#laurel sandshrew
lairmadness · 1 year
Xerneas lore mayhaps?
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Xerneas is the patron of the Guild of Life, one of two powerful Guilds built around the Aura Lair; however, relations with the neighbouring Guild of Destruction are poor and a war has been raging in the area for years. Due to the unusual existence of one of its resident Legendaries, the lair is constantly out of balance and on the verge of dungeonhood.
The Guild's current master, an elderly Gardevoir named Madame, certainly looks the part- but in reality is not Xerneas's "true" reincarnate, possessing only a small amount of the legendary's power, their ability. That title instead belongs to a relatively new appearance, a young Sandshrew called Laurel only a few years old, discovered by the Guildmaster on an excursion not long ago and swiftly removed from a dangerous living arrangement. Raising a child in a warzone, however, isn't exactly much safer; instead, she was brought to an allied guild closer to her birthplace, where Madame's intention is to allow her to grow up and grow stronger in relative safety before having to deal with the tumultuous conflict back home.
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 5]
Standard Nuzlocke rules apply. Non-standard grindlocke rules made up by me. No fighting outside of Trainer battles.
Four badges so far, we take our heroic journey Team Rocket’s way.
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Telling someone that you’re guarding a poster is not the best way to keep their attention off that poster, for the record.
Dude’s got a level 20 Raticate. Heero, being absurdly overleveled despite the handicap, murders it. Zaft can try to tackle the Zubat. Zaft succeeds! And the lackluster fight is over.
A quick talk with an NPC later, our ten-year-old self has the means to start gambling. If we wanted to. We don’t. The pokemon you can get take too long to train, and more importantly, we already have Ribbons for this city.
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I know Red is supposed to be the Serious protagonist.
But signs point to him being a hopeless ten-year-old like the rest of us.
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Okay, now it’s time to think a little. Team Rocket has the Poison sets, Rattata line, and Zubat line, mainly. I would ideally like Ribbons to hit 30 before we head back to Lavender for the tower fun, but outside of Grimer, meh. Zaft could maybe use some switching down here, so it would make sense for Zaft to go in first position.
Let’s. Try that.
...Wanting an Electrode to contribute meaningfully to my team is going to be my downfall. I can feel it.
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Let’s bash some mob heads.
Grunt #1 with a level 21 Raticate for Allenby to rescue Zaft from. Two, even.
Yay, random hidden PP Up for Giga Drain. (60 damage with 5 PP? I forgot how much later gens boost the power on everything to create real monsters.)
Grunt #2. Ick. Level 21 Drowzee. Heero can grab this one. And Drowzee uses Poison Gas to poison Heero. Sigh. Machop next and last, and that can be Allenby’s.
That’s sorted, so down the stairs we go.
Grunt #3. Level 17 Zubat. Zaft can totally handle that alone. And learn Spark! The Koffing is more Allenby’s speed, though. Grimer for Ribbons. Another Zubat for Zaft. Now with the power of an actual Electric move. And finally, Raticate. ...Which we will let Zaft take a stab at against our better judgment.
Hey, it works out! Awesome!
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I hated these things as a child.
That was not a wrong opinion.
Grunt #4! Level 19 Rattata for Zaft. Level 19 Raticate for Zaft to have help with. Ribbons, how about you give it a shot? You need exp too. Another one and let’s throw out the same treatment. Back to Rattata for Zaft to solo.
Grunt #5 with three pokemon. First out is level 20 Grimer. Allenby nabs the Koffing. And stays in for the last one.
Downstairs for Grunt #6. It feels like a much higher number than that. Level 21 Machop for Allenby. And a second one.
The more fights there are, the more boring this playthrough gets to describe. There’s no drama. No tension. My team is going to clobber the mooks, and everything is going to be awesome.
Until it suddenly changes, and no one will know because all this boring as heck description is going to drain the horror of all power.
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Lucky #7. Level 20 Rattata. These things with their horrifying Hyper Fangs. Raticate. That one will require Allenby’s help. With some hesitance, she’ll stay in against the Drowzee.
The one thing I will never love about Nuzlockes is the number of times I go back to Pokemon Centers. It’s a lot of walking I never do usually.
#8. A level 21 Koffing for Allenby. Back to Zaft for the Zubat.
Lift Key get. Yay.
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You’re a mook, not a proper villain, #9. Act like it. Ooh, level 22 Grimer for Ribbons. Koffing for Allenby. Exploring which level the elevator takes me to for me.
#10, standing outside a door I hope opens automatically so I don’t have to go out to search for more keys. Level 23 Ekans goes to Allenby. ...And a Sandshrew. Nay, villains, that is not for you. Ribbons, correct this wrong. Arbok, and back to Allenby.
#11, what do you have for me? Another Sandshrew for Ribbons. Stop using Sandshrew. It’s too cute for you. Noin can have the Sandslash. In the spirit of letting her have something to do. Ekans goes to Allenby.
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I don’t remember how this fight goes. I’m going to put Ribbons in front because I don’t think Zaft is useful against any of Giovanni’s anything in any world. Heero and Allenby might very well be jumping in to save everyone. Hopefully not, but whatever. Onward.
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Level 25 Onix out first, justifying all my choices. Rhyhorn next. Then Kangaskhan. A level 29 Kangaskhan. Allenby might need to step in, but Ribbons can take a hit.
It knows Mega Punch.
Can Allenby take a Mega Punch?
Heero has higher Defense and more HP.
STAB Mega Punch is terrifying. Heero... be brave, now.
Oh, that wasn’t so bad. 30 HP lost.
Yeah, in the future, Giovanni is not for switch training. Allenby gets first crack at the Kangaskhan.
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Now it’s time for a ghostly adventure. Yay. Ultimate fetch quests of ultimate destiny.
Actually, before that, which TMs are available at Game Corner? I can’t get a pokemon here, but the moves might be worth something. Let’s see... Ice Beam, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower.
That’s expensive.
I... might come back for Thunderbolt. I’m not sure. Depends how Zaft does. Or Ice Beam, depending on what my final team ends up looking like. There are a few things that could happen.
For now, Ghost tower.
Ribbons and Zaft’s playground.
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This place is dark for Nuzlocke runs. It’s creepy regardless, but. Brr.
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Oh, you’re first, not last. Uh. Hm.
I think his Pidgeot(to?) is up front. Zaft theoretically isn’t a bad pick for that, but the levels could be anything. Pokemon Tower is available right after Rock Tunnel, so I’m not too worried about this, but this place is also designed to be beaten all the way through after you get the Silph Scope.
Zaft, if you die, we’re in the right place.
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Okay, so he has a level 25 Pidgeotto. Not something Zaft should be fighting, but. Fuck, I’m going to be stupid, aren’t I? I’m going to let it try to get a hit in. Sorry in advance, Zaft. Pidgeotto used Sand Attack. Zaft could faint it if it hits again.
Good job, Zaft! Now get out!
Allenby in for Growlithe. It’s level 23, but has Intimidate because of course it does. Exeggcute goes to Heero. Wartortle is Noin’s. Kadabra... Ribbons, you want a shot? You’re a higher level. Good boy.
Phew. Okay. That should be the worst of the Tower, I think.
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With a level 22 Gastly. Zaft wins all by itself and makes it to level 24!
Channeler Carly also has a Gastly. This one’s level 24, so Ribbons will help.
Channeler Hope is next, with the unfortunate name for a possessed woman. Also a level 23 Gastly. Ribbons will help Zaft again.
Going back to the possessed part for a second... I don’t really pay attention to the plot of these games. I do not care. I am here for the pokemon and not much else. Sun and Moon letting you beat down the Professor is probably one of the few squees the plot of any of these games have given me.
But then there’s gen one and people randomly getting possessed and attacking you just because there needs to be some justification for Trainer battles in a graveyard. I guess. Also Ghosts exist, but ghosts are looked at with the standard superstitious thoughts of our world.
I love these dumb games.
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Oh, hello. Right, I can catch a thing here.
Your name will be... Epyon. I will never be able to use you because I have no idea how you would even go about trading on an emulator, but it’s nice that if something terrible goes wrong you will be around. I guess.
Channeler Laurel is our next victim. She has a level 23 Gastly. Then another. Ribbons will help with the second one. Night Shade packs a punch.
Channeler Jody. Jody is not the name of someone you would expect to end up here, but I guess the chaotic sprite is probably a symptom of possession. Anyway, level 22 Gastly.
Channeler Paula, who inspires the same joke I just made. Her Gastly is level 24.
I think the next floor up has a healing circle.
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Yay, I don’t have to walk all the way outside for the third time.
Channeler Ruth’s Gastly is level 22. We are letting Ribbons and Zaft share to be nice.
Channeler Karina has a level 24 Gastly. Similar tactics employed.
Channeler Janae brings out her level 22 Gastly.
Channeler Tammy... has a Haunter. It’s level 23.
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It’s amazing how so many different things from childhood are so much creepier when you reapproach them as an adult.
Channeler Angelica! Hee. Level 22 Gastly, followed by a level 22 Gastly, followed by a level 22 Gastly.
Channeler Jennifer is next. Level 24 Gastly.
Channeler Emilia has another level 24 Gastly.
I think we’ve reached the Marowak staircase, so Zaft is going to have to go second instead of first. Ribbons, you’re free to take on the Marowak all by yourself. Like a champ. I believe in you. And if that belief is faulty, Noin has your back.
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Have you ever wanted to give a cloud of ominous mist a hug?
Ribbons wins the day, and all that’s left is Team Rocket.
The first grunt has a level 25 Zubat. Level jump. Yay. My favorite thing in the whole wide world. Another level 25 Zubat. Well at least they’re making this easy for Zaft. Then there’s a level 25 Golbat, threatening things less easy. Heero, step in and save Zaft from confusion.
Second grunt. Level 26 Koffing. Allenby time. Heero gets the Drowzee.
Grunt number three. Last one at the Tower. Kindly opening with a level 23 Zubat for Zaft. And following it with a level 23 Rattata. Then a level 23 Raticate. Allenby will help with that one. ...Actually Heero will, since I wasn’t in the mood to go back and heal after the last Grunt.
No, Zaft, you cannot learn Selfdestruct. Bad Zaft.
Level 23 Zubat for the last thing.
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That’s my job. I’m the protagonist.
Poke Flute get!
So now for the least fun part of all this. Snorlax. I need to try to catch it, because it’s too ridiculously useful not to try for, but it’s also ridiculously hard to catch. And not Pokemon Go hard to catch. Actually hard. I need to hit Celadon for some Ultra Balls.
Everywhere only has Great Balls. Nice. Okay then.
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I’m going to hate this.
Allenby’s up first.
For the sake of this run’s rules, if I give up on trying to catch it, I’m going to just run. If that’s not an option, then I’ll faint it. But intentionally fainting it if I have other options is out. If it’s going to kill me, run, run, run.
Oh fuck. The Snorlax does too much damage with Headbutt. Catching is a pipe dream.
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Heck I am psyched.
Look at this.
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Unless something goes horribly wrong, this is our team.
Let’s get that other Snorlax out of our way. There are a lot of Flying trainers past it, and I’m more confident in dealing with that than our Biker friends we will be meeting shortly. Zaft’s still lowest on the totem pole, and correcting that sooner rather than later is my preference.
Other Snorlax successfully fled. Zaft back in front. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome.
Rocker Luca is hanging about, and he’s got a level 29 Voltorb. Ugh. Allenby, help.
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Oh good, only down to 58.
Then he has a level 29 Electrode. Noin pretty much has to go in just in case. Yikes. Yikes and more yikes. Noin poisons it. Ganbatte Noin.
Great, we lived through that. Nearest PokeCenter where.
Also, to get the Itemfinder and Leftovers, I need 30 pokemon in my Pokedex. I’ve got 24. Things to fix. I think I can fish in cities, Zaft will evolve, and... and I should just resign myself to not getting the stuff right away. Fine.
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A Fisherman named Andrew. With a level 24 Magikarp. Yum. And another for good measure.
Next down the bridge, Picnicker Alma. With a level 28 Goldeen for Allenby. ...For Po, actually. Now Po is confused. Now Po is not confused. Now Po is confused. This time the confusion does not matter. Yay Po. Poliwag all for Zaft. Horsea too.
Bird Keeper Sebastian is next. So many things to process. Like the level 29 Pidgey. Ow. Or the Pidgeotto. More ow.
Still on the bridge (maybe our last one until running back for Quatre to Cut a few things?), Picnicker Susie would like to battle with a near-full roster. Starting with a level 24 Pidgey. I approve. Meowth next. Then Rattata. Then Pikachu. Allenby will finish that thanks to some unfortunate paralysis. Zaft back for a Meowth that Heero will nom.
Off the bridge!
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She’s got a level 27 Rattata. Pikachu next. Noin food. Another Rattata for Zaft.
I’m running back to Vermilion after each of these fights. Partly because I’m too lazy to figure out what the key is for the bike I have.
Beauty Sheila. She has a level 29 Clefairy, which looks like prime Po food. Zaft goes back in for the Meowth. And Zaft the miracle child paralyzes it in a way that allows us to dodge a run back to the Pokemon Center.
Picnicker Valerie is next. She has a level 30 Poliwag because she wants Zaft to thrive on this team. And another, even! My thanks.
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Look at that grin.
Picnicker Gwen time. Bringing the level 27 Pidgey. Meowth. Pidgey. Pidgeotto.
...Zaft being evolved is honestly so helpful.
Bird Keeper Perry! Hoping to fare better? Not with that level 25 Spearow asking for Po’s attention. Pidgey means Zaft is back. Same to the next Pidgey. Spearow for Po again. And one last one.
So the bike is the Backspace button. Fine. Better than holding the B button and running all the way.
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Music to my ears, Robert. Pidgey, level 26 Pidgeotto, Spearow for Po, Fearow also for Po, and we’re good. Then we’ve got a Biker coming up, so Po gets to switch places with Zaft as first in line.
Though something which I remembered a little earlier has caught my attention. I think Snorlax is on the slower end of growth. Electrode doesn’t have that problem. Hopefully Po will be multipurpose enough to make up for it, but that could be something I need to watch out for. There’s a very limited supply to work with.
But Biker! Biker Jared with the level 28 Koffing. And this is where I learn Po’s ability is Immunity. Po can’t be poisoned. Oh happy day. I think Po’s going to be seeing a lot of use against Bikers. Another Koffing, and another Koffing.
Back to bird boys, so Zaft in front again.
Bird Keeper Carter has a level 28 Pidgey. Doduo for Po. Zaft goes back to clean up the Pidgeotto.
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If anyone were reading these, I’m sure they’d be as sick as I am of me detailing every single fight with the absolute minimal detail I can stand. It is not good entertainment. Sadly, since I started this with the assumption that I could be doing a few tries... I want a record of what I’ll be up against. Just skim.
Mitch with the level 26 Pidgey. Spearow for Po. Pidgey for Zaft. Fearow for Po.
Back to Vermilion’s Pokemon Center. And screw it, I’m going to catch something in the water. Super Rod for variety.
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Naisu. And of course it knows Dragon Rage. Damn it.
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I fucked up.
I got arrogant. Should have gone Old Rod.
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I’m laughing.
I am in so much trouble now.
But I can’t help it.
Oh wow.
I really have to catch this.
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Actual fuck.
Your name is Altron.
Fuck you. Welcome to the team.
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Ribbons. Noin. I would apologize if I didn’t find the situation so unspeakably hilarious. I chose this fight. It was completely optional. No one twisted my arm. Unlike the trainer fights. Yet. Here we are. One very angry Gyarados brought two of my favorite team members to their knees.
I spent TMs on both of you. And a PP Up on Giga Drain. I had high hopes. I was playing so carefully. If I had remembered that Po was my tank earlier, you might have made it through. Instead...
Instead, this gets interesting.
I am back down to five partners (yay, Quatre, you get to come back!), and a level 25 Gyarados is not the simplest thing to train.
I... Oh. Fuck.
There’s a Lapras coming up, isn’t there?
No, that’s a gen one thing. This is a gen three version of gen one, so cursed.
Fuck. I need to think.
What do I really have left in the world to catch?
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There’s the long bike area, Safari Zone, a few routes I can touch better with Quatre back on the team... But in terms of level? A free level 25 thing (lol “free”) is not bad. Victory Road has wild level 40s, but nothing I could conceivably make solid use of.
Unless I get incredibly lucky, Gyarados is probably going to be the best thing I can get my hands on before the end of the game.
-hours later-
After some contemplation, I think this is going to mark a change in approach. People beat these games with only one pokemon battling. I don’t feel like splitting exp and training something again.
So I’ll have Altron in my team, and perhaps even make use of him, but the team focuses are going to be Zaft, Allenby, Heero, and Po. For the whole rest of the game. ...Decision subject to change. But I’m just really not feeling the desire to train anything else.
We shall see. We shall be concerned. We shall endure.
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We shall be happy Quatre is back on the team.
Camper Justin has a level 29 male Nidoran. Go Po. Then a level 29 Nidorino. Don’t die, Po. Yay, Po.
According to my vague map I haven’t caught something on Route 12. Because Serebii says there’s a chance you can Super Rod up a level 35 Horsea, I will attempt to catch one.
Sadly mine is a level 20. Now named Max. Pokedex count: 27.
Route 13′s thing is Venonat. It poisons Zaft. Altron helps, because, as we all know, Altron knows Dragon Rage. Venonat is caught, and its new name shall be Well. Because no one reads these and I can do what I want.
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We finally arrive at where we were before all that Gyarados nonsense. You can tell it was nonsense because I still say Gyarados half the time instead of using Altron’s name.
Anyway, Bird Keeper Marlon. He has a Spearow. Aka Po food. Po stays in for the Doduo. Level 28 btw. As my emotional pain rises my transcribing cares fall. Fearow next. Still Po.
Next up is Bird Keeper Beck. Flying high with a level 29 Pidgeotto. And a Fearow for Po. Considerate.
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You mean those things I probably can’t catch?
Bird Keeper Donald. Quack. ...Complete with Farfetch’d. Amazing. Po, help nom it.
Can Gyarados learn Fly? I’m reluctant to throw that on Heero because I don’t know what’s coming next, but I’m also reluctant to keep on biking back to Vermilion to keep a limit on tragic accidents.
Why is Gyarados a Flying type if it can’t learn Fly. Boo.
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Don’t let people peer pressure you into forcing your pets to fight, man. Bird Keeper Benny. Level 29 Spearow. Po kills it, as is right and just. Fearow up next. And Po learns Body Slam to replace Headbutt.
Then we have a row of Bikers before we can get to the grass. Po, you’re in front now.
Biker Gerald with the level 29 Koffing. Plus level 29 Muk. The tributes to Po continue.
Biker Malik. Another level 29 Koffing. Level 29 Grimer.
Biker Isaac has three pokemon. Level 28 Grimer first. Then a second one. Then a Koffing for last place.
One. more. Biker. ...here.
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You can tell he’s cool because he has four pokemon and his sprite was allowed to ride his bike. One level 26 Koffing first. One more. Grimer. Final Koffing to round it all out.
Zaft goes out front to facilitate the capture of whatever our Route 14 thing chooses to be.
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I see no way for this to go wrong.
Your name’s Afranche now.
Pokedex count: 29.
Time for Po and Allenby to beat up Twins Jan and Kiri. With their fancy level 29 Charmander and Squirtle. It is a quick fight.
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Made it to Route 15. Look at us go. Look at how I’ve caught everything here that I can, thanks to the species clause. Look at how far away that Itemfinder is.
Biker Ernest has a level 25 Koffing. And another. Then Weezing. Back to Koffing. Then, at long last, a Grimer to finish things.
Biker Alex introduces himself by threatening to mug us. But. That’s sort of what happens during every battle. Someone is going to fork over a bunch of cash. So his tough guy image is a lie hiding his willingness to conform to society’s standards.
Anyway, level 28 Koffing. Grimer. Weezing.
In the spirit of really not wanting to bike back to Vermilion even though Po needs healing. Zaft goes up front while we try to dodge around everyone on our way to Fuchsia.
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I’m going to stop you right there.
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Tfw you will never.
Fuchsia reached, and for future reference, this is where the Move Deleter is in this game. That might be handy to know.
Because Zaft is already in front, I wander down before I have Surf to play with the Swimmers. Swimmer Richard has a level 30 Tentacool. Then a Shellder. Swimmer Reece has a level 29 Goldeen Po can help with. Zaft goes back in for the Horsea. Stays in for Staryu.
Scrubbed the deck with the landlubbed Swimmers.
Good Rod get, and I’m going to fish up my Fuchsia City thing in the pond behind the Fisher guy’s house.
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I can’t see this helping much.
I’m feeling really lazy. You can be Barton.
But! I have 30 now!
Time to hit the Trainers we missed and then bike back to Vermilion! ...Yay!
Bird Keeper Edwin first on the docket. With a level 26 Pidgeotto. Po in for Farfetch’d. And Doduo. Zaft comes back for Pidgey.
Bird Keeper Chester is next. With Dodrio wanting Po’s attention. Doduo next. Also another one.
Picnickers are next, and I think in the interest of fairness Allenby is going to be up front for them.
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A level 29 Bellsprout opens the match. Allenby is beyond such things. Heero can eat the Oddish. Heero can also eat the Tangela.
Picnicker Kindra is next. Bringing the level 28 Gloom for Heero. Heero stays in for the Oddish. All two of them.
Beauty Olivia has a level 29 Bulbasaur. Heero clearly needed to be the one up front for all of this. Ivysaur next and last.
Beauty Grace has a level 29 Pidgeotto. Against my better judgment, Allenby will stay in to try and Rock Slide it. Gambit successful. Wigglytuff in next, so Allenby gets to stay in for a whole fight!
Picnicker Becky has a Pikachu. On a related note, Allenby now knows Cross Chop. Cross Chop murders Becky’s Raichu.
Picnicker Celia just has the one level 33 Clefairy.
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Double Battle putting Allenby and Heero in the driver’s seat. Yes, at the same time. Against Ron and Mya. Level 29 Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee.
Aaaaaand that’s what we have down here.
Itemfinder time!
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Let’s call this part there, shall we? Before anything horrible can happen. It’s been something of a rough ride this time around. Entirely because of my own choices, but still.
High note end, get.
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rhnuzlocke · 7 years
Episode 23
Scene 5:
[Rayquaza bugles and the Eon Guardians fly to the top of the tower. Latias starts healing Rayquaza’s wounds while Latios floats over to Ren. He puts a paw on her shoulder and she touches her forehead to his.]
Ren: [telepathy] Hey Steven?
Steven: What is it?
Ren: Rayquaza is recharged and ready, but there is a complication. They chose both me and Zinnia to go with them.
[There is a long pause before Steven responds and Ren’s fingers dig into Latios’s fur. She looks over his shoulder and watches as Rayquaza uses dragon dance to power up.]
Steven: Alright.
Ren: I’m sorry.
Steven: Don’t be.
Ren: We both have magma suits and we’ll be working together, so that should help our chances. But just in case, you have to promise to take care of my pokemon. And have Roxanne keep an eye on my parents.
Steven: I will.
Ren: Can I call you at the Space Center and say goodbye to everyone?
Steven: Of course… But please come back.
Ren: I’ll do my best.
[Ren gets her collapsible screen out of her bag and sets it up.Zinnia is nearby tending and talking softly to her pokemon. Ren calls Steven on her nav and when he answers Kai and Wally and her parents are there too. The room behind them is full of scientists and government workers, but they have backed off to give Steven in the rest a little space.]
Ren: So it looks like I’m gonna be an astronaut.
[Steven facepalms and the other four just stare at her in confusion. Realization dawns on Wally’s face and soon spreads to the others.]
Wally: Oh…
Ren: Not really what I had in mind, but it should be pretty cool. Not many people can say they’ve been to outer space.
[Wally smiles a bit, but the other three just seem shell-shocked.]
Ren: Everything is fine here. Rayquaza should be able to mega evolve and destroy the meteor. They’re getting ready over there. [Ren turns her camera for a moment so that they can see.] Zinnia and I got to battle Rayquaza, which was awesome. They kind of kicked our asses, but I probably should have seen that coming. For Groudon I had Kyogre and the Eon Guardians helping plus the whole League pummeled them first. Anyway it makes me feel better about our chances. Rayquaza is insanely powerful and they’ve done this before, so we shouldn’t have any problems. I just wanted to uh… to thank you all. Wally, thank you for showing me how to be brave. [Wally blushes.] Bravado will only get you so far, you know? You showed me how to push further, how to do what I loved even when it scared me. So that’s what I want you to keep doing. I want you to keep on being brave until you’ve done everything you want to do. And I do mean everything.
[Wally goes from pink to beet red. He swallows and nods, too embarrassed to speak.]
Ren: Kai, thank you for always supporting me even when I was a jerk and didn’t want you to. It made a huge difference and I’m a better person for it. And thank you sharing everything with me. I’m really glad I got to see Hoenn the way you do. It made it feel like home, like I belong here. [Tears start to spill out of his eyes and Ren fights to keep her own at bay.] So please just keep letting that curiosity and kindness lead you. Get into a great school and keep researching whatever strikes your fancy.
Kai: [wiping his nose] O-okay.
Ren: Otosan, thanks for teaching me everything you know about pokemon and training. It’s such a huge part of me. So just keep teaching new trainers like you taught me. Oh, and also take okasan out on a date every once in awhile. The gym will survive without you.
Senri: [smiling but eyes welling] Understood.
Ren: Okasan, thank you for teaching me literally everything else. [Her mother smiles broadly and chuckles a little through her tears.] You are so brilliant and you’ve taken such good care of me. Thank you for getting me that therapist and patching me up constantly when I was going through that growth spurt and for always listening and checking in with me and all of that other great parental stuff. A+. Please just keep writing.
Asuka: I will, Ren-chan.
Ren: [wiping her eyes] And Steven, thanks for opening up and trusting me and believing in me. I know it was difficult for you.
Steven: Rude.
Ren: It’s true. And thank you for all of your help with Magma and my pokemon. But most of all, thank you for always cheering me up and making me laugh. It made all the difference. [He smiles but it is brittle and she wipes her nose.] Just keep doing what you do best and take care of everyone. Only remember to take care of yourself too sometimes, okay?
Steven: Okay.
Ren: I should go but, um, I love you all.
Asuka: We love you too.
Senri: I can’t wait to tell everyone my daughter is the Champ and an astronaut. Kick that meteor’s ass!
Ren: Will do!
Wally: You can do it!
Kai: And thank you for everything.
Ren: You’re welcome. I’ll see you later.
[She salutes and ends the call. She slumps and wipes at her eyes as Akahata and Ao come over to sit on either side of her.]
Ren: That was so tough and I haven’t even said goodbye to you all yet.
[Akahata nuzzles her and Ren digs her hand into the mightyena’s fur as the rest of her team gathers around her.]
Ren: I don’t even know where to start. We’ve done everything together since I moved here. You took me all the way from rookie to Champion. I’m not sure I remember how to do anything alone anymore.
Latios: You are not alone. We will always be with you.
[Ren looks around at them all and smiles, though more tears start running down her face.]
Ren: [sniff] There I go. [wiping her face] So, um, we’ll do this in reverse order. Teka, thanks for sticking with us even though things got really intense right off the bat. Your ideas and battle strategies saved our asses a bunch of times and I might not even be Champion right now if you hadn’t talked me into buying that overheat TM. And also thank you for being so ruthlessly smart all the time. I know I was a little upset when you used nuzzle on all of those Magma people, but I would probably be dead if you hadn’t.
Teka: You’re welcome. And thank you for treating me so well and respecting me. My whole life everyone has called me a liar and a trickster, but you showed me I could help others and not just myself with my talents, so I’ll wear those titles with pride.
Ren: You should. Pound it, sly!
[Ren offers the little pikachu her fist and Teka taps it.]
Ren: Naihi, thank you for being so fearless and for working so hard. That incredible strength of yours got us through a lot of tight spots. I’m so proud of how you’ve grown. [Ren hugs her and the absol pats her back with a clawed paw.] Take care of Akahata for me.
Naihi: I swear it will be done.
[Ren smiles and turns to Pohaku.]
Ren: Pohaku, you were probably too freshly hatched to remember this, but I was in a pretty bad place when you joined the team. Thanks for pulling me out of my funk and giving me hope. That boundless enthusiasm of yours never fails to make me smile. It helped me to remember everything I loved about training and battling. Stay awesome little guy.
[Ren stand up to hug him and he starts sobbing all over her. Kotai pats his leg and talks soothingly until the armaldo calms down enough to let Ren go.]
Ren: Kotai, thanks for taking such good care of all of us and for saving my life. I quite literally wouldn’t be here without you. You are the world’s number one dad and all the little sandshrew you’re going to have with Alwyn are so incredibly lucky. So make sure you get home to them, okay?
Kotai: I will. Thanks for the ride, luv.
[Ren kneels down to hug him before standing again and turning to Kata.]
Ren: Kata, thanks for making us all take it easy and keeping us on our toes. Not sure how you managed to do both.
Kata: [winking and flexing] My powers of pranking are legend.
Ren: [laughing a little] They are. Thank you for making me laugh when I needed it the most and for taking all of those pictures of everyone. I feel a lot better knowing they’ll still be there even if I…
Kata: Don’t get all morbid on me now. You’re gonna blast that meteor apart without breaking a sweat. [Ren wipes her eyes.] Bring it in.
[Kata opens her arms and before Ren can move Kata has moved her with telekinesis and hugs her. Ren boops the grumpig’s pearl and Kata drops her, rubbing at it indignantly.]
Ren: Ao, thank you for being so patient and determined. Things were so rough for you at the beginning and it took a lot of faith and perseverance to push through. I hope you are half as proud of yourself as I am of you.
Ao: I am.
Ren: Good. And thank you for being such a team player. No matter where you go or which family you choose, they are going to be so lucky to have you. [She squeezes her manectric tight and her tail thumps on the ground.] Make sure you go to Mele’s premiere for us all.
Ao: I will.
Ren: Akahata, thank you for protecting me even though you had such bad experiences before. You have no idea how privileged I felt when I finally earned your trust. And that skepticism you brought in really helped me stay grounded. You’ve always been such a rock solid support and the best lancer any leader could ask for. You’ve earned some time off so enjoy your honeymoon with Naihi.
Akahata: I will.Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.
Ren: You’re welcome.
[Ren hugs her tight and then stands to face her starter.]
Ren: Taraki, I’ll never be able to thank you enough for dragging me kicking and screaming into the life I wanted. You said before it was selfish, but I don’t believe that. I think you saw right through me, saw what we could be and never gave up until we made it there. You gave me back everything I thought I’d lost forever and so much more. You’re the best partner anyone could ever have. You have no equal in the whole region, but I know you’ll never rest on your laurels. Keep doing what you love forever.
[The sceptile hugs her tight, head bowed to press against hers and claws digging into her back. She looks up at his face when they pull back and he is smiling. She has to wipe her eyes again to be sure.]
Ren: Not even one tear, tiger?
Taraki: [grabbing her shoulders] This isn’t goodbye. I have no doubt in my mind you can do it. And I’ll be right there with you just like Latios said, just like I was when you had to face Kyogre and Groudon and everything else. I’ll put all of my energy into you through our mega stone and keystone and together we’ll blow that meteor apart!
[He lets go of her to flex dramatically and she laughs and hugs him again. When she pulls away for the second time, she is finally ready to go and turns to see how Zinnia is fairing. She is kneeling on the ground talking urgently to her whismur.]
Zinnia: Don’t you dare hurry up to join me. I’ll come back to you no matter what happens, no matter how many worlds I have to cross. I’ll find you like you found me and we’ll have another life together. Promise me!
[Aster nods and murmurs something Ren can’t hear. Zinnia picks her up and hugs her tight and Aster wraps her ears around Zinnia’s head.]
Zinnia: Nothing can keep souls like ours apart forever. Wait for me and I’ll catch up.
[Aster hugs her tighter and Zinnia stands, still holding her close. At last Aster lets go and zinnia puts her down. She gets out her vapor box and starts pulling out the magma suit. Ren realizes she should be doing that as well and pulls out her own vapor box. Soon both are dressed and ready to go. Latios and Latias float up to them while Rayquaza waits in the background.]
Latios: Rayquaza will do everything in their power to keep you alive.
Latias: They can control air and will try to keep a bubble around you when you exit the atmosphere.
Latios: Thank you both for your service to us all.
Latias: Without you, even Rayquaza could do nothing. Only their mega form can survive and move in space.
Zinnia: It is our honor, Guardians. Thank you for your service as well.
Ren: I’ll miss you, stuffy.
Rayquaza: COME.
[The Eon Guardians move aside as Rayquaza lowers their head to the top of the tower once more. Ren takes Zinnia’s hand and Zinnia leads them to Rayquaza’s neck. She hops up and seats herself just behind their head before pulling Ren up to sit behind her. Zinnia grabs onto the ridge in front of her as Rayquaza rears up, long body coiling behind them.]
Zinnia: Hold on tight, spitfire.
Ren: [wrapping her arms around Zinnia’s waist] You too, Higana.
[Rayquaza finishes coiling and rockets off into the sky.]
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