#league of legends Janna
notoriouslydevious · 1 year
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D R O W N I N G  by  阿虚直
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grimmf0xx · 1 year
Janna: The Storm's Fury.
The other day I made a post talking about how excited I was that Janna finally had a real design and her character and lore was expanded upon. Now I want to actually talk about what this means for Janna and how she interacts with the world of Runeterra. At least, my interpretations of it.
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Starting with her stunning level 1 card art, she is finally shown to be a goddess. We finally have a design to express what she is in the lore and we can say goodbye to the generic sexy elf (at least in LOR). There is more to her design from a worldbuilding perspective. Yes we have the Shuriman clothing, the golds, the brass and the green, even the tanned skin all showcasing her origins as a shuriman spirit god. However if she is now a goddess protecting Zaun and Piltover why doesn't she have expressions from these clockwork and chemwork cities? I think she doesn't rock Piltovan and Zaunite aesthetics because she takes on a form of her own choosing and she most likely has kept the form that was passed down through word of mouth. Shuriman sailors worshipped her as a goddess of weather and those who prayed to her would have passed on the stories and descriptions of their goddess through both word of mouth and writing. I think the few stories and pieces of literature that still exist of Janna still describe her in a Shuriman way and so that is the form she still chooses to hold when she is seen by her people. But I also think Janna herself feels deeply connected to her Shuriman form, they were her first followers, her first worshippers, the first to build shrines in her honour and leave offerings on her alters, I think Janna herself is attached to this form and whilst she most likely takes on many other forms such as birds or even more Zaunite versions of herself I believe her default is that of how she was first described as a way to stay connected and represent her original people who she failed to protect when worshipping her became outlawed.
On a side note, I again want to talk about how she is translucent in her splash art here, I don't think she can be seen by any of the children. None of them are looking at her, they are all looking at the boat which is pretty strange because if the god you worshipped appeared and started playing with you, you might take a moment to actually look at her. Instead they are all fixated on the boat Janna is pushing along, I think Janna is simply watching over the kids here, taking a moment to use her powers to bring joy to those growing up in a troubled city, keeping them a way from that trouble.
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The fall of Janna's followers is interesting to look at when looking at her overall lore. She wasn't some small unknown goddess to a tiny town she had a massive following, so much so temples and statues were built to worship her. Zaunites believe she's the goddess of fresh air, She never appeared to them as a goddess of fresh air, in fact when Zaun finally saw her for the first time in all her power she was commanding the winds to throw back the ocean that was flooding the city, she called the winds to usher people to safety and pull them from the waters. It was only after that when people began to worship her again and she found a new home that she started clearing the streets of Zaun of the poisonous smog. Before this she was worshipped as the goddess of weather and sailing (most likely by the costal communities of Shurima) until worshiping her was outlawed.
I think Janna has a lot more power than what we see, I think she is truly "The Storm's Fury" and has dominion over storms, rain and wind however she isn't a god who shows all her power demanding worship and sacrifice like some other gods, she is in service to her people she protects them, guides them and so wind is all we ever see her use. She could command lightning if she wanted to, she could wrap a city in an eternal storm commanding all bow to her but instead she listens to what her people cry out in need for and she does whatever is in her power to help.
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Janna embodies and has dominion over one of the most destructive forces of nature, storms have been responsible for levelling entire cities and yet she is not a goddess of war, her followers are kind and welcoming, preaching love and acceptance.
Its interesting to see the parallel between Janna and Volibear. Both are storm gods in the same world however Volibear demands war, he demands blood tribute for his blessings, when the Freljord began to turn away from the old ways Volibear swore he would create a river of blood.
Janna blesses people who don't even ask for help, and those who do come to her seeking guidance and perhaps even a boon she showers with gifts beyond their dreams.
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Galesong Swallow is one of Janna's follower cards and I might be reading too much into it but I think this is an example of Janna providing blessings people aren't directly asking for. These creatures are spirit birds "half made up of water" they happen to be flying over Zaun, the most polluted city in the world, Janna might be sending these creatures over the city, brining rain and filling up tanks with clean and fresh water.
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The Windborne Mariner talks about how he had everything he wanted materialistically wanted in life, however taking it from others left him feeling empty inside. He now follows Janna and hopes she will lead him down a better path. When Played with Janna she says "Place your faith in me and your path will unfold" Windborne than replies "Janna I beg you reveal my path to me"
Janna doesn't have to grant him a boon, she doesn't need to give him any special powers or guidance. She knows by simply encouraging him to stay with her followers he will change his values, she knows he is capable of putting in the effort to change into the man he wants to be. "Wind may not be seen to move our world" She is telling him not all actions require payment or recognition, good things make the world a better place and good deeds don't need recognition. When Janna gives a blessing to the temple caretaker Windborne Says "Wait you? I love that for you" and the caretaker replies, "perhaps the answers is in others, not yourself" again preaching kindness and good actions towards others to better himself rather than being given something he can use. Janna is answering his prayers, encouraging to work for her favour so he can discover the kindness within himself.
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Janna's interactions with Nilah show a much more involved approach to granting blessings. When draw with Janna, Janna will say. "I will aid you Nilah, for you face monsters"
And this is where we start to see the full power of Janna's blessings.
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Exalted Cloudwinder is zephyr, a spirit of the winds, super charged and summoned by Janna.
"My dear zephyr, come down from your clouds and perch on my shoulder a while won't you?"
Janna hasn't just summoned a cloudwinder for the sake of showing off her power she is sending it onwards with Nilah's ships, Janna knows it will take all of Nilah's strength and more to defeat the Volibear and so she is using her power to conjure calms seas and summons powerful winds to guide Nilah and her followers safely across the ocean to the Freljord.
"With wind in our sails onward!" -Janna
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Nilah has her own story fighting the Volibear but from Janna's interactions with the both of them and from the splash art I think Janna is still present in this fight between Nilah and Volibear. Lightning is striking and bouncing off Nilah, this is Janna's doing, her final blessing. Janna cannot beat Volibear on his own turf but she can aid Nilah on her quest of defeating the beast.
"Be at peace! The storm may rage around you, but it shall not harm you" - Janna
Janna is not strong enough in the Freljord to block the full might of the Volibear but she can still have a strong presence, wrapping Nilah in protective winds guiding her through the raging tempest protecting her from the lightning, wind and ice so Nilah can stand a chance against the wild god.
I also want to take a moment to aknowledge the interactions between Janna and Volibear as I have been wanting the two storm gods of Runeterra to fight for a long time and it truely showcases their dynamic, Janna showers her people with blessings and fights only when she truly needs to. Volibear withholds power from his people, twisting their forms into machines for violence when he finally grants them power as he lives for blood and war.
"You wish to cut my thread? Grand boast tiny being!"
"Your rage will leave you nothing to protect"
During the battle Janna guides her people, comforting them before the battle on the horizon.
"Hold fast to your hope, in me and in one another!"
Janna fights along side her people, she doesn't command them.
Volibear's followers demand and power from them as he enhances their twisted forms and Volibear stirs his follower's lust for violence with war cries.
"My storm does more than destroy, Volibear"
"Drive your storms harder Janna!"
This is not the first time the storm gods have been at war, and it won't be the last.
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league-of-skins · 8 months
Heavenscale Ezreal (+ Prestige), Master Yi, Kai’Sa, and Janna
(Not included yet: Heavenscale Lee Sin (Legendary + scam chroma) and Heavenscale Smoldee
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sphelon8565 · 1 year
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Janna hugs Luxanna ~ wip.
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metalichotchoco · 1 year
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I like thinking about her as a fun aunt that holds onto every single trinket she’s ever been given
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lesmeltingpot · 1 year
Can I ask for one more?
I’d like to see a black edit of Janna from League of Legends. She’s supposed to be originally from Shurima, the African-inspired desert region, but she’s as pale as snow. My dream rework has her as a true Shuriman.
My personal inspiration is Tems at the latest Oscars. That dress SCREAMED “Wind Goddess”.
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Jana is Black!
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thehigherthetide · 2 years
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My Favorite Janna Skin - Forecast Janna
Let my winds—and the teleprompter—guide you!
Is it Janna’s prettiest skin? No. Of course not. Compared to Sacred Sword or Star Guardian or, one of my personal favorites, Guardian of the Sands, Forecast Janna is far from it.
But it definitely isn’t her ugliest either. I know it. You know it. We all know her ugliest skin is Hextech. But Forecast Janna is cute and fun and just good.
I won’t bother talking about the model, but I like the visual effects on all her abilities. My absolute favorite part has to be her E (Eye of the Storm) that makes a news weather report type noise whenever you shield someone and how the shield is a globe.
I also love her voice lines, especially when she ults (Monsoon) and gets overtaken by the storm. It’s a very light-hearted skin that doesn’t characterize Janna as her usual soft yet mysterious protector.
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cutestupid-emotes · 2 years
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Janna Static Emotes (etsy)
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tinyissleepy · 1 month
this twisted fate was something else
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piltover-sharpshooter · 3 months
Random things from Arcane Season 2 teaser
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Jinx seems to be hunting down other Chem-Barons? Maybe she wants to properly take over.
And Sevika is helping her, that arm looks very much modified by Jinx.
That's absolutely Viktor in the slums with the Shimmer addicts, hint of the glorious revolution?
Vi has her googles!!! And they are indeed Claggors!!!!
Warwick looks different! I wonder if they'll make it so he's not completly wolfed out and he still has a human-looking face
Vi and Jinx fight in a temple dedicated to Janna!
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aurelion-solar · 3 months
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Janna Shrine in Arcane Season 2 Teaser Trailer
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Bewitching Janna by 天使边界
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grimmf0xx · 1 year
Janna Finally Getting a Character
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Janna's new look in LOR is probably one of the best design updates league has ever done, it perfectly depicts her as a goddess of the weather and winds, the way her hair is not only flowing but holds a twisting cyclone shape, her staff is no longer this blocky crystalline mess but rather something actually connected to her character, carrying the gold from Shuriman aesthetics but it being twisting wings using the shape language of a tornado. Her outfit holding the figure and general design we have been used to for the character but enhancing it so it isn't just pure sex appeal but rather actual costuming AGAIN tying into her Shruiman origins and the tanning of her skin again connecting her back to Shurima. She truly feels like a goddess now and not just some sexy elf BUT AN ACTUAL GODDESS, one who soars above the city hidden in plain sight protecting people who need her. Also the not to her being half invisible in her card art is incredible because it implies that none of the children can see her but she is still there with them watching over them guiding them, protecting them and helping them have fun in such a dangerous city.
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Janna's sunken temple is also just, such a wonderful piece of world building compared to other gods in the world. Volibear for example is straight up attacking the Freljord for how they have strayed from his ways. Janna on the other hand, her place of worship has been destroyed, it collapsed into the sea, faith and belief in her was waning and some even forgot about her but when her people needed her Janna was there, she protected the city, so few believed in her when Zaun was being destroyed by flooding and yet she was there and saved everyone she could, believes and non believes alike, anyone she was able to save, she did.
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Seeing her true god form is also absolutely fantastic, Janna's level-1 card art shows a goddess who loves her people, a gentle presence, a breeze to usher children from danger, a wind to clear the streets of polluted airs, but this, her level-2 art just shows she is a god, the hair fully becoming a raging twister, her body wrapped in wings and feathers as she throws back the threat to her city with the full force of a storm. This makes me want to write about her again, to polish off the Runination story I've had sitting on my desktop since the event because she has truly has earnt the title "The Storm's Fury". (Don't even get me started on her new and incredible voice lines)
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league-of-skins · 2 months
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Bewitching Janna, Golden Chroma
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ssephyr · 3 months
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Some character illustrations
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metalichotchoco · 1 year
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The smog wraps around you so sweetly, she’s here now
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