead directly into each other, with only the occasional shopping episode break
It feels like it might be less friendship heavy than the Mighty Nein? Like they seem more like ‘we’d die for each other’ pals who otherwise spend all their time trying to draw dicks on each other’s faces
They have a more clear “party leader” than the Mighty Nein, who might be Percy and/or Keyleth
I think most PCs and NPCs are more morally clear cut than in campaign 2, like most towns and people in positions of power are either “cool guy who can pitch in” or “get rid of this abomination immediately” territory
I think my favourite character will be Vex, Percy or Keyleth. I just feel it in my bones. 
I think I may also get an extreme soft spot for Grog and Pike, however
My main sources of surprise will be, I think, how things fit together? Like I have no idea WHY they’re in the Feywild, or most other places really, or what any villains’ motivations and backstories and personality traits are, and how they end up fighting any of them in any particular place for any particular reason. I don’t even really know characters’ abilities or literally anything done in any of the fights, aside from “they win/nearly die” and “Scanlan uses Wish and Bigby’s Hand against Vecna”
I assume most plot threads all lead into each other fairly solidly and that they don’t actually seek most of their stuff out?
This assumption will either be fairly right or hilariously wrong, but -- I assume that I already know almost everything important or shocking? I tried really hard to avoid it but being active in campaign 2 meant that over time I got exposed to more and more of campaign 1, and I genuinely believe that I have almost everything down, if not details or order. I don’t think I’ve missed any big moment or impactful arc
Let’s see if I’m right
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scotianostra · 3 years
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Happy  Birthday to Scottish actor,  John Gordon Sinclair born February 4th 1962 in Glasgow.
His birth name was Gordon John Sinclair but there was a Gordon Sinclair already registered with Equity so added Sinclair.
He joined Glasgow’s Youth Theatre after he visited one night and met fellow fan of Canadian progressive rock group Rush, Robert Buchanan. As a result he starred in a number of films by director Bill Forsyth, perhaps the most famous of which was 1981’s Gregory’s Girl, shot when he was 19 years old. He reprised the role nearly two decades later in Gregory’s Two Girls, and also appeared in Forsyth’s Local Hero.
He has continued to act on stage and screen. Other roles include parts in Goodbye Mr Steadman, Mad About Alice Gasping and Roman Road. He was also in the first series of LWT’s Hot Metal and both the radio and television sitcom An Actor’s Life For Me. He played Dan Weir in Espedair Street, the BBC Radio 4 adaptation of my favourite Iain Banks novel, as well as playing the lead part of Dr. Finlay in the Radio 4 series entitled Adventures of a Black Bag.
He appeared in the 1982 Scottish squad’s World Cup song “We Have a Dream”, a number 5 hit in the UK, which was written and performed by BA Robertson. It featured John Gordon Sinclair speaking his recollection of a dream about Scottish football success. He later revived this Scottish footballing connection by narrating the 2006-07 BBC Scotland documentary series That Was The Team That Was.
John Gordon Sinclair played Frank McClusky, a leading character, in the 1990 John Byrne TV serial “Your Cheatin’ Heart” and played one of the main characters in the Tesco TV adverts in the late 1990s and early 2000s alongside Prunella Scales and Jane Horrocks. He has appeared in the West End of London on many occasions The pinnacle must have been when he was awarded an Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 1995 for Best Actor in a Musical for his 1994 performance in “She Loves Me”.
Sinclair also performed the part of “Master of Ceremonies” in Mike Oldfield’s premiere performance of Tubular Bells II at Edinburgh Castle in 1992. More recently John has been seen in World War Z with Brad Pitt, the BBC series Ill Behaviour and the forensic crime drama Traces, alongside fellow Scots Martin Compston and Laura Fraser. There’s nothing new to report on John, his last film was in 2020, Miss Marx a period biography about Karl Marx’s youngest daughter.
I follow John on twitter and he has replied a couple of times to comments I have made, we share the same political views and is a supporter of Scottish Independence.
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princesssarisa · 3 years
Top 12 Snow Whites, Wicked Queens, Princes, and Seven Dwarfs
These are my favorites of all the leading performers in the various screen adaptations of Snow White. I've listed them in chronological order because it's too hard to rank them in exact order of preference.
Maybe later I'll post exactly what I like about each of them, as well as the names of the "honorable mentions," whom I also liked in the roles but don't rank quite as highly as these people.
Snow White
*Marguerite Clark (1916 silent film)
*Disney animation/voice of Adriana Caselotti (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937)
*Carol Heiss (Snow White and the Three Stooges, 1961)
*Zeynep Degirmencioglu (1970 Turkish film)
*Anna Jo Trowbridge (Seattle Children's Theatre, 1987)
*Nicola Stapleton/Sarah Patterson (Cannon Movie Tales, 1987)
*Nippon Animation/voice of Sakiko Tamagawa (Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics, 1989)
*Natalie Minko (Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der Zwerge, 1992)
*Tatsunoko Productions animation/voice of Yuri Amano (The Legend of Snow White, 1994)
*Laura Berlin (Sechs auf einen Streich, 2009)
*Lily Collins (Mirror, Mirror, 2012)
*Tijan Marei (Märchenperlen: Schneewittchen und der Zauber der Zwerge, 2019)
The Queen
*Disney animation/voice of Lucille La Verne (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937)
*Patricia Medina (Snow White and the Three Stooges, 1961)
*Suna Selen (1970 Turkish film)
*Herta Kravina (1971 Swiss/German short)
*Vanessa Redgrave (Faerie Tale Theatre, 1987)
*Diana Rigg (Cannon Movie Tales, 1987)
*Nippon Animation/voice of Kazue Komiya (Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics, 1989)
*Gudrun Landgrebe (Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der Zwerge, 1992)
*Miranda Richardson (Snow White: The Fairest of Them All, 2001)
*Sonja Kirchberger (Sechs auf einen Streich, 2009)
*Charlize Theron (Snow White and the Huntsman, 2012)
*Nadeshda Brennicke (Märchenperlen: Schneewittchen und der Zauber der Zwerge, 2019)
The Prince
*Creighton Hale (1916 silent film)
*Disney animation/voice of Harry Stockwell (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937)
*Edson Stroll (Snow White and the Three Stooges, 1961)
*Richard Browne (Snow White Live at Radio City Music Hall, 1980)
*Rex Smith (Faerie Tale Theatre, 1984)
*James Ian Wright (Cannon Movie Tales, 1987)
*Alessandro Gassmann (Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der Zwerge, 1992)
*Tatsunoko Productions animation/voice of Takehito Koyasu (The Legend of Snow White, 1994)
*Nicolás Artajo-Kwasniewski (Sechs auf einen Streich, 2009)
*Jamie Thomas King (Grimm's Snow White, 2012)
*Locus Corporation animation/voice of Sam Claflin (Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, 2019)
*Ludwig Simon (Märchenperlen: Schneewittchen und der Zauber der Zwerge, 2019)
The Seven Dwarfs
*Disney animation/voices of Roy Atwell, Pinto Colvig, Otis Harlan, Billy Gilbert and Scotty Mattraw (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937)
*Arthur Reppert, Jochen Köppel, Georg Irmer, Fred Delmare, Heinz Scholz, Willi Scholz and Horst Jonischkan (Schneewittchen, 1961)
*Mr. Magoo/voice of Jim Backus (The Famous Adventures of Mr. Magoo: Little Snow White, 1965)
*Billy Curtis, Phil Fondacaro, Daniel Frishman, Kevin Thompson, Lou Carry, Peter Risch and Tony Cox (Faerie Tale Theatre, 1984)
*Douglas R. Mumaw, Floyd van Buskirk, Peggy Platt, David Whitehead, Edward Christian, Sena Merrill and Jeanne Lee (Seattle Children's Theatre, 1987)
*Billy Barty, Mike Edmonds, Ricardo Gil, Malcolm Dixon, Gary Friedkin, Arturo Gil and Tony Cooper (Cannon Movie Tales, 1987)
*Iwan Sabijak, Igor Sanikow, Nikolai Misyura, Atka Janousková, Imre Schnellert, Janos Petrowski, Atilla Vega and Sándor Köleséri (Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der Zwerge, 1992)
*Tatsunoko Productions animation/voices of Hiroshi Naka, Junichi Sugawara, Nobuyuki Furuta, Kozo Shioya, Katsume Suzuki, Wataru Takagi and Tetsuya Iwanaga (The Legend of Snow White, 1994)
*Warwick Davis, Michael J. Anderson, Michael Gilden, Mark J. Trombino, Penny Blake, Martin Klebba and Vincent Schiavelli (Snow White: The Fairest of Them All, 2001)
*Danny Woodburn, Martin Klebba, Sebastian Saraceno, Jordan Prentice, Mark Povinelli, Joe Gnoffo and Ronald Lee Clark (Mirror, Mirror, 2019)
*Locus Corporation animation/voices of Sam Claflin, Simon Kassianides, Frederik Hamel, Nolan North and Frank Todaro (Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, 2019)
*Peter Brownbill, Cem Aydin, Peter Gatzweiler, Jona Bergander, Pavel Ponocny, Michal Túma and Mick Morris Mehnert (Märchenperlen: Schneewittchen und der Zauber der Zwerge, 2019)
@ariel-seagull-wings, @superkingofpriderock, @astrangechoiceoffavourites
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