#lazy laszlo
pjunicornart · 5 months
Lazy Laszlo
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Since I've had an ask recently pertain to Laszlo and his story, today's bust is of him!
If you wanna know what vibe I was going for, listen to this -> Waterfall by Toby Fox (Trance Metal Cover by Dee Leggett) - Yes, this Laszlo is as every bit of badass as this song is.
His room is his personal canvas. Think like Rapunzel from Tangled, except he's not trapped and his murals lean more towards the traumacore side of expression. His personal style? Pastel goth. He's currently working on his first graphic novel.
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bahoreal · 1 year
ive gotta say when laszlo confronted guillermo i Absolutely thought he was gonna be like... ive figured it out... you... want to fuck me...... never been so disappointed at a shit joke
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captnhomo · 1 year
why has nobody done a laszlo cravensworth autism comp??
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creamecream · 1 year
No one else seems to mention it, so I will.
Nadja and Laszlo’s matching hair streaks!
I assume it’s some vampire power and they aren’t like, dyeing them, and that Nadja probably controls it, and her being Laszlo’s sire gives her that power over him or something, but honestly I just think it’s really cute that they match.
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4-diamonds · 8 months
this is one of my favourite line deliveries i can't even tell you why
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leafatlaw · 9 months
finally watched the season finale of wwdits /neg
It’s just like, the past two seasons has no purpose now, or even the eventire series is retroactivity make pointless. Because he never even wanted to be a vampire and because of that everything’s pointless. And it would make sense if Guillermo had been becoming more empathetic more human, and he’s finally reached this point where hes able to recognize that being a vampire so bad- but he’s not at that point! In fact over the past seasons he’s become more murderous and apathetic to humans, he looks down on humans he’s always thought of himself and the vampires as better than and that’s never changed. So that’s why this finale is so frustrating, because it comes out of nowhere and destroys the motivation of Guillermo for the past 5 seasons. Fuck, this show man
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miscreantahead · 1 year
idk man is it just me or is the wwdits vibe off in season 5?
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beansprean · 1 year
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Happy Mer-May!! Why not an extremely loosely interpreted Little Mermaid au? Starring Guillermo as a harbor seal who dreams of living in the deep, Wallace as an opportunistic mimic octopus, Colin as a parasitic lamprey, Laszlo as a lazy little snaggletooth, Nadja as a vicious sloane’s viperfish, and Nandor as a spiny black dragonfish. Deep sea fishes truly the vampires of the sea.
"Betcha down there
that they don't care
Bet they don't
mind a couple slaughters..."
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Underwater full body shot of mermaid Guillermo swimming past. He has the tail of a light brown harbor seal, webbed fingers, and small floppy ears that are held closed. He has a line of kelp tied around him like a bandolier and is looking around determinedly, brandishing a wooden stake in one hand. 1b. Full body of Guillermo lounging on his side on a flat rock above the water, one arm tucked under his head and the other held to his side like a flipper. He sighs forlornly. 1c. Full body of Guillermo on an algae-covered rock sticking above the ocean's surface, waves cresting around him as he lifts up his torso little-mermaid style and sings out "part of your world".
2. Full body of mermaids Colin, Laszlo, Nadja, and Nandor floating in a line, the ocean behind them very dark. Colin has the slick beige and cream tail of a lamprey, webbing beneath his arms, and gill pores dotted down each side of his torso and neck. He grins and wiggles his webbed fingers at the viewer in a wave. Behind him is a smaller shot of Colin with his mouth open, revealing multiple circular rows of sharp teeth around a sucking maw. Laszlo has the tail of a snaggletooth or stareater, his anterior side patterned in teal and black scales up to his chest, lighter teal scales dotting up his neck and shoulders, and brighter teal fins. He has a pair of gills on either side of his neck, sharp black claws on each webbed finger, and green bioluminescent spots running from wrists to tailfin on either side. He floats with a smug grin, arms crossed and back-to-back with his wife. Nadja has the tail of a Sloane's viperfish, her anterior side patterned in dull garnet and black scales up to her chest, lighter dull garnet scales dotting up her neck and shoulders, and brighter rose fins. Her fins and tail are similar to Laszlo's in style, but larger and longer with a posterior barbel. She has a pair of gills on either side of her neck, sharp red claws on each webbed finger, long fangs poking up from her lower jaw, and double lines of red bioluminescent spots running from wrists to tailfin on either side. She is grinning to show off her fangs, floating back to back with her husband. One of her webbed hands is raised to bare her claws, long black hair swirling in the water around her. Nandor has the tail of a black dragonfish, his anterior side patterned in dark blue and black speckling up to his chest, lighter blue scales dotting up his neck and shoulders, and black spines with translucent blue webbing over his shoulders and down either side of his long winding tail, ending in a small forked fin. He has a pair of gills on either side of his neck, sharp claws on each webbed finger, and gold bioluminescent spots running from wrists to tailfin on either side with double lines on his torso. he is floating nervously, looking around and twiddling his hands together.
3a. Mermaid Wallace, with the tentacles of a mimic octopus below the waist, floats underwater next to mermaid Guillermo. They are wearing a woven vest studded with shells and pearls, a black doppa hat with puka shells, a pearl necklace, a pendant with a claw, and several rings on unwebbed fingers. Their tentacles are relaxed, colored in the usual brick and cream stripes, and they have black claws and small horns above each eye. Wallace grins slyly as they wave their arms mysteriously and dangle a necklace in front of Guillermo’s face. It is a simple braided string with a snail shell on the end, which is glowing bright blue and burping out shiny bubbles. Guillermo, wearing a kelp bandolier with two stakes tied into it at his hip is staring at it with wide, fascinated eyes, one hand reaching up slowly for it. He says, “So…this will let me survive in the Trench?” Wallace replies, “Guaranteed.” 3b. Repeat. Wallace suddenly snatches the necklace back into their hand, cutting off the glow, their other hand planting itself on their hip. Their tentacles darken into black and bright crimson stripes and fan out threateningly in the water as they clarify, “For 72 hours only. And $350 cash.” Guillermo snatches his hands back to hold them protectively against his chest, head sinking into his shoulders in shock as he frowns back up at Wallace.
4a. Mermaid Guillermo and mermaid Laszlo float side by side in the deep, Guillermo wearing his kelp bandolier and Wallace’s magic snail shell necklace, which continues to burp out small glowing blue bubbles. Laszlo bares his fangs upwards and tosses up his hands as if to amplify his voice, shouting, “Fish!” Startled, Guillermo jerks back, one hand half-raising in a readied fist and the other clutching a stake behind his back. 4b. Repeat. With a poof of bubbles, Laszlo transforms into a brightly glowing dark teal snaggletooth fish with bulging eyes, a chin barbel, an unhingeable jaw full of long sharp teeth, and bioluminescent green spots down each side. He looks to be about four inches (or 10cm) long. Guillermo immediately relaxes, unimpressed, and drops his arms while staring at the tiny fish with a “you’ve got to be kidding me” expression. Fish Laszlo squeaks, “Not so tough now, eh??”
5a. Close up of mermaid Nandor in hunting mode, rushing left across the screen, his bioluminescent spots and glowing red eyes streaking light behind as he goes. He has one arm rushing forward as if to snatch whatever he’s chasing and the other held braced and ready at his shoulder, claws bared. He has spiny webbing like a bat’s wing underneath each arm, a spiny fin for an ear,and the webbed black spines at his shoulders have lengthened and spread out like an angry frilled lizard. His jaw has unhinged and gaped open, morphing and stretching his face into something monstrous and revealing dozens of long, sharp, thin teeth snarling and ready for the kill. 5b. Mermaid Guillermo floats nearby watching, eyes bulging out and face blushing bright red as he clutches the snail shell necklace in his laced fingers as if it were a rosary. He is fully into this. /end ID
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shaythey · 1 year
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too lazy to finish— Herm + newt as laszlo wwdits
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crookedjackdaw · 3 months
I know laszlos age but its in my notes and I'm a sack of shit and too lazy to get it up anyway heres some Laszlo and Nadja
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pjunicornart · 3 months
The Body is a Canvas (cw: suggestive)
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Lazy Laszlo has some very nice plans for the Fourth of July.
This is just the cropped sneak peek of the image, since the full image has nudity. I personally classify this one as artistic nudity. If you want to see the full image at a better quality, you'll have to go to my Deviantart!
As mentioned previously, the full image is explicit. A link to my Deviantart page will be linked, but not to the image. You can find that one yourself. This is being done to protect those who do not want to see full explicit nudity. Deviantart -> PJam18
Happy Fourth of July.
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lurkerdelima · 3 months
make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite
tagged by @queermccoy!
I’m too lazy to tag anyone but I will vote in polls if y’all make them
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anney-baker · 7 months
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It's Cats' Day and I've been obsessed with this concept for a while now since I LOVE cats so
Cat!Shadows lazy sketches!
Guillermo - LaPerm
Nandor - Oriental
Nadja - Aegean
Laszlo - British Shorthair
Colin - Canadian Sphynx
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xxgothchatonxx · 1 year
Okay here's my 'pros and cons' of the season 5 finale.
The acting was fantastic.
I teared up when Derek finally found friends
Memo not 100% begging for forgiveness.. still would've liked him to go off but at least he wasn't begging
I liked the more sombre tone of the episode? Like it still had the jokes but it felt different.
NOT using the Djinn wishes to turn things back to how it was before!
The hybrids! My babies! <3
Hi Patton Oswalt! :)
After all that, Memo's a human again... granted, nowhere near as bad as I expected but it still feels lazy, I'm sorry. Also his sudden "omg i have to kill, noooo" thing- thank god these writers aren't writing for Louis, good grief.
At least Nadja didn't bitch-slap Memo again but for the love of christ- yep, I'm done. I'll always have Pine Barrens, at least.
Nandor not wanting to turn Memo for all those years cos he knew Memo wouldn't be able to handle it- yeah nah, I call bullshit.
It could've been a lot worse... definitely could've been better... but I've learned to set my expectations to a certain level. So, I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. But I definitely understand people's frustrations.
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banamine-bananime · 9 months
the blues dogified according to me
tldr: caboose = komodor (or great pyr), tucker = mini bull terrier (or westie or fox terrier), tex = cane corso/dogo argentino, church = australian cattle dog, kai (and grif) = english bulldog, wash = malinois. bangs gavel.
caboose: i see great dane i do. i get it. it makes sense. however caboose refuses to make sense so i think it's way funnier if he's an LGD breed with the most baffling temperament for an LGD. why is he so cuddly and human-attached and goofy and Making Poor Decisions?? he's got the guarding drive but it's like AUGH SO SMALL I MUST. PROTECT IT. WITH MY MOUTH. WHY IS IT NOT MOVING ANYMORE. UHHH IT WASN'T ME. great pyr would be good but consider: komodor
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photo: Laszlo Balogh
tucker: absolutely a horrible little terrier. annoying, cocky, mischievous, extremely yappy thing with no trainability that seems totally useless for anything but humping pillows, until, suddenly, he locks onto some goal with terrifying singleminded determination, persistence, scrappiness, and competence that you would never fucking expect. and then it's done and he's an idiot again. mini bull terrier or westie or fox terrier
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photo: Otsphoto
Tex: powerful, large, extremely active, and will play rough and assert dominance and test boundaries. got a healthy dose of "chill, total doofus" in her, too. the kinda dog some moron (i'm not talking about the director nooooo /s) gets as a guard dog, not realizing she's less made to be singlemindedly, territorially dedicated to one person and one place and more to - despite being very loyal and affectionate to her people - not be tied down to them, needing the thrill of running and chasing and catching prey. the kinda dog some asshole gets for bite sports and his ego, not realizing one day she'll get fed up with his chains and shock-collars and cesar milan-ass "training" and play bite-sports with his organs (<- me being extremely Normal about tex getting bloody revenge). i was caught between cane corso for the looks and dogo argentino for the historical purpose of hunting and catching large game, so let's say a mix of them.
vvv tex's silly side and scary side battling for dominance vvv
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photo: cannot find source :(
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photo: Dogo Argentino Kennel Club
church: i thought about husky for the aloof pissiness, needing a job but assigning it to himself and being fucking crazy about it, and unrelenting loud and weird complaining, but i think husky assignments should be reserved for characters with a very particular and truly insane kinda energy. australian cattle dog works quite well imo: WILL NOT SHUT UP (lol "Potential for excessive barking, often in a high-pitched voice"), velcro dog to His Person, super smart yet also somehow extremely dumb and gets dumber the longer he's left without stimulation to spiral, STUBBORN, suspicious of strangers and Very Not Friendly
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photo: Sandra Caldwell (lmao this dog looks so done with it all.)
kai: i considered her and grif together and have decided: Old English Bulldogs. for grif, the sleepy laziness and messiness. for kai, the happy, outgoing friendliness. for both of them, the lack of any trainability or motivation to do what someone says to do Just Because and thus seeming to be dumb as hell to humans who base that on how well they Do What Human Wants, until suddenly there's a way to get out of doing something they don't want to do or of getting something they actually care about and suddenly they're the smartest dogs on earth.
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photo: IrynaKabuliuk
wash: he is SO cop-dog coded. i don't mean that like oh he's like a cop so as a dog he's a cop-dog. that would be boring and also incorrect. i mean cop-dog coded like having someone look at your suspicious, reactive nature, resulting anxiety and difficulty living In A Society because everything is a potential threat or insult and you have to defend yourself and deal with the Anger through violence, and say, "Oh yeah we can enhance and exploit the fuck out of this". *points* MALINOIS. if malinois had opposable thumbs they would throw a lot more knives and if wash didn't have a helmet he would bite a lot more people. anyways, i can't put it better than "Sometimes playing the mischievous clown, yet more often serious, the Belgian Shepherd is highly observant with strangers, typically reserved and aloof, and has strong protective instincts. As such, Belgian Shepherds need more extensive socialization than most breeds so that their watchfulness doesn't become suspiciousness or sharpness." also the athleticism.
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carolina: don't have an individual breed assignment for her bc church and tex are the same breeds as the director and allison. she's got the ACD/general herding breed athleticism (it skipped a generation) and FASSSSSST and bidability and eagerness to Achieve and Win. she's got the cane corso/dogo argentino aggression and power and loyalty and guarding instinct. supermutt as in like superwoman.
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thebennsofdallas · 1 year
Nandor the Relentless, for the win!
I have a confession to make. I’m a Nandor-is-really-smart-he’s-just-grown-lazy-over-700-years truther. He couldn’t have become Supreme Viceroy, ruling over an empire, by being a big dummy. Now, yes, there is much evidence over the centuries to disprove this — the many, many, many undeserving men who became powerful without a brain in their head — but Nandor the Relentless is not one of those (imho). 
Nandor has been a vampire for centuries. And life as a vampire is a shiftless, isolating, chaotic existence. They don’t have to try hard to do anything. They can move things, light stuff on fire, hypnotize people to do their will with a wave of their hand. And, in addition, Nandor has struggled with his mental health, too, the one thing that he has no control over. So, he has become complacent, unmotivated, depressed, lonely.
But this year, there’s been a decided change in Nandor. He is OKAY. He recovered his commander mode, like during the pep talk he gave the house when he thought their lives were in danger. He’s laughed more than we’ve seen. Where last year, he was jealous of Laszlo’s closeness with Sean, now, he’s at ease calling the two of them best friends. 
And with the return of Nandor’s spirit and wisdom, his competency and his keen understanding, he faced the catastrophes in these last two episodes with renewed focus.
1) He’s been saying it for years, and Guillermo strongly disagreed, but Nandor knew that Guillermo wasn’t ready to be a vampire; as Nandor said, he knows Guillermo better than anyone. We believed that Nandor was just being a selfish dick about turning him. We believe Nandor has abandonment issues and maybe there is an element of that. But Nandor was telling the truth. Nandor said when the time was right, he would do it. And HE knew that the time wasn’t right.
2) When Patton Oswald (!) puts a bug in his ear about repairing his relationship with Guillermo rather than destroy it, Nandor does something truly deceitful and diabolical. And smart. He uses Guillermo’s dear mamá as bait to lure him in for their final confrontation. Nandor may pretend to know nothing of the things Guillermo does outside of the vampire house but he knows how much Guillermo loves his mamá. The superior little smirk on Nandor’s face when he’s on the phone with Guillermo and knows that he has Guillermo right where he wants him is smoking hot.
3) And when Guillermo arrives, the (sexual) tension goes through the roof. Nandor, again, with the smirky face while sitting on the sofa with Silvia, looking at photos of young Guillermo. He’s got the upper hand and he knows it. He’s the victor. He has a plan in motion and, of course, he knows Guillermo better than anyone. He knows that Guillermo won’t kill him.
4) Nandor has the answer to Guillermo’s slow, sluggish transformation. Laszlo, the man of science, didn’t have it after days of experimentation but Nandor did. He knows, at once, even in the midst of learning of Guillermo’s turning, he knows the Van Helsing blood is the problem. And later, when Guillermo comes home, he knows that he needs to taste human blood to complete the transformation and he has some ready to go. Another win for the very smart Supreme Viceroy.
5) And finally, when his fears about Guillermo’s readiness are confirmed, he is immediately proactive. On his own, Nandor conjures an elaborate ritual (with robes and banners!) to, in a way, allow Guillermo to save face. Nandor not only forgives Guillermo his transgression but helps him return to his former self. He reassures him afterwards, letting his hand rest on Guillermo’s shoulder for a long moment. He’s not afraid of Guillermo’s nearness anymore. Nandor is not afraid of anything anymore.
The low point of Nandor’s life — the Wellness cult disaster and the attempt at super slumber — is well behind him now. He’s regained a large measure of confidence in himself. He accepts the limitations of his eternal life and in doing so, he is able to look forward without the weight of that dark dread on his broad shoulders. His future is filled with those people that he can now view as his family — Nadja, Laszlo and even Colin Robinson. And his relationship with his good friend, Guillermo, his closest companion of almost 14 years, is brimming with promise. 
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