#ldh trainees
ldhgirls · 2 years
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rosewould · 1 year
cool off; ldh
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🖱️⤻ pairing; afab!reader x haechan 🖱️⤻ word count; 4.6k 🖱️⤻ genre; smut & fluff 🖱️⤻ synopsis; haechan lets you in on a practice room secret that leads to a new hang out buddy during practice 🖱️⤻ warnings; unprotected sex (this is getting ridiculous), oral play (hyuck receiving), piv, doggy style, dirty talk, pet name (angel), public sex(?), switch!ish, soft but fun
⌨️⤻ How’s this for a meet cute lol. This is not accurate because Haechan oozes confidence. Most of my works aren’t accurate tho bc I don’t know them so it’s alright.
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"See you guys at the dorm." Johnny tacked on just before exiting the practice room. Mark and Haechan don't answer, just collapse to the floor. Their chests heave in unison as they lie under the vent. All the sweat that was bothersome ten minutes ago was now welcome as it chilled under the cool air. Being comfortable with each other, they felt no need to voice any of their thoughts or fill the air with conversation, Haechan and Mark just sat quietly and enjoyed their moment of rest. It was easy to forget where they were this way.
After what felt like hours of lying under the vent, they jump as they hear the door click open. Expecting a member that forgot something made for a lot of confusion when you peek your head through the door. You gasp, eyes blowing wide before you pull your head back and close the door. Mark and Haechan stare at the closed door as you and a choreographer go back and forth.
"What's the matter? Go back in there." The manager chuckles.
"There are two members of NCT in there!" You whisper the name like it's some forbidden word. 
"It's fine! I'm pretty sure they're on their way out. Just go in there with them!"
"Are you crazy?!"
Haechan had never seen your face before. No regular trainees were allowed in this practice room. Only debuted idols, groups preparing for debut, and special trainees. Any of those were possible, but what if...
"You think that's her?" Haechan rolls his head toward Mark with raised eyebrows.
"What? No way." Mark continues to stare at the door, hiding his disbelieving look from Haechan. "Well..." He lifts his shoulders, quirking one of his brows, "I guess it could be. But what are the odds? We were just talking about her and now she's here."
"Good odds, I'd say." Haechan mumbles, lifting his body slightly to peer over Mark at the door.
Some of the boys thought you were a pain. Technically, you weren't a proper trainee. Just someone the CEO really wants to be one, so he's giving you the full star treatment. Letting you practice here, use their studio to produce songs (hopefully more for their artists), and even let you around the artists themselves. None of them have ever seen you, for reasons that are now apparent, but the fact that the company was allowing this was unbelievable. Some may even say unfair. Haechan just thinks you've proved your talent enough to open doors. How could he not admire that?
"How many amazing producers have we had? None of them have gotten this treatment." Said Johnny a few days prior. "She's probably just pretty." He brushes off.
He was wrong. You weren't pretty. If you were truly who Haechan thought you were, you were absolutely breathtaking. Haechan swallows hard.
"Good job!"
You groan loudly, completely blocking out the choreographer's praise as you flop to the floor. "It's hot!"
"Well!" She claps her hands together before continuing. "We'll practice again tomorrow. And by that I mean we're practicing together tomorrow. Don't you dare stop practicing on your own." She scolds and you groan again. 
This is what was expected of you. You wanted to be a soloist for the sake of your irrational fear of all your members hating you. It's just a little easier on your social anxiety this way you told yourself. Now you have to work twice as hard. All eyes are on you. Was all this worth it? Should you just go back to being behind the scenes? You did enjoy singing and dancing. Being an idol was something you dreamed of since you were a little girl. But perhaps you were being a little unrealistic. Maybe you're just not cut out for this... 
Why is it so hot?
You stand up from the ground, sweat was starting to collect on your back. Plus, the heat was accumulating from lying there. You wander around the room, in search of relief before you continue practicing. 
As if the heavens themselves open up above your head, a cool gust of air hits your body and you all but faint. "That feels so nice." You breathe, sweat trickling down your neck. Your body goes rigid as the door creaks open. 
From across the room, you stare at Haechan like a deer caught in headlights. He chuckles to himself before he makes his way toward you, noting the way your limbs draw together like you're trying to physically shrink into yourself. Haechan plants himself right in front of you. You try to look at his face but you're so flustered it's almost debilitating. Did you do something wrong? Were he and his members not actually done as your choreographer suggested? Was he about to chew you out?
Haechan huffs, resting his hands on his hips before looking at the ceiling. The corner of his mouth twitches. He inhales slightly, tilting his head back down before fixing his eyes on your anxious face. 
"You know, it actually feels better if you lay down."
You finally build the courage to look up at him. Once you do, you find it hard to look away. The way his face melts into a warm smile makes your heart do flips. Your tongue darts out to wet your increasingly dry lips. "R-really?"
Haechan's smile grows. "Yeah." He chuckles. "When you stand up, it only hits your head and shoulders, maybe your arms a little bit. When you lay down, it hits everything, and it's easier to relax." 
You nod, but it's hard to focus on anything else but every muscle that moves on your body. You're just wondering if this celebrity noticed how hard you just gulped in front of him. 
"Try it." Haechan takes a step back, gesturing toward the wooden floor. You blink up at him before whispering a small 'oh'. You awkwardly settle onto the floor, feeling utterly embarrassed as Haechan watches you lie on the floor. As soon as your back hits it, you gasp. The crisp air hits the entire front half of your body. It's almost too cold as it cools every drop of sweat exposed to it. 
"See?" Haechan raises his eyebrows and you nod again. 
"Thank you for showing me this." You say quietly, eyes moving everywhere but on him. You clear your throat.
"Is something wrong?" 
"No... it's just... this is kinda weird." You gesture up at him from the floor.
You watch in awe as Haechan lowers himself to the floor as well, lying right next to you. You can't possibly ignore how close your hands are to touching. "Is this better?"
"To be honest, I'm not sure if it is." You say bluntly, turning your head to look at him. Bad idea. He has these round puppy dog eyes. The kind that could melt ice cream with their intense warmth. You would verbally swoon if you were out of your mind. 
"What, is there something on my face?" Haechan instinctively wipes the corners of his mouth. Just then you get a bright idea. Nothing breaks you out of that ‘this is painfully awkward please end this interaction immediately’ phase faster than some lighthearted joking.
"Mhm," you nod before pointing at his forehead. "right... here."
"Really?!" He stands up and hobbles toward the huge wall of mirrors you forgot about. You see, he was supposed to ask you to guide him to the spot and after a few seconds of misdirection you'd go 'just kidding!' and laughter would hopefully ensue.
What were you supposed to do now?! Now he was behind you and it'd be awkward to turn around and say 'just kidding!' from the floor, should you get up-
"Where? I don't see anything?"
You plant your palm firmly on your face.
"Wait... did you trick me?" Haechan laughs loudly in disbelief as he walks back over to tower over your body. 
"Yeah." You say after you've had your fill of facepalming.
"Ha!" He laughs again before kneeling beside you. "Are you embarrassed?" He narrows his eyes at you. 
"Yeah." You repeat before snorting.
"Okay." Haechan crosses his legs before pursing his lips. "I'm a little insulted that you just successfully embarrassed me without even being confident in your own prank." He nods slowly, clearing his throat awkwardly. You giggle, covering your mouth.
"I'm sorry." You squeak, closing your eyes.
"No, it's okay." He draws out the 'no', clearly not sincere in his consolation. "Just a little pathetic." He gestures with his fingers to illustrate how little. You gawk at him in disbelief. 
"I mean, my little cousin can pull off that prank perfectly. He's seven." Haechan rests his hand on your shoulder to further his faux consolation.
"Hey!" You sit up from the floor. "This is not making me feel better."
"Good, you made me think I had something on my face while I was talking to a pretty girl."
You gasp before slapping your hand over your mouth. Haechan rolls his eyes. "Oh, what? You don't know that you're pretty?"
"I-I mean... I-I don't know..." You stammer like an idiot.
"Well you are. And that's putting it lightly." He leans forward, resting his elbows on his legs as he peers up at you. Saying such pretty words with those constellation-filled eyes. If your heart was doing flips earlier, it was doing an entire gymnastics routine now. You play with your fingers, tearing your gaze away from him. You weren't sure how to respond. You were never good at taking compliments about your appearance.
"I uh... I have to continue practicing." You point your thumb behind you before settling it back into your lap. 
"Oh, right." Haechan nods as he stands up from the floor. "Practicing is important."
"But we can talk another time." It sounds more like a suggestion than an act of disclosure, but just to be sure you don't sound too pushy you tack on a "Right?" at the end.
Haechan exhales amusedly. "Of course, how else are you gonna learn the ins and outs of the practice room?"
You didn't learn much, but you were definitely much cooler. You spent every break you had lying on the floor with Haechan. It wasn't the most picturesque location, but you didn't mind it. Spending time with him made it easy to ignore the strangeness of lying on the floor. It was a bit harder to ignore once his members started calling you his "floor buddy", but it wasn't too humiliating. Even less so since Haechan never protested. Seems like he didn't mind it either.
If he were honest, he doesn't understand why he catches you staring at him. What is more puzzling was the way you get flustered when he brings it up. 
"You're not gonna prank me again, are you?" Haechan looks at you with suspicion sewn into his expression. You press your fingers to your cheek like you're checking their temperature.
"No! I'm not."
"Just checking now that I know you're this big prankster."
You throw your head back against the floor in defeat. You don't stand a chance against Haechan's teasing. He always manages to make you tap out. 
"No, but really..." Haechan starts and you turn your head toward him. "Why are you always staring at me?" He tries to keep a straight face, but his confusion seeps through when his eyebrows furrow slightly. Your mouth hangs open as your eyes dart around the room. Truthfully, you had no honest answer that didn't make you seem suspicious. You're sure some people think you're a rich brat who's here just to hang around idols and ogle at them. Admitting to Haechan that that's exactly what you were just doing felt wrong. Could he trust you enough to continue hanging out with you after that? Perhaps keeping it a secret was worse, but perhaps you were okay with being a little bit selfish. Being with Haechan was making all this grueling practice bearable. 
"Uhh... subject change! How was that variety show-"
"Nice try. Actually, horrible try. Why would you announce-?"
"I don't know." You hide your face in your hands, muffling the incoming whines.
"So tell me what I need to know." Haechan shifts his body to the side, resting his head on his hand. Your eyes flicker around the room, feeling something uncomfortable stirring inside your stomach. Not only would Haechan find out that you were ogling him, but he'd also find out you thought he was attractive this whole time. There's no way a confession like that would leave your relationship unscathed. Sure, Haechan says it all the time. But his excuse of 'it's just a fact' was starting to work on you. The way he'd nonchalantly shrug his shoulders after every "you're beautiful" was believable. Your heart reacted nonetheless. 
There's no way you'd be able to play it off as a simple observation. You'd gulp and stammer and squirm, no doubt about it. But there was no backing out of this apparently, so here goes nothing.
"I-I think you're very handsome, Haechan." You try to keep your eyes on his blinking ones, but ultimately fail. You groan, hiding your face again.
"Haha. Very funny."
You peel your hands from your face to peer at Haechan who had turned off his side. "Funny?"
"You're getting better at the pranks, I'll admit it." He laughs dryly.
"What prank? Haechan, I'm serious." You maneuver closer to him, puzzled by his reaction. He flops his head to the side, a scrutinizing look on his face.
"You don't have to lie to make me feel better. Like I said, you're pretty and that's just a fact. You don't have to try and return the compliment."
You lie there quietly for a moment as he fixates back on the vent. "Do you seriously think I'm pretending to stare at you?"
"More like there's a different reason you're doing so."
"What? Like me thinking you're ugly or something? That's not it at all!"
He sighs. "Don't lie."
You push yourself up with your elbow, ready to pour your heart out about how he makes you go crazy every time you see his face, but you get a different idea. One that fills your body with nervous excitement. You overcome the nerves as you look at his face again. The slight annoyance on his face made him look irresistibly adorable. Those damned puppy dog eyes glitter like the stars. How soft his caramel-tinted skin looks. His lips look... inviting. You grab his face, smushing it between your hands as you deliberate once more. He looks at you in confusion before you lean down slowly and press your lips to his.
It was a short and sweet kiss, lips still adhered for a moment as you pull away. His lips glisten with the lip balm that transferred to them. He was dazed, and a bit shocked for a moment, but soon enough his lids grew heavier as he sits up and dives in for another kiss. Just as sweet as before, but with a bit more longing. Both of his hands made their way to your jaw, fingertips sneaking into the nape of your hair. 
He tasted like mint and the sugar from whatever he was snacking on earlier. His lips brushed against yours as he readjusted to suck on your bottom lip. You sigh against him, fingers finding the back of his shirt before clenching onto it. You felt dizzy, almost like you were drunk. That must be what was stopping you from stopping this. Someone could walk in at any moment. Hell, someone could walk past and peek in. This was not safe for either of you, but none of that mattered more than your need to feel and taste each other.
You tasted so fucking good. Your vanilla-flavored lip balm was the cherry on top. It made both of your mouths soft and slick so your lips glide against each other with more ease. Haechan was getting riled up fast. More than anyone, he should stop before he does something stupid like acting on his primal urges. Urges that grew stronger when he tugs on your hair, eliciting a pretty noise from you. He pulls away with a chuckle. "Having fun, angel?"
You miss his lips already, so much that you feel spontaneous. You lift your thumb toward his bottom lip, smoothing your thumb along the plump flesh. You're mesmerized by your own actions, and he's mesmerized by you. 
"What has gotten into you?" He asks in a hushed voice.
"Haechan..." You start, still staring at his lips. "You're so hot," You finally look at him, watching as his eyes go wide, "so annoyingly, devastatingly hot. Not just your face, but how you talk, how you carry yourself. I... I just can't get enough of you." You rush out before heaving as you stare into his eyes. It was a bit entertaining to watch him be the one flustered by compliments. Seems like the teddy bear can dish it but not take it. You smile with a giggle. "You're so sexy Haechan-"
"Shut up." He crashes his lips against yours, pushing you over so that you're laying on your back. He rests his hands beneath your head, lifting it up so he can move his lips against yours properly. You feel something protruding against your stomach. You gasp lightly against his mouth, yearning stronger for him when he bites your lip. “You talk too much.” He growls.
He was doing a great job at shutting you up. You were too preoccupied with trying to inconspicuously push forward for a better feel of his bulge. You couldn’t even do it a second time before he catches on to what you’re doing. He shakes his head, narrowing his eyes at you. “You are just full of surprises.”
He slides lower until the outline of his heavy member is resting directly on your mound. You can feel his thick shaft so vividly through the thin cotton of your shorts and underwear. “This what you want?” He quirks up an eyebrow at you. You nod, though your lip caught in your teeth and wanton expression already gave it away. 
“Okay,” Haechan sits up on his knees, ceasing all friction. Your hips chase his, huffing when you can’t reach him.
“Take it.” He nods at his steadily hardening member. Settling on your forearms, you look at him confusedly. “I wanna see how many more surprises you have for me.” He smirks, voice deep, shooting right to your core. He looks so cocky. Unlike most men, it fits him so well. His lowered lids with a slanted smile suggested he didn’t think you were capable of taking the lead. 
With how flustered you constantly are, Haechan expects you to be a whimpering, whiny mess in bed. He’d find it cute, of course, but he wants to see you act with a little confidence. Someone who looks like you should be the most confident motherfucker around. 
He was always teasing you and gaining the upper hand with his certitude and wit. After getting a taste of how he acted when he was flustered, you needed to experience it more. So you lean forward, sliding your legs from under him and pushing him back. You catch a glimpse of a shocked expression as you press a splayed hand against his chest and it nourishes your determination. With a single, swift motion you pull the bow his drawstring was tied in loose. He watches eagerly as you push his pants down, lifting his hips to aid the process.
The sight of his more prominent outline makes your mouth go dry. His tan thighs are a sight you could get used to. You run your hands up his thighs, feeling how hot his skin is and how it erupts in goosebumps at your touch. You move them further until they’re resting on either side of his member. He puffs out a frustrated exhale. 
“I’d love to take my time with you angel but we haven’t got all day.”
You grin up at him mischievously. And who said you weren’t good at teasing? If the Donghyuk from the first day you met saw how you slid his underwear down his legs and looked hungrily at his hard cock he wouldn’t believe his eyes. Not that he’s any less surprised right now. Your eyes are blown out as you inspect his phallus. Sufficiently veiny and thick, making up for where it lacks in length. You brush your fingers up the shaft, feeling the silky skin. He hisses, face tensing as he watches. He switches between watching your hand and your curious eyes before he exhales amusedly.
“You’re a virgin aren’t you?”
You place your entire hand along the base to get a proper measurement. The angle of it solidifies in your mind how well it’ll hit your g-spot.
“Nope.” You push him down so his upper body is flat against the floor. There’s a fondness to his gaze that lights a fire behind your cheeks. You lower yourself between his legs and begin kissing up his thighs. Just this is enough for Haechan. He makes a mental note to let you mark up his thighs when there’s more time to spare. But for now, he wants you to get on with it.
“Need I remind you where we are, angel?” His face pinches in pleasure when you plant a kiss on his balls. You ignore him and seek out that reaction again, sucking one of them into your mouth. His hot shaft raises the temperature of your hand as you wrap around it. A salacious moan breaches from his throat as you transition from no stimulation to sucking his balls and pumping his dick. Getting your fill from one side you switch to the other, coating it in a thick layer of saliva with a lengthy lap of your tongue. You pull your face away to let a little spit dribble from your tongue before sucking again. Arousal pumps fiercely through Haechan’s veins as you stimulate him. He tries and fails to keep quiet, choked groans slipping through every now and then. He squeezes his lips tight when you suck both sides into your mouth.
What he was witnessing was a masterpiece. Such a beautiful face dirtying up his dick and balls. So dedicated to get him off while looking so fitting for your pet name. “Angel,” he shudders, “I wanna fuck.”
“Hm?” You ignore him. You’re sitting pretty on your high horse with no intention of getting off any time soon. You want him to either whine and beg for it or cum all over your face. It’s a welcome change of pace to see him like this. And just for you? You could cum untouched. You release his balls with a pop before trailing your tongue to his shaft. He drops his head back with a heavy sigh as you trail wet, sloppy kisses up his shaft. “Fuck–” He breathes harshly and you can tell he’s getting there.
You run your spit-slicked lips up and down his member, poking your tongue out to kitty lick here and there, until his member starts twitching. He whines something under his breath and the sound makes you buck against his leg. “What was that?”
“Need you, need you…” He murmurs mindlessly, flicking his hips up involuntarily. You deliver full-on licks to his shaft until his stomach starts tensing and his moans pick up in frequency. “Please– fuck!”
You don’t listen again, you just give his tip the same treatment you gave his balls. Haechan’s torso jumps up from the floor as he moans louder than you’ve ever heard him. You giggle, “Hm~ I found the sweet spot I think.”
“Think this is funny?” He looks flush, hair beginning to stick to his forehead and pupils blown wide. If he was setting out to hypnotize you, it was working because you were entranced by his eyes. He takes the opportunity to push on top of you and flip you over. You nearly yelp but he covers your mouth with his hand. “No more slip-ups, we can’t get caught okay?” You nod within his grasp. “Good, because it would suck if we had to stop.” He purrs as he slips your shorts down as well as he can with one hand. You nod again and he coos a bit of praise.
He slips his hand from your mouth and kisses your cheek softly. You just about melt, and you feel like you actually could after what he says next.
“I told you I needed you and I meant it.” He shoves your shorts the rest of the way down and lowers his hips until his tip is spreading you open. Your lips part like softened butter until he’s fully submerged inside you. He pants next to your ear before peppering more feather-light kisses along your jaw and neck. When he bottoms out you feel a groan rumble in his chest. You keen, pushing back until there’s no space between you. 
Haechan rises further on his knees to make up for it before dropping his hips down. You gasp and his hand is back over your mouth, not stopping his onslaught of pounding. Countless coos of praise fill your ears as he fucks the sense right out of you. Your eyes roll up, legs twitching as he fills you up slam after slam. You mumble your own praise incoherently behind his hand which makes him chuckle beside your ear. “Knew you’d be cute getting fucked.”
He angles his hips to brush against your frontmost wall and rubs at your g-spot again and again. “F-feels so good.” You know he can’t hear you but it was just mindless blabbering anyway. You worry for a moment that all this drilling will leave your legs hurting and prevent you from following instructions, but every thrust wipes your worries away. You feel connected and close to Haechan in a way you didn’t know you needed until now. You pull his hand away and chuckle slightly. “Need you too, Haechan.” You breathe until you’re whimpering again and he has to re-cover your mouth. “I love to hear it, angel.”
You can feel fractures of your orgasm beginning to form, tingling up your thighs and collecting in your groin. You suck in a harsh breath as your legs quiver. “‘m fucking cumming.” Haechan mutters as his hips stutter and his knees slide against the floor. Hearing his sounds build in desperation makes your abdomen clench and in turn, your walls. Haechan bites your shoulder in an attempt to muffle the resounding cry that crawls from his throat. His hips buck wildly into you, jolting you forward until your orgasm fills your channel and joins his spurting semen.
The two of you are only afforded two or three minutes to come down, but it feels like an eternity of bliss so you’re okay with it. Haechan pulls the both of you up and embraces you while he stays inside. Then the sound of multiple people thundering toward the practice room cause you both to jump up and situate yourselves as quickly as possible.
The rest of 127 watch as you and Haechan talk across the room. Taeyong is the first to talk. “They had sex didn’t they.” He narrows his eyes at Haechan leaning in and whispering something in your ear, he notes your shocked expression and subsequent slap of is arm. 
“I caught onto that like… last month.” Mark mumbles. 
“Really? I thought she’d be too shy. She doesn’t seem like the type.” Doyoung says before reflecting. Then one, two, three beats pass before Taeyong speaks again.
“You guys think they did it on the floor?”
The rest of the members react in audible disgust which makes the two of you look over. “Where do you think they did it?” Johnny asks, suddenly panicked about everywhere his feet land.
Mark looks around sheepishly before mumbling, “Just steer clear of the vent."
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likes and reblogs are very appreciated! 🖱️⤻ nct dream & 127 masterlists
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banqanas · 8 months
D.U.N.K Chapter 2 - Episode 1 (THE JET BOY BANGERZ cut)
Watch the full episode on TVer
THE JET BOY BANGERZ will be appearing on the second day for the large-scale music and dance project, D.U.N.K (Dance Universe Never Killed).
SKY-HI: Another group from LDH that will be joining this round is THE JET BOY BANGERZ. Thank you for joining.
Narrator: The 10-member group that just recently debuted last August; THE JET BOY BANGERZ. All the performers of the group belongs to a professional dance league. Truly a group that boasts LDH's reputation with their strong dance performance.
Ishikawa Kota: We're really excited to be taking part in this project since the showcase will be happening on a large stage like Kyocera Dome (Osaka). We'll blow the stage on the performance day so please check us out!
Kuwahara Takumi: I am friend's with BE:FIRST's SOTA ever since our trainee dancer days and even now we usually hang out to eat. Ever since we became artists ourselves, I have been thinking if there will be a day when we could stand on the same stage. My dream has come true now. So I'll be giving my 100% for this performance.
Nakamura Aoi: When I saw BALLISTIK BOYZ together with BE:FIRST's MANATO singing together I was really moved. Putting their differences (agencies) aside and being able to create such an amazing performance, it reminded me once again the power of music in bringing people together. I feel that was the virtue of entertainment. It really encouraged us during our (musha) shugyo.
Sato Shigetora: I was in the same academy with BE:FIRST's LEO and we have always wanted to become artists. We haven't really got any chance to interact ever since unfortunately. But on their debut day, as I went to the studio to practice I met someone who looked a lot like LEO. I passed by him once and by the second time we crossed paths, I realised that it was him. We exchanged contact numbers and talked how nice it'll be to stand on the same stage together. So I'm really thankful for this opportunity.
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blasianintokyo · 3 years
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ya-ya-ak-liu-zhang · 2 years
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Did not realize that AK and Lu Dinghao were friends until Lu Dinghao said in an interview post-Chuang that people ask him about AK the most (out of all of the trainees).
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donghyukrk · 4 years
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phew! finally got through the masterlist. my name’s sol, she/her, est, 21+. this is my first ever time in rookies so please be gentle while i get my footing! i have hyuk’s bio and stats page all set up and i’ll put a little info about him/some plot ideas under the cut. if you give this a like i’ll take it as an invitation to come bug you for plots!
donghyuk had been born in jeju to two very loving parents
he was a very bright, loving kid at that age, gathering friends like pokemon cards
when donghyuk was approaching five his mother told him he was going to be a big brother! yay!
a few months after donghyuk’s fifth birthday his little sister is born. unfortunately there were a lot fo complications surrounding her birth
his sister spent her first month alive fighting for her life and in and out of surgery
she’s left with health issues that will remain with her for the rest of her life
little dohee requires a lot of hand’s on care, so the family unit shifts. they move to seoul when donghyuk is eight to be closer to specialized doctors who can help with her treatment. his father quits his job to be dohee’s full-time caretaker. his mother takes a demanding job in seoul to make up for the lack of income and dohee’s increased medical bills that the government doesn’t cost
donghyuk’s parents can’t really help but revolve around their daughter because she requires it, but of course they don’t love donghyuk any less. he’s just able to be more autonomous. but try telling that to a child
donghyuk’s behavioral issues start up around the time they move to seoul. at that age he can’t really grasp the severity of the situation and has a lot of anger towards his parents and loneliness. he starts acting up in class, with the kids his age, at home. his parents don’t really know what to do with him, so they just let him have his tantrums 
donghyuk grows up and stops being a brat eventually, but that doesn’t mean the problems of his youth go away. he’s a boy who’s learned all attention is good attention and it shows. he walks the line of cruel and funny a little too recklessly and isn’t too fond of rules
donghyuk is now in college living in a shitty apartment. he also works as a phone psychic because it’s easy money and he doesn’t have to show up to work anywhere PLUS he gets the satisfaction of scamming gullible people with too much money it’s a win-win
roommates! i’m guessing most likely non-trainees or trainees if they can live outside of dorms. i’m thinking 1-2 so if you have an extra bed in an already established group or you want it to be just our two muses i’m down for anything! the more the merrier
baby childhood friends! donghyuk lived in jeju from 2000-2008 aka birth to eight years old (god it’s so easy having ‘00 liners). they knew each other from childhood and lost touch after he moved, and now get to reconnect! yay!
less-baby childhood friends! from 2008 (again eight years old) on donghyuk has lived in seoul. this is the peak of donghyuk’s behavioral issues so it would be interesting to explore the relationships from that aspect of his life. do they see donghyuk as their childhood bully? did they pity him? are they on good terms now? let’s decide!
choir kids on the loose! hyuk’s parents were fairly religious, and he spent most of his life singing in church choirs. these two connected through the church but they are far from angels. it’s fun to have a rogue in arms found in such a virtuous environment 
seen you around town! donghyuk’s a college-aged boy, of course he likes to go out drinking with his group of friends. after a few beers everyone around you becomes your best friend. they met on a night out and swapped phone numbers and have been friends since! especially when it’s the weekend and it’s time to hit the bars again
some general ones! enemies, buddies, a friend convincing him to audition for idol companies, hate/cute, ‘oh hey i was at your fan sign sorry i sold my album for a shit ton of money online and i’m not actually a fan haha thanks for the groceries!’
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kentarmpg · 6 years
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While I am not in the Ballistik Boyz fanbase, I couldn’t ignore the negative vibes surrounding a group that was just newly formed.
Yes the memes maybe funny and not everyone are hating on the group - but if you do go and google them right now, the top stories are about how they are accused of copying BTS. and Yes there are people who are commenting on these articles trying to clear the air, but the titles of the articles are damaging enough. //as there are people who don’t do further research// and the effect?
They will just be known as the group who copied BTS’ concept.
So to clear any misinformation:
They are not called BTZ - I have not seen the members nor their fans call them that 
and no none of the members' names has Z’s in them - though I highly doubt people took the jokes seriously... right?
They DO NOT DEBUT ON JUNE 12th - in fact, they are still trainees and still has a long long way from debuting.
What is on June 12th? - that is the date where Ballistik Boyz will be the opening act for another group called Fantastics and their ‘mushashigyo’. ‘Mushashigyo’ directly translates to warrior training, it is where trainee groups go through training, camps and outdoor performances for a few years before actually debuting. 
Similar style? - Well many groups do have hip-hop fashion or songs, but the agency Ballistik Boyz are in are heavily influenced by hip-hop, pop, and R&B. The dancing in the other LDH(agency) groups are referenced from street style dancing in the US and different forms of dancing meshed together. The members of the groups also do mention the names and styles they have referenced in interviews. So their looks and styles in most music videos are from hip-hop. 
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These are the 7 members who just started their journey with a strong passion for dancing and singing, and has yet to reach their goals and dreams. They still don’t have a strong fanbase and it will be a long while till they have their own songs, but they do show great potential and I am sure that I will hear their name again a few years later for positive reasons. 
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yo-zhangjing · 6 years
The cutest Chaoze interview was released today!! Ft. His BFF Zhang Jing (he actually says this in the video!!)
Rough Translation: Q1: did you ever not like yourself because you’re dark? A: there was a time Q2: are you the best dancer among the trainees? A: yes Q3: (I didnt quote understand this one but I think it’s asking if he’s been called good looking?) A: definitely haven’t. “Good looking” this kind of thing wouldn’t happen to me Q4: are you older in your heart (mental age/soul age) or is your appearance older? A: older in my heart. I think I feel about 30 Q5: (I dont understand the phrase but it’s asking him to choose between himself and Wang Zihao and he can’t choose!) Q6: is there anyone in your company that you want to that you want to punish/teach a lesson? A: Lin Yanjun. His joke’s too cold! Q7: of ALLLL the trainees who are you closest to? A: I can only choose one? Probably Zhang Jing then.
*zhangjing appears* LCZ: how are you everywhere? *Small exchange*
YZJ: Lin Yanjun, Lu Dinghao, and I fall into the ocean, who will you save first? (Reference to LYJ asking YZJ the same question in another interview) LCZ: WHAT YZJ: you can only save one LCZ I’ll save you Because LYJ and LDH will touch the sea floor first (they’re tall) (but this is the same answer YZJ gave LYJ) YZJ: YOU CANT USE MY ANSWER LCZ: fine fine. A second reason. You’re my salvation/savior. ….. *CRINGEEEEEE* YZJ: fine me and your fans fall in the ocean WHO DO YOU SAVE??? LCZ: AHHHHH ambulance? Hello? Ambulance? (Calling 911 for help)
___ I don’t usually caption gifs so if you use my translation pls credit me and let me know if there are any corrections if you see any!
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tanqram · 6 years
beep beep back at you!! ☀️without thinking too much, name 7 things you love about the tangram boys!! just the first things that comes to mind: ready,,, go!
aahhh vivi i didn’t expect to get this back 😂 thank you!! okie here we go:
how they’re all really like family with each other — this was my first impression of them and continues to be why i love them ♡ i love when the gege’s take care of their didi’s, but also vice versa when the didi’s realize everything their older brothers do for them and are always there to encourage them as well. they’re all so comfortable with each other. even to this day, i’m like ??? when i have to think about which members are the closest with each other bc it’s soo hard to tell. truly a family of good brothers ;;
their talent!! — leader lin chaoze with his millisecond accurate dance moves + choreography abilities (ltwbd + it’s ok choreography pls), bei honglin a true all rounder with singing rapping dancing down, singers who can dance and dancers who can sing. also i feel like lu dinghao, li ruotian, qiu zhixie’s variety talent (how they can make any day-to-day situation interesting) is really worth mentioning too!
their absurdity/memes — uhh gao maotong and his frying pan, ldh’s 保命要紧, gmt or jjz’s dancing flower??
their fan interactions — i thought of fancam and livestream moments suddenly. it surprises me a lot how natural and friendly tgm and fans are with each other. i like how they don’t necessarily put up an “official” front in front of fans
their dissing + dramatic acts — eg: lu dinghao and lin chaoze’s nursery coloring class, sawadikap moments, lrt weibo stories with other members
their different backgrounds — i lowkey think this is one of the coolest parts of the group. nationally, you have zhixie and honglin from taiwan, but they come from many different spectrums? lin chaoze was in the latin dance world but decided to become an idol trainee, jingzuo trained in martial arts but got interested in dance, dinghao and maotong maybe were somewhat in the entertainment industry already, zhixie was about to debut in another boy group in taiwan?? but like somehow their paths all converged? and they all complement each other so well, which i feel like is something genuinely special ;v;
their visuals — let’s just put it out there. i don’t think we cry over their photoshoots and airport fantakens for nothing :’) and their smiles? when they smile i smile too
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ldhgirls · 2 years
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Agnes and Larissa are in Tokyo visiting LDH JAPAN’s office. Esmee has allegedly left the group due to Sweet Revenge’s debut being stalled. 
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wannawrite · 7 years
Please Don’t Fight With The Flower Boy
• who?: Yuehua's Justin Huang • genre: 🌸 • type: scenario • word count: 4560
the 'Our Two Lips' flower boys LDH | PJH | PWJ | KJH | IYM | LGL • unlike many other of his co-workers, Justin is forced to work as a flower boy for the Summer • is he going to maintain his 'bad boy' persona he holds in the circuit? I hope you guys think this plot is good because I really love it!! I love Justin, where tf are the three other boys, Yuehua explain yourself. Brb I'm going to raid Yuehua's dungeon. Thank you so much for requesting this anon! I hope you like it. 💖 - Admin L 
The wait was killing him, the tense atmosphere was strangling him. Justin wanted nothing more than to get out of the principal's office. The cold leather of the sofa gnawed at his thighs, he could feel the ice slowly creeping up his spine. Justin's head was hung in shame, his face still burning hot. Click, clack. The telltale sound of his mother's high heeled shoes echoed through the corridor right outside the room he was sitting in. Her heels seemed to pierce the silence, breaking his peace and quiet. At least it's only ma..... Justin could not look up to meet the eyes of his mother even after she had entered the room. He winced when he spotted his father's business shoes enter a few seconds after. And now...for the grand entrance of Principal Dickhead, he groaned internally, rolling his eyes at his principal. "Ahh! Mr and Mrs Huang, thank you for taking the time to come down. There are some matters to discuss...regarding your son." The warm and soothing hand of his mother rubbed his back. "What happened?" she asked. "What did my son do?" Her kind eyes met her sons shaking ones. "What happened?" 
Principal Asshole cleared his throat. "It appears that Justin took to violence to solve a small...dispute among his peers. The consequences he will face is a week's detention, counselling and...community service during the Summer break to reflect on his actions and how he could have better resolved the issue," he announced. "Justin!" His father growled out. "We sent you all the way to Korea to train in MMA, not to be a nuisance." "It wasn't my fault," Justin cried. "Matthew punched me first! I was defending myself!" His mother turned to the principal, fire in her eyes. "Did carry out a proper investigation? My son is not at fault!" She spat, taking an immediate dislike to the principal. "Yes, and I have already spoken to Matthew and his family. His consequences are more severe than yours." Principal Bitchass eyed Justin. "Justin sentence would be less if it wasn't for his...record." In the school's eyes, I'm a delinquent. They will never understand the struggle of a foreigner who transferred halfway into the year. Justin thought bitterly. Half of these people won't survive a day in China. Words of the principal passed in a hazy blur, a string of syllables Justin refused to comprehend. With much argumentation and persuasion, his parents and principal finally arrived at a settlement. A week of detention. He nodded in agreement as it sounded fair, even if he only fought Matthew out of defence. Counselling, but with a private counsellor unrelated to the school clinic. Fine, I'll just have my uncle write a false report about me. Not the worst, law-breaking act I've committed. He sighed in exasperation. This is ridiculous. Work at one of the following, The Sugar Shaker... Justin shook his head and shivered. No, I've stolen a pack of candy from there before. Doesn't Park Woojin work there? He's scary. The thought of breathing the same air as his grimacing Senior was enough to cross the candy store off the list altogether and send him running for the hills. There were a few other places listed that Justin did not bother to even scan over. He skipped all the way to the bottom of the list. His thick brows furrowed. Our Two Lips? 
"Cheer up, Stin!" Choi Seunghyuk beamed, wrapping an arm around his best friend encouragingly. "All of us will be there every day to support you!" Five tall figures squeezed onto the slim strip of pavement, making their way towards Justin's place of work for the Summer. Lee Euiwoong clicked his tongue on the top of his mouth in annoyance. "The school did you dirty. You don't deserve to be serving a sentence while Matthew gets away scot-free," he grumbled. Justin shrugged in response. "It's whatever, really. Don't worry, hyung. I guess I shouldn't have been so much of a troublemaker." "Yah," Zhu Zheng Ting started. "It isn't your fault. You never intended to start any trouble." "Will you still be coming for training though?" Ahn Hyungseob asked worriedly, fearful of losing his training partner at their academy. Both of them trained to be Mixed Martial Arts fighters. Justin Huang and Ahn Hyungseob were popular names in the circuit. The blonde talented fighter from China and the two-faced Korean boy you should be deceived by. Justin nodded reassuringly, patting his hyung's back. "You know I would never miss it. This is just my job for the Summer. I'll be training even after work." "Don't overwork yourself!" Euiwoong interjected. "Hyungseob has me too. Don't think about us, take care of yourself." He too was a rather well-known rookie boxer. Justin's feet began to drag the floor as they drew closer and closer to the cafe. He felt his legs shaking as he stumbled down the walkway. "Yah, do you think you'll see any of your opponents? Now that you have placed yourself in such a busy area?" Seunghyuk commented, genuinely pondering about it. Would it put his best friend in danger? Everyone knew Justin was a 'bad boy', even for a fighter, but that was just the reputation that tagged him. Justin's pile of worries only grew taller by the seconds but a calm, collected facade was plastered over his face. "I'll be fine. I'm on Yuehua's elite fighter team. It's just a job. How bad could this be?" 
Disastrous! This is terrible! Justin kept his head down, his white flower crown threatening to slip off. Ironically, the more he tried to hide, the more he stuck out like a sore thumb. He tried to slip off behind the counter but was unsuccessful, bumping into Jeong Sewoon in the process. His hyung folded his arms across his chest, quirking an eyebrow. "Yah, Justin, what are you trying to do? New customers just walked in." "That's the thing," he hissed. "Can I quit on my fourth day of work?" Justin was doing all he could do to cover his face, he wanted to keep a low profile. Y/N is here! Cube fighters are here! Sewoon frowned and peered over the younger boy's shoulder. "Why? What's so wrong with them?" He questioned, gesturing for Kim Samuel to attend to them in place of the shaking blonde flower boy. Justin swallowed, feeling absolutely stupid for avoiding his job because of such a filial matter. He wanted to prove that himself that he could handle a mundane job, and not just ones that did not abide by the law. Whatever! I can do this. Justin's confidence and self-assurance melted away like candle wax the second a group of trainees from a rival academy stepped in. He knew them, they too were killer rookies. You, Yoo Seonho, Lai Guanlin and Lim Hui Qi from The Cube Club. There was no real reason to be afraid of them, heck, he was not even sure why his reaction was to run. Maybe discovering his Summer job was more embarrassing than he thought. Then again, maybe he was shy about facing his ex-opponents - Seonho and Guanlin - again. Despite all those thoughts, Justin scooped the pile of menus from Samuel's arms and beamed at the fellow fighters. "Allow me." This is no big deal. This is no big deal. Well, compared to all the other unlawful acts you have committed, this is a far cry from them. Justin did not know the true reason for the sudden jump his heart beat. Was it you? Or was it that you were from Cube? 
"So that's him?" Lim Hui Qi asked, squinting her eyes at Justin Huang. "Hmm, he looks different." Lai Guanlin snorted. "The only difference is the shade of blonde his hair is dyed," he paused to take a long sip of his drink. "That kid hasn't changed one bit." You sighed and allowed your head to loll on Hui Qi's shoulder. "Is there a need to do this? I don't understand Coach's logic. Why must we 'keep an eye out' for Justin?" You groaned. There could be a lot of better things I could be doing right now! Seonho and Guanlin aren't even scheduled to spar against him in the next tournament. We get it! Coach wants us to beware of the 'bad boy'. So far, there was not the slightest trace of the famous 'bad boy' character Justin carried around in the circuit. He was rather well-mannered, polite and seemed to be working hard. He also looked very sweet and handsome in his flower boy uniform, complete with a flower crown of course. This place sparked lots of curiosity in you as you had never heard of anything like it. You were not sure what to make of it. Our Two Lips was definitely an interesting place. Pity, Justin doesn't work at the branch near my school. You sighed and rubbed your temples. Snap out of it Y/N! You didn't come here to admire him! "We can just fake a report to Coach," Seonho voiced out his suggestion. "Like he broke his knee or something. That should get him off our backs." Contrary to whatever he said much earlier, Seonho seemed to genuinely enjoy his time here. He probably considered applying for the job. "Hah, like the board will believe that. Justin's fine," Guanlin scoffed. "He's a good fighter if I'm honest. He nearly beat me and only lost by a handful of points." "I wonder why he applied to work here," you blurted out before blushing intensely under the stares of your friends. "I mean, aren't National qualifiers soon? Shouldn't he devote more time to training instead?" Hui Qi shrugged her shoulders, ending the discussion just as Justin approached your table. He smiled, making eye contact with you. You noticed that a very light shade of pink tinged his cheeks. Do!! Not!! Think!! About!! How!! Adorable!! He!! Is!! "A pan-seared halibut?" Justin held the plate of fish and placed it in front of the starving Seonho. "Thank you," he chimed, all angel-like. Don't be flattered, he's like that to anyone who provides him with good food. "Hyung, are you a fisherman? Because you've got me on a hook," Justin chirped charmingly, causing Seonho to let out a soft gasp. Hui Qi nearly fainted when he read out her dish in a cute manner. Justin was good at his job, you would give him that. He's also good at making my heart race...... Fortunately, Guanlin did not receive any sort of flirtatiousness from Justin. He meekly handed Guanlin his meal before running off. "Hmm, looks like Y/N's dish is taking a bit longer," Hui Qi said. "Let's wait for the dish to arrive first." "No, it's fine-" The sentence could not even be finished before Justin rushed back with your food and vanilla milkshake. His smile seemed to light up your entire day. Justin was so elegant and prince-like, there was no doubt his true personality was one that exuded 'royalty' as well. You wanted to know more about him, even if you had to fight him in the arena a few months later. "Who ordered the milkshake?" Your hand was raised shyly, partially because Hui Qi used all her strength to yank it up. "Ahhh," Justin mused. "I guess you'll find me in your yard soon enough." One of his eyelids bat at you in a wink, causing your mind to be completely scrambled. What was the main objective of coming here? Spying out our competition. That did not register anymore. 
Justin tore off his flower crown, tying up the ribbons properly before storing it in his duffle bag. He shoved his work attire to the very bottom of his training bag, not everyone had to know about his job and the reason he got it. It was a late afternoon after his shift and now, he had to head towards Yuehua Sports School. His face was already flushed from all the busyness of the cafe but he pressed on. Justin exited the cafe after bidding his hyungs goodbye and started walking towards the bus stop. Really, he could phone his driver but all he wanted to do now was take a nice bus ride, he had not gone on one for a long time. As he neared the bus stop, his eyes narrowed in on a person sitting on the bench. Your signature duffle bag gave you away immediately. Justin's mouth ran dry, he did not know how to react. It was not uncommon both teams saw each other as the two academies were roughly in the same area. However, it was some sort of unspoken rule that neither of the competitors were to enter each other's training grounds. Justin was curious as to what The Cube Club's interior held but that was not the reason he perched timidly on the bench next to yours. It was safe to say you nearly got the shock of your life when you spotted Justin sitting next to you, staring at his trainers. Automatically, you stuffed your shaking hands into your pockets. "Hello." He replied without looking up from staring at the ground. "Hi." "Um, h-how are you?" You inquired. If I'm going to be late, I might as well make the most of this time and talk to him. Justin turned to face you, and fatigue was well worn onto his gorgeous features. Still, he did his best to beam. I'm not sure if even his smile can calm my nerves. Coach will cut me from the team this season if I'm late! "Hey," Justin called out, noticing your trembling form. "Are you okay?" Can't lie now, can I? "Truthfully, no. I'm late for training and...and you know how Cube coaches are," you groaned, burying your face in your hands in despair. "I can't be cut from the team." The rumble of the approaching bus which both of you hastily got on was enough to drown out Justin's reply. He slid into the seat next to yours on board, grinning cheekily. "Don't worry. Let me talk to your coach." You were not sure why you nodded.
Justin allowed his eyes to roll at the number of curious stares he got stepping into The Cube Club when the back of his training shirt read 'Yuehua Sprouts'. Whispers flooded the corridors, especially when your hand wrapped around his arm. You hurriedly burst into your usual training hall, only to find Guanlin sparring against Seonho and Hui Qi with another boxer. She turned her head so that her eyes met yours, mouthing something which you did not catch. "Coach!" Coach stormed up to you, his face sour and darkening when he spotted Justin. You winced, knowing the scene about to unfold would not be pretty. "Coach, I'm so sorry. I missed the bus and-" "I don't want your apologies! I want you to leave! Get out! You're no longer part of the team this season, don't bother coming for training! And, who is he?" Coach spat, pointing an accusing finger at the blonde boy. Justin ruffled his thick hair, smirking. "Good afternoon, coach. Wow, can't believe a Sprout is in your gym, can you?" He halted to let out a low whistle, effectively ticking your coach off even more. "It's good I finally get to meet the person who coached Lai Guanlin and Yoo Seonho. They're really talented and hard working. Pity, I beat Seonho in our category. He would be doing much better if it weren't for your...mediocre training." The look in Justin's eye did a flip, you were not sure who he was. "You...y-you. Rookie, watch your words," was all Coach could manage. Your fellow teammates had slowed down their match just to pay attention to the fiasco. His words did not faze Justin, they only added to the fire. "Ahh, some kind of professional you are. Kicking someone off the team without a legitimate reason. At least listen to Y/N's reason," he stated. "If anything, I'm to blame." At that, you whipped your head round to glare at him as if he was out of his mind. "Coa-" Your mouth clamped shut when Justin wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders. "You see, I saw Y/N at the bus stop and of course, I had to talk to my friend. Don't deprive your team of friends, especially from other academies. They need contacts if they want to hop another level up." Coach's face was turning red with anger but he had no words to utter. "It's a real bonus. Y/N is a beauty, would we not look good together?" A furious blush filled your cheeks at Justin's words while his face remained cold and taunting. Woah, is this the emotionless bad boy? "D-dating is prohibited in Cube!" Coach raged, obviously provoked. "Hmm, shame, using tricks on your trainees. Living their life for them. Now, listen to Y/N's explanation, they missed the bus, it can't be helped. No wonder your team is shaking, they're degrading under your reign. Also, want to lodge a complaint against me? Go ahead, when you can tip-toe to sweep the soles of our feet on our level. Just remember, my coach has dirt on you he can leak any time," Justin growled out, fed up with the unfair treatment. All jaws in the hall were hitting the floor. Your face was burning up and you knew your crush on him had deepened by many metres. This is bad! I can't catch feelings right now! But he is the sweetest person ever, despite whatever happened. Justin removed his arm from your shoulder a little reluctantly, patted your back and did not wait for a reply from your stunned coach before waltzing out of the Cube gymnasium like he owned the building. hesprobablyrichenoughirl He may not own The Cube Club, but he sure holds my heart. 
Out of gratitude, you visited Justin's workplace a few days after the whole incident. The guilt would eat you alive if you did not thank him personally. Seeing him in real life was your only option, considering the fact that you did not have his number. Well, you could get it from his fans but you figured it would be much better to get it from him personally. You approached Our Two Lips with a bag of gifts for Justin and a hopeful smile on your face. Since it was in the early opening hours, there was barely anyone occupying the seats. Taking a deep breath, you pushed the glass doors open, stepping into the cafe. Almost immediately, Justin was by your side. He was mid-way of tying his apron properly. "Hello, Y/N!" He greeted cheerfully. "How can I help you?" Justin's eyes seemed to sparkle and gleam with youth and joy. "Uh, hi. I-I actually brought some stuff for you....as a...thank you?" You were so anxious, your voice went up an octave so your words sounded more like a question. Get yourself together, Y/N! Please don't look like a complete fool in front of him! A chuckle left Justin's lips as he took the pretty paper bag from you. "You really didn't have to but I shall accept it. Thank you," he said. If Justin was a cartoon character, there would be a distinctive red blush on his cheeks and hearts over his eyes. He fished around and pulled out a flower crown you commissioned from a florist nearby. Surprise was written all over his face, grinning at the crown. "Wow. You didn't have to, Y/N. Thank you." The flower crown you gave him was one made out of red peonies, the national flower of China. It must have been hard for him to adjust to Korea in such a short time so you decided on something that would remind him of home. Justin peeled his mundane white flower crown off and replaced it with his new one. The red struck a balance between his blonde locks. Reaching for your wrist, he tied the old white one around it as a bracelet. Your breath caught in your throat when his hand enclosed yours. With your face heating up, you cleared your throat. "Will I see you at the tournament next month?" You hoped he would be there. It would be a joy to see him compete. A smirk graced his lips. "Oh, you know I wouldn't miss Nationals for the world," he purred in reply, winking at you. "Will I see you?" "My category is always after yours so most likely. How about you text me your schedule? If you want to see me," you offered. Damn, that was slick. "Deal. If you promise to wear a flower crown identical to mine when you support me, so I can better identify you in the mosh pit," Justin reasoned, still smirking but if he felt as if he was going to melt into a puddle of happiness. After you punched your number into his phone, he sighed. "I would give you my training shirt to wear but that would only piss your coach off more. One of his team members, wearing a Yuehua shirt." Just the mere thought if it made the two of you laugh. "Justin!" One of his hyungs yelled. You huffed, upset that the time you talked to him was short but in a sense, you were disrupting his job. You bid him goodbye but when you had nearly stepped out of the store - now with an iced tea in hand - he shouted something. "Remember the flower crown! If not, I won't be able to see you!" 
You did end up wearing the flower crown, earning a ton of teasing from the rest of your team. Just days before the match, Seonho had managed to hack into your phone and exposed all the messages Justin sent - most of them were about the tournament and how he was anticipating it. "Awww, Y/N has a boyfriend!" He had chortled, pinching your cheeks affectionately. "Yah! Stop spewing nonsense. Y/N, who is this brat of a boyfriend? I need to meet him." Guanlin had hissed but in a playful manner. "He isn't my boyfriend!" Your reply had been instantaneous. "Justin and I aren't dating!" The redness of your face was unspeakable of. "Ahh, but he seems like he wants to date you. Good friends don't text each other 'good morning, hope you slept well and dreamt of me' with like two hundred hearts." Hui Qi simpered, unable to hide her smug grin. To that, you had no reply. Today, it appeared that your 'brat of a boyfriend' had to fight against the one who had demanded to meet him. It was like your best friend crush versus your older brother. You were torn between supporting the two competitors. When you consulted Guanlin, he dismissed it with a wave of his hand and returned to bandaging his hands. "Just be there to dry his tears when he loses." His lips curved into a sassy leer as he ruffled your hair - thankfully before you had worn the flower crown. There was no time to visit Justin in his waiting room, besides, it was filled with his teammates and Yuehua Sports School officials. You shuddered under the watchful eyes of the monster rookie team. A part of you was worried for Guanlin, Justin was not one to be overlooked. Then again, Guanlin could handle himself. A good half of the match had flown by while you were still readying for your own round. When Hui Qi called you from the room, it was nearly too late. She hastily fixed your red peony flower crown on before grabbing your hand and running to a safe spot. You felt bad for missing majority of the round but at the same time, it was painful to watch your two friends pretty much beat each other up. I hope Justin doesn't feel discouraged that he didn't see me earlier! 
Keep your head up! Keep your head up! Over the roars of the crowd and the shouts of his coach, Justin strained his ears to hear your cheers. He tried to scan the rows of spectators for you. Guanlin managed to get a few good digs at him whilst he was distracted, keeping an eye out for red peonies. Do your best for Y/N! Snap into it! He was disappointed you were not present to support either of them but forced himself to concentrate on the match. The bright red peony which Zheng Ting inked - using a marker - on his arm reminded him of why he was fighting. Oh wow, who would have expected a flower boy to be a legal fighter? Or rather, who would have expected a fighter to be a flower boy? In the mosh pit, Sewoon and Samuel's jaws had hit the floor, their eyes wide and glossy. Guanlin was playing with him, circling him like a predator. Justin did admire the older boy, he knew he was not good enough to beat him. Concentrate! He gritted his teeth and aimed a few more punches at his opponent. One was successful, the other was blocked. Just a few more minutes! Then, you can cool off, find Y/N. "Justin!" He perked up at the sound of your scream. You were there! Supporting him! Millions of butterflies erupted in his stomach in that moment. It did not matter that Guanlin had essentially taken him down and was going extremely easy on him for he knew he had won inevitably. The bell chimed, signalling the end of the round and announcing the winner. Loud screams resounded for Guanlin. Usually, Justin would be flooded with misery if he lost, especially to someone from Cube but this time, he was bubbling with triumph that someone - more importantly, you - from Cube was supporting him. You dashed to his side of the ring as soon as it had ended, calling out his name. He beamed brightly as soon as he caught sight of you running in his direction. You pulled him in for a quick, sweaty hug, rubbing his back comfortingly. "You must be sad. Losing a qualifying round to Lin." "Eh, you know I'll get through these rounds anyway. I'll see you in National Semis," he replied confidently, not letting go. A deep frown etched onto your mouth. "Uh, Justin? You do realise that this puts you one step further from the trophy? That's all you've been texting me about the whole weekend!" You shot back, pulling away and gently smacking his chest. You plucked your flower crown off your head and adjusted it to fit his. The pairs of eyes trained on the both of you were uncountable, the flashes of cameras went off every few seconds. Interaction between the two rival teams was rare. And everyone wanted a picture of Justin Huang in a flower crown. Justin had a cute, boyish grin on his face as he wrapped his arms around the nape of your neck. His soft lips met your cheek. "Oh, Y/N." "Don't you know that you're the best prize I would never deserve?"
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daehwi · 7 years
Get to know me tag-
This is cute and I was tagged by @seouldreams14 @brandnew-ldh @park-woojin @minhyunnns @oneminhyun (and maybe someone else but my activity feed doesn’t show everyone rip) (also I’m sobbing bc people think of me kejrlkwejr)
Rules: Tag followers you would like to know better.
Name: Kenia~
Nickname: trash, jaehwan’s #1 enemy, umm one time my professor called Kevin because my handwriting is a mess so my name on my test looked like “Kevin”
Star Sign: Pisces but I’m on the cusp bc my bday is March 20
Height: 4′11 = around 150cm = super short (esp. since I’m 21 :( people always think I’m younger)
Sexual Orientation: I like guys and girls but I’ve had close to zero experience with either so yeah.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw (I was so hyped for Pottermore when it launched, I was even part of the beta and everything. I love HP okay.)
Favorite Color: the color of the bruise on Jaehwan’s face when I punch him (IM KIDDING), I like pastels and faded colors and I like the color of bricks and I like deep yellows and I like the color of the sky after the sun sets but before it’s fully night so it’s purple and blue with pink at the top.
Favorite Animal: Turtles (bc of my 2 fave bugis~) (but actually I guess bunnies. I love bunnies and I used to have 2 but they died (press f to pay respects) 
Average Hours of Sleep: 5 on a good day, 3 on every other day- I have terrible insomnia. 
Number of Blankets: 1 but it’s a heavy one. 
Favorite Singer/Band: Urban Electro Band Nu’est (umm non kpop: probably grimes, bleachers, cage the elephant, and lots more) 
Dream Trip: Probably Seoul? (like most kpop fans tbh). Or a trip back to Guatemala because I was raised there but I haven’t been back since I was a child :’(
Dream Job: Jaehwan’s manager or CEO of a company with all the p101 trainees. But more seriously: I don’t really have any dream jobs- I’m okay with anything that pays the bills, isn’t too soul draining or pressuring, and let’s me have time to enjoy the things I like to do. 
When Was Your Blog Created: May 03, 2017~ (right before episode 5 of p101)
Current # of Followers: 3k+ and I’m sobbing because of that
What Made You Create Your Tumblr: akljjerjwlker maybe this is personal but I have chronic depression that comes in waves and I was in a pretty bad part of it when p101 started but the show gave me something to look forward to every friday and I was also really yearning to belong somewhere and be part of a community so I took the chance and made this blog. It honestly wasn’t supposed to be a serious blog- I was just going to reblog and freak out in my tags but I got motivated by other creators so I spent a night learning how to gif and then people asked my opinion (which made me so emotional even though its such a small action because I’ve always felt really really alone) and suddenly I was participating more and actually talking to people and ijerlkewrjwelk. I’m very thankful I created this blog.
I tag (if you want to and haven’t done it yet): @kimdonghyun, @hitoritabi, @ong-seungwoo, @king-jaehwan  @donghans, @bbaekmin @kim-biased @hwangminyeo @extraongdinary 
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daehwistle · 7 years
30 Question Tag~
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you would like to know better.
I was tagged by @brandnew-ldh  (thank you muah)
1. Nicknames: Sunny, Sunshine, Kitten….there’s a lot but my close friends call me Meow (because I look like a cat, they said) and my online alias is Dawn
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Libra
4. Height: 155cm or 5'1"
5. Time: (you mean now?) 9:58 AM HKT (i found out about this abbreviation today lol)
6. Birthday: October 5th
7. Favorite Bands/Groups: Infinite, IOI, Pentatonix
8. Favorite solo artists: Taeyeon, IU, Avril Lavigne
9. Song stuck in my head: Why by Taeyeon (probs because it’s the last thing I listened to), Open Up from Produce, Faded by Alan Walker and random melodies that I might or might not have kind of composed on a whim
10. Last movie watched: SPIDERMAN: HOMECOMING
11. Last show watched: I’m actually rewatching Produce for a third time now
12. When did I create my blog: I created my main blog literally years ago but this sideblog? About 3 months or so?
13. What do I post: daehwi with a side of bnm boys plus the other broduce trainees (i legit just reblog stuff 95% of the time I’m gonna try post original content when I actually have time to sit down in front of a computer)
14. Last thing googled: is the brain a muscle (the answer is no)
15. Do you have other blogs?: Yeah, my main blog (duh)
16. Do you get asks?: very rarely, but I get excited like a kid on Christmas morning when I do so spam my inbox if you wish
17. Why did u choose your url?: I created this blog around the time when daehwi got the most hate so I felt the need to defend him. (I’m considering shortening it up a bit at some point so feel free to send suggestions)
18. Following: 75 (there’re so many non-produce related blogs lolll)
19. Followers: ~150 the last time I did one of these a week or two ago I had 90 where did you all come from ily
20. Favorite colours: the pastel colour palette in general
21. Average hours of sleep: 3 (i have a really serious problem of insomnia that can’t be solved even with medication rip me)
22. Lucky number: 267 (it’s my go to number)
23. Instruments: flute, piano, and kind of the harp?
24. What am I wearing: a pastel blue oversized shirt and white shorts
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 1 that often ends up god knows where in the morning
26. Dream job: a writer or researcher
27. Dream trip: (realistically) Greece or (unrealistically) Antarctica and outer space
28. Favorite food(s): chocolate and candy
29. Nationality: Chinese
30. Favorite song now: Always from Produce
Tagging (if you want~): @park-woojin, @idaehwi , @shyjeojangs , @godkimsamuel , @cherry-youngmin , @youngmin-ah , @wannaoone , @wannabroduce101 , @lovebugi and anyone else who wants to do this!
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blasianintokyo · 3 years
EXPG Lab x #StayHomeDance Challenge
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ai-da-ice · 7 years
Fan Account: ai-da-ice at TOKYO SWISH
(Before I get started, I just wanted to mention that the overall concert-going experience in Japan is very different from what I’m used to in America, so I’m going to write a separate journal about how to attend concerts in Japan and what is common etiquette and behavior in live houses. This will mainly focus on the concert itself!)
Since this is Da-iCE blog, I want to focus on the Da-iCE portions of the show, but stay tuned for a later update showcasing the other groups because they were awesome and I want you all to love them, too.
In Japan, idol culture is centered of Johnny’s on one side and 48-project groups on the other. There are some outliers with mass appeal such as LDH and Hello!Project idols, but otherwise, idol groups can struggle to find their market and place in the spotlight separate from the big league idols the nation is automatically focused on through management reputation. The SWISH concert series is answer to that issue. It joins together both established and up-and-coming male/mixed gender groups, and unites the fandoms of the groups who don’t have the big league market recognition but still have a lot to offer the industry through their modern, more genre bending approach to J-pop. The event is the dream of the multi-fandom crowd, which perfectly defines me as a J-pop fan. I’m all for seeing J-pop evolve and branching out to support the new groups who give it unique color.
The venue, Tokyo Dome City Hall, was filled around 5:20 ahead of the scheduled 6:00 start, and by 5:30, the opening acts were already hitting the stage. We started off first with MADKID (MDKD), a dance and vocal unit from Tokyo which served up a powerful hip-hop performance to kick off the night. They were followed up by a-X’s (pronounced “A-Cross”), a mixed gender trainee unit from avex formed by the winners of their boys and girls dance and vocal auditions. On top of their standard group performance, they also performed a fantastic dance cover of The Weeknd’s “Rockin’”.
Next up was our “bonus opening act”. This changed depending on which location the SWISH event happened in, but TOKYO SWISH’s bonus was Yudai x Keisuke Murakami, Yudai’s former groupmate in his Fukkin Gakuen days. Usually the venue announced who was performing next via an overhead screen, but since Yudai and Keisuke were “the bonus,” they were presented in somewhat of a surprise fashion. The lights were dimmed too low to see the stage, but we could all hear Yudai’s voice in his microphone set, so everyone reacted to him immediately. The two performed an original acoustic ballad entitled “Futari dake no ai”. I really hope this song makes an appearance on Keisuke’s debut album because it was gorgeous and I want you all to hear it. Yudai and Keisuke also did the thing Sota and Yudai often do during “A WHOLE NEW WORLD” and “Boku no Kiseki”-- the intense staring at each other during the love ballad. After their performance was over, a member of the audience screamed out “YUDAI-KUN!” and Yudai responded by cutely going “Kei-chan~!”
Afterwards, the main acts quickly followed. Mixed gender avex group lol was the first performer of the night, and they were followed by my second favorite J-pop group FlowBack. Both groups really set the tone for the night, that this generation of groups isn’t about the stereotypical “cute and quirky” label J-pop usually gets from outside of observers. These groups have EDM, hip-hop, and trap influences which give them a Westernized feel, without even getting into how broad and diverse their dance skills are. Anyone who still thinks of J-pop as only “AKB48,” please point them in the direction of these groups.
Following FlowBack was Ebidan’s massively underrated but supremely infectious PrizmaX, then X4, who genuinely was X4 that day since member Shota was not there due to an injury. Here’s to hoping for his quick recovery in time for X4′s tour performance tomorrow! Next up was Tensai Bonjin, who delivered one of the night’s most diverse sets by going from comedic, pump-up hip-hop to a heart-wrenching ballad while slaying the performances of both. Next was BRIDGET, the underrated visual and dance kings of avex, and then WHITE JAM, the masterminds behind several of Da-iCE’s hit songs and the improv Kings and Queen. Gashima and Shirose chose an audience member at random, asked for her name, and came up with a totally amazing free style rap on the spot using her name as the starting theme. PrismaX’s Daiki also came back to join them on their song “OVERSIZE.”
Last up of the night was Da-iCE!! Even before they were announced on the big screen, the arena lit up with their lightsticks, which the majority of the arena seemed to have-- they were one of the biggest draws of the night by far! They came out wearing the red and black gear they’ve been sporting for their between NEXT PHASE and Tonikaku HEY! performances, as you can see below:
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Their first song of the evening for Da-iCE was “NEXT PHASE,” which showcased their completely knock-out choreography at its finest. They wrote this song to replace “FIGHT BACK” as their tour opener anthem, and it does it’s job of hyping everyone up to perfection. The dance was explosive and the vocals just as dynamic as you would expect from Yudai and Sota.
To keep things energetic (and sexy), they moved right along to “Chocolate Sympathy.” Which, as they have mentioned in interviews, involves chair dancing. Yes. Chair dancing. I thought I had prepared myself, but I was not ready to witness this in person. When they call this the legendary song of their album, they are not lying.
The group did a short greeting for their MC, but naturally had a lot of charm points since they’re Da-iCE. Taiki started off by saying “I’m the leader, Taiki Kudo,” which Toru followed up with “I’m not the leader, Toru Iwaoka” and Yudai adding “I’m also not the leader, Yudai Ohno.” When it came to Sota, he was immediately trolled by the members per tradition, but brushed it off quickly to introduce himself. Hayate, naturally, received no trolling and remains the apple of the group’s eye.
Next up was my favorite performance of the night, “Koigokoro.” The music video leaves a heart-wrenching impression enough, but the in-person vocals and the way both Yudai and Sota portray them is almost physically painful in the most beautiful way. When Sota went for his high note, you could almost feel the raw agony coming from him. The dance line was also powerful during this performance, showcasing their high-flying turns during the song’s climax.
Keeping the atmosphere serious, they moved along into “TWO AS ONE,” their fan-dedicated anthem from their album. Once again, the emotions of this song carried over even stronger in person, especially thanks to the complex and interpretive choreography by the dance line. One of the point moves of the choreography involved putting their hands together in the shape of a dice, which was beautiful to see, especially since it perfectly matched the shape of their updated lightstick.
Last, they closed with their summer anthem and crowd pleaser “PARADIVE”. For this one, we were all waving our slogan towels and singing along with them, so I think this was one of the moments that best united all the many fandoms in the room. And I always thought the moment Hayate came to the center of the dance formation during the breakdown was iconic, and seeing it live just confirmed it. Everyone went wild for that part.
Of course, a concert isn’t a concert without an encore, but since there were so many groups, this one was unique. Sota, Yudai, Tensai Bonjin’s MiNE, WHITE JAM’s Shirose, and BRIDGET’s Shun, the night’s harmony masters, were selected to perform two original songs for the encore before inviting all the groups onstage again to do a final bow and take a commemorative photo. After a closing anthem from the DJ, the long concert came to a close.
SWISH was overall a exciting and energetic event which not only gives groups of varying public recognition a chance to promote themselves, but also unites the fandoms of these groups and gives them a sense of being family, much in the way that DANZEN TV does for boy group fandoms. The groups are all close to each other in real life, so to see them onstage together was a moving experience. I also think these groups are truly a new era for J-pop-- they represent a shift in genre that I think will really appeal to diverse audiences, if they are willing to give J-pop the chance it deserves. And, of course, seeing Da-iCE again was a heart pounding experience that I’m happy I had another chance to feel. They are some of the strongest live performers I have ever witnessed from their stable singing to their powerhouse dancing. Thank you, TOKYO SWISH, for giving me the chance to see them and experience the delightful lives of other fantastic contemporary performers, too!
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lovedreamgraphics · 7 years
LDH trainees? LDH dancers?
I’m thinking just dancers. But who knows 🤷‍♀️
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