#ardyn izunia x you
x-nephophile-x · 1 year
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You still haunt the corners of my heart
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savage-rhi · 7 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 33
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
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Y/N’s mind was suspended in darkness. 
The passage of time was an elusive concept that slipped through their soul like grains of sand in an hourglass. There was no such thing as the external world. There was no Eos, no Niflheim, no Lucis, no Ardyn--only a void that unfolded with a surreal fluidity. Memories couldn’t plant their roots in this place. Nothing flourished here, except two things: presence, and song. 
Although not aware of themself, Y/N latched onto the melancholic tune that somehow wormed its way into the dark to meet them. The idea of colors slowly began to return in splotches of vibrant blues and purples and vibrated against the sound, creating hues beyond the spectrum of the waking world. Little by little, like a rock being polished by the waves of the ocean, imagination and existence blurred into an ethereal dance. 
A glimmer of light broke through Y/N’s eyelids. It tugged at the fringes of their awareness. Everything was blurry, but they could detect movement. Shapes wandered around their peripheral, and so did voices. They couldn’t make out what was being said, but felt… something. 
It was hard to put words to tone much less decipher the delicate touch that would occasionally glide across their face, squeezing their right hand when all ministrations were complete. The simple ritual was conducted by only what Y/N could perceive as an entity. Shortly thereafter, would the song emerge and play it’s gloomy notes. Though Y/N couldn’t comprehend the movement of time, they had a feeling the entity had done this on numerous occasions, and they felt warm at the thought that something beyond recognition regarded them. 
The process repeated itself many times over. Just as Y/N would be on the precipice of awakening, they’d fall back into dark shores. Only peering through when they once again could hear the dreary song, and watch as colors tried to choreograph it's energy. 
A chord struck and reverberated all through the void, and Y/N’s consciousness suddenly remembered the name of the music. 
Shiva’s Lament… 
Y/N felt themself once more peering out from the dark and taking a step back into the waking world. The corner of their eyes still heavy with fog, Y/N’s ears followed the poignant timbre of sound that felt both like a warm hug and a haunting cry. That’s when Y/N’s exhausted gaze fell upon Ardyn, watching as his body sway while he adjusted the bow against the strings of a violin. His fingertips delicately moved against the neck of the instrument to seamlessly connect notes that longed for each other’s company like lost lovers. 
Shiva’s Lament…Y/N repeated in mind, as the memory of their debut night in the Vixen carded its fingertips against their brain. Their eyes traveled over Ardyn with awe, for his hair looked like whisps of flames against a glow of light that emitted from his body. Y/N was surprised to see him without his jacket and scarves. He was dressed so casually that it went against his nature, but it never once took away how graceful Ardyn looked from Y/N’s point of view. 
Gods, he was so beautiful in the glow that words couldn’t describe it. If it were possible to move their limbs, Y/N would’ve reached out to him.
Like heartstrings being carefully tended to, Ardyn made the violin weep with such a soulful quality that Y/N could feel themself drifting back to sleep. They didn’t want to be lured back into the dark. No, they wanted to latch onto the flowing melody and let Ardyn guide them through the storm; like he had done at the wedding when they danced. Like how he carried them through Outpost 98. He was always there at that midpoint between life and death for Y/N. A personal reaper who offered some shreds of comfort before the finale. And like the grim itself coming to collect his toll, Y/N succumbed to Ardyn’s song and went back to the void. 
There was nothing but dreamless sleep for what felt like ages, and Y/N awoke once more but with a sharp gasp like a newborn babe taking in air for the first time. As Y/N adjusted to the world, their labored breaths became calm until there was a steady flow. They could no longer hear their pulse rattling inside their skull, and took this moment to gather everything around them. 
Niflheim…The familiar colors all throughout the room assured Y/N they were no longer in Altissa, but this wasn’t their usual sleeping quarters. The distinct smell of rich spices and musk was strong. They could feel it leeching out of the blankets that covered them. It wasn’t unpleasant by any stretch, but it added a layer of confusion to Y/N as they carefully rose up from the bed. 
As the blankets bundled around Y/N's waist, they noticed the black and red coloring of the sheets. This was Ardyn's bed. This was his scent.
Y/N dryly swallowed, and noticed they weren't alone. Slouched upon a chair a few feet away, Ardyn lay motionless. His arms and legs both crossed with his head leaning against the top rail. Soft strands of breath left his mouth, and Y/N adjusted and crawled on the mattress toward him. As Y/N got a better look, they noticed how wearied he was. More of the wrinkles around Ardyn's eyes were prominent as were dark circles. He looked as if he had stayed up for several nights in a row, and hadn't a moment of reprieve. Y/N wondered if he was sick, and the idea made their skin crawl as they worriedly searched him. It was so peculiar to see signs of stress in Ardyn's features, given he was permanently stuck in his thirties.
Sighing in relief at not seeing anything else, Y/N decided not to entertain the thought any further. They tried to remember how they ended up here, but alas nothing came forth. There was not a speck of a hint, minus how delicious the red velvet cinnamon rolls tasted in the morning after leaving the beach. Y/N felt that their mind was permanently on a dead television channel, akin to the annoying tingle of compressed nerves they felt down their arms and legs. 
“Gods be damned…” Y/N whispered.
Maybe after eating breakfast, everyone went back home. Maybe they had jetlag from riding the airship and needed to sleep it off. Maybe nothing nefarious happened. Maybe they had one too many drinks at the wedding and passed out. Maybe in their drunken state, they dreamt of swimming in the ocean with Ardyn. Maybe...
“We both know that’s a lie,” Y/N murmured to themself while they looked upon Ardyn’s sleeping form.
Whatever happened in Altissa, Y/N knew they had been out cold for a long time. Something had to have gone down, or Ardyn wouldn't have been here. Not like this. 
Growling out of frustration, Y/N could only recollect small fragments of seeing Ardyn playing the violin. With how blank their head felt, they wondered if perhaps that too was only a dream. A fleeting thought that sounded beautiful and offered them comfort during a near death experience. With how weak they were in body, it made sense to Y/N that their brain would latch onto something like that.
Y/N suddenly noticed an object that was sitting in Ardyn’s lap. Shifting their legs so that they were dangling off the bed, Y/N curiously observed the open leather bound book. Marks from what appeared to be pencil was scattered around on the pages, creating an image Y/N couldn't decipher from this angle. Wanting to get a better look, Y/N slowly stood up and stumbled while walking toward Ardyn. Their body quaked as gravity made itself known again. Gritting their teeth, Y/N shuffled toward the chair and thanked whatever was listening that they need only take a few steps forward. With each lift of their feet, Y/N's calves felt as if they had been crushed under rocks. As they drew close, Y/N evened out their breath and gently reached for the book, being mindful not to bump Ardyn all the while. 
With shaking fingertips, Y/N brought the book to their face and quietly observed. The first few pages were littered with intricate drawings of figures and faces. People Ardyn had no doubt seen around Niflheim, or maybe even somewhere from his past. The warm glow that drifted through the curtains nearby illuminated the drawings further. Free flowing gestures accentuated the little imperfections people naturally had. There was character to every face, and every limb as if Ardyn's mind was a camera that had taken several shots of people in motion. They were surprised that a hand pulled this feat, let alone that Ardyn had any artistic endeavor. 
“Wow,” Y/N smiled as they whispered to themself. 
Page after page was filled to the brim, and Y/N wondered if anyone knew about the Chancellor’s creative pursuits. Mid-thought, they flipped to the next page and froze. The subject jumped out at them immediately like a reflection out of time. Y/N was staring at themself. He had drawn a portrait of them. 
Mouth falling open, Y/N realized there was more than just one. Their eyes drifted from sketch to sketch, and as more was revealed, Y/N felt astonishment tightly grasp their heart. Disbelief danced on the edge of reason as Y/N flipped a few more pages, revealing more of themself. 
Ardyn had acquired every nuance of Y/N's persona with the stroke of a pencil. There were smiles and frowns, comedic poses, and moody postures. Moments of vulnerability that only the artist himself could've witnessed firsthand. Even among half finished doodles he had clearly given up on, their essence remained intact. All the while, the subject had been completely oblivious to how immersed the artist was as he captured quiet intensities and delicate manner. 
This somehow felt more intimate than coming across the contents of one's diary, and Y/N blushed as they forced themself back to the first page. 
The room suddenly felt warmer than usual as Y/N had a deeper understanding of Ardyn's observations of humans. Each sketch was a silent testimony to how he truly paid attention to all the little nuances most took for granted. It was scary how he could get into someone's head, let alone commit a wink or a grimace to memory via graphite and parchment. It also enamored Y/N, especially when they realized some of their portraits went as far back as their debut night. Disbelief and other emotions swirled inside of them, realizing these drawings captured unspoken feelings Ardyn kept hidden from the world. 
Biting the inside of their lip, Y/N winced out a weak grunt. Their stomach twisted in a painful knot. Dehydration finally clawed to the surface, and Y/N carefully put the sketchbook back in Ardyn’s lap before limping away to seek something to quench their thirst. 
Ardyn was lost in his own world between worlds. He didn’t register Y/N had awoken, nor was he disturbed by them tinkering with his sketchbook. Everything outside of his head wasn’t a matter of consequence. Not when he felt so weak to the point of entering a period of temporary hibernation. If Ardyn were aware, this would’ve been day three of this mini holiday he had unintentionally succumbed to. That being said, he had been granted anything but rest.
After the fiasco in Atlissa--and dealing with the political consequences of the event--Ardyn had long sought shelter amongst the whispering commentary of daemons and the poor unfortunate souls he had consumed ages ago. Their voices forged several paths before him as he combed through the past week and a half. He cut through memories of conversations, and meetings--putting them into boxes and categories he could summon at a later time.
In this dark space, Ardyn was also seeking answers to questions. Trying in vain to find a point in time where he perhaps mistook an event as insignificant. The first attack on the House of the Courts made perfect sense. The arrival of several Imperial fleets had pushed people past an already unstable edge with the betrothal to boot. Ardyn couldn’t fault the citizens of Accordo for that, for even he sympathized to a degree with their hatred toward the empire. It was easy for him to understand how the embers of men could grow into a forest fire, yet unlike a voracious flame, they didn’t get far without a clear sense of direction. However, he couldn’t let bygones be bygones with the secondary attack. Not when it was so personal that it dare felt insulting. 
A fleeting glimpse of a meeting Ardyn had with investigators tip toed around his conscious. It had been evaluated that the coup had been sprung by a Lucian faction soliciting aid from Accordo’s anti-imperialist groups to achieve an ulterior goal. Of course this faction was MedZin, and Ardyn ensured that little tidbit was expunged off official documentation via bribery of monetary gain.  Of course he spun a believable lie to Aldercapt and the Imperial Counsel, that this ensemble's primary objective was to cause upheaval and undermine the empires national relations. Of course Y/N and other Higher Imperials were targeted to deliver the message--and of course, Aldercapt was pissed off to no end. He spent a great deal verbally lashing out against the surviving ambassadors for not having the foresight to take better charge of security. 
Ardyn managed to sate Aldercapt's tempter tantrum, and settled down the unease amongst his colleagues with diplomatic solutions. He extinguished many fires that day, yet he couldn't put one to rest and that was the truth of the situation. That day of reckoning and bloodshed had been wasted on one simple task: to ensure Y/N's capture. 
A daemonic voice lulled Ardyn to another memory. While Verstael's associates checked to see if Y/N had imbued Tuti with the scourge, Ardyn had studiously interviewed her. The poor thing would live another day if she could get through her recent trauma. He thought the endeavor of a formal checkup was a pointless effort on Verstael's end, for Ardyn knew Y/N didn't have the capability of infecting humans. Not when he himself personally suppressed such an ability via influencing the hivemind--just like he had been doing to Y/N's memories. Making sure the locks had been well fortified. 
Through Tuti’s ramblings, Ardyn confirmed some long held suspicions about why Y/N was specifically targeted. MedZin, as far as they knew, believed Y/N to be Adagium and thus responsible for their main research facility being compromised. It was clear as day. After all, it was Ardyn himself who left a trail of bread crumbs to Y/N's feet, ensuring the fault for the damage would befall their reputation. He had put a target on their back to wash his hands clean of the sins he committed in Lucis during that time. By all accounts, Ardyn should've been ecstatic that his former nemeses weren't seeking him out, however, he felt anything but contentment. 
Y/N was supposed to be the lamb. A sacrifice to sate the sanguine tongue of Gods and bless him a boon to further his true path, and yet when it came time to reap the lamb for slaughter, Ardyn didn’t have the stomach for it. Like an impetuous child who couldn’t fathom barbaric acts, he had taken the innocent creature into his arms and ran away from responsibility, knowing full well he didn’t have the means to keep such a beast happy and healthy. His so called mercy was an act of selfishness that strayed him off the path of divine retribution. All because of one simple act of defiance. All because his heart led him astray, just as it did when he had taken the scourge into himself on behalf of the deep love he had for his people. 
Ardyn saw himself back on the beach in Altissa.  
Aera flashed in his head. Her smile, and her blood. 
Look what that got you in the end… 
I warned you long ago Lucis Caelum, thou brings plenty of pain upon amongst himself. 
“The great Ifrit…what an honor to be graced by your riddles and mystery,” Ardyn’s mind bitterly spoke out into the void. While he couldn’t see him, Ardyn could sense the Inferniums spirit and how warm the atmosphere became. “I assume you’ve come to impart more vague threats?”
I take no honor in such intimidation despite thy hatred for thee. 
“How considerate,” Ardyn scoffed. “Our last encounter would suggest otherwise of your intentions.” 
Make no mistake, my wrath will be as swift as my flames when divine timing commences. You know of the purge within your veins unlocking me from this cage. How the scourge has grown weak to protect thee. It is not the king of light who will bring you peace, but I in the end due to mankind's tampering with nature. 
The serum… Ardyn held a belief in his gut the issue with Ifrit was connected to him getting jabbed long ago, and this confirmed all suspicion. He mused to himself at the irony, and didn’t know whether or not to despair or laugh. 
“Then why torture me with your very presence at this moment, shouldn’t you be saving that for your grand entrance when you take over my body?” Ardyn muttered. His eyes glanced around the endless dark, feeling out the vibrations of the hivemind and that of the god that dwelled inside of him. 
Your fear has called to me. 
“My fear?” 
The fear of profound loss. Thou dreads this depravation above mortality. 
“What are you, a shrink?” Ardyn sneered. His sarcastic quip did little to deter Ifrit’s expository as the god continued to speak through thought.
Through thee, I will seek thy own retributions toward mankind and the gods. At such time, I proclaim a hand will never lay upon the soul you miss. 
Ardyn glared and averted his gaze, feeling every fiber of his being--of his soul--wanting to lash out in blind fury. The god of eternal flame certainly knew where to hit a man when he was down, that much Ardyn gave Ifrit credit for. 
“Aera… my Aera is dead,” He muttered with sorrow. “No one can harm what’s gone. Not even the accursed gods can break a spirit beyond the astral realms. I took you as an entity of intelligence, not a mindless beast yet it seems I stand corrected.”
It is not the ancient oracle I speak of. 
Ardyn became dead silent. 
I shall grant thee this one kindness in memory of who thou once was. 
“You know nothing of my feelings!” 
Thy knows enough through your meddling in darkness. 
“Get out of my head!” Ardyn yelled. He suddenly felt the air become humid and felt his soul crawl as if it had been doused in flammable liquid. Through sudden surprise, Ardyn could sense that Ifrit was prepared to light the match. 
Enjoy domain over this god and darkness, Adagium. The end draws near, and I shall bask in the fires of my hatred for thee! 
The voices of daemons began to screech, rattled by Ifrit’s intrusion. The presence of the Infernium disappeared, but the temperature of his spirit remained, and Ardyn felt overheated. Like a runaway vehicle, the sensation slammed into him and shattered like glass. It was as if he had been stranded in a desert, and there was no oasis that would grant him reprieve. He couldn’t sate the pain in his body, nor how parched his mouth had become. However, absolution lay before Ardyn in the form of a blue void that would openly swallow him whole if he chose to dip his feet into the surf. 
The waves of the beach beckoned Ardyn to seek refuge. He could feel it drawing him in like how the very moon controlled the currents. Ardyn rushed into the tides just as he had done before in Altissa until he had fully submerged. Through darkness, he saw a warm glow illuminate the water around him. There were no facial features to be seen coming from this light, but he recognized this presence. He was safe here, so long as he swam forward. 
He woke up. 
Ardyn’s eyes nearly bulged as he shot upward from the chair. Panting in fright, he blinked several times. Every so often he glanced around to ensure he was fixed in reality, and not dwelling within the hivemind or elsewhere. When his body and mind no longer determined an incongruity, Ardyn rubbed his forehead and deeply sighed in relief. He felt his shoulders relax while he slouched further into the seat. 
For a moment Ardyn contemplated how long he had been in the dark. The thought was short lived as he did a double take of the bed, and saw Y/N was missing. His eyes widened as the link between himself and Y/N suddenly became reestablished. Memories and sensations that weren't his suddenly hit him all at once, and Ardyn nearly shouted as he gripped the arms of the chair to stabilize himself.
For several minutes, a rush like adrenaline filled Ardyn’s body from head to toe. He was overwhelmed, beyond stimulated for what felt like eternity until it came to a screeching halt. Through Y/N’s perspective, Ardyn witnessed them falling to the floor in the kitchen. He winced as if he had experienced this for himself.
As soon as he regained control of his own point of view, Ardyn jump into action. He tossed his sketchbook to the mattress nearby and sprinted, not caring if he bumped into anyone or anything. What mattered was meeting Y/N in the middle. What mattered most was seeing them awake and most importantly, alive. 
Once Ardyn ventured through the kitchen door, he came to a grinding stop. Y/N still remained on the ground several feet away, but they held up a hand for him to remain where he was. Confusion placated him as Ardyn raised a brow while catching his breath.
“Awake, I know,” Y/N interrupted quietly. Their gaze fell to the ground as their body quivered. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I got hungry and came here. The scourge flared a moment ago and I slipped. I guess you felt that, or you wouldn’t have come in running. ” 
Ardyn took a few steps toward them. “Allow me help you back onto your feet.”
“No, no,” Y/N shook their head, their eyes finally peering up toward him as he stopped midway. There was a mutual look of solace, signifying both had missed one another to some capacity despite Y/N's reluctance. 
“Let me handle this, please.”
“Ardyn, please just let me have this.”
At first Ardyn was stumped. He couldn’t understand for the life of himself why Y/N was being stubborn. Defeatedly, Ardyn studied Y/N’s features. He noted how bloodshot their eyes were. How tears stained either side of their face. The way their skin both looked rejuvenated and stricken by disease as if trapped between limbo. He felt fear creep up in the form of assumption; worried that Y/N wasn’t out of the woods yet with their coma. However, he couldn’t allow himself to dwell. Not when there was another pressing issue he was contending with: a morbid curiosity if Y/N remembered anything. 
With careful eyes he quietly observed Y/N hobble to their feet, trying to resist the urge to catch them should they fall again. As soon as they stabled themself, did Ardyn speak up.
“It would seem the luster of your pride remains untarnished by your little two week respite.” 
“Was that Ancient Lucian or you talking fancy?” Y/N countered with a tired yet playful scoff. They faintly smiled seeing Ardyn trying to resist grinning at the witty remark. 
“I could put it into laymen’s terms for you?” Ardyn gestured. 
“And ruin your fun nitpicking my head? Nah, that’s not very sportsmanlike.” 
“Ah, a little cranial commentary never harmed anyone, right?” Ardyn chuckled. He let out a breath he had been holding in as repose briefly tangled him up. 
"I saw your sketchbook." Y/N murmured. 
"Beg your pardon?" 
"I didn't know you were an artist." Y/N reiterated, offering a small smile as compensation. 
"Oh," He was taken aback. The redirection having caught him off guard. "I wouldn't assign myself such a title..." 
"Don't be so humble." 
"Far from it," Ardyn mused. He felt his hands shake as his cheeks lightly flushed. He never expected to have been caught by anyone regarding his little hobby. His heart stammered as the recent sketches he had done of Y/N sleeping flashed in his head. Ardyn cleared his throat. "I take it you saw everything?" 
"I know I shouldn't have looked, but...curiosity got the better of me." Y/N shyly shrugged. 
Y/N noted his body tensed, as if bracing himself for a scolding hit. 
"You made me look prettier," Y/N began, reminiscing the few portraits that stood out to them and smiled. "Far more diplomatic than I deserve." 
"And here I spent many a night wondering if I tarnished your image." Ardyn quipped sarcastically. The small smirk he wore hid most of his fright like a shield. 
Y/N shook their head at him. "You can't tarnish what's already tainted."
Ardyn sighed. "Don't you find this sort of duress fatiguing?"
"When I'm around you most of the time, yeah." Y/N nodded, letting out a tired laugh as did he. 
Both became quiet as they felt the scourge sync them up further. The familiarity was a breath of fresh air, and either felt a dull ache had finally been satisfied. There were no words that needed to be spoken, for both felt the same relief as the other. 
“I’ve so dearly missed our little banters as of late.” Ardyn confessed quietly. 
“Me too, I think.” Y/N admitted, letting Ardyn's earlier proclamations sink in as they gulped. "Two weeks, huh?"
“Well, nearly two weeks I should say you’ve been out cold.” Ardyn corrected. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s been going on?” 
Ardyn cautiously gazed over Y/N’s form. “I harbor no desire to inundate you. Not in this condition.” 
He could see the frustration instantly come to Y/N’s face, and could sense a bottled tension Y/N had been holding onto for quite some time wanting to spill over. Reluctant to witness such a travesty unfold, Ardyn's mouth opened to speak and found himself surprised when Y/N softly interrupted him. 
“At least,” Y/N paused as their bottom lip trembled. The corners of their eyes brimmed with fresh tears. “At least tell me if Tuti is alright. I know…I know I tried to hurt her.”
"She's fine," Ardyn reassured with a nod. It became clear to him that while he had been in the throes of darkness, Ardyn had failed to keep a tight leash on Y/N's fragile state of mind. A plethora of curses came and went through his body as made an attempt to soften the blow. "Everyone is just fine."
“But I’m not…” Y/N sniffled, wiping their eyes. “I'm sorry. I know the last thing you need right now is to see me crying like this.”
His right hand reached out. “Y/N--”
“It all came back to me when I started eating,” Y/N interrupted. Their voice shook as they began to regale the intrusive memories that flooded them. “I popped a grape into my mouth, and the sudden squishy noise made it come back. All the bodies. The awful stench. How their skin felt sliding down my throat...I know what I did Ardyn. I know what I've done." 
"Let me stop you if only for a moment," Ardyn strongly implored. Keeping his eyes on theirs, Ardyn gently shook his head to emphasize his point. "No one knows what you've done. I've made it so. As far as the public is aware, you lost conscious from having hit your head on the way to the airships. The only souls who know the truth are the dear companions we've kept close, and for the record, Betrys and the Serpent Society--hell, Senator Rodrick and his bride, they've been nuisances wanting to know how you've been fairing. See for yourself in your chambers, it's filled with tributes wishing you well. There's no need to catastrophize."  
"You really think hearing that I received material goods is going to make me feel better?"
"You misconstrued my intention--"
"It doesn't matter," Y/N interrupted again. "There's no coming back from this. You know what the worst part it was? There was some part of me that was still aware, that enjoyed what I was doing to those people! I liked chasing Tuti. I liked it when I scared and then killed those people who tried to harm us. It wasn't my daemon, it wasn't the hivemind, it was all me! It was all me!" 
“Y/N, it’s not as simple as you’re making it out to be! I assure you---”
“Spare me! I should be rotting somewhere, not them! You can’t just---wave a hand and make this...this feeling go away, as you do when you’re dealing with matters as Chancellor! Ardyn, you can’t fix this! No matter how desperately I wish you could, and no matter how earnestly you yearn for it!"
Ardyn’s heart pounded as Y/N’s voice grew hoarse from screaming. The final yell broke them, for they devolved into pained sobs as he watched Y/N turn their back to him. No longer having the courage to look him in the eye, nor face what they had done any further. He flinched upon seeing Y/N weakly hit their head with their own hands until grief held back their self hatred. 
“I shouldn’t have waken up. I shouldn’t--” Y/N shoulders trembled. 
The air hung heavy with the weight of Y/N’s emotions, and Ardyn felt a palpable tension not only in the room but within his body. He was relieved that Y/N couldn’t recall their actions at Outpost 98, but he was quite disappointed in himself that he couldn’t lock away what had happened in Altissa. If only he hadn’t been distracted by Ifrit, of trying to seek answers in darkness, if only he had kept up his concentration, if only he had been more dutiful keeping watch over them in bed, if only…
There was no use. The damage had been done, but now came the tricky part: how to proceed.
Ardyn felt a compulsion to rush to Y/N’s side, but uncertainty held him back. He was caught between a desire to be a supportive presence, fear of encroaching on Y/N’s vulnerability, and wanting to leave Y/N on their own while they settled with their fright. This wasn’t his battle after all. He didn’t have a stake in Y/N’s guilt, but he knew there was no chance in six hells he was going to let that go. No. Not when he could feel the very essence of their humanity, reaching out through the scourge to be forgiven. 
Ardyn hesitated further. He swallowed hard as he began to feel his own emotions mirror the turmoil in the kitchen. Hands twitching nervously at his sides, he took a cautious step forward. The noise was enough to quiet Y/N down, if only for a second. Once the silence cemented for a time, did Ardyn let go. The words left him without a second thought.
“May I hold you?” He asked barely above a whisper. He had never felt this nervous or so resolutely inclined to act on such a powerful impulse. 
Y/N sniffled as their head turned to the side, giving a faint nod. The silent permission granted Ardyn the courage to close the distance between them.
As he approached Y/N, Ardyn placed a hand on their quaking shoulder. Initially startled, he felt emboldened to proceed. Slowly, his hands traveled down Y/N’s sides, securing a hold at their waist before enveloping them in a gentle embrace from behind. His touch was a delicate balance between assurance and tenderness, and he could feel Y/N melt little by little. The fragility he sensed in Y/N stirred a desire to shield them from further harm, to be a source of solace in the midst of uncertainty. He squeezed a little tighter, holding onto Y/N as if they were a fragile bird whose wings had been clipped. His nose softly pressed the back of Y/N's head as he breathed, acknowledging how much he had missed their scent. 
“You’re right,” Ardyn murmured. “You’re a menace. I can’t undo the past nor your actions, and yet I remain at your side.”
“You speak so low of yourself it's utterly exhausting,” He bitterly whispered against their scalp. “I don't move men nor stars for anyone. Do you have any idea of how much I’ve sacrificed on your behalf, the lengths I've gone? Damn you. Damn you for mattering to me." 
"I can't--"
"We will get through this. That's one promise I can keep."
Y/N slowly turned around to face him. His arms still remained securely attached. 
Y/N sniffed while noting the contours of Ardyn's face. There was an unmistakable sadness that echoed in the depths of his golden hues. No amount of glaring nor putting on a strong front could hide it away. His vulnerability only grew when Y/N nonverbally acknowledged the unshed tears glistening in Ardyn's eyes. They had never seen him in such pain before, and it nearly snapped them out of their own melancholic trance. 
"Are you crying?" Y/N's voice trailed they watched Ardyn bite in the inside of his bottom lip. He visibly shook.
“I thought I lost...” He couldn’t finish the words. Not when the gods could so easily come to claim another soul he couldn't be without. His arms adjusted, giving Y/N the opportunity to part ways while a silent understanding was shared. As soon as Y/N reached a hand to touch his face, it was over. 
Y/N found themself reciprocating a tight hug as Ardyn brought their body to his chest and squeezed. His soft lips peppered the side of their forehead while he held them close, not having the courage to let go. 
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seradyn · 8 months
WIP WED- I mean Saturday
Thank you @blossom-adventures and @savage-rhi for tagging me on this, and also for your patience. Writing has been hard for me lately (aka the last 6 months or so) but yall have inspired me and I finally got a chunk I am happy sharing :) Hope you enjoy ~ 💕
As always if anyone who wants to do this sees it then please do. Share you works with us!
A Dream Come True Chp13
You were quite shocked by the crowd that had gathered around the gates when you got there. The area surrounding the road was overrun with people, held back only by imperial troops and MTs. A mix of paparazzi, citizens and press, given the near constant flash of cameras and how everyone was pushing and shoving their way to the front, trying to glimpse any of the nobles who passed by. Some were even bold enough to reach microphones over the crowd on long poles, hoping to steal an interview or two. They appeared ravenous, almost feral. Untamed animals held back by a thin layer of soldiers.
You pressed yourself into your seat subconsciously, hoping none were able to capture your face as you waited for the gates to open.
The inside was much less crowded, but no less bustling with excitement and activity. A line of cars slowly inched their way to the palace doors, only stopping to let out what you could only assume were the richest people in Niflheim. You’d thought the people outside La Compañera had been fancy, but these people were…almost excessive in their display of wealth. Some of their garments had so many seequines you found yourself squinting at them, while others had bunches of fabric that stuck out ridiculously. You were rather glad Ardyn had picked something more “normal” for you to wear, compared to these outfits.
As normal as it was for you to wear something worth more than your paycheck.
You felt your heart clench as you watched them, carefree and light as they walked into the palace. While they all made merry, all you could feel was a crippling sense of dread as you pulled up to the front, Justin stepping out of the car. Your hands went clammy - how were you supposed to mingle with these people? What could you even say to them? You were sure they would be able to tell you were different, the black sheep in their happy flock, just as you had always been.
Gods, what made you think this was a good idea?
You weren’t left any more time to ponder it. Your door swung open, and you instinctively stepped out, shielding your eyes from the lights. Laughter and the hum of distant conversations wafted down the stairs, enveloping you with what was to come. You stared numbly at the couples who ascended the steps, until you faintly registered the car hum to life, and Justin sped off into the night.
No turning back now.
One foot in front of the other.
Your legs began to move, and you followed the other nobles into the palace. The interior was unsurprisingly decorated the same way the exterior was. Servants darted about with trays of liquor in hand, and golden silk had been woven around the marble columns in the foyer. Another tapestry hung from the high ceiling, a dominating centerpiece with only the tilt of a head. The usual MTs that guarded the palace were replaced by regular troops, who watched over the party goers like a rooster over his hens. For the lack of MTs, you were at least grateful.
Even though the party was taking place in the main ballroom, a fair number of guests lingered here. Excited greetings were exchanged as old friends reunited, hands shaken and embraces given. Many quickly dove into conversation, too distracted by it to proceed to the main event.
You observed this all silently for a few moments, admiring the decorations before hurriedly crossing the room. You remembered what Ardyn had told you about getting to the ballroom, and you didn’t trust yourself to not forget in a fit of anxiety. You kept your head down and walked smartly, as Ardyn had shown you, trying to blend in to the crowd. It didn’t escape your notice though, how some of the guests turned their heads, eyebrows rising as you scampered past them.
Down the hall, third door on the left. Down the hall, third door on the left.
With every step you repeated the words, determined not to lose yourself in the winding halls of the palace. Justin’s week old warning rang hollowly in your ears, and you had no desire to make good on that threat.
Really though, you had no reason to worry; the grand ballroom was loud and lively, echoing through the corridors like a festive beacon. A wave of anxiety made your heart stutter as you followed the other guests, passing through a massive set of double doors to arrive at the gala.
The room was massive, certainly the biggest room you had ever seen. Much like the rest of the palace, it was carved of polished white marble from floor to ceiling, making the streaming overhead lights almost painfully bright. Pillars with elegant designs lined each side of the room, holding a beautiful domed ceiling. As your gaze followed them upward, you could see the ceiling was actually painted, what you guessed was a depiction of the first oracle and the hexathon.
You found yourself swallowing thickly as you tore your eyes away from the image, instead choosing to focus on the rest of the decor. Tables with gold and white linens were strewn about, while longer ones pushed to the sides were covered in a banquet of high end foods. To the left, a full bar had been set up, rows of colorful bottles reflecting the light onto staff as they mixed drinks for the guests. Farther back and to the right, a makeshift throne had been set up, complete with guards who clutched heavy assault rifles at their hips. The emperor would surely be making an appearance tonight.
Though what had you staring wide eyed into the expanse of the room was the massive ocean of nobles and the like that stretched from one end to the other. This…this was way more people than you had been expecting to see. You were expecting a crowd, yes, but…this was absurd. There wasn’t much space from one person to another, and whatever space there was got filled by the dozens of servants darting around, holding trays filled with everything from food, to liqueur, even to white roses.
It was all…It was all too much.
That’s all for now. It’s up to 4K words so it’s coming along, just slow. Hope yall look forward to seeing it 🥰
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ronkeyroo · 1 year
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Some old Prompdyn doodles I drew long time ago 📸🌹 Have I mentioned they’re my favorites?? My lovelies???
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shellswritesstuff · 2 years
ardyn soft headcanons, ya kno if he has any left in him lmaooo <3333 trash man
Soft Ardyn HCs!
Calls you his "Starlight." During his endless years on Eos, the only thing that remained consistent was the stars above.
When you laugh about the nickname as he explains it to you, Ardyn will be quick to remind you... he's extra. A exaggerated sigh followed by him throwing his head back, the whole thing. A hand on his head. "Oh how, could you betray me so! "
Literally if there was a photo by the word extra in the dictionary, well.. The definition would be covered up because the guy pasted glamour shots of himself all over the page.
Ardyn was once royalty, and he keeps surprising you with all the skills he's learned. Art is one of his favorites, and while he waves away your praises at his little doodles, it means quite a lot to the man.
You tend to find little drawings on your papers, sticky notes, really any paper you have lying around.
As a date night idea, you proposed the two of you start a sketchbook!
It went well, and you pass the book back and forth every so often.
Seeing quite the impressive portrait he made next to your small cat doodle, it makes Ardyn smile.
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ermora · 2 months
Ardyn x Reader Kingly Clash Au
Alright, so I decided to do a little kingly clash au Ardyn x Reader post so I hope you guys enjoy it and yeah… sorry for ooc Ardyn.
You sat up in yours and your husband, Ardyn Lucis Caelum's, bed as you heard a baby crying beside you. You flinched as your body ached after what you had gone through a few hours ago and looked over to a bassinet beside your shared bed to see that one of your twins had woken up. You quietly grabbed the baby and brought it close to you, the baby stopped crying and looked at you, you couldn’t help but tiredly smile at the small bundle in your arms as you took in its features. It was a baby boy with features like his father and his hair color but the baby had your beautiful e/c eyes. On the flipside the baby boys twin sister had features like yours, your h/c hair and Ardyn’s eyes. They were born only a few hours ago and while you were enjoying a moment with your husband and your twins, your husband had to leave and while you knew how strong he was, you worried that it would be the last time you saw him. He had a job to do and you knew that it had to be done since darkness reigned in the world right now. You and Ardyn had spoken lots about the moment he was going to have to leave your side throughout your pregnancy as he had revealed to you so long ago as to who and what he was and how he was fated to fight the king of light. You never once expected it to be so close to after you had given birth to your twins though.
“It’s okay little ones, I’ll make sure to protect you… the both of you if your father ends up passing away” you quietly vowed to the twins as you snapped from your thoughts as the baby girl now began to cry from the bassinet. You put the baby boy onto your bed and picked up the baby girl from the bassinet, she too had almost instantly calmed down as you held her in your arms. You weren’t quite sure if this was because they might have some daemonic properties in them or not but you did know that you’d have to hide that part of them if the king of light won as the light would return to the world and would hurt your twins. As time slowly went on, you put your daughter beside your son on the bed and admired them just staring at you with bright, innocent eyes. You would do anything to protect them and could only wish that you could have the whole family together. You eventually heard footsteps coming closer to the room and you looked out the window to the outside briefly and could still see that it was dark out. You looked to your room door and after what felt like forever the knob on the door turned and you held your breath. As the door opened up you braced yourself for the king of light to come in and see who was here but to your relief, Ardyn came into the room. His clothes were fairly dirty though, his face was dirty and he looked exhausted, he smiled as he saw you.
“Hello my queen” he greeted in a tired but loving voice, you felt tears in your eyes as he approached you and the twins.
“Oh my gosh… Ardyn my love, are you alright?” you asked, Ardyn sat down on the bed beside you and put his right arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him.
“Better than alright… I have killed the so called king of light and his retinue and now… now we can live in the darkness peacefully forever my love. I can treat you like the queen you are meant to be and we can be together like this as a family” Ardyn replied. You let out a sigh of relief as you heard those words fall from your husband’s mouth. You had thought that things were going to go sour but, you were thankfully wrong.
“I’m so glad to see that you’re still alive my king as I was afraid that our kids would grow up without knowing their father” you admitted as the tears finally slipped from your eyes and went down your cheeks. Ardyn unwrapped his arm from around you, held your face in his rough but gentle hands and gently kissed at the tears running down your face before gently kissing your lips.
“I did everything I could to ensure my victory today for the sake of our family and I knew that it wouldn’t fail, not when I have someone to live for now” Ardyn stated. You nodded and the twins began to make some noises, Ardyn released your face and you both looked down at the bed to see that the twins were looking at you both with wide eyes.
“You two are so precious” you mumbled as you picked up the baby boy while Ardyn picked up the baby girl.
“You’re just as precious my love as without you, they wouldn’t be here” Ardyn said.
“It takes two to tango as they are part you as well” you reminded, Ardyn chuckled.
“That is true… on a more serious note though, did you think of some possible names for our little ones while I was away?” Ardyn asked, you nodded and leaned against Ardyn as you began to feel quite tired again.
“Yes, I was thinking of the name Crystal for the baby girl and the name Raeric for the baby boy” you replied, Ardyn looked thoughtful.
“I do like those names, very well, the girl shall be Crystal Lucis Caelum and the boy shall be Raeric Lucis Caelum” Ardyn agreed.
“I thought you’d have a different opinion on the baby names ” you quietly admitted, Ardyn chuckled and you felt a light pulse of magic radiate from him that was quite calming.
“I’m not the best when it comes to names my love while you have a knack for giving out good names” Ardyn countered, you blush at that.
“Thank you my love” you thanked, Ardyn chuckles.
“No, thank you for staying by my side my love” Ardyn countered, you smile.
“I will always be by your side” you promise.
“I shall always be by your side as well, my precious queen” Ardyn promised back you smile and cuddle up closer to Ardyn. You two will now be together forever as king and queen of the night and raise your twins to be amazing people and the next generation of the Lucis Caelum bloodline in a new era of darkness.
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
SERIES: The Fall (Part One of Four)
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
PAIRING: Ardyn x reader/Ardyn × Aera(reader is Aera), Gladiolus x reader
RATING: Teen(Subject to change in later chapters)
          “Oh blessed child of light. I thank the heavens for bringing you back to our great city.” The elderly priestess said to you. She held your hands in hers that were weathered with age. Behind her sat an entire congregation of followers who devoted themselves to the light of the six. For some reason they came to believe you were an avatar of sorts, that the six were performing miracles through you. Not even the Oracle could raise the dead. So you must certainly be divine, although you didn’t feel like it. 
         You still had the same frizzy mane of rebellious hair, the same stubby fingers, and chubby face that was round with the remnants of early childhood. It had been two years since you’ve awoken your powers and yet you still felt the same way you did before it happened. No, that is not quite true. You felt worse than before. 
       The elderly priestess smiled at you. Her chocolate brown eyes gleamed with a warm you haven’t felt in years. “May these blessed hands continue to do the work of the six. Let us pray. Oh dear Astrals in the heavens, we thank thee for thy goodness and everlasting mercy. We thank thee for bestowing this sacred child with your light so she may vanquish the darkness that plagues our lives.”
       For some reason, hearing the woman refer to you as ‘sacred’ caused your stomach to roil as though you just ate spoiled cheese. You looked towards your mother. Her eyes were closed but you knew she wasn’t really praying. “Mama.” You whispered. “I don’t feel so good.”
      “Shush! You’ll disturb the priestess.” She whispered-yelled at you.
        Your father sighed heavily beside you. “Don’t be a brat, just listen to your mother.”
         You frowned but didn’t dare say another word. You learned your lesson the last time you didn’t do as you were told. Instead, you focused on the sweat that coated your palms in the older woman’s hold. Her prayer had since lost its form to your ears, now sounding like an incongruent jumble of sounds instead of actual words. 
           You looked at the kneeling congregation fashioned in white robes. Did they truly believe you could make their lives better? You could make them healthier? Happier? If you could truly work wonders for other people’s lives then why couldn’t you do the same for your own? Why were you condemned to remain a prisoner of circumstance while being forced to free others from the very same bonds that tethered you to a life you didn’t want? Maybe you were cursed. Maybe the six hated you. Or perhaps you were just unlucky. 
        “In the light and mercy of the six, we pray amen.” The priestess said. The congregation echoed her final word before rising to their feet. “Are you ready to receive the people?” She asked you. No. You thought. You never truly are. Your eyes flitted to the grand mahogany double doors at the head of the temple, already knowing hundreds, if not thousands of people awaited you behind them. 
          Your stomach twisted into nauseating knots. It didn’t matter how many times your parents forced you to do this. It never got any easier on your body. You were always left feeling drained, boneless, and sick to your stomach by the end of it. But your parents didn’t care. Your comfort meant nothing to them. 
        “She is.” Your mother answered for you. “You may open the doors.” With a slight bow, the elderly woman descended the pulpit steps. The congregation parted like the red sea for her before lining up in front of the pulpit stairs the moment she reached the double doors. 
       Just as you feared, all of Lestallum waited for you beyond the temple walls. Your shoulders sagged, you could already feel the energy zap out of your limbs. The first person ascended the short wooden steps of the pulpit and you did as was expected of you. Once they were healed another person approached you and you repeated the process again. And again. And again, until your skin felt tight against your bones and your fingers trembled with the exertion. 
      But the line never grew shorter. You placed your healing hands upon another follower of yours. A burst of mint green light erupted from your fingertips, immediately you could feel your energy wane even more. You felt dry and brittle, like a fish left to die underneath the unforgiving sun. A few more people came and went, this time your next visitor was a middle aged woman. 
      She was fashioned in ratty garments that looked to have been luxurious at one point, but time and extended wear had stolen its former luster. Within her arms was a child who couldn’t have been no older than you. His dusky complexion was ashen and his lips were an unusual shade of purple. From the solemn way the woman approached you, to the lifeless sway of the boy’s free arm, you knew immediately that he was dead. 
       Your heart crumbled in on itself with dread. These were the visits you loathed the most. The older woman reached the wooden steps and her gray eyes glistened with the last dregs of hope. “Do you think you could save my son?” She asked. Your eyes fell to the lifeless boy in her arms as she spoke. “I-he stopped breathing this morning.” Her voice cracked on a sob. She closed her eyes against the tears that ran down her face. “I’m sorry…just please, please save my boy.”
        You nodded your head and despite the tremble in your hands, you placed them upon the boy’s cold lifeless body. You hated resurrecting people from the dead. It always left you feeling drained and sick but you didn’t like seeing people sad either. And he was just a kid, too. He looked about your age, eight years old. He didn’t deserve to die.
      Just as you were about to flood his body with your healing essence, you felt a rough calloused hand shove yours off of him. You looked up at your father questioningly but already knew what he wanted without needing to see the offering plate in his hand. 
      “We sympathize with your grief but there must be an offering first. Gil preferably.” He shook the offering plate for emphasis. 
      The woman opened and closed her mouth like a gaping fish. Her pleading gaze flitted towards yours and you dropped your eyes to the floor. If it were up to you, you would revive her son without the gil. But it wasn’t up to you. It never was. 
       “I-I don’t have any gil.” The woman stuttered. “I spent every last bit of it on treatments for my son.”
       “Then I’m afraid she cannot help you.” Your mother said. You winced at the utter lack of warmth in her voice. 
       “Please! Just say the word and I will do whatever you ask of me. Just please…he’s the only child I have left.” the woman cried. She crushed the lifeless boy against her chest. Her gray eyes misted with unshed tears. It was enough to make you want to disregard your parents’ silent command and revive her son. But you remain unmoving and so did your mother’s frozen heart. 
       She gave the woman a once over before her eyes fell to the glinting blue stones that adorned the woman’s thin wrist. “Are those real diamonds?”
     The woman took a slight step back. “Oh, er, yes.” She said. “It was a gift from my late husband.” Your mother’s gaze never left the bracelet. She even grabbed the woman’s wrist just so she could run her thumb over the winking gems. 
      “If you could part with them, they will do as payment.”
        The woman was hesitant but she eventually surrendered her bracelet into the offering plate. You were finally given the silent go ahead to save her son. Placing your hands upon his stomach, you forced your energy to invade his lifeless body. A knot of tension drummed against your temple with the exertion but you continued on. 
       His pallid cheeks suddenly became rosy and the purple tint on his lips were replaced with a pink hue. A trickle of sweat ran down the side of your face and your hands trembled violently, but you didn’t stop until you saw his chest rise and fall. You didn’t even notice how silent the temple became until the boy opened his eyes and the entire crowd burst into a cacophony of claps and cheers. 
      You fell into the seat behind you. Your legs were gelatinous and boneless and your hands wouldn’t stop shaking. You closed your eyes against the double vision that only intensified the dizziness in your head. 
     “You did good, kiddo.” Your father praised, giving your shoulder a friendly shake. You couldn’t bask in the praise or even enjoy the very rare compliment he gave, not when it felt like your entire stomach was climbing up your esophagus. 
     “Mama, my stomach feels funny.”
     “Ignore it and focus on the line. You barely made a dent in it.”
      Your father spoke up next. “Tell the priestess she needs a break.”
      Her head snapped to the side to face your father. You could feel the fire in her glare without even looking. “If we stop now that’ll cut our profits in half. Who knows how many people will leave.” She argued.
      “Imagine how many more people will leave if she gets sick all over this pulpit.” Your father hissed.
      Your parents ended their bickering at the sudden groaned protest the wooden stairs bellowed into the air, signifying that someone was approaching. Looking up, you found Priestess Ishtar climbing the pulpit stairs, her brows furrowed with concern. “Is everything alright?” She asked your parents first before looking at you. “Oh dear, are you faring well, my child? You look a bit pallid.” 
    “It seems reviving that boy was a bit too much for her” Your father supplied.
     The woman hummed in response. “Oh, I see. Perhaps a break is in order?”
      “That won’t be necessary.” Your mother said. Your stomach lurched. “She wouldn’t want to keep all these people wai-” Before you could stop yourself, vomit spewed from your mouth. You couldn’t even see where it was landing. All you could focus on was the sharp squeezing pain that wrung the life out of your stomach and the rancid acidic taste of bile in your throat. Once the squeezing pain ceased, you were finally able to see where you threw up. Terror was a cool blade that sliced down your chest. Every last bit of discolored chunks landed all over your mother’s heels. She was definitely going to kill you for this. 
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sillylittlevulpine · 2 years
I'm typically a visual artist, but can't say I'm not tempted to do some writing. I wanna try my hand at an Ardy x reader. I have written plenty in the past, just not recently. I keep seeing everyone's incredible work, and can't say I don't feel inspired to try.
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Newly Separated: Noctis Caelum x Reader
Almost as if you yourself were actually hollow, that’s how bad it was.
You felt no emotion, mainly because you didn’t know how to process information like this. You didn’t know whether to be sad, to be angry, to be confused.
You sat there on your couch, staring at the television, eyes glued no longer to the live footage of the Citadel in all of its royal glory, but to the latest news headline.
You had just turned on the local news to see what the weather would be like tonight as Noctis had promised you that he would take you out as he had been busy with boring council meetings and pointless calls on complete bullshit. You didn’t blame him though, he was the prince, he would be taking up the throne soon, he was stressed and he would be shoved and pulled into calls and meetings all the time. You knew what you were signing up for when you agreed on dating Noctis.
You knew it even more when he had proposed to you nearly a year and a half ago.
Oh Gods.
You suddenly felt sick to your stomach. You felt your throat squeezing tightly, it was suddenly too hard to breathe. You felt like you were going to faint and… was it suddenly too hot in here?
With swaying vision, you kept rereading the headlines, the news broadcasters quickly rambling on what was happening on the live footage.
‘Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum to wed Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.’
It was a peace treaty, something Regis himself couldn’t back his kingdom out of. You could see the look of pain on his face in the few shots of him the news had captured, Noctis looking even worse.
You couldn’t help but fiddle with the engagement ring still on your fing-
The ring.
You felt as though you were suddenly punched in the gut. You tore your eyes away from the television screen to look down at the ring on your finger.
Pure sparkling silver engraved with swirls and spirals with the brightest and clearest sapphires and diamonds you have ever seen. It was something out of a fairy tale, it was so beautiful.
You suddenly felt disgusting wearing it, like you weren’t worthy to wear it.
It’s because you’re not.
You felt like you were going to vomit from dizzying this whole situation was. Chills ran down your spine like icy fingers, a frozen ball sat deep in your gut. You couldn’t breathe. Your hand that adorned the engagement ring had suddenly grown too heavy as though your ring finger had suddenly turned to heavy lead.
Your breath had started to shudder, your vision started to blur with tears.
It was all starting to settle in now, the whole situation now starting to sink into your mind that now felt like shattering glass.
With trembling fingers, you slid the engagement ring off and set it on the coffee table in front of you where you watched it for maybe another few minutes, allowing tears to fall as you silently cried to yourself in your mind. No matter what you wanted to do, you couldn’t find any drive to open your mouth and sob and wail. Instead, tears were blinked away, they trailed down your cheeks and soaked into your bottoms before the television had suddenly distracted you once again.
“We’ve just received word that Prince Noctis was asked his opinion on the established peace treaty with Niflheim,” the male reporter stated in his usual monotone drawl.
Instead, the front steps of the Citadel remained empty. Noctis did not step foot outside to face the crowd.
What was he going to do? What would he say? He’ll give up the safety of his people for a commoner with no trace of royal blood?
Instead, the reporters stood in shock as Noctis never left the Citadel doors to address them. Not even Ignis nor Regis stepped outside.
Instead, an official from Niflheim had stepped out, a man with wine red hair and the creepiest grin on his aged face. You could feel horrible energy through your television just from looking at him, only to be revealed as the High Chancellor of Niflheim himself: Ardyn Izunia.
You didn’t listen to his cheshire voice spew out curdled words, instead opting to mute the television altogether.
And that was when you heard your phone blowing up from its spot on the charger in the kitchen. You didn’t have the energy to get up, but you had somehow willed your legs to push you up from the sofa and stumbled out into the kitchen, tossing the charger away and squinting at how bright your phone suddenly became with spams of text messages from multiple people; Gladio, Prompto, Ignis, Nyx and… Noctis…
You tore apart every text message.
Prompto was apologetic, offering comfort and fun times.
Gladio and Nyx were both offering help, offering to help you grieve with things to take your mind off this.
Ignis was level-headed and patient, promising you to help you heal and explain everything to you when the time was right.
And Noctis, you only got one message from him:
'Stay where you are. I’m coming.’
You suddenly looked back to the television with red and swollen eyes, mouth slacking as it clicked in your head.
Noctis didn’t come out the front, he snuck through the back like you both did when you first started dating to avoid detection from Gladio and Ignis as well as his father.
You went back to stand in front of the television, watching with a weird feeling in your gut as time ticked by faster than you expected.
You were suddenly startled out of your trance with the news station when the front door of your shared apartment swung open to reveal Noctis standing there.
He was out of breath, hair a complete mess from running his hands through it when stressed, eyes pink from crying and nose still a little red.
You both found yourselves embracing each other tightly as if the other would fade out of existence. Your legs had crumpled, knees collapsing to the floor as you both clawed at each others clothing. Noctis was trembling under your grasp, but you didn’t know if he was shaking with rage or out of grief.
“I’m so sorry,” he mourned into your shoulder. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t stop this.”
Your shoulder by this point was soaked with tears, your shirt now stretched out due to him grabbing two fistfuls and pulling.
“It’s okay,” you sniffled, scratching at the back of his neck gently. “It’s okay, we’ll figure something out,” you mumbled by his ear.
“Please,” he somehow tugged you closer despite there being no pocket of space between the two of you anymore, “I can’t lose you. I can’t (Y/n).”
“It’s all going to be okay,” you whimpered into his jacket.
But just like back in the good days where you would sneak through, Ignis would always be the one to catch you.
You saw his lean figure in the doorway, the advisor looking as though he had shed a few tears on his way to fetch the prince from the loss of your engagement to Noctis. But seeing how Noctis was clinging to you had Ignis back off, deciding it was best to wait as he couldn’t bear tearing him away from the one person that made him the happiest.
So you sat there in your shared apartment, Noctis’ dry sobs the only sound in your ear as you rocked him in your arms, fearing this would be the last time you would see your true love.
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olivia200312 · 2 months
Chapter 2: Staying || Bound By Destiny (Ardyn Izunia x Reader)
You may have read stories of girls (and boys) being teleported into gaming worlds such as Final Fantasy XV, but have you ever imagined that one of them gets teleported into our world? Y/N is a 25-year-old young woman who just escaped from an abusive relationship. One night, an unexpected thing happened while Y/N was about to sleep. A canon character got transported into her world. Chancellor Ardyn Izunia is known as a tragic man with a devastating past. The Gods from his world decided to punish him by cursing him that he'd never find love and sending him into a new world called Earth.
What would happen when Ardyn meets Y/N? Will he love her?
Ardyn was awake and he grinned at her, causing Y/N to blush. Just why? Why did she have to have a crush on Ardyn, who is a fictional character? Yet, he was here. She stuttered, trying to say words while placing the fedora hat away on the chair and where Ardyn's trench coat was. 
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't expect you to wake up fast!" Y/N stuttered 
Ardyn showed a sly smile and sat up. "I was just teasing you, my dear." He then looked around, and his sly teasing dropped to a frown. He looked even more concerned. "Where am I?"
"You are at my apartment," Y/N answered Ardyn's question. "I was minding my business when I found something glowing and that's when you appeared."
Ardyn was a bit impressed but he felt also... thankful. This young woman saved his life. If no one stepped in to save him, he would have lived on the streets, on this unknown planet. Wait, this is planet Earth like Shiva said? Is this his punishment? Being stuck on this planet with possibly no way home? How can he work then as the chancellor? Not to mention, he was someone shrouded with mystery. Y/N tilted her head a bit to the side and Ardyn looked at her. 
"Is this planet Earth?"
Y/N nodded. She was surprised. How did Ardyn know that this is Earth? This is not Eos, that's for sure. "Can I ask what happened?"
Ardyn decided that it was best to explain so he did. Y/N listened to every detail. She never heard anything like that before. Sure, some people wrote about a canon character being teleported to Earth, someone being teleported into the franchise world, or a franchise being collaborated with another franchise. She wondered if the government held a deep secret, a special connection with the outside world somewhere in the universe. Was Eos connected to Earth? 
Once Ardyn finished explaining, he didn't stop looking at Y/N. He just noticed something. She was a beauty. And also, she looked a little bit similar to his deceased lover, Aera. Y/N may not have the same blond hair color or blue eyes, but she had some similarities. Y/N was clueless about it but she went on: "Wow... That must suck." She then became suspicious and crossed her arms. "You aren't here to make here forever dark, are you?"
Ardyn couldn't help but chuckle. How foolish she was. He did want to bring darkness in Eos after being betrayed by the Astrals and younger brother, Somnus. No one helped him. Even perhaps Aera knew what was going to happen to him. Why didn't she warn him about it? Or tell him? Ardyn held even anger towards his once beloved. But he missed her dearly. What if... Y/N was a reincarnation version of Aera? Impossible. "No. I failed to bring darkness for my revenge. His Majesty defeated me in a battle."
Y/N couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "It's because of the betrayal, right?"
Ardyn looked at Y/N with his dark eyes, causing her to shudder. She should've been more careful. "How do you know that, my dear?"
Y/N wanted to come up with something, to make Ardyn feel that he wasn't bad. But Ardyn detests lairs and he can detect it easily when someone is lying. She sighed softly and decided to tell the truth. "You are a... a..."
"A what, my dear?"
"Fictional character," Y/N responded nervously.
Ardyn was taken aback. How was this possible? Was he a fictional character on this planet? How? He saw Y/N looking nervously at him. He remembered so many victims... The ones he made nervous and killed them. But he could've killed Y/N right now and there. Or some minutes ago but she... saved his life. She was also a beauty and she reminds him of Aera. She was also like a new creature that he had met on Earth. But she was a human like him. He also wanted to see if magic existed on this planet. He has Starscourge after saving many infected ones when he was not immortal at the time. He was only 33 years old and stuck forever in this body. 
"I-I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir. I know that it's a lot to take in."
Ardyn chuckled and even heck, he even laughed a bit! "We are not in public, my dear. This is not Eos now, isn't it? Just call me Ardyn."
Y/N smiled a bit. "Very well then, ... Ardyn." She then stood up and went to her closet. She opened it and searched for a baggy shirt that would fit Ardyn. He couldn't help but watch her. Just as he was about to ask what she was doing, Y/N let out an "Aha!" and showed Ardyn a baggy black shirt. "You can stay here if you want. I don't want you to sleep on the streets."
"That is very kind of you, my dear," Ardyn said with a genuine thankful smile as Y/N gave him the black baggy shirt. "Where may I change?"
"Follow me." Y/N led the way as Ardyn followed her. The bathroom was not far. Y/N turned the light on as she entered her bathroom. There was a bathtub with curtains and a toilet. Oh, the bathtub also looked nice and big enough for your legs to be in the water too. Just imagine a hot relaxing water in the bathtub...
"You can change in here."
Ardyn entered while Y/N closed the door to give Ardyn privacy. She went to the kitchen to make something for Ardyn. What was his favorite food to eat? She decided to make him some (choice). She knew that Ardyn lived for many years to taste all kinds of foods. So, what was his favorite? Ardyn came out through the door and heard noises in the kitchen. He wore now a baggy shirt and he took out his shoes as well. He saw a small corridor/hallway that led towards the front door to the outside and there were Y/N shoes so he placed them down next to hers. He went to the kitchen and there he saw Y/N making food. 
"Ah, you're done. I made some food for you," Y/N said as she turned around with a plate of food on it. "Have a seat."
Ardyn did as told and he sat down. This world is indeed a bit strange for him. He was treated all the time as someone important since he was a chancellor, the one of Niflheim. Y/N set the plate down in front of him and sat down across from him. He began eating while the girl watched him. "How does it taste?"
After eating, Y/N led him to the living room. "Now about the sleep. When looking at you and since you are a chancellor, you sleep in beds?"
Ardyn smirked with a chuckle. "My dear, I am immortal, I don't need sleep. But yes, I sleep in beds."
Y/N nodded. "How about I take the couch and you sleep in my bed?"
"Now, my dear, it's not wise for a gentleman to let a woman sleep on the couch," Ardyn said with a frown. "How about we share the bed?"
Y/N stiffed. She blushed. Never had she shared a bed with a man before. But Ardyn is her damn crush and yet he was here! Ardyn grinned once he noticed her blush. Y/N grumbled a "Fine" before walking to her bedroom, Ardyn following close behind. What he was saying is the truth. It's not wise for a gentleman to let a woman sleep on the couch. Y/N was already in her short pajamas and laid down in bed. Ardyn laid down next to her and closed his eyes. Like he said, he didn't need sleep since he was immortal. Y/N moved to sleep on her stomach and slowly closed her eyes. Sleep took her in rather quickly. 
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Mending Shadows // Chapter 18
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Ardyn felt the chill wind of the fall season card through his hair like delicate fingertips. His skin prickled with a tingling sensation that could’ve easily lulled him to sleep while he sat in the tall grass. The fields were becoming a stale gold, signifying that harvest would come to a close. He contently chewed on the end of a grass stalk while contemplating the best way to go about keeping himself warm while traveling the country. Healing the sick was hard enough during the summer season, and the bitter cold was more relentless than the scourge itself. Ardyn furrowed his brows at the thought. Knowing that many would perish from the elements before the plague would ever take root. 
A shuffling noise in the distance pulled Ardyn out of his thoughts. His eyes quickly darted up to meet the source. The soft eyes of Aera greeted him as did her genuine smile. Her blonde hair tangled in the wind as the dead grass drifted across her white dress. She waved at him, exclaiming her relief to have found him out in the fields. 
Ardyn rose to his feet, and he didn’t hesitate to sprint toward his beloved. It had been three months since they had seen each other. Three months without written word aside from Ardyn’s exploits being paraded around the kingdom. He smiled so big it hurt his cheeks. Aera looked as beautiful as the day he had fled the citadel and took to exile to escape confrontation with Somnus. He couldn’t say the same for himself. His hair was disheveled, his facial hair had sprouted into rough patches, and his clothes were torn from the elements.  Living among the poor and deprived, Ardyn knew he appeared less than, yet the faithful gaze Aera held for his eyes made Ardyn feel like a king. He never needed a crown, not when he had her. 
As Ardyn ran toward Aera, he reminded himself of his goal: he would prove to Somnus that sacrifice wasn’t necessary. The people of Eos could be saved if everyone looked out for each other, and if he were allowed to use the gifts the gods had bestowed upon him. Ardyn knew in his heart of hearts this would work. It had to. Why else would the gods put him to the task?  Even if he were to die in the end, his own sacrifice wouldn’t be in vain. So long as the sun could shine upon people like his beloved, he’d do what was necessary. He acknowledged the blessings of the six for being united with a human being who understood his possible end fate, and yet, still encouraged him to do right by his heart. Ardyn almost always cried thinking it over, the weight of responsibility that Aera had entrusted to his principles. 
A sound of broken flesh and bone pierced through the sky of the fields. Ardyn’s joy turned to shock as his body froze. His eyes widened with terror, seeing a giant blade sticking out of Aera’s abdomen. Her gaze was lifeless as was her body that was bleeding out, staining a small group of white sylleblossoms that were in her path. 
“Aera!” Ardyn shouted with agonizing rage. His throat scratched from how loud he projected his voice. He snapped his body out of the trance it was in, and used the force of all his might to reach her. 
Just before he could bend down and pick up his beloved, the pool of blood surrounding her body began to combust into flames. Like the scourge, the fire ran up Ardyn’s limbs like serpents and made their bites. Ardyn screamed until the air in his lungs ran dry from the scorching heat. He was encapsulated by fire, and plunged into an oblivion that not even his library of memories could fathom. The world disappeared into light and shadow, and he fell into a deep darkness. 
Somehow, he felt gravity return to him and landed on his stomach with a thud. He coughed many times, dry heaving like a fish out of water as he scrambled to his knees. His body quaked, realizing that the fire had been just his imagination, or so it seemed. 
Ardyn gasped when he became encircled by a ring of reds and oranges. Speckled bits of green cackled against the flames, adding to the foreboding presence the fire invoked. 
“What is the meaning of all this?!” Ardyn bellowed. His terrified confusion ushered out reason as he stood on his feet, trying to find an exit. After spinning in circles a few times, he felt a whoosh of air brush past him, knocking him back onto his knees. Through an agonized groan, Ardyn looked up. 
Ifrit the Infernium stood tall not more than a few feet from him. His intimidating horns upon his head, decorated like a massacred crown of bones, glimmered against the cast shadows of the flames. Anger chiseled his features as he scowled toward the immortal who had become his captor. 
“You again!” Ardyn exclaimed. “If it’s vengeance you seek for what I’ve done to you, fine, but leave Aera out of it! You dare use memories of my beloved against me?!” 
Ifrit nearly looked insulted as he shook his head, and continued to stare Ardyn down as if he was a puny bug that deserved all the weight of his foot. The red in Ifrit’s eyes grew as he took in a deep breath, and made his proclamations: 
Thy suffering is your own undoing, Lucis Caelum. I need not lurk into one’s sentiments to bring forth harm. You do plenty upon yourself. I merely seek to deliver a message through reckless dreams. 
“Then what is it that you want?!” Ardyn yelled. He could feel Ifrit’s rage radiating off of his skin, matching the intensity of the flames that began to dance around with more fervor. 
A reckoning is coming for thee, Adagium. Thou giving courtesy where thy didn’t bequeath unto me. You will see soon enough. This is but a taste of wrath. 
Before Ardyn could snap another question, Ifrit gestured with his arms and guided the flames to a singular point. The fire twisted, bending like metal until it was a roaring sword, and Ifrit let out a snarling scream as he rushed and jabbed the entire weapon through Ardyn’s body. Like the vision from Verstael's laboratory, Ardyn wailed as his heart and flesh melted off his very bones. He could even feel the microscopic end of his nerves combusting into ash.  
Rising from the bed, Ardyn yelled. He let out a grunt, feeling his body collide into something soft yet formidable; another body. His hands immediately went for the shoulders, grabbing onto them with the intent of forcing more of his weight onto the intruder. His movement ceased the moment his blurred vision came to, and he was staring into the startled eyes of Y/N. He was too stunned to move, unsure of how to properly respond. Through the haze of waking up, and feeling the remaining terror of his vision, Ardyn spoke. 
“What are you doing in my bed?” 
Y/N let out a breath, trembling under his touch. “I heard you from the hall. You sounded awful, and I got worried. I tried to wake you.” 
“Oh dear…” Be it exhaustion, or feeling awkward, it was the only response Ardyn had at his disposal. He certainly wasn’t in the mood to discuss what had caused him to leap from slumber as if he had fallen on a bed of nails. His right arm lazily let go of Y/N’s shoulder, and he sighed into his palm while rubbing the last of sleep from his eyes, not believing he had dreamed again so recently. The skin on his chest quivered from how cool the room was, and how it contrasted with the warmth that still lingered from Ifrit’s touch. 
Ardyn let out a small gasp when he felt Y/N seamlessly pull him into an embrace. His face and chin rested in the crook of their neck while he felt their arms wrap around his shoulders. Their fingers felt through the end strands of his hair, sending a pattern of goosebumps along his spine. Warmth blossomed in Ardyn’s pulse as he made a face against them, while adjusting his head so he wasn’t so intimately attached. His amber eyes held confusion while he glanced at the doors to his chambers. 
“A relative of mine used to hug me like this when I had a bad dream.” Y/N murmured. “You look like you needed something to keep you tethered.” 
“I could’ve snapped your neck.” Ardyn forewarned tiredly. “Next time don’t be hasty to see what’s wrong. I have instincts that I can't control.” 
“I’ll remember that the next time I stop what I’m doing to give a crap about you.” Y/N countered in jest, grinning for the moment against him. He didn’t sound amused, but the small smile he wore as his lips pressed to their shoulder suggested a part of him was humored. 
Ardyn sighed, closing his eyes for the moment while he gathered his thoughts. He couldn’t recall the last time someone had held him in this fashion. The only soul that came to mind was Aera. He felt compelled to remain still, if only to sense a fraction of what that used to feel like. Sadness briefly plagued his eyes when it dawned on him that Aera wasn’t holding him, but another. His heartbeat dampened, before his ears began to fixate on the gentle murmur of Y/N’s pulse, and the soft exhales of their breath. He felt like he could fall back asleep against them. 
His nerves stammered all throughout his body, and Ardyn felt his scourge and the terrible entities within himself hum with a pleasant vibration that traveled over every inch of his form. It felt so overwhelming to be touched that his brain felt drunk off of it. The pleasure soon came to a grinding halt as he grimaced, and gently pulled away. 
“While I appreciate the compassion,” Ardyn cleared his throat. “I didn’t consent. Next time warn me if you intend to do something like this again.” 
“My bad,” Y/N muttered, gazing elsewhere out of embarrassment. 
“Quite alright,” Ardyn nodded. He gestured with his chin toward the door after earning Y/N’s sight again. “Why don’t you run off? I’ll be out in a little while. I need to gather myself.”
Y/N glanced over his face, occasionally stealing a glance of the scars on his chest before they smiled and nodded. 
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you want to talk.” 
“I’ll take you up on the offer.” Ardyn mused for the moment. His eyes followed Y/N as they climbed out of his bed and headed out of the room. As soon as Ardyn heard the familiar click of the door close, he let out a deep breath he had been suppressing. He fell backwards onto the mattress, and adjusted his legs. Feeling an uneasy tug in his pants. Two thousand years, body to the brim filled with daemons and darkness, yet he was still just a man at the end of the day, in all the ways one would think. He was livid. 
Ardyn made a show of coming into the kitchen an hour later. He enthusiastically shoved the door open, nimbly traveling along the tile floor as if he were a shadow. He strolled through with a one track mind, barely registering Y/N who was sitting on a stool by the kitchen island. They watched him carefully, noticing he seemed more peculiar than usual. It wasn’t out of the realm for Ardyn to be quite odd in the morning. Being of a nocturnal breed, the sun wasn’t kind to him and neither did it offer pleasantry to Y/N given both their sicknesses. Sun allergy, as Ardyn liked to playfully call his aversion, didn’t seem to foot the entire bill for his behavior. 
“You alright?” Y/N piped up, their voice casting a subtle echo in the kitchen as Ardyn hummed in reply. He ignored the question, gesturing to a black mug that was steaming with a citrus scent that roused him. 
“You made tea?” 
“Yeah,” Y/N smiled with a nod and pointed to a plate nearby on the stove counter. “I made you a breakfast parfait. I don’t see you eat much in the morning, but I know your sweet tooth is borderline criminal if last night is anything to go by. I figured I couldn’t go wrong there.” 
Ardyn chuckled, shaking his head. “How maudlin of you.” 
Y/N gently blew against their own glass of tea they had prepared and graciously sipped while Ardyn gathered the food, drink, and a utensil. He then took a seat across from them. Their eyes curiously went over his appearance. He looked like a mess; tussled hair, sleep still sticking to his eyes, and his body draped by a thin robe that he didn’t bother to tie up properly. He looked like an ordinary middle aged man, and not someone with begrudging power. Still, he was beautiful in his own right. That much Y/N would allow themself to admit. 
“I see you have taken to surveilling me with great precision.” Ardyn mused, briefly meeting Y/N’s surprised gaze before he experimentally tried out a morsel of the parfait. 
“How do you mean?” Y/N asked curiously. 
He looked at them as if it should’ve been painfully obvious. Nevertheless, he grinned for a brief moment after finding satisfaction with the flavor. “A parfait and a lemon tea have never been so on the nose. You must find me fascinating enough to dedicate to mind detail such as this.” 
The tired glare Y/N shot at him had Ardyn chortle.
“It’s only because you're predictable,” Y/N said in their defense. “Every morning you either have lemon tea or a can of Ebony. Evenings, you usually inhale enough wine that would kill twenty men. ”
“I do hope you’re aware you’re only further proving my point.” Ardyn countered in jest. 
“At least it goes to show that I do pay attention to detail, despite someone hinting otherwise.” 
Ardyn smirked at their bold sarcasm. His eyes darted between theirs and the cup they held. “Perhaps I could return the favor?” 
“Oh?” Y/N raised their brows at him, smiling soon after. They felt childish as did he. 
“Oh yes,” Ardyn slyly countered. He didn’t say a word, letting the anticipation run its course while he ate a good portion of the parfait. It was only when Y/N looked on the edge of their seat and their confidence waned did he speak up again. 
“You seldom eat breakfast because it upsets your stomach. I only assume you’re bearing the brunt right now on my behalf. Sometimes you walk on your tip toes down the hall, thinking no one will hear you sneak into the library. You’re quite fond of nonsensical subjects and theory. When comfortable in the presence of company, you act quite featherbrained, and if its any consolation, you’re quite adept to listening to others at your own expense.”
Y/N felt like a deer caught in the headlights of a moving vehicle. Too stunned to say anything. He truly had been paying attention to them, despite his body language suggesting he couldn’t care less most days. 
Ardyn suppressed a laugh, quite please with himself. “I believe I’ve offered plenty in compensation. Wouldn’t you agree?” 
“Shut up,” Y/N murmured against the rim of their cup, taking another sip. It was the only thing they had to help them save face. They ignored the laugh that left him, and went about eating their own breakfast.
With no Imperial Help running around, Ardyn’s residency felt dormant but not in a way that was uncomfortable. Y/N felt an amity with it just being the two of them. The peace seemed to have an effect on the scourge as well. Y/N could feel it slither within their veins, but not at its usual grinding pace. 
“What’s on your agenda for today?” Y/N asked. They watched Ardyn furrow his brows, seemingly unimpressed while his schedule began to line up in mind.
“I have a meeting with the Tenebrae Ambassadors from the Gala, and of course a recap of the night with the Emperor. I may or may not meet with Commander Pierce. That all depends if I’m feeling favorable after all is said and done. How are you on your medication?” 
Y/N dug through the pocket of the robe they had been wearing, pulling out the small tube. They popped the cap open and counted, making a face. 
“Six left.” They muttered. 
“I can run by Verstael and fetch you more.”
“Can I ask you something?” 
Ardyn shrugged, and gestured for Y/N to continue. 
“Why don’t you let me go to Verstael for the suppressants? Zegnatus Keep is out of the way from where you normally go for work.” 
“Is your first impression of him still the same from last night?” 
Y/N gave it some thought. “I would say so.” 
“Then you very well know why.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. He offered a small smile to lighten the blow of his firm tone. 
“From the way you’ve talked about him before, I thought you two were friends.” 
“Within an arms reach,” Ardyn corrected. “Verstael is the man who freed me from Angelgard. I owe him a great deal, nevertheless, he’s a politician and a war monger. Not someone whom I can fully rely on. I may have stepped on his toes last night as well. He was none too thrilled about my decision regarding the war fund allocations. Knowing him as well as I do, he’ll be sour for a time. I don’t wish for you to take the brunt of his vexation. Hence, why I’ll continue to obtain your medication myself.” 
“Oh,” Y/N made a face. It seemed the more they learned about the ins and outs of politics, nothing was as it seemed. Partnerships were acts, and friendships were evidently a means to an end. They had no idea Verstael was the one to have found Ardyn, and that spurn on many questions they were too tired to ask. 
This revelation surprised Y/N, and they couldn’t help but wonder what kind of hold Verstael and Ardyn both had on each other. One thing was certain though, Ardyn was in the hot seat and it was their fault even if he didn’t say it out loud. The comments Ravus made too also danced around in Y/N’s head from last night, especially the bit about Ardyn using them in the end. Despite contradicting the prince of Tenebrae, Y/N knew he was right. They had made their peace long ago that this partnership with Ardyn was one of mutual benefit until the end game. Nothing was personal. Except, it slowly felt as if it was becoming more personal. Their heart and mind muddled in the confusion of it all. 
Ardyn debated with himself before speaking, seemingly catching onto the fact that Y/N was thinking more deeper about the subject than they should’ve . 
“Did you have any dreams?” 
Y/N’s mind immediately traveled to Ardyn’s tongue generously licking at their neck and biting with reckless abandon. It took every ounce of will power to keep their face from giving away their shame. 
“Not that I can think of,” Y/N lied. Thus far there was nothing in their bond that suggested telepathy could be an option, and for that, Y/N was thankful. “Yourself?” 
“A nightmare,” Ardyn admitted. He finished the last of the parfait, and took a long sip from his lemon tea. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Not really,” Ardyn said with a slight glare, though not at Y/N. "I must say it was rather grotesque if anything.”
“Then why did you bring it up?” 
“I enjoy making small talk?” 
“I’m calling bull on that.” 
Both Y/N and Ardyn chuckled at the formers remark. He sighed in defeat, deciding to enlighten them with an uncomfortable truth. 
“Not everything is your fault nor is it about you. So take your mind off whatever contrition you’re self imposing.” 
“I need to remember that I’m a reflection of you.” Y/N said aloud, repeating what he had told them last night.
“Exactly.” Ardyn murmured. 
There was a warmth in his eyes that seemed to be battling a darker side of himself, and Y/N couldn’t tell if they should have been feeling scared or honored at the fact. 
The serene moment took pause when the doors to the kitchen flew open ceremoniously. 
“Good morning!” Tuti sing-songed with a high pitch shrill.
Ardyn grimaced and took a long drink from his lemon tea to hide his disdain. Y/N too scrunched their face, and offered Ardyn an apologetic roll with their eyes toward their mutual friend. He merely held up a hand, shaking his head and smiled for a brief moment to let Y/N know they had nothing to fear before he went quiet.  
“I managed to catch the tail end of the after party, and it was a hoot! I hope you two had fun at the Gala! Everyone looked so stellar, even if I was running back and forth between the kitchens and toiletry closet!” Tuti exclaimed, brimming with energy that could rival the rays of the sun itself. 
“Glad to hear it, Tuti.” Y/N smiled. They raised a brow, gesturing at the vase with red flowers in it, and a golden silk ribbon tied neatly round. The shape of the flowers reminded Y/N of the flared buds of sylleblossoms, but to their knowledge, such plants only came in blue. 
Tuti did a double take, giggling when she realized she neglected to speak up about the present she had been parading around. 
“Y/N, these came in for you this morning! I found them near the entrance to the Chancellor’s residency!”  
“Yeah! Come have a see!” 
While Y/N got up from the table to inspect the flowers, Ardyn felt the blood drain from his face. His whole body began to tremble as his eyes fixated on the red petals. 
“Who are these from?” Y/N asked curiously, still in disbelief as they read the little note that was attached to the vase. “Thank you for your companionship last night. You are a light Niflheim should aspire to be. Sincerely yours, Loqui.” 
“Red sylleblossoms are not even in season! It must’ve cost a pretty gil to pull this off!” 
“Man, if one dance can do that…” Y/N mused with a murmur, laughing to themself as Tuti joined in. 
As the two divulged in conversation, Ardyn couldn’t hear them. Their jolly voices were drowned out by a series of sounds. A sword slashing across flesh, the gushing pulse of blood hitting marble, and screams beyond reckoning. Then came her face. His Aera coiled up in his arms, clinging to the last of her life. The citadel of two thousand years prior, and the field of wheat blinked in and out of time, but the tragedy remained the same. The laughs of his brother, Somnus, vibrated through Ardyn's body and the scourge screeched inside him as he saw blood dripping from his beloveds mouth, staining her skin. 
Ardyn was shaking so much that he didn’t notice himself dropping his cup of tea. He didn’t hear it crash to the ground as he got to his feet. He didn’t hear the startled gasps from both Tuti and Y/N. He didn’t hear Y/N attempt to plead with him as rage boiled behind his eyes to where he had a spark of madness. He couldn’t focus on anything but the damned flowers, and their rich color. He couldn’t separate Aera’s blood from the petals, and he wanted nothing more than to destroy them in one fell swoop. 
“C-Chancellor I’m--I’m---!” Tuti stammered as Ardyn came barreling toward her with his arm raised high. She was too shocked to move out of the way, and in a single motion, Ardyn made his strike with all the resentment and anger that engulfed him. 
Tuti tumbled to the left, somehow managing to save the flowers and vase as she fell down. Shock carried across her face when she didn’t register any pain. Dumbfounded, she looked to where she was once standing, and gasped in horror. 
Y/N was slumped on the ground, writhing in pain as they clasped the side of their face. Their body quivered from the force of Ardyn’s impact. The scourge further amped their shocked nerves, causing them to let out an agonized groan when they attempted to move their jaw. Blood pooled down their nose and dripped into their mouth, and as Y/N tasted their own fluid, they began seeing the very images that provoked Ardyn along with something else. 
Y/N blinked rapidly from shock, and time shifted.
They found themself locked in mortal combat with a man who wielded a blue sword. There was a determination in his eyes that was frightening, and all Y/N wanted to do was to end the battle quickly without bloodshed. Nonetheless, it seemed their opponent had another intention entirely. He was kin, and he had every instinct to kill.    Despite years of wisdom, and years of lessons with the sword, Y/N felt fear begin to take hold of their resolve. The man counterstriked, and pierced their left shoulder with a spear that tore through flesh like a knife to butter. Y/N gasped aloud. They felt their heart shattering much like the bones in their chest from the impact. Their blood felt so cold against their skin that they quaked.    Y/N stumbled backward, holding onto the spear while attempting to gather themself. They could hear the rushing sound of footsteps coming for them, but hadn’t the strength to look up. They braced themself, knowing a blade would be coming down their neck if they didn’t pull the weapon out in time.    “Stop!”    The grueling sound of steel cutting flesh and cloth tore through Y/N’s ears. They stared helplessly at the blue eyes of the blonde woman, and watched the light in her gaze begin to fade as she fell. Horror didn’t amount to the emotions that flooded throughout Y/N’s body. They tore the spear out from their shoulder, fell to their knees, and desperately cradled her in their arms. The shocked screams from the audience fell on deaf ears, as Y/N held onto the only voice in the world that mattered.    “Ardyn…” She weakly whispered. Her hand shuddered as she reached up to touch Y/N’s cheek, right at the spot where Ardyn had struck.   
A pounding headache had Y/N blink rapidly, and they found themself no longer on the kitchen floor, but in the living room bundled up on the couch. As they came to, they slowly began to register Tuti who was fanning them with her right hand while her left held a cold compress to their face. For a split moment, Y/N wasn't seeing Tuti but the woman who had perished in their arms. Her face and Tuti's kept molding in and out of each other, like one rewinding a tape to play it back again.
“Aera?” Y/N muttered, feeling the name slip past their tongue as if they had known it for years. 
“Y/N!” Tuti exclaimed, ceasing her motions. 
“Shh, try to be still.” Tuti sniffled, wiping away at her eyes before going back to her ministrations. “I finally got your nose to stop bleeding. I didn’t think you’d wake--”
“Ardyn…where’s Ardyn?” Y/N swallowed, feeling their eyes tear up from moving their mouth. It felt as if their whole jaw had been crushed. A part of their subconscious feared it was broken. 
Tuti furrowed her brows. She averted her gaze, casting her angered yet morose expression away from Y/N. It was as if she wanted to spare them her own ill feelings. 
“He’s…out. He’s at his meetings for the day. He won’t be back until nightfall.”
“I need to see him--”
“Shh,” Tuti shook her head, glancing at Y/N warmly while trying not to cry all over again. Her eyes were so pink that it worried Y/N that she may have popped a few veins. 
“For now, let’s get you to feeling better, hmm?  Please, just take it easy. You gave me half a scare.” 
Y/N sighed and the world began to tilt on its axis. Their left eye throbbed with a heaviness that was comparable to a rock being chiseled away by a dull hammer. It was futile to argue with Tuti in this state, not when they felt like they had experienced being hit and stabbed in one go. The showdown in the old palace couldn’t have been legitimate, yet it felt so intimate that Y/N’s brain had difficulty differentiating between what was real and not. 
Ardyn hit me… Y/N repeated to themself, trying to get their mind to see reason. Adrenaline continued to pump through their body as did the scourge. They softly gasped when the thick black tendrils of the plague crept up their chest, zigzagging to their face until it reached the point of impact and nestled there. Y/N grimaced while a writhing throb could be felt underneath their flesh. It made the hairs on their arms stand at attention while imagining worms crawling in and out of bloody pockets of skin. 
“I’m…” Tuti sniffled, feeling herself choke up after seeing the scourge consume a chunk of Y/N’s face. Feeling overwhelmed, Tuti let go of the compress against Y/N, and used both her hands to wipe away at her eyes. 
“What’s the scourge doing to you?” 
“I’m not sure…” Y/N admitted. “It feels weird. It’s like its excited.”
“Oh Y/N…”
“I’ll be alright,” Y/N hoarsely said, furrowing their brows. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I’ll be fine.” 
“Did he knock out a few of your brain cells, how can you say that?” Tuti whispered in a harsh gasp. “I feel so awful. You shouldn’t have got in the way. He was after me, not you.” 
“The flowers.” 
“Beg pardon?” 
“It was the flowers,” Y/N swallowed. The corner of their eyes began to tear up. “Something about them, set him off.” 
“If this is because of Loqui being kind to you, I don’t care if he’s the Chancellor, I’ll wring his neck if he tries to hurt you over something so damned trivial! His behavior wasn’t an excuse!” 
Y/N had never seen Tuti this lit up before. Her anger was a quiet rage. Y/N imagined years of indoctrination from the empire had ingrained into her that women were not to show great resentment, but now Tuti’s kettle was starting to boil over. 
“Tuti,” Y/N pleaded while reaching a hand to gently clasp Tuti’s left wrist. “I’m not excusing what happened, I know this sounds crazy, but I don’t think he meant to hurt either of us. I could see it in his eyes, something spooked him.” 
“You’re damned right it’s crazy!” Tuti exclaimed. “Oh gods, Y/N, he hit you so hard you were screaming at the top of your lungs. I thought he caved in your skull! Your nose was bleeding so much…”
“Tuti,” Y/N murmured. It dawned on Y/N that it was a meaningless effort to explain their theory, especially when they realized it would require having to divulge to Tuti that they were bonded to Ardyn through the scourge. It wouldn’t take too long to put the pieces together that Ardyn was Adagium, and then both parties would be jeopardized. 
No matter how loyal Tuti was, nor sincere, Y/N knew they had to keep this to themself. It didn’t mean the situation wasn’t frustrating any less, especially when they felt alone while trying to untangle their consciousness from another. The battle was scary, but even more so was that Y/N couldn’t tell themself from Ardyn. They were one in the same. A single heartbeat and mind, converged into a vortex of sensations that the human brain couldn’t fully fathom. 
“Bleedthrough,” Y/N whispered to themself, feeling their nerves twitch from shock. Y/N dwelled on Tuti’s earlier words, how they were screaming at the top of their lungs when they couldn’t recall anything like that transpiring. It would make sense, that the body would be in full panic while the mind was trapped elsewhere. 
“Yes?” She whispered, tampering down her anger for Y/N’s sake. 
“Did Ardyn…react in any way?” 
“Y/N, I really don’t want to talk about him. Right now, I just want make sure you feel better.” 
Tuti had set a boundary, and Y/N didn’t have the heart to break it down. Y/N furrowed their brows in defeat, and once more Tuti began to fan their face while ensuring the cold compress was tucked comfortably against Y/N’s sore cheek. 
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seradyn · 1 year
A Dream Come True (Chp. 12)
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Chapter 12/35: A King's Garden
Another date with Ardyn; this time he has chosen to show you around the Emperor's gardens.
Link to work masterlist
Word count: 11,588
TW: None
Tags: @savage-rhi @blossom-adventures @ticklemycucumber
Lmk if you'd like to be tagged in updates
>> What do you mean you won’t be able to play games with me today >:((((((
>> Satus, I do have a life, you know.
>> Life shmife! You always play games with me on Saturday!
You sighed down at the little device, your breath coming out as a wispy cloud under winter’s crisp sun. You were standing outside your apartment, waiting for Ardyn’s attendant to come pick you up, the glow of your phone illuminating your face. A restless crowd shuffled around you, the city alight with the excitement of a freedom the weekend promised.
Your own excitement swirled within you like a happy cloud when you awoke that morning, but it came to a screeching halt, when you remembered your little tradition with your friend. Satus had been the one to suggest it back in college; to de-stress from homework and the like, and neither of you saw a reason to stop when you’d graduated. It was part of your little slice of normal. You always looked forward to it.
You felt guilty for having to cancel with such short notice, but, in all fairness, Ardyn hadn’t given you much notice himself. He’d asked you out again barely twelve hours ahead of time. And on your happiness high, you’d agreed to it without remembering your obligation to your friend. You didn’t mean to leave him hanging like that, it just sort of happened.
>> You know how computers work. Just play something else!
>> Instructions unclear. I keep texting you.
>> Put down the phone then, ya goofy goober.
>> Well, see now, my friend isn’t online yet.
>> Goddamn it Satus! I have to go soon!
>> Alright alright. Do I at least get to know what you’re doing?
>> I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.
>> >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((
You shook your head at his antics, yet you laughed lightly at them too. He always loved to kid around, and being overly dramatic in situations like this was one of his favorite bits. He was probably already over it, giggling to himself about giving you a hard time. You’d have to remind yourself to reschedule your gaming session, as thanks for being a good sport.
The time was nearing 11:55, so you shoved your phone back in your pocket, bouncing on your heels as you waited to be picked up. Unfortunately, Ardyn hadn’t told you what kind of car they were going to drive, so you were left guessing with every vehicle that parked nearby. Your eyes tracked each one like a trained hawk, only to be disappointed when some unimportant businessman or woman got out.
A bell tolled off in the distance, signaling the turn of the hour. Its last chimes were still reverberating through the streets when a sleek, black car pulled up to your apartment building. You watched as a man in a pressed suit stepped out of it, the imperial emblem embroidered on his breast, and your heart skipped a hopeful beat. A bushy mustache of coppery brown hairs sat under his pointed nose, eyes a porcelain pool of rich chocolate as he scanned the bustling streets.
You raised a brow at him, your gazes meeting through the throng of bodies. He looked you up and down once, then nodded gently. Your cue to approach, and you followed it, though you maintained an air of caution.
“Miss,” the man said your name clearly as you came before him, his voice authorative and confident.
“That’s me,” you said, clutching the straps of your purse tightly for comfort.
The man placed his hand over his heart, bowing deeply to you. “The chancellor is expecting you. His Excellency has instructed me to escort you to his location.”
“T-thank you,” you said awkwardly, a bit flustered by the formality of his address. He didn’t seem to mind though, and quickly straightened, opening the car door for you. You thanked him again as you tucked yourself into the leather seat, the door slamming closed after you. You’d been put in the back, behind the front passenger seat, allowing you a clear view out the windshield. The inside smelled of cleaning supplies, and you wrinkled your nose. Ardyn’s car smelled much better.
The driver didn’t say anything as he got in, the vehicle coming to life with a gentle purr. Thankfully, as soon as he’d gotten onto the road, he turned on the radio, saving you from uncomfortable silence as you stared out the window.
…Investigators are still hesitant to rule out foul play in the disappearance of a small family, discovered earlier this morning…
Gralea, while still impressive in the light of day, was a city whose true beauty shined at night. Your date on the town had proven such. The neon lights and the glowing signs flickered under the overwhelming brightness of the sun, unable to compete with the rays that broke through the clouds.
…Witnesses say a strange man was seen visiting the victims just before they were discovered, yet the scene inside would suggest a daemon attack…
The radio crackled as the reporter babbled on, your eyes glued to the outside and your driver remaining silent. At intersections, you could gaze down the corridor of endless skyscrapers, which stretched for many blocks before another wall of glass and concrete blocked your view. Between the buildings, you were able to glimpse where the sky was dominated by an enormous cover of steel and blinking lights. Zegnautus Keep. That was where Satus worked.
And Ardyn, you realized with a squint.
…The frequency and intensity of daemon attacks has grown over the last few weeks. We caution listeners to stay inside and lock their doors at night in these uncertain times…
The driver turned away from the Keep, and it disappeared behind you in a sea of spires. It took you a long time to finally glimpse the marbled walls of the imperial palace, separating the emperor from the rest of the city. It was in a secluded district, across town from where you resided. The buildings gradually thinned, until the car rolled to a stop in front of wide, ornate gates. Seemingly on their own, their hinges shrilling, they creaked open and you entered the palace grounds.
Said building was massive, sprawling with ivory tendrils that stretched to the very edges of its protective wall, like creeping vines of ivy. Unlike the castles you’d seen in storybooks, this one was flater, sturdier, looking more like a fortress than an emperor’s dwelling. What few towers stretched into the grey sky were topped in gold, ornamental buttresses supporting their clawing reach. You could faintly see the main doors, which were dark and inlaid with more gold, a wide set of stairs leading down to the road before it.
In front of the palace, the road stretched out into an O shape, almost like the emperor wanted his guests to admire the palace before he met with them. Patches of green were dotted all around the grounds, grass enclosed by pruned shrubs and sliced by walking paths. In the center of this circular road was a neatly trimmed lawn, which framed a massive statue of the Hexathon. It caught your attention, and you found yourself studying it as the palace loomed closer.
Titan sat at the bottom, heaving a crude chunk of earth over his head. Ramuh, Shiva, and Ifrit were above him, the deities of ice and fire swirling around the middle of the statue in a silent ballet. Ramuh stood between them, his staff thrust importantly into Titan’s stone. Leviathan snaked her serpentine body around all of them, her waves lapping at their heels and her reptilian maw open in a mute roar. Above all the gods, looking down on them as if in subjugation, was Bahamut, his bladed wings spread proudly, his armored talons clutching a detailed sword.
You squinted at him as you began to round the bend. Something about the Draconian…was making you feel strange. A worm of unease wiggled restlessly in your gut as you stared at the god’s soulless eyes. You’d never had much of an opinion on any of the gods, but now, something about them just seemed…off.
It wasn’t as bad as Ifrit’s affect on you, though. His marbled eyes locked forward, his face absent of expression. But you could see it; the anger that burned in his irises, how his nose wrinkled with his hatred for man. You could remember it so clearly, the dream like a thorn in your side, reminding you what it felt like to be on the receiving end of his flames.You blanched, your arm tingling with phantom pain, and you rubbed it instinctively, trying to make the sensation go away.
Stop being weird. Stop letting those stupid dreams get to you.
You let out a slow breath, forcing your gaze away from the statue, and the images out of your head.
That was just as well, as the car began to slow, the stairs leading up to the palace reaching down to you. Now that you were closer, you noticed two soldiers standing on either side of it, their weapons held smartly and heads held high. You stared at them, feeling they seemed odd somehow, but quickly averted your gaze. You didn’t want to be rude.
As soon as the car’s engine died, the attendant nearly leapt out of the vehicle to open your door for you. You smiled at him, and thanked him again as he helped you out. He only nodded in response, gesturing up at the palace doors.
“Please, follow me,” he said, striding ahead of you and starting up the stairs. You didn’t hesitate to obey; you didn’t want to know what those soldiers would do if they found you without a chaperone. Something about them irked you.
When you could see them clearly, you understood why; they were no simple foot soldiers, they were Magitek Troopers. You’d never seen any up close, but you immediately felt off put by them. Apathetic expressions set in steel, unblinking red eyes peering through slits in their visors. You had to wonder why they were given human faces; to unsettle the enemy, or to keep the regular infantry in line?
Either way, they gave you the creeps. You walked closer to the attendant, eyes trained on the soldiers warily. They gave no regard to you or your escort, staying stiffly in place as you walked between them. The attendant seemed unperturbed, giving them as much acknowledgement as they offered, wordlessly pulling one of the ornate doors open for you. You quickly darted inside, breathing a sigh of relief when you could no longer see their blank stares.
While he was busy closing the undoubtedly heavy slab of stone, your eyes widened, taking in the grand foyer. You’d expected the palace to be extravagant, but this almost felt excessive. The ceilings were so high, you had to crane your neck to spot the bejeweled chandeliers hanging from it, intricate designs carved into every inch of the architecture. The palace looked entirely made from white marble, your footfalls echoing hollowly on the polished tiles. The walls were trimmed in gold, and useless artifacts dotted the corners; statues and vases set in all manner of gems. Twin hallways stretched deeper into the palace on either side, undoubtedly filled to the brim with more priceless nick knacks. Your parent’s estate was a slum in comparison.
“Please, right this way.” The attendant strode past you, veering off to the left with the assumption you would follow. And you would be a fool not to, the echoing clop of your footsteps on the tile fading from the lobby as you journeyed deeper into the winding maze. Twists and turns too many to count, past countless sealed doors with more Magitek guards standing watch, your walk was a silent one. You were too busy eyeing the soldiers for conversation, like they may suddenly come to life at the scent of an outsider amongst them. Of course, no such things came to pass, and the halls remained deserted of any other human presence but that of you both. It was…eerie. Almost lifeless. The ridiculous opulence displayed in how much gold was slapped into everything only added to its oppressiveness.
Eventually, after you were sure there was no chance of you remembering the way back, the hallway came to an end, a set of polished wood doors on the farthest wall, flanked by, what else, two more Magitek Troopers. You tensed at seeing them, staying close to the attendant as he walked up to them, turning to you with purpose.
“The Chancellor shall be waiting for you through these doors,” he said, gesturing at them. “You need not worry, the soldiers stationed here have been instructed to treat you with the utmost respect. Though I caution you not to go exploring without his Excellency; they may mistake you for an intruder.”
“Oh, thank you,” you said, looking at them up and down at his obvious warning. They gave no reaction to either of you, set like statues with lights for eyes.
The attendant bowed to you in parting, and you gave him a grateful nod. When he hesitated to take his leave, it dawned on you that perhaps you should tip him. You didn’t mind the prospect; he’d been nothing but kind to you thus far, and you didn’t want to come off as rude. Slinging your purse in front of you, you began digging through it, searching for a bill or coin you could offer him. Because of this, you failed to notice the confusion that donned his face.
“Ma’am, is everything alright?” He asked cautiously, the tonelessness of his voice fading for a moment in puzzlement.
You huffed down at yourself in response, your search coming up fruitless. “I’m sorry,” you said, keeping your gaze down to hide a wave of shame that lapped at your mood. “I don’t have any cash on me.”
The attendant looked you up and down, before giving you a wide smile.
“I assure you, that won’t be necessary,” he said with obvious amusement. “The Chancellor ensures I am well compensated.”
You gave him a pointed, unbelieving look. “Really?” You questioned. Ardyn didn’t strike you as someone who cared much for making sure servants were well paid. He hadn’t even bothered to tip your server from the night before.
With an affirming nod that assuaged your worries, you smiled back at him. “Good,” you stated firmly. “I won’t stand for anything less.”
The man chuckled lightly. “I can see why the chancellor is fond of you.”
Your cheeks flamed at that, and you turned away from him. “T-thanks,” You stuttered, unsure what else you could say. The man gave you a final approving look before he departed, disappearing around the corner on light feet. It wasn’t long until his footsteps had faded completely, and you smiled in his direction before turning back to the doors.
Wearily, eyeing the troopers, you reached out and swung the door outward on silent hinges. Rays of light struck your face, forcing your eyes closed as you stepped through the threshold. You jumped when you heard the door close behind you, but then you relaxed. At least you were separated from the MTs now.
Shielding your face with your hand, your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of the outside, a warm breeze combing through your hair. Even overcast, there was so much more light out here than there was inside the palace. When it didn’t hurt so much to open your eyes, you took in the scene before you, and a breath caught in your throat.
It was green. So wonderfully, organically green. The white tiles gave way to a neat path of cobblestones, weaving in and out of a lush field of grass, whose neatly trimmed blades were left just tall enough to tickle your ankles.
And there were flowers. Rows upon rows of flowers, organized by species and all in full bloom. In winter, no less. Orchids, tulips, roses, sylleblossoms, in more colors than there were in a rainbow. There were hundreds - no, thousands, it must have been. Some with blossoms that hung like bells, and others whose petals were spread wide, reaching upward towards an absent sun. Butterflies and bees obliged their welcoming blooms, gorging themselves on their nectar.
Trees, too, there were trees. Cherry blossoms and hanging willows, their thin branches gently swaying in the breeze. The wind caught on their leaves, singing a soothing lullaby to the birds that wistfully sung back. The stone pathways stretched deeper into the garden, twisting out of sight beneath archways of woven rose bushes. You could hear the faint gurgling of a fountain, hidden behind a wall of vines and brush.
It was like falling into a storybook; too perfect to be real.
And yet it was. You stood there for a long time, just admiring it. Gralea had become so industrial, barely any fauna had survived within its walls. They’d been slashed and burned to make way for imperial bases, for palaces, for office buildings that no one liked. It was so primally joyous to be surrounded by life, in every sense of the word. Like you could feel Eos sigh as her children flourished on her soil.
You were transfixed by the feeling, breathing deeply to catch that organic scent on your nose. So much so, that you jumped slightly when you felt a sudden weight upon your head, a black rim on the outskirts of your vision. Reaching a tentative hand up, you traced the outline of a hat.
“Now I dare say that looks much better on you than it does me,” a silky voice teased from behind you, announcing his presence before he stepped into view. Turning, you saw Ardyn was smirking as he eyed you up and down, but that was nothing new. It was when you noticed him without his beloved headwear that you realized he’d placed it upon your head instead.
Carefully, you traced the rim with a finger, noting the craftsmanship of the little thing. It was definitely designer, yet it looked so silly, combined with the rest of Ardyn’s ensemble. The thought had you smiling softly to yourself.
“Guess you’ve got good taste,” you said, your smile widening into a grin as you glanced at him. He’d walked a few paces ahead, but now he stopped to turn back to you.
“Ah ah ah!” Ardyn wagged a finger at you. “Flattery will get you nowhere. Now, come along. I’ve had a small luncheon prepared for us, and it would be a shame to let it spoil.”
You flashed him a bright smile. “Sounds wonderful,” you chirped, taking your place next to him as he began to lead you through the maze of flowers. Bright purples and deep blues, peach pinks and blushing reds, you reached out your hand to let your fingers glide gently across their petals. Their touch was like feathers, their aroma like the finest perfumes.
It was enchanting, especially for a city kid like you. You darted from bush to bush, inhaling their dreamy scent before trotting after Ardyn, who ventured off ahead of you. When you stopped for what must have been the tenth time, a merry chuckle chimed in your ears, and you turned, finding Ardyn’s golden eyes on you. His smirk had been twisted with an amused fondness, watching how you enjoyed the flowers with a near childlike innocence. You beamed brightly at him, a wordless thanks for bringing you there. It was gorgeous, and your heart soared with how perfect everything was.
And secluded, you thought, hiding a smirk by sticking your nose into more flowers. No one here to ogle at you this time, thank the gods. Perhaps Ardyn had been paying attention.
As you went to smell more of the flowers, a branch caught your head on something, startling you a little. Right - you were still wearing Ardyn’s hat. Glancing at him, he’d walked a few steps ahead of you again, unaware that you’d fallen behind. A playful smirk pulled at your lips, watching him blissfully saunter on without a care in the world.
Perhaps you should repay him for how he greeted you at the entrance…
You waited until he got a little further away, close to the end of long flowerbeds you walked between. As soon as he did, you quickly darted forward, almost jumping to swiftly place his hat back on his own head. You giggled when it fell over his eyes, his steps faltering in bewilderment as you scurried away, innocently burying yourself in the beautiful flora while he fumbled with the offending accessory. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him lift it, revealing his own signature smirk that was equal parts amused and conniving.
Oh, he was so going to get you back for that.
“Best be careful,” Ardyn warned as he walked up to you, admiring the flowers you were using to hide your face. “One might say I’m a reigning champion at such games.”
You inhaled deeply, closing your eyes briefly to enjoy the sweetness of the flowers.
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you said, making a show of ignoring him, cupping another flower and bringing it closer, its amber petals almost seeming to glow in the afternoon rays that broke through the cloud cover.
Ardyn let out a laugh, making you smile widely to yourself. Even if you lost whatever game this was, hearing him laugh was prize enough for you.
“Oh, I knew there was a reason I took a liking to you!” He said delightfully. Warmth coated your neck at his remark, and a lock of hair found itself between your fingers.
Gods, him and his assistant?
“Come along now, darling,” Ardyn said, waiting to continue until you joined him. “We’re almost there.”
You shook yourself mentally, willing your blush to subside so you could smile at him. “Coming!” 
The path from there diverged in several directions, and once you were at Arryn’s side, he led you deeper into the garden, the shrubs growing larger here. These bushes boasted thick branches and fat leaves, obscuring the rest of the garden with their grasping tendrils. The flowers before had been tall, to be sure, but now they stretched into the sky, as if they desired to be free of the soil that nourished them. It almost felt like those corn mazes you’d heard Satus mention sometimes, but you had no doubt this was infinitely more luxurious than stocks of corn. The flowers popped even more brightly against the darker background, drawing your eyes every which way as you tried to take all of them in.
“Here we are,” Ardyn breathed, coming to a stop at the end of the path. You halted at his side, looking up from the hydrangeas to see where he’d taken you.
Your eyes went wide, a tiny gasp escaping through your half parted lips.
The rows of flower beds gave way to a small clearing, in the center of which stood a proud cherry tree in full blossom. Bright pink tufts of petals coated its elegant branches, which would’ve provided ample shade, if the sun had been out. The ground was covered in the soft down of its buds, like a blanket of strawberry snow. Directly beneath the tree, a towel had been laid out, decorated with the twin dragons of the imperial emblem, who twined themselves down its middle. Atop the fabric was a large circular dish, filled to bursting with all manner of fruits and sweet berries, whose bright colors betrayed a taste of the tropics. To your right, another path spilled into an ornate gazebo, fit with blooming vines that hung down off its domed roof. Butterflies and bees hopped merrily from flower to flower, while birds playfully swooped between the branches, each frolicking in their own little slice of paradise.
“Ardyn…this is beautiful,” you said with unconcealed awe. The fairytale comparison felt even more fitting now, every detail lovingly crafted, like a painter over their latest work.
Ardyn hummed a soft laugh. “I’m pleased it’s to your liking,” he purred, again enjoying how impressed you were. He quite liked that look of amazement you wore.
“I mean…how can this place even exist?” You said, looking around at the peonies that framed the clearing like a halo. “It’s the beginning of winter.”
Ardyn hummed again, as if pondering your question, before wordlessly pointing upward. You followed the gesture, staring up at the gloomy sky with confusion. You squinted, unsure what you were looking for, before your eyes finally caught on what appeared to be a dark line cutting through the sky.
“A greenhouse,” Ardyn answered your unspoken question. “His Radiance had it installed many years ago. Said the palace had grown ‘stuffy’.”
The thought of the emperor having distaste for his own palace made you chortle quietly to yourself, your gaze fixed on the outline of the glass panels in the sky. “Can’t say I disagree with him.”
“I’ll be sure to inform him of your disapproval,” Ardyn teased. “Now, come. Let us enjoy the bounty I’ve had prepared.”
His boots crunched on the crisp lawn, the cobblestones fading to pebbles at the end of the path. The damp soil squished beneath your feet as you stepped to follow him, your restless eyes trying in vain to take in all the scenery. It wasn’t long before you reached the tarp, though you hesitated before it, unsure if you should take your shoes off to keep from tracking mud over it. Although, a glance at Ardyn told you he hadn’t deigned to do so, so you figured it was alright. He was already settling at the base of the tree, his back supported by its wide trunk and his legs stretched out in front of him. You seated yourself on his right, staying close but giving enough space so you wouldn’t touch each other accidentally. The fabric was unbelievably soft, yet kept the prick of the grass blades from stabbing you. Petals rained down gently from the tree above, but they were easy enough to brush aside.
“Please, help yourself,” Ardyn said, pulling the platter of fruit between the two of you. Upon further inspection, it contained more than just fruit, though. Squares of a pale cheese were stacked neatly on one side, with plain crackers butting up against them. Thin slices of a freckled meat were farthest from you, folded neatly over each other.
Ardyn gravitated towards the latter, taking a slice between his fingers and popping it into his mouth. You watched him chew for a moment before eyeing the cheese, hesitantly taking a square. You were a picky eater after all, and again, you worried over liking anything. Although, you spied ulwaat berries amongst the pile of fruit, one of your favorites, so at least you wouldn’t go hungry.
Cautiously, you nibbled off a corner, letting its taste flood your mouth. It was creamy with a light saltiness, becoming smoother as it melted in your mouth, and you let out a contented hum, eating the rest of the square in one bite. The pile of snacks dwindled as you both munched happily, a quiet calm spreading between you.
“I don’t believe we finished getting to know each other,” Ardyn said after he finished, his golden eyes falling to you. You met them with a nod, reaching for some of the blueberries you saw. Their vibrant sweetness exploded on your tongue as you bit through their supple skin.
“Tell me, have you gotten the chance to travel much?”
You shook your head as you gulped down your snack, looking back out at the bordering flower beds. “My parents never cared much to take me when they went on trips. And after I was kicked out, I never had the money.”
Ardyn let out a soft sigh, his gaze fixing ahead of himself. “A shame, really. Though, I suppose that means I’ll just have to show you around.”
You paused, glancing at him quizzically. “Like…show me around the world?”
“Where else?” Ardyn smirked at you, raising a brow challengingly. Your heart skipped a beat, and you looked away, unwilling to hold his gaze as a wave of heat washed down your shoulders.
He wants to take me around the world? The thought was sweet, yet it almost felt too good to be true. Why would he want to spoil you so much?
“Fear not,” Ardyn chuckled at your rising bashfulness. “I’ll ensure we don’t visit any wineries.”
You huffed a laugh at that, the tension leaving your muscles at his gentle jest. Truthfully, you were quite enchanted with the prospect. You’d been cooped up in the city since birth, and you longed to see what lay beyond those dreary walls. Sure, you’d been to a few places that boarded the city limits; small towns and rest stops when your parents visited their orchard, but aside from that, the outside was a complete mystery to you.
“I’d like that,” you said, a soft smile on your face.
Ardyn smirked. “Music to my ears!” He exclaimed, munching on a piece of cheese. You reached for a cracker, loudly crunching down on its dry saltiness.
“I have been wondering about your culinary tastes as well, though I suppose I should’ve inquired sooner,” Ardyn said. “I take it everything is to your liking so far?”
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah,” you said, swallowing the last of your cracker. “It’s all lovely, thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He plucked some grapes from their bunch, rolling them around in his palm. “So, what is your favorite dish?”
“Hold on,” you said, your smile fading as a slight nervousness invaded your heart. “Last night, you got to ask all the questions. Today, I want to get to know you.”
You met his eyes as you said your piece. You didn’t want to seem pushy, or ungrateful for the dates, but you still didn’t know much about him. If someone asked you to describe him, you would be reduced to mostly talking about his choice of clothing, proving how little he’d revealed to you. Granted, it was only your second time sitting down with him, but you’d done your best to be honest the night before, and you felt you deserved the same courtesy. Though you hoped this wasn’t some invisible line you were stepping over; perhaps there was a reason he wasn’t able to discuss such things.
Ardyn met your questioning glare with a smile, instantly making the unease ebbe away.
“Very well,” he said. “You must forgive me if I seemed recluse; one can never be too cautious in my position. Though it is for that reason I cannot promise I can be entirely forthcoming with you.”
You shook your head with a smile of your own. “That’s okay, I understand. I just want to get to know you better.”
Ardyn gave you an understanding nod. “A reasonable request,” he assured. “Ask away.” He ate his grapes while he waited for your first question, grinding the rinds between his teeth.
Here’s your chance to learn more about him. Where to start… You figured you should start small, ease him into opening up.
“Sooo…what’s your favorite color?”
There was a pause, long enough you thought he may not have heard you, until Ardyn snorted out a disbelieving laugh. “That is what you wished so badly to know about me?”
The tips of your ears burned with self consciousness, and you looked away from him. “It’s just a question,” you said defensively. It was the first one that came to mind, and you figured it was good enough. “I didn’t think it was some big secret.”
Ardyn hummed, staring out at the expanse of flowers around you. Guess it is a secret, you thought glumly as the silence stretched, and he offered no answer. You let out a sigh through your nose, grabbing a slice of meat and eating it. The spices immediately exploded on your tongue, a piercing hotness mixed with a hint of salt and garlic.
You looked up at Ardyn, puzzled. “What?”
“My favorite color,” he met your eyes again, signature smirk in place. “Is green.”
The sourness you felt dissipated, and you brightened. “Yeah? Got a favorite shade?”
“Hmm. Tough one, that,” he mused. “I must say though, the deeper shades often catch my eye. They are incredibly rich colors, wouldn’t you agree?”
“I would. I love a good phthalo green.”
“You really know your stuff! Pray tell, what is your favorite color, then?”
“Navy blue,” You said, layering a piece of cheese and meat onto a cracker.
“A most noble choice,” Ardyn cooed. “You certainly have fine tastes.”
“Didn’t used to like it,” You admitted, biting down on your little makeshift toast. The cheese and meat complimented each other quite well, with the cracker adding a light crunch. “It’s grown on me over the years.”
“I can certainly see why,” Ardyn said, smiling to himself. The conversation died down for a spell while you both ate, enjoying the simple pleasure of being in each other's company.
At least, that’s what you hoped was happening. You were certainly starting to enjoy being around him.
“What’s your favorite animal?” You broached, once you finished your cracker.
“Oh, I’m afraid I’m not really one to care for fauna.” Ardyn laced his fingers in his lap, looking quite relaxed as he reclined against the tree.
“Well, what’s one animal you like, then?” Ardyn raised a brow at your insistence, and you flashed him a smile. He let out a sigh, knowing you wouldn’t let him get out of answering in some capacity.
“I have a slight fondness for our yellow-feathered friends,” he admitted.
Your eyes widened, and you gasped dramatically, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “So you are a chocobo person!”
“Noticed that, did you?” He chuckled, seeing the twinkle in your eyes. His answer had excited you a great deal.
“How could I not? Everyone knows that song.”
“Then it shouldn’t be so shocking I’m familiar with it.”
“That’s not the shocking part,” you shook your head. “More shocking that you happen to like that song.”
“What can I say?” He shrugged. “Something to listen to while I fill out paperwork.”
You hummed an agreement at that, chewing on some of the ulwaat berries, their bright sweetness a nice contrast to the saltiness of everything else.
“Might I ask what animal you find yourself fond of?”
“Hmm.” You pondered that as you popped the last of the berries in your mouth. “I also like chocobos, I always thought they were cute. And snakes too, I like snakes.”
“It seems we’re more alike than I thought, in regard to the former. Have you had a chance to ride one before, a chocobo?”
Your smile faded sadly. “No,” you sighed, your childhood dreams of doing so long since fizzled out. “My parents would be mortified by the thought. Always said it was ‘beneath’ us.”
He smirked smugly at the flower beds before himself. “Well, you’ll not have to worry about them any longer,” he said. “Perhaps our first destination should be one of the many ranches that lay to the west. I've heard some have quite remarkable flocks, with your pick of plumage.”
Your lips parted in shock. “You’d take me to see chocobos?” Your parents hadn’t even wanted you near the things, and here was the chancellor, offering to take you?
“But of course!” He flashed you a grin. “When I am not bound by my obligations here, it’ll be a day on my gil.”
You blinked at him, dumbfounded for a moment, before a smile began to tug at your cheeks. “That’s sweet Ardyn, I -…Thank you.” You thought about telling him he didn’t have to, that he didn’t need to spend his money on you, but the look on his face told you he would only insist. It was obvious to anyone this was one of his ways of flirting, and yet…it made your insides feel tangled with a warm fuzziness you couldn’t name.
Although, the former half of his sentence brought up something you’d been wondering about. It was decidedly more intimate than your previous questions though, and you hoped he wouldn’t take offense. But you had been curious.
“What’s it like…being chancellor?”
Ardyn scoffed playfully. “Got tired of small talk, did you?”
“You seemed rather disappointed I started small,” you countered.
“I suppose you have me there,” he said with a chuckle. “Well, to be perfectly honest, being chancellor isn’t as luxurious as one may be led to believe. I could be mistaken for a common accountant, given how often I am tasked with balancing budgets these days.”
“Not a numbers person?” You snickered.
“Oh, quite the contrary.” He waved his hand, swatting away the idea. “My fluency in numeracy is without question; it is the sheer boredom I feel from filling out such paperwork that makes some days drag on.”
“Do you like it? Being chancellor?”
Ardyn nodded. “Indeed I do. It is an honor to serve my country, paperwork and all.”
The way he said ‘my country’ told you there was more to that story, but you decided not to probe. After all, he’d already told you more about his position than you would’ve expected. You smiled though, instead remembering something he’d said the previous night.
“Coworkers and all?” You teased, flashing him a smirk of your own. He scoffed again at that, shaking his head.
“Yes, coworkers and all. Though calling them anything more than imbeciles is being generous.”
You laughed, hearing the clear annoyance in his tone. He didn’t bother trying to hide it.
“Why don’t you just fire them?” You questioned. “You’re like second in charge, right?”
Ardyn smiled, you supposed at your naivety. “That I am, though I am not in charge of his Radiance’s cabinet. I’m afraid I’m stuck with whomever the Emperor chooses.”
“Bummer,” you said, and Ardyn nodded. Would that he could get rid of those fools, but it was as he said; he was powerless in that regard.
“I trust what I’ve told you shall stay between us?” He asked, glancing at you. After all, he had to play nice with them, at least for the most part.
“Of course. Your secret’s safe with me.”
“How relieving,” he sighed contentedly. “Have my answers satisfied you enough to permit me an inquiry?”
“Alright, go ahead,” you said with a wave of your hand. He’d earned it. “You wanted to know my favorite food?”
“Actually I had something else in mind,” he said, turning to you. “Have any of the flowers here caught your eye?”
“O-oh,” his question caught you off guard, and you tried to remember all the different kinds you’d seen. There were so many, it was hard to settle on just one. “I liked the orchids we passed, I’ve always been fond of those. But really, everything here has been beautiful.”
“Orchids, hm?” He echoed, considering that for a moment. Without another word, he abruptly stood up, shaking the tiredness from his limbs and stretching a little. You looked up at him with bewilderment, wondering if you’d said something wrong.
“Worry not, I’ll be just a moment.” He smiled down at you. “Please, help yourself to anything you see. What’s mine is yours.”
With that, he left you under the tree, disappearing into the thicket of roses and thorns. You stared at his back as he left, wondering where he was going, but given his sudden interest in your flower preferences, you figured he may be gathering a bouquet for you. Not exactly subtle, though given his manner of dress, you supposed subtly wasn’t his strong suit. Still, the thought had you blushing, it was quite sweet, if that was indeed what he was doing. The man wasn’t kidding when he said he enjoyed chivalry.
While you waited for him to return, you scooted to the edge of the blanket, admiring the pink and yellow blooms all around you. Some leaned over the raised beds in which they resided, beckoning you to sample their luscious scents. You could hardly refuse them, smiling as their gentle petals caressed your face.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that, but you were soon startled out of your blissful indulgence when, again, something was placed on your head. This was definitely not a hat though, more of a circlet, and when you reached up to touch it, you felt flowers beneath your fingers.
Turning around, you were surprised to find Ardyn kneeling behind you, a wide, satisfied grin on his face. You hadn’t even heard him return, nor felt the blanket dip from the addition of his weight. The man was like a ninja when he wanted to be.
Carefully, you removed the circlet from your head so you could look at it. Your breath caught as you held it out in front of yourself, staring in stunned awe. Ardyn hadn’t simply gotten you a bouquet, no, the man had made you a flower crown. Comprised of the flowers you told him were your favorite, the craftsmanship was breathtakingly immaculate. Each of their stems were woven together at the perfect length, leaving just enough room for the flowers to create a stunning halo. Not a leaf was out of place, each of the dozen or so blooms he’d used pointing outward and on full display. You held it with the utmost care, afraid you might undo the stems should you treat it wrong.
“Do you like it?” Ardyn asked proudly, sitting on his shins and watching while you turned over the delicate crown.
“Like it?” You gaped at him, looking into his honied irises. “I love it. It’s beautiful.”
“I thought you might,” he snickered. You continued to admire his handiwork, turning the little thing over and feeling the petals between your fingers, which grew sticky from their yellow pollen. Ardyn simply watched you examine it, before he decided to gently cup your hands in his, guiding you to place it back on your head. You could feel the callouses on the tips of his fingers, and the warmth that sent a tingle down your arm, your heart skipping a beat.
“After all, it suits you…花の姫.” (Hana no hime; flower princess).
He let go as your eyes went wide, part of you unsure if you were hearing correctly. But no, he’d definitely just called you flower princess in ancient Lucian. The sweetness in his voice had a mad heat trickle down the tips of your ears, a blush spreading across your fair cheeks.
“I don’t know about ‘princess’,” you said shyly. “But you’re definitely かっこいいです.” (Kakkoii desu; handsome).
“Oh my!” Ardyn quipped. “Feeling bold today, are we?”
“You make me so,” you said, giggling at his prideful smirk. Even if he didn’t say it out loud, the compliment had certainly stroked his ego.
“I really am a bad influence, aren’t I?”
You both shared a laugh at the thought, though you couldn’t help but think it wasn’t entirely inaccurate. His own eccentricities made you feel more comfortable being yourself, which meant you could match his playful energy. Honestly, you were thankful for it, even if you weren’t sure why you felt the way you did.
When your laughs had been swallowed by the garden, Ardyn returned to his place under the tree, settling with his back against it. You watched him, waiting until he was comfortable before following him. You hesitated when you got back to where you were sitting before, debating with yourself if you should get closer to him, and you ultimately decided you did. You liked being near him. So you shoved the platter of food aside, causing Ardyn to raise a brow, but he made no protest. You plopped down next to him, only a few inches of space between you two, close enough you could smell his cologne.
“Might I ask you another question?” Ardyn said, once you’d settled in beside him.
“Sure,” you nodded to him.
“What is your greatest desire in life?”
“Oh,” you hadn’t expected that one from him; it was a bit of a deviation from where you’d left off. “You’re asking me about philosophy?”
He looked over at you, a knowing smile on his face. “It’s just a question,” he teased dramatically, and you scoffed.
“Alright alright,” you said with a wave of your hand. You didn’t mind the question, though you took a moment to really ponder it, a thousand different suitable answers coming and going, yet none feeling quite right. Sure, there were lots of things you desired, but none feeling worthy enough to say your life was dedicated to it. Not until you found something that really spoke to you.
“To make people happy,” you said truthfully. “I know what it feels like to be hated by people who are supposed to love you, and I don’t want anyone to have to face that alone. So I try my best to be kind. I don’t always succeed, but I try. If it means it can make someone a little happier, if my dumb joke made someone laugh, I think that makes it all worth it.”
“Hmm,” Ardyn stared ahead at the flowers, his eyes half lidded. “Spoken like a true altruist.”
You shook your head with a smile. You weren’t sure about that, but you wouldn’t argue. “What’s yours?”
Ardyn’s gaze traveled upward, watching the pink petals float down from the tree, swaying gently in the artificial wind.
“To bring justice to those who have wronged me,” he breathed. There was a dreaminess in his voice, and he seemed lost in thought as he said it. You stared at him, watching as unnameable emotions swirled in the depths of his eyes, and you felt a pang of sadness pierce your own heart. It sounded like whatever it was had been haunting him for a long time. You wanted to ask for details, but you knew it wasn’t your place to pry, especially in that moment.
Instead, you tentatively reached over, taking one of his hands into yours and giving it a gentle squeeze, the leather of his gloves creaking slightly. Ardyn blinked away his thoughts, returning to the present as he slowly met your eyes.
“I hope you succeed,” you said, giving his hand another squeeze, accompanied with a reassuring smile. He seemed startled by your words for a breath, before he regained his composure and matched your warm expression.
“Thank you,” he said, and you knew he was being sincere. The playful lilt that ever flavored his speech was noticeably absent.
You nodded to him as you let his hand go. The two of you allowed the silence to stretch, listening to the leaves rustle and the birds chirp. Both of you leaned your backs against the great tree, her bark smooth and welcoming. It was nice, just experiencing all that with him, and your heart soared with how well everything had gone so far. You wouldn’t mind spending many days like this, enjoying the quiet serenity of each other.
And then an idea popped into your head. You straightened slightly, glancing over at Ardyn. He looked quite relaxed, happily gazing at the bees that hopped from flower to flower. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, suddenly nervous about what you wished to ask him. His earlier words echoed in your head while you tried to sum up what little courage you had.
Feeling bold today, are we?
Why yes, yes I am, you thought, deciding to go through with it.
“Hey Ardyn?”
“Can I…cuddle you?”
There was a pause. Ardyn’s brow furrowed, and he looked at you, puzzled.
“I beg your pardon?” He wasn’t smiling anymore.
“Like, snuggle,” you said, wringing your hands while you felt another blush coming on. “You know; like holding each other.”
Ardyn seemed to think on the idea, like it was foreign to him. Then, an amused smile touched his lips.
“You’re certainly welcome to try,” he said with a shrug.
Challenge accepted.
You scooted closer, watching his face to make sure he was okay with what you were doing. He seemed indifferent so far, though he watched you out of the corner of his eye. Just before your bodies met, that’s when you made your move. Quickly, you crawled into his lap, making sure to be gentle as you settled into him. Ardyn made a startled sound, but did not protest your actions. You made yourself comfortable right under his chin, burying yourself in his many layers of fabric, his scent all around you. You closed your eyes in bliss, resting your head against his chest as your body soaked up his warmth.
“Is this okay?” You asked, looking up at him. His eyes were slightly wide, and his hands hovered at your sides, like he wanted to hold you, but was afraid of doing so.
“…Yes,” he said, but you could hear uncertainty in his tone.
“It’s okay if it’s not,” you said. “I’m just a cuddle bug.” It was true; ever since you were a child you’d loved cuddling. It felt so nice. It felt like love.
Ardyn took a moment to shed his doubts, but once he did, he chuckled softly, his arms finally wrapping around you, holding you to himself. One cupped the small of your back, while the other held your arms, his thumb carding across your skin. He brought his knees up, cradling you in his lap, which brought a smile to your face, knowing he had accepted this. You felt so comfortable, so safe being held in his arms.
“It’s quite alright, dear,” Ardyn said, and you could feel the words in his chest, next to his heartbeat. The vibrations felt so oddly familiar. “It’s simply…been a long time.”
You shook your head at that, another pang of sadness zipping through your chest. “Next time, I’m holding you.”
He let out a laugh, and you smiled.
“What a sight that would be,” he said, resting his chin atop your head. You could feel his sharp stubble prick your scalp, and you couldn’t help but think it felt nice. You sighed deeply as the conversation died down, Ardyn beginning to massage your skin with the pads of his fingers. His breaths were long and deep, and you enjoyed how they felt against your own.
When your eyes drooped close for a second time, a wave of drowsiness wafted down your shoulders. Don’t fall asleep, you warned yourself, but your body had other plans. Surrounded by Ardyn’s warmth, snuggly tucked into the gentle fabric of his scarves, the soft thumping of his heart began to lull you to sleep. You tried to keep yourself from succumbing, shaking yourself and blinking the sleepiness from your eyes, but you soon lost the strength to do so. You felt your body relax into Ardyn as you were pulled into the void of blissful sleep.
He wasn’t used to feeling like this.
Not anymore.
Though, he could remember a time when it wasn’t uncommon. Where if some lucky interloper had claimed to have seen him basking in the gift of life, of love, it wouldn’t have seemed so outlandish. When he often found himself in the royal gardens, with the most wonderous woman on Eos in his arms, or him in hers…
But those warm memories had long faded to empty, darkened coals.
Yet, holding you, a parallel to those lost memories, he found himself reminiscing. As he nuzzled his face into your hair, pushing gentle kisses into the top of your head, he could see it. See her. The smell of flowers lingered from the crown he’d made you, and he was transported back to a time before he’d lost all he’d loved. He could smell the field of wheat they both adored, the sylleblossoms they traded, the fragrant wood of that old willow tree. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine it was Aera cradled in his lap, Aera whom he held like his most precious treasure.
But when he looked down…what he found was not his beloved. He saw you instead, sleeping like a babe, unaware of the turbulence that twisted his innards.
And part of him hated that. Was enraged that you made him feel the way she did.
He was filled with the sudden urge to shove you off himself. To yell and scream and even slay you for trying to usurp his heart.
His hardened gaze glared at your unconscious form at the thought.
He could kill you. The daemons hummed with glee at the prospect.
It would be so easy. Like trimming fussy, overgrown rose bushes…
…but he didn’t.
He couldn’t.
Some part of him liked this. Your warmth. Relished in it, cherished it. It had been too long since someone truly cared for him, wanted what was best for him. It had been even longer since someone held him, ran their fingers across his skin with unconditional reverence. Those notions had died with Aera, when he became the Gods’ perfect monster.
Though despite his misgivings, you’d opened your own heart to him. It had taken some prying, to be sure, but you’d offered him something he hadn’t experienced in centuries. A connection that ran deeper than surface level, down to the very core of his being. What shriveled up, broken and blacked pieces of it that remained. He could see it when he looked into your eyes, the sheer amount of empathy they held, even from what little he’d told you. Somehow, you already cared for him.
And that fact was utterly terrifying.
Ardyn let out a frustrated sigh, watching the way it disturbed your hair. He brushed a stray lock of it out of your face, delighting in the softness of your skin beneath the pads of his fingers. Savoring how your lungs pushed on him with every breath. The feeling of your body relaxing into his.
Someone in this time cared for him. Trusted him.
He pulled you further into his chest, holding you tightly.
He wanted that. He needed that.
“Well played…” he murmured, a smirk blooming on his face. The Gods had certainly given him an apt challenge.
You stirred in his grasp, startling him out of his thoughts. He loosened his grip so you could move, watching as you sleepily crawled upwards, nuzzling the side of his face before placing a kiss on his jawline.
He blinked at the sudden affection, unsure how to respond, but you didn’t seem bothered by that. You immediately fell back asleep, settling into his form and breathing deeply.
He remained unmoving for a moment, before a sly chuckle left his lips.
“Quite the minx you are,” he sighed, wrapping his arms around you once more.
“You seemed tense,” you surprised him with your voice, thick with a dreamy fog.
He huffed a small laugh at that. Perhaps you weren’t as oblivious as he thought.
“Not untrue, my dear,” he purred. “…Not untrue.”
He could feel his own eyelids begin to grow heavy. Ardyn rested his face against yours, breathing in deeply your scent as they drooped closed. His last words hung in the air as he succumbed to the temptation, a peaceful darkness welcoming him as he drifted away.
Ardyn wasn’t sure how long he’d slept, but he felt his consciousness slowly return. His eyes stuttered open, a groggy groan parting his lips as sleep slipped through his fingers. Much to his pleasure, it had been a dreamless rest.
“Your Excellency?”
He met the eyes of the meek attendant who’d awoken him, allowing his displeasure to frolic on his face. At least your own sleep hadn’t been ruined by the intrusion.
“I hope for your sake this is something important,” Ardyn warned, satisfied when the poor fellow visibly began to sweat.
“M-my apologies sir,” he stuttered. “But his Radiance has requested an audience with you.”
Ardyn let out an exasperated sigh, looking down at your sleeping form regretfully. “I suppose I’ll have to go see him then,” he said, barely containing his annoyance.
“My apologies, sir.”
Ardyn waved his hand, and the attendant scurried away immediately, happy to have escaped with his job intact.
Peering down at you, Ardyn let out a sorrowful sigh. Nuzzling his cheek against your forehead, he wondered how he was going to wake you. Part of him wanted to say to hell with the emperor, but he had too much left to do for that just yet. Still, he was quite sad what little peace he’d found that day was already coming to an end. Moments like that were so rare, he wanted to prolong it for as long as he could. Alas, the emperor was not a patient man.
“Darling…” Ardyn whispered, nudging you with his cheek. When you gave no response, he said your name, a little louder now. You roused slightly at hearing it, whimpering as you began to regain consciousness. Stubbornly, you burrowed yourself deeper into the folds of his clothes, hiding your face from the setting Sun. Ardyn smiled at your defiance, but he knew you couldn’t stay there forever.
“I’m afraid our time for naps has come to an end,” he said gently. You groaned, clutching onto him like he may disappear without a moments notice.
“Don’t wanna,” you said into his chest. Your voice was muffled by his coat and scarves, but he could still hear how the words were slurred through half-conscious lips.
Ardyn narrowed his eyes at you, then smiled. He let out a dramatic sigh, allowing his arms to fall limp at his sides.
“Whatever am I going to tell The Emperor?” He lamented, lacing his voice with facetious despair. “I fear he would not be so forgiving, were he to discover the fault for my tardiness was yours. I am only looking out for your safety.”
That got you moving. You sat up immediately, your eyes wide as you looked at him in shock. “The Emperor? Gods Ardyn, I’m sorry!” You started scrambling to become presentable, leaning out of his lap to brush crumbs off the blanket, adjusting the hem of your shirt, and frantically combing your fingers through your disheveled hair.
“Darling…darling,” Ardyn said, the urgency in his voice giving you pause.
“There’s no need to be so nervous!” He spoke between laughs. “His Radiance isn’t coming here, he has simply requested an audience with me.”
You stared at him for a moment, before you let your shoulders sag, sighing in relief. “Jeez Ardyn, don’t scare me like that. Still, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I’m sorry.”
“Come now, there’s no need for that,” he rubbed circles into your back with his thumb to reassure you. “It’s not often I have the luxury of a midday nap.”
A wide smile spread across your face. Ardyn almost wanted to reach out and pinch your adorable cheeks, but he resisted the urge.
“Yeah? Did you like it?”
He nodded. “That I did. ‘Twas nice to feel relaxed, if only for a little while.”
“I’m so glad to hear that,” you said, and the warmth in your eyes almost made Ardyn feel lightheaded.
When was the last time someone looked at him like that?
“But I don’t want to get you in trouble.” Just as quickly, your face darkened again with guilt. Undeserved guilt, but Ardyn could see it nonetheless, and something inside him didn’t like it. Gently, he cupped your face in his hand, bringing your eyes back to him and tracing shapes into your cheek.
“You’re much too hard on yourself,” he said softly. “No such thing shall come to pass. And even should it, the blame would not rest on your shoulders.”
You held his gaze for a long moment, worry etched into your features, before you sighed loudly. “Okay,” you said, yet the worry didn’t fade. “If you say so.”
Arden flashed you a reassuring grin. You remained stoic as you looked at him, until your eyes absentmindedly flicked up, and you abruptly started giggling. Ardyn raised a brow at you, puzzled by the sudden change in demeanor.
“Something amusing?” He asked.
You smirked at him. “Yeah,” you said through another bout of snickers. “You have petals on your hat…and in your hair.”
Ardyn blinked at you, his eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. “Do I, now?”
“Yeah,” you giggled. “You look cute like that.”
“Cute?” Ardyn huffed indignantly. “You insult me.”
“Oh come on,” you leaned forward to nuzzle his cheek with your nose. His lips parted in surprise from the affection, and you smiled big at him. “You’re adorable.”
Ardyn scoffed, making you laugh. He shook his head at you, before his smirk returned at full force.
“Well…I suppose it’s not as bad as having petals running down the front of my shirt.”
Your eyes went wide, smile gone as you looked down to find, indeed, there were petals going down your chest. Some had settled on your breasts, a few even found their way into your bra.
“Ugh, Ardyn!” You cried, flinching away from him to frantically swat away the petals. He laughed loudly while your ears burned a bright red, pulling your shirt up to hide your modesty. Ardyn couldn’t help but enjoy the irony of this situation, given how eager you’d been the other night, but he supposed this was his doing. Besides, you were technically ‘in public’, at least more so than you’d been at your apartment.
“Come now darling!” Ardyn said through bouts. “I have enough respect for you not to stare. At least…not much.”
You glared at him, giving his shoulder a playful shove. “You’re bad.”
“Never claimed to not be,” he said with a shrug. You shook your head at him, even as a chuckle bubbled up from your throat.
“Guess that’s why I like you.” You grinned at him.
His own smirk grew at that. His heart skipped a beat, and he told himself that’s because of how perfectly his plans were unfolding. You would be much easier to keep an eye on now.
“You’ve no idea how delighted I am to hear that,” he purred, grasping your hand and bringing it to his lips, placing a light kiss on your knuckles. It was cute how you tried to hide your blush by looking away, but Ardyn was far too keen for such things.
“I’m glad,” you spoke shyly, even while a happy grin remained on your lips. “So, when can I see you again?”
“Yes, about that,” Ardyn gave your hand a light squeeze before releasing it. “I had hoped you would join me for a little celebration the Emperor is putting together in half a fortnight. It will be a grand ball filled with all his Radiences greatest luxuries. Would you do me the honor of being my guest for the evening?”
“Oh gosh, Ardyn,” you said, wringing your hands nervously. “I’m not sure I’m cut out for that kind of thing, I’ve never spoken to any nobles besides you. I don’t even have anything nice to wear.”
“Nonsense!” Ardyn boasted. “It would be a privilege to have you at my side for the night. And you needn’t worry about attire nor your manners; I shall provide you with both.”
The look you gave him was full of doubt. “That’s sweet Ardyn, a-and I’m flattered, really, but…are you sure you want to be seen with me? What if I embarrass you or say something stupid?”
He supposed he couldn’t be surprised by your shyness, but seeing you like that nearly made him feel pity for you. Your self doubt was a plague, much like the rage of his own daemons, the both of you silent puppets to their whims. He almost felt sorry for you.
“You needn’t worry,” Ardyn said softly, grasping your chin in his fingers to force your eyes back to himself. “I’m sure the noble houses will be too busy with their own jealousy, courtesy of the beautiful maiden at my side.”
That got a laugh out of you. He grinned as he let go of your face, the sound like a gentle wind chime, coaxed into singing by a soothing breeze. He found himself liking the sound, as odd as it was to acknowledge that.
“What happened to ‘flattery will get you nowhere’?” You asked with a knowing smirk. Ardyn returned the sentiment with his own signature smugness.
“Well…if you’d rather I didn’t call you such…”
“No no,” you said quickly, placing your head in the open palm he offered. You hummed happily as his thumb carded across your supple cheek. “I like it when you call me that.”
“I figured you would,” he said. “Now, I’m afraid we must be going, dearest. The emperor will only wait so long.”
You nodded. “Right.” Reluctantly, you crawled out of his lap, standing so you could stretch out a little. Ardyn found himself feeling cold now that you were gone, but he ignored that, rising to begin the trek back through the garden. You followed along behind him, taking one last look at all the flowers as you went.
“Oh, shouldn’t we bring the plate in?” You asked just as his boots touched the cobblestone pathway. He turned to see you looking at the platter of forgotten food, and he had to chuckle at your question.
“You’ve no reason to fret; a servant shall come and retrieve it for us,” he said.
“Oh…right.” You hurried after him, shoes crunching on the pebbles of the walkway. The journey back to the entrance was peaceful, and Ardyn enjoyed once again watching you bounce from flower to flower, gently caressing their delicate petals before darting to the next. You were more excitable than he would’ve guessed from your previous encounters.
Of course, Ardyn insisted on seeing you to the palace gates, which you were more than happy to agree to. He led you through the winding hallways, and you remained respectfully quiet, even while a soft smile still adorned your face. It wasn’t long before the palace’s grand doors came into view, with his most senior servant waiting obediently next to them.
“Justin will show you home,” Ardyn said, gesturing at said man. He bowed respectfully to the both of you as you approached, posture picture perfect.
“Of course Your Excellency. I will bring around the car.”
“See that you do,” Ardyn dismissed him, and he was out the door with a trained swiftness. He turned back to you, and you smiled at each other.
“Thank you, Ardyn,” you said. “It was all so wonderful. I’m glad you brought me here.”
He placed a hand over his heart, feigning that he was touched. “You’re very welcome dear,” he cooed. “I shall see you on the evening of the gala. In the meantime, I shall have suitable attire sent to your abode. You can expect it on Friday.”
You beamed at him. “Thank you Ardyn. I-I really don’t know what to say, that’s very sweet of you. You know you don’t have too.”
“Oh, but it’s been so long since I’ve had the chance to spoil someone. All I ask is that you join me for the festivities.” He raised his arms theatrically, indicating the decadent palace around you.
You giggled at his dramatics, your eyes full of warmth as you gave him one last smile. “Alright, I’ll see you then.” You waved at him as you turned, beginning to follow after the attendant. Just as you came to the door, you glanced over your shoulder, meeting his eyes. Ardyn titled his head inquisitively, watching indecision contort your expression. He thought it rather amusing, how you often seemed to struggle with internal debates.
Finally, you made up your mind. Without warning, you darted back to his side, standing on your tiptoes to place a gentle kiss on his left cheek. Ardyn’s eyes widened, and you smirked proudly back at him.
“I’ll see you next week,” you said merrily. With that, you were gone, out through the double doors before Ardyn could respond. He stared after you for a moment before letting out a light laugh. You’d surprised him more than once today, and for that he was grateful, even if he knew the palace hands would doubtless be busy, spreading rumors of the chancellor’s newest toy. Perhaps that would get the obnoxious suitors that try to court him off his back for a little while.
He could muse about all that later though. He made his way back through the endless halls, the scarce servants scattered about bowing to him deeply as he walked by them, descending into the lower bowels to retrieve his beloved automobile. All the while, much of his thoughts were taken up by you. Reliving those soft moments you shared, analyzing the feelings that accompanied them. It was fascinating, for someone like him. The fluttering in his chest…he couldn’t tell if he despised it or adored it.
He wondered if you remembered the flower crown still perched on your head. You looked so heavenly with it…part of him hoped you would keep it. Would smell the blooms and think of him.
Even if the rest of him was swathed with rage. For none of this would matter, in the end. All that mattered, was that he got his revenge…
Can you tell my love language is physical touch? 🤣🤣
I want to thank everyone that included me in those tag/ask games, even though I didn’t have time to do them. Thank you for thinking of me 💕💕
Next chapter is gala time!
23 notes · View notes
agent-cupcake · 2 years
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Pairing: Ardyn Izunia x f!angel reader
Synopsis: For the prompt Ardyn + holy. Fallen angel daemon Ardyn rejected your offer of salvation, deciding that it would be more fun to ruin you instead.
Warnings: explicit smut, noncon, minor elements of torture, violence
Tags: au: angels and demons, tentacles, double penetration, throat fucking, voyeurism, cum eating, spit kink
Notes: I'm sorry about the blaspheme :(
Words: 7.1k
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Pain was the crude cudgel that forced you awake. It hit without any subtlety, demanding your urgent attention the second you managed even the slightest hint of consciousness. Every muscle burned, each pulse of blood through your head pounded like a hammer against your temple, and your wings, only half folded, hurt. They hurt very badly.
“Are you awake?” a man’s voice asked, the words muffled and far away, nearly beyond your comprehension. You groaned weakly. The sound of a storm howled away outside, a riotous gale of wind and rain and thunder clapping angrily. Its chill crept up your clammy skin, making you shiver. It was so cold. “How you could manage to sleep through a storm like this… Well, it’s beyond me.”
Trying to fight through the fog of dissociation, you blinked a few times, getting a blurry look at your surroundings. The room was dark and empty. Everything, save for the pain itself, was icy cold. And all of it, every piece of the situation in which you had awoken, was horribly, utterly wrong. That allowed you some clarity beyond the pain, beyond the confusion. Enough to realize you were chained to a chair with metal handcuffs, your back aching from slumping forward and your feet bare and numb. A collar sat heavily around your neck, set with a chain that snaked somewhere behind you.
The speaker, a man who loomed as little more than a shadow with the light of a storm behind him, watching you from across the room. His eyes glowed in the dim light, a cruel, malevolent yellow.
“You will forgive me,” he told you, his voice smooth and friendly. Adjusting yourself with a painful heave upright, you attempted to shake out your wings, acting on the animal impulse of fight or flight. Flight, always flight. But you realized immediately that the right one refused to extend, shooting red hot agony down all the way to the base of your spine. The left fared slightly better, but the pristine white plumage was coated in tar-like ink. Dried blood matted the feathers. Your blood. “I’ve never kept birds before, I’m afraid I wasn’t entirely sure how wings are best clipped.”
“What did you do?” you asked, horrified as you looked at the wreckage. For some reason, they weren’t healing the way they should have been. Your mouth tasted like blood, the words stilted and heavy.
“I didn't want my little birdie to fly away so soon."
Finally, it hit you, memories filtering in past the pain and fear and discomfort. “Ardyn,” you said, identifying the man in front of you. Lightning flashed behind him, haloing his curls. Wingless and condemned and fallen, but still Ardyn. That was why you had descended, why you took the risk of a mortal form. After finding him, you had hoped he would speak with you. You couldn’t remember what happened after that.
“That He would send his favored daughter to put an end to my life is most telling, don’t you think?” he asked, crossing the room with a casual, stilted gait. Each fall of his boot was unbearably loud. “It rather hurt my feelings. Whatever could I have done to earn His ire?”
“No, He didn’t,” you said, your voice soft and hoarse. Tears blurred the sight of him looming above you, looking every bit the shadowy daemon he had become, a creature corrupted by starscourge and the sin of man. One who had clipped your wings. The right one still refused to extend or fold, stuck in a crooked, half unfurled position. Even if the feathers weren’t chopped, flight would be impossible.
Ardyn crouched down to meet your eye, his head cocked at a curious angle. “What was that?” he asked. “You don’t mean to tell me you’ve come in defiance of His orders, do you?” Whatever expression you made, most likely one of crippling guilt and regret, made Ardyn smile. “Oh, that is flattering. You were always so exhaustingly dedicated to following the rules, I must have really ruffled your feathers if you were willing to go to such extremes to kill me.” He looked pointedly at your injured wing before donning an over-the-top apologetic look. “That might have been a poor choice of words, I beg your pardon.”
“Not kill you,” you told him, refusing to be distracted by the cruel jab. If he thought you were an assassin, perhaps you could understand why he would do this. You just needed to make him understand, to convince him of your intent. Hopeful, pleading, begging him to listen. The Ardyn you once knew would understand, of that you were certain. “I came to save you.”
Ardyn didn’t move for a long moment. The storm raged, your heart raced, the pain pulsed. And still, you hoped. Prayed.
Slowly, crinkles fanning out from his eyes first, the corner of his lips curling up, he smiled. It was a horrible, evil expression. Dread enshrouded him, crushing against you as firmly as a vice. It was all you could do to meet his eye, air catching raggedly in your throat.
“No, no, no, darling,” Ardyn cooed. “That simply will not do.” His hand played along the length of chain connected to the metal collar around your neck before closing in a fist, roughly tugging you forward. You yelped, caught suspended as the chain securing the handcuffs pulled taut. The strain made your shoulders scream, your back muscles unintentionally flexing and hurting your injured wing all over again. “As I hope you'll come to understand, it is not I who is in need of salvation.”
Your breathing had become too fast, too frantic, tears making fresh tracks down your cheeks. In your weakened mortal form, flight was one of the few magics you were able to retain, and he’d already stolen that. The only reason for an angel to take the shape of man was to walk among them, you had to sacrifice much of your true form for it. That meant power, that meant knowledge, that meant divinity. That meant you were stupid and injured and trapped and you didn’t know what to do, didn’t know where you were or what was going to happen.
“Hush,” Ardyn cooed, releasing the chain so you could fall back and ease the strain on your arms. “There will be plenty of time for that later.”
You sobbed, shaking your head. The human emotions were more intense than you were prepared for, primal in the way they festered and erupted. In a time when you desperately needed poise and control, you faltered. The angelic part of yourself was easily overpowered by emotion, by fear.
“Ardyn, please. I wa-want to talk. Please just listen.”
He waved a dismissive hand, standing up. “Oh, do spare me your holier than thou drivel, it’s positively sickening. I do not want for salvation, nor do I have any desire for forgiveness. The time for that has long past, and I will not suffer the insult. As you can tell, I’m quite happy.” He turned towards you, arms outstretched and his smile glistening in the half light. “It suits me, wouldn’t you agree?”
It was as you had been warned. There were no traces of the kind, gentle soul you had once known. Rotted through with corruption and the daemonic scourge of man’s folly. You had, with only the best of intentions, brought yourself to the devil’s door. Heaven felt so, so far away, your mortal form severing your inherent connection. All the power, all the light, wasn’t strong enough to pierce this place.
“Don’t cry,” Ardyn scolded. “Rejoice in the chance I’m gifting to you. You have the privilege of setting an example, of being a martyr. Your fate will be a tragedy, a warning to those who believe His power to be greater than mine. Another angel fallen, stolen from the heavens and delivered into the corrupting embrace of sin. Think of it, my dear.”
You gasped, shaking your head in mindless, mute rejection. The utter magnitude of what he was saying was borderline incomprehensible, but the sinking terror of it had you sobbing, your shoulders straining and the metal cuffs biting painfully into your wrists. You knew that taking a mortal form made you emotional, irrational even, but that wasn’t enough to steady you. All you could do was cling to belief and faith, to whatever righteous conviction you felt that brought you to making such a reckless choice.
“You cannot make me,” you told him. “I will never relent to sin. I will never fall, no matter what. Not like—” You cut yourself off, unable to finish that biting, cruel thought. But Ardyn knew, his sharp smile made that obvious.
“Not like me, hm?” he asked. Ardyn gasped dramatically, a hand covering his heart. “You wound me.”
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” you told him softly. “He will forgive you, He will forgive anything. Ardyn, please, listen to me-”
“I considered that I might recreate my own torment and leave you here to rot for a century or so,” Ardyn said, breezing past your appeal. “But it does seem like such a waste. I would prefer to savor this moment. To see the look in your eyes as you’re dragged down into the darkest depths of hell, to know the taste of despair from one who has been promised eternal paradise. And so I began to wonder what the effects of sin might have on one such as you, one who is pure of mind and flesh. One who cannot hope to have any defense.”
“Ardyn, please,” you begged. “Please stop.”
“Sin,” Ardyn said, practically purring the word. “Not pain, I shall spare you that torment for now. Carnal sin. Lust, desire, pleasure. Have you any idea of what I mean, my dear?”
“Ardyn, please,” you begged again, knowing your words weren’t getting through but unable to come up with anything better. You thought this would be so easy, that he would see, that he would understand what seemed so obvious.
“Alas, I am unable to do anything of the sort with my own hand,” he said, crouching down in front of you again. “You are positively irradiated with His light.” Ardyn raised a hand, brushing a single fingertip across your cheek. Although all you felt was the zing of his touch, flinching away in fear, he hissed, something like smoke twisting up from where his flesh had met your own. “But it need not be by my hand that you are debauched, only my orchestration. I don’t doubt that there will be much you stand to lose even after you’ve been stripped of His blessing. But until then, a proxy must suffice.”
“Stop,” you begged again. Saliva pooled thickly on your tongue, as if you were speaking through sludge. You may as well have been saying nothing at all for the effect it had.
“But I’m getting ahead of myself, you really must forgive my anticipation,” Ardyn said, standing up. He walked around you, behind the chair. “Allow me to free you of these gaudy shackles. They’re unfit for such a devout servant of heaven.” You flinched when he lifted the chain connecting your wrists, but you felt the weight of a key. Felt the unclick of the lock.
“Are you ready?” Ardyn asked as the metal cuffs clanged to the floor. You hadn’t felt him get close, but the air of his words disturbed the hair around your ear. You turned to face him with your shoulders high, toppling out of the chair and onto the floor with a heavy exhale in your desperate to put space between you.
Ardyn wasn’t there. Instead, something caught you from the other side, catching the chain connected to the collar and jerking you back. You lashed out with fingers curled like claws, mindlessly thrashing, but your wrists got caught. At first, you thought it was Ardyn, you craned your neck around to see him, but there was nothing. Whatever held you emerged from the darkness, but it was tangible. Cool and smooth. Not quite flesh, yet unmistakably alive, undulating and pulsing as the inhuman limbs moved up your arms, binding them together behind your back. When it hit your injured wing, you howled, but no matter how much you struggled, the tendrils only continued to grow, slithering up your arms, crawling over your skin like vines.
“What is this?” you demanded, panic and dread building at the profane touch.
Only the howling wind answered the question, pounding against the windows. A second shadow limb wrapped around your ankle. Yelping, you tried to pull your foot away. Another caught your other leg. Snaking up your calves. The tendril that had originated around your arms had split, one of them wrapping around your waist to wrench you upward. How many were there? Pulsing and growing and splitting to well and truly bind you, to hold you still. They looked like shadows given form, almost. Glistening like ink, but not wet. Crackling with profane violet sparks of magic. Black smoke faintly rose up from wherever the things touched you, but they didn’t shrink away in pain the way Ardyn had. It made no sense that such things could be alive, but they felt alive. They seemed to move with intent.
“Stop this,” you begged, jerking and lurching against the bindings.
Ardyn laughed. You hadn’t seen him move, but he sat in front of you in your vacated chair, watching with those unnervingly yellow eyes. The shadows, the tentacle-like mass of starscourge, was quickly encompassing your entire body. It came directly from him. And his face, shown now in truth, was ashen and dripping the inky liquid, crackling with purple daemonic magic. A daemon.
“I wouldn’t fight them if I were you,” he said. “You could hurt yourself.”
“What is this?” you asked, your voice shrill with fear. “Stop it! Ardyn, please.”
“One might think you wanted this to happen, coming to me in such a tempting form.” His eyes scanned you slowly, nearly as invasive as the tendrils sneaking beneath your clothes, searching for skin. “Although, those clothes do you no favors,” Ardyn muttered. Just like that, your clothes withered to black dust, a rot that originated wherever the tendril touch them and slowly burned its way through. He had nothing to hide his true intentions, but that was the thing that made reality set in. Your long, shapeless dress, your bra, your panties—all of it, dust. Sin, he said. Carnal sin. “Ah, yes. That’s much better. Let there be no secrets between us.”
Your left wing trembled, trying to extend, to cover yourself. As soon as it moved, another shadow tendril secured it to your back. The right was, mercifully, left alone, but it was useless, twitching weakly, painfully. The way your arms were held behind your back forced your chest forward, nipples stiff in the cold air. Chills covered your body, disgust and shame the only real source of heat in this terrible, cold room. You had always thought that hell would be hot, but this was worse. Here, in this cold place of evil and of stone, Ardyn intended to use the material representation of sin itself to defile your flesh. You closed your eyes, desperate to shut him out. No matter what, he would not sway you. He would not ruin you.
“I like that look,” Ardyn said. “You truly believe that you are beyond corruption. I have no doubt that you will cling to your faith throughout this night and the next. You will falter as time wears on, but you will stubbornly refuse to be brought low no matter what fun we have.”
A shadow circled one of your painfully stiff nipples before curling around it. Shocked, disgusted by the invasive touch, your eyes opened wide to look at Ardyn, but he only smiled, elbows casually braced on his knees. You gasped in something like pain when the tendril pinched your nipple, sparks of mindless sensation scattering through your gut. Another slithered between your ribs, doing the same to the other breast.
“Stop,” you begged, closing your eyes again to shut it all out. At this point, that was impossible. Your entire body was hyper sensitized, it was all you could feel.
“But there will come a time, my dear, that you no longer remember what it is to hope. The pristine feathers you so proudly flaunt will blacken, and you will think only of the betrayal you have suffered. Damned to an eternity of being the devil’s plaything by the Father you revere. And for nothing more than the sin of your foolish kindness.”
“No,” you said, your voice breathless and tight. “Never.”
“Well,” Ardyn responded dismissively. “I told you it will take time. It is best to live in the present, don’t you think? This is, after all, a very special moment.”
One of the tendrils began to crawl up your thigh. Its destination was obvious, but you screamed when it bumped the outer lips protecting your pussy, thrashing like a wild beast. Mindlessly terrified, disgust swelling up in your throat. Tightening around your thighs, the shadow jerked your legs open wider in response to your pathetic attempt at escape. Your hips twitched, muscles trembling with strain, but there was nowhere for you to go with the scourge limbs keeping your thighs spread, another holding your hips to keep you from wiggling away.
“Stop,” you plead breathlessly, dizzy from how fast you were hyperventilating. “Stop it, now!”
“Would that I could, my dear, but I think they’ve taken a liking to you.”
All you could do was let out a pathetic, whimpery wail. It would be better to let this happen with some grace, to shut your mind off to the exploitation of your body and rise above it. To refuse to engage in your own ruination. But you couldn’t. The ones on your nipples continued to pinch and pull, never overstepping the line of pain but always threatening it. All it did was incite disgust and horror, but there was a purely physical reaction you couldn’t control. And, ignoring your attempt at displacing it, the shadowy tendril exploring between your legs continued to gently probe between your legs, smooth as it slipped past your slit to slide across the warmer flesh.
When you screamed at the unwanted touch, a thicker tendril shoved past your lips as if waiting for the opportunity, muffling your cry. Starscourge tasted of ink and ozone and blood, a foul combination. Although it only rested shallowly on your tongue, it made you gag, your body attempting to heave despite the lack of movement you were allowed. Worse was the feeling of it. The way its smooth surface seemed to pulse, constantly twisting and writhing.
If you vomited and choked, would Ardyn stop this? You weren’t sure. You had to focus on your breathing, on controlling your body. As soon as you came to that conclusion, you were given a little shake, your legs pulled even wider, and the tendril between your legs landed against your clit. The way you screamed pressed your tongue against the thing in your mouth and you felt the way a shudder worked down its length. Continuing to pulse, it thrust shallowly into your mouth, swelling up enough to make your jaw burn.
“Breathe through your nose,” Ardyn instructed you brightly, like he was offering a tip while training. “If you faint again, who knows what I might be forced to do to revive you.”
Focusing on his words was impossible. Between your struggle to breathe past the shadow thrusting languidly into your mouth, the one rubbing little circles against your clit, and the ones secured around your abused nipples, your brain was more than overloaded. Drool slipped past your lips as the scourge limb pulled out, sliding past your chin and onto your chest. Something else was coming out of it, another fluid joining the deluge of saliva. Thicker, tasting of scourge. It filled your mouth and you couldn’t get rid of it fast enough whenever the tendril pulled out, having no choice but to swallow.
“O, Father,” Ardyn called dramatically. “We ask thee to bless and sanctify this water to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy accursed son. Amen.”
You sobbed, a flicker of genuine hatred sparking within you that he would mock something so sacred as sacrament.
“Was that too far?” Ardyn asked. “I’d have thought you would embrace a reminder of the familiar.”
A weak moan of protest rumbled in your throat, silenced before it could really be voiced. The tendril between your legs pulled away for a moment, giving you a second of hope that it was over. When it returned, however, it was slightly thicker, slick with what you could only assume was the vile liquid you were choking on.
This time, it was rougher, rubbing hard and fast circles against your clit. You couldn’t help the way your body responded, it was the same as choking on the limb fucking your mouth and the same as the sparks of sensation the ones on your nipples continued to send through you. A bodily function, not one of your mind.
You couldn’t help it.
“Just like that, darling,” Ardyn said, his voice low and smooth.
You whimpered, twitched. Your entire body strained against the various shadowy limbs holding you still, your hips attempting to move away from the pleasure being forced into you. Dizziness had crawled from the base of your skull and left your mind buzzing numbly. Thunder struck and you peeked down at the pair of evil yellow eyes watching you unravel.
“Go on,” he encouraged you sweetly. So sweetly.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you came. Unable to move, the most you could manage was the slight tilt of your head, the tightening of your muscles beneath their shadowy confines. The feeling had an indescribable heat to it, a bright flash of sensation and then the warmth. It was like nothing you had ever felt before, at least not while wearing a mortal form. Pain and emotion were much stronger to a human brain, but so was pleasure.
The tendrils around your nipples had finally tipped over the edge of pain, pinching too hard considering how sensitive you had become. But there was nothing you could do about it, not with the rush of pleasure as the one between your legs continued its assault against your clit, and not when your mouth was still being used by the thicker scourge limb. At this point, the inky liquid it secreted was coating your chin and chest. You dared not consider how much of it you had swallowed.
Once you finished twitching and trembling your way through your first orgasm, the tendril between your legs moved downward, leaving your swollen clit to rest. Pleasure wasn’t enough to make you ignore the danger as it prodded at the fluttering muscles of your entrance. You knew full well what it intended, but your rejection was reduced to nothing but incomprehensible grunts as the thing continued to use your mouth.
“I’m afraid to say, my dear, that you’re positively dripping,” Ardyn said. You tried to object, but your words were muffled. Looking down at him was difficult, the thing in your mouth keeping you from moving your head too much. In your teary periphery, you could see that he had pulled his chair closer, lips pursed as he inspected you. “What a cruel little minx you are, tempting me in this way.” Ardyn sighed, sitting back. “Fortunately, I have learned a great deal about patience in recent years. You will have what you want for now, I’ll claim my share later.”
The tendril resting against your entrance shuddered in the same way the one in your mouth had, swelling up and secreting more of the inky liquid. It was slightly sticky, thicker than your saliva. As if to distract you, the scourge limb fucking your mouth—reaching all the way back into your throat at this point—began to pulse and shudder with a final surge, dumping more and more of that viscous liquid down your throat, overflowing from where your lips were stretched around it and you choked and gagged and whined in distress.
“By the time I get my turn, I daresay you’ll be an expert at that,” Ardyn said cheerfully as the shadowy tendril pulled out of your mouth. Gasping for air, you tried to spit out as many sticky globs of the thing’s secretions as possible, but it had infected your mouth, your throat. You could have sworn you felt it in your belly, swishing around your insides and infecting you from the inside out.
Finished with whatever preparations it intended, the scourge limb between your legs pushed firmly against your entrance. You opened your mouth, intending to object, but Ardyn cut you off.
“Careful,” he warned. “I’ve no interest in hearing you complain incessantly. There are better uses for that mouth of yours.”
“It won’t fit,” you said tightly, watching the shadow prod between your legs. Ardyn didn’t respond, his eyes dark as he watched the thing push at your entrance again. The flesh between your legs was coated with the same dark, stick liquid coating your chest, laying heavily on your tongue. The same that dripped down his face. The blunted head pushed into you with a solid thrust, heavy and uncomfortably hard around the clenching muscles. You could feel its wrongness, the too-smooth texture of its flesh, the way it seemed to pulse and undulate beneath the surface.
“Oh, would you look at that,” Ardyn said, feigning awe. “It looks as if it fits to me. What do you think?”
You weren’t sure if you meant to say something, or if the open-mouthed shock of sensation was the only response you were capable of. The tendrils holding your body forced you further down onto the scourge limb, cruelly pushing it deeper in little jolting bursts. It split you open, relentlessly making your pussy stretch around it while it trembled and twitched, its surface continuing to inhumanly ripple against your inner walls.
“Stop,” you finally got out, sobbing and panicked at the unbearable ache of being stretched open. “No more, it—it hurts.”
“What did I say?” he asked.
You couldn’t remember. The only thing you could possibly focus on was the intrusive pain as you were dragged down a few more inches, your body unwillingly yielding. When you screamed—if not in pain, than in objection—a new tendril pushed into your mouth just as the last one had, shuddering and swelling and coated in even more of the inky liquid.
“You can’t say I didn’t warn you,” Ardyn told you. Surprised, you clamped down hard around the scourge cock—and what’s what it was, wasn’t it? What else could it be?—buried deep into your cunt, crying as it settled. Likely because to go any further would seriously damage you. As it was, you could only imagine what the thing was doing to your insides.
Instead of fucking your mouth like the last one had, the shadow seemed to want to explore, its tapered tip feeling around your mouth in a way you’d almost call curious. The effect was the same, your cries and groans and pleas muffled, but maybe you were grateful it was being more gentle. When your tongue nudged against it, an absurd amount of the inky liquid dripped out of it. There was nowhere for it to go other than down, slick in your throat, heavy in your stomach. At this point, the foul taste barely registered.
“An angel would never deny sacrament, would she?” Ardyn asked. “Good girl.”
You whimpered, wept. Your uninjured wing twitched, your fingertips and toes fluttering. Not that it mattered.
The shadowy mass of limbs worked together to fuck you, dragging you up and down its cock no matter how you twitched or struggled. The aching pain of being split apart wasn’t as insistent as you might have thought, but the wrongness was gruesome. There was no sound of flesh meeting flesh, just the lewd noise of so much wetness being squished in and out, of the guttural noises you couldn’t help but make, muffled by the thing in your mouth. It wasn’t going fast, but it went so deep each time. Too deep, pressing into you until pain made you spasm around it.
The tendrils around your nipples had never stopped either, even though the pleasure had long since become painful overstimulation. The one in your mouth seemed content to simply remain there, maybe because Ardyn wasn’t thinking about controlling it directly, his attention focused elsewhere.
Ardyn groaned, low and long, and you finally dared to open your eyes. It made sense that he would be touching himself, that this would bring him pleasure, but the sight was more than you could bear. Someone you once trusted, that you once respected, reduced to a daemon watching your violation with a lustful gaze, his hand slowly working his cock. Luxuriating in this.
Feeling you looking, Ardyn caught your eye, his gaze alight with mischief and cruelty. No shame, of course. The shame was all yours, and it blazed as acutely as the pain and the disgust. Thunder clapped from far away, lightning lending temporary radiance to his frightening face. Then it faded and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“There’s no escaping this,” he told you. “You are just as guilty as I, taking pleasure in your desecration. I fear the pearly gates will be locked shut from now on.”
He couldn’t hear your words of despairing denial, but your muffled sound made Ardyn laugh nonetheless. To prove his point, the larger limb wrapped around your waist split, dropping down over your pelvis. It pressed down there, making you aware of how deep the scourge’s cock went with each thrust, the heaviness of it inside of you. Your hips twitched again, mindlessly lost in a second of sickening pleasure. You realized that he was right. At the very least, if this kept up, you were going to come again. Disassociating from the sensations wasn’t an option, you couldn’t mentally reject this.
Not finished proving his point, the tendril curled down, settling against your swollen clit. Each time you were dragged up and down, it rubbed those same circles against you that had been your undoing before.
And then it was all you could do to beg for forgiveness because you knew what was going to happen, you could feel your pussy tightening as your body tensed up in preparation to come again. The smooth flesh with its unnerving movement felt so good inside of you, rubbing your inner walls in a way that felt just as wonderful as the one against your clit. So deep. Pressing against the tendril settled against your pelvis, giving you the measure of how thoroughly you were being used. It should have been a terrible thought, but it wasn’t.
Ardyn moaned, and that was all it took to send you over the edge. Now that you knew what was happening, somewhat, the pleasure was even more intensive. Expansive. Bright and so, so good. Unbearably good, you luxuriated in the way its cock filled you up, the way it touched your clit, the odd texture. Even the tendril in your mouth, lazily spurting out globs of the inky liquid, was deliciously pleasurable.
It didn’t stop. You came down but the torment didn’t so much as pause, working you right back up.
“You like being used, don’t you? A rather detestable trait of the servile. What a pathetic little thing you are,” Ardyn said, his voice low and laden with lust. You groaned, your back arching as you came again, tightening and shuddering in the embrace of his shadows. He laughed. “I intended to save this surprise for another time, but it seems as if you’re ready now.”
One of the shadow tendrils had made its way behind you, leaving a slick black trail until it landed against your puckered back entrance. Your eyes snapped open, some sense of reason returning with a deluge of panicked disgust. Even lost in a wave of filthy pleasure, you were aware enough to know that sodomy was a step too far. Beyond too far. Dirty, filthy, crude—you tried to tell Ardyn that, biting at the shadow in your mouth, but it didn’t matter. Ardyn watched with a vague amount of amusement at your pointless squirming, his eyes dark.
“Oh no?” he asked, feigning cluelessness. “You’re not ready? It’s terribly hard to hear you, my dear.”
You wailed. It hurt to move, but you didn't care. There was no way he would go this far. It was disgusting, surely he wouldn't.
“Calm down, I understand,” Ardyn told you indulgently. “I really do. But don’t you think you’re being selfish? Everything I’ve given you, and you would deny me this? I thought better of you, I truly did.”
Ignoring him, you thrashed as hard as you could, taking advantage of the way some of the limbs had loosened. But then they tightened, painfully digging into your thighs and arms and torso. Rather than risk letting you escape, the second cockhead which had only been teasing the ring of muscle roughly pushed in.
“Serenity,” Ardyn said as you went completely still, whimpering like an injured animal. “Surely you can remember that. With me now—Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.”
You groaned, the sound stuttering as the shadowy tendril in your mouth steadily fucked your throat. And then you just wept because there was nothing you could do, nowhere for you to go. The starscourge cock in your ass was following the same patterns as the others, shuddering, producing more of that liquid to ease its way, and getting thicker. It wasn’t as rough as the one in your pussy, at least, but the distress and pain of something so unthinkably, unbearably wrong was worse than any pain.
The entire time, you were jerked around by the one thrusting into your cunt, given no peace by the little tendril against your swollen clit. The second scourge cock seemed content to simply settle shallowly in your ass, letting you deal with the agonizing burning stretch while being exploited pleasurably otherwise.
Pleasure. You cried louder as you realized what was happening, what you were being pushed into again. Another orgasm, even like this, even being used for one of the most sinful of acts. More and more of the liquid coated your throat. You were losing control, your body giving into the assault. To spare itself, maybe, but also because it felt good.
When you came, the cock in your ass pushed deeper. It had produced more than enough of the slick excretion to make it an easy slide, and even the stretch was less distracting when you were more focused on the way your pussy clamped down around its other cock, your clit pulsing against its smooth touch. At this point, your jaw just hung slack so your mouth could be used however it wanted, your throat sore but still managing to swallow. You were being used in every way you could be used. The weight of it all was sublimely terrible, excessive in the worst, most terrible of ways.
“And you seemed so sure you wouldn’t like it!” Ardyn exclaimed in a teasing tone. “You really should trust me, my dear. I know best when it comes to these things.”
You groaned weakly. Wanting to beg him to stop as you came down from that high because every single one of your muscles was trembling, worn out and miserable. For a moment, you thought that overstimulation had become numbness, but another thick glob of the inky liquid was shot down your throat and the fire rekindled somewhat. They weren’t finished yet. No, Ardyn wasn’t finished yet. You could hear the filthy sound of his hand working up and down his dick. He’d been taking this slow, savoring it.
The scourge cock in your ass had begun to thrust in time with the one in your pussy, spearing you in a jolting back and forth. Both were, for want of a better word, selfish. Likely in the same way Ardyn himself was. They were trying to fuck you hard and deep, to claim you fully regardless of the fact that you felt full to bursting, ready to split between them.
Your mind was far gone enough to relent to it all. The touch on your clit and pinching your nipples helped, even if overstimulation had driven the sensations beyond what could be considered pleasurable. The cock inside of your ass shuddered, releasing more of the sticky liquid to ease any uncomfortable friction. It didn’t hurt anymore. It felt good. You weren’t sure why, but it did. It made you come again, shuddering apart and crying around the tendril fucking your mouth. They didn’t stop, they didn’t even slow down. It just continued.
You had become entirely limp, unable to tell if you were coming again or if the pleasure was just too intense to rationally sort through. Ardyn was moaning, but his words fell on deaf ears. It was all you could do to keep from shattering. Each second you felt convinced you couldn’t handle another moment of the torment, and it still didn’t stop.
The tendril pulled out of your mouth and you wilted, weeping and whimpering and wrung out beyond rationality. “Please,” you begged, globs of blackened saliva dripping onto your chest. You couldn’t open your eyes, your breathing was wild. A high pitched keen left your mouth as you came again, squeezing both cocks as your body drew tight all over again. That sound collapsed into a sob, a moan. There was no difference. “No more, no—”
You didn’t get a warning before the mass of scourge tentacles disappeared in its entity. They didn’t pull out, they didn’t relax, they were simply gone. With a cry of shock and a grunt, you dropped painfully onto the ground, your body loose and heavy and empty. Small mercy that you had been tilted forward, falling onto your front rather than onto your injured wings. Agony radiated up your legs, shooting up from your knees. When you tried to get traction, you slipped. The floor was cold and covered in a mess of slick inky fluid.
Before you could make sense of any of it, your head spinning, you heard the squeal of chair legs on stone. And then, from far off, the clap of thunder. The paradoxically cheerful chiming of chain links. You were wrenched upward by the collar around your throat.
Lightning flashed, giving you a view of Ardyn above you. There was no pretend in his dark eyes now, only the inhuman cruelty he’d embraced. He was touching himself still, fast now. With intent. Each pump of his fist brought the flushed red tip of his cock close enough to your face that you could smell him. There was no place for you to escape, the grip he had on the chain connected to your collar was unyielding no matter how you tried to squirm away.
“Look at me,” Ardyn said. The sound of his voice made you flinch, whimpering. But you did, looking up at him with fresh tears in your eyes. “Oh, what a look that is…” He groaned, his words teetering on the rapturous cusp of release. “Open your mouth for me… Yes, and your tongue…” You felt nothing about your immediate obedience, only wanting it all to end. Ardyn groaned happily, tugging even more firmly on the chain. “Be a good girl and swallow.”
When the first spurt of cum hit your tongue, you weren’t expecting it. It made you flinch back again, kept in place by the collar. He pulled the chain even harder, painfully jerking you forward. Whimpering and squeezing your eyes shut, you managed to keep your mouth open and tongue out, holding still for each burst of salty, musky cum as Ardyn worked himself through his orgasm. It felt like it took hours. Hours of horrible discomfort and pain and cold. You had to swallow even with your mouth still open, forcing down globs of cum so you didn’t have to taste it, to get it over with as quickly as possible. Your jaw ached, your throat hurt.
“Go on, my dear,” Ardyn said when he was truly done. “Don’t waste a single drop.”
Wincing at the taste, you closed your mouth and laboriously choked the rest down. It was probably better than the scourge, but towards the end, you’d grown almost immune to the taste of that liquid. This was different. But you did it.
“So obedient,” Ardyn cooed, his voice disgustingly saccrahine. “Let me see now.”
You opened your eyes, unsure of what he meant and wanting nothing more than for this nightmare to be over.
“Your mouth,” he prompted, crouching down to get a better look at you. He smiled sweetly, innocently. “This is the last thing I’ll ask of you, I promise.”
Numbly, you opened your mouth for him once more. Ardyn inspected it with bright eyes, that smile fixed in place. You didn’t expect him to suddenly jerk the chain to pull you forward, or for him to spit into your mouth, but all you could manage as a reaction was a whimper, your face scrunching up in disgust as you unconsciously swallowed that too.
“Such a filthy little thing,” he said softly, smugly. “I promised you martyrdom, but I fear that you’re too depraved to claim such a title. You spare yourself pain now, but at the cost of your virtue. It really is too cruel, isn’t it? You poor, pathetic angel.”
Ardyn gave you a look of exaggerated pity, frowning in pretend sympathy of the way your face was crumpling into a fresh bout of tears. When you tried to pull away, he didn’t stop you, releasing the chain and standing up, fixing his clothes. You collapsed to the floor, curling in on yourself instinctively.
“I must go now,” Ardyn said, his footsteps loud as he left you. “Do be good while I’m gone, hm?”
At first, you didn’t think you had the strength to speak. You tried once, but couldn’t get the words out. But when you heard the sound of a door, you realized what was about to happen, and immediate fear became more important than anything else. “You’re leaving me here?” you asked again weakly, sniffing and wiping your face as best you could. Everything was damp and sticky, all you were really doing was smearing it around.
“Well you can’t expect me to take you out looking like that,” Ardyn responded, turning halfway toward you. His eyes scanned your form critically. As if he wasn’t the reason you were in such a sorry state. “Another time, perhaps. But don’t worry. The windows aren’t locked. If your faith is justified, you should be able to fly away whenever you want.”
Ardyn laughed at that as he left, the sound echoing against stone, knocking around the walls.
The door slammed.
You sobbed, and you prayed in hushed, broken whispers. The only answer you received was that echoing laugh, knocking around in your head.
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capsource · 1 year
Mobile Masterlist
Critical Role
The Legend of Vox Machina
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077
The Dark Pictures
House of Ashes
Little Hope
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 5
The Evil Within
The Evil Within 1
The Evil Within: The Assignment
The Evil Within 2
Season 1
Far Cry
Far Cry 5
Final Fantasy
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII: Last Order
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV: Brotherhood
Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive
Final Fantasy XV: Aera Mirus Fleuret
Final Fantasy XV: Ardyn Izunia
Final Fantasy XV: Episode Prompto
Final Fantasy XVI
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Demo
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's movie (2023)
Haunting Ground
Haunting Ground
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts III: ReMind
Kingdom Hearts III: A Fragmented Path
Kingdom Hearts 4 Trailer
The Last of Us
The Last of Us Part 1
Legend of Zelda
Breath of the Wild
Skyward Sword
Tears of the Kingdom
Twilight Princess
Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange: Chloe and Max
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 11
Mortal Kombat 2021 Film
Nier Replicant: Devola and Popola
Persona 3 Movies
Persona 3 Reloaded Gameplay trailer
Persona 4: The Animation
Persona 4: The Golden Animation
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5: The Animation
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Resident Evil mods (tag)
Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 1 Remake
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 4 Remake
Resident Evil 4 Remake: Separate Ways
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village: Shadows of Rose DLC
Resident Evil: Revelations
CG Movie: Damnation
CG Movie: Resident Evil: Degeneration
CG Movie: Resident Evil: Vendetta
CG Show: Infinite Darkness
CG Movie: Death Island
Welcome to Raccoon City
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4
Silent Hill Downpour
Silent Hill (2006)
Silent Hill Revelation (2012)
Super Mario
Super Mario Bros. movie (2023)
Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider (2013)
Uncharted 4
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Uncharted (2022)
The World Ends With You
The World Ends With You: The Animation
Xenoblade 3: Future Redeemed
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ermora · 2 months
Ardyn x Drunk Reader
Here I am again with another Ardyn x Reader post. Decided to go with a drunk reader on this one, Ardyn is still probably going to be OOC but hey, the Reader is drunk soooo, yeah. Please enjoy!
You downed another drink with ease as you spoke with your friends at the table you were sitting at for the Niflheim Christmas ball. You were invited to come here with a friend and you gladly accepted the invitation as you’d never been to a ball in the grand hall before and wanted to make a good impression on your friend as you’ve had your eyes on him for quite awhile. He wasn’t around right now though as he was called away to talk to Emperor Aldercapt about some important matters regarding the empire. You tried not to be disappointed by this as you had plenty of friends here already since they worked in the palace but it had been quite awhile since your friend left and you had now downed several drinks.
“Hey, y/n, you should slow down a bit as you’ve been drinking quite a bit ever since you got here” your one friend, Tanisha, stated, you gave her a polite smile.
“I’m fine, beshides, I’m enjoying myshelf” you slurred as you poured yourself another glass of wine.
“I don’t think the Chancellor will be happy if he comes back and sees you drunk though” your other friend, Zeliek, pointed out, you waved your hand dismissively at him.
“He’sh the one who left me here with you guysh while talking to the emperor sho he can blame himshelf if he gets back to the table” you countered with a hint of frustration in your tone.
“You can’t blame him either as he’s the Chancellor of Niflheim which makes him a very busy man” Tanisha shot back.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know he’sh a busy guy but he’sh the one who invited me” you mumbled.
“I didn’t quite catch that y/n” Zeliek noted, you went to repeat what you said but the Chancellor came up to the table and sat down beside you.
“My apologies for that y/n the emperor took up a fair bit more of my time than I would have liked” Ardyn apologized.
“It’sh okay, I’ve jusht been hanging out with my friendsh here” you slurred as you downed the glass of wine in your hand. Ardyn let out a sigh and as you reached for the bottle of wine to pour yourself another drink, Ardyn quickly snatched it and put it to where you couldn’t reach it.
“It seems like I took far too long as you’re drunk” Ardyn noted in an unamused tone.
“We did try to convince her to slow down Chancellor, but… she stubbornly refused to listen to us” Zeliek said, you shrugged.
“I alsho told you guysh that I wash just enjoying myshelf” you quickly put in, feeling a bit annoyed that this conversation was happening in front of you.
“This isn’t exactly the best way to enjoy yourself at a party like this though” Tanisha pointed out, you rolled your eyes. Does it really matter how you enjoy yourself?
“Allow me to handle this as it is my fault for being away a bit too long” Ardyn stated as he stood back up before you could say anything else.
“What do you mean by that Chancellor?” Zeliek asked, Ardyn said nothing as he held out his right hand to you, you stared at it and then looked at him.
“Come with me y/n” Ardyn said in a low tone of voice, you didn’t reach out and take his hand.
“I’m not going anywhere with you right now” you mumbled in a rather short tone, Ardyn sighed and lowered his hand.
“You’re leaving me no choice but to carry you out then” Ardyn noted, you snorted while Zeliek and Tanisha stared wide eyed.
“You wouldn’t dare it” you spat, Ardyn smirked.
“Oh, but I do dare it as your current state is from my lack of attentiveness towards you” Ardyn countered as he leaned down and picked you up bridal style from the chair you were in. You let out an undignified squeak as his strength was more than you expected as you weren’t exactly the lightest person here and your arms went around Ardyn’s neck as you felt like you were going to fall as the room spun a little bit.
“Thatsh not fair… put me down” you demanded in a low voice so as not to attract anymore attention than you have as the people at the tables around you, were looking over curiously to see what was going on.
“Only once we are away from here” Ardyn stated and then left the hall with you in his arms, you crossed yours arms and felt a bit conflicted. On one hand Ardyn just ruined your fun time drinking but on the other hand, his attention was now on you.
“You really are shomething elshe right now, you left me to drink and then jusht take me away from my friendsh” you finally slurred after a few moments of silence.
“My apologies y/n, it was truly not my intention to leave you for so long” Ardyn said, you took a deep breath.
“You already apologized, jusht… put me down” you noted, Ardyn shook his head.
“Absolutely not, you are in no condition to be walking, besides, carrying you gives me a reason to tell people you are unwell and I am taking you home” Ardyn stated, you felt stunned.
“Didn’t you want to shtay?” you asked, Ardyn chuckled.
“As much as I like the spotlight, I dislike parties like this where I am unable to enjoy myself because I need to work instead of spending time with the ones I invite” Ardyn replied, you thought about his words carefully. Ardyn is quite a bit different than you initially thought and it feels nice to know that he wasn’t exactly fond of parties like this.
“I shee” you mumbled, silence fell between you two again and soon, Ardyn had walked you into an office.
“This is my office, it should be quiet enough here for us to enjoy a few drinks together if you’d still like to drink a bit” Ardyn noted, breaking the silence as he put you onto a chair, went over to his desk and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. You smiled at him, you never thought that Ardyn of all people would have alcohol in his office, let alone wine glasses.
“Ishn’t it a bad idea to keep alcohol in your office?” you asked.
“I don’t think it is, not when I need a drink before some meeting as they can be a bore fest, now would you like some more wine?” Ardyn asked.
“Yesh pleashe” you replied, Ardyn poured wine into the two glasses and handed you one, you took it and you clinked glasses together before downing your drinks. Ardyn refilled the glasses and the two of you began to chat about life, it wasn’t until the bottle of wine was finished and you felt truly ill that you wanted to do nothing more than sleep it all off.
“Are you alright y/n?” Ardyn asked as you struggled to even sit upright at this point.
“I-I think I should head out and get home sho that I can go to bed” you truthfully replied, Ardyn smiled as he stood up from the chair he was in and came over to you.
“Allow me to take you home then” Ardyn offered, you shook your head.
“You’ve been drinking too” you pointed out, Ardyn’s smile grew.
“Oh my dear sweet little bird, alcohol hardly phases someone like me” Ardyn shot back, you went to protest but Ardyn leaned down and silenced you and your thoughts with a brief kiss. Your mind reeled from this and you were certain that this wasn’t quite real, when Ardyn pulled away you felt a sense of longing.
“Ardyn.. I… you…” you mumbled, unable to form a proper sentence.
“Allow me to take you home now” Ardyn stated, you nodded your response and Ardyn picked you up bridal style once again and he carried you out of his office. As he carried you down the halls of the palace you rested your head against his chest and let your eyes close. Tonight was totally worth it and you’ll treasure it for the days to come.
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itsgeecheebitch · 1 year
So I finished planning out the entirety of Act 1 for my Ardyn x reader fanfic. So far it looks like act 1 is going to be 21 chapters long unless I decide to combine scenes into a single chapter. The story will have 4 acts. Acts 2 and 3 take place during the 10 year time skip and act 4 will pretty much follow the events in the FFXV Dawn of The Future novel since i prefer that ending to the game's ending. I'm excited to write it but I am honestly wondering if I'll actually finish it, I'm not good with completing long story projects. I guess I'm just going to have to go at my own pace, don't push myself when I start to run out of steam. Update once a month if I have to, as long as it gets finished
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