lavineyou · 8 months
A Twisted Bond: Trapped in the Depths of Manipulation
Warning: Angst? A/N: Might make more chapters of this if i manage to gain enough motivation to do so... I think y'all can see how i'm that bias towards Miranda LMAOOO okey enjoyyy hopefully? idk
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You had been by her side for as long as your memory allowed. From the moment you emerged from a deep slumber, she was the first face you beheld. With her cold blue eyes, long flowing blonde hair, and a pallid complexion, she seemed like an ethereal being.
In those initial moments, she regarded you with a gaze that made you feel like a mere specimen in her grand experiment. And as if to confirm your suspicions, it didn't take long before she revealed that you were indeed a subject of her unsettling antidote injections.
Try as you might, resistance was futile against her overpowering strength. It was a harsh realization that struck you mere minutes after awakening.
As you reflected on those memories, a sigh escaped your lips. A decade had passed since that fateful awakening. Now, you served as her loyal subordinate in the village, functioning as her watchful eyes and attentive ears alongside the crows she strategically positioned throughout the area.
Unlike the lords who handled general tasks and experiments, you were assigned to the most specific and delicate missions she desired. Whether it was eliminating a troublesome villager, uncovering infidelity among the inhabitants, or acting as the messenger between the lords, you executed each task with unwavering obedience.
As you made your way home, a sense of weariness settled upon you. For the past nine years, you had resided in this modest abode. You vividly recalled the day when Miranda, your enigmatic overseer, had expelled you with the declaration, "It's time for you to prove your worth." Unconcerned with her words, you had forged your own path.
Walking through the village streets, you exchanged warm smiles and greetings with the unsuspecting villagers. To them, you were known as the helpful carpenter, a facade carefully crafted by Miranda to ensure your seamless integration into this community of unsuspecting lambs—lambs primed for her twisted experiments.
But beneath that veneer, you were a wolf in sheep's clothing, concealing your true nature.
As you approached your dwelling, the heart of the village, the familiar sound of wings flapping reached your ears. With a resigned sigh, you instinctively glanced upward, spotting a perched bird on your head. Taking hold of it, you entered your home, preparing for yet another encounter with Miranda.
Upon turning around, your eyes met the sight of the blonde woman who had haunted your thoughts. Standing before the wall adorned with pictures you had carefully arranged as decorations, she appeared lost in contemplation.
"I hadn't expected your return," you uttered softly, your confusion mounting. After all, she only resurfaced when she required something from you.
Minutes passed in silence before she finally spoke, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "I thought I had made my arrival quite clear," she replied, her brows furrowing as she tilted her head. Perplexed, you furrowed your own brows, struggling to comprehend her cryptic words. "Of course, you wouldn't have noticed. You were too busy mingling with that village girl instead of fulfilling the duties I had assigned you," she declared stoically, causing an uneasy gulp to rise in your throat as you lowered your head.
Anger simmered within her, and you knew it well. It was the wrath that consumed her when her desires went unfulfilled. Gathering your courage, you reasoned, "Mother, I have diligently accomplished everything on my list for today." You nodded, hoping to convey your commitment, but she hummed skeptically, still refusing to meet your gaze.
Her attention turned to a portrait of you and Elena, her eyes fixated upon it. "You're growing soft, Charlatan," she hissed, her words like venom. Bewildered, you raised your head, furrowing your eyebrows in protest. "I haven't..." you began, but she abruptly shifted her focus, her face devoid of its usual mask.
A scowl etched across her features, her eyes piercing into your soul like a thousand daggers. With an explosive motion, she hurled the portrait against the wall, shattering the glass and splintering the frame. "She's corrupting you, my dear lup," she spat venomously, referring to Elena.
Drawing closer, she seized your cheeks in an iron grip, her fingers digging into your flesh. Holding your waist, she pressed her lips against yours with a mixture of urgency and aggression—an expression of her seething anger. As you reciprocated the kiss, her hand slid from your cheeks to the back of your head, deepening the connection.
When she finally released your lips, your faces remained in close proximity. Opening your eyes, you beheld her, her eyes shut and her mouth slightly parted. With a heavy sigh, you rested your head against her shoulder.
This had become the routine in your life for years on end—an existence where you served as her plaything, a tool to further her control over the village, and a source of pleasure. Strangely, you found solace in this twisted dynamic, as if it were the only reality you deserved.
In your eyes, she was perfection incarnate. And despite yearning to build a life with her, to bring back her daughter and create a genuine family, you were painfully aware that such dreams were forbidden.
Because, in the end, you were nothing more than an experiment—a used tool, a discarded plaything.
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