#leaks are promo y'all
pockyandsoda · 1 year
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valyrianfreehold · 4 months
hotd s2 official trailer dragon watch
me squinting at HD youtube videos and being autistic about dragon designs
faaaiiirly certain that's Seasmoke based on colors and tail frills.
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I can't get a good still of the shot of Moondancer but good lord she's gonna be PRETTY you can see the patterning on her wings that I just loooove.
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and those back frills?? PLEASE I MUST SEE HER
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this is our first full shot of Moondancer I'm loving the profile, the accented dark green markings, and the unique face. of all the young dragons in the series she's the least likely to be a syrax/caraxes hatchling and if I could just get a closer look of her FACE I'd make my final call on it..
hbo i'm begging for a Meet the Dragons bts promo series PLEASE
did they make Caraxes bigger or has it just been too long since I rewatched s1 either way what a good worm
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mx that bitch sunfyre is amazing no shocker there. trying to figure out if he has large horns or if those are extra large neck frills. judging by old concept art I want to say horns bc that's very cool and sexy.
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sorry I just love Meleys's "crown" what a good fuckin design y'all
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here's mee maw no notes 10/10 but I am glad we saw less of her and more of the new faces in this trailer. if I had to guess tho the brief shot of her and Aemond is from a dragon fight based on how she's aiming her fire and Aemond's positioning? Maybe the Gullet?
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p sure this is grandpa Vermithor. very traditional dragon look which I kind of dig. all the shots we get of him are in shadow just like from s1. very hype to get a full body shot as a Treat since I think he's the only dragon in the lineup that comes close to Vhagar in size. curious to see how he's used as a symbol of Jaehaerys's consolidated power and the "good old days" and the question of who will claim him as a rider, or if they can even trust anyone to take on the family's largest nuke when the inner circle all has a dragon already save for Rhaena (do not @ me about the rhaena/nettles plot change leak i don't have the strength to look into whether it's real or not)
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No Syrax or Dreamfyre sightings which is a bummer but with only 2 minutes of footage time the dragon show did a good job shoving in some dragons for me to look at so thank you hbo.
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hotasfahrenheit · 8 months
they're finally going to debut the new NCT team and announced they're NCT Wish like was leaked and this came out today-
-and it's normal weird NCT promo stuff (same vibes as the weird NCT 2021 promo Year dream stuff) but like @poetry-protest-pornography and I cracked this one y'all 🤣🤣🤣
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
I see once again people in the fandom can't distinguish between "unauthorized leaks" and "official trailers"
I get that y'all are on edge because of what happened with FTF, but for god's sake Dana herself retweeted the promo. If you want to avoid the trailer to go in as spoiler-free as possible, that's totally fine, but stop calling them leaks when they very obviously aren't.
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kradogsrats · 11 months
FYI y'all I updated my spoiler statement for season 6 in my pinned post, and also clarified a bit what I consider to be spoilers. Basically:
Anything released in an official public manner (trailer/teaser footage, promo art, etc.): not spoilers, and will not be tagged
Things not released in an official public manner (SDCC s6e1 summary and info, any future leaks): spoilers, will tag as #tdp spoilers, #the dragon prince spoilers, #s6 spoilers
As always, it is 100% okay to unfollow me if tag blacklists are too much of a hassle. God knows I wouldn't put up with that shit, so.
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futuregws · 2 years
I'm gonna go on a rant here and I'm about to be really annoying so sorry about that (or not lol).
I don't think y'all understand just how genuinely upset and even mad I am for the fact that the people that decided to watch house of the dragon earlier than they should are now spoiling it for people, and listen if you decided to watch it earlier with the leaked version, i don't care, you do you, I'm not here to judge that, what does bother me from this is strictly the spoilers. And I'm gonna use my example bc obviously I can only speak for myself, but since I've started the show I've tried my best to avoid the teasers I honestly hate when shows release those so I avoid them so I don't have spoilers, but I do end up stumbling across some promo photos which in my ideal world I would have prefer to not see but oh well it's just some photos out of context whatever and even when it's screenshots from the teaser I don't get that upset bc I feel like even though each episode reveals something new and it's nice to have that surprise element it's still just another episode, but with episode 10 the last episode where so many things happen and so much stuff changes, it's so mind blowing to me how y'all can't be a little respectful and write two simple words in the tags or somewhere visible, bc with this episode once again I did the same thing with the teaser as I just explained but stuff completely changes when the screenshots are from the actual episode that people saw already, and it could be small stuff but still some people me included wanted to go into it and as blindly as possible and the screenshots don't help bc yeah its from stuff I already knew about bc fans of the books already talked about it since the beginning almost of the show but one thing is hearing about it the other is seeing it, and I could name at least 3 scenes that I knew would have me hooked or even bawling my eyes out but now ( I'm probably gonna have the same reactions but still ) it won't be the same thing and all bc some people are really that bad with spoiler warnings which is not something hard like come on, at least try.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 11 months
I’m not sure about the Jacob ones but I know Florence’s discussions have been put on hold because of the strike but it leaked she was approached for the role. Leonardo has been announced today but nothing saying it’s a SAG
The Leo movie is being released today. It has already been filmed. Leo is not doing any promo for it because there is a strike. Are y'all just naming random movies?
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itsjustpoopeh · 2 years
I genuinely love how for one episode they basically leak the whole thing as promo and the next week it's just
is it because y'all keep posting photos you're not "supposed" to? Nah I think y'all just like being like this and I can respect that
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i came on here cause everyone wont shut up about the leak on Twitter and its the same thing here too lmaoooo goodbye see y'all on 27th
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instead of thinking the announcement strategy was changed in light of the leaking and therefore louis had to do something using the fact most people already knew the tracklist to his advantage, it took y'all 1 hour to be back at the "the leak was arranged by him as a promo strategy" bullshit
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
how much optimism do you have for bh endgame? the only thing making me somewhat unsettled is that i'm seeing all these ba stans talking about how at the end of the episode, jughead couldve written a happy ending with betty but instead wrote one with tabitha (?) is that really what happened? -someone who didn't bother to watch the episode
i don't really feel like i have to consider myself optimistic when i think bughead and varchie ending up together is the story they're telling tbh. like, i don't think it's not? i never have? i think people expect something because they want it and then get upset when it doesn't happen on their timetable tbh.
also, i'm not going to tell you not to read the b/as stuff because people do what they do but i will tell you that i have had to restrain myself from calling people stupid the last few days over the episode. not even just because i think they're wrong but because the episode holds your hand and explains itself; visually and textually to the point of offering you heavy handed exposition as dialogue.
an overly wordy episode summary and other nonsense below the cut👇
let me say that i get that people are looking for all kinds of opinions but i think anything offscreen needs to be taken with salt. lots of it. this show's promo is predictable and misleading at best. also, just because i don't shit on alex every time people bring him up to me doesn't mean i don't think he's so very bad at his interpretations. maybe some people are new here but he thought bughead was done in s2 too. and thought they'd end in s3. and also thought jughead was the gargoyle king. that's not including saying jughead was a dirtbag ladies man for s5 and it was jughead being dumped and getting rolled by a coed. you'll have to excuse me if i don't take him seriously.
and for sure, roberto essentially admitting that they did a 180 for the event is annoying because they were clearly setting up one narrative and then flipped which is bad writing but i get why they'd do that if they were dead set on doing the event the way they did. but basically flipping the pairings to do a horror event and then saying they need to "play out" in riverdale would not make me confident about them at all, tbh. but the b/as are not nothing if not confident. usually wrong. but confident.
(examples: b/a dating during the time jump, after the time jump, love confession after fwb, working together on the tbk, betty confiding in archie about the tbk, b/a baby, rain kiss, engagement by 5x19)
y'all, the b/as got nothing for years and still act like they do, if anything i have no idea why the bughead and varchies aren't serving them back that same energy. in an episode with betty and archie's wedding, in ended with bughead on a bed. be as petty as roberto was there, my guys.
i do think this episode needs to be watched to really get a good grasp of what they're doing with it, tbh. we saw from that article that leaked how badly just reading a summary of things doesn't show any cues, context, or nuance of any kind.
(even the archie stuff comes together on a second viewing i think. archie winks at jughead when jughead sees young archie from riverdale talking to grundy, he's the one to talk to jughead in the lounge when he's spacing in and out, he tells jughead it was just a dream when betty brings up the dream about a bomb, etc)
when he talks to dilton, he says the explosion of the bomb created rivervale, right? and dilton says that parallel universes are a copy or mirror of each other but we know that's not true for rivervale since things are the same but different but not opposite either. which i guess makes it a pocket universe.
if the universes are tied together at the point of creation, that's the point where they have to be separated, according to ethel.
(i think it's hilarious, tho, how heavy handed jughead was about re-creating the explosion. definitely not subtle at all in roberto getting them to a point where the bughead stuff pretty much has to happen for jughead's theory even tho there's no science, magic, or creation involved like he said about the first explosion)
(also can i say that so many people proved this week they do not understand the definition of words. mainly counterpart???)
ethel calls their rivervale selves aberrations, which is also hilarious considering how much shit we had to hear for weeks about how ammmmaaazzzzzinnnnnnggg the b/a and j/t stuff was going to be in rivervale because roberto said it was canon, don'tcha know?
but also, jughead saying, "is it possible to be nostalgic for a life you're not even sure is yours?" is definitely 👀 worthy. i wonder what he could be so nostalgic for? he's still friends with betty, archie, and veronica in rivervale, right? he's not nostalgic for a relationship he's already in that didn't exist until he was 25-26. i wonder what, like, over 80 of those comics was actually about then? 🤔
(archie saying that his dad would never miss his wedding, especially to betty, has me like...is that why archie won't let go of betty in riverdale? i actually think that's an argument that could be made after the way 4x18-19 went down after 4x17 tbh. all of archie's motivations for the longest time have been tied to his dad's memory)
okay this got away from me but the opposite of destruction, according to the jugheads (pour one out for narrator jughead), is creation. so writer jughead goes to the bunker and they show him starting to write the story from the point of jughead and betty starting the bomb countdown.
like, i know they think they're being clever by saying ohhh he could have written bughead a happy ending but the episode was extremely heavy handed in both saying that jughead thinks archie and betty are in love and that the bomb is the point of rivervale's creation.
(which, riverdale jughead has always been insecure about archie, like, since the start, why would 'vale jug, who admitted he didn't want really even go to the wedding be any different?)
jughead writes the story from the moment of them waiting for the bomb, he doesn't alter the entire history of that story. he continues it. he follows the story being told to the end with the history that came before it (which, to be fair, the tangs/choni stuff is weird because it switched throughout the episode? that seems to have been changed after the start? an anomaly?) and created a time loop. rivervale was always going to be rivervale because rivervale is always going to be rivervale.
they're probably just mad because even they can't escape the fact that jughead wrote someone calling betty to warn her about the bomb, which still happens at the point of the bomb in the story, (i know there's spec on who, if it was him or dilton, etc. i don't know who it is) and that pretty much means that writer jughead let riverdale jughead get hurt in order to make that call to her. but i'm sure none of those implications means anything for riverdale. right?
we don't know what that means for riverdale narratively yet, tbh. i fully expect to hear selective takes and willfully misinterpreted...everything for the next 3 months. like, i've already seen people argue the whole love triangle speculation because of the promo (where betty is sitting between archie and jughead) while those same people said b/archie endgame because of the still for 5x19 where betty and archie sat on the same side of the table. like, if they're so confident, why does bughead speculation bother them so much? if they didn't constantly tell me what their own spec was, i don't think i'd have much of a clue what they're talking about at any given point.
(or are they pretending to still like jughead? i mean, they should be mad he kissed betty while with tabitha right? or is that only reserved for parts of this fandom when it applies to betty?)
sigh, this was a long way to say that i think listening to people who probably skipped the bughead parts, are being willfully obtuse, and have made bad faith arguments for years is a waste of time. the episode explains itself pretty well.
i think the biggest question is, if writer jughead changed something in riverdale, what else did he change and how will that effect the rest of the season?
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rahleeyah · 3 years
Regularly scheduled reminder that I don't like spoilers!!! Yes we all know about barba bc it was in the promo. But big stuff (looking at the I love you, which got spoiled for uh, all of us) I do not wanna know about ahead of time so for the next week, if shit gets leaked, pls don't bring it to my inbox. kk love y'all kiss kiss
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alottamoney · 2 years
ok, hear me out. What if the Joanna rumors, Jennie rumors, and Busan concert are all connected? This theory came to me recently after seeing that J-hope also hung out with paradise group members and the fact that we know now that HYBE will have to pay the cost of busan concert out of pocket. What if all those ties to the chaebol/paradise family are due to a business relationship they are trying to establish in order to get funding? If these business dealings where ever made public, then the TaeJoanna rumors could've got really ugly. People were already calling him a gold digger, so if news of the paradise family actually giving HYBE/BTS money was revealed, then these rumors could have spiraled even worse. There were a lot of antis who stuck themselves to this Joanna rumor in order to ruin his reputation.
If the goal with the Jennie rumors was to eradicate Joanna rumors, then it definitely worked. All accounts that were dedicated to investigating Joanna switched over to investigating Taennie. It's just so convenient that it involves Jennie when she has been rumored in the past to be arranged in PR relationships, and the timing of the leaks definitely also seems very strategic and convenient. Things seemed very fishy since the beginning. For instance, since when have BTS ever been spotted while driving? Why would Tae "accidentally" follow jennie then comment about it? How come the leaks happened while BTS, (who don't benefit from dating rumors,) are on hiatus, and Blackpink, (who do,) are just about to have a comeback? Thats all I have to say, let me know what you think tho.
Okay, anon. Except HYBE's dealings with Paradise group have always been public? They sponsored their online concert back in 2020, BTS did a vlive from one of their hotel rooms. It was practically a glorified ad for them. Tae posed for pictures with some higher ups from Paradise group, and it was a source of pride for Tae stans until TaexJoanna rumors. I'm not even sure why TaexJoanna gained the momentum it did, because even if they hang out together, that too in public, it's no different than what Hobi did recently. They're also the only sponsor(I think) for the Busan concert right now. It's public information, and I doubt they're doing it because they have a soft spot for Tae. That's not how businesses function.
As far as TaexJennie is concerned, BlackPink doesn't need the promo either, anon. Let's take the army goggles off for a second. They're the most popular Korean gg right now, and they didn't even put out as much music as BTS, or your regular Kpop group. A Taekooker friend rightly pointed this out-even if they wanted promo, why would they want it with BTS who are on hiatus, and on the brink of enlistment, and why with Tae of all the members? A mutually beneficial deal would be to pair them off with one of the TxT or Enhypen members. Maybe Kpop has changed over the years, but I'm still skeptical of the idea that an idol, especially a woman, gains anything from a "dating scandal".
And why do y'all hang onto him following her on instagram? lol It was a mistake, it happens, not everything is part of a big conspiracy. You're right, BTS were never spotted while driving, people were told Taennie were in a car/plane together, and they believed it. I don't think there's anything deeper to it at all. Someone on Twitter took everyone for a ride. The only thing it proves is that, non-shippers are just as susceptible to being "delulu" as shippers.
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Now that we have some promo material to dissect, do you have any cursed Snowpiercer season 3 predictions?
Here are some cursed ones in no particular order:
Thanks for the ask! I have too many so let's start with the possibility hellhole that's been in my two brain-celled head.
Zarah's baby is going to get taken away from her right after birth
The what I'm calling the "Tree of life" looking thing is a dream that turns out to never happen
From the first leaked promo when I take it that's Melanie falling (go to the second promo) and Alex is tracking Melanie finding out her trail and where she possibly went since we see them both in the same shot looking at each other which would most likely turn out to be a hallucination of either Alex or Melanie somehow
One of the Roche family members is going to die
From the look of the second promo screencap this is obviously Josie helping Layton (or Mel but at this point it could be anyone in that breachman suit)
A few of y'all are thinking Ruth is going to lose an arm I-......the irony scares me that the possibility of that happening- I would deadass have a heart attack- *sees the new promo* okay she has more of a chance at having uno arm now
Miles finds out who did the damage to his tallie mom Josie
I don't think this is cursed but Asha and the survivors might be holding Melanie captive and they offer her to the pirate gang for something in return but idk it seems like a bit of a longshot
Strong boy (is he one word or two?) might die
I want Mel to find out Wilford slapped Alex so she can go berserk rage on him (like maybe murder involved holy shit she's coming after him kind of berserk) and so Mel can comfort her kiddo ಥ‿ಥ
I heard Audrey d words as well? But I'm not so hooked on that
Skyes feels bad for Audrey and wants to befriend her but Audrey turns on her bestie?
(Cursed?) Josie and Melanie have a reunion.....it probably ain't going to be the most civilized in the moment, that's for sure...
I want Lj to fucking die already by Alex? Or anyone really
Not really cursed but IF RUTH DOES LOSE AN ARM I AT LEAST WANT MELANIE TO BE BY HER SIDE LATER COMFORTING HER AFTER SHE'S BACK ALIVE *takes breath* and I'm just hoping we get another bittersweet conversation between the two that doesn't necessarily involve a horrible thing like that but who knows what we'll get
And that's all for now! Wow, that was a lot!
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princessofmerchants · 4 years
Y'all I am exiled from my dash like the Band of Exiles bc I haven't read the first 3-6 chapters of ACOSF yet, but today's audio snippet @ recordedbooks on IG?
The fact that Lucien (!!!!!😍🦊) is there to witness our girl throw punches, break some wood, and summon that silver fire??? I'm about to lose my sh*t. 😭💖💖💖
My three favorite characters in the same scene. I am 💀dead💀 and will be resurrected next week when I get this damned amazing wonderful book in my hands.
❌Tagging for spoilers bc of the promo snippet but please don't respond or reblog with anything having do with the leaked/sample chapters please!! ❌
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