myvinylplaylist · 1 month
Sammy Hagar And The Waboritas: Red Voodoo (1999)
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MCA Music
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karpetrumput · 4 months
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Agen Rumput Sintetis Aceh Lauser
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Agen Rumput Sintetis Aceh Lauser
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Agen Rumput Sintetis Aceh Lauser, Agen Rumput Sintetis Aceh Lauser, Penjual Rumput Sintetis Aceh Krueng Sabee, Pusat Rumput Tiruan Aceh Kuala, Supplier Rumput Palsu Aceh Kuala Baru, Toko Rumput Plastik Aceh Kuala Batee, Agen Rumput Sintetis Aceh Kuala Pesisir, Distributor Rumput Tiruan Aceh Kuta Alam, Grosir Rumput Palsu Aceh Kuta Baro
Kami dari Toko Rumput Sintetis (TRS) saat ini sedang melakukan penjualan rumput sintetis di wilayah Provensi Aceh.
Ready Stok:
Drainase Cell ukuran 50x50 / Alas Rumput Sintetis.
2. Rumput Sintetis Swiss 20mm, 25mm, dan 30mm & Jepang 30mm.
3. Daun Dolar Sintetis untuk Dinding Ruangan ukuran 50x50.
ALAMAT: Penjaringan Jakarta Utara.
untuk wilayah aceh dan sekitaranya kita hanya support pengiriman via ekspedisi
Untuk Info Order di Sini:
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
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WA 0896-5297-9519, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lauser
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lauser
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lauser, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Kota Serang, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Losari, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lotu, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lowokwaru, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Luahagundre Maniamolo, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Luak, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lubai, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Lubai Ulu
Kami adalah Supplier Drainase Cell Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia.
Sekarang ini kami sedang melakukan pemasaran Drainase Cell untuk kebutuhan alas proyek atau rumput sintetis.
Kami Sedang Mempromosikan Drainase ini Keseluruh Indonesia.
Stok Kami sangat banyak, sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir akan stok yang tersedia.
Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Drainase Cell silahkan di Order di Sini:
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
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mikeladano · 10 months
REVIEW: Sammy Hagar - Three Lock Box (1982)
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0812-8888-6070 Mesin Laundry Bangka
0812-8888-6070 Mesin Laundry Lauser, Mesin Laundry Banguntapan, Mesin Laundry Gegesik, Mesin Laundry Tonjong, Mesin Laundry Curah Dami, Mesin Laundry Bunut Hulu, Mesin Laundry Kuaro, Mesin Laundry Teor, Mesin Laundry Kie, Mesin Laundry Duram, Mesin Laundry Gantarang, Mesin Laundry Lambai, Mesin Laundry Pasemah Air Keruh, Mesin Laundry Ujung Padang
Laundry Yang Bisa Mesin Anda Pilih Di Mulya Jaya Abadi Laundry menjadi bisnis kecil yang berpeluang untuk menjadi solusi dalam kredit usaha anda. Keberadaan usaha ini memang pada mulanya menghasilkan keuntunga yang belum begitu besar karena masih membutuhkan pemasaran ataupun pengenalan tempat laundry pada konsumen. Namun, jika hal ini telah dikembangkan dengan usaha yang prima pada akhirnya akan memberikan peluang atau solusi kredit usaha yang besar untuk anda. Peminjaman modal ataupun dana awal yang digunakan untuk membuka jasa laundry akan segera terbayarkan jika anda pandai dalam menarik minat para konsumennya. Seperti halnya pepatah berkata “sedikit demi sedikit, lama – lama menjadi bukit”. Anda harus pandai dalam mengilhami pepatah diatas karena dibalik pepatah tersebut memberikan makna yang positif untuk semangat anda dalam usaha laundry.
Keuntungan yang anda dapatkan dalam bisnis laundry ini akan melimpah sepanjang anda pandai memanfaatkan peluang bisnis ini disekitar anda. Besarnya nominal yang anda peroleh nantinya menjadi solusi untuk kredit usaha awal anda. Inilah bisnis yang menjanjikan dan menguntungkan anda dikemudian harinya.
Semakin berkembang usaha anda tentunya tidak hanya bermanfaat untuk menjadi solusi kredit usaha anda namun juga bermanfaat untuk Menyerap tenaga kerja yang ada disekitar anda. Dengan hal ini tentunya sebuah wirausaha bisnis laundry dapat menurunkan jumlah pengangguranj yang semakin tahun semakin naik atau bertambah ini.
Ada berbagai jenis paket untuk usaha laundry yang biasa disediakan oleh pihak penyedia jasa paket usaha laundry. Salah satunya yakni paket mesin laundry, yang mana paket mesin untuk laundry ini merupakan unsur utama dalam memulai usaha. Ada berbagai jenis paket dengan fasilitas yang diberikan bermacam-macam. Mesin Laundry Coin Dewasa ini banyak perubahan dari segi gaya hidup semakin tak terbendung. Semakin banyak dan beragamnya kebutuhan masyarakat pedesaan hingga perkotaan. Tak terkecuali juga kebututan hospitality seperti laundry. Kini laundry bukan lagi gaya hidup, melainkan sudah menjadi kebutuhan. Banyak orang lebih memilih menghabiskan waktu untuk melakukan kegiatan produktif dibandingkan harus mencuci di rumah. Karena banyaknya orang yang menggunakan jasa laundry, hal ini membuat usaha laundry semakin berkembang. Banyak kini muncul sistem laundry yang lebih modern, dimana Anda bisa mencuci sendiri pakaiannya dengan perlengkapan modern. Seperti contohnya mesin laundry coin yang semakin hari semakin banyak yang menggunakannya. Mesin Laundry Card Pada jaman saat ini usaha laundry menjadi sangat popular. Hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya perubahan gaya hidup banyak orang. Banyak orang yang lebih suka dirinya sibuk hingga tidak ada waktu untuk mencuci pakaiannya. Dewasa ini bisnis laundry mengalami banyak kemajuan. Jika dulu jika Anda ingin melakukan laundry pasti harus menunggu berhari–hari karena pemilik laundry memiliki pekerjaan yang banyak. Namun saat ini Anda bisa melakukan laundry itu sendiri, tanpa harus menunggu terlalu lama. Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir pakaian Anda akan tertukar atau bahkan hilang karena Anda dapat melakukannya sendiri. Kelebihan inilah yang membuat bisnin mesin laundry card atau kartu banyak digemari. Mesin Laundry Konvensional Mesin laundry adalah salah satu barang elektronik yang selalu dibutuhkan oleh ibu rumah tangga saat ini. Meningkatnya kesibukan masyarakat modern menjadi sebab mengapa alat tersebut harus ada untuk membantu meringankan beban kerja sehari-hari. Terlebih jika anggota keluarga yang dimilikinya cukup banyak. Sehingga pekerjaan tidak terbengkalai dan dapat dikendalikan dengan baik. Namun, sebelum membeli mesin laundry konvensional yang baik sebaiknya Anda harus menyesuaikannya terlebih dahulu dengan beberapa pertimbangan. Hal ini penting untuk diperhatikan karena beberapa kejadian kesalahan justru menambah pusing para penggunanya. Penyebabnya tidak lain adalah salah pilih model mesin laundry yang tidak pas dengan kebutuhan. Selain itu juga disebabkan oleh kesalahan memilih agen penjualan yang belum memiliki sistem garansi yang baik. Oleh karena itu Anda harus jeli agar tidak mengakibatkan kerugian di kemudian hari.
Perlengkapan Laundry Dengan Anda mengetahui berbagai peralatan/barang laundry atau perlengkapan laundry, maka Anda bisa memperkirakan modal awal. Sehingga bisa menyesuaikan dengan budget yang Anda miliki. Di zaman serba teknologi seperti ini tidak perlu khawatir memikirkan perlengkapan laundry. Sebab sekarang sudah ada layanan yang menyediakan paket lengkap untuk mulai usaha laundry tanpa ribet. Salah satunya di situs http://MulyaJayaAbadi.com yang menyediakan jasa layanan penyediaan paket usaha laundry dengan bermacam-macam harga. Nah sebelum itu, yuk cari tahu apa saja sih peralatan/barang laundry atau perlengkapan laundry yang perlu disiapkan.
Mesin Cuci
Setrika Laundry Dan Meja Setrikaan
Sabun Cuci Dan Pewangi Pakaian
Hanger Jemuran
Pengering Pakaian
Alat Tagging
Plastik Kemasan
Bagi Anda yang berminat untuk membuka usaha laundry tanpa khawatir mikir set perlengkapan, bisa menghubungi website http://MulyaJayaAbadi.com. Kami sudah Memasang dan meyediakan Paket Usaha Laundry ini hampir ke seluruh Indonesia dan membantu konsumen kami dengan profesional.. Tunggu Apa lagi Pesan Sekarang dan Mulai Usaha Laundry anda.. Kami menyediakan kebutuhan baik Mesin, dan Perlengkapan yang lainnya HUBUNGI Ibu Mulya 0812-8888-6070 https://bit.ly/3wyAPt5 http://MulyaJayaAbadi.com
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importirresmikonica · 2 years
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0813-2868-0537 (JUAL SEWA), Importir Resmi Konica LauserLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281328680537 , Importir Resmi Konica Lauser, Importir Resmi Konica Lauser, Importir Resmi Konica Bajubang, Importir Resmi Konica Batin Xxiv, Importir Resmi Konica Maro Sebo Ilir, Importir Resmi Konica Maro Sebo Ulu, Importir Resmi Konica Mersam, Importir Resmi Konica Muara Bulian, Importir Resmi Konica Muara TembesiImportir Resmi Konica Minolta 423 ORIGINAL!!! WA/TELP0813-2868-0537, Konica Minolta 423 KLIK https://wa.me/6281328680537, Konica Minolta 423 PT.Harmony SystemJalan Dalang 1 Nomer 8 Rt1 Rw4 Kelurahan Bojong Rawa Lumbu Kecamatan Rawa Lumbu Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat 17116#ImportirResmiKonicaLauser, #ImportirResmiKonicaLauser, #ImportirResmiKonicaBajubang, #ImportirResmiKonicaBatinXxiv, #ImportirResmiKonicaMaroSeboIlir, #ImportirResmiKonicaMaroSeboUlu, #ImportirResmiKonicaMersam, #ImportirResmiKonicaMuaraBulian, #ImportirResmiKonicaMuaraTembesi
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fuckbouteverything · 2 years
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drosenkatzen · 7 months
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Lauser Junker Loki ❤️❤️❤️
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satanasvincit · 6 months
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Anne Boleyn - Jess Lauser
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capri851 · 1 year
TLDR is that selenophobia: Fear of the moon
So. . .
Selenophobia fic when???? (/j)
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myvinylplaylist · 7 months
Sammy Hagar: Three Lock Box (1982)
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Geffen Records
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Imagine working with both Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth during the most turbulent time in Van Halen history. Jesse Harms doesn't have to imagine it. He lived it and oh, the stories he has to tell.
Harms was a guest on the RetroZest podcast to talk about his stellar five-decade career, which included a stint as keyboardist and background vocalist for Sammy Hagar from 1982 to 1985. Harms was a full-time member of Hagar's band when his 1984 album VOA reached the top 40 on Billboard and went platinum thanks in big part to the single "I Can't Drive 55".
With the success of VOA, Harms career was in high gear. Then Hagar suddenly and unexpectedly punched the breaks. He was the new lead singer of Van Halen while Harms, guitarist Gary Phil, bassist Bill Church and drummer David Lauser were out of work.
"He just dumped us" Harms told host Curtis Lanclos. "I read his book Red. Everything in there where I was actually present didn't happen that way. There was a lot of fabrication. I think he said he paid us or whatever, but he basically just dumped us. I had just bought a house. After the VOA tour, l'd saved all my money up and bought a house there because we were supposed to do another leg of that tour in Europe and Japan but then he got the thing with Van Halen."
Despite the career hit, Harms said he was still optimistic. He certainly couldn't blame Hagar for taking the Van Halen gig and, besides, this gave him the chance to further his own career.
"From my standpoint, I had done things before Sammy," Harms said. "Sammy wasn't gonna be my whole career, I knew that. There were things I wanted to do so I just looked at it like, 'OK, well I'm just gonna learn how to do something else now.' I really wanted to work on songwriting and improving that way and so my attitude with him was, 'Hey good for you. Go ahead and do that and I'm just gonna do something else.' He actually gave me the keys to his house when he went down to LA to work with Van Halen and spent, oh, I don't know, maybe six, eight months writing songs and trying to get a record deal."
Although Harms' record deal didn't pan out right away, he was offered a gig, but not just any gig. He got a call from producer Ted Templeman, who had worked with Harms as producer of the VOA album. Templeman was now producing David Lee Roth's first solo album Eat 'Em and Smile and, as with Roth, wanted to bring in the best musicians around. Harms took the offer and would end up being credited with playing keyboards on the #12 US Rock single "Goin' Crazy."
"That was the best band ever worked with," said Harms. "Steve Vai. Billy Sheehan. Gregg Bissonette was an unbelievable drummer! Those guys were the A Team. They were the best rock players worked with throughout my whole career."
Harms said Roth offered Harms the job as ful-time member of the band but he wouldn't be performing with the band on stage, at least not right away. Harms told Roth he needed a day to think about it.
"He never talked to me again after that! Never talked to me again," said Harms. "He was insulted! It was like, 'You turned down David Lee Roth?!' So that's how it went down but I have really fond memories of Dave, he was a fantastic guy. Really interesting, super good condition. It was a fun experience."
As far as what Hagar thought of his friend and former bandmate now working with his number one rival David Lee Roth? Well, that didn't go over so well.
Harms said, "One of the deals when [recorded on Eat 'Em and Smile] was that they instructed me, 'You can't tell Sammy that you're doing this.' Sammy and were still talking. Sammy and were actually really good friends even though things kinda turned sour towards the end over money [but] we were really good friends. We hung out, we played tennis, we did everything together. We were still [talking often] on the phone when he was in Van Halen. He was calling me up and couldn't tell him that was working with David Lee Roth in the studio. But he found out. And then he called me up and he was mad at me! For moving on and getting a good [job], he should have been happy. It's like, 'Wow! That's a great gig!'"
Eventually things cooled down with Harms and Hagar and the two would work together again, this time on Hagar's 1987 album I Never Said Goodbye featuring Eddie Van Halen on bass. Harms played keyboards on the entire album and co-wrote the track "Back Into You."
"It was great hanging out with Eddie, who was a super sweet guy," said Harms. "Everything about it was really fun."
After stints with Eddie Money [Harms wrote Money's top ten single "Walk On Water"], REO Speedwagon and the McAuley Schenker Group, Harms once again teamed up with Hagar as keyboardist/co-writer beginning with 1997's Marching To Mars. He returned for Red Voodoo (1999), Ten 13 (2000) and Not 4 Sale (2002).
In 2003, Harms was a member of Hagar's touring band for the highly publicized "Heavyweights of Rock" tour, featuring Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth as co-headliners. Not surprisingly, the Sammy/Dave drama returned, and Harms was there witness it all. You can hear those stories and more from Harms on the RetroZest podcast below:
Jesse Harms, who released his first solo album Best Of What I Got in 2004, recently released the 6-CD set All Sides. It includes material featuring Harms on lead vocals, plus collaborative work with several artists including Sammy Hagar, Kevin Cronin, Robin McAuley, John Waite and Gina Schock.
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missr3n3 · 2 months
Need another parent for Luce to have a child, so welcome to: Luce had a spouse way before Cairyx, but just like Cairyx, it ended in divorce because he's an arrogant bitch
(taking heavy inspiration from the themes and the way Jessica Lauser narrates her videos)
The "Mystery Lady Gloria" often times shortened to just "Lady Marigold" is said to be an 8 feet tall nature spirit with the appearance of a beautiful woman with goat ears and horns and a lion-like tail. She manifests in order to warn people of their demise, but she primarily represents the strengths and the fertility of the earth, being able to manipulate storms as punishment but also make crops grow in abundance as a reward or in gratitude.
Native Americans respected her and colonists didn't dare anger her either, for she also has the ability to scare cattle and other domestic animals to death with her presence at night alone.
The story of how she ended up in "Hell", at least in what the Christians called it, will differ, but basically, either having fallen on accident or having been pushed as retaliation for the death of an innocent human, Marigold ended up in the Underworld, and it is said that she became the wife of an evil demonic entity, though the reason for their relationship will again vary.
In any case, they ended up having a child together, normally assumed to be a girl, but over the years Marigold began getting weak and sick from not being back on the surface for so long, but her husband would not even consider the idea of her returning to her birthplace, so Marigold took a drastic measure and ran away back to Earth, taking her daughter along.
Her now ex did eventually leave the Underworld to search for her and their daughter. Since he especially likes to target young children to either kidnap or murder, Marigold has taken up her new role as an harbinger of death in order to try and protect as many lives as she can.
To this day she still hasn't fully recovered from her weakened connection to Nature, but if you ever spot her outside your house, told of your incoming death or not, the best thing you can do is give her an offering of either fresh honey or cinnamon.
-Zalar (it's a combination of Zagreus and my birthstone larimar)
you've heard of the Secret Third Thing in cdtaville (the spider aliens that didn't come from earth, heaven or hell), now get ready for the Secret Fourth Thing:
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Supplier Lantai Interlock Badminton Kemangkon
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Supplier Lantai Interlock Badminton Kemangkon
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Supplier Lantai Interlock Badminton Kemangkon, Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Futsal Barusjahe, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Futsal Lasem, Produsen Lantai Interlock Basket Latimojong, Supplier Lantai Interlock Badminton Lau, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Voly Laubaleng, Produsen Interlock Lapangan Futsal Laung Tuhup, Supplier Interlock Lapangan Basket Lauser, Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Badminton Lawang
Kami adalah Supplier langsung tangan pertama Produsen Interlock Floring Lapangan.
Kami memproduksi Interlock Lapangan Futsal, Interlock Lapangan Badminton, Interlock Lapangan Basket, dan Interlock Lapangan Voly.
Kami juga menyediakan interlock lapangan untuk di gunakan di Indoor & Outdoor.
untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang detail serta pembelian interlock bisa menghubungi kontak kami di sini
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
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importirresmikonica · 2 years
0813-2868-0537 (JUAL DAN SEWA), Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Lauser
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0813-2868-0537 (JUAL DAN SEWA), Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon LauserLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6281328680537 , Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Lauser, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Lauser, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Bajubang, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Batin Xxiv, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Maro Sebo Ilir, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Maro Sebo Ulu, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Mersam, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Muara Bulian, Importir Resmi Konica Dan Canon Muara TembesiImportir Resmi Konica Minolta 423 ORIGINAL!!! WA/TELP0813-2868-0537, Konica Minolta 423 KLIK https://wa.me/6281328680537, Konica Minolta 423 Driver, Konica Minolta 423, Konica Minolta 423 Series, Konica Minolta 423 Toner, Konica Minolta 423 Driver DownloadAlamat : PT.Harmony SystemJalan Dalang 1 Nomer 8 Rt1 Rw4 Kelurahan Bojong Rawa Lumbu Kecamatan Rawa Lumbu Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat 17116#ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonLauser, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonLauser, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonBajubang, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonBatinXxiv, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonMaroSeboIlir, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonMaroSeboUlu, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonMersam, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonMuaraBulian, #ImportirResmiKonicaDanCanonMuaraTembesi
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supplierrumputlaris · 4 months
WA: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Grosir Rumput Sintetis Takkalalla
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0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Grosir Rumput Sintetis Takkalalla
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Grosir Rumput Sintetis Takkalalla, Grosir Rumput Sintetis Barus, Jual Rumput Sintetis Larompong Selatan, Pabrik Rumput Sintetis Lasem, Penjual Rumput Sintetis Latimojong, Pusat Rumput Sintetis Lau, Supplier Rumput Sintetis Laubaleng, Toko Rumput Sintetis Lauser, Agen Rumput Sintetis Lawang
Kami adalah Barokah Grass (Pusat Supplier Rumput Sintetis Murah Berkualitas)
Toko Rumput Sintetis & Drainase Cell Harga Terjangkau.
Ready Stok:
Drainase Cell ukuran 50x50 / Alas Rumput Sintetis.
2. Rumput Sintetis Swiss 20mm, 25mm, dan 30mm & Jepang 30mm.
3. Daun Dolar Sintetis untuk Dinding Ruangan ukuran 50x50.
ALAMAT: Penjaringan Jakarta Utara.
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/barokahgrassindonesia/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/
WEB: https://www.supplierrumputsintetis.com/
Untuk Info Order di Sini:
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
#GrosirRumputSintetisTakkalalla, #GrosirRumputSintetisBarus, #JualRumputSintetisLarompongSelatan, #PabrikRumputSintetisLasem, #PenjualRumputSintetisLatimojong, #PusatRumputSintetisLau, #SupplierRumputSintetisLaubaleng, #TokoRumputSintetisLauser, #AgenRumputSintetisLawang
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