#league of legends xayah x reader
zdux · 1 year
SFW headcanons with Xayah and Rakan dating a Vastya reader who has wings
Rakan & Xayah X Vastya!Reader who has wings
The two of them have always known one thing: Together, they are complete. Together, they make one pair of wings.
Until they met you.
You were the only Vastya they had ever run into with a complete set of wings. They knew it was possible, but it was common belief that having two wings was a bad omen, it meant you would be alone forever.
And yet, despite the folktales that surrounded it, you seemed happy, proud even. Maybe it was because you could fly, soar through the skies on your own, and see sights the two of them only dreamed of, but neither of them could deny that they were impressed by you.
Xayah was unsure about you at first, as she always is with new people, but she learned to trust you slowly. The more you told her about what it felt like to fly, the more she realized she was becoming entranced by your stories. She grew to love how you described the sky, how the wind felt against your skin, how it felt to glide high above all your worries... and she grew to love you. She would stare into your eyes as you told your stories, seeing a night sky in the reflection the campfire cast. She would watch them sparkle like a meteor shower when you got excited, and she would smile every time. Rakan was the only person she ever felt like she could be truly vulnerable with, and here you were, making her feel the same way. She almost didn't believe it, thinking at first that it was just how she felt about the sky and the wind, but as she coaxed you into telling stories about yourself instead of the sky, she realized the feeling didn't go away. You were more special to her than flying ever could be, and all she wanted to do hear you tell stories for the rest of your lives.
Rakan was the opposite, as usual. He liked you almost instantly, begging you to tell him about your adventures in the sky. But the more you told them, the more somber he became. The reality that he would never be able to experience it, to join you up there brought him down and reminded him about all he was missing out on. He'd give anything to have a chance to fly, the closest he ever came is when he was using his wing to stabilize himself when jumping or falling. He would stare out into the starry sky while you told stories about your journeys, while Xayah stared into your eyes passionately as you spoke. He'd look out, wishing he could get a glimpse of that world, but knowing he never could. He didn't resent you for it, in fact it made him fall for you harder; knowing you had something so special about you that no one else could ever truly share. It made him realize how unique you were, and that no matter how badly he wanted to touch the sky, the actual closest he would ever come to it was touching you.
Both of them realized the other was falling in love before they realized it themselves, but they weren't afraid. They didn't fear that they would fall apart, or that you were coming between them, not at all. They realized that they both wanted the same thing: you. And they were completely happy to share, if you'd have them.
When they eventually confessed, they did it together, taking turns to ask you to be them with in their own unique way. When you accepted, hugging them both and crying, they were both shocked and held you, Xayah asking what was wrong. And when you told them you felt so relieved that they felt the same way, and that the fairytales weren't true, that you didn't have to be alone, they both smiled. Rakan wiped the tears from your face, and they pulled you close in an embrace. From that moment on, they realized that the myths shouldn't be about how alone those with wings are, but how lucky they are to fall in love twice ♡
I hope you liked it!! I tried to go really soft here, something about this prompt just came across so heartfelt and loving to me.
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unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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lightning-bringer · 2 years
Rules, Masterlist and disclaimers!
If you stumbled through my blog and want to know what this is about, hello and thank you for your time! This is a blog created for fun, where I write about League of Legends characters and lore, and I hope you have fun here too.
If you want to make a request, check out the rules bellow.
If you want to check my works, here's a link to my Masterlist!
This blog contains NSFW works, and accepts NSFW requests, so it's automatically a dni for minors, but I'm also not responsible for the content people consume online.
All of my works will be the tagged as NSFW or SFW in the masterlist
I work fairly slow on the requests because of irl things, and since this blog was made for fun, it's not my top priority to update (I also may have to do some reading/researching upon the requested character, if I'm not familiar, which takes more time since I dont like to go ooc)
I'm open to write about any character and lots of themes, such as angst, hurt no comfort, character death, etc! (but I also may refuse a request if I don't like it for any reason), but minors and animals will always be automatically platonic relationships
As a queer person myself, I will always respect a queer character's identity, which means I will not write a character with someone out of it's sexuality (ex: write Graves with women or Neeko with men)
My DMs are open for chatting or to answer linger questions before requesting
Rules for requesting
Now the fun part! I will write pretty much any format, imagines, headcanons, fanfics; x reader, y/n or ships with existing characters. If you don't specify anything in your request, I'll do the one I think fits the idea the best! When it comes to universes/skins, unless the request says otherwise, I will use the main/OG universe.
Also, if you don't specify if your request is SFW or NSFW, I will always keep it SFW (you can request a separate NSFW version of your request later, if you want it).
I do have my favorite characters to write about/the ones I'm more familiar with, which I will list in no preference order, but don't let that stop you! Even if the character you want is not listed bellow, few free to request it and I'll do my best to write it!
The character's are:
Xayah and Rakan
Renata Glasc
Miss Fortune
Twisted Fate
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heckinhacker · 5 years
Can I get SG Xayah x female reader headcanons? please?
Star Guardian!Xayah x Star Guardian!Fem!S/O - meeting and falling in love.
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A/N: In this version she had something going on with Rakan but none of them did anything about it, so she was single while every headcanon of it. ^^
Edit: kinda frick fracked everything but just go along with it?? I hope that mistake in history I made won't be that much of a problem, sniff
You got chosen by The First Star out of nowhere - you didn’t even knew why. 
You did agree, of course! You were normal human being, but got chosen anyway. Only Ezreal had it that way, so you were moved to Ahri’s team, so it’s easier for you to fit in.
You became friends with Ezreal right away, he told you the most important tips, but some were as useful as holes in the bridge - which means not at all. They were like that because Ezreal has that self esteem of God.
Good for him, but you’re not exactly like him, poorly. 
You tried to befriend everyone and it went almost easy.
Why almost? You had this hell of a ride to even start a conversation with Xayah - you just got instant crush and couldn’t deal with it.
She was so…perfect?? But you were sure she was taken.
Surprise - she wasn’t! Ezreal told you Rakan hit friendzone with his face way too hard, they’re just close together because they’re childhood friends!
You sighed with relief. Ezreal hit your back, laughing loudly. “That’s your chance! Go, befriend her! Then use that one pick-up line I teached you!”
“ This the last thing I should tell her-”
He pushed you into her direction - but he pushed a little bit too hard, you lost your balance.
Xayah didn’t let you fall, of course. She caught you, slowly helping you up. “Are you alright?” she asks. 
You, burning red right away, answer “Y-yeah, I’m okay…”
You both stare into each other’s eyes for too long. You thought it’s because situation is awkward, so you, as a dummy, started: “D…did it hurt when heaven fall- I-I mean, Oh GOD.” You wanted to walk away, especially hearing her laugh, but she grabbed your wrist.
“ Hurt as hell, still hurts when I walk. You’d like to help me out?”
You had no idea how in the hell that worked, but it fucking did! 
You walked with her around school, then had some walk around town, you really clicked. She saw that and you did too.
Rakan once walked up to you, looking angry as hell. And your only thoughts were “oh crap oh crap oh crap what if ezreal made a goof out of you and they actually WERE together? crapcrapcrap-”
“[y/n], we need to talk.”
“ y…ye?”
“If you try to hurt Xayah, I swear to the First Star none of your magical abilities will be able to save you from me kicking your ass. I don’t even care that you’re a girl-”
“Rakan, wait, what are you talking about?”
“She LIKES you [y/n]! I wasn’t supposed to tell you that but if you just dare to even say no to her after you hit on her, I swear I will-”
You giggled loudly and hugged him out of happiness. Rakan just groaned quietly and hugged you too.
“Please, be good to her.” 
“I will be, I will be! But…I’m sorry, Rakan.”
“ I’ll move on. Who wouldn’t like a pretty face like mine?”
“You ARE handsome and charming, it’ll be easy.”
At this moment you became friends with Rakan too.
Important: Don’t worry about Rakan, he wasn’t that sad, he could be stil Xayah’s friend and hit on some other girl, no problemo! He was a-okay, don’t worry about him ^^
You got to be Xayah’s girlfriend for two weeks, but THIS happened. 
You were too far from her to help, Rakan jumped in to help her as a true friend he is - and Neeko with them got lost too! 
You wanted to run and attempt to save your girlfriend too, but Syndra grabbed you with nelson hold, not letting you go. You had no clue Syndra is that strong. You sobbed your eyes out. Everyone looked shaken, but you had it the worst. 
Ahri said you all need to go back, and you did. 
You couldn’t function for a long time, you just cut yourself off. Noone could reach you, not even Ezreal.
You were desperate, and  you knew Ahri wouldn’t agree to even try and make sure they’re over, so you went alone. 
It was a mistake, of course, but with a good ending for you. Why?
You went there, and Zoe knew you will, you loved Xayah too much you couldn’t live with the thought of not being sure. So she was there, she’d shown herself after you appeared.
You gasped, you wanted to get to her as fast as possible to hug her, even though you knew there was something bad with her. Good  you didn’t run into her, since she took her fighting position, her feathers ready to be thrown.
You had that short fight where she won, because you were distracted by emotions. 
You were lying down, she was above you, holding sharp feather in her hand above your head, ready to kill.
“Xayah, wait, please!” you shouted desperately. You saw the change in her eyes, worried expression.
“…[y/n]…?” She lowered her hand with feather, dropping it.
Zoe was losing her goddamn mind, she was shouting “kill her! K I L L HER!”
But Xayah knew she’ll lose herself in a moment, and knew you’ll be a stubborn baby about not leaving her alone, so she leaned down and kissed you, holding your cheeks with her pretty hands.
You knew what she was doing. You kissed her back, letting her corrupt you too. 
You just didn’t want to leave her alone.
You were the best villain girlfriends this world ever had, let me tell you. ;)
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nightmaresprophet · 2 years
Ahri and Xayah falling in love with Reader
Because Ahri and Xayah always deserve more headcanons. Also, be prepared for an Ahri x Reader One Shot eventually!
Also, they really need to put my precious Xayah and Ahri in more trailers smh.
By the way, I am thinking of *possibly* accepting League of Legends x Reader requests if anyone would be open to it, but that’s a maybe.
Notes: You know the drill. Implied Male Reader, but can be read for either gender, touch on Ahri’s past but mostly fluffy goodness!
(Also, I was legit just finished with this only for me to lose nearly all of poor Xayah’s section, so if it’s a bit weird it’s probably that. I do like how it turned out despite that as I love her and wanted to make it the best I can, but I may re-do it or add to it)
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-Ahri is a sharp woman. In fact, no, that’s an understatement. She is so aware of her emotions that the Nine-tailed Fox is more or less aware of her feelings for you straight away, she also knows why she feels this way, and she curses herself for falling in love again when she already killed someone close to her, and she promised herself to never fall for someone again until you, someone who was nice to her despite everything, even when you found out who she really was and got to know her and made her heart that she promised will never open again... open again.
-Everytime you come near her she freezes for a few seconds before relaxing. She’s scared. Actually, she’s low-key terrified. She probably doesn’t know what to do for the first few days when she realises her love for you, alternating between being oddly affectionate and teasing, to being... strangely silent. Not to the point of being rude, but enough to let you know that something is off. During the silent times she’s thinking what it’d be like if she just... ran away whilst you were sleeping. You would be hurt most definitely, yes, but then she at least would know you’d be safe from her. Is it a bit selfish? Quite possibly, but she wants the best for you. Yet, whenever she resolved to leave, she takes one look at your face, and all of her will to leave vanishes.
-Eventually though, she has to face the facts. She loves you, very much so, and she cannot leave. At first she just settles for pining far away, content to just be silent about her affections for you and if you open up to her? That’s great! However… that lasts for a solid day or until someone dares flirt or even be kind enough that it can be mistaken for a romantic gesture. Possessiveness takes hold and she has to hold herself back from snapping the poor person’s neck.
-This this leads to one thing, Ahri deciding to win your heart for herself, and I can safely say that this girl is going all out. At first she thought she can just use her normal charms, but after thinking about it, it… didn’t feel right. She charms those she doesn’t care about and throws away, she wants to court you instead, show you how she feels in a human way. This leads Ahri to scour about how to show someone you like them, and that leads to quite fascinating results.
-You best be prepared for flowers, so long as you aren’t allergic, the ones she gives most are Red Roses, showing Love, but also Delphinium, showing ardent attachment. She also turns up her teasing, but her words and less inclined to make you embarrassed, but instead leave you blushing. Ahri knows just how beautiful she is, and she definitely uses it to her advantage. She also takes plenty of interest in what you do, and definitely wants to learn it if possible!
-She’s a huge romantic, though she won’t admit it easily, so her deepest desire is for you to confess to her, but honestly? The more her love for you grows, the more she doesn’t really care about whether you confess first or not. If she sees that you do like her, or at least has strong grounds to believe so, then she definitely cracks and spills her love for you. How much she adores you, how you always help her feel better when she’s down, and just how deep her feelings are for you… before, with your permission, promptly connecting her lips with yours, and when you finally confess to each other properly? She’s over the moon, and though it may take her a bit to fully come out of her shell and get rid of her worries, she loved you more than anything, and would do anything it takes to make sure you’re safe and happy.
-Just a small bonus, but she definitely dreams of having a family with you, with the two of you just living together in a cozy little home with a few children, but that’s something Ahri only wants to do when everything is sorted and she can guarantee control over herself.
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(Look at Xayah being silly and adorable, I legit love her so much-)
-This girl is super in tune with her emotions, and the first emotion she feels is definitely surprise. Like, the Rebel definitely didn’t expect to fall in love. Sure, maybe somewhere down the line when the Vastaya are freed and she accomplished her dreams, maybe then she can settle down, but before that? She never dreamt of it.
-Part of her is scared at first. She has made plenty of enemies, Zed being a pretty good example, and she’s worried you’ll be targeted. Still, despite everything, Xayah is far more willing to accept it than Ahri. Whilst she does stop speaking with you for a day or so, the next day she’s back like nothing happened, crossing her arms and talking and joking with you like nothing happened and soon, everything is back to how it should be.
-Xayah is still Xayah, fact is she can be cold at times and you two still clash despite everything, but it has been starting to become somewhat clear that you have an almost calming essence on the Bird Vastaya. You two balance each other out surprisingly very well most the time, and this causes Xayah to fall further in love with you. She wants an equal in a relationship, and that is definitely what she sees you as.
-Xayah is way more patient than Ahri though, and it is important to note she doesn’t go by Human mating rituals. Instead, Xayah follows her own feelings, and instead goes by how Vastayans court (even if you somehow turn out to be a human, in which case congratulations!) She doesn’t parade her feelings for you, but they are there if one looks at them.
-She takes special interests in what you’re interested in as well. She often just sits down with you and just… listens. She doesn’t interrupt unless it’s to ask a question, and even then it’s an interesting point. She loves watching you talk about something, anything, you find fun, something you’re passionate about and she can’t help but smile really.
-One of the biggest turning points in your relationship is when she gifts you a feather of hers. Sure, she claims it’s just a good luck charm and in that essence she isn’t entirely wrong, but this is a big deal. A HUGE deal, as it essentially means she’s, for the first time, proclaiming she has intentions to get together with you romantically, though she does play it off. Not only that, but… it is nerve wracking for her as well, though she’d sooner toss herself down a ledge than admit it. Expect most Vastayans to cease flirting with you, and some may even try to push you two together! Of course though, there are still a few outliers, and should anyone hit on you during these days, it’s when Xayah gets mad, real mad let’s just say.
-Eventually though, everything clicks into place. She doesn’t say anything, content to instead have you come to her eventually and question her. This… is when she admits everything, and it’s also her lowering the walls she built. She confesses how she didn’t expect her to fall in love this early, how annoyed she felt when she saw others flirt with you, and probably more. The Rebel eventually does ask where this leaves the two of you, whether the two of you will be together, and when you smile and confess you love her too… She smiles a loving smile, aimed solely at you.
-“Alright then, Mieli/Miela (My Love), let’s sort everything around so we can look forward to out future together, alright?”
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edgyspooks · 3 years
Can request A from the SFW request list with Sett, Lux and Xayah/Rakan? Thanks!!
SFW Alphabet: Affection (Sett, Lux, Xayah/Rakan)
Sett Sett would hug you to death if he could. He’s very doting and protective of his partner, and loves to show you off to everyone. He will always hold you close, his arm around you, and he will always want you by his side. If you know about his work, he will take you there with him whenever you’re available, but if you don’t, or aren’t available, he will run straight home from work to be with you as soon as possible. You know how dogs always make a huge deal whenever their owner comes back, even if they were absent for 5 minutes? Sett is exactly like that with you.
On top of that, if anyone dares to say anything bad about you, or even throw you a mean look he will fight them to death. He won’t let anyone lay a finger on his precious partner. That’s his way of showing affection too - he will protect you from any harm or harshness with his life.
Lux She’s initially very careful when it comes to showing affection. Not because she’s cold, but because she’s afraid that if she let herself show you the entirety of her love, she might accidentally unleash some magic as well, and expose herself as a mage, losing you forever. When you inevitably learn her secret (and she WILL tell you if you two get serious) things will get easier, and suddenly she will turn into a happy, touchy-feely bubble of joy whenever she sees you. She loves gentle touches, such as holding your face or caressing your hand as she holds it. She will give you random pecks on your cheeks when you don’t expect them, and she will always support you, no matter what.
Xayah/Rakan (I wrote it as a couple towards each other, but if you meant poly with them please let me know, I’ll write that too!) Xayah won’t show affection towards Rakan in public. In fact, even in private, she’s withdrawn when it comes to showing affection. Of course, she loves Rakan, but the two have made this a sort of a game, where Rakan constantly makes advances on Xayah, and she dismisses them, until, eventually, she gives in. Those advances consist of many things, Rakan may bring her gifts or flowers, dance for her, show off his feathers, or even give her surprise hugs and kisses when she doesn’t expect it. When she does eventually give in, the two will cuddle and hold each other for a long time, enjoying each other’s love and presence. Those are one of the most quiet moments in their rebel lives, so they treasure them very much.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
(Daughter of Rakan and Xayah who came from the future) Mother, father we need to talk... I thought I was the only one who went through that portal but I was wrong. *points to a boy/girl the same age as mine who is the spat out image of Xayah but with Rakan's charisma* It's my twin sibling and my best friend too, they're trustworthy just like you two. Twin: Hey Mom, Dad! Can we dance together? I love our family dance moments.ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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Rakan: Hell yeah! Let's dance!
Xayah: Okay...totally not weird. At all.
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riftimagines · 4 years
today someone was super mean to me and made me cry and ruined my day and I was wondering would you be so kind as to write one of these champions of your choice sticking up for their friend or love interest who is normally peppy getting put down or told to give up and do something else and they are just crushed? I like Kayn, Jhin, Draven, Xayah and Rakan but I dunno who to request so would you be so kind as to pick one of them? I wish you a lovely day
Aww I’m sorry anon. I know how you feel I just had a bad day myself but things do get better it just takes time. I wound up doing all of them because why not. I hope these make you smile even a little bit!
Sticking up for their Peppy Love
-Someone has upset you? Who are they?They will learn their place NOW. He handles most problems like this with extreme violence and threats especially when it comes to anything or anybody hurting you somehow. He second he sees you crying he’s mad and someone’s going to pay.
-He hates seeing your normally chipper disposition, that even keeps him in good spirits, gone because someone said something terrible to you. If they’re still near by he’ll become tunnel visioned and chase them down. He’ll take out Rhaast and phase through the terrain just to get to them. Be thankful you can’t see what’s happening. At best he’s beaten them to a square inch of their lives and at worse, we’ll let’s just say Rhaast is a happy Darkin.
-By the time he comes back people are avoiding you like the plague. It’s not you they just don’t want to be on the painful end of the man with madness and rage in his eyes. Kayn will stare them down and everyone will be avoiding eye contact and trying to go back to business as usual.
-He’s more upset about the ordeal then you are but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to wipe away your tears and hold you close for the rest of the day. He won’t be in a much better mood until your feeling better though. He’ll leave kisses on top of your head every now and then until you kiss him back only then will he chill out a bit.
-You ever seen those moments in Anime’s where a character gets enraged and their eyes dilate with murder in their eyes. Yeah that’s basically what happens with this one. He’s very good at pretending to be fine but he’s not, at all.
-Who do these disgusting ugly beasts think they are to upset his precious flower, his beautiful Muse, the only living beauty in this hideous world? He’ll take note of their every detail and keep it to mind. Make his love lose tears and he’ll make sure they lose their lives.
-Later of course, first let him knock these loathsome pests all the way down into the filth where they belong. He has a very sharp tongue and wit, not at all afraid to voice his opinions and cut down your aggressors into minced meat, of which they will be literally by morning.
-No lowlife shall ever take your lovely perky smile and radiant personality from him, not while he lives. Now dry those tears my dear and bloom with your vibrant colors once more.
-Draven knows for a fact that whatever they said to you isn’t true because he only really loves things that are as good as himself. He loves you not them and that already makes you way better than them and they’re just jealous.
-He is, pretty obviously, quite arrogant but actually has skill to back it up. He’ll more then happily get in their faces and tell them how wrong they are and if they want to challenge his opinion then they can. He needs new victims for his axes anyway.
-For a lot of people that like Draven, that is a LOT of people, his word is practically law and if he doesn’t like someone for some reason then a lot of them won’t like those people either and they’ll get treated they way they treated you. It just comes full circle.
-He never likes to see you sad and will do whatever it takes to make you happy again. He’ll throw his arm over you shoulders kiss your tears and tells you he’ll do whatever you want to do. Nothings too much for his love.
Xayah and Rakan
-They love your chipper bright personality. It’s such a nice thing to have especially since Ionia is seemingly getting more chaotic and negative since Noxus invaded. So seeing your happy face makes everything seem alright even for the day. If your smile is gone because of some jerk wad they’re gonna get it.
-It will literally turn in to a Babe hold my flower I’m gonna kick someone’s teeth in situation. You’re their love and if someone hurts you they hurt them as well and that won’t stand, at all.
-They are both in your face kinda people and can be very overwhelming when they work together. Rakan is the louder of the two and a tad more colorful with the insults. Xayah is the more physically aggressive. Forming her feather daggers and probably throwing a couple for good measure.
-They make sure that person is either running for the hills or knocked out flat on their face then they turn their attention on you. Very lovey and comforting. You’ll be swaddled in them and their feathers and they’ll hold you for a while until Rakan decides to make a stupid joke to try and make you laugh and just makes Xayah facepalm and swat him in the back of his head, which then would probably make you laugh and Xayah will point out that she has better humor. This will make him fluff his feathers and starts the line of horrible jokes he has. You’ll be beaming by the time he’s done.
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leagueimagine · 5 years
Rakan x vastaya fem reader x xayah when they’re jealous? I love your writing! 💓💕💖
Oh no… Jealous birds alert! I pity anyone that caused this, this may not end pretty for them, no matter what. 
Let me just put it simply, Rakan and Xayah are not the jealous types, they have full confidence on your loyalty and they never put it on test because there is no need for it, but outsiders simply don’t understand. 
Peoples may come to flirt with you and they’ll just glare and comes closer asking if they lost something. But if there is touching involved, a feather passing just about their face will be the first warning, it will probably cut. 
Rakan will come next pushing the person away with a scowl on his face, this expression is not usual on him and it doesn’t really fit his pretty face. 
Xayah will take care of intimidating, they only warn once, the next one she’s not missing as she laces your waist in a possessive way. 
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ilovelollipopx · 5 years
Hii! Could you please do Xayah x Female human reader? ❤️
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Xayah couldn’t understand how she ended up with a human-like you. Even after your first encounter with her was near death and insulting you ended up sticking with her. Still even after meeting you her mindset of humans being destructive and simple-minded and that they had no regard for those around them stuck. Obviously, it changed when getting to know you.  One day the backlash and insults had gone silent. She had learned to accept you as you had her. That's when it had dawned on her.
The two of you spun around, twirling away around the forest that seemed enchanting at this moment. Once the two ceased twirling you dipped her brushing a tuft of hair out of her face. The hand that wasn’t being held to hold her up slipped into her holding it lovingly. What Xayah didn’t notice was the secret straining her human was doing just to hold her up, as a tall Vastayan bird woman wasn’t the easiest to hold up with skinny human arms.Even if she was only a 100 or so lbs.
At last, the mood ended when you couldn't hold her up anymore and the two of you cascaded on the earthly floor. You expected a witty or annoyed remark but instead, laughter rang through your ears and it definitely wasn't from you. Her laughter was contagious as you began to fill the laughter escape your lips.
As the laughter eased down silence fell upon the scene once again.
“Hey you know i love you right?” you murmured gaze fixated on the dimmed sky.
Though Xayah didn’t answer in her content state. You had proved to be an example that not all humans were idiots and destructive. As well as even if everyone was counting on her she could count on you.
That was something worth fighting for.
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zdux · 2 years
SFW headcanons being in a throuple with Rakan and Xayah 👀
(I s2g if you put me on blast for this it's your fault u didn't have anon asks turned on SHSJSHS)
Rakan & Xayah X Reader
First things first, Rakan wanted u in the relationship for soooo long
This man was crushing so hard
"Xayah pls they're so cute and nice and sexy Xayah can we pls-"
"Rakan, we just met them."
Their relationship was already very open, so he's all in. Flirting with you, buying you things, etc
He may be a bird but he acts like a golden retriever
Xayah is much chiller however.
she likes you, but expresses this but smirking when you make a joke, putting her hand on your shoulder, etc
Once she commits to flirting with you, she gently tilts your chin towards her and gets close to your face
They invite you in very casually, prolly while eating dinner together at like a Jimmy John's, just "Hey so we both like you, do you wanna be in the polycule?"
Rakan is estatic, now he's got his lady AND you
Xayah loves it because she loves you and now she doesn't have to deal with Rakan 24/7, which is healthier for all of you
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Can I get some Taric relationship and/or him falling in love in some really simple and plain? I'd love to see anything Taric related :D
((I’m so sorry I was an idiot and hit “Answer privately” without even editing or writing it properly xD Also, hope we can get to play LoL some day :D 
For those who don’t know, I play on EUNE ^^ ))
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Taric has always been a lover and a protector of life, love and beauty, which is exactly why his demise was brought by Demacia and its rulers, who were ever so strict and stuck up in the old ways. 
Once he made his way on Mount Targon, he was finally allowed to be himself and bathe in the wonders of the world, and more, be able to protect, as the Shield of Valoran. 
He’d fall for your beauty, your etherealness, your kindness, the way you move yourself, your grace, your interactions with other creatures…
He’d admire every little thing about you. 
Even if you find something ugly or unsightly about yourself, he’d point out how uniquely gorgeous that detail is. 
He’d literally shower you with affection and love. 
And if you can’t love yourself, Taric would love you double anyways, and would try his best to help you on the journey of finding self-love and acceptance. 
I can see him falling in love step by step…
But it was descending harder and harder and he succumbed to his heart’s desired without even realising. 
But he was happy. 
He was no longer tied to the Demacian’s authoritarian rule, so he could be himself. 
 He could love you and have no regret or restrictions.  
And even more, he could protect you from all the possible harms that could befall you, no matter of what kind. 
 He’s tell you stories of the world and everything he admires in the world, but would be sort of reluctant to be reminded of his time in Demacia and a guard, a hero…
A hero who failed to save his men and let them be killed in their sleep by the Void. 
Taric would appreciate you understanding him and his occasional struggles, and just being there by his side would make him the happiest man alive. 
He would gift you all sorts of gems as gifts and tell you what each of them does to benefit you and what they could protect you of.
And if you keep them and keep taking care of them, he’d be so thrilled and hyped that he can have a part of him shielding you from the evil even when he’s not around physically.
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zer0pm · 6 years
Imagine Ardyn leaving you with these parting words.
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Ardyn: “I will love you until the end of Eos.”
You: “What if Eos ends tomorrow?”
Ardyn: “What I said still stands.”
You: “How much do you love me today?”
Ardyn: “More than yesterday, less than tomorrow.”
You: “Is today enough for you to stay?”
Your voice echoes in his mind as he pondered over his response over and over again. He pulled you close and touched your forehead with his own, he sounded solemn but it was because he truly meant what he said with all his being. A silent promise.
Ardyn: “Today will be the last time I go.”
And he walked away from you, leaving you to your thoughts as he went on to what should have been his last adventure. He dared not see the tears that threatened to pool from your eyes as surely they matched the aching in his chest that streamed his own.
He swore to himself that once it was all said and done he would settle down with you. He would have you by his side and together you two would have a bright, new kingdom to lead...maybe even a family to raise. But it did not turn out this way. These are things that he never had the blessing to know and every day the pain of regret in not staying with you when he had the chance grows more and more until it dulled and became a part of his accursed, immortal existence.
Ardyn now sits at the throne of a ruined kingdom, its destruction brought about by his own hand when once upon a time he would have lifted it for its prosperity. It meant little to him now that the one thing in the world was long gone from it. Now he only waits until the final curtain of the act falls and he can finally lay his role to rest. The man even dared to hope to see you in the end. Until then...
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Ardyn: “I’m waiting. Noct...”
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heckinhacker · 5 years
Xayah x Fem!Reader -  Vastayan Goodbye [ENG]
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word count: 615
requested: yes! by anon: “ can you do angst xayah x female reader? i mean i am kinda tearful and want to read sth like that // you dont need to do it if you don't want to!” ~ of course I wanted to. ^^
warning: kinda suggestive content, but not worthy tagging as dirtyhacker I guess? 
A/N: I had a bad day when I wrote it, honey, and I was all day on mobile, and even though it won't be much... I'll try. Ok? Be safe. It might be short but it's a fanfic I rushed on. 
I don’t think Xayah would canonically do “that”, but people do many things unexpectiedly, when stressed or in despair. I love Xayah and I love her with Rakan, it’s for angst purposes!
You knew how Xayah was a busy woman. You also knew, who she is as a person, what she’s doing and with who. You were the only human in this shitty revolution. Only you cared about it...and Xayah, of course. What hurt the most? You knew, that you’re better than Rakan. Rakan doesn’t care in the slightest this whole play called ‘revolution - of course he wouldn’t. He cares about Xayah and Xayah only. Not her goal. And you? You cared about her war as much, as she did. This stupid, pathetic, designated to be lost revolution meant for you that much because it meant for her. Xayah is ready to give up everything, her health or even life for her own people - Vastayas. Every morning you wake up and remind yourself that this woman is taken. This woman is loving someone who isn’t you. Funnier thing is - you accepted that a long time ago, knowing that your crush doesn’t have any right to exist.
Then why one single fight with Rakan seemed to change everything? Why, when you entered her tent, because of alcohol, she told you how everything was hard on her - not him, YOU. Why was she this honest - admitting it WASN’T their first fight? Why would she like to rely on you? Why after hearing her out, she kissed you with such passion, which made your knees weak? Why would she do that? Was she thinking about you earlier, before she got drunk, or you were just temporary replacement for Rakan, because he couldn’t be here with her? Why did she look like she was so thirsty and so happy when she gently caressed your skin on stomach with her long nails? Why did even her big hands got under your shirt? What did she had in her head? Did she had ANYTHING in her head?? You perfectly knew why didn’t you let her do that. Because she was in relationship. A wife. You perfectly knew it doesn’t make any sense, it doesn’t have any right. Then why did she look so disappointed when you pushed her off? - Xayah...I really do love you. That’s why I can’t do this. - I don’t understand… - What about Rakan? - I don’t deserve him. I think he finally noticed. He started to distance himself from me. - No, no...Xayah… - Is it my fault? Am I too busy with work? Would he...cheat on me? - No! Xayah, of course not, how could he! You’re the most gorgeous woman on this planet, and if he cannot follow your goal - he doesn’t deserve you. I demand that you take a break from time to time, take care of yourself. Don’t die on this war. Even if Vastayans would win it, what comes next? They need a leader, they need you. I need you, so please. Please…
You wanted to continue, but drunk Xayah grabbed your cheeks and kissed you deeply. Earlier you managed to stop her, but after you directly warned her about your feelings and reminding her of Rakan, you couldn’t do this again. This night gave you too much hope, because...could she love you? Human girl, who sacrificed her own life for Xayah’s case? Could you be that important for her? 
The answer is - no.
Xayah sobered up, Rakan gave her very intense, built up “sorry” speech, which she accepted, treating you with cold shoulder. This coldness was freezing you slowly. You were only there for a moment. Every question “Could…” got it’s answer, but any of “Why…”’s didn’t. And you worry they will never find any. You’re only left with hope that she’ll survive her war with Ionia… And hope that you won’t. 
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nightmaresprophet · 2 years
Jealousy Headcanons for Ahri and Xayah
Been playing more Ruined King and of course I had to do some more headcanons for Ahri and also decided to include Xayah because why not? She needs more headcanons anyway, and she’s awesome!
Anyways, onto the headcanons! Technically Gender-Neutral reader, but Ahri and Xayah were written with Male-Reader in mind, but can be read for either gender reader.
TW: Mentions of violence with Xayah’s part. Possessiveness in general, but also some nice fluff, and mentions of Ahri’s past. Jealousy in general
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-Ahri is pretty possessive, that is a fact. Sure, most Vastaya are pretty possessive in general once they find their mates, the ones they swear to live their life with, but with Ahri it’s different. She had only one lover before you, and that turned out horribly, and before that she was alone mostly, a soul-devouring monster essentially, which means she wants you to stick by her.
-This doesn’t mean she is suffocating by any means though. It’s strange, but it’s like Ahri, just by looking at someone, can gauge whether she has a reason to feel possessive, or to be more specific, whether they may try to hit on you or not. Not only that, but she understands that there are times when you want to just be alone with a few friends, and she definitely respects that!
-However, when she’s actually jealous be prepared for this Vastaya to literally be glued to you. She’d be far more physical and handsy, her arms wrapped around your waist and smiling at the object of her frustration with an… almost mocking grin, like saying “I got something amazing, and you’ll never have this.” This is turned up to eleven when you’re married, and it gets to the point where Ahri straight up kisses you! Though not a fan of PDA most the time, and she cuts back on this if you aren’t either, but she just can’t help but give in to her instinct to show whose your girlfriend/wife.
-If you’re continuously bothered by someone be prepared for Ahri to actually be ready to fight. This is of course the last action she’d take, she doesn’t want to risk embarrassing you or anything, but if you’re followed, annoyed, and if the person is ballsy enough to actually touch you in a way which makes you uncomfortable? Yeah… It won’t be pretty, and you’ll have to be pulling her back yourself unless you want to hide a body or run from the village.
-In short, on a scale of 1-10, Ahri is a solid 8. She understands there are times when she has no reason to get jealous and so long she knows your female friends won’t try anything she won’t really be jealous, if anything understands, but when she is, needless to say you got quite a possessive Vastaya to deal with it. Still, there’s a secret to calming her down and that’s to just promise her bunch of cuddling and spending quality time together and she should calm down.
-Be sure to reassure her she’s the only one for you though, because she does in fact have a fear you’ll leave her. Bless her heart she tries to hide it, but when you say it she positively melts!
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-Hard as heck to get jealous but when she does she’s 10X worse than Ahri and chances are someone is getting maimed. Seriously, Xayah is a confident woman. She knows you truly do love her else she would never have agreed to be with you, and she expects this trust back of course, but if she sees someone try to hit on you, she’ll roll her eyes and just watch amused as you brush them off. Not only that but, just like Ahri, she knows you have your own friend group, so after a bit of talking to with them, she doesn’t really mind.
-Of course, the problems begin when, despite you brushing them off, they still try to hit on you. Xayah is just straight up dumbfounded at first on how thick someone can be, because they’d have to be blind to be able to delude themselves to that point. Of course, the shock at their stupidly turns into anger at their insistence, and then she actually forces herself into your conversation.
-It’s obvious she doesn’t like them from the start, and she makes it known. She glares harshly at the person and all but saunters over to you, her feathers all but bristling at the cheek of the person in front of her, but other than a harsh glare, she just ignores the person and asks you “Is anything the problem Mieli/Miela?”
-Honestly, Xayah can be honestly terrifying when she wants to be. The way her glare straight up darkens as the person continues to try and hit on you is… something. To her credit she does try to hold herself back… for about a minute or so, and after that she just turns, grabs your hand and just drags you away, and this is the best case scenario if she doesn’t want to cause a scene for whatever reason.
-If she does or has been frustrated before… feathers start flying, blood spills, and a fight probably kicks off. If Xayah knows you can take care of yourself she probably focuses on teaching the person that hit on you a lesson, and if not or she feels you may get ganged up on for whatever reason, she swallows up her anger, leaves the person with a warning, and makes a swift escape with you. She does joke about it when it’s all finished, though if you were to tease her about it, she would 100% just roll her eyes… though she’s definitely blushing, trust me.
-In short, Xayah would be either a 2/10 due to the lack of jealousy she feels most the time, or a 9/10 because just how angry she can get that someone’s trying to take you for themselves even though you’re not (or at least better not be) showing any interest back, but at the very least it doesn’t happen a lot and you two probably share a laugh and simply settle for holding each other close once all is said and done.
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fandom-imagines · 3 years
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Zed X StarGuardian!Reader (lore wise this doesn’t make sense, but it’s an idea I had for a while!)
Words: 553
Summary: After disappearing for a long time to escape the wrath of Zoe, Xayah and Rakan, Syndra finally discovers Y/N is alive after being presumed dead. Of course, she tells the girls boyfriend, Zed. 
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“You’re alive,” Syndra’s voice was as calm as ever, despite having just found out that someone who was thought to be dead was in fact alive. “Injured, but alive. Does he know?”
A sigh left Y/N’s lips as she shook her head in shame.
Now it was Syndra’s turn to sigh.
“He was a wreck, he didn’t show it, but he was. Anyone that knows him well enough could see it,”
“It was for the best,” Y/N told her, wincing as the Star Guardian applied some alcohol to the fresh wound. “He’s safer this way. Please don’t tell him where I am, I’m sure he’s over me by now.”
Syndra simply shook her head.
The moon hung high in the sky, its beams softly lighting Y/N’s face as she lay on the ground.
She was waiting. She knew Syndra well enough to know that she would tell him everything, including where she is.
“You’re alive,” Zed’s words were identical to Syndra’s, the rough tone being something Y/N found she had missed dearly.
Wordlessly, Zed stepped towards her before lowering himself onto the ground beside her. He had missed her as much as she had missed him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, glancing towards the Y/H/C-haired girl.
“I wanted to protect you. Zoe, Xayah and Rakan wanted me dead, and I didn’t want to drag you into that,”
“I could’ve protected you,” his tone was harsh yet caring. “I still can,”
For the first time in what felt like forever, Y/N smiled at Zed, “I know you can, but I don’t want you too.”
Her words stung.
“Why not?”
She simply shrugged, not wanting to tell him why.
As she attempted to look away, Zeds hand reached out to grab her cheek, turning her attention back to him.
“Tell me,” he pleaded. “Please…”
Y/N knew him well enough to sense the desperation in his voice. He wanted to know. No.  He needed to know.
“It would have been dangerous. Not only for you, for the entire order. Our relationship was risky enough, could you imagine how suspicious it would be if you had protection for me constantly?” Zed knew what she was saying was true, however he refused to believe it.
“I don’t want to lose you again, Y/N,” despite the calmness in his voice, Zed’s unmasked face betrayed the monotone noise. “I love you.”
“You love me?”  
A sigh left the assassins lips, a slight amused smirk forming at her reaction. “Do you really think we would have been together for so long if I didn’t? Would I really offer to protect you? Would I be here?”
“I love you too,” her voice was shaky, hand reaching out for Zed’s own.
“Please don’t leave again…”
A frown crawled onto Y/N’s lips. “I can’t stay Zed. It’s too dangerous for both of us.”
Zed shuffled closer to her until he was kneeling directly in front of her, his breath fanning against her lips. Both their breaths connecting at the closeness.
“Please,” he whispered as he leaned in closer. “For me?” Before she could form a reply his lips were pressed against her own in a sweet kiss, something that was abnormal for him.
“I can’t deny you anything,” Y/N breathlessly says.
“Good. I wouldn’t have it any other way,”
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