shima-draws · 5 months
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Huh...wonder what he's thinkin about...
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blixxkixx · 4 months
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So apparently it's lawsan AND lusan day today so you know what I had to do
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itsrainingbubbles · 5 months
Law, Sanji, and Luffy doing each others nails
Well Luffy isn't doing anyone's nails hes just letting his boyfriends do one hand each but law and Sanji do each other's nails
Sanji maintains his hands so that would apply to his nails so I imagine he's always putting on clear top coats and maintaining his cuticles so his hands look nice and law is always rocking black nail polish so of course at one point they'd do each others nails
Luffy is there cause they love him and want to spend time with him so it's like a mini date
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oprarepairweek · 4 months
I got into Lawlusan because of you LOL
Haha YESSSS mod's favorite pick for sure 🙌 They have a wonderful dynamic with each other individually but with all THREE? Beautiful chaos ;)
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shima-draws · 4 months
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Quick little thing based off of this post ;)
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shima-draws · 5 months
Luffy: I have just one rule here
Luffy: No kissing my cook :)
Law: I. Don’t think that’s going to be a problem
Luffy: You haven’t seen him! So don’t say that yet!!
Sanji, blowing out of the galley looking like a fucking angel from heaven: Food’s ready! 😊
Law: Um. Uh 😳
Luffy: What did I tell you!!
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shima-draws · 5 months
Bepo: Hey, Captain?
Law: Yeah, Bepo
Bepo: Why does Strawhat AND Blackleg call you babygirl?
Law: How about we stop talking for a little while
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shima-draws · 6 months
Anyway speaking of poly trios. Have any of you considered Lawlusan because MANNNN.
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shima-draws · 6 months
Best flavor of Lawlusan: Law and Sanji having a conversation about Luffy that keeps tipping back and forth between “He’s so reckless and stupid sometimes it literally makes me want to tear my hair out WHY is he like this why does he never listen I cannot STAND him” and “God I love him so fucking much. He saved me. He saved me and he’d do it again and again if he had to and I still can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have him. And to have YOU”
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shima-draws · 5 months
Is there a One Piece rarepair ships week. Is that a thing. It should be a thing I think
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shima-draws · 6 months
I love looking at my tags and noticing I’m the only one on the entire site that uses them lmao
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shima-draws · 5 months
In regards to the rarepair week, is it necessary for the mod/s to determine what's a rare ship and what's not for the event to happen? If it's just a general create-what-you-want ship week event then it might not be necessary to establish a list of what can and can't be created for. Like, not trying to knock you so absolutely do what you want!! But considering how many characters are in OP I think trying to figure out what does and doesn't constitute as a rarepair would just end up being so long and drawn out (for you) and so limiting (for creators) because a complete list is never gonna be possible
Yeye that's definitely fair! I just want to be thorough and at least get a feel for the more popular (?) ships in the fandom and see whether they're truly considered rarepairs or not. Like Croc/Doflamingo - some people might view it as a rarepair. I personally don't bc I see content for them pretty often. But that's my own personal bias; maybe the fandom sees it differently. Which is why I wanted to ask in the first place :") I definitely don't wanna limit people from creating what they want but I also want the event to be enjoyable for everyone, so someone making content for a ship and someone else going "Hey wait they're not a rarepair I see art/fics for these guys all the time :(" is the kind of situation I want to try avoiding if I can 🤔
I'm not gonna be super strict on limitations either way lol I mean at the very least the REALLY obvious popular ships (i.e. Zosan, Lulaw, Zolu, etc) are off the list already. I'm done posting polls too so the potential candidate list was pretty short to begin with. But yeah no I promise this isn't gonna end in me yelling at people for including ships that aren't considered rarepairs. I'll probably just provide a list for people to go off of with ships divided into categories of "please don't make content for these bc they're everywhere and this event ain't about them" and "fandom doesn't consider them a rarepair, but if you do and you wanna make content for them anyway you can absolutely go for it".
I want people to have fun and do what they want first and foremost!! Any guidelines/rules will be super laid back. I just want people to be able to have fun exploring all the rarepairs the series has to offer rather than just going straight to the ships that are more "mainstream", even if they ARE considered a more uncommon ship. Hopefully that makes sense and I don't sound like an idiot lmao
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shima-draws · 5 months
Apart from Sanlu and Zolu which other pairing do you like within the one-piece universe? And how did you get into one piece?
I'm a HUGE multishipper at heart so honestly I like just about everything. FAVORITE ships tho besides Sanlu and Zolu are Lawlu, any combination of Luffy/Zoro/Sanji/Law, Namivivi, and Frobin!! Other ships I really like are Kobylu, Usokana, Saboala, Yamace, Sabosan, Namicari, Namicarrot, Mishanks, Corashanks, Zorokiku, and the East Blue polycule c:
As for how I got into OP--one of my closest friends showed me the animated video of Ado singing Backlight as Uta and that had me like 👀👀👀 Basically it was Film Red that served as the introduction to One Piece for me. Also I have a few mutuals that are really into it too so seeing lots of fun OP art come across my dash eventually got to me LOL
I started watching the actual anime before I watched Film Red, but it was maybe like 5 episodes or so. So really Film Red was the beginning of everything :"D
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