#lead generation consulting services usa
bdraiusa · 6 months
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sellbigger · 9 months
In the ever-evolving landscape of business, where competition is fierce and time is of the essence, having a well-defined and efficient sales cycle can make all the difference. That’s where SellBigger comes in. At our core, we specialize in taking complex sales cycles, automating them, perfecting them, and refining them to ensure your products get to market sooner, better, and faster.
Our Expertise: Fine-Tuning Sales Processes
Navigating the intricacies of the modern sales environment requires more than just a one-size-fits-all approach. It calls for expertise, precision, and a deep understanding of what works. At SellBigger, we are the experts at fine-tuning sales processes, and we’re committed to helping ambitious companies design and implement high-performance sales processes that yield more meetings with the right prospects.
1. Automation Mastery : Our team is well-versed in the art of automation. We leverage cutting-edge technology and software to streamline and simplify your sales cycle. This not only saves you time but also reduces the margin for error, ensuring a smoother and more efficient process from start to finish.
2. Precision Optimization : We don’t believe in guesswork. Our approach is rooted in data-driven insights. We analyze your current sales processes, identify bottlenecks, and optimize every step of the way. The result? A sales cycle that’s not just faster but also more effective at converting prospects into loyal customers.
3. More Quality Meetings : In the fast-paced world of sales, securing meetings with the right prospects can be challenging. SellBigger specializes in crafting strategies that generate more high-quality meetings, allowing you to focus your energy and resources where they matter most.
Ready to Sell Bigger?
If you’re looking to accelerate your sales cycle, enhance your conversion rates, and make a significant impact in your industry, Visit SellBigger, to learn more about our services and how we’ve assisted ambitious companies like yours.
With SellBigger by your side, you’ll not only navigate the complexities of the sales world more effectively but also outperform your competition. Contact us today, and let’s embark on a journey of sales automation, optimization, and growth together.
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psdglobal · 1 year
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International Technology Sales - PSD Global
Throughout the world there are nations, cities, and regions that look forward to attracting new businesses and with them, new opportunities. Every year businesses seek to find International technology sales, trade investment, new markets, and new customers to help grow their business. Visit us for more http://www.psdglobal.com/trade-investment/
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macgyvermedical · 2 years
How Nurses Started Working in Hospitals in the USA:
One thing I learned recently is that in the late-1800s-early-1900s USA, doctors pretty much ran the show in medicine, and were extremely territorial about it. There was a lot of infighting and patient-stealing (to the point where if a doctor called a consult, the AMA had rules on who would walk into and out of the room first so as to prevent the consulting physician from saying anything rude about the primary doc while the primary wasn't there).
This territorality also extended to nurses. Up until this point, nurses did not work in hospitals for a variety of reasons. One of these reasons was that doctors generally saw them as a threat to their practice and wouldn't let them in the door. Nurses were typically private-duty and most nursing care was provided in the home. Nurses were often hired because as family sizes shrank and more people worked outside the home in the late 1800s, there would be fewer people in a family able to devote time to the sick (this also contributed to the rise of hospitals as we see them today).
In this time period, hospitals were pretty terrible places. They were basically locations where you could live while you were sick, but nursing care was not provided unless you brought a family member or hired a nurse to do it. Doctors technically worked there, but generally they were not paid beyond room, board, and some networking opportunities, and most of them were first or second-year doctors still learning the trade (where the term "resident physician" comes from- because they lived at the hospital). Once a doctor finished (or gave up) on a residency post, they would go into private practice, where they would finally be able to charge for their services.
Now back to nurses. Hospitals sucked, but since rich people were typically the only financing a hospital got (patients did not pay at this time. They generally just petitioned the rich people to use the bed(s) they had "purchased" when funding the hospital and the rich people generally had pretty immense say in who was admitted. Later, you paid if you were in a private room, but not if you were on an open ward, leading to additional infighting among doctors who wanted to take care of as many private-room patients as possible due to the possibility of pay for their services).
The rich people did get to tour the hospitals, and their wives generally thought that the hospitals sucked. And since they were traveled and learned and had probably at least read that this weird nurse had decreased mortality in a crimean war hospital from 40% to 2% over the few years of her being in charge, they figured nurses were probably the way to making it suck less.
Doctors pretty much universally hated the idea of bringing nurses into their hospitals, claiming that trained nurses would be a threat to their authority. So the rich wives basically were like "yeah, don't mind us, we're just building these nursing schools near your hospitals- and you know how you're training your doctors on the hospital wards? Yea? Well, we're doing the same things with our student nurses. So they'll just be there with you, huh? And they're just gonna live at the nursing school across the street." And the student nurses pretty much just started caring for the patients in shifts, with more seasoned nurses from the nursing school across the street there to answer questions.
Which is how we got the concept of "diploma nurses" today, as well as how we got nurses in hospitals.
I got this info from the book "The Social Transformation of Medicine in America" By Paul Starr, which is an absolutely buckwild journey through US medical history. Because man, did the US evolve medicine in a completely different way than Europe did, my gawd.
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pilawturkey · 5 months
Turkish Business Lawyer
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This article seeks to examine the particular role of Turkish Business Lawyers in Turkey. Turkey is surrounded on three sides by the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean Sea. Therefore, our country is based on a critical geography. It connects three continents including Africa, Asia and Europe. There is a growing interest of foreign entrepreneurs in making investments.
What is the meaning of Turkish Business Lawyer in Turkey?
Law and its application necessitates a great deal of knowledge about the legal framework in every single country. Every single investment project needs an embracing analysis of applicable Turkish norms. Commercial activities such as company formations, opening a branch, mergers and acquisitions, franchising system must be managed through an efficient legal guidance by foreign investors. Turkish business lawyers provide in-depth services to large, middle or small scale of corporations and|or individuals for their upcoming investment activities.
What is the role of Turkish Business Lawyers for the recent achievements of Pi Legal Consultancy?
Pi Legal Consultancy is a legal consulting and business consulting international law firm in Turkey. Pi Legal Consultancy working groups aim at setting up a wide network inside and outside Turkey. Currently, Pi Legal Consultancy enjoys solution partners and lawyers based in most European and African countries as well as Canada and the United States. Additionally we have three offices based in İstanbul, Ankara and Batman. It necessarily means that Pi Legal Consultancy has a robust network around the globe. Based on a detailed overview of our client profiles, our service quality, satisfying nature of our articles and papers together with our marketing and branding efforts, we have been recently chosen by the London-based Prestige Awards Group as the international law firm of 2022/2023. Currently, we provide legal and business consultancy to leading French, British, Norway, USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, Israel, Canadian and Kuwait companies and the Ministry of Health of Kuwait. We have also created a great collaboration with the Embassy and Istanbul Consulate General of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Pi Legal Consultancy also offers legal guidance to numerous foreigners living or working within the jurisdiction of Turkey. On one hand, Turkish Business Lawyers in Ankara are of utmost importance in meeting the growing interest of particularly individual foreigners. On the other hand, Turkish Business Lawyers in Istanbul are of great importance in offering detailed services to foreign corporations for their investment activities in Turkey.
Pi Legal Consultancy is very pleased to provide a comprehensive business consultancy to foreigners. Qualified commercial lawyers in Ankara and qualified commercial lawyers in Istanbul undertake paramount duties under the umbrella of Pi Legal Consultancy. They provide legal and business consulting to citizens of foreign countries. Form more information about this topic, please click to https://www.pilc.law/turkish-business-lawyer/
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dominion-digital · 7 months
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Are you tired of struggling to find quality leads for your business? We've got the solution you've been searching for! Introducing our cutting-edge Lead Generation Services designed to skyrocket your business to new heights.
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No two businesses are alike, and neither should their lead generation strategies be. Our team of experts will work closely with you to develop personalized approaches that align with your business goals and target audience.
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healthcare-franchises · 7 months
Healthcare Revolution - Exploring the Fastest Growing Franchises in the USA
In the vast landscape of healthcare, a revolution is underway, driven by a new wave of healthcare franchises that are reshaping the industry. These franchises represent more than just businesses; they embody a commitment to health, well-being, and community. Here’s a closer look at the general trends and principles behind the fastest growing healthcare franchises in the USA, ushering in a new era of care.
For More Information Please visit, fastest growing franchises in USA
Innovation as the Driving Force
One of the key factors fueling the growth of healthcare franchises in the USA is innovation. These franchises are embracing cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to provide more efficient and effective healthcare services. From telemedicine and AI-powered diagnostics to wearable health devices, innovation is at the heart of their operations. By staying ahead of the curve, these franchises are not only improving patient outcomes but also enhancing the overall healthcare experience.
Emphasis on Preventive Care
Preventive healthcare has become a cornerstone of these rapidly growing franchises. They understand that keeping people healthy is as important as treating illnesses. By focusing on preventive measures such as regular check-ups, vaccinations, and lifestyle counseling, these franchises are empowering individuals to take charge of their health. This proactive approach not only reduces healthcare costs in the long run but also contributes to a healthier society.
Personalized and Patient-Centric Approach
The era of one-size-fits-all healthcare is fading away. Fastest growing healthcare franchises in the USA are adopting a personalized and patient-centric approach. They recognize that every individual is unique, and healthcare solutions should be tailored to meet individual needs. By offering personalized treatment plans, attentive care, and involving patients in decision-making processes, these franchises are building trust and strong relationships with their clientele.
Community Engagement and Outreach
Healthcare franchises are increasingly becoming active participants in their communities. They organize health camps, awareness programs, and educational workshops to engage with the public. By fostering a sense of community, these franchises are not only addressing immediate health concerns but also promoting a culture of wellness. Community outreach initiatives create a positive impact, leading to healthier lifestyles and increased healthcare awareness.
Focus on Mental Health
Recognizing the importance of mental health, many healthcare franchises are expanding their services to include comprehensive mental health  support. They offer counseling, therapy, and support groups, acknowledging the integral connection between mental and physical well-being. By  addressing mental health issues, these franchises are promoting holistic health and helping individuals lead fulfilling lives.
Expansion of Telehealth Services
The advent of digital technology has paved the way for the expansion of telehealth services. Healthcare franchises are leveraging telemedicine platforms to provide remote consultations, monitor patients’ progress, and offer medical advice from the comfort of one's home. This digital transformation not only enhances accessibility but also ensures continuity of care, especially in challenging times such as the recent global health crisis.
The fastest growing healthcare franchises in the USA are not just businesses; they are champions of health and wellness. Their innovative approaches, focus on preventive care, personalized services, community engagement, mental health support, and adoption of telehealth services are driving a paradigm shift in the healthcare industry. As they continue to expand and evolve, these franchises are not only shaping the future of healthcare but also contributing significantly to the well-being of individuals and communities across the nation.
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imarketer4udma-blog · 10 months
Marketing case study: iM4U drives logistic business to the top USA companies
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Success in trucking depends on how well logistics and marketing work together, not just transportation. This specialized niche, a linchpin of global trade, necessitates innovative approaches to carve out a distinctive identity. One of our clients began with a single truck and a garage. They grew by treating customers well and being fair to employees, fueling their success story. A pivotal partnership emerged in November 2018 when our agency collaborated with them. Together, we bolstered their marketing strategies and harnessed their logistical expertise. The outcome? A notable placement among the top 5000 US companies, with a strong rank of 1910. This is all about demonstrating how good marketing and strong logistics can come together to bring success.
iM4U plan for marketing promotion
We created our marketing plan to elevate our client's integrated marketing strategies and attract more drivers to their company. The primary goal was to enhance the effectiveness of these strategies. The strategy focused on gaining insights into creating effective marketing tactics for a logistics company, including selecting appropriate channels for implementation. The plan's implementation encompassed several key steps: 
devise a structured plan to boost the marketing team's performance;
achieve essential metrics;
analyze the logistics market in the USA;
conduct competitor analysis;
formulate a brand promotion strategy;
enhance brand reputation;
identify suitable promotion channels;
sett a marketing budget for the year;
craft a roadmap for brand promotion.
Concurrently, the marketing consulting aspect of the plan aimed to make important processes in our client's company more organized and efficient. This involved optimizing team performance and creating mechanisms to monitor departmental efficiency indicators, resulting in an overall enhancement of operational efficiency.
More information in our article “How to find your target audience for your business”.
Challenges we faced and how did we overcome them
In the context of the trucking and logistics industry, our client faced a series of distinct marketing challenges that required strategic solutions. 
To stand out in fierce competition, they needed a special value proposition. They achieved this by highlighting advantages like quick deliveries and round-the-clock support. 
Overcoming driver recruitment hurdles involved highlighting a family-like atmosphere and driver-centric policies. 
To gain trust, they showed their no-damage guarantee and a track record of successful deliveries.
They managed to adapt to changing technology and cover vast areas by showing their tech expertise. They tailored messages for different regions.
They tackled complex services and followed regulations by using clear messaging and prioritizing safety. 
Despite cost constraints, a judicious budget allocation ensured high-impact integrated marketing campaigns. Through collaborative efforts, our IM4U Digital Marketing Agency assisted the client in surmounting these challenges, creating a robust marketing strategy tailored to the unique demands of the industry.
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Implementation stage
We developed a comprehensive marketing plan and then executed it effectively. 
Our strategy included showcasing successful deliveries through engaging social media posts and informative blog articles on the company's website. By using data-driven insights, we created personalized email campaigns that generated valuable leads. We met clients at events, used testimonials, and case studies to build trust. 
All of this made our client more well-known, trustworthy, and appealing to drivers. We also enhanced the company's reputation and attractiveness to potential drivers, positioning them as a top choice in the competitive market. 
These multifaceted tactics collectively positively impacted the client's business growth and success.
Results and achievements
Our collaborative marketing endeavors have yielded impressive outcomes and accomplishments within the trucking and logistics industry. Through careful execution, operational expenses decreased significantly by 22%, driven by a more organized structure. Notably, cost per lead reduced impressively by 30%, showing strategy success.
A year-long plan optimized the budget, while a defined marketing department structure improved efficiency. These accomplishments relied on consistent growth, expanding the company's scale by 1.5 to 2 times each year, even during US economic challenges. Additionally, a monthly influx of 10 new drivers underscores our prowess in driver attraction.
Recommendations for logistic businesses
In this situation, our campaign excelled by efficiently organizing operations, reducing costs by 22%. Additionally, we lowered lead costs by an impressive 30%.
From this case study, we learned valuable lessons, especially about tailoring personalized marketing for clients and drivers. We created and implemented data-driven email campaigns, showcasing the strength of our integrated marketing strategy. Equally important, this approach consistently drove business growth, even during economic challenges, due to our operational excellence.
The success story of a truck driving company exemplifies the fusion of marketing and logistics, fortified by a meticulously crafted and executed integrated marketing plan. By emphasizing swift deliveries, driver-centric policies, and damage-free guarantees, they stood out. Personalized email campaigns, engaging content, and trust-building tactics elevated their reputation. Remarkably, operational costs fell by 22%, lead costs by 30%, and the company scaled 1.5 to 2 times annually despite economic challenges. This case showcases the power of strategic collaboration between marketing and logistics, driving growth and resilience through a well-devised marketing plan.
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How to promote your local business - call IM4U agency to get an answer!
Unlock success for your local business! Contact IM4U Integrated Marketing Agency today for tailored solutions. Elevate your brand, reach more customers, and thrive in your community. Don't wait, call now!
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kutlaytelli · 1 year
Presentation of Dr. Kutlay Telli on Medical Liability
System in Turkey
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It is widely recognized that very single health service carries a risk. My presentation for the Kuwait delegation (the Ministry of Health and Al Salam International Hospital) on Medical Liability System in Turkey for January 13th, 2023, observes that if the medical intervention is contrary to the internationally recognized standards and occupational rules in the field of medical science, the relevant service provider is responsible for any kind of harm or injury to the patient. You can see titles of my presentation here: 
Presentation of Dr. Kutlay Telli on Medical Liability
System in Turkey
First Session : General Overview of Medical Liability in Turkey 
1.  Operation of Medical Services in Turkey : public and private distinction of hospitals
a.Public Service
b.Private Service 
2. Medical Liability System Under Turkish Legal Framework 
a.Civil Liability
b.Criminal Liability 
3. Malpractice
a.What is the Definition of Malpractice and What are Core Types of Malpractice
b.Difference Between Malpractice and Complication? 
Second Session: Legal Limits of Medical Liability in Practice
1. Medical Liability Types 
a.Contractual or Extra-Contractual Liability: Ex. Faults of Medical Staff in Medical Practice 
b.Individual Liability of Hospitals: Obligation of Accommodation, Food Supply, Appropriate Medical Equipment etc.
2.Escaping the Shadow of Malpractice in the Light of Judicial Judgments
a.Functions of Expert Reports and Other Relevant Authorities
b.Compensation of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Damage 
3.The Medical Accident Fund    
a.The Issue of Whether There is a State Fund or not for Malpractice
b.The Issue of Whether There is a Compulsory Medical Insurance
Dr. Kutlay Telli 
Senior Lawyer| Consultant| Researcher|Certified Peer Reviewer
LLM Leicester University Faculty of Law, Leicester, UK
Visiting Scholar Fordham University Faculty of Law, New York, USA
After his graduation from the Faculty of Law in Ankara, he received his second master’s degree from the Leicester University Faculty of Law, UK in 2008. He delivered lectures in Fordham School of Law in the USA. He completed his dissertation research for an associate professor degree in New York. He speaks Turkish, French and English very fluently. 
He has extensive experience in different branches of public and private international law. He has been engaging in legal matters within the framework of national and international firms and institutions such as the Turkish Council of State and the United Nations for 15+ years.      
He wrote four books and numerous articles in journals with referees (mostly in English) dedicated to existing and emerging legal challenges and their effective solutions. Dr. Telli has a great capacity to produce legal documents, articles, reports and all related contents in particularly English and Turkish. He plays a considerable role in a number of leading international peer reviewed journals as referee. He also has extensive experience in negotiation techniques and diplomacy.  He is married with two children.
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spookysaladchaos · 2 days
Global Top 7 Companies Accounted for 91% of total Colloidal Silica market (QYResearch, 2021)
Colloidal silica is silica particles that are suspended in a liquid. The liquid is denser than water and has been stabilized electrostatically to allow the particles to stay suspended in the solution. The silica particles are also very small and do not have a large density. If the particles are too large, they will settle out of the solution. If the silica particles are too small, they are difficult to stabilize in a solution. Colloidal silica is not only available in bulk deliveries, but also in plastic drums and IBCs. Ultra-high-purity colloidal silica mainly refers to electronic-grade colloidal silica. Due to the particularity of its application, generally speaking, the purity of ultra-high-purity colloidal silica is about 99.9999% or at least 99.999%.
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According to the new market research report “Global Colloidal Silica Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Colloidal Silica market size is projected to reach USD 0.33 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Colloidal Silica Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Colloidal Silica Top 7 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Colloidal Silica include Fuso Chemical, Merck, Nouryon, Grace, Nalco, etc.
In 2022, the global top four players had a share approximately 91.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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nuwanhemal · 6 days
Here’s What’s Included: How to position yourself as an authority in your space (even if you’re a newbie with ZERO marketing experience or knowledge!) How to create irresistible offers and outsmart (& sell) your competition (even if they’ve dominated your niche for decades.) How to launch your offers for MAXIMUM impact following a simple, sure fire plan of action leveraged by the top 1% of marketers. Discover advanced traffic generation strategies that minimize ad spend and QUADRUPLE your qualified leads and earning potential. How to find and attract your dream clients without wasting time chasing leads or speaking to people who don’t value your time and skills. How to build a huge email list of dream clients and fill your calendar with pre-sold prospects ready to buy WHATEVER you put in front of them. Here’s A Sneak Peek At The Adcon 2024 Line Up: Steven Bartlett Steven Bartlett is the man on everybody’s lips. With millions of loyal followers spanning across every social media platform in existence, his podcast, ‘The Diary Of A CEO,’ is the most popular business and entrepreneurial podcast in the world. If that wasn’t enough, he also has a diverse investment portfolio spanning blockchain, biotech, space, Web 3, and social media. Beyond the digital realm, Steven is a key player on Dragons’ Den, where his dynamic expertise brings a fresh perspective to entrepreneurial ventures. Jon Penberthy Founder and creator of 8-figure coaching and marketing education company AdClients, Jon’s training is responsible for an estimated $100M in reported revenue for his clients. He’s been featured in Forbes, Success Magazine, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Plus he is the founder of AdCon, one of the most sought-after events on the entrepreneurial calendar for coaches and experts in the UK. AdCon Topic: Jon will pull back the curtain on his entire 8-figure coaching empire and break down in simple terms how you can replicate his success in your own coaching business.   Joe Hides Joe Hides is a former Team GB skier who turned his competitive spirit into entrepreneurial success. He’s a master at using Facebook and Instagram ads to grow businesses, driving over $100 million in revenue. He’s a Two Comma Club award winner and a sought-after speaker for his easy-to-follow Meta ads strategies. At AdCon 2024 Joe will demystify Meta advertising showing you how to unlock your business’s potential. AdCon Topic: The secrets behind launching a simple yet highly profitable ad campaign on FB and IG that drives more of your ideal clients to take action with you. Ali Abdaal Ali Abdaal is a former doctor, entrepreneur, creator, and New York Times bestselling author. He started his creator journey back in 2017 and has since amassed a following of over 7 million people across various platforms and newsletters and runs a company with annual revenues over £5 million. To date, Ali’s evidence-based videos, podcasts and articles sharing insights into the human mind, have reached hundreds of millions of people all around the world and, in December 2023 he published his first book – Feel-Good Productivity – which quickly became a New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller. AdCon Topic: The algorithm secrets I’ve used to take my YouTube channel from 0 to over 5 million loyal subscribers and how I successfully monetise that audience to sell my online courses. Dan Henry Wall Street Journal and USA Today’s bestseller Dan Henry has consistently developed products, services, software, and events that have sold millions. He’s won almost every award the industry has to offer and consulted over 1,000 entrepreneurs, including Andy Stickel, Laurel Portie, John Whiting, Jason Phillips, and more. He’s also hosted events and done stage pitches for big influencers like Russell Brunson and Myron Golden. AdCon Topic: How to create your signature hook and
offer to make sure you stand out in any crowded market place and position yourself as the obvious choice for your ideal clients!!
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bdraiusa · 6 months
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sellbigger · 9 months
Visit our Website Sellbigger.com and Contact us today to get a free consultation and a customized solution.
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accelero25 · 12 days
Double Taxation Treaties: A Lifeline for Indian Expats in the US
The United States, like India, has a worldwide income tax system. This means that Uncle Sam taxes its residents' global income, regardless of where it is generated. For Indian expats living and working in the United States, this might lead to a nightmare scenario: double taxation. The US-India Double Taxation Treaty (DTT) serves as a saving grace in this situation. Accelero Corporation a Leading CPA in Hyderabad can help You with USA INDIA Taxes.
Understanding Double Taxation and the DTT's Role
Double taxation happens when the same income is taxed in both the country of residency (the United States in this case) and the source country (India). The DTT tries to ease this burden by establishing clear guidelines for how income is taxed in each country.
Important Points to Remember
The DTT provides relief to Indian expats in a variety of ways:
Residency Matters: To be eligible for DTT advantages, you must be a tax resident of India. A Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) issued by the Indian government is commonly requested as confirmation of residency.
Treaty Provisions Vary: The DTT has particular articles that outline the tax treatment of several sources of income, including salaries, pensions, capital gains, and real estate income. Understanding the specific regulations applicable to your circumstance is critical. It is highly recommended that you consult with a skilled tax advisor who specializes in US-India tax concerns. They may assist you in navigating the treaty's complexity and ensuring that you are taking full advantage of its provisions.
The Saving Clause: states that the United States retains the authority to tax its people on their international income, regardless of the DTT. However, there is a procedure in place to prevent double taxation in such circumstances. The United States permits foreign tax credits, which allow you to deduct taxes paid to India from your US tax liability.
Benefits for Indian Expats in the US: A Deeper Dive
The DTT provides a multifaceted method to shield Indian expats from double taxation. Let's dig deeper into some significant advantages:
Reduced Tax Rates on Passive Income: When Indian residents earn interest, dividends, or royalties in the United States, they are often subject to a lower tax rate under the DTT than ordinary US withholding taxes. For example, the DTT may reduce the US tax on dividends received by an Indian resident from a US corporation to 15%, as opposed to the regular 30% withholding rate. In rare situations, such as interest on certain government bonds, the income may be completely exempt from US taxes. This can result in huge tax savings for Indian expats with investment portfolios.
Protection Against Permanent Establishment (PE) Rules: The DTT defines a PE as a commercial presence that generates taxation in the United States. This is especially important for Indian expats with economic interests in both nations. Assume you're a freelance consultant based in India who offers remote services to clients in the United States. Under the DTT, simply having US clients does not automatically generate a PE in the US, which protects you from surprise US tax payments.
Lower Tax Rates on Business Income: The DTT limits how much the US can tax business profits produced by Indian residents in the US, preventing overtaxation. For example, the DTT may state that the US can only tax revenues obtained by an Indian company's branch in the United States if the branch has a "fixed place of business" where it conducts its operations. This assures a more equitable tax burden for Indian enterprises operating in the United States.
The US-India DTT is a useful tool for Indian expats in the United States, providing tax reductions and preventing double taxation. Understanding the treaty's rules and getting professional counsel will help you navigate your tax duties easily and maximize the benefits available. This can significantly improve your overall financial well-being as you seek your American Dream. Remember, the DTT is a complex document, so don't be afraid to get expert assistance to ensure you're making full use of its provisions.
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astrologerpunith · 15 days
Best Indian Astrologer in Brooklyn, New York, USA - Master Shiva Mahadev 
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Master Shiva Mahadev is the top Indian astrologer in Brooklyn, New York. Learn about the life-changing potential of astrology with him. Master Shiva Mahadev provides precise forecasts and practical remedies for all of your life's issues thanks to his extensive training and experience in Vedic astrology, which spans decades. His one-on-one sessions offer clarity and direction whether you're looking for advice on love, marriage, work, health, or finances. Put your faith in Master Shiva Mahadev's skill to improve and tranquilize your life. Make an appointment with Brooklyn's most dependable astrologer today to see the difference.
Experience the wisdom and expertise of Master Shiva Mahadev, widely recognized as the best Indian astrologer in Brooklyn, New York, USA. With a profound mastery of Vedic astrology, Master Shiva Mahadev has been guiding individuals towards a path of clarity, success, and happiness for over [insert number] years.
Master Shiva Mahadev offers a wide range of astrological services tailored to meet your unique needs. Whether you're facing challenges in love, marriage, career, health, or finances, his in-depth readings and personalized remedies are designed to provide you with accurate insights and effective solutions. His compassionate approach and deep understanding of cosmic influences ensure that each consultation is both enlightening and transformative.
Clients from all walks of life have benefitted from his expertise, praising his ability to uncover hidden truths and offer practical guidance that leads to real, positive change. Master Shiva Mahadev's reputation as a trusted advisor extends beyond Brooklyn, making him a sought-after astrologer for those seeking reliable and profound astrological counsel.
Don't let uncertainties cloud your future. Connect with Master Shiva Mahadev and unlock the secrets of your destiny. Whether you need a detailed horoscope reading, compatibility analysis, or a personalized astrological remedy, he is here to assist you with precision and care.
Book your consultation today with the best Indian astrologer in Brooklyn, New York. Trust in Master Shiva Mahadev to illuminate your path and guide you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.
Negative Energy Removal Astrologer in New York, USA - Master Shiva Mahadev Are you experiencing an abundance of negative energy interfering with your pleasure and tranquility? The top astrologer in New York, USA for eliminating negative energy, Master Shiva Mahadev, is available to assist. Master Shiva Mahadev specializes in locating and removing negative energy that can have an impact on your job, relationships, health, and general well-being. He has extensive knowledge and experience in Vedic astrology.
A wide range of services are available from Master Shiva Mahadev to purify and shield your aura, house, and place of business from negative energies. He successfully eliminates negative energies and brings harmony and balance back through individualized energy cleansing rituals, spiritual healing sessions, and the use of amulets and talismans.red to your unique needs. Whether it's through specialized rituals, mantra chanting, or the use of yantras and gemstones, Master Shiva Mahadev provides solutions that ensure lasting protection and positivity.
Bad Luck Removal
Are you experiencing a streak of misfortune or feeling like luck is not on your side? Put an end to your struggles with Master Shiva Mahadev, the renowned bad luck removal astrologer in New York, USA. Drawing upon his profound knowledge of Vedic astrology and ancient wisdom, Master Shiva Mahadev specializes in identifying and remedying the root causes of bad luck and negativity in your life.
Master Shiva Mahadev offers a range of personalized services aimed at removing obstacles and restoring positivity. Through careful analysis of your astrological chart and intuitive insights, he uncovers the underlying factors contributing to your streak of bad luck.
Benefit from customized remedies and rituals designed to dissolve negative karmic patterns and attract positive energies into your life. Whether it's through powerful prayers, rituals, or the use of specific gemstones and talismans, Master Shiva Mahadev provides effective solutions tailored to your unique situation.
Get Your Ex Love Back
With Master Shiva Mahadev's compassionate guidance, you can navigate the complexities of love and relationship dynamics with clarity and confidence. Through in-depth analysis of your astrological charts and intuitive understanding of human emotions, he unveils the underlying reasons for the separation and provides practical remedies to overcome obstacles and reignite the flame of romance.
Experience the power of ancient rituals, mantras, and astrological remedies tailored to your unique situation. Whether you seek to heal past wounds, resolve misunderstandings, or attract positive energies for reconciliation, Master Shiva Mahadev's expert guidance can pave the way for a harmonious reunion with your beloved.
Don't let the pain of separation overshadow your happiness. Take the first step towards reclaiming your lost love with Master Shiva Mahadev's compassionate support and proven techniques. Book your consultation today and embark on a journey towards a blissful reunion with your ex-love.
Job and Business Problem
Do you find it difficult to advance in your business operations or to face obstacles in your career? Consult Master Shiva Mahadev, a reputable expert in astrology and spiritual disciplines, for advice and solutions. Master Shiva Mahadev provides specialized ways to get past work and business-related roadblocks, utilizing his extensive knowledge and experience to help you succeed and find joy in your career. Master Shiva Mahadev offers perceptive advice and practical solutions to help you get over any obstacles you may be facing, whether they are related to obstacles in your business journey, disagreements with coworkers or superiors, or setbacks in your professional development.
Palm Reading
Discover the secrets that lie within the lines of your palm with Master Shiva Mahadev, an esteemed palm reading expert. Through the ancient art of palmistry, Master Shiva Mahadev offers profound insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and future prospects.
With Master Shiva Mahadev's guidance, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life's journey. Whether you seek clarity on your career path, relationships, health, or personal development, palm reading can provide valuable guidance and direction.
During your palm reading session, Master Shiva Mahadev carefully examines the lines, mounts, and shapes on your palm to unveil hidden truths and potential opportunities. He offers personalized interpretations and practical advice tailored to your unique circumstances, empowering you to make informed decisions and navigate life's challenges with confidence.
Health Issue
Health issues can be varied and complex, ranging from chronic illnesses, mental health problems, and lifestyle-related conditions to acute diseases. These problems often require a multifaceted approach for effective management and healing. Individuals facing persistent health problems might feel hopeless or frustrated after trying various conventional treatments without significant improvements.
Astrology, an ancient practice that studies the influence of celestial bodies on human life, offers an alternative perspective on health and wellness. According to astrology, the position and movement of planets can significantly impact a person's physical and mental health. Certain planetary alignments or transitions might be associated with specific health issues.
Divorce Problem
Astrology offers insights into personal relationships and marital harmony by examining the influence of celestial bodies on individual behavior and compatibility. According to astrology, the positions of planets at the time of birth, as well as their transits, can impact marital relationships. Certain planetary combinations might indicate potential challenges in relationships, while others can suggest compatibility and harmony.
Contact Information
Ready to discover the guidance you need? Visit Master Shiva Mahadev's astrology center in Brooklyn or schedule a virtual consultation. Embrace the wisdom of the stars and unlock your true potential with the top astrologer in Brooklyn, New York.
Address: Brooklyn, New York, USA Phone: +1 (929) 544-2484 Email:[email protected]
Website: https://mastershivamahadev.com/
Experience the power of astrology with Master Shiva Mahadev, and step into a future filled with clarity, confidence, and peace.
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dbmrrmarket · 16 days
Candy Market Size, Share, Trends, Demand, Growth, Challenges and Competitive Analysis
Global Candy Market study by Data Bridge Market Research provides details about the market dynamics affecting the Candy market, Market scope, Market segmentation and overlays shadow upon the leading market players highlighting the favourable competitive landscape and trends prevailing over the years.
A number of estimations and calculations have been included in the first class Candy market report by assuming definite base year and the historic year. The report describes estimations of CAGR values, market drivers and market restraints about the Candy industry which is helpful for businesses in deciding upon numerous strategies. With this market report, businesses can effectively gain a holistic view of the market and then also benchmark all the companies in the Candy industry. To win the competition in the global market place, going for this global market research report is necessary. The credible Candy market report makes organization armed with information produced by sound research methods.
The global candy market size was valued at USD 242.94 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 330.95 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 3.94% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2031. In addition to the market insights such as market value, growth rate, market segments, geographical coverage, market players, and market scenario, the market report curated by the Data Bridge Market Research team includes in-depth expert analysis, import/export analysis, pricing analysis, production consumption analysis, and consumer behaviour.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Candy, also known as sweets or confectionery, is a type of food product that is typically sweet and often made from sugar or sugar substitutes. It can come in various forms, including hard candies, chocolates, gummies, and chewy candies, and may be flavored with fruits, nuts, spices, or artificial flavors.       
Some of the major players operating in the market are:
Ferrero (Italy)
Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd (japan)
Quality Candy Company (U.S.)
Nestlé (Switzerland), Cloetta (Sweden)
General Mills Inc. (U.S.)
Mondelez International (U.S.)
Mars, Incorporated (U.S.)
pladis global (U.K.)
Storck (German)
Perfetti Van Melle (Netherland)
Candy Rush Muskoka (Canada)
HARIBO GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Arcor, (Argentina)
Sweet Candy Company (U.S.)
Palmer-candy (U.S.)
Jelly Belly Candy Company (U.S.)
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Research Methodology
Part 04: Candy Market Landscape
Part 05: Pipeline Analysis
Part 06: Market Sizing
Part 07: Five Forces Analysis
Part 08: Market Segmentation
Part 09: Customer Landscape
Part 10: Regional Landscape
Part 11: Decision Framework
Part 12: Drivers and Challenges
Part 13: Market Trends
Part 14: Vendor Landscape
Part 15: Vendor Analysis
Part 16: Appendix
How the Report Aids Your Business Discretion?
This section of this Market report highlights some of the most relevant factors and growth enablers that collectively ensure a high-end growth spurt
The report unravels details on pronounced share assessments across both country-wise as well as region-based segments
A leading synopsis of market share analysis of dynamic players inclusive of high-end industry veterans
New player entry analysis and their scope of new business models
The report includes strategic recommendations for new business veterans as well as established players seeking novel growth avenues
A detailed consultation services based on historical as well as current timelines to ensure feasible forecast predictions
A thorough evaluation and detailed study of various segments as well as sub-segments across regional and country-specific developments
Details on market estimations, market size, dimensions
A review of market competitors, their high-end product and service portfolios, dynamic trends, as well as technological advances that portray high end growth in this Market
The Report Can Answer the Following Questions:
Who are the global key players of Candy industry? How are their operating situation (capacity, production, price, cost, gross and revenue)?
What are the types and applications of Candy? What is the market share of each type and application?
What are the upstream raw materials and manufacturing equipment of Candy? What is the manufacturing process of Candy?
Economic impact on Candy industry and development trend of Candy industry.
What are the key factors driving the global Candy industry?
What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Candy market?
What are the Candy market challenges to market growth?
What are the Candy market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the global Candy market?
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About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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