#lazytown ballet au
Lazytown Ballet AU: a character guide
So I thought this would be fun to do and also help me keep my thoughts more organized. Fair warning, this gets pretty long because it's grown beyond my expectations. Still, I'm quite happy with what my mind keeps spitting at me. So without further ado:
-Stephanie Meanswell, age 18
Cheery, bubbly, girly, and overly fond of any variation of the color pink, she is what people generally picture when imagining a "cute little ballerina girl" or a little girl's ballerina phase. She takes both the art and the physical aspects very seriously, and works twice as hard to counteract that image; she is also very interested in, and knowledgeable about, ballet history. She gets along with most of everyone at the company, especially Ziggy, Pixel, Stingy, Trixie and Alex, but she is particularly fascinated by Solla and Ella.
Stephanie's favorite role is Clara (The Nutcracker) but she aspires to be able to play the full-opposite double role of Odette/Odile (Swan Lake).
-Beatrice "Trixie" Troubleby, age 18:
Was originally put in ballet classes to instill some discipline by her mother, a retired ballerina. Despite her relatively late start, she became so fascinated by how she could mold her body to her whim that she threw herself wholeheartedly into the practice. She excels at difficult technical aspects, but also has a finely tuned instinct for the theatrical. Aside from her late start, she has had to fight racist notions of not being an ideal shape or stature due to being half-Korean, but uses her smaller frame to her advantage. She is often mischievous, and, outside of practice, rather tomboyish, which is another thing held against her.
Trixie does not have a favorite role but rather two favorite sequences to dance: Medora's Petit Corsaire (Le Corsaire) and Kiri's part in the Pas de Deux (Don Quixote).
-Sebastian "Stingy" Spoilero, age 18:
The son of a wealthy family who wishes to appear progressive by supporting his career and self-expression while secretly hoping it is a phase that will go away. Sebastian is exceedingly elegant onstage and tries to maintain that attitude offstage, but sometimes a certain petulant nature caused by his bringing comes through, as well as being somewhat pedantic, especially about the history of ballet, a hobby he shares with Stephanie. They're also both fans of Rotten Candy. He has been fascinated by Robyn since early childhood and decided to pursue ballet as a career because of him. Sebastian can be very self-centered and focuses intensely on his own practice. Though he is careful and pays much attention during partnered dances, he holds everybody to the same impossible standard to which he holds himself, which often makes him a difficult partner.
Sebastian is gender nonconforming in a variety of ways and he longs to incorporate typically female dance moves into his routines, which contributed to his idol-worship of Robyn. He has secretly trained himself en pointe, risking damage to his feet. His nickname comes from always wanting protagonist roles.
Sebastian has a secret crush.
Sebastian's favorite roles are Ali (Le Corsaire) and Romeo (Rómeo et Juliette), though he is very put out that Ali is not a protagonist role, even if it is a soloist. He also has an immense love for the Oiseau Bleu role (Sleeping Beauty) despite its shortness.
-Alex Magnússon, age 19:
Cheery, energetic, and positive, often described as having golden retriever or bumblebee energy, but very focused when it comes to practice. Though he is the oldest of the trainees and the best male dancer in technical aspects, especially jumps and lifts, he lacks grace, poise and any sort of theatricality, and seems to be constantly overcorrecting. Therefore, he hasn't graduated yet, and has been nicknamed "Sportacus", which he takes in stride, in reference to the fact that often he seems to be doing more gymnastics than ballet. Rikki sees a lot of promise in him, and wants him to be the next male lead dancer for the company, hence his dragging his brother out of retirement. Alex can become obsessive when it comes to practice and will take any tips to become the dancer he can be. He gets along with everyone, but his closest friend in the company is Stephanie. He has an older brother that is an actual gymnast, and a peculiar little secret...
Alex does not have a favorite role to dance yet.
-Solla Stírða, age 22:
Solla also has a relatively stereotypical ballerina image, but more "ballet aesthetic/Hollywood ballet" than Stephanie's "little girl ballet princess". Since she is also very fond of pink, this has led Rikki to compare them as "rose pink versus bubblegum pink". She certainly suits the aesthetic with her pale hair and skin, large doe eyes, slim body, and long, elegant limbs, as well as her predilection for soft pink shades, as well as creams/beiges, white, and light greys in her wardrobe. She has a gentle, kind and patient attitude and demeanor, and disappears into her own world when she dances, but is fierce when it comes to her friends, especially Halla. She is the current prima ballerina, and is near-perfect in technique and attitude both.
Solla secretly suffers from chronic joint pain and her muscles easily seize or go rigid, as well as her joints locking. Only Rikki, Bobby, and Halla are aware of this. She has a special flexibility regime to ensure none of this ever happens on stage, and perhaps some other, more dubious methods...
Solla's favorite role to dance is Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) but she also heavily favors the Sugarplum Fairy (The Nutcracker).
-Halla Hrekkjusvín, age 23:
A peculiar, somewhat wild character, equated by some to Sergei Polunin's enfant térrible and out-of-convention attitude. Halla dances exclusively male roles despite being AFAB, and outside of costume she is butch enough to often be mistaken for a delicate-faced man, which she doesn't mind. She has developed enough lean muscle and strength for nearly any male role, and her sense for dramatics is impeccable. Her hair is dyed an outrageous shade of red, forcing her into wigs for every single performance. She usually requires two rehearsals for every part: a basic one to learn the steps, and a second one to adapt her movements to wearing her binder. Otherwise, it would be on for entirely too many hours.
Despite her intense dislike of Rikki, she is forced to rely on him if she wants to keep dancing male roles professionally. For the sake of public image, Halla's real gender is kept a secret outside the company.
She is in a relationship with Solla, that is also kept secret.
Halla's favorite role to dance is Rothbart (Swan Lake).
-Jives Junkfood, age 23:
Despite the unfortunate surname, Jives is actually exceedingly careful with his food, like all dancers. He keeps an all-natural diet bordering on orthorexia, and as a rule of thumb refuses to ever buy food or snacks outside of home. He's somewhat like a Yuzuru Hanyu of ballet; a lackadaisical and even at times clumsy attitude and personality that evaporate as soon as the music is on. Tremendously graceful, he is often chosen for more romantic, softer male leads versus Halla's more dramatic ones. He tries to get along with everyone but doesn't seem to click with Halla despite his best efforts. Outside of stage, he is somewhat sloppy in his manner of dress, which also causes some mocking or even stops people from recognizing him.
He has a secret bad habit and a similarly secret relationship with one of the stagehands.
Jives's favorite roles to dance are Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty) and Prince Siegfried (Swan Lake) despite the constant clashes this last part brings about with Halla during rehearsals.
-Penny Pestella, age 24:
One of the oldest female soloists, Penny's personality seems to sit somewhere between Halla's mischievous and often volatile nature, and Jives's devil-may-care attitude, but also friendly and easygoing, if with a sassy edge. Because she shares certain physical similarities with Jives, as well as her eccentric and perceived "sloppy" manner of dress, they are often confused for siblings. They also have similar issues about fitting in with the generally conservative and posh world of ballet, but respond in the same way, by not bending. Penny's technique is slightly more imperfect than Solla's or Ella's, but her acting and theatricality more than make up for it. Still, and despite appearances, Penny takes rehearsals very seriously and stage performances even more seriously. She's also a touch too fond of gossip, which makes her get along very well with Bessie.
When she is not mistaken for his sibling, she's often thought to be in a relationship with Jives. When she is, or even sometimes when she isn't, she's just as often thought to be in a relationship with Halla. There also have been wild rumors of her two-timing them, or of them both wanting her and her being the cause of the animosity between the two. In reality, Penny is aroace, and aware of both Halla's and Jives's relationships.
Penny's favorite role to dance is Nikiya (La Bayadère), despite its controversial nature.
-Ella Glæpur, age 23:
Ella is fully dedicated to ballet as essentially her entire life. Being autistic, it is sometimes difficult for her to emote in a way that neurotypicals identify as "correct", but this melts away as soon as she inhabits a character. Despite this, and her perfect technique, surpassing even Solla, she is often bullied by other dancers as a "robot", and there are repeated claims that she only is where she is due to being Rikki's sister. Ella is also a mute, which a lot of people confuse for being nonverbal as a symptom of her autism. Plenty of people tried progressively more awful tactics to force her to speak, up until the discovery of the medical condition that she shares with one of her siblings. Still, people who are not aware of this continue to try and force "a word out of her". Ella doesn't mask, and she is often mistaken for being cold, aloof, and even arrogant. In reality, her anxiety and past experiences keep her from approaching people. Only her siblings are able to read her correctly most of the time. Ella's rehearsing routines tend towards the obsessive and even punishing, which no one seems to notice or much care about except for Bobby and Flobby.
Ella is extraordinarily beautiful, with glowing pale skin, pitch-black hair, doe-eyes with very long lashes and grey irises, sharp features and a heart-shaped, almost unnaturally red mouth. Her figure is also considered the "gold standard" for a ballerina. This has prompted baseless rumors among the other dancers about a rivalry between her and Solla, the other "company beauty".
Both Ella's hair and her eyes have a violet undertone.
She is immensely interested in Stephanie's progress.
Her own secret -at least the one not directly associated with her family- has to do with her eating habits.
Ella's favorite role to dance is the double White Swan/Black Swan (Swan Lake).
-Rikki Glæpur, nicknamed "Rikki Ríkki", age 35:
Rikki walks the tightrope between handsome and beautiful, with steely gray eyes, impeccable pale skin, and carefully styled pitch-black hair. Like his twin, he favors a relatively androgynous style of dress and outrageously expensive clothing, often including pieces in his outfits that seem like they couldn't have been pulled off by anyone else. Similarly, he also wears makeup daily, but his style is much more subdued than Glanni's, if clearly visible.
Charming, charismatic, and entertaining, he's the owner and face of the company, as well as the director, and used to be Robyn's direct manager. Rikki is incredibly manipulative, lies and twists the truth with astounding ease, and is prone to and adept at gaslighting the people around him. Narcissistic (malignant -no NSPD) with some alarming sadistic tendencies, and a sociopath, his only code of ethics or morality are his self-created rules to achieve whatever he wants, no matter who or what may fall in the process -and some already have. Despite not technically being the oldest, he helped raise most of his siblings and controls all of them as adults.
If secrets were skeletons in a closet, Rikki's would be a graveyard's worth.
-Glanni Glæpur, age 35:
Rikki's identical twin brother. Unlike him, however, while his personal morals are several different shades of gray, and he has a tendency to not think about the consequences of his actions, Glanni is not actively cruel unless he feels it's warranted, and cares deeply for the people closest to him, especially his siblings and his three best friends. He's especially protective of Robbie, Ella and Einar, whom he sees as the most emotionally fragile. Most of the rest of the world is either interesting, in which case he may become invested and nosy, or uninteresting, in which case they get ignored. While he shares Rikki's ability to read people and get to their secrets, he's rarely malicious about it -either he hoards potential gossip, or pushes people toward what they really want. He also generally loves playing matchmaker. Any sort of threat to his loved ones, however, and all bets are off, including physical violence and blackmail. He's also prone to fits of anger around bigots.
Glanni's the frontman and lead singer of Rotten Candy, a glam pop rock band. Accordingly, his personal style is flamboyant, androgynous, and extremely eye-catching, on and off stage. He favors heavy makeup, lots of accessories, and materials like lace, leather, vinyl and latex, as well as a mostly black color scheme with pops of vibrant color. His image color within the band is bright pink, matching his nickname ("Bubblegum Bitch"). He is seldom seen wearing flat shoes or not wearing nail polish, and adores any form of glitter.
Glanni has rather promiscuous tendencies but, knowing himself and how deeply he cares once he allows himself, he keeps himself rather guarded romantic-wise.
Glanni helped raise his younger siblings, and at 25, took a two year hiatus from his career to care for Robyn after his accident, which resulted in an even deeper bond between them, and in being the only sibling Robbie regularly kept contact with. He always encouraged Robyn and Ella to pursue their own artistic career. Glanni is one of the siblings who can most easily read Ella accurately.
Glanni and Rikki have the same matching lobe piercings, but Glanni has added more over the years.
Glanni has another graveyard in his closet, but he doesn't collect other people's skeletons unless necessary.
-Robert "Bobby" Glæpur, age 37:
The actual eldest sibling, basically raised the younger ones along with the twins. Generally level-headed and pragmatic, finds it easier for others to listen to him, with the notable exceptions of Glanni and Robbie, who do so on occasion (and in certain matters, rarely), Ella, who does so sparsely, and Rikki, who never does. He's aware of not being as physically attractive as the twins or Robbie, but doesn't care. He pursued medical studies and wanted to become a doctor, but ended up as the company's in-house physical therapist -with a license to prescribe. He's the one sibling who gets confrontational with Rikki often, but never about his own situation. His main concern is the wellbeing of the dancers.
Bobby's eyes are grey, like all Glæpur siblings, but his have a slight dark blue undertone.
-Tobias "Tobby" Glæpur, age 34:
Artistic, ditsy, and easily distracted until a passion project grabs him, Tobby, who wanted to become a painter or a fashion designer, has channeled his artistic passions into costume and set design. He cares deeply for his family, but is easily intimidated by Rikki. Shy and a bit of a pushover, he carries a feeling of guilt over Ella's autism and subsequent social problems, as he was diagnosed with autism and ADHD before she was even born, and feels very protective of her. He gets along especially well with Goggi and Pixel, outside of his immediate family.
Tobby's grey eyes have a pale green undertone.
-Florence "Flobby" Glæpur, age 33:
Shy and reclusive, which is not aided in the slightest by his mutism. Excellent with numbers, he wound up as the company's accountant, and considers himself lucky for that as he believes he never would have found a job otherwise. He's also very bookish and enjoys reading almost any genre. His dressing style is the most subdued out of all the siblings, as opposed to the twins's glamour, Robbie's carefully curated wardrobe, and Tobby's cheerful colors. Even next to Bobby's practical clothes and limited palette, he looks almost drab -but not due to a lack of interest. He's diagnosed with autism and, out of the siblings, suffers most harshly from SPD, as well as misophonia. He also has the same medical condition that causes mutism as Ella does, and was similarly mistaken for being nonverbal. He gets along best with Ella, and vice-versa.
Tobby does mask, but it slips relatively easily with his siblings, especially Rikki. Unlike Ella however, his "problem" is emoting too much, not too little.
Tobby is the shortest sibling, an inch shorter than Ella. His grey eyes have an ice blue undertone.
-Robbie Rotten, formerly Robyn Glæpur, age 32:
Formerly the most promising male dancer since the classical greats, talented and hardworking beyond measure, Robyn was the fastest rising star in the world of ballet, debuting just shy of his 18th birthday. His technique, interpretation, poise, attitude, physicality were all unrivalled, as was his dedication to the craft. He was barely twenty and touring the world; shy, a touch brash, and hardly a people-pleaser except for his dancing, he had no time nor patience for much human connection outside his family. Unbeknownst to most, he didn't value himself too highly as a person except for his dancing, either. Obsessive and dangerously perfectionist.
He refused to have a proper mental health diagnosis, worried about the impact on his career should it come out. Still, he had some clear neurodivergent traits, especially repetitive tics and what appeared to be a struggle with sensory processing. He also had issues with his diet, and practically embodied the old "ballet dancers subsist on black coffee, cigarettes and sugarless mint gum" image. Robyn was always gender non-conforming, and shared Glanni's fascination with fashion and makeup, elements of which he kept adding into his performances; in public life, however, this was restricted, as he feared becoming a stereotype. He is actually nonbinary.
At 22, "Robyn Glæpur" suffered a catastrophic accident during a performance gala, the details of which remain unknown. After several surgeries and intensive physical therapy, it became clear that he would never dance again, and was forced into a brace and a cane for the rest of his life. Instead of taking comfort in his family, he divorced himself from them, with the sole exception of Glanni, who could dig his heels in even deeper than him. He asked to be called "Robbie" instead, which Tobias, Florence and Robert imitated to a degree in a show of solidarity, and changed his last name. He became reclusive, prone to anger, depressive and bitter, even cruel at times. He's only close with Glanni.
Now, dragged out of retirement by Rikki, he can hardly contain his venom when he speaks or instructs, but he's begrudgingly impressed by three trainees. The fourth one, the one he was specifically asked to coach, however, manages to get on his every last nerve with what he perceives as disrespect for the art.
Robbie's appearance is strikingly similar to the twins's, but his grey eyes have a violet undertone, like Ella's.
Robbie's aware of many more of Rikki's skeletons than almost anyone, but in a very unique position regarding them.
-Bessie Busybody, age "you don't ask a lady that":
Outgoing, boisterous, and too fond of gossip, a former ballerina who now directs the costuming department. Originally, she was a balletmistress, but was incapable of keeping her shape, so Rikki hired someone else. A fashion lover, she is still quite content where she is. She actually has no financial need to work, but enjoys it. A connoisseur of the finer things in life, and rumored to have a lover in politics. She takes to mothering the dancers and trainees whether they want her to or not, and has an uncanny ability to tell when someone hasn't eaten or slept enough. Though she can at times be self-centered or oblivious, she has a good heart. She has connections in the press from former acquaintances, that Rikki has made use of before.
-Pixel Hyperbyte, age 22:
A tech wiz and incredibly advanced genius, who can elevate any stage or light setting. He's also in charge of props. Relatively shy and quiet, even aloof at times (especially while working) explodes all over the place when asked about his special interests. He doesn't like the attitude of a lot of the dancers and trainees, but gets along well with Stephanie, Sebastian, and Trixie, often intervening in the scuffles between the last two. He's fascinated by Ella, but not romantically, and is one of few people outside of her family that makes an effort to communicate with her in sign language. Pixel is HOH and has some visual problems, and has designed his own state-of-the-art aids. His dressing style is laid back, comfortable and sporty-looking, with plenty of graphic t-shirts from his his favorite bands or video games.
He may have his eye on one of the trainees, and is more aware of Robbie's history and Rikki's personality than anyone realizes. "Pixel" isn't his birth name. Nobody knows what it is and nobody asks. He also has a peculiar hobby outside of work...
-Goggi Mega, age 24:
Pixel's older cousin, as technically gifted as him. Rather more outgoing and with a peculiar sense of humor and style, favoring neon, metallic, vinyl and holographic fabrics, as well as dyeing his hair a bright acid green. He's in charge of sound tech and is essentially the entire sound department. He has visual issues and wears aids designed by Pixel. Since he also has an intermittent hypersensitivity to light, Pixel also designed a pair of blackout goggles for him so that he could still do his job while in complete darkness. He shares his love of technology and video games with his cousin, and is also a fan of Rotten Candy, like Sebastian.
Goggi's in a secret relationship with one of the dancers.
-Ziggy Zweets, age 17:
A stagehand and one of the youngest members of the company. Honest, energetic, hardworking and earnest. Though often overenthusiastic and even innatentive, he takes his job very seriously. He's very creative designing sets and an impressively deft hand with the flies despite his young age. He's also very good with a needle, so he switches between departments as needed. Blond, with round pink freckled cheeks and earnest blue eyes, he's nearly everyone's definition of "cute", but most of the dancers stay away from him because he has a terrible sweet tooth and always offers to share. He doesn't understand why this would upset them.
Pixel, Goggi and Bessie all get along very well with him. For the most part, so does Penny, the only dancer who doesn't actively stay away from him.
Ziggy idolizes Alex, and is convinced he'll be the best dancer of the century. He doesn't hesitate to make this known, even to Alex himself, which gets on Sebastian's every last nerve. He also thinks Stephanie is the best female trainee, provoking a similar reaction from Trixie.
Robbie has a love/hate relationship with him: Ziggy remembers his favorite coffee order and all his favorite pastries and tends to buy them for him in the mornings, which he likes, but it also reminds him of his changed diet and the reasons for it, so he'll get angry about it. Ziggy can never really make heads nor tails of this attitude.
His real name is Siegfried. The nickname started on account of his age and stuck, but people will often make Swan Lake jokes about his real name.
Ziggy can often be idealistic and naive, and seems for the most part unaware of the darker goings-on at the company, as well as Rikki's true personality. He has however noticed something off about Jives's eating habits and is determined to fix it even if his methods are extremely clumsy and often do more harm than good.
(The rest of the company are assorted dancers, lower-level trainees, stagehands, and techs, as well as the balletmaster and mistress).
-Ketill Hvass, age 33:
Bass or drums, depending on the song, for the band. His clothes are easily the "edgiest" looking of the band, with heavy inspiration from BDSM accessories (especially harnesses) and "corrupted-cute" or menhera motifs, such as candy-filled pills or bondage teddy bears. Onstage, he usually limits those motifs and leans more heavily on the fashionable BDSM aspect. He also loves glitter eyeshadow in neon and acid colors.
He is of average height but the shortest of the permanent members, which makes him look shorter in comparison. He has bright green almond eyes, with a rather feline look to them, and auburn-copper wavy hair, nearly shoulder-length. He usually styles it with three Dutch braids (not cornrows) on the left side. He has both the most tattoos and the most piercings in the band, including but not limited to: a ring on the side of his nose, two on his bottom lip, nipple barbells, a double-ended dermal between his collarbones, and plenty on his ears. As far as tattoos, a double moon under the left end of his collarbone, the moon phases along his spine, realistic barbed wire with blood pinpricks around his right ankle, Polaris under his left eye, a snake on his left forearm, and at least half a dozen others. His favorite is a stylized GG in the inside of his right wrist.
He is ambidextrous. His primary hobby is collecting pretty knives, which is linked to his own secret.
His band nickname is Sour Gummi and his image color is neon green.
-Einar Avásson, age 32:
Main keyboard, also plays bass. Einar is rather tall, but even slimmer than Glanni, and has something of an almost fey element to his appearance, with a very delicate bone structure to his face and irises so dark they look black. He favors very tight bottoms with oversized tops as a rule; ripped, sheer, or mesh fabrics, vinyl, latex and leather, and flat-shaped but sky high platforms, as well as multiple accessories, particularly collars. Usually wears dark eyeshadow and black or blue lipstick, with mismatched glitter on his high cheekbones, and dark nail polish. He has long hair, touching his shoulder-blades, styled in a side cut with the very short part to the left; it is originally strawberry blonde and slightly wavy, but he dyes it black and straightens it. He's got several piercings on his ears but no other visible ones; he does however have more tattoos, such as a "death moth" on his instep, a colored stem of monkshood on his right calf, a rose thorn "bracelet" with blood dots and several color roses around his right wrist, barbed wire identical to Ketill's but around his hipbone, and the same stylized GG on his ribs.
Like Glanni, he has a very obvious oral fixation and can almost always be seen either chewing gum or eating a lollipop.
The wardrobe fixture of shirts that are see-through in one way or another has prompted speculation as to the scars on his chest. For reasons known only to the other three, he wears stage-grade makeup on his stomach area whenever in public.
Einar is in a relationship with Ketill, which is public, but there be more to that than meets the eye.
His band nickname is Lollipop Lolly and his image color is raspberry blue.
-Viktor "Vikki" Stjarnan, age 36:
Lead guitar. He's about as tall as Glanni, but broader and more muscular, without being bulky. He has dark, almost black hair and usually wears a 90's pretty-bad-boy slightly slicked floppy style; his eyes are dark blue and his facial structure adds to the same vibe as his hair. Generally speaking he prefers to wear black leather, heavy boots, and usually a jacket, with monochrome tops and one or two statement accessories. He also favors cutoff style fingerless gloves. He only has one piercing, right lobe, and one tattoo, the matching GG, by his Adonis belt. He actually has a phobia of needles; Glanni did his piercing when they were teenagers, but it's a mystery how he managed to get the tattoo -or why.
His band nickname is Creamsicle Pop and his image color is neon orange, like his glow-in-the-dark guitar strings.
The members of Rotten Candy also have assigned "flavors", aside from their image colors: in order Glanni, Ketill, Einar and Vikki, the flavors are cherry, lime, blue raspberry and orange. Glanni has two, as the frontman; the second one is strawberries and cream.
Fans of the band are called "Sweethearts", and the band logo is the words "Rotten Candy" stylized inside a glittery yellow sweetheart candy. The glitter is made up of the four members's image colors.
And that's it for now! What do you guys think? I thrive on comments!
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alintheshitposter · 4 years
I'm pretty sure someone has done that before
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Ballet AU??
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charmingdelinquent · 7 years
Which means I now get to post that LazyTown Ballet AU Thing I wrote! Yay!
For anyone who was wanting / waiting for this - cough @shipsgoingintohistory cough - I hope you enjoy! ♥
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indigowallbreaker · 5 years
hmmm witch au? the kids want to make jack o lanterns with sporty and Robbie, robbie tells them a story about how people would use turnips back in the day, the kids decide to use one turnip. It turns out horrifying. Idk
I’m ALWAYS here for Witch AU. Thanks for sending this in!
Witch AU on tumblr / Witch AU on ao3
Halloween/Fall prompts open until the 31st!
[my ko-fi is open~]
“Mine has a lollipop on it!”
“I painted ballet shoes!”
Ziggy and Stephanie ooo’d at each other’s pumpkins. Beside Stephanie, Stingy painted a dollar bill on his pumpkin. Pixel was hard at work painting as many lightning bolts as possible. Trixie had hoarded all the black paint and refused to show anyone what she was painting.
A few feet away, Robbie was carving up his pumpkin, tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth absently. He seemed to be ignoring the paints entirely. Beside him, Sportacus was keeping an eye on the kids while doing pushups.
“Robbie, look!” Everyone but Trixie rushed towards him. Stephanie beamed as Robbie turned to regard them. “We’re done with our pumpkins!”
Robbie looked over their cartoony pictures and sneered. “You think those are going to keep evil spirits at bay?”
The kids exchanged glances. “Evil spirits?” Pixel repeated.
“Yes! That’s why we decorate with pumpkins in the first place!”
“Done!” Trixie declared, holding out her pumpkin. A hairy, black and green spider spanned the whole thing. Ziggy squeaked and hid behind Sportacus, who had sat up for this discussion.  
Robbie smirked. “See? She gets it.”
“I never really wondered why we decorate with pumpkins…” Stephanie said thoughtfully.
“Of course you didn’t. You’re all, what, six? You don’t think about anything.”
“We’re not six!” Stingy protested. “We’re-”
“Here’s the story,” Robbie went on. “A long time ago, people figured out you could carve terrifying faces on turnips and put them around your house. That would scare off evil spirits and stop bad stuff happening to you all year. Today we use pumpkins. It still works, but only if you actually make the pumpkin scary.” He gestured at Ziggy’s lollipop. “And not, you know, cute.”
Ziggy smiled from behind Sportacus. “You think my pumpkin’s cute?”
“Not the point.”
“Alright, everyone!” Stephanie pumped a fist in the air. “Let’s go find a turnip and do this right!”
All the kids cheered, dropped their pumpkins, and ran off. Sportacus stared after them and sent a silent apology to whatever produce market was about to be accosted by five children. To Robbie he asked, “Is that... you know... a witch thing? To know all that about pumpkins and spirits?”
Robbie held up his half-finished pumpkin to examine it closer. “Everyone knows that story, Sporty.”
“Not me.”
“Big surprise.” Robbie snapped his fingers and the pumpkin lit up as though there were a candle inside. “Hm. I think I made one eye too small.” He snapped his fingers again. The light went out.
Sportacus edged closer. “Can you do that again?”
Robbie rolled his eyes, cheeks slightly pink at Sportacus being in awe of his magic. “You’re too easily impressed.” But he did it anyway.
Over an hour later, in the middle of Robbie changing the pumpkin blue for Sportacus’ delight, the kids came running back over. “We did it!” Pixel cried. He held up a carved turnip. The others grinned proudly beside him.
Robbie took one look at the gourd and screamed. He jumped into Sportacus’ arms and buried his head in Sportacus’ shoulder. Sportacus had on a brave smile, but Robbie could feel him shaking slightly. “T-That looks very scary, everyone. Great job!” 
“I can’t wait to show Uncle!” Stephanie cried. The kids followed her, talking about which house should keep the turnip. 
“I’m never teaching them anything ever again,” Robbie grumbled into Sportacus’ vest.
Sportacus nodded and held Robbie tighter. “At least we know no evil spirits will be visiting Lazytown this year?”
“Sportascared, no evil spirits are gonna be visiting this hemisphere.” 
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melilossa · 7 years
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another list of my favorite lazytown fanfics <3 (part 1)
((if I left a comment on your fic under the same name, and you can’t find your fic here, please message me! there are a lot of fics I read and can’t find anymore))
More AUs
(we need more “different meeting” stuff, i tell you!)
Welcome to the Building (I Guess) by Neyiea
General Audiences – Words: 9,594 (FINISHED + other instalments)
“Some new people are moving into Robbie's apartment building.” | Really sweet. I think everyone has read it by now but it’s worth mentioning :)
Teach Me How To Feel by gayzytown
General Audiences – Words: 2,301 (WIP)
“Resident engineer Robbie Rotten builds an unintentionally gay robot to take care of him after he starts going blind.“ | The summary says it all. Sporadic updates, but I really love the idea!
see also: The Hallway, by the same author
Quoth the Raven by rextexx
Teen And Up Audiences – Words: 40,999 (FINISHED)
“Sportacus finds an injured raven with a bruised wing and decides to take him to the airship and care for him during the night.” | Shapeshifter!Robbie, hurt/comfort, pining. What more do you want?
Dance to My Heartbeat by ChibiTabatha
Mature – Words: 27,806 (WIP)
“You know what’s worse than stabbing yourself with a needle several times while the very attractive man stares at you?” | Stripper!AU, get ready for lots of flowers and lots of feels!
He Hides from the World by Dinolad
Mature – Words: 11,604 (WIP)
“Robbie could feel eyes on the outskirts of town, looking in.” | Cryptid!AU. I’m not usually a fan, but I’m really interested in this story!
More Fluff
(those precious cinnamon rolls need to be happy)
The Greatest Gift by Talax
General Audiences – Words: 2,404 (FINISHED)
“I just wanted to say that everyone was really glad you made it to Ziggy’s party.” | Because we’re all mad Robbie didn’t get the love he deserves in that episode.
What Do You Know About Me? by indigorose50
General Audiences – Words: 31,456 (FINISHED)
“Sportacus wants to know more about Robbie Rotten.” | Strong!Robbie is the best!!  I only wanted to read one chapter then study but... impossible. It’s just too cute, man.
Golden Sands by yaoiputin
Teen And Up Audiences – Words: 13,328 (FINISHED)
“Sportacus and Robbie become stranded on a deserted island.” | Yes yes yes please. I squee-d and aww-d more than once! We all want our soft boys to be safe and in love.
Stuck by someoneplsloverobbierotten
Teen And Up Audiences – Words: 5,478 (FINISHED)
“Robbie gets stuck in the lift with his health-nut of a neighbour and his dog.” | Claustrophobic Sportacus is the best!! And Robbie gets to reassure him ;)
see also: Sportarhino, by the same author
Fabric and ribbons and lace, oh my by DefinitelyNotAnOwl
Teen And Up Audiences – Words: 10,451 (FINISHED)
“Oh, no. No. I am not making a dress for some little brat’s ballet lesson.” | Robbie makes a dress! And then more dresses! And then it gets really cute!
On Hiatus
(those fics that haven’t updated in forever - When did you say? - FOREVER!)
The Sirens of Latibær Bay by meltycity_midnightsky
General Audiences – Words: 13,923 (WIP)
“There are things by those docks that are dangerous to children," he said. "Broken glass, rusty nails... dangerous sea life...” | Sportacus is a merman!!! And Robbie is on a ship!!! And things were about to go down, but the author is reeeally busy.
Strawberry ice-cream smoothie by onion_kid
Not Rated – Words: 4,073 (WIP)
“Sportacus knows that his soulmate is in Lazytown somewhere.” | Soulmate!AU, and Robbie has a secret identity of sorts. I was really excited about this, but I don’t know if the author plans on continuing this :(
Cirque du LazyTown by CaptainLeBubbles
Teen And Up Audiences – Words: 53,448 (WIP)
“I was wished here, so I'm doing what I was wished here to do.” | A circus, a bit of magic, and a lot of action!! I really hope there’s an update soon.
Clandestine by WreckkedRekt
Mature – Words: 7,315 (WIP)
“Robbie Rotten has trained his whole life to be an assassin under the name of R. Agencies and his grandfather.” | That Undercover!AU everyone’s talking about. It’s here, it’s amazing and... It hasn’t updated since March haha.
Not Sportarobbie but still awesome
(Some fics are so well-written, the characters are so on point, you can’t not read them)
Robbie Forgotten by AnnGry
General Audiences – Words: 32,624 (FINISHED)
“I don't think... no... It feels like my memory... it's as missing as a sock in a dryer. I can't even remember who I am!” | What if it was Robbie who forgot everything? What if the others did not want him to remember?
Please reblog if this is useful! Feel free to add your own, xoxo
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More Headcanons for FS Lazytown! AU
-robbie DEFINITELY listens to MCR while training/practicing -glanni is very unusually flexible. he probably does ballet or something to maintain it -glanni designs all of robbie’s outfits. he either tailors the costume himself (when he doesn’t trust anyone else to not fuck it up) or sends the sketch to someone else to do. if it doesn’t feel quite right he’ll keep having it sent back to have it modified. everything needs to be PERFECT. -apart from figure skating, ithro also does gymnastics & sometimes (you mean always) even incorporates flips & stunts into his performances -glanni’s high heel skating boots add a lot of extra points to his score because gurl you really think skating in those are EASY?? -sportacus isn’t really competitive unlike everyone else. he just wants papi ithro to be proud of him -sportacus doesn’t just shake hands enthusiastically with everyone. he straight up puts them into a (bone-crushing?) hug -sporto cheering for everyone whenever they do a jump right/do really well & after the performance despite the fact that he’s supposed to be //against// them -robbie is an angsty teenager -sportacus straight up telling ithro that robbie & him are dating -ithro finding robbie hella sketchy & suspicious because his father’s a lying cheating piece of shit -ithro seeing that robbie isn’t anything like glanni & robbie slowly growing on ithro till ithro sees robbie as his 2nd son
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sportashame · 8 years
Adventures in Lazytown (A Dads!AU fic) - Chapter 2
This was the first fanfic I’d written in probably about 10 years. And I wrote it like a person possessed for about 12 hours straight. Content warning as before for depictions of depression and disability. [Chapter 1]
When Steffi told me that she was going to be a dancer, I felt the bottom of my stomach fall into an elevator shaft.
The stories had been coming regularly for six months now, and I hoarded them greedily. The elf now had a name; Sportacus. I had laughed out loud when I first read it. God knows where she learned about Spartacus, or if she even really knew who that was. And he continued to be the perfect father that I was not. He played with her, and saved her and her friends from a multitude of scrapes in their technicolour town. Instead of mustard-yellow he was now blue - the brightest blue conceivable - and Steffi’s alter-ego was pink, hair and all! I would be lying to say that her clear preference for this fictional fay didn’t continue to grind on me, but I couldn’t blame her. I had palpitations some days climbing the stairs. Some days I barely made it out of bed, and blearily I’d make her breakfast and tie her shoes while she indulged me with a sort of pitying silence, and smiled broadly at me as Bessie hurried her out the door. Sometimes that smile would give me the energy to climb back up the stairs into my bed, or sometimes I would only make it to the armchair before heavy, suffocating sleep came over me.
However, there had been another arrival in her stories who’d been making his presence felt for a while now, a gangly figure all in purple. He lived under the town, napped most of the time, disapproved of physical activity and had something of a sweet tooth. The portrayal was uncanny, and strange as it may seem, not entirely unflattering either. He was smart; always cooking up schemes and running absurd cons on the people of the town. He was charming in an audacious, rascally kind of way, and he was very sharply dressed. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about my own daughter seeing me as the villain in her story, but there were worse villains to be and at least her villain was clean and dapper and got out quite a bit.
It was thinking about this purple menace that stopped me from losing my composure when she told me. She’d expressed interest in sports before. Every few months she’d shuffle up to me and proffer some permission slip or other for soccer, or netball, or some other afterschool activity. When I was in a good place, I even used to call the school and argue a case for her to be able to join in. I was even successful once in getting a reluctant coach to allow her on the kids’ softball reserve team, on the agreement that she would be sat out for most of the game and would at most have one or two turns at hitting with a substitute runner. She wasn’t happy about this, she wanted to play properly, but these were the terms and she joined the team. This dubious arrangement carried on for three weeks, and every Thursday when she stayed at school after hours to practice I found I could do nothing with myself. I used to sit in my chair and think about her, clutching a bat, wobbling on the edge of the diamond. I thought about the other kids, her substitute runner, annoyed that she was slowing down the pace of the game, not understanding the need for them to include her. I thought about the laughs after she missed three hits and struggled back to her seat, and I couldn’t take it. I pulled her out without even having gone to a game. My nerves betrayed me.
This was a while ago at this point, six months after the stories started, and Steffi was in many ways a different child. She said she was going to be a dancer and that was that. What had I done wrong? Was it my fault for taking her to ballets and shows when she was little? Or the fact that I still kept her mother’s ballet shoes hung over the back of my study door? In my panic it hadn’t occurred to me that most little girls want to be ballerinas, and that this was a perfectly natural phase. Besides which, looking back I know that it wasn’t. For a kind and often wise child, she had these moments when a steel door would clang down in her brown eyes and she would not be crossed. This was one of those moments.
“Papa, when I grow up I’m going to be a dancer.”
I spilled my coffee on my lap.
“Steffi, you know dancing is incredibly difficult.” She shook her head.
“No, it’s easy, see?” She pushed herself onto her feet, and supporting herself with one hand on the mantlepiece, put her feet as close to first position as she was able and cupped her arm into an arc. “I’ve been practising.”
I gaped at her, and that same feeling washed over me as I’d felt with her at Softball practice. Years of sorrow, pain and eventual disappointment that I wouldn’t be able to bear to see her go through. Wouldn’t they all laugh at her? Her Blue Elf wouldn’t have minded. He would have said “That’s fantastic, Stephanie! As long as you try your best, that’s the most anyone can ask. You can be a dancer as long as you practise every day!” (He did always seem to be shouting.) But I was not her blue marble Adonis, I was her real flesh and blood father and I was on the verge of an anxiety attack.
“But what if there are some moves you just can’t do?” I asked her, struggling to keep my voice from shaking. “Wouldn’t it be better to try something else?”
“This IS something else, Papa! I can do it. I’ll practise until I can do it.”
“Wasn’t Mama a dancer?” I froze. She knew immediately she’d said the wrong thing. I was ejected from my body with the speed of a bullet train and barely remember what happened next, curling myself against the harshness in my own voice.
“Mama was different. You can’t be a dancer, it’s too dangerous! And what if you break your crutches, you know those are very expensive? I can’t pay for you have special lessons, and that is final.”
That was the gist of it, anyway. When I got back to my study, my hands shaking, I barely got the door shut before tears came. Great, elemental sobs that convulsed through me. I really was rotten. A lazy teacher, a pathetic sham of a father. My book was so long overdue that the University had stopped asking about it. I saw so little sunlight that my skin had turned grey. These sobs coursed through me like dry heaves, I felt myself hit the carpet. Dislodged newspapers and academic journals tumbled around me, covering me, burying me.
The next thing I remember is paramedics. Steffi found me and called an ambulance. It was surprising to see so much blood from what turned out to be such a small head wound, courtesy of the corner of my desk. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital, my eyelids drooping, holding a wad of cloth my head, the paramedic spoke to me as he took my blood pressure with some gizmo.
“Have you thought about a stairlift?”
“Huhh…?” I drooled.
“For you daughter. Must be tough climbing all those stairs.” He indicated towards the cab where Steffi was sitting up front with the driver. I could hear her voice, muffled, I could tell she was excited in spite of herself.
“She doessn’ wan’ one.” I replied. “Sh’doesn’ wan’ to be diff’rent.” He nodded.
“Well I guess I can understand that. Though you might want to think about who’s looking after who in that house. When I saw the state of it I thought about calling it in as a safeguarding.”
“You know, family services type thing. She’s a happy girl, though. I see a lot of houses, and yours is by no means the worst. Still, you should clear it up, it’s not a great environment for a disabled child, and think about getting some help for yourself.”
“I jus’ tripped. My wife is dead.” I don’t know why I said that. It wasn’t exactly relevant. “When Steffi wasss… 2.”
He was silent for a few moments.
“I’m sorry. That’s rough.” I nodded. “It’s no excuse, though.” I closed my eyes. “Hey, wake up!” He was shaking me. “You’ve got to stay awake for the next twelve hours. If you don’t, that girl might not have a father anymore, do you understand?”
I understood. I understood everything he said, though I pretended not to.
0 notes
@cutecutejames @megatorchicchic little WIP sneak peek for u guys!
"Hey, Pinkie, look" says Trixie, an intrigued, mischievous lilt to her voice, pointing to the glass that opens into the hallway. It's for them to be looked at, not the other way around, but oh well.
And it's not like this particular figure could exactly avoid being seen, over six foot tall and in a mostly purple ensemble -royal purple velvet blazer, deep violet pinstriped waistcoat, the stripes in royal blue, matching his shirt; charcoal grey pants to offset them. The honest-to-god spats he's wearing hide his shoes for the most part, and she wonders why that may be. Despite the very obvious limp, the way he favors his right leg, the cane that she notices after a moment, the set to his shoulders and spine is as regal as it can be while tipping so much weight to one side. Ink-black hair slicked back, and when he turns she sees those fierce stormy eyes, and that striking face, the high cheekbones and long lashes and... Stephanie claps a hand over her mouth. It can't be him -no one's seen him in a decade, but...
"Stingy, come quick!" she whisper-shouts. Sebastian heaves himself up from the corner where he'd been tightening the laces on his slippers with a longsuffering sigh.
"What is-" but he cuts himself off, mouth slack, when he catches sight of the man's face. "It can't be" he whispers back to Stephanie. "It can't be, right? What's Rikki done to get him here, a pact with the Devil?"
Trixie's looking back and forth between the two of them, confused now. Any stranger in the company was news, Rikki kept things airtight, and this one was quite impressive, but she didn't understand why Steph and Stingy looked like they'd seen God.
"Who's that?"
Sebastian's eyes on her are incredulous. "You don't know? That's Robin Glæpur! He's the whole reason I became interested in ballet in the first place -he could have been this century's Nijinski!"
Stephanie, well aware that Trix was rather more interested in what ballet could force her body to do than in its history, had gone to fetch her phone. She sidled back to her friend's side and simply said: "Look".
The video was old, but it didn't much matter, it was a professional recording. She'd saved it when they all started getting taken down.
The leap sequence from Le Corsaire. The man onscreen was dressed in deep violet organza, the fluttering sleeves and trousers slashed open so his arms and legs were visible, cinched at wrists and ankles with bands of golden embroidery. A deep navy silk swath edged in golden coins wrapped around his hips, the top he wore bared the creamy skin and toned muscle of his midriff, his small waist. His eyes were heavily rimmed in kohl, the grey of them shining like stars, and both his hair and skin were covered in shimmering gold and silver dust.
It started relatively simple -a standing jump with entrechat. His heels were barely back on the ground before the first full jump, however. Trixie's eyes grew wide -it had been at least six feet across, and nearly as high. The fey figure didn't stop, then, just turned and kept going, going, going, apparently suspended in midair for longer with each jump, pushing the split so far his ankles were well above his hip level.
He didn't end the sequence the traditional way. He landed -by all appearances, directly- into a relevé demi-pointe that seamlessly, in less than an instant, became an arabesque passé so low on its center of gravity that the dancer's long, gold tipped fingertips touched the floor. He was still holding his support leg in demi-pointe.
"Holy fuck" Trixie breathed. "How old is that? He looks like he could still be dancing, by his age..."
"It's twelve years old" Sebastian chimes in, audibly breathless. "He was twenty; it was his first time doing Le Corsaire".
"Why on Earth would someone like that quit dancing?" Trixie asked him incredulously.
"He didn't" Sebastian replied with a grimace. "Not exactly. He had an accident -nobody really knows the details, but it was during this same sequence. Completely destroyed his right leg. Frankly, from what I read I'm surprised he only needs a cane and not a brace too".
"He probably does" Stephanie mused. "But if he's here to talk to Rikki... who'd want to show him that?"
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charmingdelinquent · 7 years
I was planning on (finally) posting the LazyTown Ballet AU I have written today, but my internet is bouncing all over the place, so we’ll see if I can. I have a new modem to set up too, hopefully that helps…
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