#law stusent
typographicalmisfit · 5 years
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Days 004, 005 & 006 of 131 //
The past three days have been busy, thus my late update. So far, I:
Scanned additional book for Civil Procedure
Attended Human Rights class (this will be a two-unit-killer class)
Assisted my girlfriend in her provision memorization
Attended Agency, Trust & Partnership [ATaP] class (I have the same professor I had in Negotionable Instruments and Insurance law)
Checked out resources for two of my classes already assigned with professors
Studied a bit for ATaP (I get to use my Rabuya CivLaw reviewer again!)
Quote of the day:
"Often the best of us springs from the worst of us." —André Gide
*click photo for hi-res
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Apparently in America it is common for medical students to perform non consensual vaginal exams on patients who are unconscious, not illegal in 40 states. I read a survey that 90 percent of American medical stusents performed this rape. Is it illegal in Canada? God I hope not. I found an article about two hospitals making it against the rules but nothing about national laws in Canada against it on google. This massively disturbed me. Isn’t performing those kind of exams, without consent, rape?
This is the latest on this for Canada:
Consent requirements for pelvic examinations
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eeporg · 5 years
Conflict of interest:None.
1.What  is  child labour?International  Labour Organisation. 2012.Available at: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/facts/lang-en/index.htm. Accessed Dec 11, 2014.2.Convention on the Rights of the Child. United Nations.  Archived from the  originalon  3 October 2006. Retrieved 2006-10-05.3.International  and  national  legislation -Child Labour. International  Labour  Organisation. 2011.4.Labour   laws -An   Amish   exception.   The Economist. 2004.Available at: http://www.economist.com/node/2413745. Accessed Feb11, 2004.5.Larsen   PB.   Indigenous   and   tribal   children: assessing     child     labour     and     education challenges.  International  Programme  on the Elimination     of     Child     Labour     (IPEC), International   Labour Office.ISBN   92-2-114211-6.6.Council  Directive  94/33/EC  on child  labour. EUR-Lex.   2008.Available   at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:31994L0033.Accessed 22 June 1994.7.CunninghamH,ViazzoPP. "Child Labour in Historical Perspective: 1800-1985". UNICEF. ISBN88-85401-27-9.8.Elisabeth Prügl.The  Global  Construction  of Gender -Home   based   work   in   Political Economy    of    20th    Century.    Columbia University   Press;1999.pp.25–31,   50–59. ISBN978-0231115612.9.Hindman H.The  World of  Child  Labour. M.E.  Sharpe;  2009. ISBN978-0-7656-1707-1.10.Percentage of children aged 5–14 engaged in child  labour.  UNICEF.  2012.Available  at: http://data.unicef.org/child-protection/child-labour. AccessedDec 11, 2012.11.Norberg   J.Världens   välfärd(Stockholm: Government Offices of Sweden); 2007.p. 58.12. To  eliminate  child  labour,  attack  it  at its roots,    UNICEF    says.    UNICEF.    2013.Available at:http://www.unicef.org/media/media_70610.html.Accessed Mar21, 2013.13.  Grootaert  C,Kanbur  R.  Child  labour:  An economic perspective.International  Labour Review1995;2(134):187-203.14.  Basu K.  Child  labor:  Causes,  consequence, and   cure,   with   remarks   on   international labour    standards.Journal    of    Economic Literature1999;37(3):1083-1119.15.  Child  Labour.  A  text  book  for university stusents.  Int  Labour  office.  2004.  Geneva.ISBNprinted version: 92-2-115548-X.16.  ILO.  2002.Afuture  without  child  labour. Global report under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration  on Fundamental  Principles  and Rights  at  Work,(Geneva,  ILO).Available at: http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/ilo-bookstore/order-online/books/WCMS_PUBL_9221124169_EN/lang-en/index.htm.    Accessed    May    22, 2002. 17.   ILO.    International   Programme   for   the Elimination  of  Child  Labour.  2002.  Every child  counts:  New  global  estimates  on  child labour,(Geneva, ILO).Available at: http://www.ilo.org/ipec/lang-en/index.htm.Accessed Dec 11,2002.18.Diallo Y, Hagemann F, Etienne A, Gurbuzer Y,     Mehran     F.     Global     child     labour developments:  Measuring  trends  from  2004 to 2008. ILO; 2010. ISBN978-92-2-123522-4.19. The  State  of  the  World's  Children  1997. UNICEF. 2007. Available at: http://www.unicef.org/sowc97/.Accessed2007-04-15.20.  Eric  V.  Edmonds  and  Nina  Pavcnik.Child Labour  in  the  Global  Economy.  Journal  of Economic  Perspectives2005;19  (1):  199–220. 21.Tackling  child labour: From  commitment  to action. International    Programme    on    the Elimination  of  Child  Labour-ILO.  2012. ISBN978-92-2-126374-6.22.Child  Rights.  UNICEF.  2014.  Available  at: https://www.unicef.org.nz/schoolroom/Child-rights. Accessed Dec 11, 2014.23. Saeidi  M,  Ajilian  Abbasi  M,  Farhangi  H, Khodaei  Gh.  Rights  of  Children  and  Parents in  Holy  Quran.  Int  J  Pediatr  2014;2(3.2): 103-113
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