#lazy tallulah
pjunicornart · 4 months
Lazy Laszlo and Tallulah Comparisons
Before I delete the old ones off my computer, here's a comparison of Laszlo and Tallulah's busts! Old on left, new on right.
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Which twin do you like better? Lulu or Laz?
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oheck-trainwreck · 1 year
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Quests Updated!
-Give the baby a break!
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callm3-q · 8 months
disclaimer: Starhalo/sweetduo, Marriage, homosexuality[ don't know what else you'd expect from the LGBTQSMP]
-Bad and Ètoiles get married in the span of 15 hours, cause they don't know any better, and why the hell not :D
Just a long term alliance, not a marriage proposal
[Ch 1- Isn’t that how it’s done?]
You good now?
Y-you’re getting married…YOU’RE- YOU, YOU, MARRIED!?
Well… I wouldn’t call it that… More of a… Long term alliance
Of course you would call it that…
Chill out Baghs, I already dealt with most of it
W-What? Of course! I’m not some soulless person who would give someone a crappy wedding! What kind of monster do you think I am?
Bad said, sounding kind of genuinely sad that she would think that.
W-Well… You are a demon…
…One thing you may not know about demons Baghs… We can through one heck of a party
Ok! 5 hours left… Hmmm… I cannnn… Ooh! I can make a new ring , I just needed one quick for the… asking for the long term alliance… Definitely not a proposal. Anyways! The store bought ones are always just straight terrible all gross and basic [for how expensive they are], non of which are anything close to what Ètoiles is, he’s just… The best. And he deserves the best, obviously. Why else would I marryyyyyy- suggest a long term not proposal alliance. 
…But how should the ring look… We need something that is easy to wear during combat, something that will stay on, and it has to be small, not to much, not to little, something that will suit him. Hmm… Maybe… Stars! That’s literally what “Ètoiles” stands for, something like… Like, we could, make thin outlines of stars around the ring, thin lines, so it doesn’t get caught on anything. I want him to be able to wear it all the time so people know that he’s in a long term alliance with me and not anyone else.
Bad had zoned out, not even noticing Dapper watching him from around the table. He only noticed when he felt a small tug on his cloak.
Oh! Good morning Dapper!
Good morning dad, what were you thinking about?
Oh, nothing important
Well, important or not I wanna know
Well, ok then. I’m going to a wedding in about 5 hours
What? Who’s getting married?
Please don’t, and it’s not a ‘marriage’ per say, more of a long term alliance
Your getting married
I guess you could say it like that, if you really wanted to
To who though? Who do you find good enough to marry you. I’ll kill them, nobody is good enough for my dad
That’s sweet Dapper, but please don’t kill Ètoiles…
Ètoiles?! Two of the people most known for not wanting to be tied down are getting married, what a sight to see
Not married Dapper, just an alliance
Yeah Yeah whatever. What about this ‘alliance’ were you thinking about
Well, I was thinking about just making him something
A ring?
How did you know? But yeah, I wanted something better that the stupid store bought ones, those ones stink
I agree, what design were you thinking of doing?
Well… I’ll draw it out for you, but be nice, I’m not an artist Dapper
It’s so pretty dad!
Thanks  Dapper… But like I said I’m not an artist…
Just give yourself the credit you deserve, but I would like to make a small sudjestion
What is it?
Make the jewel thingy on the top red
You sure?
Well If you say so Dapper, I’m gonna get to work
Ok, I’ll help!
What do you think Dapper?
It’e perfect!
That’s good to hear…
Are you ok?
Kind of I guess…
It’s normal to be nervous dad
I know…
You’ll be great, and I’ll be there, right by your side cheering you on
Thanks Dapper
Bad choked out, not expecting to be crying. He brought Dapper into a hug, holding him tight. Crying into the top of his head, Dapper gladly accepted the hug. He felt bad, but proud. It was nice to see Bad getting this rush of emotion, felling so deeply about this, trusting someone enough to, finally, have a bigger bond that just a really close friendship.
You’ll do great dad…
All Dapper got in return was sobs, soft and quiet, but still audible.
Dapper looked slightly to the side, hearing the warp stone go off. He saw a small figure peeking out from the door. He signaled Pomme to come in, trying to not disturb Bad, who seemed to not hear the swoosh sound of the warp stone
Are you ok dad?
I-‘m ok Pomme
What happened…?
Pre-wedding jitters…
Pomme paused, not wanting to make her dad more upset or nervous, but still having questions, having not heard about this until just now
You’ll do great dad… I’m sure the person your marrying will be  so happy to be with you
Dapper replied, patting his dad’s shoulder softly
Calming Bad’s sobs down into small hiccups
T-thank you kids…
No problem Dad… How much time before you’ve got to go?
Li-ke 2 hours…
Why don’t we get you dressed then
Pomme snickered, a wide grin sprawled onto her face 
Ok Pomme
Bad replied with a chuckle
You look so pretty dad!
Pomme said, ecstatically 
You think so?
We know so
Dapper replied proudly
You guys want to go get ready? I made sure I got you something you would like to wear, as a surprise from me to each of you specifically.
Ooooh yayyyy!
Pomme and Dapper ran into their bedrooms to get changed
Let’s get going…
Your gonna do awesome dad..
Thanks Dapper… Ok… let’s go…
Woahhhhh, this place looks amazing
Pomme said looking around, mouth agape in awe
Thanks Pomme…
Bad replied with a small smile spreading across his face
You did this dad?
Dapper looked up to Bad in shock
Dapper had the same reaction as Pomme, mouth agape
I know it’s kinda crappy-
It’s amazing!
Well… I’m gonna go to, whatever that place is
Ok, see you later dad!
Bye Pomme, bye Dapper
[Dappers POV]
There were a lot of people there, guess word really spread fast, people were crying in joy? Pride? I don’t really know, but still, a ton of people. It would probably make dad freak out a bit.
Dapper kinda was wondering who would walk Bad down the aisle, kind of having a sneaking suspicion of who would. Not wanting to assume anything though.
Dapper saw Ètoiles walk out first
He looks… Fine… I guess… Nothing compared to my dad though.
Following he saw Sunny, Pomme, Empanada, Tallulah, and Leo. Pomme leading the group proudly, even though she had just figured out she was a flower girl. 
[End of POV]
Pomme, and all the other little huevitos in their little flower petered dresses, perfectly matching the color theme of the beautiful setting around them. Matching Almost all the things Ètoiles had told in secrecy to Bad, matching the things that he loves. All the colors, down to matching all the tones perfectly, the music, the setting, the time of night, all the stars visible through the glass roof. It was perfect.
Ètoiles saw Bad standing at the entrance, and my god did he look stunning. He felt his face get red, how could he not. He also saw Foolish? Walking him down the aisle, shocked that Foolish would agree. It also looked like he was crying? Again, shocking. But it was cute, they really do care about each other.
Once they had gotten all the way up to where Ètoiles was, Foolish went to stand to the side, behind Bad wiping the tears from his face. Ètoiles took in all the little details of the masterpiece that was in front of him, the luminous glow of Bad’s eyes to every little barely noticeable scar that covered his face, and even the barely visible freckles that were splattered perfectly on his face. He truly was just the definition of beautiful.
The outfit he had on just solidified it even more in Ètoiles’s mind, Bad was wearing a white suit, tailored to a perfect fit. He had on matching white shoes, guessing Pomme had helped him with the outfit, cute. But his suit, my god his suit. It was perfect, almost dress like, but not fully there. It was flowy and moved softly in the wind, like water. That’s what gave it away that Pomme and the other kids helped Bad with the outfit, always making Bad wear these kinds of things, Ètoiles wasn’t upset by it though, better for him. Bad can just find a way to make any outfit look good.
Bad inspected Ètoiles just as closely, seeing the way his hair effortlessly falls perfectly on his face, despite the wind blowing in the opposite direction, looking at his eyes, the light green blush spread across his face, the mask that usually hid the details of his face now gone. Ètoiles was so handsome, unbelievably and upsettingly so, how can he just so effortlessly look this good. And the black suit he was wearing suite him perfectly.
Both thoughts were quickly stoped when Dapper and Pepito came with the rings, holding them carefully.
Bad picked it up and put in onto Ètoiles’s finger, as Ètoiles stared in awe, at the intricate work of the ring, ‘Ètoiles’ inscribes into it, with a small red ruby on top, seeing how well put together this was, Ètoiles was ashamed of how sloppy his would look compared to Bad’s.
Ètoiles picked up the second ring and slipped it gently onto Bad’s finger, Bad was shocked that the islands greatest fighter was able to pull something so intricate off, the ring looked almost spiraled, The word ‘Halo’ inscribed on the inner walls of the ring, a small emerald embedded on the top.
Blah Blah Blah, after all the other boring wedding stuff
The officiant
Let’s skip to the good part
[The Kiss]
Bad had gotten Max to officiate the wedding, seeing that he’s done it time and time again for the islanders.
Do you, Ètoiles, take BadBoyHalo, as your lawfully wedded husband
I do
Ètoiles stated, with no hesitation whatsoever
And do you, BadBoyHalo, take Ètoiles, as your lawfully wedded husband
I do
Bad said, with somehow less hesitation than Ètoiles
Then, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husbands. You may kiss the Groom
Ètoiles grabbed Bad and immediately kissed him, dipping him. 
Bad didn’t fight back, gladly accepting everything that Ètoiles did. 
They stayed like that for a bit longer, before standing up straight again. Only looking at each other, only letting a quick glance out to the crowd. Seeing the Huevos still covering their eyes in disgust from the kiss made them laugh. They looked back to each other, love visible in their eyes. Ètoiles took Bad’s hands in his, noticing that they were way smaller than his. How they fit perfectly into his, how soft they were.
Ètoiles saw how happy Bad looked, he had never seen him so exited or happy before. It felt nice to see.
Bad looked lovingly into Ètoiles’s eyes, seeing him look back with just as much love. He had almost never felt so happy, first being when he got Dapper. Oh! Dapper! Where was Dapper? Bad looked around for him, quickly seeing him sitting with Richarlyson, Pomme, and Cheyenne by the kitchen. He smiled at Dapper, before looking back at Ètoiles
You did so good dad!
Dapper stated proudly
Pomme said, sobbing
Calm down Pomme
Bad said with a small chuckle
I-I-I Can’t! My- my dad-s j-ju-st got m-married!
Pomme said, still sobbing
Bad brought Pomme into a tight hug, gently patting her hair. Dapper squeezed his way into the hug, not wanting to be left out.
[��toiles’s POV]
Ètoiles was talking to Baghera, who was probably crying just as much as Pomme. But… Not out of happiness for him, more out of anger for not asking her for permission to marry her younger-brother-figure… Nice… But it’s not even like I knew, or even hoped the question! I only figured out I was getting married like, 15 hours ago! It was sudden, but still the best “Long Term Alliance” proposal I could of asked for.
Look Baghera, how could I have asked for your permission when, first, I wasn’t the one who proposed. And two, I didn’t even know I was getting married until 15 hours ago… sooo, how could I have asked for your permission?
Wait… 15 HOURS?!
Isn’t that how it’s done?
Well either way, shut up about me not asking for your permission, be mad at Bad for not asking. I’m going to talk with Bad now, bye!
[End of POV]
Ètoiles walked over to Bad, hugging him from behind. Resting his head on Bad’s shoulder.
Oh, hi Ètoiles
Are you ok?
You sure?
Hi dad!
Pomme said, running up to Ètoiles, hugging his leg
Hi Pomme, hi Dapper
Hi Ètoiles
Are you feeling ok dad?
Yeah, why?
You just seem a bit sad is all
Pomme said, moving back to look Ètoiles in the eyes
I’m alright, just tired I guess
You can go chill somewhere quieter if you want, I can keep everyone else entertained
Bad said softly, turning his head to look towards Ètoiles.
It’s ok
When you need to rest you need to rest, it’s nothing to be ashamed of love. It was a busy day
I know, I’m just waiting for you to be able to go with me
Ètoiles whispered the last part, placing a gentle kiss on Bad’s cheek
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anartisticdreamer0 · 1 year
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i need to post these before their designs change and my designs are rendered irrelevant or something horrible happens that makes me feel sad!
anyways tallulah and chayanne designs! my beloved huevitos!
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vennw · 7 months
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Still getting the hang of rendering and using color, this was a nice simple piece to practice
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blissfali · 1 year
back on my sims bullshit. here we go again
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delicehm · 1 year
Bruh, I completely forgot to post here that I wrote a fic with Fundy
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pjunicornart · 4 months
Lazy Tallulah
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Don't let her sweet appearance fool you... she's got a dirty sense of humor.
Laszlo's sister is here! Quite the glow up, if I do say so myself.
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gothicteacup · 7 months
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Emo Pissa date!!!
I was originally gonna post this for Valentine’s Day, but this took WAY longer then I expected
It’s still pretty messy but I’m still pretty happy with it nonetheless :)
(Edit: changed the layout, extra notes about au are now under the cut!)
Phil in this is VERY casual goth, his regular outing outfits usually always consist of sweatpants, socks and sandals, wrist warmers and band t-shirts. I considered him being more fancy but I think the chill dad look fits more, especially because I imagine he plays video games a lot. His hair is very scruffy, I imagine him having to constantly move it out of his eyes. He does cut it, he just gets too lazy sometimes. Oh and he totally has tattoos, probably a big hardcore heart on the chest or back and some other tattoos scattered around.
Missa is more emo, he thrives with the side sweep bang and spiky chokers. His outfit may change occasionally, though skulls are always a consistent theme in his looks. He changes his hair color a lot. Sometimes he’ll try out the scene hairlook if he’s feeling a bit different. He carries around his guitar a lot too, which explains the black strap across his hoodie in the drawing.
Oh and they definitely have some sort of charm like the skulls on their backpacks in qsmp. Maybe it’s still a backpack or bracelets, I’m not too sure. Idk whether Chayanne and tallulah would be in this au, tho It would be super cute having a little emo Chayanne matching his parents ^-^.
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mal1ntent · 11 months
Random qsmp eggs fun fact Tallulah's favorite lullaby is Jort Storm by Slimecicle because Phil would get lazy with tasks and play it instead of singing and Leo's favorite lullaby is Pac e Mike wow wow because Foolish would get lazy with tasks and play it instead of singing
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very-sad-bee · 1 year
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Three. I redesigned Tallulah three times.
…I'm satisfied.
Fast and lazy art, BUT I NEED-…
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qsmpficsarchive · 3 months
Hihi! So, I'm a big fan of death!duo as a whole, but I can't really find any fics with them in a more platonical setting and with their routine, like what a normal day with the eggs is for death!duo
Hi!! Most of the blog posts about deathduo are romantic but I do have a few good platonic fics for you!
Death Family Takes a Holiday by Cherrimori
Death family beach episode fluff fic!
You Are A Constant; Always in the Edges, in the Sky, and that Makes Everything by GenevaWren38
A fun family fic for the egg’s first birthday, told from Phil’s perspective.
To Have and To Hold by tryingherbestpacito
This one is more on the affectionate side of QPR but can still be read as platonic! A lazy morning with death family :)
Where the Flowers Don’t Grow by str0phiK
Enderking arc with a happy family fluff ending
What a winterful world by Pepperweb
Phil and tallulah winter fluff :) undertone of romance but not overt
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cupidl0vesy0u · 2 months
Draw q!Tallulah and q!Chayanne
Please :}
Drew them when they were tiny :‘0 yes chayanne doesn’t have his floatie bcs I’m lazy -
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yelow-heart · 7 months
Just because I love young love and coming-of-age stories and cute little stories about kids first crushes
Some things we know: The EGGs aren't related. Not all of them, at least. So it's not immediately weird if the CCs and fandom think their kid might be having a crush.
It has been confirmed many times now. Some of the more concrete ones being when Bagi asked Em when they met if the Egg Island trio were related to the dragon eggs. And she said no.
Weird would be if people shipped the ones that have very explicitly established some familial bond, like Chay and Tallulah for example, or the Breakfast triplets. Pomme and Dapper. They ARE siblings. They adopted eachother as so.
In the last Cucurucho live (Right after the prison escape and button-pressioning) is where we see the actual ralation of the EGGs
So, if we're looking for dna bond or something, the EGGs would be separated as such:
Dragon EGGs: Chayanne, Bobby, Trump, Tilín, Ramón, JuanaFlippa, Dapper and Leonarda
Wall EGGs: Tallulah, Pomme and Hope/Memories
Egg Island EGGs: Empanada, SunnySideUp and Pepito
Wildcard EGGs: Richarlyson and Chun-Sik
(Too lazy to look up the actual name of their departments kkkk)
So, if the admins would like to explore an Egg's romantic orientation and coming to terms with it, or having a crush on another Egg or so and so. It's A Ok. Like, I was pretty sure Leo was finding a crush on Em. And Pomme now being outed as lesbian. Dapper realizing he might not see anyone this way.
But it's ok to want these kids to find new things about themselves. It's okay to want to see your own younger self on them, struggling to make sense of new found feelings. If the admin hints that they want that, it's ok. Not to mention how important it would be for the kids that watch qsmp and might be feeling the same things as these pixel kids.
So yeah, let the young people find love.
P.s.: A1 could be either Memories or Chun-sik, we still need more clarification on that. My gut tells me that it was Memories, but 🤷‍♀️
Update: Don't go after the CC's that didn't know any better. The admins decide what direction their characters stories will go. The EGG experiment is divided by 4 groups. We're audience, not scripters. It's all.
And yes, I am also talking about Carre teasing Pepito saying he likes Pomme. From his view, they have no relation whatsoever. And it was also funny on his context, as we know Pomme has a "much older vibe" then Pepito, like teasing your younger brother about that pretty teen girl from church.
So don't go thinking "omg Carre is pro incest amongst children, GET HIM!!" That is not how we do things here.
I moved a paragraph higher up and added this disclaimer as I know that are a lot of twt immigrants on here now. And I know on Twitter is common to go typing away and marching against ur enemies without much reading necessary. But not here. We welcome u here. But, please, learn our ways.
Here we are big fans of text interpretation, believe it or not.
(And disabling the comments if u annoy me enough. I'm a big fan of different povs and opinions, but if u see the comments got turned down, know it was due to arrogance)
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pixiecaps · 9 months
too lazy to transcribe that entire tallulah & phil convo but it was so good and recommend watchin it if u wanna get more insight on tallulahs character its around 5:39:35 in phils vod
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delicehm · 1 year
TRANSLATION BELOW! I was to lazy to change text on the pic while editing, sorry
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Narrator - "Sea turtles live for many years." "What is the secret of their longevity?"
Wilbur - "Life without weigh of responsibility"
Fundy and Tallulah - "Mommy!"
Wilbur - "Good bye!"
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